What to build a balcony from. DIY balcony cabinets: ideas, instructions, diagrams, drawings

By old tradition on the balcony and loggia things are stored that did not find a place in the apartment. And so that these small premises do not turn into a dump, it is necessary good system storage. Most practical option-built-in wardrobe on the balcony or loggia. Often all that is required is to make construction sites on which shelves will be held and doors to be installed. You can easily cope with such a task with your own hands, even with a minimum of skills.

Materials and constructions

The design of the built-in wardrobe can be divided into two parts: the frame and the doors. Sometimes, if a side stand is needed, there is also a sheathing.

What is the frame made of

Cabinet racks are most often made of timber. The section is approximately 40 * 40 mm or 50 * 50 mm. Not a bad option, but on an unheated balcony it may be high humidity... And wood is a material that changes size depending on humidity. There is one more point: timber is not cheap in all regions.

There is another option - to assemble a frame on a drywall profile. Any sheet material such as, etc. is perfectly attached to it. If you take galvanized, then no moisture problems are terrible.

What to make shelves

The easiest way is to cut the shelves to size from sheet material... This is all the same chipboard - ordinary or laminated, thick plywood, sometimes you can use it, but you should want shelves for weights on a wooden frame.

You can attach them to places prepared on the frame - installed bars or self-tapping screws. There is an option - with corners directly to the wall. But it is good if the walls can be drilled with self-tapping screws at once, otherwise it will take too long to plant each shelf on the dowels. Then it is easier to assemble the frame and attach it to it.

There is an even easier way to make shelves on a balcony or loggia: use metal rails and brackets for them. These systems are used in stores, but for this case they are more than convenient: the height changes easily with a fairly small step. The brackets are simply outweighed by other holes.

With such an organization of everything, what is needed is to put the doors. So the wardrobe is ready on the loggia or balcony.

By the way, you can make something similar from wooden blocks: recesses for the shelves with a certain step. You can make cuts with a saw and then remove with a chisel.

Often, shelves are made from cut pieces of planks. Since the width of the balcony is usually small, all sorts of trimming are used. Only so that they do not lose their appearance for a long time and are easily wiped off, they need to be covered with something. And though glazed balcony and the loggia are more related to indoor areas, paints and varnishes take for outdoor use, as well as protective impregnations. They contain substances that protect against ultraviolet radiation. Without them, in a couple of years, the wood will look miserable.

So that when working in the apartment it does not smell too much, you can take a water-based varnish. It does not create a film, but dirt is not absorbed into the surface.

What are the doors

There are three types of doors in the closet on the loggia or balcony:

  • ordinary swing;
  • sliding - like a wardrobe;
  • roller shutters.

All these doors can be for the entire height of the cabinet, but it is more convenient to divide it into two or three parts, and hang their own doors on each.

The most inexpensive - swing doors... Doors and hinges themselves are needed, and it is easy to "put" them in place by yourself. Cost more sliding systems... You need guides - top, bottom and side, as well as a roller system that is installed on door leaf... But this option is attractive because it saves space.

The most expensive are roller shutters. But they are attractive because they go ready-made kit, and the installation is basically "included" with the purchase.

Watch the video on how to assemble sliding doors for a balcony cabinet. Much will become clear.

How to make a balcony cabinet on a wooden frame

First, cut 4 racks to the required cabinet height. If you plan to make it all the way to the ceiling, measure each one separately, and do not cut the same ones. The heights are often decently different. The cut racks are attached. The distance between them determines the depth of the cabinet, but most often depends on the available space. As much as there is, they use so much.

If there are three blank walls, no problem. The bars are attached to the dowels. They put the bar to the wall, check its verticality, drill holes through and through for fasteners in the right places... The bar is removed, plastic plugs from the dowels are inserted into the holes in the wall. Having installed the bar in place, screw it to the wall with screws.

If you make a cabinet on the balcony, one side is attached to the wall, and the other - to the frame elements or only above and below - to the ceiling and floor (we use reinforced metal corners).

Another option for a similar case - if you need to close the window glass with something - put a wall near the window (for example, made of chipboard), fix it at the bottom and top with corners to the floor and ceiling, and then attach it to the wall (and to the stream and the floor) frame bars.

Then transverse bars are nailed to the racks. They give the entire system a high degree of rigidity and the shelves will rest on them.

In order not to "walk" the place near the glass, this part is also occupied by shelves. Since the width of the furniture turns out to be different, two separate small cabinets are often made: for the lower and for the upper half. Often they also differ in depth: the lower one can be made wider and heavier and larger things can be hidden there. Upper cabinet in this case, you can make it less deep. In this case, the top of the lower cabinet can be used as a worktop.

Corner wardrobe on the loggia: photo report

At first, the loggia was lined with clapboard. Immediately after that, they began to make a wardrobe from the same lining. It was decided to want a corner, so as not to close the window too much. On the opposite side, the wardrobe takes up almost the entire width, slightly short of the balcony door.

The racks were not fastened. They nailed the bars on the ceiling and to the floor, the walls to them. They turned out to be short - three planks. Planks were nailed to the wall paneling, on which the same paneling was laid, cut out to the resulting shape of the cabinet.

At the top and bottom of the doorway, a lining was stuffed across the opening. We measured the remaining distance, subtracted 1.5 centimeters for inaccuracies and cut the lining on the door of this length. It took six of them. They knocked them down with the help of four cross bars and knocked them down the doors. They were hung using regular hinges.

Two shelves are nailed in the free space between the cabinet wall and the balcony trim. A little later added a little higher with rounded edges. The last step nailed to the ceiling and on the floor of the plinth (close the cracks), then sanded the lining with sandpaper and painted it with stain.

Drawings and diagrams

It is impossible to talk about any standards regarding cabinets for balconies. And the size and configuration, and the glazing is different for everyone. Therefore, even the size of the shelves has to be determined "in place". But we will give a few examples that you can change as you need.

Photos of finished cabinets on the loggia and balcony

Not quite a closet - a seat with a drawer underneath

Many people want to have a balcony, regardless of whether they live in a private household or in apartment building... But not everyone has it. And here the question arises of how to make a balcony with your own hands. At first glance, this seems difficult and difficult, but after studying all the points below, you can easily cope with this task.

If we talk about the advantages of having a balcony in an apartment or house, then the following can be distinguished:

  1. Expansion of the area of ​​the apartment.
  2. The presence of an additional emergency exit from the premises in case of an emergency.
  3. Possibility of arranging a balcony as you wish. You can make a workshop out of it, Personal Area, a rest room or even equip it like a cellar.

But since it is planned to build a balcony on their own, you must also remember about some of the features that you will have to face during construction:

  • First, you need to get the appropriate permission. Without it, the extension will be considered illegal and will need to be dismantled.
  • Secondly, you will have to independently select necessary materials and carry out all construction work.
  • Thirdly, it is necessary to draw up competent drawings and diagrams of the future balcony, according to which all construction work will be carried out.
  • Fourthly, it is necessary to decide even before the start of construction how waterproofing will be performed from the inside of the balcony and outside, whether ventilation will be needed, and how exactly the lighting will be carried out.
  • And, fifthly, whether the balcony will be open or closed.

At the same time, some features may arise depending on where exactly the balcony will be built: in a private house, on the ground floor apartment building or on the last one.

Only after completing all these points will it be possible to proceed directly to the construction of the balcony with your own hands.

Now directly on the construction of the structure. It can be located on a foundation, but this option is suitable only for those who make an extension in the country or in a private house. Or on a suspended frame - this option is suitable for tenants whose apartment is located above the first floor.

On the foundation

First of all, it is necessary to mark the area of ​​the future building. Next, we clean upper layer soil and dig holes for posts or columns.

Now you need to drive in special support piles. Making them at home is almost impossible, so it's better to buy ready-made ones. In order for them to firmly anchor to the bottom of the pit, a layer of concrete should be poured, no more than 20 cm thick. To increase the durability of the structure, all voids between the piles and the ground after their installation are well shed concrete mortar and left until completely solidified.

Now we tamp the bottom of the dug hole and fill it in layers with sand and gravel, not forgetting to tamp each layer hard enough.

It is necessary to assemble the formwork from solid boards, on which we lay out the aluminum frame. If done correctly, the result should be a reinforcing mesh. In order for the structure to be finally strengthened, it is necessary to give it a month's rest. To do this, we cover our foundation with a material with waterproofing properties and connect the posts with channels along the upper edge. Special attention should be paid to ensure that the height of the foundation and the house are at the same level. At this, the screed of the open balcony is considered complete.

After the specified time has elapsed, we lay a reinforced concrete slab on the solidified base and, using a perforator, make a hole in the wall for mounting the block of the future balcony. Next installable balcony block and align all the slopes cement mortar, and deeper slots are better to be sealed with polyurethane foam.

Now we start building the walls. It is better to abandon the usual cinder block, and use foam concrete blocks, which will reduce the pressure on the foundation. For the strength of the walls, reinforcement should be performed every three rows of masonry.

The final stage construction is the erection of a roof. Removing the canopy with a slight slope away from the walls will prevent moisture accumulation on the roof and keep the walls dry. You can use ready-made metal carcass or wooden logs, as a roofing material, you can choose any that you like. But, the roof, as well as the visor, should have a slight slope. If desired, such a balcony can be glazed or special PVC structures can be used. The ceiling can be sheathed with wood or plastic, it all depends on how exactly the balcony will be used in the future.

Now all that remains is to conduct the light, while the wiring must be done efficiently and with grounding. And the finishing event will be interior decoration balcony and its improvement. Since such a balcony is being built in a private house or in the country, it will become an excellent cellar for storing conservation, a workshop, a sauna or even a bathhouse. The use of a variety of shelves, nightstands and cabinets will allow you to turn it into anything.

The main thing is to choose correct design interior and in accordance with it to improve the new premises.


If, however, you still want to build a balcony with your own hands in a city apartment, then it is worth remembering that if the apartment is located up to the third floor inclusive, it is necessary to install large supporting columns. If the apartment is located above the third floor, then slopes take over their function.

In any case, construction should begin with the installation of columns, as described above, or with welding the slopes, which should be mounted from the outer edge of the outrigger platform to the wall of the house. Further, regardless of which support method is chosen, it is necessary to install the outrigger beams. Unlike a balcony built on a foundation, here the beams are brought directly into the room itself, which allows them to be securely fixed and strengthened.

The further work plan is the same as when erecting this structure in a private house, namely, reinforcing the site, concreting, installing a balcony block and erecting walls.

Thus, almost everyone can expand their living space.

Ideas for arrangement

Now that the balcony has already been built with his own hands, it's time to equip it. You should start from scratch, namely finishing the floor, ceiling and walls, painting the balcony inside and, if necessary, wallpapering. These are basic work that must be done in any case. The further work plan depends on what exactly will now be located in the new extension.

Most often, people use the balcony as a storage place for unnecessary things. We offer you 4 options for its improvement with benefit.

  1. A place to rest. In this case beautiful decor here it is simply irreplaceable. It can be paintings, flowers, beautiful curtains, in general, everything that will allow you to relax and enjoy the beauty of a new place. A bird feeder will also come in handy here, because in the warm season, you can watch feathered friends. And in the cold, wrapped in a warm blanket, climb into bed and enjoy the beauty and silence.
  2. Dinner Zone... Depending on whether you built the insulated balcony with your own hands or not, it can be turned into a dining room. In the warm season, you can take out an additional bench there, and in the winter it will be enough that there is a refrigerator and a dining area. The decoration of the room in this case should be appropriate: fruit compositions, napkins and dish racks can also be with images of fruits and vegetables. The decoration can be whatever you like, the main thing is that the cozy balcony turns into a really cozy dining room.
  3. Workshop. A new balcony can be a great place to work for the jack of all trades. Equipment can be neatly laid out on pedestals, tools can be hung on the walls. In general, you get a clean, comfortable workshop without unnecessary trash. But in this case, it is recommended to decorate the room with any easily washable material in order to easily maintain cleanliness.
  4. Storage for vegetables. Often, residents of city apartments and private houses are faced with the question of where to store vegetables and fruits, as well as how to grow greens and vegetables at home. And this is where the balcony comes to the rescue.

In any cabinet located on the balcony, you can put special boxes for vegetables, in which they will always be visible and where they can be stored as long as you need it. And if you purchase special brackets for balcony boxes for potatoes and other vegetables, then they can be fixed on the wall. At the same time, cabinets and shelves will become suitable for storing canned food on them.

Also here you can equip a small greenhouse in which you can grow greens, early cucumbers, tomatoes or even melons, as many owners of balconies and loggias do. In any case, you can decorate the balcony not only with the help decorative elements, but also with the help of edible plants.

Having a balcony helps people expand their apartment area. It is often used as a warehouse for old unnecessary things, drying clothes or other functions at its discretion. But in our time, when, due to technology and furniture, living space becomes scarce, many are thinking about using a balcony as part of an apartment.

Do-it-yourself comfortable, warm, functional balcony

Preparatory work

Do-it-yourself repairs can be started only after everything has been completed. preparatory work... First of all, you need to get rid of everything that will interfere. Things that have accumulated on the balcony, old coatings that have fallen into disrepair, unreliable partitions - all this needs to be removed.

In the course of work, you should check balcony slab for the presence of voids and coiled elements. In order to assess the condition of the stove, I advise you to seek help from a specialist. Then think over the course of work and what you need to do with the balcony room:

  • glaze;
  • insulate;
  • ennoble;
  • strengthen;
  • add a lattice;
  • make major repairs.

First of all, it is necessary to free the balcony from things and clean it from unusable structures and cladding.

In the case when you have planned to sheathe the loggia using MDF or lining, it is important to get rid of cracks. Suitable for this polyurethane foam... If the cracks are closed and the foam has dried, its remnants must be cut off and the sections must be treated with a cement mortar. This is done so that the foam does not rot and does not collapse due to humidity and temperature. Small holes must be closed with silicone sealant... Before starting work, you should prepare materials and tools.

Materials (edit)

In stores where they sell Construction Materials, a wide variety of products that are suitable for finishing works do it yourself. With so many materials, choosing the right one can be difficult. One point helps to simplify your task. The balcony is outer side building. It has practically no protection from wind and rain. Taking this into account, it is important to provide comfortable conditions directly inside the balcony, as well as to insulate it.

Thermal insulation of a balcony with mineral wool

The most common material for insulating a loggia is mineral wool... Of the advantages, the following properties can be noted:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • soundproofing;
  • chemical and biological resistance;
  • fire resistance;
  • ease of use.

Moreover, it costs no more than other insulation materials. To sheathe everything with cotton you need the space that is created thanks to finishing material installed on the frame. Therefore, the lining, plastic panels or MDF will be ideal for processing a loggia.

The largest percentage of heat comes out precisely through the windows, if they are not airtight. If the glazing is poor, the effectiveness of the entire insulation is reduced to zero. All your efforts and resources will be in vain. Among different types glazing, the best option will be warm glazing... In this case, metal-plastic double-glazed windows are used. In addition to retaining heat, such double-glazed windows suppress noise, which will be useful for those who live in noisy areas of the city.

Glazing of a balcony with double-glazed windows

Balcony insulation works

It is also easy to carry out floor insulation work with your own hands. Extruded polystyrene foam is most often used. The material is light and dense, adapted to withstand heavy loads and has thermal insulation properties... With the help of an adhesive, the boards are laid on the floor. It is important that the surface is level. For reliability, dowels are attached. A grid is laid on the plates, after which the floor is poured with a mixture. You can decorate such a floor with anything. Someone is using tiles. But mostly they take linoleum or laminate to make the floor even warmer.

Insulation of the balcony floor with expanded polystyrene

We turn to the insulation of the walls of the balcony. Most often, when choosing a material, they stop at the lining. Of the advantages, it can be noted:

  • naturalness;
  • practicality;
  • profitability;
  • durability.

Preparation of balcony walls for clapboard cladding

It is noteworthy that if you refine the walls with wood, it will give your balcony a natural look. The installation of the lining is carried out on the frame. It can be from both wooden slats and from metal profile... Reiki is often chosen.

In order for the material to be as a whole, the frame itself must be exposed on all planes, in order to avoid a drop or bevel.

Work should start from top to bottom. After fixing the frame, it is laid waterproofing material... Roofing material is well suited for this purpose. It is easy to install and relatively inexpensive. All this can be easily done with your own hands.

The balcony is tiled with clapboard

Then we fix the lining. There shouldn't be any difficulties. Doing everything carefully is the key to successful styling. Difficulties can only be during the finishing of the corners. But thanks to the skirting board, everything can be hidden.

Arrangement and design

At the end of how to do everything with your own hands, it is important to note the interior of the balcony you created. It can be called the most enjoyable kind of work. You can decorate the room for every taste, depending on how rich your imagination is. If you want to use the loggia for relaxation, you will need pieces of furniture. When the size allows, you can make small sofa... The table and chairs will also create coziness. Such decoration will be appreciated by each of your guests, especially if you add several plants or crafts that you made with your own hands to the interior.

Functional and compact balcony furniture

Important! Ordinary furniture for such a balcony will not work. It should be compact, transformable and lightweight. To prevent fading, the glass can be tinted or a resistant material can be used.

It is better to curtain the windows. If you do not spare money, you can buy blinds or roller blinds. The presence of a locker, paintings, various decorative elements, candlesticks and a mirror will only decorate the balcony. Some people use this place as their own study or office. It is simple to arrange it. All you need is a computer desk and workplace ready! In such a room you can relax, enjoy the view from the window, read a book, or just be alone with yourself. One has only to close the door.

Comfortable work area on the balcony

But you need to protect yourself. Such a luxurious office will not be missed by dishonest people, and everything that you have done with your own hands will be in vain. Therefore, if your balcony is on the 2nd or 3rd floor, you need to provide a protective grill in order to avoid robbery and a threat to your health.

Forged items work best. Before installing the grill, you need to measure the slab and the opening. Only after that you need to order the lattice required sizes... A damaged or unusable slab should be repaired, as it may collapse under load. In order to make your balcony from the street look aesthetically pleasing, the lattice can be closed with plants. Then it will look beautiful, and the grilles themselves will not be visible.

If space permits, a living corner can be placed on the balcony

After such manipulations, the balcony will be an excellent addition to your apartment and will serve long years... And the realization that it is made with your own hands will make you appreciate it even more.

Balcony in Khrushchev with your own hands: step by step instructions

In many high-rise buildings, the owners of the ground floor apartments are faced with the problem of the lack of a balcony. The presence of a balcony provides a number of advantages, thanks to which the life of the apartment owners becomes more convenient. Today, residents of the first floors can expand their living space by adding a balcony. It may seem to many owners that it will take a lot of time, money and effort. To date, many restrictions on the construction of an extension on the ground floor have been removed, so each owner can build himself a balcony on separate foundation or make a suspended balcony.

Extension to a house with a balcony: options and advantages

In order to start building a balcony on the first floor, you should outline an action plan, draw up a drawing and a project for future work. For a successful outcome of the construction, it is necessary to draw up an official project, thanks to which the authorities will give consent to the construction of an appropriate balcony or loggia.

There are such options for buildings on the ground floor:

  • Erection of a building on a foundation;
  • Erection of a building on a metal frame;
  • Erecting a building with concrete slabs on the brackets.

The most convenient, but at the same time expensive, ways to build a balcony and loggia are the foundation and metal frame. They offer the advantage of a separate additional space that can be used as a home cellar.

The advantages of building a balcony on a foundation:

  1. The possibility of expanding the balcony by moving the structure to a greater distance from the walls;
  2. The possibility of constructing a long balcony that will cover the entire apartment, but at the same time not disturb the neighbors;
  3. Possibility of execution high-quality insulation and glazing the balcony in comfortable ways.

It is important to keep in mind that in order to construct a door leading to a balcony, it will be necessary to perform a number of operations to create an opening in load-bearing wall... This will be considered a redevelopment of the apartment, so there will be a need for paperwork and obtaining proper permission.

Installation of a new balcony (video)

How to attach a balcony on the first floor: we do it legally

In order to start adding a loggia or balcony to the house, you need to prepare the necessary documents and approve them in the relevant authorities. The project of the future balcony must be coordinated with the water utility, gas service and other supervisory authorities. After that, you need to contact the administrative organization and the department of construction and architecture.

Required documents for approval:

  • Owner's statement for redevelopment;
  • Title deed for the apartment;
  • Notification from the Bureau of Technical Inventory;
  • Photo of a residential building;
  • Documents from utilities;
  • Written consent of neighbors for construction;
  • Balcony planning project.

It is important to remember that there is always the option of refusing permission to build a balcony.

According to the law, owners may be refused for the following reasons:

  1. The residential building is located on one of the central streets of the city;
  2. The house is a historical monument;
  3. A balcony can damage the building and impair its aesthetic appearance;
  4. The design will affect communications;
  5. Used construction technologies will not comply with safety regulations.

It is very important to go through all the official procedures before construction in order to be calm in the legality of your actions.

Installation of a balcony on the first floor: installation from "A" to "Z"

If permits for the completion of the balcony have been issued, all documents are in order, you can proceed to construction works... The first step is to lay the foundation. If the owners decide to do everything with their own hands, it will be necessary to check the correctness of the work and the manufacture of structures.

If it exceeds one and a half meters, then the foundation should be laid to a depth not exceeding half a meter. With bulk soil, the level of the foundation is changing and must exceed the level of the soil.

Necessary tools for marking the place of laying the foundation:

  • Leg-split;
  • Large square;
  • Wooden boards;
  • Pegs;
  • Nails;
  • Dye.

In order for the balcony to be even and stable, it is necessary to make accurate markings.

The markup should be done in the following sequence:

  1. First you need to mark the location of the foundation with twine and a square.
  2. Using a square, carefully compare the angles and lengths of the diagonals in the rectangle.
  3. Correctly mark the axes of the walls with pegs and nail the boards a little above the ground.
  4. Drive nails in the joints of the structures.
  5. Remove the twine and start digging the pit.

Each stage of building a balcony is important and requires a special approach. If all the nuances are met, the balcony will last for many years.

Features of the construction of the foundation

It is important to carefully consider the issue of waterproofing. The level of protection against groundwater must be high, and the walls and extension must not collapse, therefore, a layer for waterproofing should be laid 0.1 meter above the blind area.

If the plans include the construction of a cellar under the balcony, you will have to do double waterproofing.

Subtleties in the construction of floors

In most cases, floors are used to cover the balcony. When laying the floors, it is important to ensure that the reinforcement matches the places where the slabs have maximum elongation.

For the construction of such a device, they usually use reinforced concrete slabs 3-6 meters long and 110-180 cm wide. Such an overlap will also act as a balcony floor. Plates must be installed along the walls of the building. The side walls serve as support for the slabs, and the supporting part must exceed 14 cm.

Subject to all the rules, you can be sure of the stability of the structure.

Nuances in the construction of walls

The balcony extension must be strong and stable. It must be thick enough to withstand the load if a balcony is needed on the second floor.

Important for exterior decoration use a material that will not interfere with the overall aesthetic appearance of the house. The bricks should be laid using chain masonry. It will increase the strength of the balcony extension and tie up all the seams with high quality.

The most common and acceptable option is the construction of brickwork with a width of at least 15 cm.

Roof construction: technology

For a flat roof structure, you will need to make wooden frame... The frame should be erected at an angle so that in case of rain the water can flow down an inclined plane.

The roof itself can be made from slate or corrugated board. Roof joints should be treated with galvanized steel to prevent leaks. A layer of insulation between the frame and the roof will help get rid of condensation.

After the work done, it remains to install windows and doors, as well as complete finishing work.

How to install suspended balconies on ground floors

Today it is possible to build a suspended balcony on the ground floor. It is made of suspended frames that are attached to the wall of the house with metal corners and bolts. After that, the frame is sheathed with a profiled sheet.

For the roof, it is best to use ondulin, which is affordable and easy to use. It looks beautiful and does its job well, making rain drops silent.

Suspended balconies require a solid and high-quality installation, so it is best to consult a specialist for their construction.

Suspended balcony extension (video)

Before proceeding with the addition of a balcony or the installation of a suspended balcony, it is necessary to go through the registration procedures in the official authorities and obtain permission to carry out these actions. After the project plan is approved, you can start building the balcony. All stages of construction must be performed carefully, because the strength of the entire structure depends on how we build. The price of building a balcony depends largely on the materials used in the construction. The new balcony will expand the space and functionality apartments.


The balcony is a very comfortable place for storage and relaxation. This is an additional place for work, plants, gym. If a balcony is not provided, and you live on the first two floors, then you can do it.
But the most difficult part, perhaps, is the preparation of documents.

If this is not done, they may completely demolish your building or be fined. After all, building without permission is illegal.
Be sure to provide the following papers:

  • apartment layout
  • ownership
  • resolution from housing and communal services
  • consent from tenants of adjacent apartments
  • project of the future extension
  • permission from utilities and architects

The easiest way is to contact notaries, they will quickly collect all the necessary documents, not forgetting about the little things.

The extension will help not only make life easier, but also increase the value of the apartment for sale. After all, many first of all pay attention to the presence of a balcony.

How to create a project

Without a project, you will not succeed in any construction. First of all, draw a sketch of the future extension. It is already possible to calculate materials on it. It is important to enter the design so as not to disfigure appearance buildings and take into account all the needs. It is better if you contact an architect or builder, since mistakes in such a matter can be quite expensive, both in terms of materials and time. But now there are excellent programs that give an idea of ​​the construction in full. The appearance, the strength of the selected materials, well-chosen dimensions are important.

Balcony options

Balcony mounting methods:

  • Most suitable option for multi-storey buildings is a cantilevered slab.
  • In cottages, cantilever beams are most often purchased.
  • Brackets are good for heavy loads.
  • Attached balconies are typical for ground floors where the building is simply attached to the house.

If you decide to start building a balcony yourself, then it is best to use extensions or brackets.

Construction creation:

  • making a frame (you need to make a base of metal corners in the form of an isosceles triangle; this structure is attached to the wall with anchor bolts; a metal frame is welded onto the triangles)
  • the parapet is strengthened
  • the window is dismantled, a doorway is formed
  • put on the floor a metal sheet to protect against fire and burglary
  • carry out flooring and insulation
  • the balcony is often sheathed with sheets of corrugated board
  • the balcony is insulated and glazed

There are ready-made and made frames of balconies, it is enough to weld them to the wall. Be sure to decorate the balcony with aesthetic decorative elements.

You can make a foundation under an attached balcony, this can really expand the area (the structure is safer than suspended).

To begin with, the foundation itself is being erected. A pit is dug under it, into which blocks for the foundation will then be installed. The depth of the pit is best calculated by a professional; it is important to calculate the level of soil freezing. The depth of the foundation itself should not exceed this parameter. The height of the foundation and the future balcony must match. From a decorative point of view, you need to combine a balcony and a building.

Then brickwork is erected, which will be the main walls of the extension. Try to do this as tightly as possible to the facade. The extension must comply with the waterproofing standards. Better to do double waterproofing. It is important to protect the extension from groundwater and increased level humidity. The roof usually coincides with the slab of the upper floor, or it is made independent.
The entire structure must be insulated and glazed. It is very fashionable now to use panoramic glazing. Cold and warm glazing is suitable for such a balcony; for additional comfort, you can install radiators or electric heaters.
Do not forget to put the balcony in order externally. Think over the design and additional elements.


This is a new design trend, quite attractive and simple. There are several provisions in this design. For example, an ordinary-looking window can be easily converted into a small balcony with handrails. Good for country house... It can be used as an emergency exit.

But, unfortunately, this Danish development has not yet taken root in our country.

Photo: babyblog.ru, yaplakal.com
