Business communication by phone: how to behave correctly. Important rules of etiquette of a business telephone conversation with outgoing calls

You want to be smart, learn to be intelligent to ask, carefully listen, calmly answer and stop talking when there is nothing more to say.


Test "Culture of telephone communication"

The test provides the formulation of the most common rules of telephone communication. If you always comply with this rule, then write down 2 points, sometimes - 1 point, never – 0.

1. I am dialing the phone number only when firmly confident in its correctness.

2. I carefully preparing for a business telephone conversation, achieving maximum brevity.

3. Before especially responsible telephone calls, I make the necessary records on a piece of paper.

4. If a long conversation has to ask, I ask the interlocutor whether it has enough time and, if not, I move the conversation to another, consistent, day and hour.

5. Having achieved connections on the phone with the necessary institution, call himself and its enterprise.

6. If I "didn't get there," I apologize to me, and I do not hang silent tube.

7. On an erroneous call politely answer: "You are mistaken by the number" and put the phone.

8. Working on an important document, turn off the phone.

9. In business telephone conversations, "I keep yourself in your hands," even if it was confused before that.

10. I call my surname or organization as a call for a phone call.

11. During the prolonged monologue of the interlocutor on the phone from time to time, I confirm my attention with brief replicas.

12. Completing the business conversation by phone, thank the interlocutor and I wish him success.

13. If a colleague, which is asked by phone, is missing, I ask what to convey, and leave a note on his desk.

14. If during a conversation with the visitor, the phone calls, I, as a rule, please call back later.

15. In the presence of employees, I try to talk on the phone in a low voice.

16. If the interlocutor is not heard, please speak louder or call back.


25 points and more -You have fully own the culture of the telephone conversation.

20-24 points- In general, you own art telephone conversationBut there are still reserves for improvement.

less than 20 points- It is advisable to study the rules again.

Phone - Self fast way Ties B. modern life. It allows you to solve many business problems, install contacts without a direct meeting. However, the phone can be a real disaster, if you do not know how to use them, neglect the rules of business communication.

Of all the types of negotiations, negotiations on the phone are the most difficult. The specificity of telephone communication is determined primarily by the remoteness factor of communication.

The interlocutors do not see each other, so only intonation remains from all paralynguistic factors in telephone communication. The main redistribution of informative load occurs between the verbal level and intonation. Thus, the intonation of a business telephone conversation is significantly less than the content of speech. Especially significant intonational pattern of start and end of communication. The beginning and end of the conversation fasten the entire spectrum of positive emotions: optimism, confidence in their positions, goodwill and respect for the interlocutor. Psychologists claim that if there is discrepancies between the content of speech and the tone of the message, then people will trust the tone more than the content.

It is estimated that each telephone conversation lasts 3-5 minutes, and since the manager talks on affairs 20-30 times a day, it means a total of several hours. Therefore, before calling, consider what you want to tell or what information you need to get, clearly and clearly specify your question.

It is estimated that, during a telephone conversation, one third time goes to pauses between words and expression of emotions, this forms fuzziness phrases. Non-infractions and does not allow to save time.

Interestingly, a man and a woman lead telephone negotiations in different ways. Moreover, if a man is talking to a man or a woman with a woman, they interrupt each other equally often, but when a man and a woman speak, then a man interrupts a woman twice as often. Men focus more on the conversation conversation, women attracts the process of communication, they are tightly perceive the nuances of the conversation, assesses the interlocutor not only as a "information transmitter", but also as a person.

It should be borne in mind another feature of a male telephone conversation. It turns out that men listen carefully only 10-15 seconds, and then they begin to analyze the situation and are ready to interrupt the conversation, draw conclusions.

Excessive politeness in telephone conversations are inappropriate. "Be kind, please ask if you are not difficult ..." - such a ceremony for nothing. It delays the conversation, causes irritation.

If you have agreed on a phone call, but not sure what you remember about you, you should recall the last conversation, call yourself. Thus, you will relieve the interlocutor from unnecessary "entry", during which he will be convulsive to remember who you and what he agreed with you.

By the way, how to say: "you about nyat "or" You are ringing i t "? Recommended: ringing it, call andthose it.

Before each call, answer your very three questions:

· Is there an acute need in a conversation?

· Is it necessary to know the response of the partner?

· Is it possible to meet with a partner personally?

What question is best solved by phone?

· You want to quickly report or get certain information;

· You need to find out the opinion of one or another official in the question of interest to you;

· You need to clarify whether the previous agreement remains about meeting with someone;

· You need to inform the partner about changing the situation;

· You have agreed with someone about the phone call.

When to call?

From 8.00 to 9.30, from 13.30 to 14.00, after 16.30. In other hours, the duration of the conversation on the phone doubles, the solution is delayed.

Expressions to avoid

I dont know

Such an answer undermines the credibility of you and your company. It is better to ask permission to wait and clarify the necessary information, for example: "Allow, I will clarify it for you"

We will not be able to do this.

With this phrase, you can lose the client or partner. Try to find a possible solution to the problem of the interlocutor. Think of what you can do in this situation, and not about what it is impossible

Wait a second, I will come back soon

Speak the truth when interrupting the conversation: "In order to find the necessary information, you may need two or three minutes. Can you wait or let me call back, "write the phone number

"No" at the beginning of the offer does not contribute constructive decision Problems. Use receptions that do not allow the client or partner to answer "No", for example: "We are not able to pay you compensation, but are ready to offer additional service. It will arrange you, right? "

Do not do it


Do not lift the phone for a long time.

Raise the phone to the fourth call.

Start a conversation with the words "Hi", "Yes", "say".

Presented, call your division and your position.

Ask "Can I help you?"

Ask "What can I help you?"

Lead two conversations at the same time.

Focus on one conversation; listen attentively.

Leave the phone without supervision at least for a while or for a long time to occupy it.

Suggest call back if you need time to find out the details.

Use for notes a piece of paper and calendar sheets.

Use forms to record telephone conversations or business notepad.

Speak "Everyone dine", "no one", "call back".

Write information and inform the Subscriber that he will call him back.

The tube is removed with your left hand, so that the right of the transmitted information can be recorded (for left-handed, respectively, on the contrary). Not far from the telephone set, there must always be a telephone notebook to record messages and handle.

Typical errors With telephone communication

The biggest disadvantage of telephone communication is indifference. Who is not interested in the case, he will not be able to adequately submit his company.

Due to the lack of interest, the responding makes such errors as:

· Unable to conduct a dialogue;

· Cheerfulness, dry communication;

· The underlined brevity bordering with ignorance;

· Impatience;

· The desire to finish the conversation faster and put the phone.

Naturally, other errors associated mainly with a negative attitude towards the partner by telephone are steming from here.

· Lack of appeal to the interlocutor by name-patronymic;

· Insufficient participation in the issues of the interlocutor;

· Inappropriate formulation of issues;

· Long pauses related to document search.

Sometimes there is a bad hearing in the tube. But this does not mean that you need to raise your voice. The view is that if I hear the interlocutor badly, he also hears me badly and, it means, it is necessary to speak louder, in the case of the phone is erroneous. With bad audible, it is necessary not to raise the voice itself. And ask the interlocutor to speak louder and ask you how he hears you.

Talk on the phone at the same volume level as in full-time conversation. Loud speech on the phone is often less picky, since the microphone and phone parameters are selected with the calculation of the usual, the average volume level.

Do not talk too quickly, as in this case it is often repeated that it was not understood by the interlocutor.

The phone aggravates the shortcomings of speech. Particularly irreversible numbers and numerals. Therefore, they need to be pronounced more clearly.

With ordinary intracity communication regulations Business telephone conversation limits duration

In this case, the following composite parts are distinguished accordingly:

In order to save time, the view during the telephone dialogue occurs not as at a personal meeting. First, the company is called, then the position and surname of the caller:

A. - Firm "Informcenter", Hello.

B. - Good afternoon.

A. - Division of public relations. We made you a proposal for advertising support for the presentation of our organization.

With a hard time, sustainable speech formulas enshrined for a particular situation and facilitating the choice of verbal form of information transfer. For example, during the transition to the second part (the introduction of the interlocutor to the case) often use the following phrases:

In the absence of visual contact, reactive replicas must be more energetic. The tube should not "be silent": for the speaker it means that it does not listen or listen to inattentively. Jet replicas of the "yes-yes" type, "good", "understandable", "so-so" accompany the message.

When moving to the second, and then to the third part (discussion of the situation), receptions of reflecting and authorization of information are often used (authorization - reference to speech to the source of information).

Sometimes due to bad hearing, a large amount of information, which is difficult to perceive by rumor, subscribers use corrective replicas:

- You could not repeat ...

- Sorry, I did not hear ...

- Can you hear me?

- Did you understand my message?

- You misunderstood me…

Not quite right understood ...

misunderstood ...

Very significant in terms of the implementation of speech design is resulting stage.

Final phrases preceding contact



- It seems that everyone discussed (spoke)

- Everything?

- that is probably all

-Do you all come to me?

-That's all

- You finished?

- Agreed?

- On this issue, everything seems to be?

- Agreed about everything?

- Anything else?

- Are you satisfied?

-I think, yes



- Anything else?

-Yes, yes, of course!

- There will be no more clarifications and additions?

- it seems nothing

- Do you still want to say something?

- Not

- No, what are you!

Thankfor information, offer, invitation, congratulations, help:

- Thanks for the offer, we will discuss the opportunity to participate in the exhibition.

- Thank you for the invitation and happy with pleasure.

- Very grateful to you for your help.

- Must (should) thank you for the consultation.

Apologize For anxiety, for an unauthorized call, for a long conversation ( a large number of questions), for concern no working time, over the late call, for interrupting the conversation for some reason, for the wrong connection:

- I apologize for the fact that I worry you on the day off ...

- Please accept my apologies for too long a conversation (for a large number of questions) ...

- Sorry for rerupting you from ...

- Sorry for the prolonged conversation ...

Express hope On the ambulance, on a favorable solution to the issue, the outcome of the case.

Liquid forms occupy a rather large place in a telephone business conversation. Consider what part of the general lexical composition of the telephone dialogue occupies the etiquette vocabulary.

A. - Hello. I would like to talk to Mr. Golovna.

B. - I have a phone.

BUT. - He says Roman Malinin, a representative of the company "Max".

B. - Very nice.Listen to you.

BUT. - I would likebefore the negotiations began to clarify something.

B. - You are welcome.I listen to you.

A. - Changed by the price of a square meter of exposure due to inflation?

B. - Yes, of course. Now one square meter Square in the pavilion costs twenty dollars, and in the open area - ten.

BUT. - Thank you.That's all I wanted to know.

B. - If you have any other questions call. I'm at your service.

BUT. - Thank you. If necessary, I will definitely use your offer. All the best.

B. - Bye.

Thus, etiquette not only regulates relationships communicating, but is a means of a rational organization of a telephone dialogue. This is very important due to the strict regulation of the time of telephone communication.

An example of a business telephone conversation

A. - Hello. Center "Intercontragress".

B. - Hello. Radutechnic University. Mironova Olga. I called you yesterday relative to the symposium.

A. - Good afternoon. Listen to you.

B. - Can you provide us with a room for a hundred thirty - one hundred forty person?

A. - Yes. We can book a conference room for one hundred fifty places.

B. - This is suitable for us, thanks. And how to make a rental of furniture?

A. - In the application you need to accurately indicate the names of all items and their number.

B. - How to send you an application?

A. - You must send a warranty letter to our address. In it you will specify all types of services and their cost.

B. - Clear. The letter can be sent by mail, and by fax.

A. - Yes.

B. - And after how many days do you get it?

A. - The letter is usually two to three days.

B. is quite a long time.

A. - You can send with a narrative, then it will come to us within two hours.

B. - So we will do. Thank you very much for comprehensive information.

A. - Please. All the best.

American businessman H. Makkey believes that "any person who supports with you phone contacts will be pleased, knowing, at what time he can catch you. That is why in business negotiations always inform him about it. "

Questions for self-control

1. Why do you need to competently talk on the phone?

2. What does it mean to "work out" conversations?

3. What questions do you need to prepare answers before business conversation?

4. What affects the success of a business conversation?

5. What are the features of a business telephone conversation?

6. How to prepare for business conversation on the phone?

7. What elements includes competent communication on the phone when it comes to the caller?

8. What elements includes a competent answer by phone?

Exercise 1

Task 2.

You call the new (old) client, the needs and tastes of which are unknown to you (are known). You need:

· Locate the client to yourself;

· To convince him to make an order.

Task 3.

You need to remind yourself after a long break. How do you build a conversation on the phone? How will the conversation on the phone will depend on the type of partner? Bring two or three different situations. Play them in pairs.

Task 4.

The group is divided into pairs and conducts telephone conversations in the following situations: clinic, editorial board, dean, bank, store, foreign consulate.

The topic of the conversation is arbitrary, but must be observed the following conditions: To spend competently, set only one question, using the minimum number of words.

Then the interlocutors change roles and again lead a conversation in the specified situations.

Task 5.

Params are invited to demonstrate their ability to talk on the phone. They ask three consecutive (logically related) issues in the following situations: Car service, theater, warranty workshop, hairdresser, dolphinarium. Questions can be prepared in advance. The main task is to spend the conversation correctly by going around the minimum number of words. At the end of each conversation, his joint analysis is held.

Task 6.

At home sit down for the phone and, using our recommendations, call 5-7 institutions. Count, how many of them are professional "respondents". Analyze your conversations. How many of you allowed oversities? In the future, try to avoid similar errors.

By the way, when you smile while talking, the voice is more enjoyable


According to experts today, over 50% of all business issues are solved by telephone. This is the fastest way to communicate, which allows you to establish contacts, agree on a meeting, business conversation, negotiations without resorting to direct communication. But from how your voice sounds, the reputation of the company and the success of its business operations depends on your manner on the phone. Therefore, the ability is correct and correctly talking on the phone currently becomes part of Image policy firm.

Culture of business communication involves knowledge: general rules of telephone conversation and basic rules telephone business etiquette.

General rules of telephone conversation:

1. Raise the tube to the fourth call: the first impression of you or your company is also developing from how long you have to wait for an answer;

2. Chatting on the phone, you should leave all foreign conversations for a while. Your interlocutor has full right to attention to himself;

3. During a telephone conversation, it is considered indecent, something is, to drink, smoke, rustle paper, chew a gum;

4. Invalid, removing the phone and responding: "minute", to make the caller wait for you to handle your business. This is possible only in extreme cases and only within one minute. If at the moment you are very busy and can not talk, it is better to apologize and suggest call back;

5. Transfer always when you are waiting for your call;

6. If you "didn't get there," one should not find out: "What is your number?" Can be clarified: "Is this a number of such that ...?", Having heard a negative answer, apologize and put the tube;

7. Call home is the invasion of a personal life, so always ask, at a convenient time you call: "Do you have time to talk to me?", "Are you very busy now?" etc. If the answer is positive, you can talk to your pleasure, but having heard the first signs of the desire to complete the conversation, you should say goodbye. The service of telephone conversation is also limited;

8. The conversation on the phone should be extremely polite. It is unacceptable to scream and annoyed during a telephone conversation, it is a gross violation of ethics of interpersonal and business communication. In response to an insult put the phone. Rugan on the phone is considered illegal;

9. The conversation on the phone should be partitioned, but immediately completed, if a guest or a visitor came to your house to the house. You should apologize and, briefly calling the reason, to negotiate the call. At home you can say: "I apologize me, guests came to me, I'll call you back tomorrow evening (in the morning)"; At work: "Sorry, a visitor came to me, I will call you back in about an hour." Be sure to fulfill your promise.

10. If the connection was cut off during the conversation, the tube should be put; Reaps the number one who called. If the company's representative talked with the customer or client, then he must dial the number;

11. The initiative of the completion of a telephone conversation belongs to someone who called. The exception is a conversation with elders by age or social status;

12. Nothing will replace warm words of gratitude and farewell at the end of any conversation, conversation. It should be remembered that the words of farewell should contain the possibility of future contact: "Let's call the next Tuesday," see you tomorrow, "etc.

Maintenance regulations Business telephone etiquette:

It must be remembered that the business telephone conversation should not exceed four minutes.

You need to call

1. The rules of etiquette require, having heard the response of the Subscriber:

Greeting and presentation during a conversation with unfamiliar man - The procedure is mutual and mandatory.

The main rule of the business protocol - the telephone conversation must be personalized. If the subscriber did not introduce himself, it should be politely asked: "Sorry, who I speak with?", "Let me find out who I'm talking to?" etc.

2. If the call goes through the secretary and where you call, you do not know, the secretary has the right to ask about the cause of the call.

3. Regardless of the circumstances, try to smile, otherwise you will not be able to arrange the interlocutor.

4. Always keep at hand notepad and handle for the necessary records.

5. Preparing for a telephone conversation, make a list of questions that need to be discussed. Repeated call with apologies about the fact that you missed something, leaves an unfavorable impression and admit only as a last resort.

6. If you could not find the person you need, ask when it is more convenient to call back.

7. Plan a message in advance if you know that the information will be transmitted through a third party or through an answering machine.

8. If you leave a message on the answering machine, after greetings and view, name the date and time of the call, and then brief message And the words of farewell.

When you call you

According to the rules of etiquette, removing the tube, you need:

1. If you want to talk not with you, but with someone else: "One minute, I will pass the phone now"; The one who is called to the phone should thank: "Thank you", "Thank you, I'm going now."

2. If there is no need at this moment on the spot, then the approached clarifies that this person absent. Such answers should include a request to call back at a certain time: "Could you call back in an hour", etc.

3. If the phone calls, and at this time they speak on another device, it should, remove the phone, apologize, whenever possible, complete the first conversation, put the phone, then proceed to a conversation with the second interlocutor or apologize and ask to call back at a certain time. It is unacceptable to make waiting for the caller more than one minute.

4. It is better to refrain from answering calls if you make a business meeting or business meeting. Priority always belongs to a living voice.

5. If you are calling on an important case, when people are in the office, it is better to answer a call from the neighboring room or in the absence of such an opportunity to ask you back at a certain time, or reduce the conversation to a minimum.

In modern business culture communication special attention Pay phone conversation. Several axis of telephone communication, especially if you are calling for the first time.

Art conversation on a mobile phone.

Mobile phones firmly entered our lives. Probably the need and advantages of this means of communication are indisputable, and mobile communications It should be taken as a fruit of civilization.

Therefore, we can formulate some general rules Etiquette when using a cell phone.

Examine its characteristics and functions, in other words, read the manual.

Remember when you should turn off the phone or put the vibration mode.

Switched off: collections, movies, sport games, worship, seminars, communication with the client.

In vibration mode: In public places where you can answer the call without interfering with others.

If people around you are, but you need to talk, do not shout. Cellular telephone It is really more sensitive to sound and voice than a regular phone. You can even say a little quieter than usual, and your subscriber will hear you (and not other people in the room).

Avoid conversations by phone at the table in the restaurant. If you need to answer a call, ask the caller to wait a minute, apologize, exit because of the table and talk about the telephone vehicles in the restaurant or on the street.

Avoid conversations where you can distract the attention of people.

Avoid conversations on personal topics where you can hear. Measure who around you. Do not move dirty underwear in people.

Reduce call volume.

If you still enrolled incorrectly, it is better to avoid unnecessary excuses. Say: "Sorry, I forgot to turn it off" - just as bad how and leave the phone to call.

Be brightest. If you called and you are not alone, 30 seconds are a maximum.

If you are called in a public place or on a private meeting, it's unpleasant in triple: 1) puts you in the bad light, and you are ignorant and stupid look like; 2) all causes confusion; 3) You put the caller in an uncomfortable position, giving him to understand that "you are at the meeting" (a big deal!), And he sticks with a chatter.

Reality shows: answering a call during the meeting, you are the easiest to tell your future client or customer: "I do not appreciate you and your time spent with you. You are not as important as a person who can call. "

But keep in mind: there are situations where you must answer the call- Sick child, waiting for a big deal, an important message.

According to the rules of etiquette, before the meeting, it will be necessary to prevent those present that you are waiting for an important call, and get permission.

A, - Hello, "Intercontragress".

B. - Hello, I called you yesterday relative to the symposium.

A. - Good afternoon, listen to you.

B. - Can you provide us with a room for a hundred thirty - one hundred forty person?

A. - Yes. We can book a conference room for one hundred fifty places.

B. - This is suitable for us, thanks. And how to make a rental of furniture?

A. - In the application you need to specify the name of all items and their number.

B. - How to send you an application?

A. - You must send a warranty letter to our address. In it you also specify all types of services and their cost.

B. - Clear. Can I send a letter by mail and fax?

B. - And after how many days do you get it?

A. - The letter is usually two to three days.

B. is quite a long time.

A. - You can send with a narrative, then it will come to us within two hours.

B. - So we will do. Thank you very much for comprehensive information.

A. - Please. All the best.

The most important mistakes in the culture of communication by phone.

1. Do not ask if the wrong number scored: "Where did I get?", "And what is this number?" Just specify: "Is it 555-34-56?".

2. It is impossible, removing the phone and responding, now it is necessary to say: "For a minute" and make the caller wait until we hand over with your affairs. If you definitely can not talk to talk, for example, because you have to open the door, tell me: "I will call you back in a few minutes," and do not forget to fulfill this promise.

3. Do not risk typing a memory number, if not quite sure that remember it.

4. Do not play a very witty game "Guess who?" If your colleagues do not recognize your voice.

5. Do not ask: "What are you doing on Saturday afternoon?", If you want to offer some reason at this time. This question suggests a refusal in advance if the interlocutor is busy or an indefinite answer. You can put it in an awkward position, forcing it to admit that on Saturday evening he is not busy. Better explain what's wrong, and offer if the interlocutor is free at this time, meet him.

6. Do not say "Hello" when you take off the phone if you are working in a large firm. It is better to pronounce its name.

7. Do not forget that conversations with employed people need to be briefly.

8. Do not allow the visitor to listen to you during a telephone conversation, and ask to come in a few minutes or stop the conversation.

9. Improvisation, call without pre-training essential materials. Not recorded keywords, conversation plan.

10. Do not lift the handset for a long time (you need to raise up to 4 calls).

11. Speak "Hi", "Yes" at the beginning of the conversation. It must be said: "Good morning (day)."

12. Ask: "Can I help you?", Will asked correctly: "How can I help you?".

13. An unclear goal of the conversation.

14. Adverse time to call (lunchtime, end of the working day, etc.).

15. Monologists instead of listening to answers to the questions.

16. There is no subsequent record of the business conversation, it is not acceptable to record on random pieces.

17. Leave the phone unattended at least for a short time.

18. To speak: "No one", "please call back." You need to record information and the caller's number, promising to call back.

19. Maintaining parallel conversations.

20. Non-specific arrangements in the end.

21. Use an informal communication style in a business environment.

22. Do not turn the conversation into questioning, asking questions like: "Who am I talking to?" Or "What do you need?".

It is necessary to monitor its diction. You can not clamp a microphone with your hand when you pass something from the conversation to those who are near - your comments can hear a partner talking to you by phone. In the case of saying complaints or complaints, do not speak partner, that this is not your mistake that you do not do this and that you are not interested.

In terms of official communication, tone is not allowed. The tone should be calm, discreet, even regardless of the folding setting. Even if your interlocutor is annoyed and expresses discontent, manifests emotional incontinence, owning himself and suppressing a desire to answer the same way, you have an additional advantage. Learn to own themselves psychological training and constant attention to his speech. IN conflict situations It is impossible to dump the whole guilt on the other side. Recognition of at least partial responsibility for what happened removes the situation of the "go of the ball" (alternating mutual accusations) and takes a conversation again in the row of a constructive dialogue. It is known that a friendly attitude towards the interlocutor, willingness to listen to him - the basic rule of Russian etiquette.

In addition to the very question, a person who collided with problems is a deep need for understanding, he expects you to properly diagnosed its problem. The doctor and the lawyer need to tell the whole truth, and most people know it. There are sayings on the topic: "Tell the lawyer, everything as it was in fact, he himself then confuses everything for you."

Often, a person has a need to fill out the soul, if he has some personal experiences - and you can destroy even a positive impression of you if you interrupt or show the lack of interest in it personally, but you will only demonstrate interest in his business and His money.

If you interrupt the interlocutor, do not answer his questions or ask counter questions, do not ask his opinions, do not specify the details, but simply a monologue describe how it happens to you, it greatly reduces the effectiveness of the conversation.

Rule number one: if a person has a spiritual impulse, his speech is poured by the river, - let him speak out, apply the techniques of active hearing, - "Yeah", "Yeah", "Yes," and clarifying questions, because perhaps he is You will tell you everything and you can diagnose its problem.

An example of a dialogue using several described techniques formulated based on real issuesWith which people usually turn to lawyers:

- (Company name), good afternoon.

- Hello, I would like to know the prices of your services.

- Yes of course. My name is Nikolai, I am the head of the client department. Can I find out what your name is you?

- Artem Dmitrievich.

- Nice to meet, Artem Dmitrievich. We have a rather large range of services. So that I could answer your question, please describe in short, what happened to you?

In this case, we, firstly, greeted the potential client, who called, we called named and by the post, and learned the name of the interlocutor. Further, we went to the interlocutor by name, which is also very important when communicating with unfamiliar people.

We are quite comprehensive as possible in this situation, on his question about the cost of their services and intercepted the initiative, justifying it by what we need to learn more about his problem to answer the question more specifically. Next, he says:

"I got into an accident, a culprit at the traffic police some connections, I fear that I would not commemorate damage for a broken car and would still make you pay from your pocket.

- When and where it happened, what traffic police are considered?

- Moscow prospect, house 48, a week ago. Case in the traffic police of the Moscow region.

Next, we ask more clarifying questions: whether there are some documents, certificates, a scheme of incident, calculation by damage assessment. It follows the answer: "Yes, there is a certificate, there is, there is this ..." It turns out, we have enough source data to understand our client or not our. In this case, this is our client, so we, deciding in this, then have to translate it to the next stage so that it came to us to the primary consultation.

- In this case, I propose to discuss all the details at a personal meeting. When would it be convenient for you to come to us for a consultation?

- I do not see the point in the meeting, you just just by phone approximate costI'm interested only in numbers.

Thus, our first attempt to prescribe a meeting ended in failure. What do we do in this case? In response to his objection, to a replica about the reluctance to come to you, you can say that not all people have an idea how the work of a lawyer is being built. This metaphor can help:

- Lawyers are similar to the doctors: to make a diagnosis, the doctor needs your tests. Do you agree with that? We need to see your documents. For a doctor analyzes, and for a lawyer - your documents

Usually all people say: yes, of course. On the example of work, doctors is well shown. Then you make wiring to the future and on points describe the interlocutor, which will specifically take place on consultation.

- At consultation, we will study your documents, ask you a few clarifying questions, we define exactly how we can help you, we describe the sequence of actions to solve your problem.

We ask this technique, which we talked a little earlier when the structure was disassembered. That is, you ask the program that specifically will happen after he will agree to come and come. Thus, you give a man in the hands of the card, according to which he will need to go through, you have already drawn it for him.

- At the end of the consultation, you will have a clear picture of what and how to do to achieve the desired results.

Here you are the arguments in favor of his personal visit to you, point to his personal benefits he will receive from this consultation. Even free consultation needs to be sold because potential clients Telling to perceive it as your cunning trick in order to lure money out of them. You, in response to this stereotype, should insert a similar phrase into your scenario: a description of the benefit from the fact that the interlocutor will take advantage of your free or inexpensive service.

- Tell me, will it be convenient for you to drive up to us today or tomorrow?

The second attempt, the second time we throw the fishing rod. Perhaps not all customers you will have such obsuchi, but still you should be to meet such resistance and tactfully process any objections even the most intractable customers.

- How many still cost your services?

How to properly present the price - this is the topic of a separate chapter. We give one of the options for a possible answer:

- I can tell you that we have no lowest rates in the city, and the reason for this is that we make our work well and achieve the result. And the quality costs money, you probably understand it yourself. The price for services begins from ... - (and call the lowest bar). More information can be said after studying your documents.

As a result, you answered the question, giving an idea of \u200b\u200bthe level of value, but reasonedly justified why you can not give a specific answer, which would put the client before choosing, contact him for your services or not. Obviously, in his head he has a certain budget, how much he is ready to spend on these services.

Let me remind you that the main purpose of receiving incoming calls is not exhaustive answers to all the questions of the client and do not put it before choosing, buying or not to buy, not to sell him immediately on the telephone contract, because it is much more complicated than this can be done on consultation. You must put yourself a goal of receiving a call - this is not a sale of a large service, but the sale of a small simple step is consulting in the office.

Want more useful materials?

  1. 3 chapters from the book "Law firm by a million: from private practice to market leadership" (PDF, 32 p.)
  2. "Marketing Plan Doubling Profit law firm out of 10 simple steps "(PDF, 22 p.)

1. Meaning and features of communication by phone. Preparation for a conversation with a business partner.

2. Rules for conducting telephone conversations.

1. Modern business communication can not be submitted without telephone communication . This is the easiest way to quickly establish contact. The ability to carry out telephone communications affects both the personal authority of managers and managers and the image of the organization they represent. American business communication specialists argue that one of the reasons for the difficult financial situation of many organizations is the uncompatory of their employees, which is particularly clearly manifested when talking on the phone. Therefore, in successful companies, new employees are obliged to attend short-term courses in mastering office equipment, where special attention is paid to conversations by phone.

In the professional sphere, calling applicants for a vacant position, business partners, customers and journalists. These conversations take a lot of time. Therefore, the ability to lead short Conversation and fast rebuildResponding to status, psychological features and sentiment of the addressee.

Choosing time For a conversation on the phone, the partner's day routine and the organization's work should be taken into account. If a prolonged conversation has to be, it is necessary to ask if the interlocutor has the necessary time. With a negative response, you must ask if you can call back and when it is more convenient to do it. Regular telephone communication with a business partner allows you to set the constant time most convenient for both sides. For long-distance calls, it is necessary to take into account the difference in time.

Before each telephone conversation should be considered :

    does it have an acute need;

    is it necessary to know the response of the partner;

    whether it is impossible to meet him personally.

Preparing for a conversation, you should create a plan that will help reduce the time of communication, avoid prolonged pauses, build questions and suggestions in a logical sequence, without missing anything substantial. It is very important to clearly formulate the goal; Choose questions for discussion; Determine which information should be sent or requested which documents may be required. During the conversation, it is usually necessary to write part of the information. To do this, prepare a pen and paper in advance.

The consequence of bad preparations are reservations, lack of information, improper prediction of the partner's reaction and ultimately unsatisfactory result.

Scheme communication on the phone includes :

♦ greeting;

♦ performance;

♦ awareness of the existence of the interlocutor;

♦ A summary of the essence of the problem;

♦ Questions and answers to them;

♦ Completion of the conversation.

Feature telephone conversation is that only works audinal Information reception channel. Consequently, especially acoustic means of transmitting non-verbal information.

2. After greeting you need to call yourself. If the service telephone calls an unfamiliar person, communicate, name, patronymic, position and institution, which is represented. Must be introduced to the one who answers.

It is necessary to say concisely, concentrating the basic information in one or two sentences, without going without the need for unnecessary details. Drafts should be avoided, do not shout and not whisper. Good dictation is especially important in international contacts.

Since the Communicat, to which they contact, cannot see the interlocutor, intonation plays a decisive role. It is she who creates the first impression that is then difficult to correct.

The resulting must be attentive to the issues of the interlocutor. Answer them should be clearly and truthfully. If the problem under consideration is outside its competence, it is necessary to call the one who can solve it.

The client who calls to express the complaint or make a claim, must be asked to introduce themselves. It should be heard, not interrupting, and report, in which time all circumstances will be clarified, as well as when it can call back for the final answer.

Ends the telephone conversation to his initiator. Preference in this is also given to the eldest, age and a woman.

Summing up, it is necessary to summarize what has been said, let us repeat what was decided about further steps, agree on the method, date and time of the next contact. Final phrases may be gratitude for the call, wish success.

To increase the efficiency of business telephone conversations, the following recommendations should be followed. :

♦ prepare documents in advance that may be needed during the conversation;

♦ It is positive to tune in and take care that the partner immediately has a good mood;

♦ speak calmly, without irritation;

♦ allocate particularly significant words;

♦ avoiding monotony, change the pace of conversation;

♦ use pauses to struggle speech and increasing its understandability;

♦ to repeat the information you need to remember (for example, the date and place of the meeting, which arranged by phone);

♦ Do not put forward harsh objections;

♦ To carefully listen to the interlocutor, periodically inserting " yes», « sure», « i understand».

♦ Having received a refusal, say goodbye to friendly form.

In the book IN AND. Venediktova « About business ethics and etiquette"It is also noted, what should not be doneWhen the phone is ringing:

* long do not lift the tube;

* At the same time, talk with two interlocutors;

* ask a question if the answer is known in advance;

* Ask: "Can I help you?" or "What do you need?";

* Speak: "There is no one here. Call back "or" we are not interested. "

Thus, if you need to quickly inform or get the necessary information, find out the opinion, achieve agreement or report a change in the situation, you should use a telephone conversation. To do this, you need to choose a time convenient for the interlocutor.

The most important requirement of cultural telephone communication is concise. Most of all this rule relates to communication with leaders, in whose activities telephone conversations play an important role. The second most important requirement is polite tone. A telephone conversation should cause positive emotions and encourage positive actions.

Studies have shown that there is up to 25% of working time for communication on telephone. Phone calls are considered the strongest and frequent stimulus, which eliminates the possibility of focused work.