Conspiracy to the first thunder. A real spell on a man during a thunderstorm

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Ancient magic is rich in conspiracies. Particularly strong are conspiracy pronounced during a thunderstorm. This is explained by the fact that Thunder, Lightning has long been considered alive creatures, endowed with force. They are subject to the highest gods. At the ancestors of the inhabitants of Russia, Puranu was such God. Conspiracy during thunderstorms and lightning must be used correctly, otherwise they will not have forces.

What is the power of thunders?

In wise nature, everything has its meaning and everything is created with benefit. People have long experienced fear of a thunderstorm, because anyone has not yet managed to tame lightning. But still she can bring not only harm, but also benefits. It is known that thundering lightning have healing properties. Here are some examples:

  • punch lightning can put a paralyzed person on his feet;
  • lightning returned vision to non-violent people;
  • often the person who has fallen under the thunderstorm discharge appears supernatural abilities. It is known that the spell of such a person will have a huge magical force;
  • water during a thunderstorm is endowed with powerful energy.

Today, many sorcerers and leaders turn to St. Ilya, which owns the power of thunder and lightning, for help in healing and in other cases.

Thunderstorm also stimulates telepathic abilities and gift of clairvoyance. The miraculous strength of thunder is well preserved in water, which was fed during a thunderstorm energy. This water is collected in clay vessels that put on the moonlight so that they are well soaked by its energy.

Thunder will help with disease

The magical strength of thunder helps perfectly from any disease. After all, the energy accumulated during a thunderstorm and accumulated in a spell will certainly help from diseases. So if your home has happened trouble and someone fell ill, consult thunder. After all, magic is able to heal from many diseases.

During thunderstorms, especially if lightning sparkles strongly, it is necessary to dial into the water tank. On another day, exactly twelve o'clock in the day, it is necessary to store the table with a clean tablecloth, to light two candles brought from the church, put water on the table and twelve time to say the verdict:

"In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Water, current from heaven, thunder, shooting, zipped, ohm, the whole body of the slave of God (name) from the Network black, from the disease is exhausted. As thunder thunder and duck, as lightning sparkled and went out, so we will leave with the slave of God (name) of pain, ilk, if the Bolnoye, and to be him in God's case and the word healthy. Amen".

Such water should be washed out of face, hands, as well as necessarily breasts and feet of the disease. Water after washing should be sure to pour out for the fence, and only after the sun goes. The sentence for treating diseases is especially strong during church holiday. If thunder thunder in such a holiday, you need to go out into the courtyard, raise up the hands and when grommets will be heard, say these words:

"Oh, great Ilya-prophet! Like a strong chariot, publishing Thunder Heavenly, and I, the slave of God (name), I will be strong and healthy now and forever. Amen".

Such a sentence improves health, and diseases will give up for a long time.

Thunder from the Bed

A person can warn not only diseases, but also troubles: danger, attack of intruders, accidents, exposure to witchcraft, and so on. To protect yourself from this, magic will come to the rescue. When the thunder is heard, I must say:

Lord! Call you to help! Heaven forces to me, the servant of your (name), in defense. I walked around from all sorts of troubles, from enemies visible and invisible, from the sword and fire, from the water and trouble, from the sorcerer and the sorcerer, from a bad eye and a person. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

If you meet evil manMagic will also help. During thunderstorms, it is necessary to gain water and pronounce such a sentence:

As Thunder, I dreamed and quiet, and you, the slave of God (name), duck, do not shout, do not Masha, do not mock with me, God's slave (name). In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen". Such water can be mixed in drink or in food member of the family, which are worried and has a lot of evil.

Protect the house from thunderstorms is also easy. So that lightning does not get to your threshold, you can simply put a broom on the table. You are not only lightning, but any trouble. You can also throw a piece of black bread into the window during a thunderstorm, and then pronounce such a sentence:

"Holy, holy, holy, pride the sources on the face of the Earth. Lord is alive, God is eternal, the execution of the devil, and not us. Amen".

A piece of bread, then you need to find and bury into the ground.

During any magical rituals with candles, it is necessary to ensure that they are not put in salt or in grain. All candles are fixed only on the candlestick.

The strength of the thunderstorm

Love spell, made in a thunderstorm, has a huge force. With the help of the thunderstorm, the woman was trained by men. Going to make such a spell, remember that it is only when it goes heavy thunderstorm. You also need to choose a moment when the moon is growing, and not decreases, otherwise you can stick trouble.

One more thing: love spell It is done only on a baptized man. Do not forget that black magic works, you will contact the demon.

If the thunderstorm begins, you need to go to an open balcony and say quietly:

"I call, Ilorun, whispering your name, Ilorun, I ask for your help, Iloran. Come to me, I am you from thunder and lightning hide, and you will benefit me. "

The phrase should be learned by heart and quietly repeat three times.

After you read such a plot, you will certainly feel that someone is behind you behind your back. This is not necessary to be afraid. But it is not necessary to rotate, because the power of the sentence will disappear. Then you need to say such a request:

"Ilorun, your breath is yours, you feel your power, I feel fear. And your body protect you and ask you to help. Let my beloved (the name of his beloved who baptized him in the church) to my soul and body will be, and I have for this with him the future you are sacrificing. "

It must be pronounced just once. But on the balcony you need to continue to stand until the thunderstorm passes. But if she subsided, you must immediately come back home. Once you have made such a spell, you need to wait three days. If the devil is interested in your offer, it will certainly fulfill the request. If it was not interested in your request, he will not do anything.

Do not be afraid if bruises are formed on the body after such a love spell. They will come off without treatment, because it is magic.

Conspiracies in the thunderstorm are of great strength. If you know their secrets, you can achieve a lot for yourself.

To attract attention to yourself unrequited (for now), you can use those elements that nature itself gives you to help. If the rain and thunderstorm behind the window are taping and enhances the suffering, then they need to use, and do not tear pour.

A warning! Love spell is a magical impact that can lead to irreversible adverse consequences. If your feelings are so great that you can't live without a loved one, then you cannot dissuade you, of course, no one can. But performing magic ritual With the involvement of natural elements (it applies to them), do it carefully. It is necessary to ask for a rain of help. It is asked that the response is. Then, perhaps and the consequences of unwanted will not be.

How to ask for a rain about a spell?

Looking at the thunderstorm and water, rushing from the sky, tell your words about your feelings, ask to help. If changes will occur in the water stream, then you are responsible for. Rain can rush stronger or stop. This will answer. If the request will be followed by thunder, lightning, and the thunderstorm will increase, it means that the spell is not worth it. You warn that magic is not for you. Or, in any case, today it is not worth doing. But if the blind sun looks like - this is the most desirable answer. Nature tells you that it is completely ready to become on your side.

How to spell a spell on rain and thunderstorm?

Take a sheet of paper. Write on it the names of your beloved and your own. The sheet needs to take in such a way that raindrops fall on it. While the rain will water your names, you need to represent the face of the beloved and pronounce the following words of the love spell on a thunderstorm:

"The rain, a drop of a drop, wash our separation, Navali on your beloved (name) boredom. How do our names merge in heavenly water in one spot, so let the thoughts and life connect so the best! Let emutic than my favorite (name) will not be able to live, let it be too raining to connect us into the moment! Amen!"

Spoke these words as long as written words do not merge into one spot from the rain droplets. Now the sheet needs to be dried and hide. Do not throw out! It should be stored in a secluded place. Then your relationships can become strong and will be protected by the strength of nature and the lattice on the rain!

Watch the lightning carefully, try to capture this picture in memory, as much as possible, and if one day it happens to be in complex situationClose a couple of minutes and call the thunderstorm in memory with maximum accuracy.

You will feel that your mind and body seemed to pierce the energy discharge. You will have the forces to overcome all the difficulties, and you will find a way out of the situation, even seemingly completely dead end.

Thunderstorms can stimulate telepathic and clairvandal abilities, and this miraculous force is also preserved in the rainwater remaining after the thunderstorm. Such water must be assembled into glass or ceramic vessels with fitted lids from the same material - they are isolated its energy.

Especially effective water becomes, if we put a few dried leafy of wormwood into the same vessel, which is also able to strengthen telepathic energy.

The vessel leaves stand under the lunar light for three nights preceding the full moon.

Then in the night of the full moon, when completely dark, out of paper or on Earth, in any way cool and put all the things you want to charge inside.
From harmful people

"Charged" thorough stone - A simple and reliable mascot, which will help to cope with many problems. In particular, with the help of the "thunderstorm" stone, you can make the grumpy neighbor, a spouse or spouse, a harmful chief, in short, any scandalousist.

How to do it? Once in a thunderstorm in nature, pick up as soon as hear the grommet roll, the first stone came from the road.

Crossing the threshold of the apartment, office or another place where you have to constantly contact with your tormentor, say, holding a stone in my right hand:

"Thunder subsides, the thunderstorm will pass, and the (name) is not suitable with evil. Both stone strong and conspiracy strong. Amen".

Then put a stone under your bed or office desk and do not trust 7 days to it.


"Thunder" stone can become a guide to the means. Some complexity is that for this will have to go under the shower. Conducting a stone on his body, with each thunder blow, pronounce the following spell:

"Mother Thunder Street expanded the sea, rivers, bring my beloved person to me. Be my words strong and modeling. "

It is necessary to repeat it seven times, for which, accordingly, seven thunder-rolls should be sounded. Stone must be seized on the nearest meeting with the object of your feelings.


For women, there is another, simpler spell (though, and its effect is less reliable).

Hearing thunder, burn the wax candle (not only a church), become a face east and read a plot three times:

"As you, thunder, knock, rather, so the heart trembles, the spirit captures, so pounded and fluttered the heart of a man (name) for me, your woman (his name). He would have rushed, suffered, did not sleep at night if I had not seen a woman (name) for a long time, I did not breathe with the air with me. How not to ban thunder thunder, so my words can not be killed and the person (the name of the man) does not separate from me, do not remove. True! "

Not only a stone - you yourself, or rather, your inner "I" can also charge a thunderstorm. For this, it is not even necessary to leave the dwelling - enough, having heard the first raskats of thunder, go to the balcony or get up at the open window.

Increase the power of talismans

Phone "Thunder" water will increase the power of any talismans, but it is especially good for items that are used at fortune-money and sessions of clairvoyance - cards, runes, crystal balls, pendulum.

Lower the fingers into this highly charged drug and moisten it with each item, uttering such words: "Thunder and lightning, wormwood and moon, your forces will soon move into this amulet." Then leave all the items moistened with the drug, under the moonlight, but certainly remove them before sunrise.

Charged thunderstorms

Hearing remote grommet rolls, hang on the street or on the balcony clean wipes, which will not spoil the water and which are not needed to iron (the most underwear is most suitable for this purpose). Dry after the rain they should also outside.

Then they put them in the bags of natural fabric or large paper bags - So that they are completely isolated from other clothes. It is useful to add a pinch of some dry grass with miraculous properties to package.

Such charged clothes should be worn in particularly responsible moments of life: it exacerbates intuition, attaches endurance, protects from energy vampires and weakens the enemies.

From disease

Assembled during a thunderstorm water possesses and healing properties. She, too, should be given to stand up the night under the lunar light, and then at noon to start the rite.

Ship the table with a clean white tablecloth, burn two wax candles (not church), put water on the table and put on it twelve times:

"Lord is all-honored and unreal! Water, current from your heaven, Thunder Rutty, Lightning Outdoor, Omoy, the whole body (the name of the patient) from the Network black, from the disease is exhausted! How thunder thundered and duck, like lightning sparkled and went out, so come with (patient's name) Parious pain, and to be him common, in God's case - and bones are yellow, and a white body. True! "

This water must be washed face, hands, chest and feet of the patient - precisely in such a sequence. The patient should stand in the pelvis. Water after washing to collect and pour under the fence after sunset. Such a ritual will help a person quickly get rid of his illness.

From Pretic

If someone is extinct for you, modern magicians advise to spend the next simple rite. Collect rainwater At the time when thunder thunder. Speech on this water:

"How thunder subsides, so you (name) feed! How thunder me (his name) does not touch, so you do not touch me! "

It is best for this water to supply the person or mischriding him in drink. If it fails to do this, then just sprinkle the place where he will sit or after him. Sprinkling, say:

"Thunder me (name) does not touch, and you (name) do not touch me!"

Put protection

To put protection against possible trouble and shocks, when the thunder is getting, immediately say:

"My given! Call you to help! Heaven forces to me, grandson (their name), in defense. I am a faithful fire off from all sorts of troubles, from the enemies of visible and invisible, from the sword and fire, from the water and trouble, from the sorcerer and the sorcerer, from the evil eyes and the lighted hour. Your glory is mine! True! "

On scandalous husband

Wait for thunderstorms, the stronger, the better. Press our forehead to the glass and say seven times:

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Resenting, quarrels, kindness and joy return. Amen".

After each reading of the conspiracy, autumn yourself with a procession.

Never be afraid of thunder. If a thunderstorm began, immediately put a broom on the verge of a dwelling (swept part), at the same time presenting a huge shield of blue color. Lightning and every evil will take such a house.