Games about marine battles. Download Ship Simulator - Civil Ship (PC)

08.05.2017 Pavel Makarov

The sea has always attracted to him. His unknown, its beauty, with its scale. People have always drawn to him. Everyone in his life saw him at least once. And everyone can say that all these overflows of water in the sun are incredibly beautiful and attract to themselves. So much attracts all this beauty that I want to look at it endlessly.

But in addition to its beauty, different seas contain different stories. And sometimes these stories turn out to be quite sad. How many bloody battles passed on the water. But the benefit that even a story can be represented in a game form.

Who in childhood did not play "Battleship"? The same game, which everyone remembers from the school desk. We all mercilessly treated enemy vessels to exit the winner in this "paper war." But time goes, and games are becoming more serious. For you, we picked up the 5 best games on the PC about sea battles.

Release date: 2016 year
Genre:pirates, Marine Battles, RPG
Developer: Lion's Shade.

Indi-Development, published last year, did not gain special popularity among gamers. But despite this, she is a worthy game about pirated adventures. This role-playing game is not distinguished by special harm. Rather, she gives it to feel that the most maritime romance, without causing you to spend a lot of strength in battles or food mining for the team.

Tempest screenshots

A distinctive feature here is the open world. The player will be able to study it completely, swinging from the island to the island through the large seas. But you should not relax, the dangers can be touched in waters. There may be even marine monsters. Also in the game there are small elements of fantasy.

Release date: 2015 year
Genre:marine Battle Simulator, MMO
Developer: Lesta Studio,

Multiplayer warning simulator of military battles is now very popular. Russian and Belarusian developers were able to create a completely realistic world of marine battles. All battles occur, on the idea of \u200b\u200bdevelopers, during World War II.

As in most online games, a system for pumping for in-game currency is present here. You can spend it on improving your ship or upgrade Captain's skills of your vessel. The better you can prepare for battle with the enemy - the greater the chance of success.

Here you have a full "sea battle" of the new time. Although it is worth noting that it is more similar to "tankers" from the same developers.

Sid Meier's Pirates!

Release date: 2005 year
Genre:sea battles, open world, RPG
Developer: Firaxis Games.
Publisher:2K Games.

It is nice that the first game of the legendary series of Side Meyer became part of marine adventures. The original part was released back in 1987, so there is a remake of 2004. Like all other games of the series, Pirates are also strategy. But here will not cost without elements of various other genres.

Screenshots Sid Meier's Pirates

From the very beginning you are offered to choose a name, complexity, special skill, and one of the four countries for which you will need to go through the game. It becomes clear from this that the possibilities here are very and very much. Also pleases a variety of gameplay. Traveling around the seas, battles on ships, dancing on the balas - all of these you have to manage yourself. Each component of the game is very interesting, and the passage itself incredibly fascinates.

Release date: year 2000
Genre:pirates, Marine Battles, RPG
Developer: Akella

The main problem of Russian developers is that the popularity of their games is not the highest. Not many have heard of this wonderful series of games. And in vain, because at one time she became a breakthrough. In both the graph and the gameplay. The last parts of the series are not particularly interesting, because the first to remember was the first.

Screenshots of the game "Corsairs: Curse of the Far Seas"

The best RPG about the pirates of his time was released in 2000. You will have to play in the 17th century. The campaign can be held for three countries: England, France, Spain. You can also choose pirates. Each party has its own ending, which are all four. As in every RPG, here you can pump the skills of the main character. Also in the game there is a character rank system (captain) and vessel classes.

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

Release date: year 2013
Genre:pirates, Outdoor World, Marine Battles
Developer: Ubisoft Montreal.
Publisher:Ubisoft Montreal.

One of the loudest series recent years It could not continue now if her previous parts could not rehabilitate Black Flag. At the moment when everyone lost hope in Ubisoft, they were able to release a real masterpiece who received great recognition from the public.

Screenshots Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

The plot here departs from the previous parts, and the story is carried out from a completely new character. We can say that the plot is very rich here. Even every side task reveals the story of any character completely, from which the game becomes even more interesting. In addition to the gameplay of the game, which is very diverse, it is best to celebrate the sea theme. The battles here occur at the request of the player, but they look very epic. In addition to sea battles, you can also hunt the inhabitants of local waters and look for treasures.

The game has a lot of opportunities, and all of them are difficult to list. It is just worth playing and understand that the struggle of assassins with the Templars is worthy of being so popular.

We hope that our article helped you pick up best game on PC about sea battles. And what kind of game is your opinion best - leave comments! Also in addition, we recommend that you see this video about the games about sea battles on the PC:

Description Flash Games

Sea battles

Sea Battles.

Hello everyone who is on land. With you in touch with sea troops. We invite you to join our rows in the naval game "Sea battles". This is a shooter for boys, to destroy the enemy ships. Your boat will be on the territory of the enemy, the real battle will begin here soon. You will see a truck ship, swim to it. This is your ship that needs to be protected from enemy attack. You lit up on the radar of the ship, which means there will soon arrive a snog. They will attack you, and you must first destroy them. Your boat is equipped with martial weapons, a target from two lanes will appear on the screen when the enemy will be in the center of the target, it will become red. So - you can apply shots. Your task in the game "Sea battles" knock the greatest number Ships and boats enemy. For the passage of the level you will be equipped at the highest level.

In the top of the multiplayer you can see what kind of supplies do you have. Among them will not only highlife rifles, but also weapons far Actions. They will need to make a rocket shot for an instant explosion. The game is made in the famous chart and every detail and element of the game produce the impression of integrity and organicity. Thanks to this and the exciting genre of the game, you are inconsistently in it.

And post-war period. Players can try out several game modes and different kinds armored vehicles, airplanes and ships. Battles are held on more than 80 cards, which are real theaters of the Second World War. The game is available for free, regularly updated with new modes and content.


Multi-user pirate simulator with cooperative control of a ship and sea battles, as well as some other features allowing to join the spirit of piracy.


Famous part role-playing games about the pirate pirates, able to please the players with a huge seamless caribbean region and a lot of ships (one hundred unique species), the ability to become a captain of a whole fleet, fascinating missions, interesting skills and many other advantages. Among which, of course, interesting marine battles, with the ability to capture and rob ships. Download and play The Pirate: Caribbean Hunt is free.

5. Tempest

Tempest is one of the best role-playing games on PC about pirates with an open world and grandiose marine battles. Immediately three huge continents and several islands connected endless sea, with a lot of quest NPS, merchants, restaurants, as well as forts and colonies that can be repurchased. In addition to pirate and warships, in Tempest players, there is a meeting with legendary marine monsters. The player's own ship and team members pick up his own, engaged in their pumping and customization. There is a cooperative mode.

6. Battlestations series

Battlestations - a series of naval simulators with elements of strategies whose action unfolds in the Pacific during World War II. The player will be able to go through the most ambitious battles of the time divided into several campaigns, and even rewrite (or repeat) the course of events. Also in Battlestations there are several network game modes.

7. Holdfast: Nations at war

Fascinating military historical shooter with epic multiplayer battles (up to 150 players on one server), unfolding in the era of Napoleonic Wars. The game presents several fractions with unique units, and battles, unfolding both on land and at sea, are greatly transmitting the heroic pathos of the Great Epoch.

8. Blackwake

Multi-user first-person shooter with pirate setting, battles in which unfold in the open sea with the participation of a plurality of ships different types. Cannonades, boarding attacks, sea taran and bloody battles on the decks overlooking the first person - all this is present in Blackwake, designed for teamwork and requiring the players of a clear fulfillment of orders of their captain.

9. Naval Action.

Quite difficult for mechanics multiplayer action with sailing shipsWith realistic graphics, extensive open world and reliably reproduced marine battles with the participation of the 6th century sailboats. So far, the game dwells in early access and does not support Russian.

10. Windward

The sandbox game that allows you to go on a fascinating journey on your own ship on the tremendous procedural-generated world. Marine battles, elements of economic management, pirates, various factions, a changing world and much more - all this expects virtual navigators in original project From the studio Tasharen Entertainment.

11. Atlantic Fleet.

Our list of games continues the next project about the sea battles of the Second World War, developed and released by Killerfish Games in 2016. Atlantic Fleet is a step-by-step tactical strategy with a high destruction and historical accuracy. The players expect a large number of content and missions, the built-in script editor, complex and demanding some knowledge tactics and many other pleasant features, which unconditionally allows you to rank atlantic Fleet to the top games of the genre. By the way, another wonderful game about sea battles from Killerfish Games - Cold Waters, published in June 2017. True, it is focused on battle with the participation of nuclear submarines.

12. Maelstrom.

Multi-user marine battles simulator with RPG elements and a pleasant fantasy set. The players expect delightful sea battles in which they will fight not only against each other, but also against ferocious marine monsters. Also, you can not note the magnificent graphics and physics Maelstrom, despite the fact that the game is still in the stage of early access.

13. Steel Ocean.

Free MMO on PC, dedicated to the maritime battles of the Second World War. Players are available exciting PVP and PVE modes and more hundreds of ships divided into six classes, including submarines.


Free game about ships dedicated to the Golden Piracy Epoch of Piracy in the Caribbean. Open world, dynamic shift for and night, numerous weather effects and a glorious atmosphere of marine scope and adventure - and all this is completely free!

15. The Last Leviathan

Fasculating a beautiful game with the construction of ships and insane marine battles, in which much attention is paid to physics of destruction. In fact, players are building vessels only then in order to spend spectacularly to destroy them in the next epic battle with the ships of hostile clans or the ancient monsters hiding in the depths of the local seas.

16. PT Boats: Knights of the Sea

A distinctive game about ships on a PC from Russian Studio4 developers dedicated to small combat ships - the so-called "Mosquito Fleet". In Pt Boats: Knights of the SEA presented a large number of torpedo and guard boats, recreated in accurate correspondence to their real prototypes of the Second World War, each of which the player can lead himself personally. Or manage all the courts immediately in tactical mode.

17. Navy Field 2

Free online game About sea battles on ships, published in 2015. Available mechanics, easy and clear control, epic battles in real time, taking into account all the tactical features of the sea combat - all this highlights Navy Field 2 among other, incredibly complex and tangled representatives of the genre.

18. Battle Fleet 2

The naval tactical strategy, which also transfers the players to the Pacific Theater of the fighting of the period of World War II. Battle Fleet 2 has an extensive historical campaign, a free game and many separate missions, 7 classes of ships, some possibilities for the design of technology and detailed control over the courts during battles - up to the choice of caliber, the distance of the shot and the intensity of fire.


Original computer game From Buka Entertainment and Lesta Studio, combining elements of a global strategy, real-time tactics and an arcade naval simulator. It would seem that the developers tried to argue the immense, defining such wide frames to play, but in fact, all the opportunities available here are harmoniously fit into the gameplay and successfully complement each other. The player can take part in the most grandiose marine battles in the Pacific Basin in the period from 1940 to 1945, and personally behave into battle any of the warships or aircraft actually existed in that period. There are competitive and cooperative online modes.

20. Sunless Sea.


Skull & Bones.

A promising multiplayer action about marine battles, which is in developing Ubisoft. Realistic graphics, high-quality surroundings design and deep atmosphere Skull & Bones will be able to immerse the players in the delightful heyday of piracy in the Indian Ocean. In Skull & Bones, developers promise the opportunity to equip and repair their own vessels, robber and trample trade and military vessels, compete with competing groups for control over the most profitable trading routes.

A separate conversation theme is a unique Skull & Bones sea combat system, transferred to the game from Assassin's Creed. And this means the presence of at least entertainment and high dynamics. Accurate release date of the game on personal computers is still unknown. But there is reason to believe that Skull & Bones will be released until the end of 2019, approximately fall.

Other candidates: World of Sea Battle, Seafight, Port Royale series, SEA DOGS series, Unearned Bounty, Victory At Sea, Abandon Ship, Fleet Command, War Of Beach, Wargame: Red Dragon, Assassin's Creed: Rogue, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag.

Ships are a fairly popular destination in the gaming industry, Which over the past decade is overflowing both large and small projects that have proven themselves in the Russian video game market. Games about ships on a PC can be confidently called one of the most atmospheric representatives of the techniques used in games. But, even despite all its attractiveness and dynamism of plots, find a good-quality project that satisfies both graphic parameters and intensity intensity, it turned out not so simple.

Playing ships for free and without registration today is most often possible thanks to the efforts of Belarusians from, who presented on the game arena, one of the largest shipping projects in the history of -World of Warships. In the form of that fetish, which brought a series of games "World of ...", became a powerful unifying link in the modern gaming industry, forming a tightly connected community players from around the world, which keeps in a cohesive condition and today. This phenomenon occurs in a large extent due to the context of the game themes, which manifests itself in the light of World War II. And this is a straight premise on an incurred number of disputes and conversations among players of completely different textures. Players are players discuss the physical parameters of gaming models of ships, and in view of the regular replenishment with new ships, disputes on the accuracy and correctness of a particular model are completely flared.

The high popularity of this game about the ships on the PC was ensured by the introduction of such well-known military ships as DES MOINES and FUSO. It is these models that awaken the idea to experience the gaming capabilities of water vehicles to test the strength of American and Japanese engineering delights. Des Moines, as the Zenit of Military Thought, so far the only US cruisers attract attention to their rapidity, maneuverability and, of course, a major caliber of the main armor-piercing gun. By driving such a machine, it is possible to easily enter the hottest battles, turning the vessel of the enemy to the existence of the sieve, without fears of being punched, because armor on Des Moines abusely, in order to withstand up to five straight torpedoes in the front of the ship's front compartments. As for Fuso, here and at all you are dealing with one of the most powerful shipping throughout the history of Japanese shipbuilding. As far as the battery is installed on this battery, totaling 12 guns for themselves, and a high degree of booking is formed, Fuso can easily compete with linkuras higher Level In the literal sense of the word on an equal footing, not to mention such an opponent as des Moines. Nevertheless, the speed and caliber DES MOINES in skillful hands, turn the battle with Fuso to real art, withdrawing video games about ships on a fundamentally new level.

As a rule, games about ships on PC give the player to take part in marine battles, directly from the third or first person. However, the gameplay is not limited only to lining the ease. You can play ships, simply based on the desire to explore the seabed And try, what is it how to control the vessel in the open sea from diplomatic considerations. In this case, ship simulators on the SHIP SIMULATOR Maritime Search and Rescue are coming to the rescue. The game provides an opportunity to study the basic management technique of large marine ships, as well as detailed to consider many ships, going through all the first person decks.

It is noteworthy that such games allow the player, first of all, to get a personal ship, play and follow it or simulate full shipwreck. Taking into account the observance of the pristine physics, the process of overclocking and braking the ship in an open aquatic space occurs naturally, which means a gradual delay, which varies depending on the engine power, and it follows from this that as you pass will appear a natural desire to try something The order is more powerful. What, in general, to implement in SHIP Simulator Maritime Search and Rescue is not so difficult.

Action Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag occur at the beginning of the XVIII century. During this period, the Pirate Republic was founded on the Caribbean, only greedy and cruel survive. Among this, Edward Kenway is standing out: a muster and young captain.

Edward seeks fame and overcomes danger than and earned respect. But because of his rash actions, he has to join the ancient confrontation of the Templars and Assassins. This war threatens the destruction of the Pirate Republic. Edward will have to be more than 50 locations.

World of Warships is a multiplayer online simulator of marine battles, created by analogy of a popular tank battles simulator. Using the setting of the Second World War, the developers implemented the appropriate selection of warships in the game. Choosing between Japan, the USA or the USSR, the player gets access to various techniques, characteristic exclusively for a particular power. Access to marine ships Initially, cruisers and destroyers are limited, but gradually expands to battleships and aircraft carriers. In the future, the creators promise to supplement the base with unrealized military prototypes.

WIND OF LUCK: ARENA - Session Action-MMO, designed for large-scale battles of a large number of players. It occurs battles in the era of the sailing era. In the game there is a huge list of various ships and weapons, from which a player is free to choose any vessel and equip it to their taste. Start with small one-sailing boats, win and rob to get a huge cruiser in control.

Thanks tactical possibilities Games, skillful captain, can easily sink galleon, driving only a modest boat. Weapons in the game are no less than ships. Kernels, boot, falconet, barrels with gunpowder. With them you will spend not little exciting sea battles.

Based on the legendary trilogy on the adventures of the pirates, the game "Corsairs: the return of the legend" was created. However, the developers decided to go further, and the light saw an unexpected continuation called "Corsary: \u200b\u200bthe city of lost ships." Now the focus is riveted to mystical events. For their further development, two different locations are allocated. In the first, called city of lost ships, all ships are falling in waters Caribbean. And in the second location - the capital of the Aztec Tenochtitlan - the treasures are hidden. However, they will have to compete in a fight with mythical monsters.

Atlantic Fleet is a realistic strategy where you are coming the exciting battles to the sea. The first part of this game enjoyed great success. The game can be safely considered the sea fighting simulator of the Second World War. In the second part, the game will move us to a new battlefield, which will be the Atlantic Ocean. The main goal will be captured and monitor major shipping pathways. The first part of the game handed everything best features Atlantic Fleet's successor: A well-thought-out strategy and brilliant tactics are also present here. Having plunged into the game, you will meet with a campaign for 50 missions with a full set military equipment In the period 1939-1945.

Battle Fleet 2 - designed for connoisseurs of marine strategy. It can be played on Android. The creators of the gameplay offer you a reincarnation in the responsible captain of the warship. Your task will be - typing teams on the flotilla, ensure the vessel to the guns and fight with the enemy to your victory. Under the control of the captain there will be all that happens on the ships, including the desired number of shots and angle of guns. The player will have a huge selection of arms arsenal and plausible military vessels.

With the game Battlestations: Pacific can be plunged into the epicenter of the fighting of the Second World War in the waters of the Pacific Ocean. Only to play will have for some one country - the United States or Japan. Now the hostilities will be presented in different ways. Becoming the commander-in-chief array, you can control submarines, boats and aviation. Considering good preparation Japan's strength and weapons can easily make it the winner in this battle. Become a part of the imperial fleet or together with the US Army, fight the Midway Atoll and Okinawa Island.

Fans of games with the sea battles and seizures of other people's ships could still be possible to sympathize. Not so often manufacturers pleased players with battle sea battles with a colorful picture and interesting plot. It all started with "Corsar", not better qualityTrue, although this game has its own fans. A small invented Archeage became a small, but not much marine battles in it. And then, they are only a small part of the game plot.

But now there is Naval Action, the breathtaking game, with surprisingly plausible battles on the sea, with excellent graphics and a rigid plot. It remains only to choose time for the game and ... "on boarding!".

Corsairs: each his own, this is another role-playing toy on the theme of pirates. Lovers of this genre will be able to prepare their weapons for battle again, and ships to marine campaigns and numerous, exciting spirit, battles. Players will again plunge into the atmosphere of adventure and will be able to feel the smell of the sea and new production, as well as contribute to pirated stories. Corsairs: Each his own tells about the life and fate of Charles de Mora - an unbeatable sea wolf, which will pass through the fascinating adventures on the marine expanses and on sushi.