Problematic seminar summary of the lesson. Methodological seminar on problem learning technology

I have no corners
And I am like a saucer.
For a medal, for a pancake,
On an aspen leaf.
Think, friends,
And tell me, who am I? (Circle)
My three sides
Lengths may vary.
Where the sides meet -
The angle is obtained.
What happened? Look!
After all, there are also three corners.
You look at me
State my name. (Triangle)

You can't roll it into the goal like a ball.

And he will not gallop after you.

Four corners and four sides

Similar, like little sisters,

The figure is familiar to many guys.

Did you recognize him? After all, this is ... (Square)

Children guess riddles and show geometric shapes (Dienesh blocks).

Educator: Friends lived in cozy house(a house appears on the interactive whiteboard), what shape were the walls of this house, its roof, window? (children's answers) Friends often sat on chairs with comfortable ... (square) seats. They had a table ... (round). When setting the table, friends put ... (round) plates. They put ... (square) pieces of sugar in the tea. Friends were very fond of ... (triangular) cookies. One day someone knocked on the door of their house. Friends went out to the doorstep and saw: an amazing figure, a bit like a circle, was standing in front of them. (an oval appears on the board). We began to get acquainted.

Educator: Hello friends! My name is Oval, I am similar in shape to a circle, take a look. (the teacher puts the oval next to the circle, puts the circle on the oval, the children highlight the similarities and differences of the figures).

Educator. Children, name the objects that are shaped like an oval (children's answers).

Oval. Let me live with you.

Educator. The figures agreed and they began to live together. Every morning they went outside and did exercises. And how they did it, I'll show you now.

Children get up from the chairs and do physical exercises for a minute.

One - bend, unbend,

Two - bend, stretch,

Three clapping hands, three nods.

Four - arms wider

Five and six - sit quietly.

Educator. Then one day they decided to go for a walk with a circle, a square and a triangle and an oval. The mischievous oval ran away from his friends and hid in the vegetable garden (the teacher puts a poster “vegetable garden” in front of the children on which there are images of vegetables). Friends looked around, there is no oval, they began to look for it. They are looking, looking for - they cannot find in any way. Children, help the shapes find the oval. To do this, choose vegetables that resemble an oval in shape (children choose a cucumber, eggplant, zucchini ...) Among the vegetables, friends found an oval. They went on. After a while, a dense forest stood in their way. Beasts came out from behind the trees. Guess which ones?

Children name them and list the geometric shapes from which the images are composed. (Task cards where you need to lay out animals using Dienes blocks)

Educator (addresses the children): Lyosha, what geometric shapes do you see in the image of a fox? ... a bear? ... a hare?

Educator. The Circle, Oval, Square Triangle met with forest dwellers and decided to make their portraits as a keepsake.

Children sit down at tables and, using patterns and Dienes blocks, lay out pictures of animals.

Educator. The circle, square, triangle and oval with forest dwellers said goodbye and went for a walk in the forest (children walk through the music hall to quiet music). For a long time, or for a short time, they walked, but now it's time to return home (the children sit on chairs, the teacher puts the geom. Figures in their original place near the house).

Reflective moment.

Educator. Well guys, our tale is over. It's time for us to return to Kindergarten... Did you like the cinema? What new things have you learned today, what (who) did you meet? I also liked you today: - listened attentively and quickly answered questions.

1.Play with the kids at didactic games: "Find an oval-shaped object" (invite the children to find oval-shaped objects in the environment); “What it looks like” (show the children the oval and invite the children to think and name what it looks like, for example, on the body of an animal, on a balloon ...).

Basic educational activity : Cognition.

Target : Development of the ability to use standards as generally accepted properties and qualities of objects(i.e. properties cylinder ) and to correlate the shape of objects with geometric shapes known to children, the development of cognitive interests and intellectual activity in children.

Program tasks :

1. Educational : To foster interest in cognitive and research activities, independence, activity.

2. Developing : The development of the ability to establish associative connections (offering to remember what similar structures the children saw, to enrich the speech of children with words denoting the signs of objects.

3. Educational : Formation of the ability to count to 5, find new ways to use familiar objects, the formation of the ability to highlight special features of figures using the visual and tactile-motor analyzers.

1. Demo material: pictures of objectscylindrical , cylinders different diameters and heights.

2. Handout: cards with"Passport" cylinder, m dressedcylinders and cube , numbers 1-5.

Course of the lesson

1. Getting to know cylinder and its properties .

Children sit at tables, on the tables in front of them are boxes containing models of geometric bodies of different sizes.

1. The teacher shows the children pictures. Which depict a glass, sausage, hat-cylinder , jarcylindrical , glue stick.

What do you notice in common in these pictures?(All items have a similar shape) .

(If it is difficult to answer the question, you can ask leading questions)

Are these items the same material? Their size? Colour? Appointment?

Educator: Guys, objects of this shape are calledcylinders ... Findcylinders on their tables ( among the cylinders objects of other shapes - a ball, a parallelepiped, a cone). Now pay attention to the pictures on which the objectscylindrical forms areelements : a cannon, a building with columns, a tree, round poles of power lines.

2. Getting to know the properties cylinder .

Educator: Do you know whycylinder so called ? A long time ago, when there were no cars yet, people moved heavy objects with the help of tree trunks. Think - how?

You guys take fivecylinders the same diameter (pencils, cube.

Imagine that the cube is a very heavy weight that needs to be moved from one end of the table to the other usingcylinders ... You made sure thatcylinder turns out to be rolling. Word« cylinder » translated from Greek -"rink" , "Roller" ... One of its properties is that it can be rolled.

Educator: Guys, I propose to disperse ongroup and find cylindrical objects ... Return to the table on which there are differentcylinders ... I propose to find figures that are the same in any way, and the selected figures have signs of difference. (for example : cylinders equal in height, but different in thickness, color, material from which they are made(from paper, plasticine, take plastic, metal, wooden) .

Physical education with elements of gymnastics for the eyes "Geometric figures"

Here are the fidget figures,

They love to play hide and seek.

So let's get them guys

Let's look with our eyes.

Run closer to them.(running in place)

Together, let's look all to the left.

What's in there? It's ... a square.

At four corners a square

He walks just like a soldier.(Children walk in place) .

Now look to the right

Do you recognize? This is ... a circle.

And we found you.

Meet us, beloved friend.

We will turn around us

And we will return to the place in a moment.(Children are spinning in place) .

Who climbed so high

Did you almost reach the roof?

This strange figure

It is called - ... an oval.

Jump raise your hands,

Get to the oval!(Children jump with their hands up) .

We will lead our eyes down

We will find the triangle there.

Squat: one - two - three,

We will repeat all the figures!(Children squat).

3. Game "Passport Office" .

Educator: Guys, you have cards from 1 to 5 on your tables. I propose to consider figures made of plasticine of variousflowers:

Educator questions :

How many pieces are there?(Show the number) .

Starting from the left, what is the red, blue, green shape?(Numbers show) .

What color is the second figure, the fifth figure?(Yellow, brown) .

Count from 1 to 5 and 5 to 1.

how manycylinders ? (Clap their hands) .

Why did they slam 4 times?(The first figure is not cylinder ) .

Is it possible to move cargo with the help of such figures? Try it.

After all the reasoning, the children come to the conclusion thatcylinder the same circles on both sides.

4. "Passport" of the cylinder.

Educator: I will putcylinder on the table , and you sit down so that the figure is at eye level. Guys, what do you see and how can you sketch it? Now I'm turningcylinder several times what do you see? As a result, discussions come toconclusion:

So, if they want to talk aboutcylinder do itSo:

it"passport" figures. What can you learn from it?(About height cylinder , its thickness) .

The educator appliescylinder to rectangle and the groundscylinder - to circles and shows in such a way as"passport" is matched with its owner.

Educator: Different on your tablescylinders ... Now I will give to everyone"passport" by which he should find the corresponding to this"Passport" cylinder .

The result of the lesson.

What new shape have you met? What properties of this shape have you learned?

Ekaterina Iskaeva

Tasks: 1. To form an idea of ​​a cylinder, the ability to recognize a cylinder in objects of the environment.

2. To fix the score within 5, the geometric representations of children, the ability to find the general properties of objects.

Material: pictures depicting objects of a cylindrical shape, cylinders of different diameters and heights, cards with a "passport" of a cylinder, models of cylinders and a cube, numbers 1 - 5, a set of geometric shapes for each child.

1. Acquaintance with the cylinder and its properties.

The teacher shows pictures of cylindrical objects: a glass, sausage, a cylinder hat, a cylindrical jar, a glue stick.

What do all of these items have in common? (All objects have a similar shape.)

If children find it difficult to answer this question, leading questions can be asked: is the material from which these objects are made, their color, size, purpose the same.

Then the teacher informs the children that objects of this shape are called cylinders, and asks them to find the cylinders on their table. Along with the cylinders, there should be objects of other shapes on the table (for example, a ball, a parallelepiped, a cone). It is also advisable to show pictures in which cylindrical objects are elements: a cannon, a building with columns, a tree, etc.

Do you know why the cylinder is called that? A long time ago, when there were no cars yet, people moved heavy objects with the help of tree trunks. Think - how?

The teacher gives the children several cylinders of the same diameter (for example, pencils) and a cube and suggests that the cube is a very heavy load that must be moved from one end of the table to the other using the cylinders. After completing the task, the teacher says that the word "cylinder" in translation from Greek means "roller", "roller". One of its properties is that it can be rolled.

Children are encouraged to disperse in the group and find cylindrical objects.

Then the children return to the table, on which there are different cylinders. They are invited to find figures that are the same in any way, and find signs of differences in the selected figures. For example, it can be cylinders equal in height, but different in thickness, color, material from which they are made (cylinders can be made of paper, plasticine, take plastic, metal cylinders, wooden pencils, etc.)

2. Physical education: "Who is the most attentive?"

At the command "Ear", children must grab the ear (you can make it difficult by saying "Right ear", at the command "Nose" - by the nose. The teacher performs the task together with the children. After a while, begins to deliberately make mistakes and knock the children down.

3. Game: "Passport Office".

Children have cards on the tables from 1 to 5. The teacher invites them to consider figures made of plasticine of various colors.

Children answer the teacher's questions:

How many pieces are there? (They show a number.)

Count from 1 to 5 and 5 to 1.

How many cylinders? (Clap their hands.)

Why did they slam 4 times? (The second figure is not a cylinder.)

How is the second figure different from the rest?

After all the reasoning, the children come to the conclusion that the cylinder has the same circles on both sides, but the second figure does not.

The teacher puts the cylinder on the table and asks the children to sit down so that the figure is at eye level. Asks the children about that. what they see, how it can be sketched. Then he turns the cylinder several times and asks the children the same thing. As a result of the discussion, they come to the conclusion:

So, if they want to talk about a cylinder, they do it like this:

This is the figure's "passport". What can you learn from it? (About the height of the cylinder, its thickness).

The teacher applies the cylinder to the rectangle, and the bases of the cylinder to the circles and shows how the "passport" is compared with its owner.

Children have different cylinders on the table. Each child is given a "passport", according to which he must find the cylinder corresponding to this "passport".

4. Game: "Number Lotto".

Children lay out cards with numbers from 1 to 5 (face down) on the table. The cards are shuffled. Then each child must draw out a card at random and lay out as many Geometric Lotto pieces that have common feature how much the number indicates on the card (for example, 3 large figures, or 4 red figures, or 2 circles, etc.).

After completing the assignment, the children with the teacher walk through the group and check the correctness of the solution.

"Travel to the land of geometric shapes" Lesson on FEMP in middle group using
multimedia support.

Author: Likhovskikh Ruzigul Gardulloevna educator KGKOU Orphanage 18 p. Otradnoe Vyazemsky district of the Khabarovsk Territory.

When working with children, the use of multimedia technologies (colors, graphics, sound, modern video equipment) allows me to simulate various situations, activate cognitive activity pupils and enhance the assimilation of the material. Application of information technology in preschool educational institution possible and necessary, it helps to increase interest in learning, develops the child comprehensively. The clarity of the material increases its assimilation, because all channels of children's perception are involved - visual, mechanical, auditory and emotional.
The use of multimedia support in the classroom in mathematics ensures the activity of children when examining, examining and visually highlighting the signs and properties of objects, forms the methods of visual perception, examination, highlighting qualitative, quantitative and spatio-temporal signs and properties in the objective world. The formation of elementary mathematical concepts is based on the construction and use of visual models by children. The use of new unusual techniques of explanation and consolidation, especially in game form, increases the involuntary attention of children, helps to develop voluntary attention. Information technology provides a person-centered approach.

Program tasks:
1. Acquaintance with volumetric geometric shapes;
2. the ability to compare objects in size, to distinguish volumetric and flat geometric shapes; cube, cylinder, cone, etc. square, triangle, circle, etc.
3. Formation of visual perception, examination, selection in the objective world of qualitative, quantitative and spatio-temporal signs and properties.
4. Development of visual attention and visual memory.
5. Replenishment of vocabulary.
6. To cultivate an interest in mathematics, and a desire to work in a team.
Demonstration; training video "Chukh-Chukh locomotive and geometric shapes"
Dispensing; volumetric, plastic geometric shapes (you can make shapes out of paper); sheets of paper A-4, pencils.

Course of the lesson

Guys, today we, together with the Chukh-Chukh train, will go on a journey to the country of geometric shapes, the journey will be interesting and exciting. And you look carefully and try to remember everything that the train will show you.
- So, we begin our journey ...

Did you like the trip with the Chukh-Chukh train?
- Now let's see how attentive you were during the trip.
- Pay attention, there are geometric figures in front of you, the same ones that were transported by the locomotive.
- Show and name the figures transported by the train Chukh-Chukh? (cube, rectangular parallelepiped, pyramid, cone, cylinder, ball, torus, prism)
- What are all these geometric shapes called and why? (volumetric figures, due to the fact that they have volume, i.e. they take up space in space).
- Let's see what happens if we trace the base of each three-dimensional figure on a piece of paper. What are the names of the shapes drawn on paper? ( flat figures; cube-square, rectangular parallelepiped-parallelepiped, pyramid-square-triangle-polygon, cone-circle, cylinder-circles, prism-triangle-polygons).
- Please show me the pyramid and the cone. What is the difference? (the base pyramid has a square, rectangle, triangle, polygon, while the base of a cone is always a circle and has no faces).
- What are their similarities? (both a pyramid and a cone have a base and a top).
- Who will show me the ball? How is he different from all the figures? (the ball has no base, corners, sides).
- And what are the prisms? (triangular, polygonal), why are they called that? (because at their base lies a triangle, polygons).
- Well done guys, today you were attentive and learned to distinguish three-dimensional geometric shapes. And now you can play with figures, build houses, a palace, gates and other buildings. Imagine yourself.



educator additional education MBU DO GTSVR "Leisure"

Program tasks:

To form an idea of ​​a cylinder and its properties, to learn to recognize objects of a cylindrical shape, to correlate flat geometric figures with spatial bodies.

Software content:

    consolidate children's knowledge of geometric shapes;

    teach children to answer problematic questions;

    develop in children spatial, logical thinking;

    the ability to explain, compare, find similarities and differences;

    foster a desire to help.

Stroke educational activities

Good afternoon, dear friends, today we have an unusual lesson. First of all, we have guests in the class, let's welcome them. Secondly, today we will be engaged in a very adult matter - we have research work in the framework of a research laboratory. What do you think adults do in a research laboratory.

Children's answer options

So, today we will explore the properties of some geometric shapes and, as a result, we will get a completely new geometric concept.

Guys, let's remember what geometric shapes do you know?

Practical task based on the handout

Children's answers

What is the difference between the concepts geometric figure and geometric body?

Children's answer options (geometric bodies have volume, flat figures cannot be hugged, unlike bodies).

Friends, let's start exploring. Take a piece of plasticine and roll a ball out of it, press it to the surface of the desk. What figure did we get?

Children's answer options (circle)

Great, let's start "growing" some geometric body.

We place the toothpicks along the edge of the resulting circle, very tightly to each other. So, what did the structure look like?

Children's answer options

Guys, all these objects are in the shape of a geometric body of a cylinder.

Cylinder in translation into Russian from ancient Greek means "roller, roller". One of its properties is that it can be rolled.

What is usually made of such stable cylinders?

Children's answer options(columns, bridge supports, benches)

Do we have objects in the room that look like a top hat?

Children's answer options (children name objects)

In addition, the cylinder refers to bodies of revolution. If the checkbox rectangular twist it, it will leave a mark, and we will get a cylinder. Attention to the screen (presentation).

Let's remember what examples of cylindrical objects are there? (presentation).

Children's answer options (pipe, bucket, etc.)

Dear friends, pay attention to the screen, now we are going to watch a presentation, which describes some of the properties of cylinders, how to get it.

Demonstration (during the demonstration, pay attention to the concepts: cylinder base, side surface, etc.)

Now we have to make a cylinder from scrap materials. We will take a rectangular sheet of paper as a basis, twist it and fix it, and glue circles as bases. Let's assemble a cylinder from a smaller rectangle.

Let's fasten them together, add details, who does it look like?

Children's answer options (snowman, cat, bunny, etc.)

A moment of propaedeutics. The game "Bag".

Friends, there are items in the bag different forms(pyramid, Matchbox, flask, spool of thread, etc.). By touch, try to determine what shape the objects are (ball, cube, cone, cylinder, parallelepiped, pyramid).

Children define some forms of geometric bodies without difficulty, in otherwise- the teacher helps to determine the names, including through a demo table (see Appendix).

So, friends, what geometric body did we meet today? Cylinder

Questions for self-examination in the presentation:

    Where have we been with you?

    What did you meet?

    What new have you learned?

    Where would you like to travel next time?

The result of the lesson.

You have done a great job next time in our research laboratory we will receive another geometric body and study its properties. Goodbye!
