Check out the development of speech home birds. Abstract Node in the educational area "Speech Development"

Oksana Dobler
The abstract of integrated classes in the preparatory school group "Poultry"

purpose: Develop an active dictionary and grammatical Stroy Speech on the topic « Poultry»



Enrich the dictionary of the software topic: “Poultry ".

To form a desire to express your opinion when discussing.

Exercise use in independent speech prepositions;

Exercise in word formation (nouns due to the basis of the foundations, with the help of diminutive-laxed suffixes, attracted adjectives)

Exercise in words (Visiting the SUMS in the Certificate Case Multiple).

Clarify the presentation of children about the meaningfulness of words;

Develop attention, visual formation and world;

Automate in self-speech set sounds;


Develop memory, imagination thinking, creative imagination, interest in conducting experiments;

Develop communicative qualities in children and imagination.

Develop random attention.

Development of friendly relationships through the game, the development of empathy.

Work on the development of self-control.


Rise the ability to listen to the interlocutor's answer, do not interrupt, not shout out your answer;

Bring up careful and responsible attitude to poultry.

Educate the ability to work in the team;

Rail the skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, the ability to work in the team.

Pedagogical banner

In area "Cognitive development":

Exercise in understanding the meaningfulness of words,

Learning to draw conclusions on the results of the experience,

Development of thinking in d / and "Fourth extra".

In area « Speech development» :

Exercise in word formation (With the help of diminishing suffixes; due to the fusion of the foundations;) and the formation of attractive adjectives, improve the skill of the response to the full proposal.

In area "Socialization - Communicative Development":

To form skill and desire to actively participate in the course classes, respond, listen to the opinions of others, justify your answer.

In area "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Exercising children in the transfer of the graphic image to the sand using a different natural or cast material

In area "Physical development":

Development of kinesiological skills and shallow motors

Form of organization: subgroup lesson

erased dysarthria, EVN, deficiency of attention)

Work forms: game, conversations, hearing, discussion,


Audio records (Song "My Chickens", "Children's Plach", "vote poultry» , "Song Chickens", "PI-PI-PI-POWER",

Slide show "Bird family",

Presentations ( "4 extra","Multivalued word")

Demo illustrations S. poultry,

Psychotherapeutic Yongian sandbox,

Figures poultry and animals, house is designer"Chicken"

Doll-glove "Katyusha girl",

Small sandboxes S. kinetic sand,

Material for work in the sandbox (decorative pebbles, beans, natural and leaving material,

Contour point image of chicken,

Equipment for experiment (paper feathers, vegetable oil, hard brushes, butt (Kleenok)to work with carbonaceous water - by the number of children,

Colored fence fragments (in Lushera,

Pair cards

Illustrations poultry.

Directly educational activity

Children play B. group. Sounds phonogram "Children's Plach"

At the table, the psychotherapeutic Yongian sandbox. In it 1 house ( birds, Shirma, Glove Doll (Girl, Toy Figures poultry and animals.

Psychologist and children get around sandboxes:

Guys, what do you think, who is crying? (girl)

Look at animals and on birds And try to guess, because of what she is upset?

Speech therapist. Phonogram - birdhouse noise

Children: ….because, birds And animals are confused.


Safe or small poultry Walking among large pets? (dangerous)

What do you think you need to do? (to drive)


So from what Katyusha you birds do not drive?

The psychologist leans towards the doll, as if the doll whispers.

Guys turn out to be Katyusha, does not know the name poultry. Let's help Katyusha?

Guys, at what safe place on the bird yard we can hide poultry(in the house, chicken coop)

And so that the birds are not afraid, I will call them in the house affectionately?

1."Name gentle"(word formation)

Children perform a task, calling poultry gently, put it in the house.

Speech therapist:

Well done, you coped with this task. We sent all the birds to the house, and there were waiting for their families.

And now let's call them.

The magnetic board with progress is placed illustration birds.

1. Word formation (Calling the chicks and attractive adjectives)

Duck and spleen with ... Ducklings

Does the duck family whose? (duck)

Goose and goose, with ....

Have a goose family whose? (goose)

Turkey and turkey with .... turkey

Turkey has a family whose? (turkey)

Chicken and rooster with .... Chickens

Does the rooster have a family? (Petushina)


What are you great, you know the names birds. Katyusha listens to you and everything remembers. Here is the following the task: Standing in one place find where the cockerel hid. (Cockerel stands on interactive Table) .

2. "4th extra"

Look carefully what picture does not fit.

Well done, let's take a rest, take the pads and play with the tongue

3. Articulating gymnastics

Changing Kuvuki Fit

Let nobody lags behind. (smile - tube)

For the fence we sit down (Show your teeth)

In all parties we look. (Watch)

Our turkey is loudly bombing

Scare, probably wants. (patting the upper lip language)

Turkey turbines

Lives very simple. ( "Bbw")

And todies-kids

Drink a water from the soul ( "Hordes" draw cheeks)


Let's play with your fingers and remember the name again. poultry(children continue to sit on the pads).

4. Fingering gymnastics

The thumb requests the rest.

There is chicken chicken,

Goose has a goenk,

Turushki - turkeyonok,

And the duck has a duckling.

Big finger alternately relate to the rest, starting with the maiden.

Each mom's mom

All beautiful, good!

Compress and squeeze cams.


5. Game with kinetic sand, beans, decorative pebbles "Who plays in the sand"

The chicks love to play in the sand. And you? Who is attentive who noticed where are our sandboxes?

We will work in the sandboxes today in pairs. Take the pictures and find yourself a couple and tight hands. (Children are looking for each other by pair cards)

Let's go to small sandboxes. We will work, without breaking hands. Look, next to the sandboxes are very unusual pictures. Do you think who is depicted on them?

(on the table, small sandboxes calculated on joint work Two children, and so on. Contour point image of chickens, decorative and cast material for laying out contour images in the sand).

Take the picture and the material you like more.

Children with the help of beans, decorative pebbles lay out the picture on the sample. The speech therapist includes music (Children's songs about chickens)

Speech therapist:

Here are what wonderful chickens you got! And now let's come up with beautiful words to describe what they are.

6. Fashion formation due to the addition of the basics

The chicken is a sharp beak, it means ... (progress)

Chicken has a short tail ...

Chicken has a short neck ...

Chicken has short paws ....

Chicken and bright and yellow fluff ...

While the children end up working, the speech therapist includes a presentation. "Multivalued word"

7. Work with multi-valued words

What all the chicks are beautiful and different. Let's remember the name of the body parts birds ...(the latter call the wings)

Let's remember, but whether birds are wings? (Airplane, bicycle wing, nose wings)

Want to see what is still fashionable to call "wing" or "wings". (Yes)

Then go there where you will see a huge wing (on the projector)


Guys, what are the words that have many values? (Multivalued)

8. Experiment with feathers


Oh seems to me Katyusha again snapped. ( "Whispers" psychologist on ushko)

Katyusha asks us, which means saying "Like water off a duck's back" and invites us to see how geese swim

The speech therapist includes a video clip


Wet whether goose leaves the water? (dry)

Wets the feather water, find out that water on the feathers water is not delayed.

What happens to water? (rolls)

Why water rolls

To understand this proverb, let's carry out an experiment. Do you want to participate in it?

Children come to the table and view feathers (goose, chicken)

At waterfowl birds There are special fatty iron, with fat of which geese and ducks with the help of the beak lubricate feathers. That's why they say "Like water off a duck's back"

Do you think you need to do with paper feathers so that they become fat? (It is necessary to moisten with vegetable oil)

Children are applied on paper vegetable oil, wet the sheet with water, watch what happened (water rolled, the paper remained dry) (children's reasoning)



Guys and you remember why they say "Like water off a duck's back"?

So Katyusha tells you thank you for helping to understand the saying. And taught a lot. Now Katyusha will not cry.

Speech therapist:

What did we teach Katyush to talk? (call gentle, call chicks, etc.)


And how to make so that poultry Katyusha no longer escaped to pets? (need to build a fence)


Right. Need to build a fence. Take the fragment of the fence, the color you like most.

9. Fence in Lusheshru.

Look, what bright fence did you get? This means that from this classes You leave in a good mood ...

1. Organizational moment.
a) the game "Who is more attentive?"
- Guys, let's play the game "Who is attentive". We sit on the chairs after you hear a polite appeal.
So listen: "Slies all", "quickly all sat down", "Sit down, please."
b) number, date.
- Who remembers what day the day of the week, what number, what month?
- Today Tuesday, the seventeenth number, and the month is January.
- Who again repeat the date?
c) creating a positive emotional attitude
- What mood came to school today?
- What should I do to make the mood to be good to do everything? (look at the sun)
- What assistant words need to repeat so that everything always succeed? (I can!, I will succeed! You just need to try! Everything will be fine!)
2. Repetition of the material of previous classes.
- Let's remember where the hedgehog and foxes took us at the last lesson? (in the barn, in the pigsty, in the rabbit, in the sheep, in the stable)
- Who lives in shepherd? In pigsty? In the rabbit? In a barn? In the stable?
- Name the young animals, which see in the figure of C.2 textbook, on slides.
(foal, lamb, calf, goat, kitten, puppy, piggy, etc.)
- How to name all the animals that we talked about? (home)
-Why are they home? (Because they live with a man, at home or near the house, and a person takes care of them)
3. Actualization of knowledge.
- And now I suggest you guess the riddle
In the forest flew,
In the water fell
In the water dangling
And dry remains.
- What is it? (pen)
- What do you think, where did it come from? (options for answering children: from birds)
- Who, in your opinion, belongs to this feather? (Bird)
- And where could it fly to us? (from the forest, etc.)
4. Formulation of the theme and objective of the lesson:
- Let's listen to a small fragment and try to guess where we can hear such sounds and who they belong? (Rooster, in the yard)
- Was it might have a feather, which flew to us, belong to Petukhu? (Yes)
- Why do you think so? (Rooster - Bird)
- Why do you think so?
- What birds do you still know?
- What is the rooster different, for example, from a crow?
- What else, in addition to appearance, do these birds differ? (Rooster Poultry)
- What birds still live with a person?
- So today we will talk about the birds that live in the farm. Once again, repeat, what are these birds called in one word? (home) means let's talk about poultry.
5. "Opening" of a new knowledge:
a) conversation on the topic

What birds are homemade in the picture?
- Why does a man breed chickens, geese, ducks?
- Where do they live in the city or in the village? (in the village, on the bird courtyard)
- Why can these birds can't live in the city?
- How does a person take care of them? (feed, sew)
- What do pets eat?
b) work with mosaic (in pairs)
And now we play a little. Each of you on the table cut pictures. You need to collect a whole picture. We work in pairs. Who will bring together the picture faster, lift the hands up together.
1)Independent work Children.
2) Checking the independent work of children.
- What pictures turned out? (chicken, duckling, goenk, turkeyonok, egg)
- Who are these? (chicks)
- Is there anything unnecessary? (egg)
- Why?
- How is an egg with other chicks? (All chicks appear from the egg)
c) game "Find parents"
Guys, our chicks are lost, they are still small and cannot do without parents long. Look, chicks are ready to cry. Let's help them and find their parents.
- Who is parents from chicken? (rooster and chicken)
- And the parents of the turkey? (turkey and turkey)
- Parents of Gozenka? (goose and goose)
- What are the parents of Duckling? (duck and spleen)
- And who can be the parents of the egg? (everything)
- Why? (because all chicks appear from the egg)
- So, once again we repeat: at the goose? - Gosyat.
-Yan turkey? - Turkey
- In chicken? - Chickens
- At the spleen? - Ducklings
d) work with a pattern (p.4-5 textbook)
- What birds do you see in the picture? (Rooster, turkey, goose)
- Name parts of the body at the rooster, turkey and goose.
- Compare these birds, neck, feathers, wings, tails and legs.
- Why does the goose whose legs? (he is swimming)
- What are the names of birds who know how to swim? (waterfowl)
- Who else do you know from domestic waterfowl? (duck)
e) independent work with a pattern (p. 4-5)
Take the magic pencils and circle only those drawings in the circle, which is shown that a person gets from birds.
- Explain why you circled the pillow, down jacket and arrow.
Fingering gymnastics "Cockerel"
Cockerel stands the whole bright,
Scallop he cleans his paw.
(Palm Up The index finger relies on the big one. The remaining fingers are spread to the sides and raised up)

6. Reflection:
a) "Guess the riddle"
1. On the puddles he is important
From the water dry leaves,
Wears red shoes,
Gives soft perinka (goose)
2. He knocks his nose to the ground
Will begged by the wing - and shout.
He screams even sleepy,
Krikun is restless. (cock)
3. Amazing child:
Just left the diaper,
Can swim and dive
Like it native Mother. (duckling)
4. Remove the worm, getting water,
Bread crumbs look,
And then demolish the testicle,
Kids treat. (hen)
5. All day on water,
And the water will not be saturated.
6. Maybe crash
May and weld.
If you want, in a bird
Can turn. (egg)
7. Yellow lumps,
Lungs like cotton
Run for cuckoo.
Who is this? ... (Chickens)
- Who were the riddles? (about poultry)
b) the game with the ball "one - a lot"
Stand all please in the circle. Play the ball. I throw a ball to someone from you and call a word, such as "chicken". You catch the ball, then throw me back, calling this bird, as if there are many, "chicken" - "chickens".
Now play! (chicken, rooster, turkeyonok, duck, spleen, etc.)
c) Guys, let's remember the fairy tales. Name those in which the main characters were poultry.
7. Summing up the lessons
a) conversation
- Who talked about today?
- What's new learned about the birds?
- What games played?
b) And now draw today's mood at the sun in the textbook.
- Think at home, please, who appeared ahead a chicken or an egg?

Presentation on the topic: Poultry

Software tasks:

To form the presentations of children about poultry, about their lifestyle, body structure, fix the names of pet chicks;

Learning to form the form of a plural number of nouns, a decreasing form of nouns;

Form the ability to form and use in active speech the form of a beneficial case of nouns;

Exercise children in drafting a descriptive story;

Develop attention, memory, interest in poultry.


demonstration material - pictures with poultry and their chicks, a poultry farm, a visual scheme - a plan for compiling a descriptive story, records of poultry votes;

distribution material - Pictures with poultry, cut on 3-4 parts.

Travel course.

Organizing time .

Now I will take a magic wand, and we will move with you ... And where, you will guess if you listen to what sounds are heard around.

Game "Guess Operation".

Who is it? Ga - ha - ha. (Goose.) Vary - Varya - Vary. (Duck.) Ku - ka - ku. (Rooster.) Ko - Co. (Chicken.) Pi - Pi. (Chickens.)

Panno shows pictures - deposits.

    Main part.

1. Q:

We hit the bird courtyard. Who is only not here! Call whom you see.

Kura Petuhi Duck

Geese turkey turkey

How can all be called them?


Think why are they called birds? (There are feathers, wings and two legs.)

They know how to fly like other birds? (Not.)

Why are these birds called home? (They have a master who cares about them, they live in the barn, benefit their owner.)

What gets the owner from his poultry? (They give meat, eggs, fluff and feathers.)

What are the feathers of poultry?

2. in:

Have you heard how noisy on the bird's yard? Remember how poultry serves a voice.

Ducks - Vary - Kra! Rooster - ku - ka - re - ku!

Turkey - bl - bl - bl - bl! Geese - ha - ha - ha!

Kura - Ko - Ko or Kud - Where!

Listen to the poem. When I call various poultry, help them serve a voice. Be careful!

Teacher - Defectologist: Children:

Our claritions in the morning: Vary - Kra - Kra, Varya - Kra - Kra!

Our geese at the pond: ha - ha -g, ha - ha - ha!

And the turkey among the pond: bl - bl - blah, bl - bl - blah!

And our Petya - Cockerel

Early - early in the morning

We will sing: ku - ka - re - ku!

- What did the clarification make? (Cryakali.)

What did geese do? (Guotali.)

What did Turkey do? (Bolobotal.)

What did the rooster do? (Cooking.)

What did the chicken do? (Klokhatali and Quachtali.)

3 . Game "Nazis Laskovo".

Chicken - chicken. Rooster - ... Goose - ... Chicken - ... Duck - ...

4. The game "One is a lot."

Rooster - roosters. Chicken - ... Goose - ... Goose - ... Duck - ... Chicken - ...

5. Physkultminutka "Turkey".

Walks the yard turkey (steps in place)

Among the ducks and girlfriends.

Suddenly he saw a risk (stop, surprised to look down)

Increased sorry.

Sngorely flooded (sink his feet),

Wings shook (with hands, as if wings, pat on the sides).

The whole swelled, like a ball (hands on the belt),

Or copper samovar (thread rounded hands in front of the breast).

Strikes the beard (making a head, saying "Bala - Bala - Bala", like turkey),

Caught the arrow (running on the spot).

6. Game "Dad - Mom - Chick".

Dad - Rooster, Mom - Chicken, Chick-Chicken.

(Pictures are displayed.)

Dad - Goose, Mom - Goose, Church - Gusokok.

Similarly to other birds.

7. The game "Who Who Who?"

(Game with recking the ball.)

Chicken - chicken, chickens.

At the goose - Gusokok, Gosyat.

Duck - duck, ducklings.

Turkey has turkey, turkey.

8. The game "Machine Picture".

Children collect pictures with poultry, cut on 3-4 parts.

9. Game "Who?"

Who has a long neck? - The head has a long neck.

Who has a foot with membranes? - The goose (duck) paws with membranes.

Who has claws on his paws? - ...

Who has a beautiful tail? - ...

Who has a wide beak? - ...

Who has a sharp beak? - ...

Who is the Pinshki? - ...

Who has red paws? - … Etc.

10 . Drawing up the story - descriptions.

Each child is a story about a poultry (in his picture) in a visual scheme - plan:

Who is it?

What is the appearance?

What are the habits?

Who is this bird of cubs?

What are food?

What benefit bring?


The educator summarizes the material studied at the lesson.

Annotation: Lexico-grammatical activity in the middle speech therapy group on the topic "Poultry". The material selected for classes corresponds to the age of children is accessible to understanding, saturated with the game and clarity, implies the active activities of children. A presentation was used, an artistic word (poem), speech exercises that contributed to the accumulation and clarification of the dictionary of children, breathing exercises. Attention was paid to the formation of skills in children learning activities: Skill listen and hear the instructions of the teacher, work at a certain pace.

Abstract Node Po educational region "Speech Development"

Topic: "Poultry"

Integration of educational areas: "Cognitive development", "Social and communicative development", "physical development".

Software tasks:

Educational region "Speech development":

  1. Enrich and intensify the dictionary of children on the lexical theme "Poultry".
  2. Learning to coordinate nouns with adjectives in kind, and the case.

Educational Region "Cognitive Development":

  1. Presentations O. appearance, habits and parts of the body of domestic birds.
  2. Teach learning and call domestic birds (chicken, rooster, duck, goose, turkey) and their chicks, their distinctive features.
  3. Develop visual and auditory perception, memory.

Educational Region "Socio-Communicative Development":

  • Continue to work on the formation of a benevolent relationship between children, the ability to work collectively.

Educational Region "Physical Development":

  • Develop overall motility and small motor brushes hands.


  • painted material on the topic, domestic bird figures, image of a rooster and its parts.

Move node

1. Open entry into operation

The speech therapist offers children together to play.

2. Enter - organizational

Guess the riddle:

I'm in the village in the yard
I wake up at the dawn
"Ku-ka-re-ku" I scream
Wake the guys want. (Cock)

On the board the picture depicting the rooster.

3. Motivation for activities

Want to know where she lives a roast and who he is friends with? Then sat down comfortably.

4. Work on the topic. Expansion of existing knowledge

The rooster flew to us from the village, from the house of Grandparents. And the roasting lives there is not one, he has friends.

Who is it? (This is a chicken. This is a goose. This is a duck. This is a turkey.)

That's how many poultry lives at Grandparents. Rooster, chicken, goose, duck, turkey is poultry.

D / and "Find and name"

Where is the chicken? (Here is chicken). Etc.

Where is the poultry? (Here is homemade birds).

D / and "Find and say"

And I know the poem about our guest.

Slap with children:

Cockerel, Cockerel,
Golden scallop,
Silkova Borodka,
Oil head.

The speech therapist shows the part of the body of the rooster and asks:

What is it? (This is a head. (Scallop, beard, beak, eyes, neck, torso, wings, feathers, tail, paws).

5. Dynamic pause

The chicken was entered,
Fresh grass pinching.
And behind her guys, yellow chickens.
- Ko-ko, Ko-Ko
Do not go far.
High legs, grains are looking for.
Ate a thick beetle, a rainworm.
Drinking water full of brush.
(Children perform the corresponding movements).

6. Acquaintance with new material

D / and "Find and say"

Poultry heard their chicks and came running towards them.

Who came running? (Children call chicks).

D / and "Who Who?"

On the board pair of pictures: Gus-Gustenok, etc.

Who is the chicken? - In chicken chicken. Etc.

D / and "paired pictures"

Children pictures with a picture of poultry. Get a picture depicting one of the birds and ask:

Who has a duck? (I have a duck). Etc.

7. Practical activity

Fingering gymnastics

Poultry know how to talk. (Children perform with fingers and hands with hands with progressing text).

"Ga-ga-ha, - goose goose. - I'm not afraid of anyone! "
"Ko-Ko", - Chicken Quickness is easy.
"Varya-Krya-Kry, Varya-Krya-Krya," Ducks are cracking not in vain.
"Bu-boo bu", - turkey mumbles,
"Bu-boo bu," he wants beans.
"Ku-ka-river, ku-ku-river," I will wake all early.

8. Open output

The rooster told us a lot of interesting things, let's show him our group and treats him with grains.

Bikmaeva A.N.,
teacher speech therapist

Abstract Node "Cognition" for children 5-6 years

Topic: Poultry

Purpose: Expand and systematize the knowledge of children about domestic birds (clarify, from which parts are their body, what it is covered; tell us what the birds eat, where they live, who cares for them).
Educational tasks:
- develop in children interest in oral folk creativity: a mystery.
- expand knowledge in children about poultry; Pay attention to their distinctive features.

Developing tasks:

Develop memory, attention, thinking.
- enrich the emotional, speech and motor development of children.
Educational challenges:
- to educate a friendly attitude towards nature

Materials and equipment:
Toys: chicken, rooster, chickens, goose, goose, goose, duck, duckling, spleen, turkey, turkey, turkeyonok, chicken masks and chickens, grain bag.

Structure occupation

1. Organizational moment: (children are searched by a semicircle)

2. Working with riddles:
Rise: Guys, do you like to guess the riddles?
Children: Yes.
Rise: wonderful, then guess my riddles!

Not rides, but with spurs,
No watchman, but all wakes.(Cock)

Quokchitch, Quachitch,
Children under the wing collects.(Hen)

Yellow crumb
Looking for bread crumb.
If the worm meets -
Touch him the sides.(Chick)

Sleep or bathe
All does not drive:
Day and night on legs
Red boots.(Goose)

Who lives in Saraj?
Without a team in line rise,
Go to the pond.
Who is a long chain,
Who loves the discipline so much?(Goose with Housings)

Rise: Well done guys! All the riddles guess.

Rise: Guys, where do these birds live?
Children: on the bird's yard.
Rise: Guys, want to go on a bird's courtyard!
Children: Yes!

Presentation »Bird Dvor»

Conversation about poultry and their young.

Bird courtyard, whose house is it? (Domestic birds)

And what else is called their home? (Poultry farm)

Who cares here for poultry? (Bird)

Who else can? (Poultry)

What makes the bird and a poultry house? (Feed, wipe, clean, care)

What do birds eat here? (Out of the feeder)

What drinks? (From drinkers)

What do poultry eating? (Special feed, grain, millet, bread crumbs, worms, midges, beetles, caterpillars)

Game "Look and name"

I will show pictures with poultry, and you have a name for them.

What domestic birds we met here? (Rooster, chicken, goose, duck, turkey)

Let's remember that there is a rooster (head, torso, tail, paws, spurs, claws, beak, feathers, wing, eyes, scallop, beard)

Finger gymnastics "Ducklings

We will alternately bend the fingers, starting with the big, and from the words "Pi-Pi" rhythmic bending and blending the fingers of both hands.

The first, the second went ducklings.

The third, the fourth is water.

And behind them the fifth,

Behind the sixth fled,

And the seventh from them behind them,

And the eighth is already tired.

And the ninth devoted to all,

And the tenth was frightened.

Loudly dismissed:

Pi-Pi-Pi, Pi-Pi,

Do not eat, look!

Rise : But chickens with chickens. The chicken in the yard walks, the chickens walk to walk. Beautiful chicken?

Children (yes. Beautiful)

Rise: what's on the head of the chicken?

Children (scallop)

Rise: how the chicken from the rooster is different?

Children (a roosted tail and scallop are big, and the chicken-small)

Rise: How does chicken chicken call?

Children (ko-ko)

Rise: what chickens?

Children (small, yellow, fluffy)

Rise: Well done! Let's play! I will be a chicken, and you are my chickens (you can use masks)

The chicken was walking (we go in a circle, hiding my hands behind my back)

Fresh herbs pinch (sneezing and depicting like a hip a grass)

And behind her chickens,

Yellow guys (run and swings with machines)

Ko-ko ko-ko

Don't go far (pour index finger right hand)

Hawk legs

Looking for grains (fold your hands in front of the breast and show how you row)

Ate a thick beetle (fold the palms together)

Rainworm (index fingers depicting spirals)

Drinking water

Full trough (pull lips and as if we drink from the hands folded together)

Rise: Well done guysCan be given to determine the grain to the touch

Game "Who who is in the family"

I will show poultry in the picture, and you will call members of each poultry.

Rooster chicken




Rise: Well done! So we visited the bird courtyard. I got acquainted with his inhabitants, let's play with the ball and let's call all poultry affectionately.

Game with the ball "Nazis Laskovo"



Chicken chicken.



Chicken chicken.


Turkish turkeyonok.


Game "Bouncen"

I will show a part of the body in the picture, which poured the bird, and you will praise this bird.

Turkey is about the tail, and the tail.

Ducks are not paws, but lamps.

At the goose -na neck, and the shaft.

The chicken is not a wing, but the walle.

At the spleen, not the beak, but the keyboard.

Ogusyno is not a feather. And perile.


Did you like our journey?

Who visiting we were? (Petushka, chicken, goose, goose, turkey, turkey, ducks, spleen and their children).

Is it useful for poultry? What? (They give meat, eggs, feather, fluff).

Do you need a person to care for birds? Why? Thanks to all.