What a perfume is shot. What dreams toilet water

Almost every person, whether it is a man or a woman, uses spirits, there are even special children's flavors. What dreams of the spirits are: Dream Interpretation says it is very good symbol. If you saw in your dreams of perfume or felt their fragrance, it foreshadows joyful, but unexpected changes. And to find out what changes can be waiting, it is necessary to distribute the details of sleep and referred to various dreams. So let's understand everything in everything ...

See perfume - very good dream For a woman, he can predict the beginning of a new novel.

In reality, the fragrance of spirits cause different associations. It can be events, people, feelings. Pictures and melodies are less memorable than fragrances. Any smells resemble something. Therefore, to decipher your dream, try to restore all the feelings that you experienced. This will help you better reveal the interpretation and understand the meaning of sleep.

You dreamed of female perfume

If you have dreamed of new spirits, it is time to change the image and see yourself in the new role.

If a women's spirits They dreamed of a man, this is to a new and fascinating hobby. Perhaps you already have on the commencer with a sensual fragrance that you are insanely pretty. If not, then you can shock such a dream as familiarity in the future. In any case, you will be passionate about the opposite sex representative. But where it will lead to this hobby, solve only you.

What is the dream of women's perfume for the most beautiful sexes themselves - you have to feel in a new image. Maybe you want to become the owner of a new fragrance or completely change your style in clothes. But be careful, the dream book also foreshadows the possible invasion of the rival in your life.

See in a dream male perfume

Not very good for strong sex See male perfume in a dream. Soon the opponent will appear in your life, perhaps in personal relationship, and maybe in business. Be alert.

For women to see men's perfume in a dream - to a romantic acquaintance, sexual entry, disclosure of sensuality and some frivolism. If the fragrance is familiar to you and belongs to a man you know, then this is a signal that it is very sympathetic to you. Maybe this is your chosen one? If you have dreamed of perfume with the smell completely new for you, then soon you are waiting for a romantic and, perhaps, a fateful acquaintance.

Have you seen your own spirits in a dream?

  • To see in a dream perfume belonging to you, means a quick date with a loved one or a new pleasant acquaintance. Also sleep can designate a trip, and more changes in life related to work or study.
  • If you dreamed of other spirits, it foreshadows the emergence of other people's troubles in your home. You will most likely learn about them from familiar or relatives. So be prepared. It is advisable to stay on the side, and the troubles will soon be allowed, active participation in their decision may result in big problems For you.

If in a dream you purchased a new fragrance

What dreams to choose perfume in a dream is characterized by you as a person who hovers in the clouds, which cannot fully determine with its desires. If you are in front of the shelf, which is presented big choice perfume, then you have to do complicated, but an important choice in real life. Perhaps this situation has already happened, but you are slow, as they doubt their actions. Best rely on intuition.

There is another interpretation that Dream Interpretation offers: the perfume choose - symbolizes the lack of strong support. It may be the need for a strong and decisive person, next to which you will feel safe. And maybe the desire to get reliable work with a high salary, acquire your own housing instead of a removable or desire to return during childhood when life was calm and predictable.

What dreams of buying perfume is an unfavorable sign. As a dream book says, buy perfume in a dream means a quick parting with a person dear for you. But you should not despair ahead of time, because this man most likely gave himself no one who actually is, but skillfully let you dust in the eyes. Therefore, take care, it may be for the better.

Take the spirits as a gift from a man in a dream - to a risky intrigue filled with pleasures and pleasures. Most likely, you have a fan that is in vain trying to conquer your heart, but it does not cause you interest. Dream Interpretation foreshadows that I will get recognition in love. Or open a big deal that will bring you a lot of trouble. Get spirits as a gift from the beloved in a dream promises you happy family lifefilled with joys and love.

Give perfume in a dream - to the troubles and feelings of guilt in front of some of your act. That is, in other words, you as if you want to sacrifice yourself.

You used the bottle and felt the smell

Perfume in a dream often foreshadow a date that can end in bed.

What dreams of the perfume in the bottle are a harbinger of the long-awaited meeting with the person dear to you. Also, this dream characterizes you as a person, not only knowing the price, but also a self-esteem.

  • If the liquid spilled out of the bottle, then most likely you will soon lose something important. You used to get rid of it before, but still you will regret.
  • If you specifically pull out the whole fluid from the bottle, then the dream book foreshadows you spontaneous weightlessness of which will be affected and surrounding.
  • See the cracked bottle means that your dreams will never come true.

What dreams to sniff perfume in a dream - your life will be filled with change. Work can change or you will meet your second rug, or decide to move. But it is not worth worrying, according to the dream book, the smell smell means that it will be joyful and positive.

Pleasant smells symbolize success in work and business, good luck on the trip, love in relationships. But if you have to feel nasty smellThen, be prepared that your secret will open, it will impose a deceiver reputation on you, it will be difficult to prove the opposite. If you dreamed that the flavor of the spirits stood you, then this is a harbinger infectious disease, carefully reinfeit to your body.

Who saw sleep: girl, woman, man, child

  • Sleep, perfume in which dreamed of a young girl foreshadowed right marriage Or a meeting with a future husband. Such marriage will bring joy and happiness for life.
  • A woman is such a dream thrust joyful changes and the beginning of a new stage in her life. It can also foreshadow a high position in society.
  • A man awaits climbing the career ladder or business success. Dream Interpretation foreshadows new features that will increase its status and position.
  • If the spirits dreamed of a child, change will soon come. Perhaps this is a transition to a new school or the emergence of new friends.

Interpretation of sleep value in various dreams: Miller, Vangu, Freud, modern

As you can see, perfume in a dream is a very controversial symbol. The interpretation of the sleep you see depends on the details of the dream, so the future options may be different. But how to be if you read the interpretation, and you did not like it? You can try simply look into another dream book, because the opinions of the famous authors often contradict each other.

Miller's dream book - you will soon have a date

Sniff perfume with sensual and tender aroma - forever positive and pleasant events. Perfumes that are distinguished by a strong and rich smell, often foreshadowing events. If you felt an unpleasant smell, intrigue await you.

Inhalation of pleasant smell of spirits Miller pushes as a speedy date with a loved one. But to apply perfume in a dream - it is bad sign, you need to carefully select the environment, as it is very easy to trust a liar and succumb to flattery. If you have dreamed of a broken bottle with spirits, your desires will not come true.

Wangi's dream book - admit your weakness

The man who dreamed spirits could not admit to herself that he had weaknesses, it prevents him from focusing and acting. Wang recommended to take all weaknesses and despite doubts and uncertainty to go to their goals and desires. And only acting, you can see what great potential is hidden in you.

Freud's dream book - you are happy in relationships

The bottle with spirits is a sign of the sexuality of a woman. If you dreamed like you open the bottle, you are waiting for sexual intercourse. For innocent girls, this is a harbinger of deprivation chastity.

If you got spirits as a gift - this is a sign of depressed sexual desire. Buy perfume in a dream - you build a reliable and harmonious union with your current chosen one. Spilled perfume - precursor pregnancy. If you saw a broken bottle, such a dream promises you dissatisfaction with your partner in your loved ones.

Modern dream book

  • Perfume in a dream - to the gift in the present. It can be a very unexpected gift from the person unfamiliar to you.
  • If you dreamed, how do you buy perfume for yourself, then stop feeding yourself with illusions;
  • Selfless or inhaling fragrance foreshadows joyful events and great happiness. If you breathed a pleasant smell in a dream, then I will be waiting for a date. For a girl who is not yet married, this is a harbinger of the soon marriage.
  • Splashing spirits in a dream foreshadows in a vain pursuit of a luxurious lifestyle. Dream Interpretation advises to revise his ambitions and waste, and not it can be left without a ruble in his pocket.
  • Spin spirits - to the loss of something important, which brought you pleasure. A broken bottle means that your desires and dreams will never come true, even if the conceived at the initial stage moved well.


See perfume in a dream - very good sign. But it is important to remember that all dreams and life situations Very individual. Your brain collects all the pictures that you saw in the day. And it may happen that during sleep your brain shows your day events. For example, if yesterday you bought perfume, got them as a gift or seen advertising of a new perfume, a dream with a lot of probability should not be taken seriously.

Video "What is the dream of a perfume"

Feeling in a dream Aroma of spirits foreshadows fascinating adventures in the company of old friends with departure for the city, kebabs and all that such.

If in a dream you use spirits, going to meet with your expensive person, means that I will have a birth to you, but also know how to appreciate other people.

If in a dream you are talking to the lady, from which the vest is divided by the spirits that you do not like, it means that you will have your intelligibility in people, exhibits almost the best and most important quality.

To drop in a dream the bottle with spirits, which for some reason they do not fall out, although the plug remained in your hands, - you will lose much of what they themselves were going to get rid of, but and what a sorry for you to lose. If you are in anger, throw out perfume or throw and break the bottle - Introduce you to fall asleep with fun who infect everyone around.

To see how someone buys perfumes, - your cherished aspirations and dreams will not work, although everything seems to be foreshadowed by their savings. Book in a dream the perfume itself - you are awaiting exciting events and experiences. Get perfume as a gift - Introduce to love and hear the same recognition.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream alphabet

Dream Interpretation - Spirit

The demon, the spirit, otherworldly power in the garden or garden - all the alarms are dispelled.

Demons or spirits beat you - a very unfavorable omen.

The dog barks on the ghost, on the Spirit - will come to ask for a challenge.

Interpretation of dreams

Dream of Spirits

Dreams are a direct reflection of our reality. Black and white dream dream less often than a color dream. Exactly black and white sleep Helps a dream to know your inner world. Accordingly, colored dreams come to night dreams as a reflection of impressions and events lived in real life.

The black and white plot points to the spiritual calmness of the dream, and colored with bright saturated dream paints, can hint at the strong emotional overexcitation of a person in real life.

If they dreamed of spirits

Perfume is an important, invisible addition of your ideal image. Toilet water is almost every person. With the help of them, we want to become more welcome and attractive. On the aroma, you can learn something new about its owner. What dreams of perfume in the night plot? As you know, each seen night plot carries an encrypted sign and foreshadows various life events for a dream. But what interpretation has a night vision, in which it was not easy to objects, and also you smell?

To interpret night dreams, the dreams can rely on its intuition and internal feelings. But it is worth noting that it is better to use the online dream book for proper decoding sleep. It is with the help of this publication you can find the correct interpretation of even the most confusing vision. To do this in the search bar, enter: "Dream of Perfume" and the search engine will provide you with a list of the most popular online publication.

Basic interpretation

Try to remember the dream in detail, since even the smallest and slight piece of sleep can radically change the interpretation of the night plot.

  • Seen bottle of perfume.
  • The bottle was dreaming broken.
  • Feel an aroma.
  • Find the favorite part of the perfume and buy it in the store.
  • Male or female flavors.
  • Fold your favorite aroma.
  • They were presented to you.

The battlefield of expensive perfume is a dream as a harbinger, receiving a pleasant surprise.

To marriage

For a girl to see in a dream of perfume - soon she will marry, the union will be long and happy. If a married lady - dreams of pleasant events in her life.

Shed spirit

If in the night dream you are not specially shed perfume - the vision is dreaming, as a bad sign that foreshadows a boring real life. Accidentally - this means that in reality will have to do a meaningless work.

In the night plot, they were shed by another person - it foreshadows empty troubles.

Specifies Dream Interpretation: The spirits were hardened in a broken bottle - this dream means that your dreams are empty and they will not be destined.

To smash the bottle of throwing it on the wall - in real life you will have fun and spend time more than be sure to infect others.


If the fragrance felt

The dream was realistic and you felt the fragrance of perfumes - seen Gosza foreshadowed coquetry.

Weightful indicator in the interpretation of the night vision is the aroma. It is worth noting that the interpretation may vary depending on who saw the plot and whose fragrance you breathed. In the night plot, you felt a pleasant fragrance of perfume emanating from another person - your subconsciously sends a signal that you depends on the opinions of others.


The representative of the beautiful sex dreams, the vision in which it feels the fragrance and she understands that it smells:

  • Men's - vision indicates that in your life there is a strong, devotee and a smart man next to you.
  • Women's dreams worth paying attention to your health.

Sulk spirits in the night dreams

If you happened in the plot of dreams, you had to splash in spirits - it means, in reality, favorable events are coming. We are foreshadowed by pleasant events and the implementation of conceived desires.

Pour out a large number of Spirits - a dream should be careful, and before the start of achieving new goals weighing whether it is worth doing this. After all, having lost the old one can not purchase a new one.

Buy toilet water

If you bought toilet water

You dream of a night vision: You are in the store of perfumes and choose yourself a bottle with your favorite spirits - the plot of such dreams will dream as a signal that you in the near future will learn new information about a person who is in reality roads. In a dream, it was hard for you to decide on the smell of perfume? The subconscious indicates that you do not correspond to the position that is currently occupied.

Buy perfume means - in reality you will experience a lot of pleasures, but remember that they will be risky enough.

Buy your favorite fragrance - such dreams come to our subconscious signal indicating that the dreams vainly live with empty hopes. Also, such a plot of dreams may indicate the upcoming exciting events in your life. Someone else had the opportunity to buy them - an important vision is to dream of the impression of conceived.

Went a night plot: We saw many expensive perfumes in the store - Guest Indicates that you will show impatience.

Grade dreams, where the dream gave the perfume

Get a gift from a man - means you are trying to conquer a man, but you do not have sympathy for him.

See the dream, in which you give to the toilet water - foreshadows recognition in love. Himself to give perfume - you are ready to sacrifice yourself for the sake of our people.

Interpretation of famous dreams

Interpretation of Miller

Miller's dream book interprets the night plot in which spirits dreamed and you felt a thin gentle smell - this vision foreshadows pleasant events. Strongly sharp smell - dream of mental alarms. An unpleasant smell foreshadows intrigues. Take an infective bath - you will have to endure exciting events. It was nice to take such a bath - the plot of dreams foreshadows, happiness in reality. If you happened to inhale a pleasant fragrance of perfume - the interpretation of dreams on the interpretation of Miller indicates - Night Guest foreshadows a meeting with a loved one.

If the spirits were granted

Female interpreter of dreams

If you have dreamed: get in the night dream as a gift toilet water means - you will relax and be sure to get pleasure from it.

Interpretation of the night dreams interprets a vision: Perfaches in a dream had to be given - it means, a close relative will deal with meaningless business and wine will lie on you.

Dream Stranger

The dreams are shot, in which you had the opportunity to get a perfume as a gift - a bad mark foreshadowing betrayal in love and in general a difficult period in life. Buy them for a gift - the plot of dreams indicates that dreams will come true, but only a little patience.

Interpreter Dmitry and winter hopes

Feel the smell of toilet water - the plot foreshadows an unexpected meeting.

Have you liked the smell of toilet water? You will soon meet with the old familiar.

Modern dream book

Dreamed the bottle with spirits - you will get an unexpected gift from an unfamiliar person.

Buy perfume - in reality you live in the world of illusions.

Feeling the smell of toilet water - the night plot foreshadows happiness in the dream of a dream.

Perhaps percentage of perfume - a romantic acquaintance will occur.

Use spirits

Splashing perfume per person - to solve their life problems, and at the same time you will be roughly flattered.

To fumble by themselves - a dream indicates that it is time to become more economical.

Indicates sleep interpretation: Spirits poured? So, there is something pleasant to lose.

If you had a chance to break the bottle with spirits - your dreams are not destined to come true.

Dream Interpretation XXIVeek

What does it mean in the night dream dreams had to get toilet water as a gift? So, trouble is coming. Buy - you will be engaged in pleasant concerns. Feel the fragrance - to change in personal life or at work.

Most often, the scented fragrance is a reminder of a kind of person or event that has taken place in real life. But if you have dreamed of toilet water, then definitely remember what sensations did you have called her smell that you were doing with her in a dream, and what a bottle with aromatic liquid looked - these details will help to understand what the perfume dreams will assure dreams.

Interpretation of sleep Miller

Miller's dream book, explaining what the perfume dreams, gives many various interpretations. So, for example, inhale a pleasant flavor of perfume in a dream - a sign of good news about a close person.

Enchanting toilet water - a sign of romantic adventure that you are configured. And if in a dream you are haunted by an unpleasant smell of perfume or the one that causes irritation and headache, then this is a signal that you should treat what you have.

You are waiting for risky pleasures

Medele's dream book, explaining what dream of the choice of toilet water in a dream will explain it like this: choose the perfume for yourself - the sign of the start of the event that will be associated with risk and material costs; And if in a dream you chose her for a gift, you can prepare for busy adventures.

Did you dreamed that you stole perfumed water, seduced by her aroma? This means that you are prone to rapid actions, succumbing to a momentary mood. Be careful, they advise dreams, sometimes risks do not justify themselves, leaving an unpleasant precipitate.

Boredom and sadness will visit you

Did you dream that you broke the bottle of women's toilet water? If you are a woman, such a vision means broken hopes for the continuation of relationships with a new acquaintance. Most likely, you will make an invalid step that will scare the guy from you, tell dreams.

And if a man sees such a man, he should be careful to behave with a lady of the heart, otherwise she will disappoin to considering you either too faster or too shameful.

Frankly in a dream with female perfumey water and pour the contents of the entire vial - a signal about fret. It is likely that you are tired of monotonous pastime, whatever it is, even passive, even extreme. Change interests or activity, at least for a while, advises dream book Miss Hasse.

Be prepared for long-term relationships

Explaining what dream of buying the toilet water, which you use in reality, Italian dream book assures that this is a symbol of constancy and unshakable. It is difficult for you to dissuade something, and if you decide on something, then you will bring it to the end.

See in a dream that the lover bought you your beloved in reality perfume? This suggests that relations with this person promise to be strong and long-term. You can even hope for a quick marriage.

Perfume in esoteric symbolize the receipt of the gift. If the dreams in a dream felt the smell of spirits, then the fragrance foreshadows the event that is waiting for him in the future. Therefore, before proceeding to interpretation, it is necessary to remember the smell itself and what associations he called in humans. Dream action also play great importance. They reflect his inner emotions and desires. So that the interpretation was reliable, it is necessary to take into account the identity of the sleeping and events that occur in his life.

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    Perfume in a dream: general interpretation

    Aroma of Spirits - important detail Dreams. If the sleeping was remembered, the dream book will tell about the events that are waiting for him in the near future.

    If a person felt a sharp fragrance, then the dream foreshadows a quarrel. Dream Interpretation advises not to participate in disputes and not succumb to the provocations of competitors. Only so will be able to keep a benevolent relationship. Self-bloc of perfume, from which an unpleasant smell comes to troubleshooting. If you manage to quickly manage home affairs, the dream is awaiting rest in the family circle. But you should not postpone affairs for the future, otherwise you will have to face the consequences of your irresponsibility and laziness.

      A man's sleep in which he snuffed a nice perfume, promises acquaintance with a beautiful girl. She will make a big impression on him and the novel will be tuned between them. In the heat of passion, a man will buy his beloved expensive gifts and will try to spend as much time with it. A woman's sleep in which she feels a pleasant smell, promises a gift and change in life.

      What dreams of a girl - interpretation of dreams

      Receive perfume as a gift

      If a man sees in a dream, he gave him spirits - this is an ambiguous sign that should be regarded as a warning. Dreams have two interpretations. According to the first, sleeping expects pleasure, the receipt of which will be associated with risk. It is worth exercising caution and comply with security techniques in case a person wants to make an extreme sport. Another interpretation describes the internal state of a person, he is experiencing due to the fact that his beloved girl does not reciprocate his feelings.

      A woman who gets an attractive bottle of perfumes from his beloved man will be happy in marriage. She is waiting for entertainment and she will spend the time along with his beloved. Give perfume - to useless bustle. A person will spend a lot of time on affairs that will not bring him any practical benefit.


      To understand the meaning value, the sleeping should remember its actions. Basic scenes dreams:

      • If the sleeper intentionally shed perfume, the dream reflects the boredom of a person. He cannot find a deal that truly interest him. Because of this, he feels the decline of strength and apathy. To overcome this condition will help the occupation, which will give him pleasure and will reduce its capabilities. Shed the spirits by chance - to meaningless work. It will be spent a lot of time and strength. If you have dreamed that the bottle was shed outsiders, then sleeping will spend time in the company of friends. He can be invited to a solemn event as an honorary guest.
      • Framed by perfume - to pleasant changes. The dream will have the opportunity to fulfill his dream. If he uses her, then a sea of \u200b\u200bunforgettable impressions awaits him. To overcome when using the perfume - a sign that a person must show carefulness. Before proceeding with the implementation of the conceived, it is worth objectively assessing its capabilities. The reassessment of forces can lead to sad consequences.

      Buy perfume

      If the shop sleeps in the store chooses the spirits, he will soon find out valuable information about the person with whom it is in good relationship. But the dream book warns a dream from participating in gossip and listening to other people's conversations. It hurts his reputation and he will lose respect in the eyes of his colleagues and friends. In case the dreams can not decide on a long time, the dream tells him that he occupies an alien place.