Payments to young specialist teachers. Payments to young professionals

If you compare modern Russia and the USSR, you can find a hundred big and small differences. Moreover, they are hiding in all spheres of human life. For example, in the eighties, young specialists, after graduating from secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, received apartments or houses. Read the information on how to arrange social card Muscovite for a student and what to do if lost,.

What about today? What can young specialists count on after graduating from universities? What are they entitled to by law? In accordance with a government decree in 2018, a number of graduates of secondary and higher specialized educational institutions can count on a number of additional supports.

So, you must initially know that it is customary to call a young specialist a graduate of an elementary, secondary or higher vocational educational institution who decided to obtain a specialty during the first calendar year after directly graduating from a university, college or university.

From a legal point of view, a young specialist has special rights, obligations of the bearer of this status and guarantees. Today, there are a number of signs that determine the status of a young specialist. These include the following:

  • Firstly, specialists in this category will definitely have to get their education on a full-time basis. Moreover, the opportunity to study in a secondary or higher institution should be given by the state, namely, by the target direction.
  • Secondly, graduates of educational institutions must necessarily receive a diploma, which confirms the completion of training and the passage of final certification.
  • Thirdly, the graduate must be sent to work in accordance with the legislative decree of the government Russian Federation... When you are sent to work, you must have an appropriate legal certificate.

Attention! If one of the above conditions is not met, then the graduate will not be able to directly obtain the status of a young specialist.

In addition, you need to know that today the state provides lifting payments only to certain categories of graduates:

  • First, young people who have completed higher or secondary education educational institution medical type. Read the guide on how to apply for and receive unemployment benefits.
  • Secondly, for those who have finished full course vocational training in educational institutions.
  • Thirdly, assistance is also provided to future young specialists who graduated from colleges and universities of Russian Railways.

Attention! If the employer fails to fulfill the last prescribed condition, then he will be obliged to pay the state the funds that were spent on the education of a specialist.

The severance of relations between the parties is possible in the event that there is a complete or partial liquidation of the company. Also, labor relations can be severed if a young specialist has the status of temporarily disabled, or cannot fulfill his professional duties due to his special health status. There are a number of other cases that are described by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

What payments are required?

In accordance with a government decree for a certain period of time, specialists who have a special status are entitled to the following options for material support:

  • Lump-sum material payments;
  • Monthly allowances (regular);
  • Payments provided to young professionals once a calendar year.

Attention! In some regions of the country, certain payments may be abolished in the absence of adequate funding for the subject of the federation. You should check with the specialists of local Pension Funds in more detail.

Payments to teachers

Today, in accordance with the developed legislative project, all young specialists who are employed in the field of pedagogy can receive the following types of material payments:

  • First of all, such employees are provided with an additional payment in the amount of forty percent of the size of one teacher's rate for the first three years. The same specialists who graduated from the university with honors are entitled to fifty percent of the employee's salary.

Attention! Young specialists can receive additional payments regardless of how they received their education and what work experience they had up to that moment.

You can get a supplement only for one place of work. This suggests that a specialist must work in one place, chosen by him personally, for at least three years. This is spelled out in the order of the Department of Education. On average, the size of one-time payments to young specialists is about fifteen thousand rubles.

Attention! Funds for the payment of allowances and lump-sum benefits are allocated from the regional budget. Consequently, its size may vary depending on each specific subject of the federation.

Payments to doctors

As for young professionals who graduated from medical educational institutions, they can also count on additional benefits. The main condition is the provision of their services at the place of receipt of the direct target direction.


Watch a video about lifting for young teachers:

The main rule that young professionals must adhere to is to be curious. Indeed, today, graduates in some regions of the country may simply not know about additional material benefits. Therefore, it is necessary to independently find out in universities and services social support population about all kinds of options for benefits and additional payments. Otherwise, there is a possibility that "the award will never find a fighter."

Good afternoon, please tell me if a serviceman under a contract has the right to lifting payments when transporting a family of two people to his place of service (wife and son)

13 July 2018, 15:17, question # 2051643 Anastasia, g. Nizhny Novgorod

Is a contractor entitled to a lifting allowance?

Is a biennial contractor entitled to receive a lifting allowance if he went to serve instead of a term?

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Is a lifting allowance subject to the conclusion of the second contract with a break of 2 years?

Hello, please, I conclude a 2 contract. The interval between 1 and 2 contracts is 2 years, whether I am entitled to a lifting allowance. The contract will be in the city of Lomonosov, Leningrad Region. I myself live in the city of Engels

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If the service is carried out in the city of Ostrovnoy, in which I am registered, am I entitled to a lift?

I live in the city of Ostrovnoy there, I am called up for a contract. The regiment of the unit is located in the city of Severomorsk to which our battalion belongs. Will my fundraising money fail?

Lifting allowance

Hello! I am a soldier, and the question is about the lifting allowance. To receive a lifting allowance, do I need to register in a part, or not, what do I need in addition to Rapotra? Thanks!

June 20, 2017, 15:59, question No. 1673065 Dmitry, Rostov-on-Don

Is there a lifting allowance when recovering from a stock?

Hello! Is it necessary to have a PP when restoring from the stock if the place of service is in the same settlement where he lives?

Are there any lifting payments due after contract service?

After graduation, instead of military service, he signed a contract for 2 years, while he moved from Veliky Novgorod to St. Petersburg, am I entitled to lifting allowances?

Are there any payments upon signing the second and subsequent contracts?

Hello! My husband signed the second contract, are there any payments or sub-hires now when signing the second and subsequent contracts?

Lifting allowance for the relocation of a unit from a temporary deployment point to the city in which I am registered

Is the lifting allowance imposed if I arrived at the temporary deployment point of a newly formed military unit, and six months later, the unit was redeployed to my hometown, the point of permanent deployment?

Should lifting be paid for all family members if the new duty station is 50 kilometers from the place of registration?

Hello, my name is Eugene. I moved to my new duty station from the reserve, and the lifting allowance was not paid for family members, explaining that their old residence permit was 50 km away. from the place of registration at the military unit. Is it correct?

Is there a lifting allowance for conscription from the reserve?

whether I am entitled to a lifting allowance when conscripting for military service from the reserve, I don’t change my place of residence; the military unit is in the same city where I live

October 31, 2016, 17:04, question No. 1426164 Konstantin Anatolyevich Sorokin, Omsk

Payments to young professionals or lifting

Hello, please tell me if monthly payments are due young specialist(educator) or only lifting ones?

Young teachers in Russia are not so common. In the country, cadres are graduated from universities, and then they go to work outside their specialty. After all, although it is important, it is not considered prestigious in the Russian Federation. This is what the population asserts. To attract new staff, the state decided to introduce certain programs to support young teachers. People who comply with certain conditions are entitled to benefits and various opportunities. Which ones? What can citizens expect?

List of benefits

Privileges for young teachers were offered in Russia quite recently. As already mentioned, this important profession is not in demand among young people. People graduate from universities and find jobs not with a diploma, but where it is more profitable. It's no secret that teachers' salaries are not very high. And for the majority of young people, it is the earnings prospects that are important.

But young teachers in the Russian Federation, subject to a certain list of rules, are able to receive some benefits and opportunities. Among them are:

  • lifting payments;
  • a special mortgage lending program;
  • support when buying a home (not a mortgage).

In fact, citizens are encouraged to find employment. It is the mortgage that is considered extremely attractive. For young teachers, as well as for most newly minted specialists, the issue of housing is very acute. Therefore, Russia has offered assistance in this matter. Moreover, such that even the average teacher could get their own housing.

Young specialist status

First, you need to understand who a young specialist is. After all, only then will it be possible to fully realize which personnel are entitled to a specialist in Russia - this is a citizen who has received a diploma of higher or secondary specialized education.

Who are the young professionals? Graduates of universities and technical schools who are first employed in the public sector for the received education. In fact, any modern young graduate receives this status. This means that he is entitled to some benefits. Especially when it comes to teachers.

Age is a problem

An important point is also the age of the graduate. Young teachers are citizens who have not reached the age of 35. In some cities, this bar is set at a lower position - 30 years. The exact information should be found out in each region at one time or another.

It turns out that the newly issued diploma is not enough. If someone has decided to become a teacher in adulthood, he may not count on the title of a young specialist. This fact must be taken into account without fail. After all, he is able to prevent you from receiving certain bonuses from the state.


The first type of assistance is monetary. It is lifting. Young teachers are entitled to these payments as a one-time allowance, which is paid when they are employed in a particular state institution.

The exact amount is different everywhere. Therefore, for specific information, you need to contact the administration of the region of residence. The amount of the payment is from 20 to 100 thousand rubles. In rural areas, as a rule, elevators are assigned higher than in cities.

Help with housing

The next feature is that young teachers have every right to help with buying a home. Or for full provision thereof. The second option is most often encountered in practice. Usually common in rural areas as well given type support is provided to teachers who come from other regions of the country.

This question is individual. As practice shows, teachers are provided with a place in a hostel. Small but help. At the same time, young teachers have the right to state support in mortgage lending. So the state provides teachers with a place to live to one degree or another.

According to the Labor Code

You should also pay attention to some features of the legislation. For example, that in Labor Code RF for young professionals has its own rules of employment. This moment is extremely important.

What can a young professional teacher count on? Payments, mortgages, assistance in securing housing - all this has nothing to do with the labor legislation of the country. When employed, young specialists (not only teachers) have every right to be hired without a probationary period.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation clearly states that there should be no tests for this category of persons. But only on condition that a citizen finds a job for the first time after receiving a diploma, and immediately in the specialty received. The rule is effective for a year after issue.

Status renewal

A young specialist teacher - who allows you to use benefits and payments to one degree or another. In some cases, you can extend it. How exactly?

There are several techniques that help to solve the question posed. The maximum period for which the status can be extended is 6 years. It automatically lengthens if:

  • a citizen is doing compulsory military service;
  • during postgraduate studies on a full-time basis;
  • we are talking about a teacher who is on parental leave, as well as due to pregnancy.

Payments for young teachers are required to be processed as soon as possible. All this is due to the fact that from the moment of employment, the status is maintained for only 3 years, after which it is completely lost and cannot be restored.


There is a mortgage called "Young Teacher". This program has federal status. It was designed specifically to help newly minted teachers get their own homes. Issued under certain conditions.

It should be noted that the average interest rate on this mortgage is 8.5 percent. At the same time, it is important that the monthly payment does not require the teacher to pay more than 45% of the earnings. Most often, this rule applies to teachers who will have to work in rural areas. But ordinary teachers are also offered similar loans.

Another nuance regarding the mortgage is that the "Young Teacher" (a federal program) requires only 10% of the funds of the future apartment owner to be paid as a down payment. The rest of the money is provided by the state as compensation.

Conditions for mortgages

What problems can be during obtaining a mortgage? Young teachers are carefully checked for compliance with the established rules for providing state support. Therefore, you need to know all the conditions that can interfere with the process.

Among the main requirements for young professionals, the following factors are distinguished:

  • age up to 35 years (as we have already said, in some cities it can be up to 30, but this is rare);
  • employment after graduation in the specialty;
  • work must be in a budget (state) institution;
  • a contract concluded for at least 3 years;
  • experience in the field of pedagogy (depending on the region, it is needed mainly for a mortgage).

It should be noted that after receiving this or that diploma, young teachers must find a job within 3 months maximum. But this period is also recommended to be specified in each region. It is likely that it may turn out to be shorter somewhere.

Other benefits

Mortgages for young teachers, payments, benefits - all this helps to attract new personnel to the education sector. There are some features that are provided to young professionals in different regions... It is about less important support, which is often set by a specific educational institution.

What else can a young professional teacher count on? Lump sum payments are not the only monetary compensation provided to citizens. In addition, you can count:

  • for partial or full payment of transport costs to educational institution;
  • subsidies for construction and home improvement;
  • full or partial reimbursement of expenses related to the maintenance of the teacher's children in school and preschool educational institutions;
  • benefits for admission to certain schools.

Earnings allowances

Young teachers are entitled to one more feature, which is regulated by regional regulations... The point is that citizens should receive an increased salary for their status. Here the role is played by how good the diploma is given to the specialist.

For example, the increase in the salary of a young teacher is 40%. If a specialist graduated from a university with honors and has, he will receive an additional 50% of his earnings from his salary.

What advice can you give a young teacher? How to proceed in order to receive all the required benefits and not lose your status? In fact, there are not so many recommendations. Citizens must:

  • inquire in advance about the benefits for young professionals in the region of employment;
  • do not hesitate to find a job (it is better to start doing this in advance);
  • look for a place for long-term employment;
  • try to get a red diploma;
  • inquire about the benefits for young professionals in the chosen educational institution.

It has already been said that usually more allowances and payments are provided. All questions should be addressed either to the city administration or to multifunctional centers.

Subsidies may be refused. After all, all funds are taken either from the regional or from the federal budget. If there is no money, then the citizen will not be able to help. But young teachers will be able to try their luck in next year... In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. Each educational institution constantly comes up with how to attract young personnel. And this point should not be forgotten either. Payments, subsidies and housing for young teachers are due in every region of Russia. The main thing is to find out the rules for providing these.

For several decades in a row, there has been a problem of employment in Russia, and it is especially acute for specialists who are just starting their career: doctors, teachers and representatives of other professions. Employers are often reluctant to hire young men and women who have just graduated from college or university. For this reason, payments to young specialists are provided in the Russian Federation. Let's find out what benefits university and college graduates can qualify for and how you can get them.

State aid at the federal and regional levels

In the Russian Federation, there are the following types of payments for young professionals:

  1. Lump sum payments;
  2. Lifting payments.

In the following sections, we will look in more detail at how these benefits differ and how to get an elevator payment or a lump sum.

Lump sum payments

Assistance to teachers and educators who have just started working in education, the state offers a monthly supplement to wages... The funds will be paid annually by the organization where the young specialist works. Lump-sum payments to young professional teachers and other education workers are paid in a fixed amount. As of 2017, the amount of such benefits is:

  • For the 1st year of work - 50,000 rubles;
  • For the 2nd year of work - 45,000 rubles;
  • For the 3rd year of work - 40,000 rubles.

The amount of this payment may differ. For example, for university graduates who work in the Far North or in the countryside, the size of the lump sum is increased. How much is determined by the regional authorities.

Lifting allowance

Since 2012, a new law has been introduced into Russian legislation, which describes all the conditions for providing financial assistance to young workers as part of the innovations. Lifting payments for a young specialist are calculated as follows:

  1. A graduate of a higher educational institution (full-time study is compulsory) must get a job in his specialty at a state enterprise;
  2. A citizen must work in the area where the university assigned him. No relocation is provided for this project;
  3. The person must be employed under a civil or labor contract;
  4. Within thirty days after employment, lifting payments for young specialists will be accrued;
  5. The amount of such an allowance depends on the place of employment, specialty and a host of other factors. For example, in Moscow a young specialist will receive about 90,000 rubles, and a university graduate employed in a village - about 30,000 rubles;
  6. Also, within the framework of this program, it is possible to purchase housing on preferential terms: the state will pay part of the cost of the house.

To receive such a payment, you need to write an application at the municipal department of a city or town.

Grounds and procedure for receiving payments

According to Russian legislation, young specialists have the right to receive any cash payments for university graduates from the state.

From the point of view of jurisprudence, a young specialist is a person who has a secondary specialized or higher education and who received a job within one year after graduating from his university or technical school.

The main conditions for the accrual of any benefits to recent university graduates are:

  1. Daytime form of study. Those specialists who studied in absentia cannot apply for payment;
  2. Getting an education on a state basis. At the same time, it is not necessary to be a scholar, but the state must pay for the studies for the student;
  3. Successful defense of the diploma and its receipt. It is not necessary to upload a university with honors: it is enough to pass certification and receive a state diploma;
  4. Employment by distribution from a university or technical school. The university must provide jobs for specialists who studied at the expense of the federal or regional budget.

Payment may be refused if at least one of the above points is not met.

Additional criteria

In addition to the above conditions, there are a number of specific criteria that a specialist must meet. So, this status is assigned:

  • Persons under the age of thirty-five;
  • Employment under the distribution program from the institute or technical school;
  • It is compulsory for representatives of medical specialties to work in the village;
  • Conclusion of an employment contract with an enterprise for a period of three years;
  • If a citizen applies for a mortgage on preferential terms, at least a year of work experience is required.

Each region of Russia has its own regional support programs, so the conditions for receiving financial assistance may depend on the place of residence.

Procedure for receiving

Payments are calculated by the organization in which the graduate is employed. It should be borne in mind that a state-owned enterprise must necessarily allocate funds for a newly employed employee, but a commercial organization is not obliged to pay any benefits.

To receive funds you need:

  1. Collect a package of necessary documents (you will find a list of papers in the next section);
  2. Apply to your employer with the documents and write a statement that he wants to receive compensation as a young specialist;
  3. Within a month, the employer must respond to the employee's request, and either provide funds or refuse to pay. Refusal must be reasoned.

If a positive decision is made, the allowance will be paid for bank card(if the salary is transferred there) or in cash through the organization's cash desk.

List of required documents

As mentioned above, a young specialist applying for financial assistance must provide his employer with documents. The list of required papers is not long:

  • State diploma on graduation from a higher educational institution. In addition to the diploma itself, you need to bring an insert with grades, which is issued to it;
  • Employment history. The document must be verified by a lawyer. Please note that it must contain the date of the start of work and the signature of the employer.

These papers must be attached to the application. A sample application can be obtained from the accounting department of the enterprise where the citizen works.

Review of existing support programs for young professionals in 2017-18

The largest amount of labor resources is concentrated in cities, especially large ones. In the villages, there is now an acute shortage of qualified workers: teachers, educators, doctors, and so on. The state is trying to attract university graduates to work in the countryside. The following projects were created:

  1. Young specialist in the countryside;
  2. Zemsky doctor.

These are the two main programs to support young professionals that are presented by the government of the Russian Federation to date. In the following sections, we'll take a closer look at how they function and what their conditions are.

Young specialist in the countryside

Under this program, regional and federal organizations pay compensation to representatives of various professions: young teachers, nurses, doctors of the highest category, etc. It is worth considering that funds are paid for the purchase or construction of your own home. According to the terms of the program, the state covers up to 70% of all costs associated with purchasing your own home.

The following criteria are presented to applicants for participation in the program:

  • Diploma of higher education... Also, full-time students who are already graduating from the university (fifth-sixth year) are allowed to participate in the program. Thus, the program provides an opportunity to find a job for students who have not even graduated from the university yet;
  • Age up to 35 years old. The project is intended only for young people and middle-aged people;
  • The citizen must provide a certificate of absence of housing;

If a person meets all of the above criteria, he will be offered to sign a contract for participation in the program. Its conditions are as follows:

  • Work at least five years in a specialized specialty in rural areas;
  • Have cash savings in order to cover 30% of the cost of housing;
  • Have the intention to live in the countryside on a permanent basis.

In order to become a member of the "Young Rural Specialist" project, you need to contact the municipal department of your city or town and write an application there. Consideration of the request takes up to two months, after which the competent persons will provide instructions on how to proceed.

Zemsky doctor

From the name it is clear that this project is designed for all kinds of doctors: surgeons, obstetricians-gynecologists, nurses, etc. In rural areas, there is an acute shortage of qualified doctors. Therefore, if a villager urgently needs health care, he often has to be driven several kilometers to the nearest hospital: such cases may end lethal outcome... For this reason, the Zemsky Doctor program was developed. The criteria for applicants for participation in it are as follows:

  1. Medical specialty;
  2. Availability of a university graduation diploma;
  3. Residency and internship;
  4. Age - up to 45 years old;
  5. Willingness to move and further life in the village.

According to the terms of the program, a young specialist receives the following benefits and additional payments from the state:

  • A one-time payment to young specialists who are participants in the "Zemsky Doctor" program ranges from 50,000 to 70,000 rubles (depending on the medical profile and qualifications);
  • Possibility of compensation for 70% of the value of the house (provided that the house is purchased in rural areas);
  • Material assistance in agriculture;
  • 50% discount on public transport (this includes buses, trains and trains).

To participate in this program, you must contact the municipal department of your city or town, provide Required documents(a list of them can be found at the institution's stand) and wait for an answer. The decision is made at regional level, therefore, all payments and compensations will come from the regional budget.