What is needed for living assistance. Live help of prayer when reading

Psalm 90th "Live help"

Psalm 90th "Live help"
Or praise Davidov's songs,
Not inscribed in the Jew, 90

Live in the help of Vysnyago, in the blood of God is awkward.
The mistake of the Lord: My Esu and Refrigerate my, my God, and I hope for him.
Yako, that will save you from the network of catch, and from the word of rebellious,
The shoulders will be signed by the hand, and under Kille, they hope: the weapon is created by the truth of him.
Do not be removed from the fear of Nobachnago, from the arrows flying in days,
From the thing in the TMA passing, from shaking, and the demon of half antennago.
It falls from the country of the Thousand, and the TMA is weared to you, I will not approach you:
Obhach is the cleaning of your watch, and the rewarding sinners of the prurishes.
Yako You, Lord, Hope Moe, Vynyago put your refuge.
Does not get to you evil, and the wound will not approach your telescope:
IKOK Angel to me to me about you, keep your in all ways to you.
In the hands of the hand, yes, yes, you once are pushing about the foot of your foot:
On aspid and Vasilisk, coming, and emery of Leo and Zmia.
Yako on my up, and get rid and:
Covered and, eating my name my name. Call to me, and I will hear him: I am in grief with him,
I am out of him, and I will glorify it, I will fulfill him with the longitude of days,
And I will give him salvation my.

(Literature: "Psalter"
Publisher "Blagovest" www.blagovest-moskva.ru

"Live help" you need to know by heart and read.
They read from the devil when he is a man or scares him.
Yes, demonic insurance in a dream, or the temptation of the day.

Fence me, Lord, the power of honest and life-giving your cross,
And save me from all slander.

Our Father

Father Our or Prayer of the Lord

Our father, izh, at Heaven!
Yes holy your name,
yes, your kingdom will come
may will be your will
yako in the sky and on the earth.
Our daisy bread
give us a day;
And we leave our debts,
jacques and we leave
in our debtor;
and do not enter us in temptation.
But you save us from Lucavago.

Yako is your kingdom, and power,
And the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit
now and in the eyelids.

(Literature: "God of God"
This book can be purchased in the church shop "Trinity Book" www.blagoslovenie.ru

(Note: There are no lower lines in prayer in the book: " Yako is your kingdom, and the power, and the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit now and are constantly and in the eyelids. Amen.»)
This prayer is the main prayer of all. By reading this prayer, we appeal to God to Father, calling him the father of heaven, urge to listen to our requests and petitions.
In this prayer we are pleased not wealth, but only what he knows that it is useful and necessary for us, he wishes us anymore more than we ourselves.
Also, we ask for a sin of our sins, as well as we forgive those who offended or insulted us. Also reading this prayer, we ask us to protect us from the temptation and do not commit sin.


Virgin Devo, rejoice,
Fertile Marie, Lord with you;

blessed you in the wives
and blessed with the fruit of your fraught
Yako Sava gave birth to our souls.

(Literature: "Prayers for all souls"
Recommended for publication by the Russian Publishing Council Orthodox church

Symbol of faith or symbol of Orthodox faith

I believe in the united god Father Almighty,
Creator of the sky and the Earth, visible to all and invisible.
And in the one of the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God.,
Soon groundnago, izh from father born out before all ages,
Light from the light, God is truly true,
Born, irrelevant, unique father,
They are the same household.
For the sake of the sake of the person and our sake of salvation of Szedsago from heaven and embodied from the Spirit of Holy and Mary of the Virgin and in the smallest.
Crucifable for us with Pilate Pilate,
And suffering, and buried.
And resistant on the third day by Scripture.
And it is worthwhile to heaven, and the stern father's father.
And Paki Supilo with Glevai Sudiuti Live and Dead,
His kingdom will not end.
And in the Holy Spirit, gentlemen, life-giving,
It is from the father outgoing, and with Father and Son
Spoklightem and Svalivima, Glagolavshago Prophets.
In one, the Holy, Cathedral and Apostolic Church.
Confessing a single baptism in leaving sins.
The resurrection of the dead, and the life of the future century.

Compiler: E.I. Dudkin
NGO Publisher "Modek")

Prayer for all holy and disembodied celestial forces

God's saint and in the holy twisters, three-minded glasses in the sky from an angel champed, on the ground from the man in the saints of his praise: the giving the Holy Spirit of Komuzo grace as Christ is granted, and that put the church of your Holy Holy Spopied the Apostles, OAI Prophets, OSA , shepherds and teachers, their own word sermons. All the most valid in all, the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Communion in the Communication and Rhoda, various virtues of the most virtuous, and to you, the image of the good feats of their left, in the joy of preached, prepare, in it themselves the temptations of the blessed, and we are attacked to help. The saints of all the memories and their godly gone, Samago, they are valid, I praise, I praise, and Onhene's faithfulness of your giving birth to life, sainting the saints, the sinner to ensure their teachings, the worship of the worship, heaven with them Wake up of glory, the praise of the Most Holy Name, Father and Son and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

(Literature: "Prayer Shield of the Orthodox Christian"
Compiler: E.I. Dudkin
NGO Publisher "Modek")

Tropear martyr glas 4.

Your martyr, Lord, (name), in the suffering of his crown, they will bring an unnecessary from you, our god of our fortress, to your fortress, reserves, shifting, crushes and demons of the gentleness of that prayers to save our soul.

(Literature: "Prayer Shield of the Orthodox Christian"
Compiler: E.I. Dudkin
NGO Publisher "Modek")

Kondak Martyr glow 6.

The star brighter appeared to the unpainst world, the Sun of Christ lay in charge of your, passionerpher (name), and the beauty redeemed the whole, we are also given the light, praying incessantly about all of us.

(Literature: "Prayer Shield of the Orthodox Christian"
Compiler: E.I. Dudkin
NGO Publisher "Modek")

Prayer to St. Nicholas Miracle

Prayer first

Oh Holy Nicholas, pleases the preigenous lord, warm our intercession, and everywhere in the grief of the fast assistant! Pomping, sinful and dull, in the real life, the mind of the Lord God to lease all my sins, Eliko Sogrey, from youth by Moyya, in all lives, a business, a word, a crumbiness and all of my feelings; And in the outcome of the soul, Moyya Pomping, the Okayannoye, the mind of the Lord God, the All Creature Tarry, eliminate the air of air and eternal torment, and always glorify the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit and your graciousness, now and also in the eyelids. Amen.

(Literature: "Prayers for all souls"

Prayer honest cross or

God will resurrect

(Znake yourself a cross and say)

God will resurrect, and the gazes are harmful, and yes, they fight his hate him. Yako disappears smoke, yes will disappear; Yako melt wax from the face of fire, let the demons die from the face of those who love God and marked with the godmond, and in the fun of the verbal: rejoice, the precessive and life-giving cross of the Lord, running the demons to the power of our priest of our Jesus Christ, to Hell Shedshago and Issocago In diatling, and we are ashamed to us, the cross is honest, for the drowning of a suggestion. Oh, the precessive and life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help with the sacred mistress, the girl of Virgin and with all the saints. Amen.
Or briefly:
Fence me, Lord, the power of honestly and life-giving your cross, and save me from all slander.

(Literature: Prayer for every appearance of the soul
Recommended for publication by the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church

Most detailed description: Live help of prayer from what the reviews helps - for our readers and subscribers.

Psalm 90. (Prayer of protection, if there is a big danger, then this prayer is read in the morning and in the evening - three times, while there is a danger, thanks to God for his help.)

There is an amazing prayer, Psalm 90 - "Live in the help of Vysnyago," this prayer has a powerful force when a person threatens a deadly danger if he reads this prayer, the Lord will save him from any trouble. Psalm 90 "Lives in the help of Vysnyago" since ancient times it is customary to carry with him for spiritual shall.

Prayer "Live help" - how and from what helps?

There are many prayer texts that are of particular importance for believers. Prayer "Live help" is a powerful faith that helps in different situations. Its correctly name - Psalm 90 and its strength and significance, it is equal to "Our Father" and "The Virgin Delo, Rejoice."

"Live help" - what is it?

Located Psalm 90 in the Psaltry book and use it in order to ask for God's help and salvation. The priests believe that "live" help "is a prayer that everything needs to know. Most scientists and servants of the Church are confident that the author of the prayer text is Moses, but there is also an assumption that this is the creation of pagan sages. "Living in help" is a prayer that stands out among the fact that it is used not only in Christianity, but also in Hinduism. Traditionally, the prayer text is worn with them as an overlap.

What helps the prayer "live help"?

The main purpose of Psalm is the protection of a person from different enemies, diseases, unclean strength and numerous problems. According to Christian traditions, the text of the prayer "live in help" is embroidered on the belts, which are called "Coaners". The man who is wearing, strengthens his own faith and receives the defense of the Lord. Many are interested in how "living assistance" helps, so the power of prayer awakens faith and strength in man, which as it may create a "invisible shield" that saves from troubles. Another holy text helps in such cases:

  1. In the gospel of Matthei and Luke it is stated that Psalm 90 protects against temptations so that people do not cross through the commandments of God. When the doubts are overcome, it is necessary to read the text below to not be stupid.
  2. Prayer "Living Aid" protects from the enemies and any of their manifestation, envy and different dangers throughout the day. With it, you can protect yourself from natural cataclysms and disasters.
  3. It is recommended to read it and have text next to the travelers so that in unfamiliar places will not get into trouble.
  4. It will help the prayer to cope with diseases and even difficult reels.
  5. Estates the sacred text from fears, manifestations of pride and other negative qualities.

How to read "live help"?

There are several rules that need to be considered during the pronunciation of Psalm 90:

  1. It is important to try to remember the prayer text and read it by heart. They repeat it three times, so after the first pronunciation, a small pause is withstanding and a person has to cross three times, and then, begin to the next repetition.
  2. The "live help" prayer should not be repeated as a patter, it is important to think into the text and understand each word. The intonation must be calm, and the voice is smooth.
  3. To strengthen the effect of prayer, you can take the image of Jesus Christ.
  4. If Psalm 90 is read in order to help a sick person, he must know it, and he must believe in the Lord, otherwise nothing will work.
  5. During the prayer prayer, it is necessary to discard all the extraneous thoughts and concentrate on the action.

Prayer "Live in Help"

A huge number of believers argues that the presented prayer is able to create a miracle that they observed with their own eyes. Strong prayer Live help can be read for himself, and even for close people who need help and support. It is worth noting that the clergymen read the prayer text on the old-Russian language, but for the convenience of understanding it was adapted to the rules of the Russian language, and all church canons were observed.

Belt "Live help"

It was already mentioned that before one of the most popular faces was a belt on which the text of this powerful prayer. In church shops, you can buy already ready-made tapes on which it is applied by special paints of prayer. The church belt "Living Aid" not only protects, but also brings good luck to its owner. The priests claim that when a person puts him on, he must pronounce the prayer text to strengthen faith and the strength of the guard. The knot is tied under the left hand.

Bracelet "Live help"

Another option of the overama is special bracelets on which the text of the prayer also apply. They can be made of them different materials and have different forms, so many will be able to pick up for themselves suitable option. There are several tips on how to wear "live help":

  1. If the bracelet was purchased in the church or the monastery for himself, then it is better to put it right away, given the special security and strength of such places.
  2. When buying a bracelet for a gift, it is important to try to transfer the energy that felt in the holy places during his dressing. During this, it is necessary to read prayer.
  3. As for what arm you need to wear a bracelet, then there are no restrictions in this regard.
  4. Note that the bracelet is a guard, so try to hide it from prying eyes.

Copying information is allowed only with direct and indexed reference to the original source

Orthodox protective prayer - "Live in Help"

This protective prayer is the strongest of all existing ones. There are cases when, with the help of this prayer, people are cured from tumors, mental disorders, blindness, deafness and other serious diseases.

How does the protective prayer "Live in help" work?

"Live in Help" - the strongest Orthodox Protective Prayer, thanks to which you can save yourself and your loved ones from the problems that the bulk of people are simply powerless!

This is the most powerful detergent and energy protection! Applying it even once, you will feel the force that evil eyes behind the back and magical effects are not terrible.

From the history…

According to legends, this prayer saved many people from trouble. They went into battle with her, went out alive and unharmed of the fires, they were saved from the plague, etc.

It is said that during World War II, women who have manufactled a form for Soviet soldiers, sewn the text of this prayer in the gate or cuffs of the gymnasters. And thanks to this, many soldiers returned from the battlefields.

It seems that there is nothing special in this prayer. However, it gives it a sense of protection, security and a positive end of life testing. There is a feeling that the person or someone who made it, owned by secret knowledge.

Text of prayer "Live in help"

Do not be removed from the fear of Nobachnag, from the arrows flying in the days, from the thing in the darkness of transient, from shaking and demon half-one. There is a hundred thousand people from the country, and darkness to you, you will not get closer to you. Obakha is the clearing of your see and reward sinners of the prurishes.

Yako You, Lord, Hope My: Vynyago, your refuge. It will not come to you evil, and the wound will not approach your telesselle: I can also save an angel about you, preserve you on all your ways. In your hands, you will take the time, but once it is pushing about the stone of your foot: on aspid and Vasilisk Communion, and ease of Leo and Zmia.

Jaco on my Upov, and get rid, and covered, and, too, know my name. Call to me and hear him; With him, I am in grief, I change it: I will fully fulfill him and I will declare my salvation. "

Prayer option in modern Russian

Do not be worse than horrors in the night, arrows, flying day, ulcers walking in darkness, contagion, empty at noon. There are thousands of thousands of you and ten thousand ones with you; But you will not get closer to you. Just to watch you will be your eyes and see the retribution is wicked.

For you said: "The Lord - Hope My; The Most High elected you by your refuge. It does not happen evil, and the ulcer will not get closer to your dwelling. For angels are concerned about you - to guard you on your ways. In your hands you will carry you, but you will not take pictures of the naga youth.

At aspid and Vasilisk, you will come; You will pour lion and dragon. "For the fact that he loved me, get rid of it; I will protect it because he knew my name. Call to me and hear him; I'm in grief with him; I will get rid of it and glorify it; Longitude for days I will sat down, and I will tell him the salvation of my ".

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Notes and thematic articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Prayer is an important part of the spiritual life of a believer person, the appeal of a person to God, gods, holy, angels, spirits, personified natural forces, in general to the highest creature or his intermediaries (Wikipedia).

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"Live in helping Vynyago ..."

We continue the publication of the heads of the Book of the Russian Gazette Observer of Maria City "Wind Tenderness", which was based on her correspondence with readers.

"In the autumn of 1941, I was 7 years old, my sister Sonchke - 5. It so happened that in the evacuation to Aktyubinsk we left only in the spring of 1942, so the terrible autumn and winter of the first year of war were in Moscow. My dad, Glushkov Andrei Fedotovich, despite the weak eyesight, the volunteer went to the militia. There and died. My mother, Alexander Filippovna, a doctor, spent all the time in the hospital, and we stayed with the grandmother Natalia Timofeevna. The grandmother was from the peasant family and moved to us to Moscow from the hunger of the late 1930s from the Bryansk region.

Memories of war I have breakdown. As war began, for some reason I do not remember, but I remember well the feeling of hunger and how in the fall of 1941 went with a grandmother to collect cabbage leaves. Fields were somewhere in the Sokol area. I remember very well the smell and the taste of these leaves - we purified them from rot and fir, frozen, and the grandmother cooked soup, very tasty. I remember how the whole autumn spoke about some Guderian: "Guderian approached Tula; Guderian crasles to Moscow ... "I have a child, this word is" Guderian "- for some reason I was associated with some huge snake - aspid, Vasilsky, I saw these in the book.

I remember how one day we were in the center of my grandmother, and suddenly it began to snow, and the snow was black. And a woman who passed by, in some ways, a voice-driving voice, "Lord, came the end of the world!" I remember my grandmother, angry, tightly grabbing my hand, said: "No one knows the day or an hour. And even if the angel from heaven will begin to announce the end of the world, yes anathema he will be. " Now I understand that these were words from the Gospel.

We quickly returned home. On that day, I learned the 90th psalm "Live in helping Vysnyago ..." Maybe from malnutrition, my memory was bad in childhood, I could hardly have a multiplication table, but I remembered the prayer quickly. The grandmother made us with a dream to repeat it until we learned her. Since then, we prayed every night. And yet: grandmother of strictly-setting punished that we did not speak anyone about this.

Behind the cabbage leaves we traveled almost all the autumn. Once a neighbor said that Guderian came up very close, he was in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Sokol metro area, right away from our cabbage fields. That evening we prayed for a long time, my grandmother, I think, all night - as I see it, standing before the icon on the knees. And at night, frost hit. And Guderian's technique got up. I, the child, was such a feeling that it happened, because we - I, Sonechka and grandmother - prayed. "You will be honored in your hands, but not when you are pushing about the stone of your leg, at aspid and Vasilisk coming, and ease of Leo and Zmia." And the grandmother in the morning was so enlightened, joyful ... I once again saw her - when her eldest son Valerian returned from the link, after the war.

She told us that on that day, when Guderian became near Moscow, there was a big holiday - the introduction of the Most Holy Mother of God into the temple. Then the 90th Psalm helped me more than once. Grandmother died in a dream in 1956, when I have already completed the institute. From the war from five grandmother's sons, only Nikanor returned.

Natalia Andreevna Glushkova».

"In the ranks of the Red Army, I was called in December 1941. When I went to the front, my mother gave me a leaf with a prayer "Live in helping Vysnyago" and ordered her to sew her in the gymnaster. I know that many soldiers this prayer was sewn. Who in the gymnaster, who has overcoats in the lining. She was also called "live help" or even "live robust", sometimes "helping a soldier." They knew that she would create miracles - usually mother gave a leaf with a prayer written by hand.

I think so, she saved more than once. Once it brought shells on horseback, and bombing began. I decided to hide with the horses - under the canopy near the house free placeBut one of the officers standing there began shouting at me: "Where are you with the shells! Back, turn back! " And only I drove back, on a naked, unaczzle, as a projectile fell into the house direct hit. No one left alive ...

Until 1944, the prayer was always with me, and then lost. We were taken to the bath, and from the lice all the clothes were collected in a boiling tank. I managed to fracture prayer, but when we were soared, the attack began, and I lost a piece of leaf. But this prayer, I think I was already in my heart. When in 1944 wounded, while he was in consciousness - prayed. The doctor then said that I was born in a shirt. "Does not get an evil to you, and the wound is not to the telesselle, I will have an angel to meet your angel about you, keep you in all the ways of yours." He graduated from war in Germany, on the Elbe. Passed through the Stalingrad battle, the battle on Kursk Dug.was injured, but home to my mother returned alive and even with combat awards - isn't it a miracle?

Peter Egorovich Zavyalov».

"I was born on February 4, 1942, in Moscow. My mother, Anastasia Ivanovna, died when I was not and year; She had a heart vice, she was 22. Pope was taken to the front in August 1941, he died in 1944, and brought me up my grandfather, Pavel Stepanovich, and his sister - I called her aunt Ray.

From my mom, I had only two things. The photo where they and the Father - Just a Day Dating: Young, Merry, Lovers. It was April 1941. And another sheet with a prayer "Live in helping Vysnyago." The paper on which my mother was written by a prayer, very unusual - thin, but durable, I did not meet such anymore. It looks like a paper on which money is printed, but better. Where did her mother take her? Riddle ...

This leaflet with a prayer aunt, wrapped in the handkerchiefs, sewed me to the skin. When she was washing her, she sipped her handkerchiefs with a prayer, and then sewed again. When I enhanced, the aunt forced me to learn a prayer by heart. I grew up yard, street, and Mine prayer, I think I saved me more than once. Post-war children, we were very risky - and grenades were kept, and cartridges. I, for example, a whole arsenal was considered chic; One kid from the yard and died. Serious fights happened - with russus, knives, but nothing, God has fallen. Many guys, in essence good, tightened theft. And although I grew up without parents, but even the institute finished. Prayer kept me. "The crowd in the help of Vysnyago, in the blood of God is heaven to spread".

When he was already an adult, this half-satiest leaf knuckled somewhere. I went to search and forgot about him. And once, after years, he himself found - fell out of the book. And I put it in my pocket. That day I went on a business trip to the eagle, we drove in the car threesome, and an accident happened at night. My comrades died, and I - nothing.

Previously, I did not think about, but now, with age, when the children, and five grandchildren, at night often think about mom. I think about what she felt then, in the fall and winter in the first year of war, in Moscow, what thought when I was born. It turns out, she gave me life to the price of his life.

Leonid Petrovich Mozganov».

Wars are just beginning to people, God finishes them. Excluding this even the most detailed chronicle of the Great Patriotic War It will be incomplete. Unfortunately, the theme of the spiritual, prayer feathers of our people during the war - the topic is poorly studied. And we ask you, dear readers, send us our evidence of the help of God during the Great Patriotic War. Let's write this chronicle together.

Live in helping Vysnyago

Live in the help of Vysnyago, in the blood of God is awkward. The mistake of the Lord: My Esu and Refrigerate my, my God, and I hope for him. Yako, that will save you from the network of catch, and from the word of the rebellion, the shoulders will be squeezed by the hand, and under Kille, they hope: the weapon is created by the truth of him. Do not be removed from the fear of Nobachnago, from the arrows flying in the days, from the thing in TMA transient, from shaking, and demonstigo. It falls from the country of Thousand, and the TMA is wearest you, I will not approach to you, Obhach is the cleaning of your watch, and the reward of sinners of the vrudeshi. Yako You, Lord, Hope Moe, Vynyago put your refuge. Does not get an evil to you, and the wound is not to the telesselle, I can have an angel to know about you, keep you in all the ways of yours. In the hands of the hands, but not when you are pushing about the foot of your leg, at aspid and Vasilisk coming, and ease of Leo and Zmia. Yako on My Upopa, and get rid of and: covered and, too, know my name. Return to me, and hear him: I am in grief with him; I am out of it, and I will glorify him, I will fulfill him with the long time, and I will declare my salvation.

"I think all the time why it happened to me? How it happened that I, for so long I considered myself a decent person, a man, ruined my son, and myself? A man who missed paternity, just a male, satisfying the needs of a woman. But it turned out that I did not like the Father ... "

Maria Gorodova - Observer "Russian Newspaper", leading headings "Correspondence", which comes a huge mail from all over the country. The history of her life and the letters of readers themselves formed the basis of her books "Wind Tenderness" and "Garden of Desires". Both books have become bestsellers, it is difficult to get them, especially people living far from the capital. Therefore, according to the numerous requests of readers and the author's suggestion, Orthodoxy.ru begins the publication of chapters from the book "Wind Tenderness".

"Heated, discussing good luck - we then caught the unthinkable number of rare butterflies, we included in the thicket of the rainforest, and I still wonder how long the sense of danger did not let us know about yourself. I do not remember how much we went through, but clearly remember the moment when an inexplicable horror suddenly pierced me; I, I did not have time to figure out, looked at the buddy and saw his eyes risen in madness ... "

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Psalm 90 - Live in helping Vynyago

Material from https: // Site /

Live in the help of Vysnyago, in the blood of God is awkward. The mistake of the Lord: My Esu and Refrigerate my, my God, and I hope for him. Yako that will save you from the network of catch, and from the violence of the rebellious. The shoulders will squeeze the hand, and under Kille, they hind him. Weapons are created by the truth of him, do not be removed from the fear of Nobachnago, from the arrows flying in the days, from the thing in the darkness of transient, from shaking and demon half-one. Twisted from the country to the country, and the darkness is ones with you, it will not approach you. Obhach is the clearing of your watch, and the WHO give the sinners of the sinners. Yako You, Lord, Hope Moe, Vynyago put your refuge. Does not get to you evil, and the wound will not approach your telescope. IKOK Angel to me to me about you, keep your in all ways to you. In your hands will be honored, but not when you are pushing about your foot. At aspid and Va-Silisk Communion, and the emery of Leo and Zmia. Yako on my Upov, and get rid and; Covered and, eating my name my name. Call to me and hear him; With him, I am in grief, Izbu, and I will glorify him; The longitude of days I will fulfill him, and I will declare my salvation.

Psalm 90 (Live in Help Help) - Video

Video: Psalm 90

Psalm 90: Live in helping

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90 psalm

From the book Archpriest Valentina Biryukova (Psalm 90):

In 1977, in Samarkand, I witnessed another case of amazing healing after prayers.

He led someone to me the mother of two daughters, one of them suffered from seizures.

Battyushka, perhaps, do you know how to cure Olya? They completely tortured her seizures - two times a day beaten.
- baptized daughter? - I ask.
- But how - baptized ...
- Well, she wears the cross?
Mom jumped:
- Batyushka ... how to tell you ... Yes, only two weeks, as the cross was put on her.

I shook my head: what kind of Christian without a cross? All the same, that warrior without weapons. Defenseless at all. He began to talk with them. Recommended confessing and coming, every day, 40 times to read the 90th Psalm - "Live in helping Vysnyago."

Three days later, this woman came with two daughters - Olya and Galya. They were confessed, met and began to read every day 40 times the 90th Psalm, as I advised them (my parents teach me this prayer rule). And - Miracle - only two days revered the entire 90th Psalm with the whole family, as Olya ceased to torment the seizures. Get rid of a serious illness without any hospitals. Shocked, the mother came to me and asks how much money you need "for work."

What are you, mommy, say, - I didn't do it, this is the Lord. You see: what doctors could not have committed, as soon as you turned to him with faith and repentance.

With the 90th psalm, another case of healing is connected - from deafness.

I came to our ascension church in Novosibirsk one elderly person named Nicholas. Began to complain about the grief:
- Battyushka, I don't hear badly, for a long time, from the 4th grade of the school. And now it has become completely inadvertent. In addition, the liver, and the stomach hurt.
- Do you keep posts? - I ask him.
- No, what posts there! At work than feed - that it is.

And the fifth week of the Great Post went.

Nikolai, - I tell him, - to Easter only lean food and read and read every day 40 times "Live in helping Vysnyago."

After Easter, Nikolai comes with tears, and Brother Vladimir leads to him.
"Batyushka, save you Lord! .. For Easter," Christ is risen "- and I do not hear. Well, I think, the father said - satisfy, God will help, and I was deaf, so deaf and stayed! Just thought so - immediately I seemed to jumped out of the ears. Immediately, in one moment, I began to hear normally.

That's what it means - the post, that's what it means - prayer. That's what it means to read "Live in Help Hall", without any doubt. We really need clean, paint prayer - More food and water. There will be a cloth in a glass of muddy - we will not drink it. So the Lord wants that we are not muddy, and pure prayer poured out of our soul, waiting for our clean repentance from us ... And for this, time and freedom is also given to us. It would be zeal.

There is a lot of sick in the temple. All the advice I give - to confess in sins, coming up and for 40 times every day read the 90th Psalm ("Live in Help Hall"). This prayer is very strong. My grandfather and father and mother were taught to pray. We read this prayer at the front - and such wonders from God's help were! I carefully advise you to read this prayer for memory. This prayer has a special power to protect us.

My grandfather Roman Vasilyevich loved to pray. Many prayers knew by heart. He often read prayers over the launched: the 90th psalm, the "king of heaven" and others. He believed that the holy prayers of anyone, even the very sore person of helping. Probably, according to his childish, a clean faith and gave him the Lord such a gift that he knew in advance when they brought a stand-noted. Let's lead to the hut connected by hand and legs, and the grandfather of prayers will read the holy water - and the person who has just shouted and is relaxing, became calm, 2 hours I immediately slept after Grandpa Prayers.

It was the grandfather Roman Vasilyevich who taught me how it is better to read the 90th Psalm - "The Lives in Help Hall". 40 times daily, and people sick, especially launched, better reading this psalm by heart. I have been convinced many times in the great strength of this prayer, if you pray with faith and crushing.

Psalm 90 Lives in the help of Vysnyago, in the blood of God, heaven is ruined. The mistake of the Lord: My Esu and Refrigerate my, my God, and I hope for him. Yako that will save you from the network of catch, and from the violence of the rebellious. The shoulders will squeeze the hand, and under Kille, they hind him. Weapons are created by the truth of him, do not be removed from the fear of Nobachnago, from the arrows flying in the days, from the thing in the darkness of transient, from shaking and demon half-one. Twisted from the country to the country, and the darkness is ones with you, it will not approach you. Obhach is the cleaning of your watch, and the rewarding sinners of the prurishes. Yako You, Lord, Hope Moe, Vynyago put your refuge. Does not get to you evil, and the wound will not approach your telescope. IKOK Angel to me to me about you, keep your in all ways to you. In your hands will be honored, but not when you are pushing about your foot. On aspid and Vasilisk, coming, and emery of Leo and Zmia. Yako on my Upov, and get rid and; Covered and, eating my name my name. Call to me and hear him; With him, I am in grief, Izbu, and I will glorify him; The longitude of days I will fulfill him, and I will declare my salvation.

My psalm 90 roller on YouTube.

Detail: Prayer alive to help in Russian - from all open sources and different parts of the world on the site site for our respected readers.

Text of prayer living assistance creates wonders in the world. If a believer utters these words, then even in the most difficult moments, the Lord suggests what to do next. This sacred text can heal sick people, protect against misfortunes, be the best protection, if very scary. It is said that this prayer appeared long before Christianity appeared in Russia. It means that the current text has changed a little, has become more clear, but the meaning did not undergo innovations. In Russia, each person believed that the prayer of living assistance would definitely protect from evil spirits.

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Text of prayer living in public language assistance

The crowd in the help of Vysnyago, in the blood of God heavenly waters. The speech of the Lord: My EU and the proportion of my, my God, and I hope for him. Yako, that will save you from sitting by Catchi, and from the word of mint, the shoulders of his own is autumn, and under the crirp, it is put on it: the weapon will be used by the weapon. Do not care from the fear of Nobachnago, from the arrows flying in the days, from those in TMU transient, from shaking, and Beths half a daunting. Falling from the country of Thousand and TMA, and TMA should be applied to you, I don't take it, Obakha's thinking is wonderful, and the rewarding of Greshnikov prurishes. Yako, you are Lord, my hope, Vynyago, the EU is more privileged. It does not come to your evil, and the wound does not apply to the television ourselves, IKo Angel will refer myself about you, savoring you in all your way. In your hands, you will be hoping, but not when you are pushing about the foot of your leg, at aspid and Vasil's coming, and cross the lion and the sn. Jaco on My Upov, and get rid of ѝ: Covered ѝ, Yako know ѝMEY. I will call me, and I will hear him: I am in grief with him, Izmu I will, and I will glorify him, the longitude of days I will fulfill him, and I will decorate my salvo.

Translation of prayer into Russian

Living under the presence of the Almighty under the silence of the Almighty, says to the Lord: "My refuge and my defense, my God, on whom I hope!" He will save you from the catcher, from the disastrous ulcers, feathers your feathers, and you will be safe under the wings; Shield and fence - the truth of it. Do not be worse than horrors in the night, arrows, flying day, ulcers walking in darkness, contagion, empty at noon. There are thousands of thousands of you and ten thousand ones with you; But it will not get closer to you: only to watch your eyes will be yours and see the rapidity of the wicked. For you said: "The Lord - Hope My"; Most High elected you by the refuge of yours; evil does not happen, and ulcers will not get closer to your dwelling; For angels are concerned about you about you - to guard you on all your ways: you will carry you on your hands, but you will not boot about the stone of your nag; At aspid and Vasilisk, you will come; You will pour lion and dragon. "For the fact that he loved me, get rid of it; I will protect it because he knew my name. Call to me and hear him; I'm in grief with him; I will get rid of him and hesitated him, let's sat down with the long time, and I will declare my salvation. "

Learn more about the text of prayer living assistance or psalm 90

Correct name sacred text - 90 psalm, which is registered in enough famous book Psaltry. Often the prayer can use those who need a strong wild help, who needs to specify the right path in, seemingly hopeless situation. Many are called Psalm 90 by the real faucet from all the troubles that can occur in life. If you compare live help with other prayers, it can be put on a par with all the famous "Our Father" and "Virgin Mary, Devo Rejoice."

In general, all prayers aimed at saving the soul are very important. And Psalm 90 is no exception. What is interesting for the text of the prayer of living assistance, which is pronounced with the appeal to the post?

  1. They say that Moses himself wrote prayer. There is also the version that the author of the Text Tsar David, who created a prayer in about 9-10 century to our era.
  2. The uniqueness of this text is that it is used not only by Orthodox people, but the other religion is Judaism.
  3. It is best to wear text with a prayer with you, somewhere to write down and folded several times a sheet of paper to read at any convenient time to protect yourself from any danger.
  4. Many prefer to write the words "live help" on the ribbon, tie it around her belt - it serves as a literal champion.
  5. In antiquity, the doctors refused to treat some diseases with which it was difficult to cope. Then, people resorted to prayer, which not only relieved pain, but also saved from the most terrible diseases.
  6. If everything goes on an awry, then prayer is capable of attracting good luck. True, it is impossible to abuse text. It is worth reading the prayer only if the luck is really needed.
  7. It will be good if the believer will learn the text by heart. Psalm 90 It is important to understand, sense the whole meaning of strong prayer.
  8. There is a certain time when the prayer prayer is considered a suitable moment for a conversation with the Lord God - 12 hours of the day. Before a person, there must be 3 icons of the Savior of Jesus Christ and Lick Archangel Mikhail.
  9. Psalm 90 was recently produced into modern Russian. The text is available for a believer person now, although it was not possible to read it before.
  10. Some literally sewed prayer on the belt, so that she was always next to the man.

About how to correctly read prayer

The main thing is the correct pronunciation of each word, no need to hurry here. The intonation must be calm, and the voice is not irritated and even. You can go on your knees if the text is read in the presence of a sick person. In this case, it will be good if the reading person will put his hands during his twist to the place that hurts.

So that the prayer action is as powerful as possible and strong, you can take the Holy Image of Jesus Christ. Another an important rule - This is a pronouncement of prayer three times. After reading live help for the first time, it is necessary to withstand a small pause, cross it over three times and start the second reforter.

If you follow this rule, the action of prayer to the Lord God will not wait for himself. Also, reading the sacred text, it is necessary to wear a native cross - this most attracts the attention of the Lord to the believer. Priests argue that it is worth believing that a person says, since without faith in prayer nothing will happen. On the other hand, it is not necessary to rely on prayer, it is only the text, the meaning of which is impossible to touch. After reading Psalm 90, you need to think about how to cope with the hopeless situation, scroll through all the solutions in my head.

What do not need to do when reading Psalm 90?

There are some principles that still should be observed, even despite the fact that prayers are miraculous.

Prayers living care - a real miracle that can be seen with your own eyes. This is the text, after reading the grace in the soul. The text can be pronounced both at home in front of the icons and in the church with a candle. Do not forget that God helps everyone and everyone is enough to contact him. Believe to the Lord - this is the best that Christians have!

Listen to prayer living in help (Psalm 90) 40 times

Even in ancient times, each person knew the text of the main guardian prayer Psalm 90 Live in the help of Vysnyago. But most of the modern Orthodox people also remember His Holy Words to heart, wearing a consecrated belt with the text.

How and where to read

To read, a special mood is required that allows a prayer word to achieve each corner of human consciousness.

It is important that prayer proceeds from the depths of the soul. God is not empty speech. He needs a strong faith, desire for the better.

Icon of Jesus Christ

  1. Before starting the psalting, it is necessary to repent in sins. This is the sacrament of the confession committed in the Orthodox church.
  2. If it is not possible to confess (by germ or other good reasons), then you need to remember your sins, repent, ask Christ for sinful deeds from Christ.
  3. It is advisable to ask the blessing to read the Psalm at the priest of the local temple.
  4. Usually, clerics bless parishioners on 40-day prayerful labor. At first, the psalm is allowed to read the prayer, but it must be learned by heart.

It is necessary to pronounce prayer in the temple in front of the face of Christ or at home before the iconostasis. The prayer must necessarily be baptized in Orthodoxy, to wear a cross on the body - the main symbol of the Orthodox faith.

Important! The main security prayer is often read to liberate consciousness from bad, sinful thoughts. Therefore, if a person feels that he is ready to break one of the commandments of God, then it is necessary to urgently read the live in the help of Vysnyago.

This is one of the reasons why the text need to know by heart, because at any moment you may need support from heaven.

Psalm 90.

Live in the help of Vysnyago, in the blood of God is awkward.

The mistake of the Lord: My Esu and Refrigerate my, my God, and I hope for him.

Yako that will save you from the network of catch, and from the problem of rebellious.

The shoulders of the Natova will slander the trees and under Kille His Hope: Weapons are created by the truth of him.

Do not be removed from the fear of Nobachnago, from the arrows flying in the days.

From the thing, in TMA transient, from shaking and demon half-one.

It falls from the country of Thousand, and the TMA is wearing you; It will not come close to you.

Obach is the cleaning of your watch and reward sinners of the vrudeshi.

Yako you, Lord, Hope my. Vynyago put your refuge.

Won't get to you evil. And the wound will not get closer to your body.

IKOK Angel to me to me about you, keep your in all ways to you.

In my arms, you will take, but not when you are pushing about your foot.

On aspid and Vasilisk, coming, and emery of Leo and Zmia.

Yako on my Uporna and get rid of it: covered and, too, know my name.

Call to me, and hear him: I am in grief, Izmu, and I will glorify him.

The longitude of days I will fulfill him, and I will declare my salvation.

Rules of prayer song

Any prayer is a frank dialogue with God. She helps those who, with faith, the true repentance appeals to the Almighty, asks him to protect, calm the soul, assistance in any difficulties.

Attention! Psalm 90 Lives in the help of Vysnyago cannot be read periodically, "for a tick", otherwise "by faith you will be yours."

Read it every day, preferably in the morning or before the start of any case, a man opens the great meaning of the words of Psalm, Divine Truth. The prayer book is aware that he is not alone in the world, with him there is always the father of Heavenly, the Great Comforter and the Intercessor, and all the tests are his great fishing and a priceless lesson for the soul.

Jesus Christ - Lord Almighty

Appeal to the Lord Nursery Psalm 90:

  • able to protect against any troubles and even save from death;
  • heal from severe ailments;
  • protect against witchcraft;
  • before praying, all obstacles will open on the way to a cherished goal, he will have success in everything, all controversial issues will be solved.

In addition, in the text of the prayer there is a prophecy - the coming of the Savior is the main defender of an Orthodox Christian - the believer in Christ Christ.

See also:

  • Prophet David - Psalm
  • Psalm 26.

The modern world is the reverse side of spiritual reality, therefore a person does not always understand the causes of taking place. Despite this, the Lord is invisibly present among people. He sends his grace through angels, archangels, holy wings, ordinary people.

The value of prayer

In many difficult and difficult situations, it helps Psalm, saves from troubles and misfortunes, comforts in the mountain, instructs true, strengthens the Spirit, instills faith in the best.

In difficult circumstances, read:

  • Prayers from depression and despondency
  • Prayers from alarm and fears
  • Prayers for reconciliation of the warring

With sincere illness, the Most High God hears every prayer room and, as a loving father, send Help his Chad. This is a reward, which is usually the more, the more the person it deserves it before him. But God does not follow the principle of "You - I am me." It often happens that he helps great sinners who have a strong faith and hope for divine blessing so that the sinful slave of God is increasingly strengthened in faith.

Jesus Christ Great Bishops

At the same time, people who believe in Christ and those who live in His commandments do not always receive beneficiaries from heaven. The Lord sometimes burns the attacks of the Diavolian forces to provide Christians to strengthen their spirit, makes it possible to understand that perfect sins could be avoided.

When a person understands this, his life path becomes smooth and calm. In all there are fishery of God, all the tests are given to people by their forces and good! But in advance of God's fishing is not known to anyone, people are not given to know him before the last time, and no matter what it is.

The Lord is a goodwent, with faith in his help you can not be afraid of danger, because the power of the Lord is great!

Watch the video about Psalm 90.

Appeal for salvation and help to a prayerful word, most of us leads only in the most difficult life moments. However, much easier would have done to everyone, we will understand God and with thank you appeals. After all, periods of joy and happiness are still more. Among truly believers, there are legends about the unique prayer "Live in Help". Its miraculous impact is proved by centuries. Why do the believers of many countries consider it so unique? Really prayer support can save from the deadly disease or financial collapse?

What is the feature of "Live in Help"

The peculiarity of prayer is the unique miraculous force, which begins from the first seconds after pronouncing. Protective forces be protected from misfortune negative impact, eyes. Even when complex problems Healing with health is given true healing. The holy text gives courage in the fight against evil spirits. It is through this prayer for Ancient Russia Fought the demonic forces.

The Holy Text 90 Psalm is registered in the Religious Book of Psaltry. Prerequisite Frequent use of this appeal to God is allowed only to those believers who have a truly difficult situation. Incessant difficulties, frequent diseases, malfunctions, conflict situations These reasons belong to these reasons. In short, 90 psalm is a charm from all troubles. This prayer believes put on one stage in power with "Our Father" and "Virgin Mary, Delo Rejoice."

Each prayer is designed to save the human soul. The uniqueness of the text "Live in Help" (living assistance) in several features:

  1. The creator of the pristine text is the king of David, ruling in the 9-10 century BC. Some argue that the author miraculous prayer Myssay himself.
  2. A unique prayer is called because it is permitted to reading not only in Christianity, but also in Judaism.
  3. Optimal benefits as a prayer charm brings when he is rewritten with his own hands. For fence from dangers, it must be carried with you, on the leaf folded several times.
  4. The prayer "Live in Help" will be a literal guard of dangers, if you write it on the tape and tie around the abdomen.
  5. To attract good luck, the prayer needs to be read no more than seven days. Otherwise, the charm does not work, but attracts trouble.
  6. With the constant problems of the financial plan or the loss of property in order to take the evil rock, Psalm 90 should learn by heart. Believers say that thus the present meaning of prayer is understood and felt more clearly.
  7. For special statures, you need to handle the mysterious text exactly at noon. In the room there should be three burning church candles And three icons of Jesus Christ, Archangel Mikhail and the Guardian Angel.
  8. A good adoption that attracts only positive in the fate of unfortunate and doomed people is the astringement or stitching of prayer words to the belt.

In today's Russian language, Psalm 90 became available quite recently. Many centuries, servants of the Church protested from translations or rewriting of true text. Previously, to learn the text could only truly need God or those who studied church certificate.

How to read prayer

When handling the prayer text 90 Psalm, each word needs to be pronounced clearly and clearly, it is in a hurry. Intonation is important to maintain calm and measured. It is impossible to annoy or raise the voice. For prayer in the presence of a patient, it is necessary to become knees. It is desirable that he can repeat every word for praying. This ritual will be promoted by recovery, in which the hands, the healing words will be on the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe body.

Rules for reading the prayer "Live in help" (living assistance) include:

  • in the hands there should be an icon of the Savior;
  • you need to repeat the entire text three times;
  • after each reading, the minute pause is, then you need to cross three times;
  • it is necessary to wear a cross, which will attract the attention of the highest strength.

All these conditions are pretty simple, but it is due to them that the maximum result from the prayer ascension will not wait. It is important to maintain faith and hope for fast happy changes. No appeal to God through doubts and deception has not yet been beneficial. Reading prayer with sincerity, kindness and desire to change everything for the better, helps in any case.

The meaning of the text 90 Psalm lies not only in anticipation of changes from the prayer word, but also in the search for solutions and paths, how to fix the course of events and attract the best. It is important to take efforts and in practice to prove to everyone and God, including that these are actions from the bottom of my heart and really need. The text of the prayer is impossible to touch with their hands, but its strength can be felt by all the fibers of the soul.

Text prayer

Incoming prayer text is quite complex for reading ordinary person. Psalm 90 was originally transferred to the old-Russian language, used in our time for prayer ascension in the temples, mainly only by clergy or deep believing people. Reading the lightweight version of "Live in Help" is allowed by the Church itself. After all, this translation is based on the direct source in compliance with all religious subtleties.

"The Almighty Lady under the premises under the silence is resting, says to the Lord:" My refuge and my defense, my God, for whom I hope! " He will save you from the catcher, from the disastrous ulcers, feathers your feathers, and you will be safe under the wings; Shield and fence - the truth of it. Do not be worse than horrors in the night, arrows, flying day, ulcers walking in darkness, contagion, empty at noon. There are thousands of thousands of you and ten thousand ones with you; But it will not get closer to you: only to watch your eyes will be yours and see the rapidity of the wicked. For you said: "The Lord - Hope My"; Most High elected you by the refuge of yours; evil does not happen, and ulcers will not get closer to your dwelling; For angels are concerned about you about you - to guard you on all your ways: you will carry you on your hands, but you will not boot about the stone of your nag; At aspid and Vasilisk, you will come; You will pour lion and dragon. "For the fact that he loved me, get rid of it; I will protect it because he knew my name. Call to me and hear him; I'm in grief with him; I will get rid of him and hesitated him, let's sat down with the long time, and I will declare my salvation. "

The name "Live in Help" belongs to the people. After all, it is from these words that the prayer begins. Yes, and the whole point of text is hidden in these vital and often, breakfast words. Prayer has very powerful power And it is able to work wonders. During the Second World War, weaver, one of the factories was sewn into the belt of the military form of a piece of paper with the text Psalm 90. Thus, according to legend, it was these military to make a majority of troops. Soviet armythat reached Berlin.

Curious facts are in documentary descriptions of the First World War. However, confirm such information many of the eyewitnesses refused. After all, at one, and with the second war, religious beliefs, however,, as the church itself, were persecuted and persecuted. Unique cases of healing through prayer are fixed by modern clergymen almost daily. However, the main phenomenon of the "Live in Help" prayer is thoroughly studied. However, stories about the wonderful salvation from the deadly fire or from the enemy bullet, thanks to a piece of paper with a prayer at a very much. However, as many similar stories and in our time.

It's important to know

Believers advise not to ignore some principles for reading prayer, which is important to exclude:

  1. Doubts and skeptic relationship serve as an absolute contraindication to the use of Psalm 90.
  2. Reading prayer over patients is important only with his knowledge and in its immediate participation. Otherwise, the effect of complications may occur instantly.
  3. "Live help" is prohibited to read people practitioners, magic or esoteric. Tex again can play a bad service and attract a negative not only on the person himself, but also on his loved ones and relatives.
  4. A bad sign is considered if the believer during prayer will be baptized. It is necessary to do it several times.
  5. Reading Psalm 90, implies communication with God alone a few more minutes. It is important to focus on your desires, think about life pans, about changes associated with a good start.

Prayer "Live in Help" has been considered a real miracle for several centuries. To feel it, experience unimaginable positive changes in life, you can believe in good by yourself. Reading the cherished words is allowed in the church with candles, at home in front of the saints. Appeal to the Almighty will never remain without his support and attention. It is always important to believe it!

Full Collection and Description: Live help of prayer when reading for the spiritual life of a believer man.

"Live help" is the great heritage of the Christian world. This prayer creates miracles, helping people not only in difficult moments of their lives, but also protecting from misfortunes and severe diseases.

This prayer is very popular, and not only in Orthodox believers, but also in those who pay more attention to popular beliefs. The thing is that, according to the common conviction, the roots of this prayer pagan. It is believed that it was originally written before the arrival of Christianity on Russia. Later, when Rus took Orthodoxy, the text has changed.

Today, prayer text combines both principles. So he looks now:

Living under the bed of the Most High under the Seni of the Almighty rests. Says to the Lord: my refuge and my defense, my God, for whom I hope! He will save you from the catcher, from the disastrous ulcer. Wings will sore you and under the wings you will be safe, the shield and fence - the truth of him. Do not be worse than horrors in the night, arrows, flying day, ulcers walking in the darkness. infection devastating at noon. Thousands of thousands and ten thousand will fall near you, but you will not approach you. Just to watch you will be your eyes and see the retribution is wicked. For you said: The Lord Hope My. The Most High elected you by your refuge. It does not happen evil and ulcers will not get closer to your dwelling, for the angels are concerned about you - to guard you on all your ways. In your hands you will carry you, but you will not take pictures of the naga youth. At aspid and Vasilisk, you will come, you will pour lion and serpent. For what loved me, get rid of him, protect him, because I knew my name mine. I will call him and hear him, with him I in the grief of him and I will tell him my salvation.

The mystery of the prayer "Live help"

The correct name of this prayer is Psalm 90. He is in the Psaltry book. Used as prayer for the help of God and rescue from danger in certain situationAnd also as a permanent guard from all troubles. In this regard, prayer is one of the strongest, on a par with "Our Father" and "Virgin Delo, rejoice," because of its purpose - salvation.

Many scientists, church and clergymen declare that the original author is Moses, and not the pagan sages. What is the most interesting, antiquity of this prayer makes it truly unique, since it is used not only in Christianity, but also in Judaism.

The text of the prayer "Live help" is usually carried with them - write text on a folded ribbon. Many prefer to just put the ribbon in his pocket or tie it around the belt, but you can wear it on the chest.

This oldest prayer saved many people and treated terrible diseases that did not even take on top doctors. She is an excellent wubble from any attack. Prayer "Living Aid" brings good luck, but only in those moments when it really needs. This is a direct dialogue with God, a request for the protection of the body and soul. Carry with you this prayer, read it before bedtime and do not forget to click on the buttons and

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Prayer for helping "Live help": how and who to read it?

Many people who experience real mountains or illness appeal to the Most High asking for health and peace of mind. Prayer for help is precisely the prayer that needs to read from a pure heart and with all the soul.

What if you dream of prayer live help?

It is worth noting that before people gave great importance Oberebami and used them to protect themselves and their families from the dark forces. With respect, they treated the belt and braid, tapes and threads tied on the body to protect themselves from diseases.

The process of tying served as the process of overcoming the disease. It was believed that if the sick person causals a node, he also causs his illness. This node had to be buried under dry wood and burn. Indeed, many of this rite helped.

A huge security value was wearing a prayer belt. Prayer Living Aid has a long history, she for a long time brought people health and happiness for a long time, and also performed the strongest guard, which was releasing his owner from many bad situations in life.

According to the assertion of historians, the belt with such a prayer was worn by both Orthodox people and the Old Believers. At that time, they were most often manufactured by Orthodox monasteries, but sometimes they were done on the monasses. But the peasants themselves were rarely engaged.

The belt was spilled from a special thin mesh, and each of his knot was conspired by the security words of prayer. Live prayer in help was wounded on tissues and tips. She needed to wear under clothes on a naked body, only in this case she guarded her owner from many diseases.

Prayer live help, the text of which is not too complicated, should be learned by heart. It is necessary to read it strictly as it is written, you should not simplify the pronunciation and ignore the Old Slavonic language, because it was a prayer for many ancestors on it. It needs to be read three times.

This prayer is included in 90 psalm, and the people have the name "live help". Psalm 90, whose prayer is very valued, is considered very effective in deliverance from all existing evil forces and misfortunes.

At present, many also carry the text of prayer with them. And there is nothing strange in this, since it is very necessary, especially, it is harder to live. Everyone should know that prayer has an incredible force, she protects even in those moments when a person threatens an extraordinary danger. At this moment you need to read the prayer and it will help.

Also known is the fact that when one soldier was under a squall fire, surrounded by German enemies, remained alive due to the fact that the prayer of "live help", which mother wrote on a piece of paper before sending it to the front.

Everyone knows that in an ordinary situation it is often difficult to focus on reading prayer without extraneous thoughts. But when a person really needs help, she would even read her skeptic, because it will be very believable in her power.

Many people are divided by the stories that happened in their lives that the prayer was heard immediately and helped very soon, in an unexpected form.

What does foreshadow?

Getting Started to perform this or that matter, you need to read the wonderful prayers in the help of Vynyago. Prayer will help to make so that the conceived happened as everyone represents that there are no problems and difficulties.

While reading, you need to penetrate the words of prayer with all your heart. If you read it monotonously and insincere, then no help will be provided. But to honestly ask the Lord about the blessing, he will definitely hear and help.

It should be noted and the fact that at this time a few sincerely believe in God is. Sometimes it happens that it is also applied to it only when doctors do not help or when all the ways are triggered.

In order for the Lord to always help a person, you need to start my day from prayer, it should be a kind of ritual, tradition. Even if the person is in a hurry in the morning, it is better not to catch something, but it is necessary to pray, then life will be beautiful and amazing.

In addition to prayer, live care, you need to read the prayer Nikolai the Wonderworker, as well as the Matron of Moscow, because these saints created real wonders during his lifetime. Nikolai The Wonderworker always believed in good and worked only good things, so because of the faith he made many miracles.

The life of Moscow Matronov is known to many, because she was rather difficult, but she, being blind, never gave up and helped people, so they say about the created miracles, and to this day.

This prayer can be purchased in the church. It will be sold attached on a special belt, on such as Orthodox believers wore. In this case, the disease will be tied up in the node and leave the person forever. But you need to remember what the Lord helps only honest people.

As can be seen in order for a person to solve all problems or safely allowed all his affairs, you just need to read the crowded help. Prayer is capable of those critical moments when a person with revelation appeals to God, help him, its effectiveness increases many times.

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Psalm 90: Live in Help Hallo

Even in ancient times, each person knew the text of the main guardian prayer Psalm 90 Live in the help of Vysnyago. But most of the modern Orthodox people also remember His Holy Words to heart, wearing a consecrated belt with the text.

How and where to read

To read, a special mood is required that allows a prayer word to achieve each corner of human consciousness.

It is important that prayer proceeds from the depths of the soul. God is not empty speech. He needs a strong faith, desire for the better.

  1. Before starting the psalting, it is necessary to repent in sins. This is the sacrament of the confession committed in the Orthodox church.
  2. If it is not possible to confess (by gentlementers or other valid reasons), then you need to remember your sins, repent, ask Christ for the sake of sinful deeds.
  3. It is advisable to ask the blessing to read the Psalm at the priest of the local temple.
  4. Usually, clerics bless parishioners on 40-day prayerful labor. At first, the psalm is allowed to read the prayer, but it must be learned by heart.

It is necessary to pronounce prayer in the temple in front of the face of Christ or at home before the iconostasis. The prayer must necessarily be baptized in Orthodoxy, to wear a cross on the body - the main symbol of the Orthodox faith.

Important! The main security prayer is often read to liberate consciousness from bad, sinful thoughts. Therefore, if a person feels that he is ready to break one of the commandments of God, then it is necessary to urgently read the live in the help of Vysnyago.

This is one of the reasons why the text need to know by heart, because at any moment you may need support from heaven.

Live in the help of Vysnyago, in the blood of God is awkward.

The mistake of the Lord: My Esu and Refrigerate my, my God, and I hope for him.

Yako that will save you from the network of catch, and from the problem of rebellious.

The shoulders of the Natova will slander the trees and under Kille His Hope: Weapons are created by the truth of him.

Do not be removed from the fear of Nobachnago, from the arrows flying in the days.

From the thing, in TMA transient, from shaking and demon half-one.

It falls from the country of Thousand, and the TMA is wearing you; It will not come close to you.

Obach is the cleaning of your watch and reward sinners of the vrudeshi.

Yako you, Lord, Hope my. Vynyago put your refuge.

Won't get to you evil. And the wound will not get closer to your body.

IKOK Angel to me to me about you, keep your in all ways to you.

In my arms, you will take, but not when you are pushing about your foot.

On aspid and Vasilisk, coming, and emery of Leo and Zmia.

Yako on my Uporna and get rid of it: covered and, too, know my name.

Call to me, and hear him: I am in grief, Izmu, and I will glorify him.

The longitude of days I will fulfill him, and I will declare my salvation.

Rules of prayer song

Any prayer is a frank dialogue with God. She helps those who, with faith, the true repentance appeals to the Almighty, asks him to protect, calm the soul, assistance in any difficulties.

Attention! Psalm 90 Lives in the help of Vysnyago cannot be read periodically, "for a tick", otherwise "by faith you will be yours."

Read it every day, preferably in the morning or before the start of any case, a man opens the great meaning of the words of Psalm, Divine Truth. The prayer book is aware that he is not alone in the world, with him there is always the father of Heavenly, the Great Comforter and the Intercessor, and all the tests are his great fishing and a priceless lesson for the soul.

Appeal to the Lord Nursery Psalm 90:

  • able to protect against any troubles and even save from death;
  • heal from severe ailments;
  • protect against witchcraft;
  • before praying, all obstacles will open on the way to a cherished goal, he will have success in everything, all controversial issues will be solved.

In addition, in the text of the prayer there is a prophecy - the coming of the Savior is the main defender of an Orthodox Christian - the believer in Christ Christ.

The modern world is the reverse side of spiritual reality, therefore a person does not always understand the causes of taking place. Despite this, the Lord is invisibly present among people. He sends his grace through angels, archangels, holy wings, ordinary people.

The value of prayer

In many difficult and difficult situations, it helps Psalm, saves from troubles and misfortunes, comforts in the mountain, instructs true, strengthens the Spirit, instills faith in the best.

With sincere illness, the Most High God hears every prayer room and, as a loving father, send Help his Chad. This is a reward, which is usually the more, the more the person it deserves it before him. But God does not follow the principle of "You - I am me." It often happens that he helps great sinners who have a strong faith and hope for divine blessing so that the sinful slave of God is increasingly strengthened in faith.

At the same time, people who believe in Christ and those who live in His commandments do not always receive beneficiaries from heaven. The Lord sometimes burns the attacks of the Diavolian forces to provide Christians to strengthen their spirit, makes it possible to understand that perfect sins could be avoided.

When a person understands this, his life path becomes smooth and calm. In all there are fishery of God, all the tests are given to people by their forces and good! But in advance of God's fishing is not known to anyone, people are not given to know him before the last time, and no matter what it is.

The Lord is a goodwent, with faith in his help you can not be afraid of danger, because the power of the Lord is great!

Prayer living assistance

Aspid - poisonous snake

Vasilisk - Big Poisonous Snake

Reads during disasters and when attacking enemies.

But since many conspiracies of the pagan Christians reworked. In prayers, then Christians also have. In Orthodox, he is known as Psalm 90. And called "Living in Help"

Due to get rid of me Mother: from pain and hands, from the network of a catcher, from the click of the Pozhets, from a cunning, from 12 decking, from the waves - ticky, from the ulcers and Mora of a reported, from the entrances of the enemy, from the captivity of the magician and witchcraft, from the Volshb Write people from all evil.

Two wings you hug the land, you fill the sky with your voice.

His protects me and sprinkle with my and under the wings of yours I will find a shield and a support, fall near my feet of my thousand words Conspiracted on business black, knives sharp and swords, boiled, arrows - flying day or at night, crashing in darkness, emptying Mountain or evening dawn,. Yes, they will not approach me, but they don't touch any business, nor body, nor my soul. I'll look into the eyes of the Great Mother and I will see the reflection of the stars and the retribution of my and my family.

Feather your autumn me, give me to get drunk from your bowl of life, and my weapons will be the truth of your and your love and care of the swelling mother about me (the name of the rivers), my kind and all children of yours.

Touch my thieves with my mouth, look into my soul my eyes, spend my fingers over the body.

For the mother protected his children on all their ways to protect them!

And you will carry me on the wings of the wind of the Eastern, but do not stumble on the evil word of the nagging, about the envious heart soul, I will come to the snake and the crown, I will pour a pride and the malice of human, and your mother will get a defense and all of you, and your love.

For the mother protected his children in all ways to protect their children!

I (the name of the rivers) Living (living) in my mother's house, under her shield, with her sword, under her goodness,

Who for me and the nature of my word Volcriste, Slim will say - that he himself will fall in the word, who for me and the kind of witchcraft, worst will create that it will be bad, he will not be confident.

For the mother protected his children on all their ways to protect their children.

The spirit of your great mother will arrive with me and my children (come from), give me and my family (children of my and my family) happiness to know your love and protection. Yavi help your, great mother.

Only words will have to rearrange. I (the name of the rivers) is living (living) to this land, under the height of heaven, under the Red Sun, the sweeping mother, in its panels, falls to her goodness. Help your lively ask. - It will be no change and then -

Instead - yes, you save me, you will say, it will save you (the name of the rivers). Well, so on.

conspiracy read, looking at the icon of the Virgin Unbreakable Wall.

Part 1 - Prayer Living Aid

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