Analysis of the story N. M

Poor Lisa

(Tale, 1792)

Lisa (poor Lisa) - The main heroine of the story, which made a complete coup in the public consciousness of the XVIII century. Karamzin for the first time in the history of Russian prose appealed to the heroine, endowed with ordinary features. His words "and love the peasant women" became covered.

Poor peasant girl L. early remains orphan. She lives in one of the villages of the villages with his mother - "sensitive, good old," from which L. inherits his main talent - the ability to delete to love. To contain yourself and mother, L., "without sparing their tender youth," is taken for any job. In the spring, she goes to the city to sell flowers. There, in Moscow, L. meets the young nobleman Eras. Tired of windy secular life, Erast falls in love with the immediate, innocent girl "Love Brother". So it seems to himself. However, soon platonic love goes into sensual. L., "Having completely left to him, they only lived and breathed." But gradually L. begins to notice a change occurring in the erasta. He explains his cooling with natural concern: he needs to go to war. However, in the army, he is not so much fighting with the enemy, as he is played in the card. To fix things, Erast marries an elderly rich widow. Having learned about this, L. to the pond.

Sensitivity - so in the language of the late XVIII century. The main advantage of the association of Karamzin was determined, implying the ability to compassion, to detect "gentle feelings" in the "heart bends", and the ability to enjoy the contemplation of their own emotions. Sensitivity is also a central line of character L. She trusts the movements of his heart, lives with "delicate passions." Ultimately, it is torture and laughter and lead to L. to death, but it is morally justified. Consistently carried by Karamzin the idea that for a mentally rich, sensitive person to make good acts naturally, removes the need for regulatory morality.

The motive of the seduction of a clean and immaculate girl, in one or another, found in many works of Karamzin, acquires social sound in the "poor Lisa". Karamzin is one of the first to invent the city and the village in Russian literature. In the global folk-mythological tradition, the heroes are often able to actively act only in the space allotted and completely powerless beyond. In agreement with this tradition, the village of Nature, the village of nature - is defenseless, falling into the space of the city, where laws other than the laws of nature are operating. No wonder Mother L. tells her (thereby indirectly predicting everything that happens later): "I always have a heart not in my place when you go to the city; I always put a candle in front of the way and pray the Lord God so that he retains you from any trouble and attack. "

It is not by chance that the first step towards the catastrophe becomes insincerity of L .: She first "retreats from herself", scissors, on the advice of Erastea, their love from the mother who previously believed all his secrets. Later, precisely in relation to gently beloved Mother L. repeat the foolish act of Erast. He will try to "pay off" from L. and, running it, gives her a hundred rubles. But L. and L. will do the same, sending the mother with the news about his death those "Ten Imperials", which gave her ERAST. Naturally, this money is also not needed by Mother L., as well as the heroine itself: "Lizina his mother heard his daughter's terrible death, and her blood cooled from horror - the eyes of forever closed."

The tragic result of the love of the peasantry and officer confirms the correctness of the mother who warned L. at the very beginning of the story: "You still do not know how evil people Can offend poor girl. " General rule turns around specific situationThe poor L. is becoming in the place of an impersonal "poor girl", and the universal plot is transferred to Russian soil, acquiring a special national flavor.
At the same time, Fabul "Poor Lisa" is generalized as much as possible and compressed. Possible development lines are contained in a germinal state, dots and dash are sometimes replaced by text, become its "equivalent", "significant minus". Such a session is reflected at the level of characters. The image of L. is scheduled for a dotted line, each trait of its character is the topic for the story, but not yet the story itself. This does not interfere with the duet of L. and Erast to remain the story center of the story, around which all other characters are organized.

For the arrangement of characters in the story, it is essential and the fact that the narrator learns the story of the poor L. directly from Erast and often comes to be sad on "lysine the grave". The coexistence of the author and his hero in one narrative space to Karamzin was not familiar to Russian literature. The narrator "Poor Lisa" is mentally involved in the relationship of heroes. Already the title of the story was built on the connection of his own name of the heroine with an epitheet, which characterizes the sympathetic attitude towards her the narrator, which at the same time constantly repeats that it is not authorized to change the course of events ("Ah! What don't I write a novel, and sad?"). A kind of "self-sufficiency" of the hero, his "independence" from the author largely determines the specifics of the appearance of the image in the text, more precisely - its output beyond the framework of the text carried out in two main directions. In "Poor Lisa", the topographically concrete space of Moscow is connected to the conditional space of a literary tradition. At the intersection point is the image of L. " Poor Lisa"Perceived as a story about genuine events. L. belongs to the characters with the "Propean". "... more and more often attracts me to the walls of the SI ... Nova Monastery - the memory of the deplorable fate of Lisa, poor Lisa" - so begins by his narration. For the passage in the middle of the word, any Muscovite guess the name of Simonov Monastery. (Simonov monastery, the first buildings of which are dated the XIV century, preserved and understood; located on the territory of the "Dynamo" plant at Leninskaya Sloboda, 26.) The pond, which was under the walls of the monastery, was called a Lisiny Pond, but thanks to the story of Karamzin, he was renamed In Lizin and became the place of permanent pilgrimage of Muscovites. The paradox is the absence of a contradiction between Christian morality and the innocence of L. "forgiveness" even the sin of suicide. In the minds of the monastery of the monastery, the memory of the memory of L., it was primarily the fallen victim. But essentially, L. was "canonized" sentimental culture. Thus, the Karamzin heroine is worth not only at the intersection of the fiction and were, but also at the intersection of two religions: the Christian and sentimental religion of feelings.

To the place of lysine death, the girls were crying and sought the same unfortunate girls in love, which L. itself was evidentity, the bark of trees growing around the pond was ruthlessly ruined by the knives of "pilgrims". The inscriptions, carved on the trees, were and serious ("in the jets this poor criticized Liza Days; / since you are sensitive, passer-by, rewards"), and satirical, hostile Karamzin and his heroine (special glory among such "birch epigrams" acquired two-bedrooms: "Erastov's bride died in the bush. / Topit, girls, in a pond is quite a place").

The very name of Elisaveta - Hebrew Origin (with the subsequent Greek Latin adaptation) and translates as a "honoring God." The "World" context named after Lisa / Elizabeth begins with biblical texts. This is the name of the wife of the High Priest of Aaron (Ex., 6, 23), as well as the wife of the priest of the Zha-Rii and Mother of John the Baptist (Lux, 1, 5). In the gallery of literary heroines, Eloise is held a special place, Abelar's girlfriend. After her, the name associatively communicates with the love topic: the story of the "noble maiden" Julie D "The Embassador, who loved his modest teacher Saint-Prev, J. Zh. Rousseau calls" Julia, or New Eloiz ... "(1761). In the Hermitage is located The famous bust of the innocent and naive "Little Lisa" works of the French sculptor Hudon (1775), which could also affect the image created by Karamzin.

The name "Lisa" before the beginning of the 80s. XVIII century Almost did not meet in Russian literature, and if it was encountered, then in its foreign language. Choosing for his heroine this name, Karamzin walked into the breakdown of a sufficiently strict canon, which pretended in the literature and predefined in advance what Lisa should be, as she should behave. This behavioral stereotype was determined in the European literature of the XVII-XVIII centuries. The fact that the image of Liza, Lizette (Lizette) was bounded primarily with the comedy. Lisa French comedy is usually the maid-maid (Cameric), in the midst of his young mistress. She is young, good by himself, is quite frivolous and with a half-word understands everything connected with the love intrigue, with the "science of gentle passion". Naivety, innocence, modesty is least characteristic of this comedy amplua.

By breaking the expectations of the reader, removing the mask from the name of the heroine, Karamzin thus destroyed the foundations of the culture of classicism, weakened the relationship between meant and meaning, between the name and its carrier in the space of literature. With all the conventionality of the image of L. Her name is due to the character, and not with the role of the heroine. The establishment of the dependence between the "internal" character and the "external" action was the essential conquest of Karamzin on the way to "psychologist" of Russian prose.

The story N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" was first printed in the June issue of the Moscow Journal in 1792. She laid the beginning of not only the original Karamzin prose, but also the whole Russian classical literature. Before the emergence of the first rates and stories of Pushkin and Gogol "Poor Lisa" remained the most perfect artistic work.

The tale was of great popularity among Russian readers. Much later, the critics will reproach the author in excessive "sentimentality" and "sorry", forgetting that Karamzin lived in which historical era.

"Poor Lisa" became the necessary transitional stage in the formation of the modern Russian language. The tale is straightely different from the heavy style of the XVIII century and anticipates top Samples The golden century of Russian literature.

Meaning of the name

"Poor Lisa" is the name and at the same time the figurative characteristic of the main character. The definition of "poor" refers not only to the material situation of the girl, but also to her unfortunate fate.

The main theme of the work

The main theme of the work is tragic love.

Lisa is an ordinary peasant girl who, after the death of his father, is forced to contain himself and mother. For the conduct of peasant economy, men's power is needed, so while Lisa has not married, it takes for any full female work: weaving, knitting, collection and sale of flowers and berries. The old mother is infinitely grateful to his only breadlide and dreams that God will send her a good man.

The turning point in Lisa's life becomes a meeting with a young noble entrant, which begins to give her signs of attention. For a simple peasant, an elegant and educated young man seems to be a demigod, straightening from fellow villagers. Lisa is still not a fool, it does not allow a new friend anything superfluous and reprehensible.

Erast - windy and careless young man. He has long been the entertainment of the highest society. Lisa becomes an embodiment of a unfulfilled dream about Patriarchal love Idylli. At first, Erast really does not have any low thoughts against the girl. He is happy from innocent meetings with a naive peasant. By virtue of his carelessness, Erast does not even think about the future, about the insurmountable abyss, which shares the nobleman and versatre.

Modest behavior and respectfulness of Erast to Lisa conquer the mother of the girl. It refers to the young man as to good friend Families, and not even guess about the novel between young people, considering it impossible.

Purely platonic relations between Lisa and Erast could not last forever. The reason for physical intimacy was the desire of the mother to issue a daughter married. For lovers it was a heavy blow of fate. Hugs, kisses and passionate oaths in loyalty led to the fact that Lisa lost innocence.

After what happened, the nature of the relationship between lovers changes dramatically. For Lisa, Erast becomes the closest person, without which she does not imagine further life. The nobleman "descended from heaven to Earth." Lisa lost in his eyes the former magic charm. Erast began to treat her as a familiar source of sensual pleasure. He is not yet ready to dramatically cut the relationship with Liza, but begins to see it less and less.

Further running of events to predict is not difficult. Erast does not deceive Lisa in what goes to war. However, he returned quite soon and, forgetting the beloved, finds a rich bride equal to him on social situation.

Lisa continues to believe and wait for a loved one. A random meeting with the Erast, the news about his engagement and a fast wedding, finally, the humiliating monetary alignment for love causes a great mental injury. Unable to survive her, Lisa commits suicide.

So the brief novel ends between the nobleman and the peasant, who from the very beginning was doomed to the tragic final.


Karamzin became one of the first writers who raised the problem of love between representatives of different estates. In the future, this topic has gained great development in Russian literature.

Love, as you know, does not know borders. However B. pre-revolutionary Russia Such boundaries existed and strictly protected by law and public opinion. The physical connection of the nobleman with the peasant woman was not rebeling, but the fate of the seduced woman was unenviable. IN best case She became the content and could only hope for the adoption of Barin's adopted children.

At the beginning of a love novel, Erast behaves simply stupid, dreaming about what will "live with Lisa, like a brother with sister," will take her to her village, etc. In the final, he forgets his promises and comes as Meld His noble origin.

Deceived and edged Lisa prefers to die and carry his love and shameful secret into the grave.


The story has a clear classic structure: exposure (author's lyrical retreat, smoothly turning into the history of Lisa), the tie (meeting of Lisa with ERAST), culmination (physical proximity between in love) and the omission (Erast betrayal and suicide Lisa).

What does the author teaches

The story of Lisa causes a huge pity for an unfortunate girl. The main culprit of the tragedy, of course, is the careless Eras, who was to seriously think about the consequences of his love hobbies.

The writing

The story of Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin "Poor Lisa" is considered to be the top of Russian prose sentimentalism. Prose who put the life of the heart and manifestation of human feelings in the chapter angle.

Perhaps these days when life values They are shifted, aggression, betrayal and murder will not see anyone, "poor Liza" will seem to someone with the work of the Heroes -From-like, and the whole story with the sweet, curtail taste of excessive sentimentality. But "poor Lisa", written by Karamzin in 1792, will forever remain the most important step, milestone in the history of Russian literature. This story is an inexhaustible source of themes, ideas and images for all subsequent Russian authors.

In this essay, I want to dwell on the form of Lisa and on the role that this image has played for all Russian literature.

In the story of several actors: Peasant Lisa, her mother, nobleman Erast and narrator. The scene is the story of love between Estaurant and Liza. Stories in which a man seduces, and then throws a girl, a lot in literature. But the feature of the history of Lisa and Erast is that it is precisely such an arrangement of forces in Russia of the eighteenth century that was the most common: Barin, a landowner, nobleman, using his position, without a branch of conscience, without punishment, and, most importantly, without condemning society, seduces a girl, which is below it social status.

For the first time, the name of Lisa appears in the title of the story. Already at this stage, we can understand that it is the female image that will become in the work of the main thing. In addition, from the title, we can catch the author's attitude to Lisa: He calls her "poor".

For the second time we meet with Lisa in the memoirs of the narrator: "It all more often attracts me to the walls of the SI ... Nova Monastery Memories of the deplorable fate of Lisa, poor Lisa." Judging by the epithets that the narrator consumes, saying about Lisa, ("beautiful", "kind") - the reader may seem that the narrator was a man in love with Lisa, and only finishing the story to the end, we understand that he simply regrets the poor Girl. In general, the storyteller in the story is an expressive of the author's relationship, and Karamzin loves his heroine. Why?

Lisa is a peasant woman, she lives in the hut "with the old woman, his mother." The lysine Father, "Corollaish Saladan" died, so "his wife and daughter was impoverished" and "we were forced to give their land, and for very little money." Her mother could not work, and "Lisa, who remained after the Father Fifteen Years, is one Lisa, without sparing their tender youth, without a rare beauty of his own, worked day and night - Canvas fabrics, knitted stockings, rolled flowers, and in summer I took the berries - and sold them in Moscow. " We are not yet familiar with the heroine, but we already understand that she is hardworking, ready for sacrifices for their loved ones.

Gradually, step by step, Karamzin opens a deep and surprisingly clean soul of the main character. She has a very soft and sensitive heart: "Often, gentle Lisa could not keep his own tears - ah! She remembered that she had a father and that he did not become, but to calm the mother tried to hone the sadness of his heart and seem deceased and fun. " She is very shy and timid. With the first meeting with Estaurant Lisa, paint confuse is constantly poured: "She showed him flowers - and flashed."

The main character of the story is extremely honest. Her honesty towards other people is manifested in the episode with the purchase of flowers: when Erast offers Lisa Ruble instead of five kopecks, she replies that she is not necessary for her. " In addition, the heroine is to a funny naive: she easily reports where her house is the first ongoing person to her.

When describing the main character, attention attracts its speech characteristic. It is on this basis that it can be said that the image of Lisa as a representative of his estate was not worked out quite clearly. Its speech gives it not a peasant in it, living in her hard work, but rather the airway from the Supreme Society. "If the one who occupies now my thoughts was born was a simple peasant, shepherd, - and if he was now passing my herd herd; Oh! I would bow to him with a smile and would say a friendly: "Hello, kind shepherd! Where are you trees a herd? "And here the green grass grows for your sheep, and here are flowers, from which you can weigh the wreath for your hat." But despite this, the image of Lisa became the first in Russian literature of a woman from the people. In this, progressive for the XVIII century, an attempt to bring to the scene is not common to the heroine for a love novel - a young young lady, namely the peasant, laid a deep meaning. Karamzin, as it were, destroys the boundaries between the estates, indicating that all people are equal before God and before love, "for and the peasants can love."

Another innovation of Karamzin became the interpretation of a female image. Recall that in the eighteenth century, a woman did not have enough freedom. In particular, the woman did not possess freedom to love on their own selection. The choice for a woman did her parents. It is easy to imagine that with this state of affairs, happy marriagesIn which the spouses loved each other, were unlikely to be frequent. An attempt to love according to his will, contrary to public opinion was regarded as a crime against morality. This topic proposed by Karamzin will also find its reflection in the works of later authors. In particular, Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky.

But in the "poor Lisa" author allowed his heroine to love. Love at the kettling of the heart, on your own will. Love the flames, passionately and forever. "When you, -wood Lisa Erant, - When you say to me:" I love you, my friend! "When you press me to my heart and look at me with our own eyes, ah! Then it happens so good, so it's good that I forget myself, I forget everything except Eras. Wonderful? Wonderful, my friend, that I, without knowing you, could live calmly and fun! Now it's not clear to me, now I think that without you, life is not life, but sadness and boredom. Without your eyes, your daekene is a bright month; Without your voice, the nightingale singing; Without your breath, the breeze is unpleasant. "

The author allowed the heroine to love and does not condemn her for it. On the contrary, it is a erast that seems to the reader of the scoundrel and villain, after he, deceiving, throws Lisa. The author condemns his hero who does not pass the test with the strongest feeling on earth - love. This technique of "love tests" will be very important in the work of the great Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. He will find its most complete incarnation in the novels "Fathers and Children", "Rudin", "Noble Nest". In the novel of Goncharov "Oblomov" the main character also had to undergo a test of love.

Hero Karamzin, Erast, betrayed and killed love. For this he will be punished and after the death of Lisa. He "until the end of his life" will be unhappy: "Having learned about the fate of lysine, he could not comfort and read himself a murderer." At the end of the story, we learn that Erast is dying: the narrator "met him a year before his death."

Lisa not only passes the test of love. The image of her in love is revealed in the entire fullness and beauty. "What belongs to Lisa, then she completely giving him, he only lived and breathed, in everything, as a lamb, who obeyed his will and was the pleasure of his happiness ..."

In general, Lisa is endowed with almost all Christian virtues. Even in a difficult moment, in separation with a loved one, she discovers such excellent qualities as respect for parents and willingness to sacrifice everything for a loved one. "What holds me to fly after a cute erast? War is not afraid for me; Scary where there is no friend. To live with him, I want to die with him or death to save his precious life. " "She already wanted to run behind the erast, but thought; "I have a mother!" - stopped her. "

One of the most important points In the disclosure of the image of Lisa is her suicide. The purest, the angelic soul commits a sin that was considered and considered in Christianity one of the most terrible. The heroine was distraught from grief. "I can not live," Lisa thought, "it's impossible! .. Oh, if the sky fell on me! If the Earth absorbed the poor! .. No! The sky does not fall; Earth does not hesitate! Woe is me!". "She left the city and suddenly saw himself on the shores of a deep pond, under the shadows of the ancient oaks, which in a few weeks before those were silent witnesses of her delights. This memory shocked her soul; The terrible heart effect was depicted on her face ... She rushed into the water. "

Suicide Lisa makes her image of vital and tragic. Lisa appears in front of us by another, who could not withstand grief, broken, defined. The most important thing in her life, the purpose and the highest meaning is love. And Lisa dies. Surprisingly, the author belongs to the death of his heroine. Although Karamzin, remembering that suicide is sin, does not give the soul of a lysine rest. In the empty hut "Will the wind, and superstitious posts, hearing this noise, they say; "There is a dead man! There is a poor Lisa! "." But the writer forgives his heroine. The mysterious phrase of the narrator - "When we are there, in the new life will see you, I recognize you, tender Lisa!" - Opens the author's love of our heroin. Karamzin believes that his Lisa, this purest soul will fall into paradise, in a new life.

For the first time in Karamzin, a woman acts as a higher moral ideal. It was the woman Karamzin intended to introduce such an important and defining theme into Russian literature as the elevation of the human spirit through suffering. And finally, it was Karamzin that determined that female images In Russian literature will be tutors of feelings.

New life For Lisa, or rather, for her image began, much later, in the next century. Lisa was reborn again in the heroines of Pushkin, Turgenev, Goncharov, Dostoevsky, Ostrovsky, Tolstoy. The image of the poor Lisa anticipated the whole gallery of beautiful female Russian characters: from Pushkin Lisa from the "young shelter-peasant women" and the Duni from the "Stationander" to Katerina Kabanova from "Dospernitsy" and Katyusha Maslova from Sunday.

Other writings on this work

"Poor Lisa" Karamzin as a sentimentalist story The image of Lisa in the story of N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" Tale N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" through the eyes of a modern reader Review of the work of N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" Characteristic of Lisa and Erast (according to N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa") Feces of sentimentalism in the story "Poor Lisa" The role of the landscape in the story of N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" N.M.Karamzin "Poor Lisa". The characters of the main characters. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story. Tale N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" as an example of a sentimental work Characteristic Lisa Analysis of the story "Poor Lisa" Overall on the story of N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" Summary and analysis of the works of "Poor Lisa" Feature ERAST (Karamzin, Tale "Poor Lisa") The features of sentimentalism in the story of N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" The main problems of love in the story of Karamzin Poor Lisa

"Poor Lisa" - Sentimental story of Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, written in 1792.

History of creation and publication


After the death of the Father, the "wealthy postlane", the young Lisa is forced to work without stopping hands to feed himself and mother. In the spring, it sells the valley in Moscow and there meets a young noble entrant, who falls in love with her and ready to leave the light for her love. Loves spend together all evening, share bed. However, with the loss of innocence Lisa lost to Erast and its attractiveness. Once, he reports that he must make a goal with the regiment and they will have to part. A few days later, Eraste leaves.

It takes several months. Lisa, being in Moscow, accidentally sees Eras in a magnificent carriage and finds out that he is engaged (he lost his own estate and is now forced to marry rich widow). In despair, Lisa rushes into the pond.

Artistic peculiarity

The story is borrowed by Karamzin from European love literature, but moved to the "Russian" soil. The author hints that he is personally familiar with Erast ("I met him a year before his death. He himself told me this story and led me to a lysine grave") and emphasizes that the action takes place in Moscow and its surroundings, describes, for example , Simonov and Danilov Monasteries, Sparrow Mountain, creating an illusion of reliability. For Russian literature of that time, it was an innovation: usually the work of the works unfolded "in one city". The first readers of the story took the story of Lisa as a real tragedy of contemporaries - it's not by chance that a pond under the walls of Simonov The monastery was named lysine pond, and the fate of Karamzin's heroine is a mass of imitation. The oaks grow around the pond were dressed with inscriptions - touching ( "In the jets, this poor crocheted Liza Days; If you are sensitive, passerby, reed! ") and caustic ( "Here I rushed into the Pond Erastov Bride. Tweet, Girls: Pretty Places in Pond! ").

However, despite the apparent lobes, the world depicted in the story, idyllic: the peasant Lisa and her mother possess the sophistication of feelings and perception, their speech is literate, literary and no different from the speech of the nobleman Erast. The life of the poor Pasthalan reminds Pastoral:

Meanwhile, the young shepherd on the banks of the river chase herd, playing on the swirls. Lisa rushed his eyes to him and thought: "If the one who occupies now my thoughts was born, was a simple peasant, shepherd, - and if he had handed me a herd: ah! I would bow to him with a smile and would say a friendly: "Hello, kind shepherd! Where are you going a flock of your own? And here is growing green grass for your sheep, and here are flowers, from which you can weigh the wreath for your hat. " He would look at me with a kind of gentle - I would take it, maybe my hand ... Dream! " The shepherd playing on the swirls, passed by and with the pilot herd His hidden behind the Middle Hill.

The story became a model of Russian sentimental literature. In contrast to classicism with his cult of mind, Karamzin argued the cult of feelings, sensitivity, compassion: "Ah! I love those objects that touch my heart and make me shed tears of tender grief! ". Heroes are important above all the ability to love, surrender to feelings. There is no class conflict in the story: Karamzin is equally sympathized with Erast and Lisa. In addition, unlike the works of classicism, "poor Lisa" is deprived of morality, didactism, editing: the author does not say, but is trying to call the reader with the heroes.

The story distinguishes both "smooth" language: Karamzin abandoned old-places, high pollution, which made a work easy to read.

Criticism about the story

V. V. Sipovsky:

"Poor Lisa" is because he was adopted by the Russian public with such a delight that in this work Karamzin the first one has expressed the "new word", which the Germans said to Goethe in his "vertier". Such a "new word" was in the leaders of the suicide of the heroine. The Russian audience, accustomed to the old novels to the comforting junction in the form of weddings, believed that virtue is always awarded, and the vice is punished, for the first time in this story met with bitter truth.

"Poor Lisa" in art

In painting

  • In 1827, Orest Kiprensky writes the picture "Poor Lisa".

Literary reminiscence

  • Sentimental story "Unfortunate Lisa" of an unknown author (published in the journal "Aglaya" in 1810).
  • The plot "Poor Lisa" is clearly reflected in the possessions of A. S. Pushkin "Baryshnya-peasant" and "", and in the first case, the history of the relationship of the peasant and the barina is revealed as a comedy, in the second - as a tragedy.
  • The story of Eraste and Lisa is beaten in the names of the heroes and the plot of the novels of Boris Akunin "Azazel", "The Whole World Theater.


  • 1989 - Musical "Poor Lisa" - theater "Nikitsky Gate", director Mark Rosovsky.
  • Chamber Opera "Poor Lisa" - the State Theater of Nations, director Alla Sigalova, composer Leonid Declanets, in the roles of Chulpan Hamatov, Andrei Mercuryev.


  • 1967 - "Poor Lisa" (Telesplex), director Natalia Barinova, David Livnev, Cast: Anastasia Voznesenskaya, Andrey Soft.
  • 1978 - "Poor Lisa", director The idea of \u200b\u200bGaranina, composer Alexey Rybnikov
  • 1998 - "Poor Lisa", director Glory Zuckerman, Cast Irina Kompyko, Mikhail Ulyanov.

Written in 1792.

Encyclopedic YouTube.

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    Poor Lisa. Nikolay Karamzin

    Poor Lisa. TELESPEXTAKTH POINT TEST N.Karamzin (1967)

    Karamzin. "Poor Lisa" - the first Russian bestseller


History of creation and publication

The story was written and published in 1792 in the Moscow Journal, whose editor was N. M. Karamzin. In 1796, "poor Lisa" came out in a separate book.


After the death of the Father, the "wealthy postlane", the young Lisa is forced to work without stopping hands to feed himself and mother. In the spring, it sells the valley in Moscow and meets there with a young noble entrant, who falls in love with her, and ready to leave the light for his love. Loves spend together all evenings, however, with the loss of innocence Lisa lost for Erast and its attractiveness. Once he reports that he should make a campaign with the regiment, and they will have to part. A few days later, Eraste leaves.

It takes several months. Lisa, being in Moscow, accidentally sees Eras in a magnificent carriage and, finds out that he is engaged in (in war he lost his own estate and now returning to marry rich widow). In desperation, Lisa rushes into the pond, near which they walked.

Artistic peculiarity

The plot of this story is borrowed by Karamzin from European love literature, but moved to the "Russian" soil. The author hints that he is personally familiar with Erast ("I met him a year before his death. He himself told me this story and led me to a lysine grave") and emphasizes that the action takes place in Moscow and its surroundings, describes, for example , Simonov and Danilov Monasteries, Sparrow Mountain, creating an illusion of reliability. For Russian literature of that time, it was an innovation: usually the work of the works unfolded "in one city". The first readers of the story took the story of Lisa as a real tragedy of contemporaries - it's not by chance that a pond under the walls of Simonov The monastery was named lysine pond, and the fate of Karamzin's heroine is a mass of imitation. The oaks grow around the pond were dressed with inscriptions - touching ( "In the jets, this poor crocheted Liza Days; If you are sensitive, passerby, reed! ") and caustic ( "Erastov bride rushed into the water. Topit, girls, in the pond everyone will be enough space! ") .

However, despite the apparent lobes, the world depicted in the story, idyllic: the peasant Lisa and her mother possess the sophistication of feelings and perception, their speech is literate, literary and no different from the speech of the nobleman Erast. The life of the poor Pasthalan reminds Pastoral:

Meanwhile, the young shepherd on the banks of the river chase herd, playing on the swirls. Lisa rushed his eyes to him and thought: "If the one who occupies now my thoughts was born, was a simple peasant, shepherd, - and if he had handed me a herd: ah! I would bow to him with a smile and would say a friendly: "Hello, kind shepherd! Where are you going a flock of your own? And here is growing green grass for your sheep, and here are flowers, from which you can weigh the wreath for your hat. " He would look at me with a kind of gentle - I would take it, maybe my hand ... Dream! " The shepherd playing on the swirls, passed by and with the pilot herd His hidden behind the Middle Hill.

The story became a model of Russian sentimental literature. In contrast to classicism with his cult of mind, Karamzin argued the cult of feelings, sensitivity, compassion: "Ah! I love those objects that keep my heart and make me shed tears tender grief! " :

"Poor Lisa" is because he was adopted by the Russian public with such a delight that in this work Karamzin the first one has expressed the "new word", which the Germans said to Goethe in his "vertier". Such a "new word" was in the leaders of the suicide of the heroine. The Russian audience, accustomed to the old novels to the comforting junction in the form of weddings, believed that virtue is always awarded, and the vice is punished, for the first time in this story met with bitter truth.