Maternal prayers for children's health are the strongest and effective. Strong maternal prayer for children

Prayer is a living communion of a person with the Lord, which brings a tangible benefit of both the soul and the body. Even among those who call themselves atheist, it is unlikely easy to find someone who has never turned to God with a request for help.

When a person prays in despair - it has the most chance of being heard and get help.

A special case - when we ask not for yourself. Most often God is asked about the most neighboring - their children, and there is no stronger prayer than a prayer for health, healing, and helping the child, about obedience and deliverance from trouble.

In the prayer there are many prayers for any reason, and all of them, being read sincerely, help in any need.

Special strength and grace of children and parents have a saint Nicholas Wonderworker. The Great Relief of God loved children very much, and is considered their patron after the incident that happened to one merchant.

The merchant ruined, concluding an unsuccessful deal, and decided almost an irreparable step - he was forced to give his daughters to the crop - so that their maiden honor would save the family.

The merchant prayed to the Lord, and he, his providence, was sent by St. Nicholas to the aid - he secretly created a rich alms, and thereby saved the whole family and many of his members separately.

Nikolay and children

Prayer Nicholas The Wonderworker on children can read both at home and in the temple, while holy waters accompanies children in all life situations. Firstly, Saint prayed for the custody of children - when there are no children themselves.

It should also be prayed for successful childbirth, the health of the mother and Chad. Huge reverence of St. Nicholas in Russia has led to an appeal to him almost for any occasion. Training, healing from diseases, assistance in communicating with peers, protection against bad influences and incorrect companies - In any aspect of life, you can read prayers for the child by Batyushka Nikolay the Wonderworker.

Kids who go on a trip (hike, kid `s camp, journey), instructs and protects against any evil spirit of the Holy Prayers of the Saint and the Wonderworker Nicholas, Bishop of the Mirliki.

Children who are deprived of parental caress and intercessors are especially susceptible to the injustices and oppression of the world, but their especially protects the Saint Nikolai from the adversity. You can pray both the children themselves, and those who compete with all the soul.

No need to think that the prayer Nicholas the Wonderworker for children of orphans will replace real help. The one who reads the prayer for the child to St. Nicholas and wash his hands from the rest of participation - lies himself.

Prayer for children

Prayer for children Nikolai The Wonderworker should not be formal, only sincere request is fulfilled. Even if you read the finished text (for example, an akathist) - thoughts must be concentrated, and the mind is humble and clean.

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker "On Children"

"Oh, allblagic Nikolai, the intercessor and benefactor! Do not scare on a miracle, Odari Chad My well-being and happiness, do not turn away from them! Be merciful, help in a difficult moment and mention the righteous and true way! And let your strength in them, Amen. "

Resize with the great saint the main points of His Holy Life, described in the Akathist, empathize and compassion, ask for the grace and help of the Great Relief of God.

If you want to read the prayer, which is not found in a special book, church brochure, and, for example, on the Internet - ask the Council knowing man - spiritually experienced comrade (friend, relative, parishioner of your temple). You can, and even need, in complex cases Resort to the help of a priest.

Do not read prayers that are positioned as conspiracy, do not sin against God and do not insult his faithful witchcraft.

If you are offered to pray under a certain amount of candles, in the direction of the sun, the moon, constellations, scratching the stomach clockwise or some other way to prepare for prayer - do not do it in any way. Humble and crushed about the sins and unrealistic of our heart and calm, peaceful mind - the only worthy and required preparation To prayer.

How to pray for help children?

In order for God to hear such a prayer, we must first forgive the neighbor, who ever made us evil and ask for forgiveness from the one who offended us. Forgiveness and ask for forgiveness sincerely, from the heart. Only after that with trepidation you can begin to the prayer itself. To read it carefully, without distracting for a second, skip every word through her heart.

It is necessary to pray everywhere and always, in any need and need. As a rule, prayers for children are read after ordinary morning or evening prayer. You can choose any prayer for children, which will find in your prayer.

Do not forget to sincerely thank God and St. Nicholas for the assistance rendered - this can be done both in the same prayer and in other ways.

Often, the churches are ordered thanks prayers, candles arise in front of the icon of Nicholas, they make him the name and the glory of God generously, helping in need of neighbor.

Video: Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker "On Children"

New article: Prayer for children Saint Nicholas Wonderworker on site site - in all details and details from a variety of sources, which managed to find us.

A true Christian can entrust the life of his child only to God and His holy asgets. Only they will be able to interfere, protect, enjoy, calm and send the life of his beloved chad to the right direction.

With each Orthodox Mother when the child's release from the house for a walk or at school is read by prayer Nikolai Wonderworker about children. And the saint, in turn, will take care of the chance, protects and will save from different unexpected situations.

What to ask in prayer

Only a mother is capable of a hot prayer about his blood. In her heart there is no envy and malice, bad and dashing thoughts.

Among the saints of God, the Archbishop of the Mirliki Nikolai is especially loved by the people.

During his lifetime, he helped people, presents about them after death. Children for him are joyful and holy creatures requiring caress, protection and attention. For them, he is a kind guardian and an old-fashioned wizard, pleasing gifts, but requiring obedience and hard work.

Holy always responds to the maternal request for the gift of the health, success and happiness of her children.

Oh kind of our shepherd and the Bogomdrome mentor, St. Nicholas, St. Nicholas! You hear us sinful, you are praying for you and calling on your assistance to help: you will have a weak, disgraceful, dead, all slander and wisely from a little glady: Fur, waters, not to leave us in the sinful captivity of our way, let's not be in joy of our enemy And I would not die in the evil deeds of our.

Moths about us unworthy of our and Vladyka, Jesh, you are with challenging faces of the prestige: it's a challency to us with our God in the present life and in the future, I will not pay us on our business and On the impurity of our hearts, but by their goodness we will repay.

At your bole, a petition is hopefully, your concern is urged, your intercession to the aid, and to the MEDIA DIVERSE Freshly, help help: save us, pleases, from evils that are on us, yes for the saints of your prayers will not attack us, and yes Do not wash in the punching of sinful and in the Tine of our passions.

Moli, St. Nicholas, the Christ of our God, let us give us peaceful life and leaving sins, souls our salvation and grandgrieness, now and are confused and forever. Amen.

Nikolai Wonderworker is honored both adults and children. Every year on the night of December 19, he comes to the house to small Christians with gifts that the guys are laid out under the pillow.

For kids, this miracle becomes a fairy tale. And the kids grow up - and the wonderworker remains.

Children's years saint

The great saint was born in the city of Patar in a pious christian family.

His parents were wealthy and god-fearing people, who have not had children for a long time. In an old age after a variety of tear prayers, alms and vow, devoted to the future heir to the ministry of God, the Lord honored them with great grace and granted his son. The boy was called Nikolai - "Winner of Peoples."

FROM early years His beloved desk book was the Holy Scripture. He "soul burned" to God that he noticed his uncle, Bishop Patar John. He built a teen nephew in the reader, then in Diacon, a little later, the young man became a cleric.

Serving Christ

The flock was wise by wise sermons young man And respected him. After the death of a high-ranking uncle - Archbishop, he was elected a bishop in the worlds. But despite the high rank, the saint remained a sample of meekness, humility, mercy, respect and love.

In the times of diocletian persecution to the church, the Christians, together with many Christians, was abandoned, where he spent many years. But being in conclusion, he did not stop preaching Christ among the prisoners, helped the ceamers to transfer and hunger, hunger and cold, torture and pain.

After coming to the reign of the Konstantin of the Great, the freedom was given to the arrestants and the wonderworker was taken to his beloved Vraians.

All my life, the saint mercifully. Rich inheritance, which remained him after the death of his parents, he gave the needy, constantly gave poor families.

How to pray for children a great desirable

In order for the prayer for his favorite children to be heard by the Wonderworker and his republic has been received before Most High, it is necessary:

  • leave all the cases and create around yourself a calm and peaceful atmosphere;
  • issue the thoughts and soul from bad ideas and evil, no one to raise anyone and not blame the neighbor, do not regret yourself;
  • it is necessary to pray often, with faith, and in the absence of it to ask God about her to date;
  • it is advisable to attract households to the prayer;
  • in no case cannot be used magic conspiracies, it is a sin, nasty Lord;
  • parents and relatives should be made by the affairs of mercy, to file alms to the poor, helping those who need, be disinterested;
  • we must not be forgotten about Thanksgiving Sacred for the intercession, then the flame prayer work will soon be more rewarded.

Prayer for children should sound not only in the moments of the disease, grief and other troubles that happened to the child. Heaven is waiting for maternal prayers since the very moment of the birth of the child, and then the Lord must definitely send her blessing to the kid by Holy Prayers to Him Nicholas Wonderworker.

Orthodox icons and prayers

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker about healing, health, health

"Save me, God!". Thank you for visiting our site before starting to study information, please subscribe you to our group of VKontakte prayer for every day. Also add to the canal in YouTube prayers and icons. "God bless you!".

Nikolai read prayers for health and healing, turn help and salvation. Four from St. Nicholas is considered a patron of children, merchants and sailors. Holiness all his life devoted to serving Jesus Christ and the Christian faith.

Nikolai Wonderworker, or as it is stillked - Nikolai Rogin familiar to people from early childhood. After all, the day of honoring the wonderworker, the kids find sweets under their pillows. As believes: "To obedient kids, comes saint with a candy, and to a naughty - with a slot."

Today, the relics of the wonderworker are stored in the Basilica of St. Nicholas (Bari). A part of the races of the rash is preserved at the Church of St. Nicholas in Turkey.

About the health of the sorry pray the icon of the Holy

Pronounces forgiveness to holy waters costs, certainly before the icon. In every house, in the Red Corner, next to the images of the Lord God and Mother of God, should stand the icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker. Now you can often find icons of books, consisting of three parts: in the center - Jesus Christ - the Son of the Lord, on the right - Virgin Mary - Mother of God, on the left - the wonderworker Nicholas.

Icon Nikolai is one of the main saints in the Orthodox church. It is believed that if you were presented with the face of this saint, then a gifted person very respects you and wishes the best achievements in fate.

Honor holy waters God's Nicholas The wonderworker was accepted on December 19, in a new style. On this day, the day of death is the Wonderworker. And on August 11, according to a new style, the Orthodox worship the birthday of Nicholas.

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker about health

St. Nicholas Orthodox Museum Miracle Miracle and always resort to him for help from disease healing . The miraculous prayers in front of the icon of God's worship brought God's grace in no one thousand houses.

How to pray for help in illness

  • Before the prayer of the Holy, it is necessary to clean your thoughts, from all sinful, slutty and black.
  • Then, it is necessary through Nikolai to ask God's forgiveness for sins.
  • Only after the foregoing, you can turn to Nikolai the Wonderworker with a sincere prayer for help in health.

Prayer for healing is pronounced by the following words:

"Oh all-in-Nicolae, waters, and everywhere in the sorrow, a quick help, to me, sinful and dull, in the supasses of life, the mind of the Lord God, give the rest of all my sins, the Muyia, life is mine, business, word, thinking and all of my feelings; and in the outcome of the soul of the Muya Poszing by the Okayannoye, the mind of the Lord of God all the creature of Protsetel, save me on air solarms and eternally

torment, yes always glorify the father, and son, and the saint spirit, and yours

the graciousness is now donated, and in the eyelids. Amen"

On the health of the child

It is very scary when kids are sick. Mother, suffering over the bed of a native child, is ready for everything, if only the baby recovered. Nicholas The Wonderworker has long been considered the patron of children.

Therefore, every mother, there is always an icon of a miracle, the baby's bed and the text of the prayer is harvested in order to read it at any time to appeal to Nikolai. The health of children pray to the Holy Holy Heard, he hears these petitions and heals from any agel physical.

Prayer Nicholas The Wonderworker about the healing of a child is pronounced by a special way:

  • Important! - to retire in a separate room;
  • Light three church candles;
  • Near the candles to put the saint;
  • Near the icons must be able to stand holy water;
  • Read the prayer "Our Father".
  • Only after all of the above appeal so:

"Oh, Saint Nicholas. Help to recover my beloved chad and do not proceed to me for sinful grief. Amen".

About the health of parents and loved ones

Prayer Nicholas The Wonderworker about the sick relative carries special strength. We are always worried about loved ones who are sick. There is one good phrase: "No church heard so many sincere prayers as hospital walls."

And it is true! A close man is lying on a hospital bed, the doctor says that he did everything that he could, and it remains to hope for a miracle - this is terribly. You immediately think about how you can help him, what a miracle should happen.

After a while you understand what the doctor said and you begin to pray. Ask the Lord God, all the saints and the Great Martyr about help, about healing close . Lines of prayers are moved in the head.

At such moments, any help will be by the way. All about what you think, everything you pray, any prayer for the healing of the patient will be heard. And it does not matter what the prayer will be uttered - about health or about the pardon, about the captivity of the bone or about healing from cancer, she will do the god to the gaze and here only he has the right to solve, live a person or climb his soul to heaven.

Whatever it was in life, whatever happens, the Church is glad to accept anyone. Even if everything is fine now, no one is insured against steep turn on the life path in the future.

Therefore, you do not need to be afraid or shy, in order to go to church. There must be at least sometimes. If there are no thoughts, what to ask God, just you can put a candle, order a prayer for health , Thank you for everything, cross and step by your affairs. And Nikolai Wonderworker will certainly become an intermediary between a person and the Most High and will help create a real miracle.

God bless you!

See also the video from which you learn how to pray to St. Nicholas about healing:

Orthodox prayers ☦

11 of the strongest prayers Nikolai Wonderworker

In this article collected prayers to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (ashy).

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker Changing Fate

"The miraculous and pretty plenty of Christ the Father Nicholas! The world has an excessive mercy of Miro and inexhaustible wonders of the sea, the fortresses of spiritual settles, and I praise the Major's fortress, saint to St. Nicholas: You're also having a keenness to the Lord, whischy mis , Nicolae, Great Wonderful, Rejoice, Nikolae, Great Wonderful!

Angel image, earthland nature of the Nature of the Creator, the Nature of the Creator; The adventurous Bo kindness of the soul is Tyuya Pridhev, Nicholas, Nicholas, to teach all the shine to you:

Rejoice, in the robes of angels born, pumped in the flesh; Rejoice, and baptized water and fire, I can holy in the flesh. Rejoice, the birth of your parents is surprising; Rejoice, the power of spiritual abie in christmas is. Rejoice, the garden of the promise; Rejoice, the color of Divinestrigaging. Rejoice, Lozo virtuous grapes of Christ; Rejoice, Tree Wonderful Paradise Jesus. Rejoice, cryna of paradise conabilities; Rejoice, Miro Christ of Fragrances. Rejoice, Yako to you will disappear sobs; Rejoice Yako to you is brought to joy. Rejoice, Nikolae, the Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Wonderful!

Rejoice, the image of the lands and shepherds; Rejoice, holy cleaner of morals. Rejoice, virtues of the great contents; Rejoice, shrine clean and honest dwelling! Rejoice, the luminaire is all over and past; Rejoice, the light is malicious and immaculate! Rejoice, worthy of angels interlocuting; rejoice good people Major! Rejoice, the rule of faith pious; Rejoice, the image of meekness spirituality! Rejoice, Yako to you get rid of bodily passions; Rejoice, Yako to you cut the spiritual obstacles! Rejoice, Nikolae, the Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Wonderful!

Rejoice, getting rid of sorrow; Rejoice, challenge grace. Rejoice, unhahered as a voyage; Rejoice, the desired good towers. Rejoice, a quick contestant in the troubles; Rejoice, terrible to the prisoner offended. Rejoice, miracles of the baudes, the god is poured; Rejoice, the law of Christ the screened God written. Rejoice, strong borrowing; Rejoice, the right to standing approval. Rejoice, Yako to you all flattery is exposed; Rejoice, Yako to you, every truth comes true. Rejoice, Nikolae, the Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Wonderful!

Rejoice, all sorts of healing sources; Rejoice, Luhee of the Terrifying Assistant! Rejoice, dawn, shining in the nosta sinful wandering; Having rejoice, Rewo insignificant in the sovereign works! Rejoice, subsistence requiring a blessing; Rejoice, prepare causing abundance! Rejoice, multiplinks for prevailing; Rejoice, the old seeds will update the power! Rejoice, many delusions from the path of the truth to the accuse; Rejoice, the Taine of God is a faithful servant. Rejoice, Jaco you enlighten the envy; Rejoice, Yako to you, unfortunately, I fix it. Rejoice, Nikolae, the Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Wonderful!

Rejoice, from poverty fell eternally; Rejoice, wealth is nonetable feeding! Rejoice, Brazno, who is unhelping, the accurate truth; Rejoice, Potey inexhaustible thirsty life! Rejoice, from the insurrection and brass observing; Rejoice, freezing from bonds and captivity! Rejoice, Preslaving in the troubles intercession; Rejoice, great in attacks defender! Rejoice, Nikolae, the Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Wonderful!

Rejoice, illumination of tris-cannago light; Rejoice, Dennica of the Sun Own! Rejoice, candle, divine flames arising; Rejoice, Yako fucked Esi Besysky flame of wickedness! Rejoice, lightning, heresy fading; Rejoice, thunder, awesome seductive! Rejoice, TRUNNAGO Mind Header; Rejoice, mysterious to change the mind! Rejoice, Yako to you Poprano worship of creatures; Rejoice, Yako you will learn to worship the Creator in Trinity! Rejoice, Nikolae, the Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Wonderful!

Rejoice, all virtues of the grazor; Rejoice, all those who run to you strong took! Rejoice, at the Bose and the Virgin, all our hope; Rejoice, the televisions of our health and shower salvation! Rejoice, Yako you free from the eternal death; Rejoice, Yako to you, the infinite life is advancing! Rejoice, Nikolae, the Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Wonderful!

Oh, the prefabricated and missing Father Nicholas, the consolation of all the grieving, the present our acceptance, and from Geenna, to get rid of us the Lord's mind, woven your petition, and you are singing with you: Allyluja, Alliluia, Alliluia, Alliluia!

The miraculous and pretty plenty of Christ's Father Nicholas! The world from all over the multiple mercy of Miro and the inexhaustible wonders of the sea, the fortresses of spiritual settles, and I praise the Major's Maiden, saint Nicholas: You're already having a daring to the Lord, from all sorts of misfortune, yes call: Rejoice, Nicolae, Great Wonderful, Rejoice, Nikolae, the great miracle, rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Wonderful! "

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker for help in work

Prayer Nikolai pleasedness for success in the work is recommended to read in privacy and concentration before the icon.

"The king of the Heavenly, Comforter, the soul of truth, and everywhere and all of the executive, the treasure of good and life to the submitter, come and messed in us, and clean it from everyone is bad, and save, our souls. Bless, Lord, and help me, sinner, make a start-old thing, your glory. Lord, Jesus Christ, the son of the only beefishless of your father, you Bo Relk Esi with your recent Usa, I can't do it without me. My God, Lord, faithfully in my heart and heart to you, I fall, falling your goodness: Pomping, sinful, this is a thing, I started me, about you very much, in the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, the prayers of the Virgin and all your saints . Amen."

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker in finding good work

"Saint Nicholas Wonderworker, defender and benefactor. Clean my soul from the presting envy and malice of bad people. If the work does not argue through the ancient intent, the enemies do not punish, and help them cope with the soul in the shower. Kolya soot on me sinful, sincerely repent and ask miraculous assistance in the work of the righteous. I went to work on the conscience, and the salary of work. May it be so. Amen".

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker on Help

"O good our shepherd and the Bogomdrome mentor, St. Nicholas, St. Nicholas! We hear us sinful (names), who are praying for you and calling on your assistance to your emergence: Wang we's gentle, from everywhere caught, all the good deprived and mind from a malnuary stared. Fur, waters, do not leave us in the sinful captivity of life, do not be a joy of our enemy and do not die in the evil acts of our. Moths about us unworthy of our own and the lord, you are with the facial faces of the prestigious: it's a challency to us with our God in the present life and in the future, I will not pay our hearts and on our uncleanness of our hearts, but for our goodness we will be rewarded.

Your prediction is preferred to your bole, your concession is called to the assistance to the Holy Different Assistance to the Holy Different Assistance: save us, pleases, from evils who are on us, yes for the sire of your prayers, do not hurt us and do not wake in the pumor sinful and in the Tine of our passions.

Moli, St. Nicholas, the Christ of our God, let us give us peaceful life and leaving sins, souls our salvation and grandgrieness, now and are confused and forever. Amen".

Prayer Nikolai Railway for help on the road

Prayer for traveling by car and by air.

"About St. Nicholas! Hear us, the sinful slaves of God (names), praying for you, and moths about us, unworthy, the pretelling of our and the lord, the pretty to us with our god of our in the present life and in the future, I will not pay us on our business, but in our Goodness will be rewarded to us. Get rid of us, pleases, from the evils, who are on us, and tighten the waves, passions and missesses to us, but for the sire of your prayers, do not hurt us to attack and do not marry in the punch of the sinful and in the Tine of our passions. Moli, St. Nicholas, Christ of Our God, let us give us peaceful life and leaving sins, souls our salvation and great mercy, now and are confused, and forever and ever. "

Prayer Nikolai pleased about helping in business and trade

"Oh, all-selling father Nicholas, a shepherd and teacher of all the faithful to your intercession, and the heat of the prayer you call you, will soon sweat, and save Christ's a herd from the wolves of Spioning E, to sire from the invasion of Latinyan Flying, which heaven on us.

Fences and save our country, and all the country in Orthodoxy, saints, the saints of your prayers from Mirskago, the sword, the invasions of the interemphetics, from the intercouction and bloody strungi. And Jacns pardoned the Treek men in the dungeon of the sedents, and delivered them to the Tsareva Anger and the Lathods of Latakia, Tako, and Rusi Rusy, Malia and Belya Rusi, Orthodox People from the Female Yershi Latinsky.

Yako Yes, your petition and help, my own mercy and grace, Christ, God, will learn with the gracious eyelve on the people in ignorance of such a land, I'm not a familiar to the Damnie, the Yunai, Kim Latin seduction, will need to disagree Orthodox from the faith of Orthodox May the mind enlightened the mind, but they will not be seduced and will not disappear from the faith of Othai, conscience, fumeful wise and ignorant sleeping, and he will awaken, the will will turn to the storage of the holy of faith of Orthodoxy, and the fear of faith and the humility of our belly, the belly for faith Orthodox Posted, insulating the praying of the warm holy seeds of their own, in the grounds of our conversion, who observe us from the delights and heresy Latinsky, yes, having preserved us in Svetop Orthodoxy, it will prompt us on the terrible judgment of His derNago standing with all the saints. Amen"

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker about marriage

"Oh all-in-law Nicholas, pleasedely! During his lifetime, you never detected anyone in the requests, but do not refuse the servant of God (the name of the girl who wants to marry). The grace of their own and ask the Lord about the soon of my marriage. I am going to the will of the Lord and I hope for mercy. Amen".

Also for the daughter of her marriage may ask parents:

"I hope for you, the wonderworker Nikolai, and I ask for your favorite child. Help my daughter meet the chosen one - honest, faithful, kind and measurable. Protect my daughter from the marriage of a sinful, lustful, demonsky and negligent. Yes, there will be the will of yours. Amen".

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker about healing from the disease

"Oh all-in-Nicolae, waters, and everywhere in the sorrow, a quick help, to me, sinful and dull, in the supasses of life, the mind of the Lord God, give the rest of all my sins, the Muyia, life is mine, business, word, thinking and all of my feelings; And in the outcome of the soul of the Muya Poszing of the Okayannoye, the mind of the Lord God of the All Creature, to save the air of air solarms and the eternal torment, and always glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and your graciousness, now and are confused, and forever. Amen"

Prayer Nicholas Wonderworker about the health of sore

Prayer is read in front of the saint elder (both in the temple and at home). To read the prayer text is allowed for yourself, and for their relatives and loved ones, instead of a brackets substituting the name of a sick person.

"Oh, Nikolay Mightly, the waters of the Lord, our eternal assistant, and everywhere in all the troubles an assistant to me help me, God's slave (name), sad and sinful, in of real life, I ask the Lord to give me to rescue my sins, for I sinned the business, in the word, in the thoughts and all my feelings. Help me the Okayannoye, the Holy Wonderworker, ask the Lord of our health about the health, save me from the torment and solarms. Amen."

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker on the road and traveling

"Lord Most High, our God, I appeal to you for your support! I ask you about helping you pray for your help! On the road, I am complicated, many obstacles on my way: people are bad, thoughts are rubbing, the problems of pressing! Remove me, save me, direct me on the right path and help not get away from it. Make so that the road is smooth and smooth, problems and misfortunes bypass. In order to go to the path, I came back! Your help I think, I call support! Your name is empty! Amen!"

Thanksgiving prayer Nikolai please

Read at dawn.

"Nicolae pleased! To you as a teacher and a shepherd, I appeal to faith and reverence, with love and adherence. Thank you, you send you, for life a safe purse. Thank you very much telling you, I hope for mercy yes for forgiveness. For sins, for thought, yes for thoughts. As you pardon all the sinners, so I have mercy. From testing terrible fence and death in vain. Amen"

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11 of the strongest prayers Nikolai Wonderworker: 19 comments

Very strong prayer changing fate ... began to read. I hope. She will help ...

valentine read until the end of 40 days in a row. Do not skip and you will see that all you have requested will definitely happen.

2 prayers which of them

I read 40 days prayer Nikolai Wonderworker before him, I am grateful to God that this prayer came across to my eyes, on reading 40 days in my life there were events very important for me, a house that I was inherited, he did not sell 3 years and so sold very easily and buyers were very pleased with his purchase, the second event happened in my apartment, I dreamed of making repairs in the bathroom, two and a half years ago and the tile floor and wall and sink my dodrock and toilease, but Everything was postponed somehow for later and the Spirit lacked both the money, and today I am writing a day when the masters handed me a turnkey bathroom, I didn't even expect that it would be so nice and beautiful, everything is thought out to the smallest things, I'm just very pleased, There are still very good events that occur with my close people, please work, pray and your words will hear God and holy miracles. I went to the temple and ordered the Thankty Molanika Nicholas the Wonderworker, learned by heart from Akathist a few huddling songs, they have such force and magnificence that, on reading, you feel joy and peace, it became calmer and patient in life, notice. Thanks to the Lord to the Lord to our Jesus Christ and the Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker and all the saints. Glory to Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and now and are constantly and forever. Amen.

What prayer reading

what kind of prayer read?

Also, the most severe prayer from the loneliness of Nicholas the Wonderworker can pronounce the mothers of unmarried girls. Many of them want her daughter to get married and was happy in their marriage.

Why there are no prayer about a successful search for a wife? Why are men in this regard?

The main thing to believe, Alexander, and you will certainly find your happiness! I believe!

Because men should take the first step, and women wait for her husband.

Alexander, I am also not married and pray, I hope))

There is a good prayer for a man about his wife well in prayer. Look in iconists.

I pray to Nicholas the Wonderworker. I know it will help! Slava Nikolai Wonderworker.

I started reading prayers to Nikolai Wonderworker in the morning in the subway (at another time it is difficult and difficult to focus) two weeks ago. And today I have a svokra infarction ... and scary, what will happen. Most likely, there will be a profitability of work, and its corporate pension will be covered, which he waited. Before it, he was still 1.5 years old ... Nikolay, the moths of God for him!

My relatives! Brothers in Christ!

Daily, in all orthodox churches He is read on behalf of our God Jesus Christ: "Do not hope for the prince, on the sons of human. There is no salvation in them. "And you - what? "Do not hear and do not see?" And "Pargu" drive? Do you ignore the installation of the most Almighty and throws for help and rescue to a person? Is it not a delusion in faith? Isn't it a sin in front of the Lord God God?

How many times I watched in the temple during the service of the Lord God to our. Such "believers" will be slate and immediately come on all the icons of all the holy people in a row to kiss. And, imagine, most often this action is starting to produce from Nicholas of the Homel. We run, kiss, but to the image of Jesus Christ, the image of God, and do not fit. So come from the temple satisfied and the very approved in their faith. Why does this happen? Yes, because there are pyroids who are engaged in cliking, knocking down the people with a sense, perverting and replacing faith in God Vera in the Alsolescence of man. Let even the canonized chirmah i.

It is necessary to read the holy people, but it is about! ! ! Give honors, Most High, Virgin, John the Forerun, and then, and all the rest. Only in such a sequence and not otherwise! Who does not agree with this - "Throw the stone into me."

With regard to saints.

I do not think it is holy when I argue that they are all, as well as we, sinful, are equal and before God, and in front of people. But who of them more read - here the question is controversial. I think that for the Orthodox Ruscha, the most revered must be the apostle Andrei was the first-surveyant, who brought faith to our land and in our people. This is his great merit that is worthy of all sorts of reverence. With regard to St. Nicholas. I believe that his merits are in front of the foreigners, and there are no them before Rusichi. Therefore, the reverence of it before our holy worshi and the apostle Andrei are imposed on the forefronts with far-reaching goals.

Yes, the Lord will strengthen us in true faith.

How can you be in the saints to say that they are sinful as we are people. They are saints and coming to the throne of God ... If you are mistaken why you are writing for people to read. And there is no difference in nationality and which of the saints to contact the representative office before the Lord, chooses the person himself

Slava Nikolai Wonderworker!

I believe that we are simple mortals, and holy worshives are elected people and we ask them to help us pray for us in front of our God, hear us to stand up, ask you to sink our sins, ask God to create a miracle and so on. We as children are looking for support and protection and appeal to the one who is closer to God.

I love God, but I read the saints. Nikolai Wonderworker is the first icon in my mind since childhood. Always pray it. And besides all the other saints. Matron is very often - I hold her image in my head - she helped me very much and created 2 huge miracle in my life, which helped even more to strengthen faith my in God! I am grateful to God and Matron and all the saints.

Today, Christmas Nicholas Wonderworker is a low bow and gratitude.

Batyushka Nikolai Wonderworker! Thank you, never leave me! I believe and live faithfully and love! Thank Lord for everything!

A lot of families faces the problem of the toddler conception. IN this issue Medicine sometimes powerless. And then, completely "exhausted" and lost the hope of married couples appeal to the Lord God to read the prayer for the conception of the child. At these moments of conversation with the Almighty, it remains to be hoped only on a miracle. Those who sincerely believe in God are necessarily getting as they ask.

How to read prayer about the conception of a healthy child

You can pray not only in a holy place, but also at home. The main thing is to repeat the words: "Let the will of yours will be." Each sacred text is read slowly without hurrying. Skip all the words through yourself, do not think about the bad, imagine how much you wish that someone's small legs stamped in your apartment. Who can pray for the conception of the child?

  1. Matron of Moscow.
  2. Virgin.
  3. Nikolay Wonderworker.

Prayer Matron about the conception of a child

It is believed that Mother Matrona is a patronage of the suffering girls. Someone holy helps to get married quickly, others - to conceive the child. During the life of the Matrona was a responsive old man, always helped people. Now she is in a number of saints and ready to do everything so that the Lord heard all the prayers and requests of people through her. The most important thing is to be sincerely repeating in all the sins perfect. It will be fine if the matrimonial pair will be able to go to the relics of matron and pray there.

"Oh, Blessed Matron, who is accustomed to all his life to take and listen to the suffering and needy, hear and accept me, unworthy, praying for you. Yes, it does not care and now the mercy of yours to me, unworthy and sinful. I saw the sickness of God's slaves (name) and God's slave (the name of the spouse), get rid of the torment and temptations of the devil, help us convey the cross everyday. The mind of the Lord Most Highs to mild us, forgive all sins, anger, hatred, offense and dirty thoughts, the mind to give it a new life, a healthy girl and good. We hope and hope for you and our God to have a strong and unlimited love to all near. Amen"

Prayer Virgin about the conception of a child

The Most Holy Mother of God will also help if you appeal to her asking for a kid's conception. Virgo Maria is the patroness of all the births and pregnant women. It is she who pray young girls who are in the position and waiting for the child's appearance. This prayer helped so much to get pregnant and easily endure the fruit, giving birth without torment.

"Oh, the Most Holy Devot, Mati of the Lord Vysnyago, a dilapidated intercession of everyone, to you with the faith of resorting! Watch from the height of the celestial grandeur of his uncomplete, falling to your icon! I hear soon the humble prayer of the sinner and bring to our son; his mind, yes, I am angry with a gloomy soul my light. Divine grace, and clean my mind from my thieves, and it will calm down my heart and heales his wounded, yes, I will encourage my kind things and strengthen to work with fear, let me forgive everyone Yes, it will save the eternal flour and will not deprive the heaven of his kingdom. Oh, predicted by the Virgin Mary! You are fragmented by the ESI in the image of your Georgian, who command themselves to try to you with faith, do not conquer a snub of the grief and not to pass to me in the abyss of my sins. All my hope and hope of salvation, and your preservation and the concept of salvation, and your presentation and the concept of salvation, and your presentation and the concept of themselves. Slavly and thank the Lord, that I sent me the happiness of a married state. I pray you, the Mother of the Lord and God and the Savior of mine, and your Mothernie Prayers will send me and my wife to my surrender child. Yes, it gives me a fruit fruit of my. Yes, he will be satisfied with him, in his glory. Moving the soul of my soul on the joy of conception in the womb. Yes, I speak and thank you Mother of the Lord of mine in all the days of my life. Amen"

Prayer about the conception of the child Nikolai Wonderworker

Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of all mothers and their children. No wonder many turn to it to conceive the baby and easily leave all 9 months. Since childhood, the kids are involved in the icon of Nicholas, they say that this is a good grandfather who brings the hotels. For adults, Nikolai, the waters also brings a gift - the conception of the child.

"Oh, all-in-law Nicholas, waters of the preserved lord, warm our intercession, and everywhere in a rabid quickly assistant! Pomozo me, sinful and dull, in the present Sea of \u200b\u200bLife, the mind of the Lord God to lease all my sins, Elico Sogrey, from youth by Moyya, in all lives, a business, word, thinking and all of my feelings; And in the outcome of the soul of the Muya Pomping by the Okayannoye, the mind of the Lord God, the All Creature Tarry, save me the air solarms and the eternal torment: Yes, always glorify the father and son and the saint spirit, and your graciousness is now donated, and forever. Amen."

Wonderful examples of those who prayed

Prayer before conception of the child works, it is proven. There are many examples like girls pregnant, even when doctors said that the children would not be all his life. Is it not a miracle? Is it not God's Will?

If you really want to conceive a child, but it does not work, be sure to contact God, to any holy patron. Children are happiness, this is life for which you want to go ahead.

Prayer about conception healthy child - the most strong Was Last Modified: July 8th, 2017 by Bogolub.

Excellent article 0.

We appeal to the Lord with a request for help when we are in despair, asking for yourself and loved ones, often for their young children. Saint Nicholas is considered their patron, so the prayer Nicholas the Wonderworker about children is one of the most common.

Saint Nikolay Mirliki - children's intercession

In addition to the years, he spent a lot of time in the temple, he prayed diligently, avoided the worldly bustle. He helped people, and he began to assume it to the intercession of children, after Nikolai had already been counted for the saints, Nicholas helped some merchant, saved his daughters from the crop.

The ruined merchant had to give them to save the honor of his family. But the Lord settled over him for the diligent prayers: I sent to stand up for the honor of the girls and their father of St. Nicholas, who created the Holy Alms. She saved everyone, and Nikolai the plenty began to be considered a patron saint of children and assistant parents.

Nikolai the Wonderworker pray about:

  1. custody of children;
  2. safe resolution of childbirth;
  3. mother's health and child;
  4. protection on travel and travel;
  5. protection of babies from a bad eye, teenagers - from a bad company.

Of particular protection from life adversities, devoid of parental caress and love are obtained: the holy leads them in life, which has been saved from life.

How to pray to Nikolai please

It is necessary to read the words of prayer for children about children only with clean thoughts, thinking through the deep meaning of each word. It is better to turn to the saint in the morning, stuck in front of the icon, looking into his eyes. It is important to thank him for the intercession, and not just ask for something.

During the creation of prayer, you need to leave all the bad thoughts, do not dig in the near and strangers, do not regret yourself and not accuse anyone. You need to contact the Almighty and Saint not only when a parables or another trouble will come to the house: Prayers for children need to be pronounced from the moment you learned that God gave you the heir.

Pray often and with faith, not only about their loved ones, but also about the orphans and those who especially need the defense of the Lord. At the same time, create good deeds, help the needy, submit alms, participate in charity yourself and attract your close-in business. So the Lord and Saints will receive confirmation of the sincerity of your faith and uttered words of prayer.

On the gift of the child

Careless couples, desperate to get pregnant, often turn to God with a prayer. Before that, it is important to communicate with the clergy in the temple: the church has its own canons, prohibiting to have a close relationship in the days of the post and church holidays.

Often the absence of children in the family - the punishment of the Lord for some kind of pre-sections, so the spouses need to confess and ask for forgiveness from the Lord. Sometimes he imposes a couple of duty to adopt or adopt someone else, and grants his own son or daughter.

About children's health

Prayers about the health of the son or daughter are the most frequently pronounced in the temple or at home in front of the way Nicholas Wonderworker. Before that, you need to put candles in Christ to the Savior, the Most Holy Theotokos, the Saint Nicholas as a heaven. Ask forgiveness for sins, then read the prayer for recovery:

Miraculous Miracle, the ward of Christ, Nicholas! You exude the world, rushing the endless wonders of the sea. Support the Spirit Fortress from sinners, heal the offenders and worked with devil! I pray you, the Father Holy! Pomping sinful Lord Son (name). Sunday for his strength and fortress so that steadfastly endured the test, the burden on his body. The worship of the goodness over the body of it is broken. In order to the Spirit confronted the victims and the shivel of Diavolsky, the temptations are unworthy. To praying along with those whom the Lord accepted in heaven, about the eternal glory of him! Amen!

Pray for a child, his health needs not only when the disease has already visited the body of the baby. It is important to pronounce prayers constantly as soon as the child appeared on the light, and even earlier - during the pregnancy, so that the Lord gives a healthy heir.

Put the icon to the crib and be sure to bless the baby for the night of three, read prayers for the health of the son, daughters daily, not forgetting to thank God and the Most of God for every day.

Any child's illness, a slight malaise or serious ailment - is a test that the Lord sends to adults, the parents think about what life they lead - sinful or righteous.

Oh daughter

Each mother wants happiness to her dietary, health and well-being. Time passes, and children grow up, they are preparing to create their families. Blessing an adult daughter, his mother appeals to God about giving her to meet the narrowed.

In the prayer there are words addressed to St. Nicholas. They are pronounced to help her daughter meet good manWith which she will be happy to marry a daughter reliable and happy to the end of life:

I hope for you, the wonderworker Nikolai, and I ask for your favorite child. Help my daughter meet the chosen one - honest, faithful, kind and measurable. Protect my daughter from the marriage of a sinful, lustful, demonsky and negligent. Yes, there will be the will of yours. Amen.

Video on the topic: Orthodox prayers For children

Oh Son.

When children are small, most of the parents are facing the Lord or Nikolai the Wonderworker about their health. Children grow up, and hopes become different. Parents turn to the saint to save the unreasonable child from bad actions, mother, sending her son to the service in the army, in prayer speech appeals to the saint in front of him with a request to protect the Son.
Mother can ask about the happy marriage of the Son, money supply, good work and life well-being, health, relief from bad habits and diseases:

Nikolai Mustive, the waters of the Lord, the intercessor and the assistant of our in all troubles, help me, the servant of God in the real life, ask the Lord to stop my sins, and also ask him about the health of my son, about his early recovery, about the accommodation of the aless from torment and solarms. Thank you, Nikolai Wonderworker.

Turning to Nikolay the Wonderworker with a request for health, prudence of his loved ones, about the instruction on the path of True, do not forget to thank the Lord, the Most of the Virgin and Saints for every day, for obtaining the desired one. Turning to the holy: "I pray for health ...", Say every time: "Thanks!"

Miraculous words: Prayer Nicholas asked for children in full description from all the sources we found.

According to your faith, it will be given to you ...

The strongest prayers for every day

When severe life situations arise and there is already no help to wait, the person appeals to the Most High and Saints in search of protection and patronage from above.

Someone reads prayers, and someone sincerely speaks with the Almighty. Very often, a person can pursue a series of bad events and situations in which he simply cannot live normally. It may be witchcraft, the impact from the outside, envy, damage, etc. It is prayers and created so that the person can independently protect himself and relatives from negative influences and problems.

The most common and one of the strongest daily prayers is "our own". However, there are other strong prayers that are addressed to the specific saints. Thanks to such prayers, a person can gain peaceful calmness, achieve done. But this does not mean that it is enough to just read a concrete strong prayer and expect when heavenly grace falls on you. It should be remembered that the prayer in the first queue helps us to become on the righteous path, according to which you will have to go.

All prayers for the nature of the appeal are divided into:

  • Pubble, in which God is glorified. Such prayers are usually completed by the words " Glory Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit»;
  • Thank you, in which we thank the Most High;
  • Suitable, in which praying for something or someone asks for;
  • Conquained.

In Orthodoxy, there are three main prayers that every believer should know. They can be read in any life situation - this is:

Strong prayer Nikolai Wonderworker

When a strip of failures begins in personal life and at work, believers seek help to Nikolai the Wonderworker. Reading the prayer, please praying believe that the saint patron saint Nicholas please mention them on albeit true. Prayer, facing help to Nikolai, the rates have a very strong action and is the most popular among Christians. After all, Saint Nikolai worked wonders while life.

An even stronger than the prayer of the Holy Relief of Help will be, if the believer infiltrates to the depths of the soul with pronounced words and to the end will believe due to the saint. Before praying to the Saint Nicholas about help, it is necessary to mentally designate his request. Only after that you can begin to pray for yourself, relatives and those who are expensive to you, without forgetting to be baptized.

Oh, all-in-Nicolae, pleasede for the prey-free Lord, warm our intercession, and everywhere in the grief quickly assistant! To me, I am sinful and sad in the present Sea of \u200b\u200bLife, the mind of the Lord God to lease all my sins, Elico Sogrey Moyya, in all lives, a business, word, thoughts and all of my feelings; And in the outcome of the soul of the Muya Poszing of the Okayannoye, the mind of the Lord God, the All Creator's Creator, to save me of air solarms and eternal torment: Yes, always glorify the father and son and the saint spirit, and your graciousness, now and is confused and forever. Amen.

Back to Nikolai, the desires of desires:

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, the aspects of the Lord! During his lifetime, you did not refuse people in the requests of their arms, and now help all those who are terrible. Bless me, the servant of the Lord (name), to fulfill the soon desire of my innermost. We ask our Lord about the sense of grace and grace him. Let him not leave the request of my desired. In the name of our Lord, Amen.

Strong prayer Archangel Mikhail

Daily we meet with the most different people And not every such meeting can be pleasant. After all, in life there will always be a place of insults, quarrels and deception. Very often friends turn into worst enemies, Wishing one of one diseases and trouble. It also happens that a person in order to harm the other turns to the sorcerer. To protect yourself and their loved ones from all kinds of troubles, believers seek help with the Prayer of Archangel Mikhail, which will help to protect themselves from the zeles, the evil eye and another attack.

Archangel Mikhail worshiped orthodox Church And it is considered one of the strongest defenders of the body and the spirit of the believer. This is the Supreme Angel, who is the leader of the war of heaven.

Prayer Archangel Mikhail is aimed at obtaining strong protection from:

  • evil eye and other witch influences;
  • evil;
  • tragic events;
  • temptations;
  • robbles and crimes.

To Archangel Mikhail addressed the following words:

Oh lord God's great, the king is imperative, went, Lord Arkhangel Your Mikhail to help your slave (name) withdrawal from the enemy of my visible and invisible! About the Lord Arkhangel Mikhail, flowing the world of moisture to his slave (name). About the Lord Mikhail Arkhangel, demons to the crusher! Forbid to all enemies that struggle with me, the coordinates of their Yako Sheep and the crushers of them, and Prahi, before the windmill. Oh Lord Great Mikhail Archangel, six-dollar first princes and governor of heaven, Cherub and Seraphim!

About the Lord Hard Mikhail Archangel!

Buddow help in everything: in resentment, in the sorces, in the sovereign, in the deserts, on the dissipation, on the rivers and on the seas, a quiet one! Roby, Mikhail Arkhangel, from everyone to the delights of Diavolskaya ,, Ees, hear me, the sinners of his slave (name), who praying for you and calling your name Sacred, speed up to help my help, and hear my prayer, about the great Archangel Mikhail! Being all the Harmonic Horses of the Honor of the Lords and the Holy Apostle, the Holy Virgin Mary and the Holy Apostle, and the Holy Nicholas of the Wonderworker, and the Saints of God, and the Saints of the Great Martyr Nikita and Eustafia, the presence of all saints and the martyr and all the saints of heavenly forces. Amen.

There is also a shorter version of the prayer of Archangel Mikhail, which can be read at home and on the road:

Oh, the great Mikhail Arkhangel, help me sinful to your slave (name), relieve me from the coward, flood, fire, sword and the enemy of flattened, from the storm, from the invasion and from the evil. Relie me, the slave of yours (name), the great Archangel Mikhail, is always, now and are constantly in the eyelids. Amen

Contact the chief angel can anyone, regardless of race, faith and gender. Archangel Mikhail will help even convinced atheist. He patronizes to all and does not refuse anyone in his defense, if a man with a pure heart is drawn to him.

Strong prayers about work

A real disaster for the family will be wrapped by loss of work. The lack of financial stability inspires each of us fear and confusion. For Orthodox praying for work - not sin. After all, work is an important component of human socialization. And if you ask about the work of the saints with faith and from the soul, then your request will definitely be heard.

But the question arises: what holy pray to help find job search? Many professions have their own saints. But if not defined for any profession a patron, you can treat a prayer for the Most High and the Virgin. These prayers will also be heard. If a person knows only one prayer "Our Father", but reads it with faith, then his request for help will come to heaven.

Among the most powerful prayers, the following work can be allocated:

To Nicholas, the asked:

I appeal to you, the ward of Nikolai, and I ask for miraculous help. Let the search for the work of the new will take place, and all difficulties suddenly dissolve. Let the boss not serfs, but says. Let the salary pay, and work like it. Forgive me all the simpler yes, do not leave, as before, in difficult days. May it be so. Amen

Matriyina Moscow:

Blessed Starith Matron, the intercession of all living on Earth. I ask the Lord God about mercy and forgive me an act of a bad. I mock tearfully and promise not to kill my sinful soul. Help the work to find on the mind yes, on strength and do not deprive good luck in the good endeavor. Before the Lord, impart for me and do not let the soul of my sinner die. Amen

To Ksenia Peterburger :

Mother Ksenia, help me make the decision right and correct. Not for the benefits, and I worry about children. Help, teach, teaching with work, so that the frauds are inserted and felt. In the name of the Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Strong prayer for help

Every person in everyday affairs is necessary God's help. Of course, one person can help the other, but this is just mutual understanding and interruption. But there are situations when only the Almighty can help. That is why Orthodox believers pray daily to the Lord God for help.

These prayers can be written by saints, long and short. But which words to pronounce, each decides himself. After all, the main thing is not to know all the prayers by heart, but sincerely appeal to God.

It is possible to pray to God for help at any time, but best after awakening and before bedtime. After all, such a prayer helps a person throughout the day. But before requesting help from God, it is necessary to clearly formulate it in the mind. A request must be without pretense and custody. It is best to tell the Lord that you have accumulated on the heart and what kind of help you need. But remember that it is forbidden to read that prayer in which we ask to harm another person. God will not fulfill such requests, and with such prayers only move away from God.

The strongest prayer for help:

Lord Jesus Christ! Son of God! Fences with our holy angels and prayers of the All-Strain of the Vlady man of Our Virgin Mary and Delicate the Virgin Mary, the power of the honest and life-giving cross, the Holy ArchReart of God Mikhail and other Heavenly Force, the Holy Prophet and the Baptist Forces of the Lord of John Theologian, the Sacred Martyr Cyprian and Martyrs of Justina, St. Nicholas Archbishop World of Lycian Wonderworker, St. Nikita Novgorodsky, Rev. Sergius and Nikon, Igumen of Radonezh, rev. Serafima The Sarov Wonderworker, the Holy Martyrs of Faith, Hope, Loves and Mother of their Sofia, Saints and Righteous Bogotets of Joacima and Anna, and all saints, help us, unworthy, Slava of God (name). Get rid of it from all the causes of enemy, from any evil, witchcraft, sorcery and crap, and they will not be hug to hurt him. Lord, the light of your radiance, Save him in the morning, on the day, for the evening, the coming dream, and the power of gracefulness will turn away and delete all sorts of evil wickers, acting on the baptism of the devil. Who thought and did, return their evil back, in the underworld, Yako is yours there is a kingdom and strength, and the glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Amen

Strong prayers for good luck

It happens that certain moment Fortuna turns away from man. It seems and things were going, in business, and everything was fine in the family. And suddenly the strip of bad luck began. But it is not worth despair! There is no misfortune that our Lord is not at us.

The most common cause of failures is the distance from the Lord. Our mind and heart shall suffer pressing affairs and needs, among which there is no place for God. It is enough to return to your soul faith in God and the proper prayer to our Lord can be returned to yourself.

The strongest prayers for good luck are three:

For good luck to the Most High:

Lord, our Savior, Father Our gracious! Yes, the word my word to the throne will take away, but it will not be lost in the prayers of others, but it will not be desecrated by the miseles of sinful! Every child you bless your righteous and joyful. Every child is the dressing, you forgive you are pretty, my love is healing yes, the vices is washing the sinful. Die praying peace and happily find your feet. Give me, Lord, forgiveness my yes luck in the affairs of pious, you have pleasing. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

For good luck by the guardian angel:

The Angel of God, that you will be dying behind my back! You see any act you see, I heard the word every one, you read all the Duma. To you, my sinful soul refers to help asks. Pray to me to our Lord for my sins, past yes coming. Move me to the right path, to our father leading. Fates in the affairs of the righteous, protection from the lich is thin. Let the prosperity in my life in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen

For good luck, Nikolai Wonderworker:

Nicholas Wonderworker, waters of God, the holy intercession of our yes benefactor! Take me under the wing my gracious yes bless my prayer my prayer. Seeking from the approaches of sinful yes help the soul from the vices to clean, so that our father is praised and the creator. Send your hand to help me. Your intercession is humbly as in the way and with the house, both on the solid terrestrial and in the bayin of sea. I sleep you, Nikolay, yes wonders! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Very strong prayer for children to the Virgin.

Each parent is always experiencing for his child, regardless of his age. After all, a person in the conscious age commits a wide variety of deeds, including very scary who entail certain consequences. Therefore, the mother is very often praying for their children, who under the influence of their friends leads the wrong way of life. And only the parent prayer can protect even an adult child from making mistakes.

In Christianity, children up to seven years are considered sinless, and all liability for them lies on their parents. That is why parents must with prayers to contact the Almighty with requests for the health and well-being of the baby.

But whatever the child is not a parent's prayer possessed higher powerYou need to contact a certain icon, in particular, Jesus Christ or the Mother of God. It is believed that the Virgin is the patroness of motherhood and women, so it is before Blessed Virgin Mary Most often pray for their children of the mother.

Especially revered by the icon of the Virgin "Publishing the Baby", dedicated to motherhood at all.

To the Queen of Heaven with a prayer for help children addresses with the words:

About the Most Holy Master of the Virgin Mother of God, save and save under the telescope of your children (names), all the details, socklocks and babies, baptized and unnamed and in the waters of the mother wearable. By covering their religion of your motherhood, keep them in fear of God and in obedience to parents, the mind of My Lord and your son, let them give them a useful to salvation. Handing them to your maternal look at yours, yako you are the divine cover of the slaves yours

Prayer about money

Whatever money has been earned

When a person is experiencing material difficulties, can not find a good, highly paid job or constantly "loses" money. It seems that it makes everything right, and you can contact the money, and they are not all. In such a situation, it is possible (and necessary) to turn with a prayer for money to the Holy Spiridon trimifuntsky, which are prayed in the absence of money.

ABOUT SPLATE SPIRIDON! The misconceptions of the man of the man of God, so will not condemn us on our lawlessness, but will create with us for their mercy. We succeed as we, the servants of God (names), of Christ and God of our peaceful and serene life, health spiritual and bodily. Get rid of us from all sorts of mental and bodies, from all languages \u200b\u200band the diatoles. Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and the mind of the Lord, and I will give many of our sins forgiveness, a messy and peaceful life, yes gives us, the death of the abdomen of the restless and peaceful and bliss ever in the future will encourage us, yes incessantly releasing glory and thanks to Father and son and son and son The Holy Spirit, now and is constant and forever. Amen.