Life and morals. Ancient world

Sparta was the main state dorian tribe.Her name already plays a role in taking about the Trojan War, since Menelielena's husband, because of which the war of the Greeks with the Trojans was built, was the Spartan King. The story of the later Sparta began with conquering Peloponnese Dranynama under the leadership of heraklides. Of the three brothers, one (dark) received an ARGOS, another (monoxime) - Messia, the sons of the third (Aristodema) Probleand Eurisphen -Lacon. In Sparta there were two royal sorts, leading their own genus from these heroes through their sons Agisand Evriponta(Agids and Eurgri).

Rod heraklid. Scheme. Two dynasty of the Spartan kings - in the lower right corner

But all this were only folk tales or guesses of Greek historians who do not have full historical accuracy. Such testes should also be attributed to the majority of the existently popular in the ancientness of whose legislative lifetime on the IX century. and which right they attributed all the Spartan Device.Likurgi, according to legend, was the youngest son of one of the kings and guardian of his young nephew Harila. When the latter himself began to edit, the Likurg went to wander, with Egypt, Malaya Asia and Crete visited, but was supposed to return to his homeland at the request of Spartans, who were dissatisfied with the inner parties and the king himself with their Harila. Likurgu was charged make up for the state new laws,and he began for this business, asking the Council from the Delphic Oracle. Pythia said Likurgu, which does not know whether to call him God or man, and that his rulings will be the best. After graduating from his business, Likurg took the oath from Spartans, that they would still fulfill his laws until he returns from the new journey to Delphi. Pythia confirmed him his former decision, and Likurg, sending this answer to Sparta, deprived himself to life, so that no longer return to his homeland. Spartans were honored by Likurg, as God, and built in honor of his temple, but in the essence of Likurg and was originally a deity that turned later in folk fantasy in the death legislator Sparta.The so-called Licurg legislation was stored in memory in the form of short checks (Retry).

102. Laconia and its population

Laconium occupied the southeast part of Peloponnese and consisted of the valley of the river Evrotaand restricting it from the West and the East of the mountain ranges, of which the Western called Taiguet.There were arable land in this country, and pastures, and forests, which had a lot of game, and in Taigty's mountains a lot of iron;from it, the locals were highlighted by weapons. There were few cities in Laconia. In the center of the country, the shore of Evrota lay Sparta,otherwise called Lacadedava.It was the compound of five Slobod, which remained unaffected, while in other Greek cities, the fortress usually existed. In essence, however, Sparta was present military camps held in obedience all the laconium.

Laconia and Sparta on the map of an ancient Peloponnese

The population of the country consisted of descendants dorian conquerors and conquered by Aheyan.First spartianswere alone full citizensstates, the second were divided into two classes: some were called iloti and were fortress peasants,subordinates, however, not individual citizens, and the whole state, others were called periekov and represented by him personally free peoplebut stood to Sparta in relation subjectswithout any political right. Most of the land was considered generally owned by the statefrom which the latter gave spartists to feed individual sections (Cleers),initially formerly approximately the same value. These areas were treated with ilotos for a well-known lifting, which was played by them Naturo in the form of most of the collection. Periekov was left part of their land; They lived in cities, engaged in industry and trade, but in general in Nakoni these classes have been little developed:already at the time when other Greeks had a coin, in this country, as a weapon of exchanges, were used iron bar.Perieki was obliged to pay tax into the state treasury.

Theater Ruins in Ancient Sparta

103. Military Organization Sparta

Sparta was military stateand her citizens were primarily soldiers; Periestics and Ilotov were also attracted to war. Spartians who were divided into three filawith a division on phratryin the era of prosperity there were only thousands of nine by 370 thousand periek and Ilotov,whom they held force to be held under their power; The main classes of spartists accounted for gymnastics, military exercises, hunting and war. Education and all lifestyle in Sparta, were aimed at being always ready against the possibility ilot's uprisingswhat the actually broke out from time to time in the country. For the mood of Ilotov watched the detachments of young people, and all suspicious mercilessly killed (Cryptia).Spartan did not belong to himself: a citizen was primarily a warrior, all life(actually before the sixty-year-old age) obligated to the service state.When the child was born in the family of the Spartan, he was examined whether he would later be serviced by the martial service, and the bright babies did not leave live. From seven to eighteen years, all the boys brought up together in state "gymnasiums", where they were taught by gymnastics and exercised in military business, and also taught singing and playing flute. The upbringing of Spartan youth was distinguished by severeness: boys and boys have always been dressed in light clothes, went bare and uncovered heads, they fed very poorly and were subjected to cruel corporal punishments, which should have been transferred without screaming and moant. (Their sequels for this purpose in front of the altar of Artemis).

Warrior Army Spartans

Adults also could not live, as they wanted. And in peacetime, the Spartans were divided into combat partnerships, even having dinner, for what participants in common tables (Sissiization)the known number of different products were made, and their food was necessarily the most coarse and simple (famous Spartan Supil). The state observed nobody shied away from execution general rules and did not retreat from the law of life prescribed by law.Each family had his own put on the general state landand this site could not be divided, nor to sell, nor leave a spiritual testament. Between spartists should have dominated equality;they are so straight and called themselves "equal" (ομοιοί). Luxury in private life was pursued.For example, building a house, it was possible to use only an ax and a pilot that was hard to do something beautiful. It was impossible to buy anything to Spartan Railways from the works of industry in other Greece states. Moreover of Spartians did not have the right to leave their country,and the strangers were forbidden to live in Nakonia (xeneliasis).The spiritual development of the Spartans did not care. Eloquence, which was so appreciated in other parts of Greece, was not in Sparta, and Lacon a little ( laconicism) He entered the Greeks even in the saying. Spartans made best warriors In Greece - endless, persistent, disciplined. Their army consisted of severe infantry (Goplites)with passenger-plated auxiliary detachments (from Ilotov and part of pericles); Connected they did not use in their wars.

Ancient Spartan helmet

104. Device of the Spartan State

105. Spartan conquest

This military state was very early to be the path of conquest. Increasing the number of residents forced Spartans search for new landsof which could be done new nodes for citizens.Mastering gradually all Laconia, Sparta in the third quarter of the 7th century conquered Messia [First Messenskaya War] and its inhabitants too passed in Ilotov and Periek.A part of the messenians was evicted, but the remaining did not want to put up with foreign domination. In the middle of the VII century. They rebelled against Sparta [the second Messenskaya war], but were again conquered. Spartans made an attempt to spread their power and in the direction of Argold, but were first ruffled by Argosand only later seized part of the shore of Argold. They had more good luck in Arcadia, but already making the first conquest in this area (Taggea), they did not join him to their possessions, and entered the inhabitants in military Union under its leadership.This was the beginning of the big Peloponneskoy Union (Simmakhi) under the Spartan primacy (hegemony).To this simmachy, all parts are not lit. Arkadia,as well as I. ELIDA.Thus, by the end of the VI century. Sparta stood heading almost the entire Peloponnese.Simmachy had the Union Council, in which, chaired by Sparta, issues of war and the world were solved, and Sparta belonged to the most leadership in war (hegemony). When the Persian Shah took the conquest of Greece, Sparta it was the strongest Greek state and therefore could be at the head of the rest of the Greeks in the fight against the Persion.But during this struggle she had to give up championship of Athens.

Among the many ancient Greek states were allocated two - Laconics or Laconia (Sparta) and Attica (Athens). In essence, these were antagonist states with the opposite to each other with a public system.

Sparta Ancient Greece There existed on the southern lands of Peloponnese with IX to II century BC. e. It is noteworthy in that two kings ruled in it. They were inherited by their power. However, real administrative power belonged to elders. They were chosen from among the respected Spartans aged no more than 50 years.

Sparta on the map of Greece

It was the Council that solved all state affairs. As for the kings, they performed purely military functions, that is, were the commander of the army. At the same time, when one king went hiking, then the second remained in the city with part of the warriors.

An example here can serve as the king LikurgAlthough it is not exactly known whether he was king or simply referred to the royal family and possessed a huge authority. The ancient historians of Plutarch and Herodotus wrote that he was the ruler of the state, but did not specify which position this person occupied.

The activities of Likurga referred to the first half of the 9th century BC. e. It was with it that laws were adopted that do not give citizens the opportunity to enrich. Therefore, there was no property bundle in Spartan society.

All the land suitable for plowing was divided into equal sections that were called cleers. Every family got put on. He provided people with barley flour, wine and vegetable oil. According to the legislator, this was enough to lead a normal life.

Luxury was ruthlessly pursued. There were even seized from the appeal of gold and silver coins. The craft and trade also imposed a ban. Forbidden to sell agricultural surplus. That is, in Likurg, everything was done so that people could not earn extra.

The main occupation of the Spartan state was considered war. It was the conquered peoples that provided conquerors to all necessary for life. And on the land put on the Spartans worked slaves, which were called ilota.

All Sparta Society was divided into military detachments. In each of them, joint meals were practiced or sissiism. People ate from a common boiler, and products brought from home. During meals, the detachment commanders watched all the portions to be eaten. In the event that someone eating badly and without appetite, there was a suspicion that a man had tightly attempted somewhere on the side. The guilty could be expelled from the detachment or punish a large fine.

Spartan warriors armed with spears

All the Sparta men were warriors, and their military art was taught from early childhood. It was believed that the deadly wounded warrior must die silently, without making even a quiet moan. Spartan phalanx, topped with long spears, was horrified by all states of ancient Greece.

Mothers and wives, accomplishing sons and husbands to war, said: "With a shield or on a shield." This meant that men were waiting for home or with a victory or dead. The bodies of the dead colleagues always carried on the shields. But those who ran from the battlefield, was waiting for universal contempt and shame. Parents and wives, and their own children were turned away from them.

It should be noted that the residents of Laconiki (Laconia) never differed in many-way. They were concreted briefly and not apt. It is from these Greek lands that such terms as "laconic speech" and "Lankonism" have spread.

It must be said that Sparta ancient Greece had a completely small population. His number has not exceeded 10 thousand people for centuries. However, this small number of people kept in fear of all southern and medium lands of the Balkan Peninsula. And this superiority was achieved at the expense of cruel customs.

When the boy was born in the family, he was examined by elders. If the baby turned out to be too sick or patients, then he was thrown from the rocks on sharp stones. The corpse of the unfortunate immediately fell predatory birds.

The customs of the Spartans were extremely cruel

Alive remained only healthy and strong children. Upon reaching 7 years, the boys were taken from their parents and united into small detachments. Iron discipline dominated them. Future warriors were taught to endure pain, courageously demolish the beatings, unquestioned to obey their mentors.

The periods of children did not feed at all, and they had to independently extract food, industrial by hunting or theft. If such a child was caught in someone's garden, then cruelly punished, but not for theft, and for the fact that he caught.

Such a barren life lasted until 20 years of age. Thereafter young man Land was issued, and he received the opportunity to get a family. It should be noted that Spartan girls were also trained to military art, but not in such harsh conditions like young men.

Sunset Sparta

Although the conquered peoples and were afraid of Spartans, but periodically restrained them. And the conquerors, though possessed the magnificent military learning, but did not always turn out to be the winners.

An example here is an uprising in the messenger in the VII century BC. e. He headed his fearless warrior Aristomy. Under his leadership, Spartan phalanards caused several sensitive lesions.

However, traitors were found in the ranks of the rebels. Thanks to their treason, Aristomen's archer was broken, and the fearless warrior himself began a partisan war. In one of the nights, he resulted in Sparta, penetrated the main sanctuary and, wanting to put the enemies before the gods, left the weapon on the altar taken into the battle of Spartan warriors. This shame remained in the memory of people for centuries.

In the 4th century BC e. Sparta ancient Greece began to gradually weaken. Other nations came to the political arena, at the head of which were intelligent and talented commander. Here you can call Philip Macedonian and his famous son Alexander Macedon. Laconic residents have fallen into complete dependence on these prominent political figures of antiquity.

Then the cereals of the Roman Republic came. In 146 BC e. Spartans submitted to Rome. However, freedom has been preserved formally, but under full control of Romans. In principle, the specified date is considered to be the end of the Spartan state. It has become a story, but has been preserved in the memory of people to this day.

Around the ancient Greek Sparta and to this day many disputes and myths born mass culture. Whether the Spartans were unsurpassed wars and did not love mental work, whether they really got rid of their own children, and the truth is the customs of the Spartans were so severe that they were forbidden to eat in own homes? Let's try to figure out.

Starting a conversation about Sparta, it would be worth noting that the self-registration of this ancient Greek state was "Lacteda", and its inhabitants called themselves "Lactedamia". The appearance of the name "Sparta" humanity is obliged at all with the Ellinas, but the Romans.

Sparta, like many ancient states, had a complicated structure, but logical, social system system. In fact, society was divided into full-fledged citizens, incomplete citizens and dependent. In turn, each of the categories shared at the estate. Ilota, although they were considered slaves, were not in the usual sense for a modern person. However, the "ancient" and "classic" slavery deserves separate consideration. It is also worth mentioning the special estate of "hypomanis", which included physically and mentally defective children of Sparta citizens. They were considered unsolved citizens, but were still above a number of other social categories. The existence of a similar class in Sparta significantly reduces the viability of the theory of killing in Sparta of defective children.

This myth is rooted, thanks to the description of the Spartan society created by Plutarch. So, in one of his works, he described that weak children with the decision of the elders were discharged in the gorge in the mountains of Taigaet. Today, scientists are this issue However, they did not come to a single opinion, however, most of them are inclined to the version that such an unusual tradition in Sparta did not have. Do not discount the fact that the Greek chronicles, sin with exaggeration and prejudices of facts. Proof of which was discovered by historians after comparing the same facts and their descriptions in the Greek and Roman chronicles.

Of course, in Sparta throughout its described history, there was a very rigid system for the education of children, in particular, boys. It was called the system of raising Agoda, which translated from Greek means "involutionary". In the Spartan society, children of citizens were considered public domain. Since Agoda itself was a fairly brutal education system, it is possible that the percentage of mortality was indeed high. Thus, the killing of weak children immediately after birth is unlikely.

Another popular myth is the invincibility of the Spartan Army. Of course, the Spartan Army was strong enough to influence his neighbors, however, and she, as you know, knew defeats. In addition, the Spartan army has greatly lost in many questions to the armies of other powers, including the army of the neighbors of the Greeks. Warriors were distinguished by excellent learning and personal combat skill. They possess excellent physical training. Moreover, the very concept of discipline in the army was adopted by the neighboring peoples in Spartans. Even the Romans admired the power of the Spartan Army, although she ultimately lost them. At the same time, Spartans did not know the engineering business, which did not allow them to effectively precipitate the city of enemies.

According to historians, discipline, courage and valor on the battlefield are highly appreciated in Spartan society, honesty and devotion, modesty and moderation (however, in the latter can be doubted, knowing about their feasts and orgies). And although sometimes the leaders of Spartans in politics were distinguished by cunning and treacherous, this people were one of the greatest representatives of the Allen Group.

In Sparta there was democracy. In any case, all the most important issues were solved by the general meeting of citizens, at which they simply shocked each other. Of course, in Sparta there were not only citizens, and the authorities, though people, belonged far from the whole demos.

Household The Spartans have little differed from the farm of the majority of other Greek states-states. The same products were grown on the fields of Lachedeme. Spartans were engaged in cattle breeding, spreading predominantly sheep. For the most part, labor on Earth was a lot of Ilotov - slaves, as well as non-pervert citizens.

In Sparta, there really was not in honor of mental work, but this does not mean that Sparta did not give the story not a single poet or writer. Among the most famous of them, Alkman and Terpunder. However, even they differed in good physical training. And the Spartan Priest-Friendner Tisamen Elayky and was most famous for the fact that he was an unsurpassed athlete. The stereotype of the cultural ignorance of Spartans was born, probably because Alkman and Terpandr were not natives to this city.

Public links and foundations played quite important role In the daily life of Spartans. Among historians there is even a theory that Spartans were, it was forbidden to eat at home, regardless of their status and position in society. Instead, the Spartans had to take food solely in public places, peculiar tables of that time.

The image of Spartans, like the image of the wikigov, which many represent how, of course, did not avoid romanticization. Nevertheless, there are many things in Lacceedamians, there will be no further learn and modern manand what entered our daily life. In particular, the word "concise" has exactly the Greek roots and means a restrained, moderate and not a verbal person. It is with this, the words in Peloponnese and beyond and the Spartans were identified.

from Plutarch:
Ancient customs of Spartans

1. Everyone part of the SESCIDE, pointing to the doors, warns:
"No word comes out for them."

3. On his support, Spartans drink little and diverge without torches. Them
Not allowed to use torches in this case, nor when they go on other roads. It is established so that they are learned boldly and fearlessly
Walk on the roads at night.

4. Spartans studied diploma only for the sake of life needs. Nevertheless, the remaining types of education were expelled from the country; not only themselves science, but also people
They are engaged. Education was aimed to ensure that young men were able to
obey and courage to transfer suffering, and in battles die or
To seek victory.

5. Spartans did not wear chitons, using one-sole gymiam. They walked unwashed, abstaining for the most part, both from the bath and from being able to deviate the body.

6. Young people slept together by iax on the lodges who themselves were prepared from the reeds grew by the euro, breaking it with their hands without any tools. In winter, they added a plant to the cane, which is called the ecophone, as it is believed that it can warp.

7. The Spartans were allowed to fall in love with honest soul of boys, but to join them was considered disgraced, for such a passion would be a bodily, not spiritual. A person accused of shameful communication with the boy, for life deprived of civil rights.

8. There was a custom on which the older age asked the younger
Where and why they go, and scolded those who did not want to answer or invented excuses. The same, who, at the same time, will not enter the violator of this law, was to be punished as the intruder himself. If he was outraged by the punishment, he was even more renovated.

9. If someone has gone down and was found, it was supposed to get around
the altar, which was in the city, and sing at the same time the song that became chosen to him
There is a mission yourself.

10. Young Spartans were to read and obey not only their own fathers, but take care of all the elderly people; At meetings, give them the road, get up, freeing the place, and also not to raise the noise in their presence. Thus, each in Sparta managed not only by its children, slaves, property, as it was in other states, but also had the right to
Property of neighbors. It was done so that people act together and
Tested to other people's business as their own.

11. If anyone punished the boy and he told his father about it,
That, having heard the complaint, the father would consider a shame for himself to not punish the boy again.
Spartans trusted each other and believed that none of the faithful deceo laws
Not ordains children anything wrong.

12. Boys, where only the case is provided, steal food, learning how to attack sleeping and lazy guards. Cuts are punished with hunger and spanking. Dinner they have such a meager that they, fleeing from needs, are forced to be bold and never stop.

13. This is what the lack of nutrition is explained: it was scarce to make young men accustomed to constantly hunger and could carry it. The Spartans believed that the young people received such education will be better prepared for war, as they will be able to live almost without food for a long time, to do without any seasonings and
Featuring what falls at hand. The Spartans believed that scant food makes young people heavily, they will not be prone to obesity, but will become rosy and even beautiful. They believed that the dry physique ensures the flexibility of all
members, and loading and completeness impede this.

14. Very seriously the Spartans belonged to music and singing. In their opinion, these arts were intended to encourage the spirit and mind of a person, to help him in his
actions. The language of Spartan songs was simple and expressive. They did not contain
nothing but praised people who noblely lived their lives who died for Sparta and revered as blissful, as well as convicted of those who ran from the battlefield, about
which it was said that they conducted a sorrowful and miserable life. In songs
Praised the valor inherent to each age.

17. Spartans were not allowed anyone at least to change settings
Ancient musicians. Even the Terpendra, one of the best and oldest kifedov
His time, praising the feats of heroes, even his emines were punished, and his kifaru was punched with nails for the fact that, seeking to achieve a variety of sounds, he pulled on it an additional one more string. Spartans loved only simple melodies. When Timofey took part in a Karnets holiday, one of the eloors, taking the sword into his hands, asked him, from which side the strings added from above the laid seven on his instrument.

18. Licharg committed to the superstitions, which were surrounded by the funeral, allowing to bury in the city and near the Sanctuary, and decided not to consider anything
associated with the funeral, bad. He forbade putting someone with the dead
Property, but allowed only to wrap it in the leaf of plum and purple bedspread and so burned, everyone is equally. He forbade the inscriptions on the grave monuments, with the exception of those who were erected in the victim in war, and
Also crying and sobbing at the funeral.

19. Spartans were not allowed to leave the world's limits so that they could not
Acquisition to foreign people and lifestyle of people who did not receive Spartan

20. Likurg introduced xenolacia - exile from foreign countries to coming to
The country, they did not teach local citizens to anything bad.

21. Which of the citizens did not pass all the boys' fourths, did not have
Civil rights.

22. Some argued that if someone from the ingenians kept the lifestyle,
mounted by a likurg, it could be included in the appointed from himself
Beginning Moir.

23. Trade was prohibited. If the need arose, it was possible to use the servants of the neighbors as their own, as well as dogs and horses, if, only they were not needed by the owners. In the field, too, if anyone experienced a disadvantage in something, he opened, if it was necessary, someone else's warehouse, I took the necessary, and then, putting back the seal, left.

24. During wars, the Spartans wore red clothes: first, they
thought this color is more courageous, and secondly, it seemed to them that the blood-red should catch horror on the non-having combat experience opponents. In addition, if some of the Spartans are injured, it will be unnoticed by enemies, since the similarity of flowers will allow to hide blood.

25. If Spartans manage to defeat the enemy with cunning, they sacrifice the bull to God, and if the victory is won in the open battle, then the rooster. Thus, they are involved in their military leaders to be not just warlike, but also to master the chronical art.

26. The Spartans also join their prayers to give them the strength to transfer injustice.

27. In prayers, they are asked to adequately reward noble people and more

28. They reveal Aphrodite armed and generally all the gods and goddes are depicting with a spear in hand, for they believe that the military valor is inherent in them.

29. Lovers of sayings often lead the words: "Without attaching hands, do not call the gods," that is, it is necessary to call on the gods only if I started and working, but
Otherwise it is not worth it.

30. Spartans show children drunk hards to turn them away from drunkenness.

31. The Spartans had a custom not knocking on the door, but to serve a voice from behind the door.

33. Spartans do not look at no comedy, nor tragedies, so as not to hear something, who has been said in a joke or seriously coming against their laws.

34. When the poet of archives came to Sparta, he expelled him on the same day, as he wrote in the poem that throwing a weapon better than to die:

Wears now proudly sauie my shield flawless:
The will of the unill had to throw it in the bushes.
I myself avoided the dead. And let it disappear
My shield. No worse than a new one can get it.

35. In Sparta, access to the sanctuary is open equally both young men and girls.

36. Ehofori punished Skirafid for the fact that many offended him.

37. Spartans executed the person just for carrying her rubbish, he decorated
Its colored stripe.

38. They made a reprimand to one young man just for the fact that he knew the road leading from the gymnasium to Pill.

39. The Spartans expelled from the Ceffesophone country, who claimed that he was able to speak any topic all day; They believed that a good speaker the size of the speech should be consequeled with the importance of the case.

40. Boys in Sparta Poroli Beach on Altar Artemis Orfia during
A whole day, and they often died under blows. Boys proudly and fun
Competed, who of them will take the beatings longer and more decent; The winning Gloria, and he became famous. This competition was called "diabastigosis", and it happened every year.

41. Along with other valuable and happy establishments provided for by the Liburg for their fellow citizens, it was important that the lack of classes was not considered reprehensible. Spartans were forbidden to engage in any kind of crafts, and needs in business and in money accumulation
They were not. Likurg made ownership of wealth and unquestless and inglorious. Ilota, treating their land for the Spartans, made them the lifts established in advance; Require a large rental fee was prohibited under the fear of curse. This was done so that the Ilota, to benefit, worked with pleasure, and the Spartans would not strive for accumulation.

42. Spartans were forbidden to serve sailors and fight the sea. However, later they participated in sea battlesBut, having achieved domination of the sea, refused him, noting that the people of citizens vary from this to the worst.
However, the morals continued to deteriorate into it, and in the whole. Earlier, if
Anyone from Spartans accumulated richness, the drive sentenced to
of death. After all, it was still predicted by Alkamen and Feopompa with Oracle: "The passion for the accumulation of wealth ever spare is ruined." Despite this prediction, Lysander, taking Athens, brought home a lot of gold and silver, and the Spartans accepted him and surrounded the honors. As long as the state adhered to the laws of Likurg and the data of the oath, it was over the past five hundred years in Eldead, differing good in the shortages and using good glory. However, gradually, as the laws of Licharge began to violate, the country penetrated into the country and the desire for enrichment, and the state of the state decreased, and the allies for the same reason began to relate to the Spartans hostile. So there were cases when, after the victory of Philip, with Heronee, all Hellenes proclaimed him commander-in-chief on earth and at sea, and later, after the destruction of FIV, his son Alexander was recognized. Alone Lactedamyana,
Although their city was not strengthened by the walls and because of the permanent wars, they had quite a few people, so to overcome this lost military power
It was absolutely not difficult, alone with Lactedamyona, due to the fact that the weak sparks of likurgovy establishment were still growing in Sparta, dare not to take
participation in the military enterprise Macedonian, not to recognize these nor the rules in
Subsequent years of the Macedonian kings, do not participate in Sedrinion and do not pay
Foros. They did not completely retreat from the likurgification, while their
Own citizens, capturing tyrannoe power, did not repel the lifestyle of the ancestors at all and thus did not bring the Spartans with other peoples.
Refusing the former Glory and free statement of their thoughts, Spartans
began to keep slave existence, and now, like the rest of the Ellity, turned out to be
Under the rule of Romans.

The phrase "Spartan Education" is world famous. A clearly well thought-out and debugged system is not so much education of children, how much to build a whole society, glorified a small ancient Greek state in centuries.

But few people know that strict principles whose goal was to create a combat-ready and ready for any people with the people, led to the depletion of the culture and spiritual spiritual Sparta.

According to many scientists, it was the "Spartan Education" it was the cause of the decline and disappearance of this state.

Spartan children

The system of upbringing boys in the ancient Sparta (VIII - IV centuries BC) was called "Agoda", which meant "Distribution".

The breeding of boys in the military-heroic spirit was considered privilege, therefore it was distributed only to children of full-fledged Sparta citizens - Dorians.

For all other non-regained children, the passage through this system has opened the prospects for obtaining citizenship, so if any opportunity, parents gave their Son to Education. However, "upbringing" is not quite the right term.

It was a state program designed to form a strong army capable of transferring gravity and deprivation of long conquest. These goals were subordinated to the life of a Spartan Men from birth to old age.

Plutarchs in his work "LIBERY LIKURGA" wrote that newborn boys were brought to the Council of Elders. They saw the child, and if he turned out to be healthy, gave back his father to feed him. Together with the child, the Father relied on a land plot.

Weak, sick and ugly children, according to Plutarha's testimony, were thrown into the abyss of apophos. Nowadays, scientists have proven that the ancient Greek thinker exaggerated.

During research at the bottom of the gorge in the mountains of Taigaet children's remains, it was not found. Spartans, it happened, threw off from the rocks of prisoners or criminals, but children never.

Babies in Sparta grew in rigid wooden cradle. Warm clothes on boys did not wear. From most early years They were forced to do physical exercises - run, jumps.

At 7 years old boys were taken from home to educational houses. Here, childhood ended.

In the heat and in the coldest winter days they practiced on open air: mastered military skills, learned to handle the weapons, throw a spear.

They were naked, they never covered their heads, warm clothes were also not relying.

Sleeping young Spartans on the Seine or reeds, who themselves had to bring themselves. Food is often pupils, too, had to get on their own - robbing neighboring areas. At the same time, it was a shame on the steal.

For any provinity, prank, the falsehood of boys was strictly punished - beaten by vile.

So in Spartans the power of the spirit and durability were brought up. It was believed that the more strictering education - the better for the young men and the state as a whole.

Education in Sparta was not valued. The warrior should not be smart, and cunning. Must be dodgy, adapted to life and deprivation.

Spartans were taught to speak little and briefly - "concisely". Education of feelings, imagination, learning to arts - all this was considered a waste of time and distracting the warrior from its destination.

At 18, the young man left the educational house. From now on, he could not cut her hair and shave his beard, but continued to engage in military exercises. At 20, the Spartan was translated into a detachment of Jerenov (young men).

And although he was already adults, under 30 years old was still under the supervision of educators and improved his skills in military mastery.

Interestingly, at this age, Spartans could marry, create their own families, but still did not fully belonged to themselves.

One of the principles of Spartan education of young men was mentoring. It was believed that an experienced husband and warrior is able to teach a young citizen greater than official science. Therefore, each spartan of mature age kept a boy or a young man with himself, helping to develop his civil and military valor.

Spartan girls

The upbringing of Spartan girls, as Plutarch wrote, it was like the upbringing of boys with the only difference that they were engaged in physical exercises, without leaving the parental home.

The development of the body and the resistance of the Spirit was important for girls. But at the same time, the girls were in Sparta by the personification of purity, the attitude towards them boys and men was respectful, almost knightly.

For attention, the beauties of the young man fought in gymnastic competitions. From youth, the girls felt full-fledged members of society, citizens, took an active part in the affairs of society. Women were respected by men, as they were separated by military affairs, their patriotism and political views.

But with all the social activity of Spartan, at all times, they were famous in all of Greece with their homemake, the ability to keep the economy and maintain homely focus.

Sparta and her model of young people have left a big mark in the world military business. It is believed that the principles of the discipline of Spartan troops used Alexander Macedonian when creating his army. Yes, and modern infantry originates from Sparta.

Modern Sparta is a small administrative center in the south of Peloponnese. The population of his no more than 20 thousand people, and the attitude towards children here is quite ordinary here, they are completely in Greek, they are baulily.
Only a few ruins are reministed about the Great Past.

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Archaeological monuments, ancient Acropolis, the sanctuary of Apollo - all this can be seen in the city of Gordin, read.