The main values \u200b\u200bin the life of a person. What is the vital values \u200b\u200bof a person

Hello everyone! Values \u200b\u200bof life are practically the foundation of a person's personality, his rod and support. Remember the saying: "Tell me who is your friend, and I will say who you are"? Here you can also describe anyone, learning that it is most important for him, which he seeks to and is eager for.

Role and value in man's life

Values \u200b\u200bhelp us make decisions and choose the path for which you want to go. Rather, they define it. Because, thanks to him, we focus in this world, and we understand what should be done, and what is better not worth it. Otherwise, satisfy the needs and realize dreams will not be released. They often give us. Provide stability and confidence in a successful future. The main thing, to keep on to start imposing them to others, otherwise they are transformed into an ideology. And this does not always promise a good outcome.

They are inspiring, motivate and give us forces for accomplishments. Because a person who knows exactly what he wants, and sacred believes in the correctness of the selected path - do not stop. It is possible without the shadow of doubt that they help to gain the meaning of their existence. They form in nature and help create close, deep connections with people who are similar in choosing an arranged priority. Agree, it is very difficult to be next to those who depreciate. Or does not understand the importance of some processes meaningful for the interlocutor or partner.

They also allow you to form beliefs and a clear position regarding political and, in principle, social issues. Form self-esteem. They are guided in society, in the form of norms and rules of behavior.


In addition to the material and spiritual, professor of psychology and pedagogy, Philip Lersh, allocated three main types:


These are our hobbies, hobbies, desires and feelings. If you say easier - image and lifestyle. For some, the most significant is a high-quality vacation, which is why he is trying as often as possible to enjoy and satisfaction from traveling. And someone is more important to invest in material things, rejoicing the replenishment of the collection of grades or figures.

Own significance

This category is more characteristic of personalities who seek to realize themselves, to achieve heights and success, having received recognition and respect for others. Why all resources and free time Direct your work. An example is avid careerists who seek, by all means to come to power and so on.


Based on the name, it can be understood that they make the meaning and meaning of actions, desires, dreams. This is a desire for creativity, the search for something perfect and perfect. Sincere implying to serve on the benefit of society and help those who need help.

7 Main values

A person is in a continuous development process, except for degradation. He is absolutely different in different stages of his life. Why is the constant change of values.

For example, there are often cases when successful businessmen left business, sold at home, cars and left to live in deserted places. To connect with nature and feel pleasure from life. Their priority system was completely changed, the old stereotypes and the aspirations "disappeared", and new ones were produced. They realized their problem and sought to correct, fill the pastries spent. And sometimes the opposite, the world received geniuses and just creative personalities who were saturated with solitude and were chatted on communication.

So, despite the fact that everyone has their own views on the world And the needs, still there are spheres that cannot be ignored. So as in previous examples, do not bring to extremes. So, the main values:


In the first place, since it is quite difficult enough to do, but sometimes it is impossible. Agree, without pain and any physical restrictions, it is much easier to implement your goals and dreams. Good health is the best satellite on the way to success. Tide of strength, vigor and energy - isn't the most of us dream about this?

Therefore, it is important to play sports, in time to contact the doctors and periodically pass surveys to make sure that the condition of the body is normal, or to anticipate the occurrence of any disease. Listen to sensations in the body, follow your desires and tie with any kind of dependencies. After all, as they say, in a healthy body - a healthy mind.

If you do not know where to start, not trouble. Recommendations on how to behave correctly healthy image Life to be useful and pleasure, and not from some restrictions, you will receive by clicking on.


Spirituality is quite multifaceted, and consists of faith, ethics, internal balance and harmony with the outside world, nature, understanding the meaning of life and its destination. And also affects the moral side of the person. It's all in aggregate helps to feel happiness, to understand what actions should be done, and which are not. To cope with difficulties, because, as not faith gives us strength and motivation to act and move on, no matter what? It is very important to develop spirituality in yourself, and how to do it, you will learn.


It is important to receive both in friendly relations and in family. Communication in fact is our most important need, after, of course, physiological. Continue your genus, feel support and support behind your back, know that there are comrades and in general people who are not indifferent - really valuable.

Many, not getting intimacy, try to replace it with material things that give the illusion of what, in principle, you can live without love. But actually saturation and satisfaction is superficial, and short-term. Nothing can fully replace contact with another person, healthy and full feelings.

Financial position

Financial independence provides man comfort, calm, stability, and sometimes health. Each of us is simply obliged to be planning to plan expenses, have a passive type of income and avoid hitting the debt. Otherwise anxiety, stress and bad state of health - Will be constant satellites.

Thanks to the money, we can purchase high-quality products, equip life so that it is cozy. Traveling around the world, expanding the horizons and the boundaries of consciousness, to know the new and so on. The problem occurs when the person is trying to replace all other needs directly with money, ignoring relations, rest, hobby. Therefore, take to armared and make improving the financial situation.


The implementation of its ambitions and abilities is sometimes vital, as it allows you to obtain the recognition of colleagues, loved ones, society as a whole. Reaching career successes and professional competence, a person has self-esteem, and this has a positive effect on his self-esteem.

Here applies not only professional activity, but also charity. Help others as it is impossible to increase their intrinsicity, but some more and gives an understanding of their destination.


To inspire and recharge your energy, it is important to be able to rest qualitatively. And believe me, not everyone is capable of it. Vital turmoil and grand plans sometimes tighten that a person is afraid to relax even for a minute. Welding in front of a TV or pastime computer games and B. social networks Actually take time, and do not allow sufficiently restore strength and resources.

To get new emotions - you need to change the usual way of life. The culture of modern society promotes a whole mass of entertainment and opportunities to relax qualitatively, try new to themselves. So choose the moment and spend your vacation and weekends in pleasure, without king yourself for laziness.


There is no limit to excellence, and, despite the level of your development, there is always something that you can learn. Learn not only the world around me, but also your inner structure, so to speak, the personality device. You are constantly changing, and it is very important to notice the slightest changes to know how to contact them, build relationships with others, as well as to move in your career.


To understand what a sphere requires your urgent attention, I want to offer you an interesting method called "Balance Wheel". It will help to see a holistic picture of your problem areas and, on the contrary, benefits. You can read him by clicking.

The material has prepared a psychologist and a gestalt-therapist, Zhuravina Alina.

What is the sense of life? How to live a full and happy life? What is really valuable in life? Do I live correctly?

These are the main questions that we all try to find the answer ... In this article I offer you new opportunity Revise your life priorities and find answers to these "eternal" questions.

When I was seriously interested in this topic and began the search, I found that the best answers to these questions give us people who in their lives faced face to face with their death.

I learned best-selling books about people who learned that they would die very soon, and changed their life priorities; collected various research On the topic "What regrehest in front of death"; Added a little eastern philosophy, and as a result it turned out this list out of five true values \u200b\u200bin the life of every person.

"If it were not for my disease, I would never think about how beautiful life is"


Everything in life has its own purpose. Each living creature on the planet has its own mission. And each of us has its own role. Realizing its unique talents and abilities, we gain happiness and wealth. The path to its uniqueness and mission lies through our desires and dreams from the very childhood.

"Individuality - the highest value in the world" (Osho).

One woman (Bronni Vehi) worked for many years in the hospice, where its task was to facilitate the mental state of dying patients. From his observations, she revealed that the most frequent regret of people before death is regrettable that they didn't have the courage to live life correctly for them, and not the lives that others expected. Her patients regretted that they did not bring their dreams to live. And only at the end of the way they realized that it was only the consequence of their choice they did.

Make a list of your talents and abilities, as well as a list of favorite cases in which they are expressed. So you will find your unique talents. Use them to serve others. To do this, ask yourself as often as possible: "What can I be useful (peace, people with whom in contact)? How can I serve?"

Boldly throw the unloved job! Do not be afraid of poverty, failures and mistakes! Trust yourself and do not worry about the opinions of others. Believe always that God (the Universe) will take care of you. It is better to take a chance once than then regret that you have lived in a gray and mediocre life, "killing" at the unloved work to the detriment of yourself and your loved ones.

Always remember that you are unique, and your mission is to give a maximum of our uniqueness to the world. Only then will you gain true happiness. So God conceived (universe).

"Open your divinity, find your unique talent, and you can create any wealth that you want"(Dipac Chopra).

Self-discharge and spiritual growth

Stop being animal! ..

Of course, we need to satisfy physiological needs, but only in order to develop spiritually. People are mostly chased for material well-being And concerned, above all, things, not a soul. Then as the primary meaning and the goal of human life is to realize that he is a spiritual being, and nothing material is not necessary.

"We are not human beings that receive spiritual experience from time to time. We are spiritual creatures that receive human experience from time to time"(Dipac Chopra).

Realize God inside yourself. Man is a transitional creature from the animal to the spiritual. And each of us has resources to make this transition. More often practice the state of "be" when you do not have thoughts, and you don't need anything when you just feel your life and enjoy its fullness. The state "here and now" is already spiritual experience.

"Among us there are people, - a little, but there are, - who understand that it is necessary to start to postpone the money for old age, while it is far to have time to accumulate a certain amount ... So why at the same time not to take care of what is more important money - about the soul? " (Eugene about "Kelly," in pursuit of slipping light ").

And you do not need to be expensive, you are already perfect, because you are spiritual creatures. Do self-dislocation ...

"To know how best as possible to be as much as possible for the world - this is the most important task of man"(Robin Sharma).

Even when you achieve goals, a true success is not associated with achievement, but with those changes in the consciousness that occurred as the inevitable consequence of your promotion to these goals. It's not about the implementation of goals, but what happens to you in the process of achieving it.


As often in the face of death, people regret that they did not have the courage to express love to their relatives and loved ones! They regret that they often suppressed their emotions and feelings, because they were afraid of the reactions of others. They regret that they did not allow themselves to be happier. Only at the end of the way they realized that being happy or not - this is a matter of choice. Every moment, we choose the reaction to one or another situation, and each time it interprets events in its own way. Be carefull! Watch your choice every moment ...

"What goes around comes around"(folk wisdom).

What needs to be done to become more open?

  1. Give the will to your emotions and feelings. Ride on the coolest attraction and shove in your pleasure; Share your feelings with other people; Become an optimist, - Rejoice, laugh, having fun, no matter what.
  2. Take yourself and the life is what it is. Allow yourself to be the way you are, and the events happen to themselves. Your task is to dream, move and watch what miracles give you life. And if something is not as much as you wanted, then it will be even better. Just relax and enjoy.

"I'm dying and cheerful. And I'm going to have fun each released day" (Randy Paush "Last Lecture").


Sadly, but many people only in the face of death are aware of how little love was in their lives, as they have little rejoiced and enjoyed simple joys of life. The world was present to us so many wonders! But we are too busy. We cannot tear out of our plans and urgent problems to look at these gifts and enjoy them.

"Love is food for the soul. Love for the soul is the same thing that food for the body. No food The body is weak, without love Large Soul" (Osho).

Most the best way Raise the wave of love in his body is gratitude. Start a thanks to God (universe) for everything he presents to you every moment: for this food and roof over your head; for this communication; for this clear sky; For everything you see and get. And when you catch yourself in irritation, immediately ask yourself: "Why should I be grateful now?" The answer will come from the heart itself, and believe me, he will inspire you.

Love is the energy from which the world isted. Become a missionary of love! Give people compliments; Charge with love everything is touched; Let's get more than getting ... and move life from the heart, and not from the head. It is it that will tell you the surest way.

"The way without a heart is never joyful. Already in order to come out, it is difficult to work hard. On the contrary, the path that has a heart is always light; to love it, do not need special efforts" (Carlos Castaneda).


When life passes, and in everyday worries, we often lose sight of your relatives and friends, at the end of the way we will feel devastating, deep sadness and longing ...

As you often spend time with those who love and appreciate. They are the most expensive that you have. Always be open to communication and new acquaintances, it enriches. As much as possible, give people their attention and admire them, - all this will return to you. With joy and disinterestedly help, give and also with joy. Take gifts from others.

"Bliss is also catchingly like any disease. If you help others be happy, by and large, you help to be happy yourself" (Osho).

P.S. Recently, the network came across an interesting survey: "What you will regret in front of death." 70% of participants answered "When the time comes, then we will find out" ...

So what will you regret at the end of your way?

Value of human life

Many people ask such questions: What is the most valuable in life? Are we thinking about the meaning of life? And do you even appreciate my life? Now let's reflect: what is the value of human life? What opportunities do we possess?

This is primarily a consciousness, a person's mind. Unlike animals, we are capable of meeting with the problem, not just suffering, worrying it, we can explore the suffering, understand what its causes are. We can find ways to eliminate this suffering and eliminate its reasons. This is the value of human life.

The value of human life is human life is an irreplaceable resource and has a really tremendous potential value. But the value of the resource itself does not mean anything. As a metaphor, we take, for example, a diamond is a valuable, dear stone, but in itself it is not very attractive: it's just a piece of rock, beautiful, but so far meaningless. It later, when the diamond will be overwhelmed by the hands of the master, he will shine, playing and shimmering his sparkling faces, reflecting sun rays A young day and will attach your beauty to the beauty and give joy. Also life of a person: if he, attentive master, is kindly and beautifully erects his life, caring for and beyond with him the same strong Lives - His life becomes a masterpiece, his main and great creation. If a person is cut and there is an ability of ABE bricks, how, uses everything that fell at hand, does not care about a strong foundation and reliable walls, on the one hand, builds, on the other hand, it also prevents the other to build - its life is not more The breast of bricks float together. If life is wasted, nowhere, in drunks and empty trep about beautiful things - The value of such a lifetime is low, although the resource itself was very expensive. If life live beautifully, strongly, in care at least about yourself and your loved ones, or about many people at their own expense - the value of such a lifetime will be high. The value of your life is a person himself: it depends on his choice, in which direction he wants to live and will. And only his choice will be where to give out irreparable, and therefore an incredibly valuable resource: to bury it under the pile of bricks or insert into a magnificent temple. Human life is a huge value. It is not comparable to any other value (another type). In this sense, it is similar to a transfinite number. Which is by definition more than any whole or real number. Infinitely more.

So, the value of human life is not comparable to the value of anything else. It is by definition more than the value of anything else. But it can be comparable to the value of another human life.

The absolute value of a person makes his life as the value of a special, not similar to all others. Above discussed the question of how to understand the absolute value of man. Now it came up to determine what is included in the content of the values \u200b\u200bof human life. The sign by which we can determine whether one or another value is among vital, there will be such a manifestation of life, which will be the deepest, initial, full and direct, indivisible manifestation.

I will explain on the example. Let's say, under the wreckage of the collapsed house found a person. He is saved regardless of whether he believes or an atheist is formed or not, he is hero he or an ordinary citizen. He is saved, first of all, like a living being, save his life.

Such values, as noted above, are called existential, which constitute the basis of all other livelihoods and values, which is associated with the fundamental meanings of human existence.

To the number of these values \u200b\u200bbelong: life, death (not by itself, and since the limb of life is its the most important characteristic), love, family, birth and raising children, freedom, privacy, participation, work, rest, creativity.

Life or existence is a rod, basic human value. It is a general condition for all its states and actions. But it is important to emphasize that the priority is not the value of life, but the value of man, since it is the person who lives, the personality exists, whereas the life, no matter how valuable and meaning in itself it seemed to us, there is no more than the most immediate place, The focus of the emergence of personality, the way its being in the world.

If the personality is essence, and life is existence, our existence precedes our essence. To say that the entity exists, it means that the person lives. But it is essentially, a personal beginning is a semantic and value center of a person.

The value of life as such is dual. On the one hand, life is given to us as the highest gift, a universal opportunity, and therefore we must appreciate life, feel reverence and respect. On the other hand, life is given to someone who is not just life, but a person is a creature living by his life, the creature is free, thinking, creative, who knows life, its beginning and the end, her infinite features And its biological boundaries, the creature, aware of the limb of life. And therefore the one who she is presented is given (literally for anything!) In order to be lived - a priority, more important than life is its subject. A good or bad is another question. There are brilliantly, and there are indecent lives in life.

Perhaps there is even the law of life: we are either higher than life if we live with it worthy, or below, that is, we turn out to be unworthy of this gift, if we live somehow, floating in the flow. But in any case, a person and his life is not the same thing.

The birth of a person is an act of life output for its biological limits. This means that in its womb they are born and freedom, generating a whole fireworks of unique phenomena of culture, not agreeing to life as a biological process.

Life is either there or it is not. But its quality may be different. If we live, support our life, we love and care about it in the name of the good and not at the expense of the lives and values \u200b\u200bof other people, then we are humane, and our life is good and wealth. If inhuman beginnings take us in us, our life begins to degrade, weakens, becoming all the poorest and weaker. Its value decreases to the extent that it burns, kills inhuman in us.

What is harder, richer our life, the higher its value. Life to the extent value, in what a human owner of his life.

"Just live," live passive, vegetable life, moving out the flow of everyday life and momentum - it means to thoughtlessly embrace your starting capital, that initial reserve of life, which we have already have the first acts of consciousness and self-awareness by the time of awakening in us Personality and humanity.

There is a statement: one person lives to eat, the other - eats to live. A humane person can say that he eats and lives to become and be a human man to create himself and the values \u200b\u200bof personal, public and universal life, to improve and raise the dignity of a person.

Life is value because it is the source base, in the process, in the course of which we only can show, cause an active being, to implement our humanity, all of our positive traits And virtue, all our values.

From one of this, human life becomes infinitely valuable, becomes universal value.

The limitless value of life is already manifested in the fact that on his feast, on the feast of life she calls everyone and everyone, for all and every human being, she finds a place on her holiday. As our invaluable gift and a valid chance, she says to everyone from us without any prerequisites!

Perhaps just said sounded too declaratively. There are diseases that make the very existence of a test, early death, etc.

And yet in the infinite value of life, as long as we can live, no matter how thinning all its black spots. Each psycho healthy person Valuates life regardless of whether she looks like the accepted standards of the successful or not, is the excessive confirmation of our thought.

However, life itself, regardless of its assessment, which is always secondary, requires a humane relationship. To be implemented as value, it must be maintained as such, it should be maintained, strengthening and enriched. But one internal life reserves, the instincts of her self-preservation is not enough. And that's why.

Life is a universal, inclusive basis of human existence. This means that it is open and humane and inhuman in us. That is why it can be joy, and grief, and wings, and the yoke on the neck, and luxury, good luck, and poverty, failure and curse.

Millions and tens of millions of drug addicts and alcoholics, streetless and homeless children, orphans, hundreds of millions of poor, doomed in different countries For the premises, hunger and suffering due to the fault of totalitarian and ignorant ruling forces and due to the archaic traditions of non-vitality and humility - all of them were not able to or were deprived of the opportunity to realize their life potential.

But in any case, life itself can not be worthless. It becomes a burden or even unbearable not because of its own essence, but only inspired, because it is permeated, tasted with a negative of the antigumannaya in a person or that existing outside the human being, which oppresses it, undermines, deprives forces.

If you understand under human life, not only the biological side, but also mental and intellectual (but only such integrity and can be called human life), it is easy to imagine whether the range of invasion of antichelovic in us is in our own life.

When a reliable barrier is not installed on the way of this invasion, when the antiguman does not oppose humane, the process of life begins to acquire a negative meaning, becomes inhuman and destructive and for the person himself, and for society, and for the habitat.

The worst thing that could happen to a person is the victory of the antihuman in it. His final victory means spiritual degradation and death, stimulating, one way or another, degradation and death physical. None of the villain is truly happy, and the average life expectancy of the hardened criminals is much lower than the average life expectancy.

Life has not only internal enemies in the person of the person himself, but also the external enemies, existing outside the person and society. Especially obvious dangers, threatening life as a biological process: Diseases, natural disasters, unhealthy habitat. Although, in many respects, these enemies can be socially determined, and either stimulated by social factors, or weakened, and some and to win the accepted social measures, the nature of these threats is associated with physical, generalbiological or environmental laws. In this context, the question arises about the component of our life, which is associated with our flesh and with its value.

The value of our body is not only biological, physical and aesthetic. It is actually a vital, existential, since a fundamental way is associated with our existence as life.

Health - general condition Favorable and fruitful life, and the most important value, therefore. There are several ordinary humanistic rules of human relationship to their physical and mental health. This is actually very simple, just necessary:

  • - eat right;
  • - do physical exercises daily;
  • - avoid unnecessary stress;
  • - be able to relax and relax;
  • - Be reasonable and moderate in getting pleasure.

Health is not simply physical or mental. In principle, it is indisputable and refers to a person as the unity of the physical, biological, mental, moral, intellectual and ideological.

When we talk about the human body as values, we must answer the question about disabled. Unfortunately, in modern language There is no adequate contemporary culture of a concept related to chronically ill people or a person from a birth of having no or during the lifetime of lost, say, vision or hand. All available concepts: "Disabled", "man with disabilities" and their like, to some extent offensive, taking the dignity of such people.

Does such people are fundamentally damaged and are obviously deprived of the possibility of happiness, rich, fruitful, decent and perfect life? Humanism responds to this question negatively. None of the sacred or scientific book says that a person can be full only if everything is fine with his flesh: four limbs, ten fingers, two eyes, ear and two nostrils, if he has nine natural holes in the body , the whole range of working internal organs and standard physique.

History and modernity give us a lot of examples of a person's victory over their ailments, overcoming physical flaws. The person works so wisely and adaptively adaptively, possesses such wonderful qualities as courage, purposefulness, perseverance, which is able to turn even severe malaise or, say, blindness to the step for improvement, an additional motive to maintain high-level, humane, sometimes the heroic lifestyle. The disease may induce a person not just to overcome it, but also to climbing, to strengthen the will to life.

A lot is done in modern civilized societies in order to relieve those physical, psychological and legal obstacles that discriminate or make it difficult to life disabled. The range of such actions is very wide: from the device of special descents in homes and on the streets to the organization of sports competitions for the disabled and the maximum reduction of the list of professions prohibited for people with disabilities.

The society should strive for a reasonable erasure of the differences between the disabled and other people, to ensure that the need for privileges, which, unfortunately, are too reminded by alms and are offensive to humans.

I want to express your opinion separately on this topic. In my opinion, this problem, namely, the problem is relevant in our time. Many people do not think about their lives, turning to her carelessly, scatter their health and forces. A person thinks that he is omnipotent, and it's hard for him, and of course in the bustle of everyday life, we do not have time to ask these questions. But for each person, I'm sure the moment comes when the questions of the values \u200b\u200bof human life require an indispensable answer. Unfortunately, it happens that this moment comes too late so that you can change something. Sometimes a person only in the face of death understands that he lived incorrectly, that he lost the fact that he would no longer return. So how to figure out and understand first of all for yourself, what is valuable for you and what is important for you. Of course, this is a difficult question, but it seems to me every person must determine it for himself. For someone value - these are countless wealth and benefits, great amount Money, someone dreams of being popular and talented, someone dreams of all around were happy, and for someone value enclosed in the health of loved ones and relatives. Each person has its own range of values, and it is absolutely in the right to decide for himself to appreciate.

But unfortunately, a person often chooses not the values \u200b\u200bthat could have successfully and beneficially affect the life and health of a person. Often, people are confused in themselves, step up the edges of the anti-human and inhuman, and this, in turn, pulls the grievant consequences, such as: various social conflicts, crimes, immoral behavior, causing harm to their health and others. This list can continue and continue.

The man myself pouters myself in a dead end, not leaving the choice to change something, the more awareness that your life was lived in an empty coming very late and the person is not able to change anything. Of course, the reasons for which a person chooses his values, a huge amount, but I want to notice that only the man's master of his life itself. And life is a flower. If it stops careful for him, watered, fertilize, cares about him, then he will start.

So in humans. If you mindlessly and carelessly treat yourself, spend in empty time, health and strength, then in the end, life, like a ruthless flower, will fuss.

Therefore, appreciate yourself and others, appreciate every moment, every second, you will be able to find a bad part of the good, because life is given only only once! Antigumanist philosophical life

Phrases famous people On the value of life:

  • - I realized that life is worthless, but I also realized that nothing is worth the life (Andre Malro);
  • - If you appreciate your life, remember that others appreciate their (Euripid);
  • - The life of a separate person makes sense only to the extent that it helps to make the lives of other people are more beautiful and noble. Life is sacred, it is, so to speak, the Supreme value, which is subordinated by all other values \u200b\u200b(Einstein Albert);
  • - Truly one who does not appreciate life, he does not deserve it (Leonardo da Vinci).
Darina Kataeva

Every person has vitality. They are formed in childhood, and in adulthood affects the actions of people, making their decisions, to a personal choice. Values \u200b\u200b- reflection of the essence, driving forcethat affects the worldview and personality formation. What exactly are the values \u200b\u200bof life and how to choose them?

Where does life values \u200b\u200bcome from?

Although human values \u200b\u200bare a stable structure, they change under the influence of external circumstances and internal experiences. The fundamental importance are the values \u200b\u200bthat are laid in childhood. At the same time, they do not occur instantly, they are formed with the course of life. The more adult becomes a person, the more stable value is distinguished. For some, money, glory, power and luxury items are essential. Others consider an important spiritual self-improvement, creative development, health, family and children.

The formation of life values \u200b\u200bis influenced:

education and family;
team at work;
experienced injuries and losses;
economic situation in the country.

Basic human life values

Although each person is individual, there are values \u200b\u200bthat unite all people:

This is not related to egoism. Such love helps to achieve happiness in life and self-improvement.
Near. The manifestation of this value is in respect of every person, his opinions and position in life.
A family. - Higher value for most people.
Spouse or spouse. Emotional, spiritual and physical proximity with a loved one for some in the first place.
Love for children.
Motherland. The place where a person was born, affects the mentality and attitude to life.
Work. There are people who strive to dissolve in activities, they are ready to take for any instructions at work to achieve a universal good.
Friends. And self-expression in it occupies an important meaning for any person.
Relaxation. This sphere of life allows personality to concentrate on their feelings, relax and dispel from the infinite fuss.
Public Mission - Activities. Altruists first seek to do anything for the benefit of society. Satisfaction of your needs and desires is already in second place.

It is impossible to say that each person allocates one universal value for himself and lives on it. The listed areas are harmoniously intertwined, we simply note for themselves somewhat and put them in the first place in life.

Life values \u200b\u200bare a complex structure that is reflected on the formulation and method of achievement. As a result, a person foresees unpleasant situations and possible failures.

List of possible human life values

In addition to basic life values, each person may have individual, sometimes extraordinary values. Below is only an incomplete list of possible human values, because it is possible to continue it to infinity.

Optimism. "Pessimist sees difficulties with every opportunity; The optimist in every difficulty sees the possibility. " Such a line of character is indisputable to value and rejoice at the presence of optimism in your life: life with him becomes brighter and fuller.
Patience. "Patience and a little effort". The presence of patience, especially modern generationUnambiguously worth it with its value. Only with patience you can. It concerns your personal benefits. But your friends and partners will surely appreciate this quality.
Honesty. "Honesty is all more expensive." It is important to be honest not only with others, but also with yourself. If this value is for you in one row with basic, probably you happy man: Likewise, it is paradoxically, but honest people live easier than those who love to learn.
Discipline. "Business before pleasure". Most people consider extremely skeptical to this value, because the discipline is equal, in their opinion, restrictions, non-free. And only over the years, many come to the conclusion that if you are a disciplined person, it does not mean that you somehow limit yourself, you will rather find the path in freedom and happiness with this character trait.

Examples of vitality

Asking the question: "What is valuable for me?" Many find themselves in a dead end. However, it is very important to give yourself an unequivocal answer so that in the event of a new situation to be faithful to your values.

Life values \u200b\u200bare not related to the opinions of others and recognizing you as individuals due to altitudes achieved.

The following sequence of actions helps in determining their values:

Stay alone with you. To understand that it is important for you in life, and what takes up secondary importance, it is recommended to clear the space from an extraneous influence. Engage in the study of your personality in full solitude, without the influence of external factors.
Remember important events In my life. Optionally, it should be only positive situations, reflect and above negative. Write down the main experiences on a piece of paper, think what you impressed you, and what upset, and without which you can not imagine your life.
Examine universal values, After all, personal needs and views flow out of them. Keep track of the relationship between the list received and everyday life. Some items from the listed is only a desire, and not established value in life.
Watch yourself. Highlight at least one day in which you would explore yourself, behavior, choice and motives of actions. The decisions we accept daily is the indicator of the personality of a person and its values.
If the list of values \u200b\u200bis too long, it will have to cut it. There should be 3 maximum 4 values. The rest is only additions and flowing solutions in life.


Some values \u200b\u200bthat are simultaneously important to humans can conflict. Looking at the compiled list, decide that it is not combined with each other. This causes creative, which dwells with disharmony with himself. It is important to remember the balance and influence of our values \u200b\u200bon the lives of other people.

Every person is individual, so values \u200b\u200bdiffer depending on the nature and established landmarks in human life. Although the tendency to reflection and the study of himself is not observed far from every person, still stands for a moment to stop and think that for me is valuable. Otherwise, you will be a driven person, without your own rod. With new circumstances, you will immediately lose yourself and your identity!

February 26, 2014.

Life values \u200b\u200bare an integral part of the human worldview, confirmed by his consciousness, upbringing, life experience, personal experiences. They are detected by the restriction of the most significant and important from the secondary. The accumulated luggage of certain values \u200b\u200bmodifies the consciousness of a person, regulates and motivates its activities, ensures the formation of a strong personality.

Each person puts priorities in its own way, individually, it determines the importance and significance of certain phenomena. In the list of generally accepted values, traditional material Values. These include decorations, fashionable branded clothing, paintings, modern equipment, cars, real estate and many other things. In addition to tangible, it should be noted spiritual, religious, moral and aesthetic values \u200b\u200b(holiness, kindness, compassion, decency, cleanness, etc.). Separate category are values social, such as position in society, social security, power, career, family, freedom and others.

Let us dwell in more detail on some universal universal values.

Family and friendship

Family well-being, children, parents, friends - for most people it is the greatest value. To love family, their parents and children, take care of them - our holy duty and privilege. Always with respect, sincerity and love treat your friends and just to people around us, always be responsive and tolerant is a huge work that needs to pay for the value of human relations. What gives us these relationships? They are a source of mutual support and sympathy, community of goals and interests, understanding and emotional attachments.

Material welfare and career

There is no man in the world who would not want to firmly and confidently stand on his feet, nothing to need to ensure the well-being of his family. However, not everyone puts material benefits in the first place in conditional ranking life values. Often, a dilemma becomes in front of a person: working in a friendly team with a loyal boss, receiving moral satisfaction from work, or to make a choice in favor of big fees, putting his personal life and health on the map. The option is ideal in which the work allows you to embody the most incredible ideas, gives many useful dating, brings money, and pleasure. But most often, something else has to sacrifice, and here the main thing is not to be mistaken in the choice.


Health for many people, especially in a mature age, becomes the first steps of the pedestal of values. At the same time, for some people in the first place - a house, money, cars and rest on expensive resorts. And these some sometimes do not understand very well that the sick person is nothing more important than health, he is ready to give all the material benefits in return for recovery, but this is not always possible. Need careless to treat their physical condition, do not kill yourself harmful habits and excessive hard work, give unloading to your body and take enough time to rest and sleep. It is extremely important to awareness that health is the most valuable in the life of any person, because it is health that is necessary for everyone without exception.


Very valuable to the development of the very person. A man ripens, becomes wiser, acquires useful life experience, makes the right, conscious and weighted conclusions and, accordingly, takes the right decisions in any vital and professional issues. He owns his emotions, cultured in communication, develops its horizon, becomes the right benchmark for the younger generation. A comprehensively developed person pays attention to his health, physical training and appearance, accurate in everything, chopperoten both in thoughts and in relationships. A person who makes the maximum efforts for personal growth and self-improvement seeks to change his attitude to life, to the awareness of his role in the world, to improving relations with the surrounding people.


The value of creativity lies in the unique opportunity to implement their ideas. Creativity gives the complete freedom of self-expression to the author, allows us to make the most brave thoughts, emotions, images by creating a final product. Creative people - These are people with a thin soulful organization, these are artists, musicians, sculptors, designers, designers and many other art people. They try to realize themselves in creativity, combining their vocation, their talent with everyday activities and household responsibilities. Muse is the main value in their development. The process of creating another masterpiece becomes the meaning of life, and inspiration makes this process incredibly easy and pleasant.


Spiritually oriented people live in their canons. Them life values Tightly intertwined with the main religious commandments: do not kill, do not steal, read their parents, do not commit adultery and others. They try to follow the right to follow the right, already in advance with truths, and not acquire them on the basis of personal bitter experience. A spiritually developed person lives happily, and not only for himself, loves life in all its manifestations, appreciates every minute spent with loved ones and relatives, rejoices the beauty of the earth (natural and created by people), enjoys music and thanks higher power For every day. Such a person respects himself and others does not envy, does not find out the relationship, possesses inner harmony.

Sometimes there are cases when when testing a certain stress or getting into heavy extreme situation A person has a restructuring of consciousness, and he overestimates his vital values. What used to be for him the main sense of life is just good. So, for example, only in illness, a person begins to appreciate health, only a true awareness of the value of such concepts, such as courage, loyalty, mutual assistance, compassion is taking place.

It is very important to understand what exactly plays the dominant role in this life stage, which is now the most valuable. Only putting priorities correctly, you can confidently build your future.