Where are your potential customers? Subtleties of working with potential customers.

People who are simply needed by your product or service, they are simply not guessed about it. Your task is to make them real customers.

Of course, the search for potential customers is not the easy job. Therefore, competent leaders entrust it with only experienced and proven employees.

So what are the basic search methods?

1. Advertising. Business without it is impossible. Whatever you do - selling toys or the provision of hairdressers, kept a shoe store or a cleaning company - potential customers are rarely found.

2. Appeal by mail. Also a very good way to find customers. However, this method requires careful study. If you just send a pack of letters and wait for the influx of buyers, then you will not wait for the result.

Alternatively, break the lists of potential customers into certain groups. Let one trade manager respond to one group. An employee regularly, for example, every Monday, can send 10 letters in accordance with his list, and on Friday to call the addresses and recognize their opinion.

3. Participation in exhibitions, fairs and conferences. And where did you get that your potential customers do not attend such events? Still attend! During the participation in the exhibition alone, you can attract much more clients than in the month of the postal rate.

Moreover, in such events it is not necessary to participate. It is enough to follow them and visit them to use maximum opportunities to search for customers.

Well, we figured out. And how to recognize them? Everything is quite simple here. First you need to define if you, for example, sell children's toys, then yours the target audience - parents and children. However, a child in most cases will not be able to pay for the toy favorite, so that only parents are interested in the potential customers.

One of the secrets of client involvement is a bright speech. Those who are endowed with the gift of beliefs and knows how to colorfully describe any product - inborn verified that potential customers willingly "peck" on a verbal description than the visual representation of the object. For this purpose, the training for trading managers will be technically. In such classes, you can train in the description of various goods (not only those that you offer).

What to do when potential client Already on the threshold? If you think it is done, you are deeply mistaken. Here everything will depend on how you will give him your product or service. Tell the client, what benefit, he will receive that he will be able to feel, making a purchase. For each objection you need to answer and turn it in the advantage of the transaction.

Follow these tips, and your potential customers will very soon turn into real!

The phrase "potential client" in sales is used as often as "Armageddon" at the Congresses of Jehovah's Witnesses. But who can you actually call it? Let's try to figure out that this phrase does not turn into a commaless pointless cliché.

After all, a potential client is not any person who passing by the plumbing store, looks at the toilet in the showcase. To consider some specific person (or organization) with a potential client, it must comply with four requirements.

Requirement 1. It should be given the need for the proposed product.

Your potential consumer must necessarily comply with this condition, unless you want it to ever "Doros" from the possible client. There is nothing to spend your own efforts, nerves and precious time on a subject, which is not experiencing and may never experience needs to be purchased your service / product. For example, what to offer a booth with cigarettes to a children's cafe? Or fresh beef vegetarian?

It happens somewhat differently. When the client himself does not recognize any of his needs until the seller tactfully indicates it to it. For example, the director of the bank may not think about how the performance and labor efficiency of lending managers will grow, if they teach them a blind decadent method of a set on the keyboard.

As far as the percentage of embittered visitors will decrease, who simply do not stand the spectacle, as the creditorship knocks a leisurely fraction with two maphyberry fingers and delays a wonderful wait.

But when we are attempting to sell the product in which he is not obviously interested, it can be called in one word: imposition. And the seller ... He, because Kazanova, it is important to be persistent, but not intrusive.

Requirement 2. He should want to purchase your product.

Do you think that you can build a deal on just only?

If you judge, the absolute majority of us throughout our lives are forced to learn to ignore your needs. And desires in this case play not the last role.

You need to buy a winter jacket - but a person spends the last money for a trip to Turkey.

Companies need to purchase new equipment - but a new Renge Rover is purchased for the chief accountant.

Workers demand a salary - but the owners of the corporation lost her poker ...

All these things are taking place due to pulses, which immediately recognize all moms (and many dads), lasted until the fourth birthday of their child, and they look as follows: "Hachchu!"

Now seriously. If we are talking about personal, direct sale, who, what do you think interest should be initiated? You come to a person and want him to buy something from you. Should there be a desire to take possession of your product initially, or still the calling of this desire falls on your shoulders?

Of course, yours. Almost a potential-client never heard of you, and, accordingly, could not have any interest for you. But you called and this interest was sold to him. It remains only to competently prepare to and show him how he wants to have what you offer.

If speak about retail, then it's still easier: since the potential buyer wandered into your salon / store, then what any, tiny and ghostly, but he already has interest. It remains only to take a bull for the horns ... and sell this bull to the client.

Requirement 3. It must have financial opportunities for purchasing your product.

Surely Apple's laptops of the latest model, which are so functional that unless the scrambled eggs are not fry, they would fit well in the interior of any office. But if you come to the receiving "fading" newspaper and offer them a similar solution, you can hardly become good friends. Not at all because the Commander has no desire or correspondents there are no needs. Just because they have no money for it.

Before going with some proposal to a new person or group of persons who meet the above two requirements, make sure that they are quite consistent to pay for your services or goods.

True, there is a slight exception to the rules that borders the fantastics, but repeatedly proven: if a person has enough desire, in almost all cases, he finds the funds as magic.

Requirement 4. He must have decision-making authority

You can be in an extremely awkward situation if you "catch" your potential client for a long period, but then find out what it is not competent in making decisions at all. In the world, where even the Deputy Head of Protection has five assistants and three deputies, it happens.

Most often, the situation described above occurs when "cooperation" with corporate clients. You run for people, arrange brilliant colorful presentations, but all the time they promise to call back, or think, or "advise" ... The fact is that they do not have the necessary powers to decide on the purchase of your services / goods, but can not openly admit This "somehow."

Now you can accurately answer the question about who your potential client, and who can be called that, and who is not. It remains only to figure out how to determine the role of a person in an organization to assess the effectiveness of its strategy when working with them. If you are not tired and ready to spend a few more minutes, then you

Experienced sales managers do not just listen to them that they say potential customers - they are in the essence of the said, as people are never 100% honest with sales representatives.

Is it possible to blame potential customers? Always, because one of the most important tasks of a good salesman - to recognize the true intentions of who he wants to sell something. To learn how to better understand their customers, consider several typical phrases, as well as their true meaning and answering options.

1. "request to me in a couple of weeks"

Sales Manager may interpret this phrase as: "I am interested, but at the moment a little busy." However, in fact, this means: "I do not want to tell you" no "by phone right now, I will refuse you in a couple of weeks by email."

If a potential customer is confident that your offer will help his company save money or stand out on the background of competitors, he will want to use your services right now, and not once in the future.

How best to answer?

"Well, I will contact you. And so that I could provide you with the most relevant information, could you tell me [clarifying the question]? " This will allow you not only to find out more information about the potential client, but also involve it in a full conversation.

Another answer is also possible, it seems: "I understand that you are busy. Do you have time for a five-minute conversation? I would like to make sure that our further conversation makes sense. "

2. "I don't have time"

According to sales director in Listen Current Suzanne Harron, this phrase needs to be understood as follows: "I do not understand what your product is so important to me." In the end, even a very busy person will always find time for what will truly help him.

How best to answer?

"No problem. I will be happy to contact you in a few days (week, month, etc.), but if you have a couple of free minutes right now, I can tell you how our product will help you with [Customer Situation]. "

"The key point here is to convey to a person how your product will help him solve his pressing specific problems," explains Harron. As soon as a person is aware of the relevance of your offer, it will immediately have time to listen to all the details.

3. "I recently occupy this position to make decisions about buying"

Potential customers often declare that they have just come to the position and do not want to decide on the purchase of a particular product. In fact, it means the following: "I am afraid to violate the current state of affairs and take responsibility for the purchase of a new product."

How best to answer?

In such a situation, you should find out if there is any more authoritative person responsible for the adoption of such solutions. You can say the following: "I understand. Could you connect me with someone from your leadership? I would also like to send you a document that explains in detail how our product will help you cope with [problem description]. "

Nevertheless, if you are sure that the person with whom you speak has the authority to make decisions, then we can say the following: "I understand you - and just want to provide you with information. I would love to send you a description of the cases, which describes in detail how other companies already use our product. In addition, I can send you a sample [link to the trial version, the test period] so that you can carefully study our product before making any decision. "

4. "We do not have money for it"

According to sales specialists, the following doubt usually lies under the lack of budget: "We are not sure that your product is effective."

How best to answer?

But if a person is in the later stages of making a purchase, then make focus on the ROI of your product and demonstrate to him how the refusal of this valuable acquisition will negatively affect the company's profits.

5. "It seems that this is the appropriate option for us."

When your potential client calls your product "a good option," the manager already mentally celebrates victory. However, the Sales Director in CENTRIFY Mark Gibson calls for not hasty conclusions: "A similar phrase often means that your product really liked the client, but he also considers two more or three options that seem to be good." Thus, as long as the potential buyer has signed the contract, it is not necessary to rejoice in his triumph.

How best to answer?

If you have already found out that stops a potential client from making a purchase, it's time to dispel these doubts. In this case, the last sentence of the previous answer should be replaced by: "I know that you have doubts about X and Y. This is what stops you from shopping?"

6. "Your product would be useful for us, but we need a function x"

In some cases, potential customers do not just come up with excuses - your product does not really have any function that is very important to them. Nevertheless, sales experts believe that often such a phrase means: "You have not demonstrated to me how your product will help solve our problems."

How best to answer?

"Thank you for informed me. Why is this feature priority for your company? ". After finding out why it is so important, continue the conversation in the next key: "I definitely understand why you need a function X. Since this is not provided for us, you can achieve the same results by using the Y function.

With this answer, you can demonstrate to a potential customer that you are informed about its needs, and this is 69% improves sales efficiency. In addition, you show your attentiveness and responsible approach, offering the buyer alternative options solving his problem.

7. "When can I start using your product?"

If a potential customer asks you about the delivery date or time to start using the product, then this is usually good sign. According to Mark Gibson, such a question means that a person is most likely interested and thinks: "When can I use the proposed service?"

How best to answer?

You should answer in this way: "What is the best date for you? I will do everything possible to get your order on this day. " Even if in the end it will be, you will not be able to give such a promise, you will show your limitless desire to help.

In case you are not quite sure that the potential customer is ready to make a purchase, ask the following question: "Is there any reason why our product needs you right now?" This will help you find out those customer needs, which he has not yet said.

In accordance with my experience, in the world of sales there are five reasons why you will not buy:

No need for the lack of money lack of a rush lack of desire lack of confidence

Last reason From the list - the lack of confidence is the most difficult to understand, but it is the most important. The only way to learn how to separate a personal rejection from the business failure, when a potential customer says "no" - is to achieve an understanding of the importance of trust in the relationship in sales. People must trust you to buy from you; If you do not meet their specific requirements, they can hardly agree to acquire your goods and services.

If a potential customer does not buy from you because of the lack of trust, does this mean that they are rejected personally? Not at all! When you say "No!", It means only what you need to analyze the reasons for refusal. Does anyone trust you in anything? Do you consider yourself absolutely not trustworthy? Do you imagine a decent product or service to which you yourself to sincerely believe? What are the "silent signals" you send to potential customers through body language or facial expressions? Although personally, I am not familiar with many of you, I will venture to make the assumption that you are a person deserving confidence. Your problem is that you could not convince the potential client in your reliability.

Your human qualities are defining in the development of your career, and since trust is a key factor in solving a potential client to say "yes" or "no", let me dwell on it in more detail. Someone once said: "With the help of people, you can spend, but never make your return." You can express this thought and otherwise: "You can cut the sheep every year, but it is possible to contempt the skin from it only once."

Why will you make sales in the future?

In order for you to sell, and your potential client passed all the way from the point "No" to the point "Yes" (the way from the thought "I don't have any need, no desire to deal with you, because the amount you requested significantly outweigh The advantages they receive "to a smile on the face, openness and handles in the hand to sign the contract -" I take! "), You must make a number of steps (they are presented on the shown points below).

"NOT!" .................................................. ...............................YES!"

The steps that need to be taken to approach the conclusion of the transaction include the conquest of the sympathy and confidence of the potential client. To trust you, a potential customer should have a sympathy for you, and without trust, he hardly buys.

Conquest confidence

Because confidence is an indispensable condition for the proceeding process, consider steps that will enable you to conquer trust in such a way that you will begin more and more often make deals. Trust is born from the first favorable impression. A favorable impression as mentioned earlier, begins with your appearance. The corresponding robe (both at a personal meeting and in negotiations by telephone) significantly affects your well-being and the opinion that the potential client. All studies show that, with other things being equal, the appearance that emphasizes respect for the potential client - again, and at the meeting, and telephone conversation - significantly increases the chances of conclusion of the transaction.


Often, sales specialists with modest professional skills, but with a high appearance of the appearance sell much more than their experienced colleagues who have not passed the external data exam. Remember that in this matter the most important thing is compliance and relevance. How do people wear with whom you have to meet? It is worth reminding both a warning caution, but not lost its relevance: "You will not have a second chance to make the first impression."

Trust and self-confidence

If you have passed the test in appearance, do not relax - the following judgment about you a potential client will be by what hears from your mouth. Now you can demonstrate your level of self-confidence, and confidence is the second factor in the conquest of trust.

The appearance shapes the first impression, and the words and tone of your voice add additional touches to your appearance. In his book, "Silent Messages", Dr. Albert Mehraban explains that 55 percent of our psychological attitudes and feelings are expressed in non-verbalforms, including appearance, pose and gestures; 38 percent of our installations and feelings are expressed ton vote;

7 percent are expressed words, Which we select. So it has the greatest influence: what do you say (7 percent) or as you say (93 percent)?

Do not be offended at such a simple advice, but you will make more sales if you do the way I once ordered mom: "Straight, see people eyes, speak clearly!" Self Best professionals in our field are returned to the basics; The little things help to achieve large results. Your success depends on how true you are the basics and how attentive to small things.

Trust and your company

I get a lot of letters from people trying to succeed in sales, and one of the frequently asked questions concerns the choice of the organization. If your company is unreliable and does not deserve trust, it will be very difficult for you to conquer confidence. If your company is reliable and deserves trust, but you yourself do not believe in it, you have (and your potential client) problems arise. It is necessary to make sure there are real reasons for your doubt. Ask questions to authoritative people about what confuses you; Suggest new ideas where the organization of labor leaves much to be desired; Do not take false rumors and Naval for the truth.

If you are already working in a company regarding which you have doubts, take on the role of a positive example, immaculately fulfilling your duties. There is no, perhaps, anything more exciting than anything else than any efforts to change your organization for the better. At that moment, when you realize that your efforts will not lead to the desired improvement, you actually decide: I have no choice, how to look for another job.

When you present a new friend (word stranger It seems to me too rude), calling the name of a friend of this person who recommended you to organize this meeting, you conquer confidence. If you appeal to a potential customer on the recommendation, it is very much in the sense of confidence conquest. Put yourself in the place of the potential client. Remember the name of your oldest and most expensive friend. If he asked you to talk to some person - even if he sells some shares in Iraq - you most likely not be able to refuse. "You know, your idea seems to me somewhat insane, but (insert your friend's name here) - My oldest good friend (or has an impeccable flair in business), so I am ready to listen to you." Persons who recommend you potential customers can serve good service You, your organization and your customers.

Trust and trivia

The trust of the potential client to you may depend on the very minor at first glance. If, for example, I am trying to sell something when I feel tired, it is unlikely that I agree, especially if we are talking about large spending. Many years ago, I realized that physical fatigue does not mostly affect my mental abilities, so, no matter how attractive a sentence seemed to, I almost always postpone the decision before I could relax and think about everything in a fresh head. Your potential client can belong to the same category of people, so that you can do everything correctly, just to act at the wrong time.

Sureness is a key aspect of the sales process. If you feel that some factors are outside your control, then it may be better for you to transfer a presentation at another time. However, warning you are not too involved in psychological research, otherwise you will begin to discourage yourself from holding any presentation, which will certainly lead to very deplorable results. The secret of successful sales is in the ability to position the potential client.

Trust and reputation

A few years ago, I collaborated with the Board of Trustees of the Little College in the countryside of Texas. It was necessary to decide on the acquisition of equipment for heating and air conditioning in one of the buildings. The college budget was modest, funds are limited. However, we did not have the choice - the equipment was necessary to buy. Unfortunately, we have had only two sentences. At first glance, almost the same equipment was offered from the point of view of its technical characteristicsAlthough the requested prices differed significantly. Nevertheless, almost without fluctuations and delays, the Council opted his choice on a more expensive proposal for the reason: the other company had a steady reputation as halmiers, so quality mounting and service maintenance Equipment should not expect.

The conclusion to which I will bring you, simple: Whether you are a newcomer in sales or a wolf, with approximately the same products from competitors, you decide - you are a sales specialist. Do everything so that the potential client trust you - just never let it down - and he will stop his choice on you.

True motivation

In one of the recent trips, I sat next to a gentleman who worked hard with some papers; And since I was immersed in the book with my head, we practically did not talk. When the stewardess brought our dinner, we both interrupted their classes to have a snack. My neighbor asked:

"What book do you read? Interesting? ". With sincere enthusiasm, I answered the affirmative. And then clarified that she finished reading this book last night, and now I look through the place allocated when reading. It turned out that I left the book on the fields big number Notes - more than 125. I explained that, in my opinion, the standing book is distinguished by two points. The first one gives certain information that can be inspiring, interesting and useful. Secondly, it causes thoughts and ideas from the reader. The book in question, inspired me at 125 ideas and thoughts.

As you already understood, under motivation I. I mean the process of "pulling" to the outside of what is hidden inside. The book "The Art of Sales" is written in order to ensure you as a professional conviction master by motivation: 1) to see how much you already know; 2) to give you new information; 3) To inspire you to combine the specified two points. This will reveal your creative potential and stimulates new ideas that in turn will also enrich your life.

Your goal is not to quickly scroll through this book to the end - you need to extract everything that is there, and, more importantly, this book should extract everything you have!

Do not finish me. I do not mean in any way that with the appropriate psychological installation and the right motivation you will achieve one hundred percent effectiveness in sales. Such effectiveness is the lot of those who are perfect only in one thing, and such limitations adversely affects life, and on a career. I mean the achievement of a wisely balanced installation with a significant displacement to optimism and positive thinking. I do not think that one only positive thinking will allow you to achieve everything, but I know for sure that it is much more useful companion in life than negative thinking. Positive thinking will allow you to use all your abilities, while thinking negative may not allow you to reveal to a complete degree. Use the abilities that you possess to apply the principles that you learned. Then the success and professionalism in the world of sales will certainly be yours!


Secrets of skill in sales

Part 1. Personal questionnaire

Please finish the following sentences, reflecting everything that you have achieved to date in the field of sales.

1. I chose a profession of a sales specialist, because _________________________________

2. I chose my current company, because ____

3. Most in sales I like _____________

4. Like everything in sales. I like ____________

5. My family believes that sales are _____________

6. My efficiency at the conclusion of transactions is ____ percent (the number of sales divided by the number of presentations).

7. The number of attempts that I should (should) take to get the opportunity to hold a presentation, equals _____

8. The number of presentations that I have to (should) hold to make one sale, equals ______

9. To achieve my financial goals, I must (should) meet on the day to meet with ____ potential customers and take ____ attempts; This means holding ____ presentations.

10. The number of presentations specified in paragraph 8 leads an average of 30 days to ____ sales for a total amount in ________ dollars.

11. Working in the sphere of sales, I use the following high-tech equipment: __________________

12. Best, in accordance with my experience; Potential customer search method consists in _____________

13. The reluctance to meet with potential customers and the fear of their failures to accept my suggestions I overcome as follows: ________________

14. In my world, sales of travel means ___________

15. My auxiliary state in the sphere of sales is _____

16. Working in the sphere of sales, in one year I earn ______

17. Working in the sphere of sales, in five years I earn _____

18. The promotion of the career staircase in sales in the sphere of sales in one year: _____________________

19. I planned to promote career ladder in the sphere of sales in five years: _____________________

20. My ultimate goal associated with career in sales, -

this is ________________________;_________

Part 2. Evaluation of sales skills.

1 - there are no skills;

2 - initial stage skills;

3 - scattered skills requiring improvement;

4 - solid skills;

5 - excellent skills.

1. Enthusiasm. Azart sales of sales in my blood. I am proud of a sales specialist profession and tell others with pleasure, what I do and what I sell.

2. Confidence in yourself. In addition to faith in what I sell, I deeply believe in my senses and sell in my ability.

3. Character. I perform the planned plans, even when optimism passes with which these plans were accepted. I do what promised (a) and show persistence.

4. Decency. I sell my products and services only when I sincerely believe that they are beneficial to my potential buyers. I sell for the benefit of others and for my own well-being. Money for me is not the main goal, they are the quantitative indicator of my success in the world of sales.

5. Sincerity. I tactfully say what I think, and thinking about what I say. I am honest with myself and your potential customers. I speak only what I am sure (sure). I promise less than I can, and do more than I promise.

6. Motivation. I know why I do what I do. I carefully think about the motives, the causes and goals of all the actions taken by me.

7. Positive expectations. I'm looking positive in all people and in all situations. I expect a just and respectful attitude towards myself. I strive to refer to other people as well.

8. Initiative. I force the events to accomplish, but not waiting for them to happen by themselves. I take on personal responsibility for my mood and actions. I am active (active), not passive (passive).

9. Psychological installation (mood). I am optimistic (optimistic), Bodr (Bodra) and cheerful (fun). I understand the importance positive thinking And even greater importance of positive beliefs. I rarely criticize or complain.

10. Smile. I understand that without a person's smile it is impossible to be fully dressed. I smile, smile from all the soul, demonstrating people that glad (glad) to meet and welcome them. I smile even those who have no smile.

11. Appearance. I dress according to the situation, taking into account how dressed my potential or customers. I plan my wardrobe in advance and is always tidy (tidy) and clean (clean).

12. Self-analysis. I carefully lead professional records and always know that I sell to others. I know how my business went last year, how my plans for the next year go in the present year.

13. Organizations. I know how I use my time, I know what tasks and actions are the main ones from the point of view of achieving my goals. I know and understand the most important tasks that need to be addressed to achieve everyday success, and undertake the necessary actions.

14. Support system. With every opportunity, I use the services of my family and its employees, acting tactfully and diplomatic. I understand that the family and employees are my "internal" customers, no less important than "external" customers.

15. Trips. I am aware of the danger and fascination of travel, and I am ready (a) and to that, and to another.

16. Customer satisfaction. I understand that almost everyone is able to serve the client, and that for success in the world of sales, you must move from customer service to its satisfaction. I have a special action plan to achieve this goal.

17. Sales by phone. I am pleased to use all the advantages that the telephone in the world of sales. I do not feel fear of the phone, and with a big hunt I use it to save time and money, acting quickly and politely.

18. Overcoming obstacles. I understand that obstacles are inevitable and they appear regularly, so I have pre-thought-out methods for their overcoming.

19. Reflection on failures. I know what is the difference between personal rejection from business failure. I do not consider the objection of potential customers to my account and often turning the reasons for refusing to buy for the reason for shopping.

20. "Painting". I understand that in my profession I am a master of the word and a painter, and that for success in sales I have to (should) carefully select words with which convincing emotional pictures are drawn for potential customers.

21. Completing the conclusion of transactions. I know how and when to conclude transactions, and what methods of completing the conclusion of sales transactions are most effective for my product or services. I always appeal to a proposal to place an order.

22. Goals. I understand that the goal is a dream, and will be ready (a) to act in her name. I smack my goals into small fragments and work daily on their implementation.

23. Skill listen. I agree (agreed) with the saying that "say - it means to share, and listen to what to take care of", and I build your actions in accordance with it. I listen not only to ears, but also eyes, and heart.

24. Education. I constantly read and listen to meaningful and inspiring information that helps me act even more professionally. I understand that education is a continuous process that I have to enjoy throughout my career.

25. Common sense. I understand that not everyone follows common sense. I try to skip all the information through a common sense filter. I am planning a victory, I am preparing to win and have every reason to rely on success in the world of sales!


Potential buyer

Introduction to the concept of "Potential Buyer"

Potential buyer is the one who wants to buy something from you.

Potential buyers are people who can know about your company or about you, but never have not yet bought anything. How to include them in the orbit of your business?

It's not easy. Many small firms can truly turn around precisely because they cannot attract the attention of potential buyers and turn them into visitors.

For many years, businessmen believed that main way withstand competition - increase the range and keep more low pricesthan competitors. With some fraction of irony, we can say that too much assortment and low prices are two main causes of the collapse of firms!

I will explain this thought.

Too much assortment can lead to the appearance of large material reserves, which will affect the yield. Think where a niche is on the market for you and that you actually sell.

Too low prices for many small and even major firms can be a harbinger of collapse. If you can not compete with the Wal-March department store on the efficiency of work, then you can not be a competitor and at prices. Emphasize your positive parties: specialization, customer service, competence of personnel, warranty service, delivery of goods at home, repair services, gift packaging and t, d. Stress your differences from any "Wal-March", if in prices you are not able to compete to compete.

Let's talk more about the assortment.

Middle people every day faces hundreds of commercial proposals: on television, radio, from newspapers, sees them on advertising stands, in a taxi and even, such as in Australian Sydney, in the showroom cabins of hotel rooms.

Every year more than 15,000 new products appear on the market, and attempts to sell 90% of them end with collapse!

Think about what: owners of personal computers can choose from more than 30,000 proposed programs;

Cars buyers can choose from 572 types and models;

If you have a credit card, then from September to Christmas you get more than 300 catalogs;

Toothpaste There are 13 8 varieties (these are not trademarks, namely varieties: in tubes, in one-time packs, different colors, for smokers, non-smoking, for people with sick teeth, for lovers of tea or coffee, for people with yellow teeth ...) .

In Consumer Reports, David Pittle writes: "We are again hearing about how people are experiencing difficulties in making a decision that it is to buy."

Still, in some areas of business, a wide range is triggered. Charles Lazarus, the founder of the well-known firm toy "Toys I US" says: "When parents do not imagine that it is to buy a child, they go to the department store, where there is the most wide selection" This, of course, is good for the company like "Toys I US", but for a small shop on the corner - not very. It, naturally, will lose in the assortment to large firms.

What to do in this case to lure a potential buyer to yourself?

For a small entrepreneur, a large assortment rarely be beneficial due to the high cost of material reserves.

Let's take another reason for one reason why small entrepreneurs suffer. They are trying to compete with large firms in prices.

Large enterprises will surely offer more favorable prices. They have a big purchasing power and smaller overhead in relation to the sales volume, and therefore they can achieve success at very low trade margins. They have already gone out from the American consumer billions of dollars, saying: "No one can compare with our prices!" Or something like that. In 1993, such "pivars" for the first time sold more finished clothes than specialized stores. Firm "Budweezer" for the first time in its 116-year-old history reduced the price of beer. To keep your place in the tobacco market, Philip Morris company reduced prices for Malboro cigarettes for 4 0%.

Can this work? Maybe - but for large firms! Even for such giants as "Philip Morris", the result may be the most different. The short-term effect will be expressed in increasing sales, but in reducing profits. On that day, when they announced a decline in prices for Malboro cigarettes, the price of shares of this company fell on the stock exchange. Investors did not consider that the increase in the number of potential shoppers "Malboro" will lead to an increase in the lower boundary of the value of shares. Even more than a year later, financial analysts are trying to find an explanation for what is now called "Black Friday Malboro". The market share belonging to this company increased, but competitors do not retreat, reducing the price of cigarettes in turn. As a result, smokers rejoice in price reduction, but in general the cigarette industry becomes less profitable.

Take for example the company "American Airlines". Year after year, this airline occupied leading places in surveys of air passengers. At some point, she decided to increase the volume of traffic, reducing ticket prices. This idea seemed quite timely. In the end, in various airlines there are a variety of tariffs depending on the time of year (and sometimes even depending on the time of day). Why not replace a puzzle of the type "at what price should I fly?" By introducing simple to understanding the rules? The problem was that other airlines followed the example of "American Airlines". Some small companies like "Southwest Airlines" and "Aoska Airlines" managed to work successfully, as they had no problems with federal taxes and margins that were forced to take into account "American Airlines". Soon she had to return to well mastered old methods and tariffs.

Today's consumers know perfectly who do what they do. They will touch your company to our mental "scale" on which they have "noted", where to buy. Famous authors Jack Truut and Ol Freach refer to this "positioning" (positioning) - the process, during which consumers provide in their thoughts "place" for your product.

As the famous forecast of Laurel Cutler says, "the consumer of the nineties is the most intelligent and consumer consumer. We taught people to figure out. "

The price reduction problem is that it can lead to a "price war." Soon you will find yourself in the position of the owners of the Krogher supermarkets in Cincinnati, who brought their discounts on new foods to the fact that the farmers engaged in pig breeding came to them to purchase milk for piglets of five cents per quart, so it was cheaper, What is the usual feed for piglets.

Therefore, the desire to reduce prices and an increase in the range may not be best way Attracting a potential buyer.

What to do?

Below we present some examples of using individual techniques to attract the attention of a potential buyer to your business. To make it easier for you to understand what to do, we will tell you the story of how we first took up the business.

We were quite competitive in what the prices and range concerned, but in your store we limited this competition with a certain category of goods,

When we started, the annual turnover of our small shop with goods for children was about $ 25,000. What could make a potential buyer go to us by passing by a huge department store and a number of large specialized stores? My father-in-law filed an idea: "Let you have inexpensive goods, but in the widest range in the city!"

It was in the fall, and we were thinking about what could be necessary for a person for the winter, and not very expensive?

What if you try to trade small, warming children with mittens, scarves, couplings? It turned out that it was necessary - inexpensive, and we could offer the widest range of these goods in the city!

We ourselves decorated showcases:

"Best assortment of children's gloves, couplings and scarves in our city!"

Soon people began to go and be interested in, what is the best assortment of couplings and gloves. While they were in the store, we managed to offer them and overalls (they were, perhaps in the poorest assortment) - After all, the sale of one overalls was equal to the money of three dozen pairs of gloves.

We could sometimes sell or jumpsuit, or a suit, or a girl in a dress - all this is because we had something that a particular buyer wanted, and in the widest range.

So, although we did not have the widest range of all the goods, we managed to reach it in anything that was required to our customers.

What did we achieve? We transferred our potential buyer in the rank of visitor.

You need to give the first favorable impression on the visitor, and this is achieved by a calm, warm, caring atmosphere. If you manage it, then you are conquering future buyers. If you ignore or, even worse, annoy these visitors, then you lose them forever. And sometimes, that worst, they will tell their story of an unsuccessful visit to your store dozen and more of their friends and buddies.

Not so long ago, one supermarket thus lost our family ... perhaps forever. And since we spent about 10 about dollars in their grocery department every week (which means approximately $ 5,000 per year or about $ 100,000 over the next twenty years), then a similar loss is quite significant even for a large enterprise.

Here is how it was. We approached the counter to buy Kakieto little things. The seller looked and spoke:

Take the number!

What? - We asked.

Take the number! - Repeated the seller, directing us to the typewriter typewriter, outstanding tear-off paper numbers. - So I will know whose turn.

But forgive, because in the hall of anyone, besides us!

If you want to serve you, then you have to have a number! We have the rules! - once again repeated the seller, already irritated tone.

We approached the machine and torn the numbers - sixty-first,

The seller looked at the wall table and shouted: "Next! Sixty-first!"

These are we, "we had to withdraw, and only then we were served.

What happened? People who tried to take care of us to make the impression of professionalism and competence, forgot about the human factor. They just remembered that everyone should "settle through numbers." So there are robots, not people. In any case, people should not act like this if they want their potential buyer to rise to the next step and became a visitor,

How much do you collect from hectare?

Stan Golomb is developing marketing programs for dry cleaning, restaurants, dentists, medical services, pizzerias and many other enterprises. When he takes new customers, he always asks them to seriously think and answer one key question for business, namely "How much do you collect from hectare?"

"Farmers always consider yield to hectares," explains Stan. If the average yield is, say, 50 centners from hectares, then the harvest of 30 centners immediately tells him, something is wrong. "

Therefore, why do not the entrepreneur compare the results of its activities with "yield with hectare"? In business, this "yield" is calculated in comparison with the rest of the market. "Square in hectares" in this case may be the number of transactions in this area of \u200b\u200bthe market, which are concluded and implemented by one enterprise. Would you like to know how you are doing? Pay attention to your "yield".

Start with the definition of your market. Your primary market is the one where eighty percent of your potential buyers live. Find out the address 300 of your current customers. According to these data, you can estimate where the vast majority of your buyers live. If you have a typical small enterprise, then over 80% of your customers live within a radius from three to five miles from your company.

Then count how much families live on your site market. Go to the mail - there are data on the number of postmen and how many houses each of them serves. Suppose that there are 5,000 houses on your site. You are doing business with 1000 customers. This gives "yield" 20%, that is, you serve 20% of your potential market, your task: to find a way to increase the "yield"!

There are two ways to increase it:

1. Increase the number of families serviced by your company.

2. To convince those families who are already dealing with you, spend more money from you.

When you have an idea of \u200b\u200byour share in the market, you can start a systematic increase. Even if all customers are already covered in your market, you still have the opportunity to sharply increase sales by applying the corresponding stimuli so that each of them spend 50% more.

Your sales will depend on a number of factors:

1. The geographical position of your part of the market,

2. population density.

3. The level of income of the population in this part of the market.

4. Type of activity that employs the population.

5. The image and lifestyle adopted here.

6. Ethnic characteristics of the population.

7. Middle age population.

8. Typical weather conditions in this area,

9. The number of competitors in this market.

10. Type of competition.

11. Nature of your activities to improve their competitiveness.

The combination of these factors determines why one enterprise has a turnover of $ 5,000 a week, and another, similar, is hardly able to reach two thousand. With whatever factors you have had to deal, you can always increase your "yield".

Think how farmers increase yield with hectares? Someone increases watering, someone adds fertilizers, someone begins to use pesticides to fight pests, someone displays hybrid varieties. They sow, cultivate, fertilize their fields, try to do everything so that the yield with hectares will make up their costs as much as possible. What can you do in our business?

Life forces you to reckon with some unchanged factors. We will consider them as a given. You cannot change the economy of your market area, population density, its geographical borders. It is impossible to significantly change the location of the enterprise or influence the methods of the competitor in the field of prices and discounts on goods or services.

However, much can be done for more successful keeping your affairs, and you can only make you, by your own actions. You can do anything, and then get the fruits of Nontelia - nothing will change, except except external factors affecting your business.

Take for example the industrial dry cleaning machine guns. Their annual turnover may be the most different - from 50,000 to 1,000,000 dollars (most of the dry-cleaners are operating).

But whatever this turnover, it can be increased by 20, 50 and even more percent. And this is done by analyzing the local services market and relevant actions.

For example, north of you passes the highway. On one side of it, you do not have any clients. In the south there is a railway, because of her from the south of customers a little. In the West - a golf course, there are also not dense customers there. In the east, it seems, the border of your market passes through Fewelow Avenue. If your company is located in the center of this section to Odden Avenue, you are forced to reckon with the specified borders. The only way to attract buyers is sending them to advertising leaves, as well as phone calls. At the same time, special attention is paid to the appearance of your store: showcases, signs, interior premises, Solva about which will be transferred from the visitor to the visitor. As the recent survey showed, four out of ten potential buyers decide to join you business relationship It is in the appearance of your enterprise.

As soon as you receive an idea of \u200b\u200byour market, just that has a farmer relative to yields on his field, you can begin to think about how to process this "your field" to increase yields and, accordingly, profits.

Interview with Sid Fredman

If something does not want to change, change it "Something"!

LED is one of the world's leading insurance agents. When we want to understand how to find potential buyers, we call Sid. It leads the thirty insurance agents, but still personally distributes insurance policies. In his lectures and seminars, the most frequently repeated phrase is "if something does not want to change, change it" something "!"

What does Sid want to say that?

Nothing other than the following: "It's not enough to do what everyone does. And, more importantly, it is not enough to repeat what happened before. " Peter Drayer writes that "each enterprise must be ready to change ... in everything!"

The fact that some idea, the concept, the theory of many years in the business worked does not mean that it will be suitable further. This is a kind of philosophy expressed in the words "The only constant essence is a change!"

The desire of Fredman Side to change applies to his vision of the future. We talked with him, trying to figure out how he became one of the leading insurance agents.

Question: How do you determine the contingent of people who may need your services?

Answer: I spend targeted marketing. I find people, something similar to each other. I can not say that my market is all surrounding. I live in the vicinity of Philadelphia, but this is not my market. Just as they are neither New York nor Atlantic City.

My market is people who have something in common among themselves. Therefore, if I want to attract the funeral bureau, I go there where they are. I go to their meetings, I am speaking there. I write articles in their special magazine. When I manage to understand their life and work, and they are me, then certain relationships are established between us.

As soon as I manage to get to the clients of one head of the funeral bureau, I can already go to the next. I go to my own yet that the only client with the list of the heads of funeral agencies and say: "Joe, do you know anyone else from this list, with whom I could talk and offer my services?" I go to those people who trust each other and use their connection among themselves.

I am very carefully going to the one I work with and who I offer my services.

My market is not all people. You can, of course, act at random and achieve some success, but in this case you can be compared with the only spermatozal from a billion of the like, which fertilizes the egg, and this happens purely probabilistic. I don't want to be like that. It's pointless. I like it more to know in advance exactly what kind of spermatozoa will work, and use it only.

Question: What can you say about those who have already taken advantage of your services? Do you do something special to encourage them to contact you again?

Answer: Of course, we mutually sell each other services. I am not just a stranger, you become an important person for me. Now I'm happy to keep you - this is the task number one. How exactly do I try to keep you? I am sending congratulations on your birthday, letters using phrases like: "I saw one article here and, in my opinion, she can present interest to you." By reporting any events that may be interesting to you

Since you bought A, and, in my opinion, B, B, g or D, too, can come in handy, then I am trying to see you and report it. For example, if you bought me a group insurance, then I can talk to you about an additional pension deposit, rent insurance, monthly contributions to pension Fund - You will know what I am doing this too. I'm not waiting for you to buy my services whenever I call, but thereby I bring to the fact that when you decide to buy something, you can easily contact me.

Question: Do you exclude from consideration some of the segments of the potential market for finding those who really need your services?

Answer: Everything starts with planning, isn't it? Will I can click on the trigger, not knowing what I kicker? Everything is not due to the principle: "Attention! The fire! Hit! " If I know what I want to achieve, it should be provided if the client can afford my services, does he have income, is his business? If profitable, does the client relates to the type of people who cares about the future? Do they buy my services when I come to them? I will never have things to deal with engineers in the world - I just don't know how to work with them.

Personal characteristics, biographical features, place of residence, environment - Everything is related to the process of determining the site of the market, with whom I would like to work.

Question: Many do not seek to disclose the details of their financial situation. How do you manage to overcome this barrier to evaluate whether a potential customer can take advantage of your services?

Answer: I do not think that the reason for their reluctance to share with me information of this kind is in the presence or absence of some kind of desire, just such a public. I know that the owners of enterprises in chemical cleaning in all of America, as in the whole world, earn big money. The owners of several dry-cleaners make even more money. If I wanted to get these potential buyers in customers, I would aim on the industrial dry-cleaner in general. I would find where they gather to their meetings would have been able to be present there as a guest, in general, one way or another would have introduced in their environment. I would tell them what I would like to participate in their business, would have revealed what they like, and what - no. I would start writing articles in their professional magazine, would be free of charge on their events. I would like to become necessary for them, then they would be able to become necessary for me.

I always have an operation plan. I do not know how to win battles without having such a plan. Although this is not a war, but before projection of the specific action plan, strategic planning is necessary.

Question: How do you behave with disgruntled customers, who have problems because of you?

Answer: Who would have any problems, I give my home phone number. This is the responsibility of the President of the company. He is the main person when complaints and claims arise. Two things must be made before the president: one is when someone from the personnel comes in doubtful way, and the head should know about it, and the second one that the client has a serious problem, and the only person who can do something is President of the company.

Question: Do your employees spend the same marketing as you?

Answer: not all. I would like them to spend it, as it could significantly make life easier and help more earn money. It seems to me that much more can be earned on services than directly on sales. At stations maintenance More cars are for sale than in car dealerships.

Question: What special efforts Do you undertake to conclude a deal?

Answer: one client reported me that he could not meet with me, as he flew into Chicago. I asked him:

And at what time will you fly away tomorrow morning?

Airplane at 7 am, Flight 1260 Philadelphia-Chicago.

Then I asked if I could not fly with him, what was the answer that yes, of course. I called the airline, ordered a ticket and found myself in a chair next to the person I needed. So we received two hours on business negotiations. From the plane I came out with a concluded agreement and gratitude to the client for the willingness to meet him. The next flight I flew home.

So I came repeatedly. I had to fly even to Los Angeles. So I filled the client personally for myself - two hours to Chicago and six hours before Los Angeles. After all, this is my client. He belongs to me. He has no place to hide, he cannot get rid of me, can not evaporate. It remains nothing to him how to sit in a chair nearby.

Finishing the conversation with Sid Fredman, we give fifteen secrets how to conquer the client's trust.

1. Promise less, do more. IN otherwise The following may occur

The average client buys five insurance policies during its lives, in four different insurance agents. This is because:

3 percent moved to another place of residence;

5 percent changes marital status:

9 percent refuse your services due to the fact that someone offered a more favorable price:

14 percent were disappointed in the goods purchased or services:

68 percent refuse your services because of the inadvertent and indifference to the needs of the client,

2. Always give a 100 percent warranty. If we were forced to live with a guarantee of 99.9%, then every month the whole hour drank unsafe water, every day there would be two risky aircraft airports, every hour would have lost 16,000 letters, and 5 0 would have been lost every week. 0 incorrect surgical operations.

3. Always and in all be a professional. Professionalism is visible in actions and knowledge of

how to achieve the goal. Professional always tries to achieve the best re

the result, the professional is always dissatisfied with himself.

4. Always have a notebook with you. If you heard or read something and you liked it, write this idea or phrase.

5. Consider your life as a fascinating journey. Watch your business growth. Become as you want to be. First, determine the end item. What is your goal? Secondly, do you aware of your strong and weak sides? Thirdly, plan your journey.

6. Have the courage to dream of big things. See colored dreams. Imagine what you achieve, consider it in all details. Draw and the most ordinary people Capable for extraordinary acts.

7. First of all, be yourself. You do not have to strive to "become me." In this case, you will be a second-time copy of me. You are the original. Borrow some features for those who you admire. Mentally losing events as a tape tape. What is not suitable for you is simply erased from this tape. 8. Control your time - thereby you can manage your life. This is done as follows:

Draw three columns on a piece of paper, write in the header of the first column - "urgently", in the header of the second - "Important", and the third - "Other". Always wear this piece with you.

9. Remember the four rules for monitoring your time (the principle of the word *). Fold all documents from your desk in one stack. Now take the top - you do not postpone it aside until

Perform it or

Postpone it for the future (but put the date when you perform it), or

Give it to perform anyone else, or

Destroy it.

10. Find out what everyone else do, and do not do it. Stop compete. Start creating.

11. So form your image, the image so that it is associated with the surrounding with all the best. So work on yourself so that people began to take an example with you. Work on the elimination of negative traits in its character and behavior.

12. Speak to recognize the behavior of losers. Below are some known behavioral characteristics of losers:

They are too busy, they have no time for anyone else;

They cannot bear any responsibility;

They differ in inflexible behavior:

They do not perceive the picture as a whole, they are not solved to invade the uncharted region;

They refuse to obey, rather lose than they will fulfill the instructions and win;

They are lazy, they will not spend a drop of their talent and time without not demanding the increase;

They only criticize and shame others, constantly looking for an excuse and say that these problems are insoluble.

13. In contrast to this, the characteristics of the winners: they have a sense of humor; They do not surrender until they fulfill their work: to achieve success, they do everything you need; Their life is well balanced. In life, except for work, there is a lot of other;

They are focused on achieving the goal;

They understand perfectly, as you feel, sincerely pay all your attention to you;

They have a correct idea of \u200b\u200bthemselves, a good psychological state.

14. Do not treat too seriously, but your deeds are with all seriousness.

15. Whatever happens, this is forces. Total eight words that will provide you with a lifetime.

Media: newspapers

Attracting potential buyers through newspaper advertisements

Throughout the book, we will give you advice, how to use various media for gradually turning potential buyers in your business adherents. Let's start with the newspapers, since they are a rather simple way to attract potential buyers.

Fact: Daily in the US, the newspapers fall into the hands of more than 1,33 million adults. On average, six out of every ten people claim that they read them from crust to crust. Nine out of ten read only the most important news. If your business is looking for customers depending on their floor, remember - nine out of ten men read the pages dedicated to sports, and eight out of ten women - pages dedicated to leisure, the secular chronicle and the field of entertainment.

Most newspapers are their subscribers (seven of ten), which means guaranteed delivery of newspapers to the house to your potential buyers, in contrast to radio or television, which reach their ears and eyes only if the viewer or listener includes a TV or radio receiver .

Newspapers are a very important means of information about your business, since more money is spent on advertising in newspapers than on advertising in any other media - approximately $ 34 billion a year.

Due to the fact that newspapers reads such a large number of people every day, newspaper advertising can be an excellent means of familiarizing potential buyers with your product or services.

Nationally, the newspaper is eaten about a quarter of all the funds spent on advertising, but if we talk about local advertising, then the newspapers account for about half all the money allocated for advertising (hereinafter referred to as television, etc. "Yellow Pages" is a special type of telephone reference books, Each of which accounts for 13%).

Below we present some recommendations on how to make headlines, text and illustrations for advertising ads, that is, we share the experience of attracting potential buyers to your business that we have acquired for many years.


Before turning over the newspaper page, the reader's attention is delayed on average for four seconds. During these four seconds, it primarily views the titles of articles. Therefore, the title is best to draw up so that the reader has a desire to read it to the end,

The usual woman reads only four advertisements in the newspaper, so the very essence needs to be placed in the title - what is the novelty, the most fresh, the only, paramount, using such keywordswhich can make a potential buyer read your advertising.

1. Promise the benefit or call curiosity. Remember that people buy only two things in the world: the solution of their problems and pleasant sensations. Think about these two criteria, when next time you will sit down to write advertising your goods and services. Emphasize the benefit that a person will receive by buying your goods, and not the properties of the goods itself. If your shoes sold has a soft insole (product property), say that it "shock absorbing" (benefit). If the costumes you are sold are made of a mixture of synthetic and wool (property), say that they are "year-round" (benefit). Advertising with headlines that promise benefits, read more more people than with headlines, do not suland. Charles Mills, Vice-President of O. M. Scott, "the world's largest firm for the cultivation of lawn grass, says:" People are interested in their lawns, and not our seeds. "

2. If possible, specify the name of the goods in the title. It is the name of the goods, not the name of the company. Indicate your name anywhere else in the other place of advertising, but not in the title, if only there is no particular importance. "Only in (store name). You will find (product name). " Most people like to see the name of their firms in the header of the advertisement, although it is not worse and the bottom. Do not forget to specify your address, phone number and surname of the person to whom you can contact for more information.

3. Well (and often better than a short) perceived long title. The headlines consisting of more than ten words are read much better than short.

4. Do not try to seem smarter only for the sake of showing. One recent advertisement that offered cars with catalytic converters had a title "Do you have allergies on cats? *" The reader with such allergies, of course, will pay attention to this ad, but it has no relationship to cats.

5. Guide any "basic idea". A great specialist in the field of advertising, David Oglvi said: "As long as your advertising campaign is around for any basic idea, it will wander in dotmakes, like a ship in the night." You must find something special that there is in the product you advertise. The more such "raisins" you put in the text of the ad, the easier the goods will be sold.

6. Sell only one idea every time. Otherwise, you will only confuse the reader.

7. Appreciate the word "novelty". Product "New". The decision "novelty". Advertising with the words "new", "NEW" in the title warns by 20% better,

8. Use special words in the advertise header, because they are triggered. These words include (but the entire list is not limited to): new, free, striking, just what has appeared, warranty, you are now. If your advertisement is addressed to a specific audience, then it is also named it in the title (asthmatics, patients with rheumatism). Here is an example of a "working" header: "Two months ago I called me a lot." You can be sure that the bald men will pay attention to such a headline

9. Include an indication of the local origin of your product. Supermarkets advertising selling local goods report a sharp increase in turnover. People like to identify themselves with a local commodity. They are proud to buy "their own." It is for this reason that Senator Montale won the elections in Minnesota, and Dukakis - in Massachusetts, although in almost all other states they lost them.

10. "Do not reset". Double meaning, calabura, headlines, compiled specifically to attract attention, but not substantive essentially, do not work. On cable television they allowed an advertisement, in which famous people stated something like "Murphy Brown goes 60 minutes." Each such advertisement began with the template "Okay, although it is not true, but if it were actually ..." Most people immediately stop paying attention to such advertising. We once amounted to the headline for the advertising of winter overalls, which were purchased in Finland, like this: "To provide you with these overalls, we visited Helsinki and returned." I will not say anything, it's ridiculous, but she did not contribute to the sale of overalls.

A week later, we again launched the same advertisement, but the title changed: "For thirty years of our company's existence, we have never been sold so many overalls for such a short time." This title helped us sell sixty-three overalls. People read this title and said: "There must be, these overalls - something stunning!"

11. Place the title under the illustration. Why? Because people read so much. Take a look at any newspaper or magazine. If your advertisements look like a gentleman, the reader's audience immediately increases.

12. Do not head tops with capital letters. If you pick up your advertising header with lower case letters instead of typing it, then also increase the reader's audience. It happens because a person is used to reading the lowercase letters that this proposal is typed. Yes, of course, the title will be recruited by the enlarged typographic kegle, but still flattering letters.

13. The title must be understood. John Capelz, a specialist in writing headlines and the former vice-president of the BBD & 0 advertising agency, said: "When people see your advertisement, they think about completely different things." Do not make them think. Make them act.

14. The header must be believed. I will believe the headline "how to lose weight by 5 kilos in two weeks" and I will not believe "how to lose weight by 5 kilos per day." This is the whole difference.

15. The title was supposed to be designed for your contingent. For young mothers and sixty-year-old grandmothers, the headers of advertising ads must be different.

16. Tell the story. People like to read various stories, and if your story is interesting, the title can make them read the whole text. Here is the title that we used for advertising men's work clothes: "For the first time we saw them at the Kriona-Dela-Concord Paris Hotel. So it was actually. For the first time we saw these thick, coarse overalls on a hanger in the hotel toilet. Returning home, we ordered them for our store, and our title helped us to sell them!

17. Solving the problem. We were painted that in children's cloaks, you can put the initials of the child in the form of a monogram. Most children's raincoats are predominantly yellow colorAnd they cannot be distinguished from each other in the school locker room. Therefore, your child is often returning home in someone else's raincoat. Our title read: "This cloak cannot be confused with another, as your name is worth it." For three days they were sold out!

18. Dream execution. John Capelz wrote a classic: "They laughed when I sat down for the piano." This advertisement helped to sell the course of learning a game on a piano sent by mail.

20. And the last but most important thing - do not forget about the headlines! If it seems to you that it is just ridiculous and does not happen, take a look at the advertising of cars and food products in your local newspaper. They have or not headlines (only the name of the company at the top), or fully meaningless phrases like "Meliber clearance", which exactly does not mean anything.

In conclusion. Try different headlines for the same product. John Capelz said that when he experienced different options, then one of them could be twenty times more efficiently.

For many years, sets of four notebooks were successfully sold thanks to the advertisement "Buy these four notepad for only 99 cents," until someone offered the same product, but with advertising that worked much better: "Buy three notes for 99 cents - then one Additional, you will get for free! "

The text of your advertising ad will read only one of ten readers. All art and is that the title will attract attention and keep it when reading the first few paragraphs. If you managed it while he reads the first 50 words you writing, most likely it will read the next 250. It is impossible to underestimate the power of the influence of words, even one only. Here are some examples.

Sale shampoo doubled one single word, the instruction said: "Wet your hair, apply shampoo and rinse thoroughly." A smart compiler advertising texts Added one word: "Repeat".

Famous businessman Elmer Wheeler was famous for his inventing various phrases that increased the turnover. One dinner wanted to increase the sales of milk cocktails. In those days, some customers wanted to add an egg to the milk cocktail, which naturally increased its price and, accordingly, the profit of the enterprise. Wheeler suggested that three times increased sales: when the visitor ordered the milkshake, then the cashier asked: "Do you with one egg or two?" - For almost everyone answered: "With one" (and some - "with two"),

The cosmetic firm "Helene Rubinstein" could not understand why large department stores refused free applications To the purchases that this firm offered them. We analyzed the problem and gave the answer:

You used two incorrect expressions. First, the title was reading: "Gift from Helen Rubinstein." It is not necessary. A gift should come from a particular department store, where it was offered.

Secondly, if your store high level, do not offer buyers "free coupons". Such coupons are given in supermarkets. You give "Gift Certificates". The same product, but the words are different. By making such simple changes, "Helen Rubinstein" was convinced that almost every department store took part in the advertising campaign of this company's products.

When you visit Disneyland, you are not a buyer and not a client - you are a guest. One simple word sharply changes the level of passage - after all, people are much kinder than guests than with buyers.

I like that our British relatives call insurance companies engaged in life insurance, "Insurance". In this sense, it seems to me that I cry money to "progress" and stay alive, while the name of American similar firms says that I will win only if I die.

Thus, taking for the text of your advertisement, remember the importance of each word.

Here are twenty tips to help you make excellent advertising.

1. Start the most important ... as soon as possible! This can teach you the majority of advertising teachers. It is necessary to maximize the "load" the first three paragraphs. The beginning of your text should emphasize the benefits of which reported in the title.

2. Write short offers. No more than twelve - fifteen words. Paragraphs must be not very long, consist of two or three sentences. This will allow you to have enough advertising on the square free space And make it more accessible to perception. Remember that the reader does not "read", but rather "eyes runs out."

3. Do not dial the text wider than three inches (about 10 cm). This is due to the fact that such space is covered with one look. This is especially true of an ordinary newspaper font (11.5 points).

4. Do not exaggerate. Do not try to prove that your product is "sweeter than sugar." Promise less, but do more.

5. Be specific. The "six faithful servants" of Kipling is still working - what, where, when, who, how and why *:

I have a six servants

Prompt, removed

And all that I see around,

I know everything from them.

They are my sign

Are in need.

Name them: how and why

Who is that when and where.

6. Speak as if you are talking to someone at home simple, freely, understandable.

7. Cancel your text with serif (serif). That is how this text has been recruited. In it, at the end of each letter there is a special "serif", which makes the text more convenient for visual perception. And this text is dialed without serif (SANS serif). You can make sure how harder it is for perception.

9. Write in the present time. In no case do not use the past time. Currently implies that everything happens now, while the past symbolizes something outdated, no one needs.

10. Use clear words and well-known last names. Somehow I wrote advertising a new song, where it was said: "... it the best musicwhich I heard since Glenn Miller * ". I showed this text different peopleAnd almost everyone who was not still thirty, asked: "And who is this Glenn Miller?"

11. Use the recommendations of those who really buys your goods. The use of customers living in the neighboring customers is much cheaper than the mention of the names of celebrities, and in efficiency almost he is not inferior. ("Look, here a photo of Mary Simpson!" After all, I know her ... ")

12. Specify the price. Once we prepared advertising children's muton fur coat. They were very expensive, and the customer of advertising did not advise us to indicate the price. We have convinced her: "Why then did you buy them if you are not sure that you can sell these fur coats?" Nine out of ten readers, newspapers argue that the price has an impact on making a decision on the purchase and selection of this or that product. If you do not specify the price, you will not be able to influence potential buyers.

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