Made in Russia. Russian pre-revolutionary inventions

In 1908-1911 he built his first two simplest helicopters. The carrying capacity of the apparatus, built in September 1909, reached 9 poods. None of the built helicopters were able to take off with a pilot, and Sikorsky switched to the construction of aircraft.

Sikorsky's airplanes won the main prizes in the military aircraft competition

In 1912-1914 he created in St. Petersburg the aircraft "Grand" (Russian Knight), "Ilya Muromets", which laid the foundation for multi-engine aviation. On March 27, 1912, on the S-6 biplane, Sikorsky managed to set world speed records: with two passengers on board - 111 km / h, with five - 106 km / h. In March 1919, Sikorsky emigrated to the United States, settled in the New York area.

The first experimental helicopter Vought-Sikorsky 300, created by Sikorsky in the United States, took off from the ground on September 14, 1939. In essence, it was a modernized version of his first Russian helicopter, created back in July 1909.

For the first time, his helicopters made flights across the Atlantic and Pacific oceans (with air refueling). Sikorsky's machines were used for both military and civilian purposes.

He is the creator of the first accurately dated printed book "The Apostle" in the Russian Kingdom, as well as the founder of the printing house in the Russian Voivodeship of the Polish Kingdom.

Ivan Fedorov is traditionally called "the first Russian book printer"

In 1563, by order of John IV, a house was built in Moscow - the Printing House, which the tsar generously provided from his treasury. The Apostle was printed in it (book, 1564).

The first printed book in which the name of Ivan Fedorov is indicated ( and Peter Mstislavets, who helped him), became precisely the "Apostle", the work on which was carried out, as indicated in the epilogue to him, from April 19, 1563 to March 1, 1564. This is the first accurately dated printed Russian book. On next year Fedorov's printing house published his second book, The Chasovnik.

After some time, attacks on printers began by professional scribes, whose traditions and income were threatened by the printing house. After an arson attack that destroyed their workshop, Fedorov and Mstislavets left for the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

Ivan Fedorov himself writes that in Moscow he had to endure very strong and frequent resentment towards himself not from the tsar, but from state leaders, priests and teachers who envied him, hated him, accused Ivan of many heresies and wanted to destroy God's work (i.e. typography). These people drove Ivan Fedorov out of his native Fatherland, and Ivan had to move to another country, in which he had never been. In this country of Ivan, as he himself writes, he was kindly received by the pious King Sigismund II Augustus, along with his joy.

Russian physicist and electrical engineer, professor, inventor, state councilor, Honorary electrical engineer. The inventor of radio.

A.S. Popov's activity, which preceded the discovery of radio, is research in the field of electrical engineering, magnetism and electromagnetic waves.

On May 7, 1895, at a meeting of the Russian Physicochemical Society, Popov made a presentation and demonstration of the world's first radio receiver. Popov ended his message with the following words: “ In conclusion, I can express the hope that my device, with further improvement, can be applied to transmitting signals over a distance using fast electrical vibrations, as soon as a source of such vibrations with sufficient energy is found».

On March 24, 1896, Popov transmitted the world's first radiogram at a distance of 250 m, and in 1899 he designed a receiver for receiving signals by ear using a telephone receiver. This made it possible to simplify the reception scheme and increase the radio communication range.

The first radio message, transmitted by A. S. Popov to the Gogland Island on February 6, 1900, contained an order to the icebreaker "Ermak" to go to the aid of the fishermen who had been carried away on an ice floe into the sea. The icebreaker followed the order and 27 fishermen were rescued. Popov implemented the world's first radio communication line at sea, created the first field army and civilian radio stations and successfully carried out work that proved the possibility of using radio in the ground forces and in aeronautics.

Two days before his death, AS Popov was elected chairman of the physics department of the Russian Physicochemical Society. By this election, the Russian scientists underlined the enormous merits of A.S. Popov to the national science.

The Cherepanov brothers

In 1833-1834, they created the first steam locomotive in Russia, and then in 1835 - the second, more powerful.

In 1834, at the Vyysky plant, which was part of the Nizhniy Tagil factories of Demidov, the Russian mechanic Miron Efimovich Cherepanov, with the help of his father Yefim Alekseevich, built the first steam locomotive in Russia entirely from domestic materials. This word did not yet exist in everyday life, and the locomotive was called "land steamer". Today, a model of the first Russian steam locomotive of type 1−1−0, built by the Cherepanovs, is kept in the Central Museum of Railway Transport in St. Petersburg.

The first steam locomotive had a working mass of 2.4 tons. Its experimental trips began in August 1834. The production of the second steam locomotive was completed in March 1835. The second steam locomotive could carry loads already weighing 1000 poods (16.4 tons) at a speed of up to 16 km. / h

Cherepanov was denied a patent for a steam locomotive, because it "smelly"

Unfortunately, unlike the stationary steam engines demanded by the Russian industry at that time, the first Russian railway of the Cherepanovs was not given the attention it deserved. Drawings and documents now found that characterize the activities of the Cherepanovs indicate that they were true innovators and highly gifted masters of technology. They created not only the Nizhniy Tagil railway and its rolling stock, but also designed many steam engines, metal-working machines, and built a steam turbine.

Russian electrical engineer, one of the inventors of the incandescent lamp.

As for the incandescent lamp, it does not have a single inventor. The history of the light bulb is a whole chain of discoveries made by different people in different time... However, Lodygin's merits in creating incandescent lamps are especially great. Lodygin was the first to suggest using tungsten filaments ( in modern light bulbs, the filament is made of tungsten) and twist the filament in a spiral shape. Lodygin was also the first to pump air out of the lamps, thereby increasing their service life many times over. And yet, it was he who put forward the idea of ​​filling light bulbs with inert gas.

Lodygin is the creator of the autonomous diving suit project

In 1871, Lodygin created a project for an autonomous diving suit using gas mixture consisting of oxygen and hydrogen. Oxygen was to be produced from water by electrolysis, and on October 19, 1909, he received a patent for an induction furnace.

Andrey Konstantinovich Nartov (1693—1756)

Inventor of the world's first screw-cutting lathe with a powered slide and a set of interchangeable gear wheels.

Nartov developed the design of the world's first screw-cutting lathe with a mechanized slide and a set of replaceable gear wheels (1738). Subsequently, this invention was forgotten and the screw-cutting lathe with a mechanical slide and a guitar of replaceable gears was reinvented around 1800 by Henry Model.

In 1754 A. Nartov was promoted to the rank of general of state councilor

Working in the Artillery Department, Nartov created new machines, original fuses, proposed new methods for casting cannons and sealing shells in the channel of a gun, etc. He invented an original optical sight. The significance of Nartov's inventions was so great that on May 2, 1746, a decree was issued on awarding A.K. Nartov for artillery inventions with five thousand rubles. In addition, several villages in the Novgorod district were assigned to him.

Boris Lvovich Rosing (1869—1933)

Russian physicist, scientist, teacher, inventor of television, author of the first experiments on television, for which the Russian Technical Society awarded him the gold medal and the K.G. Siemens Prize

He grew up lively and inquisitive, studied successfully, was fond of literature and music. But his life turned out to be connected not at all with humanitarian areas of activity, but with the exact sciences. After graduating from the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of St. Petersburg University, BL Rosing became interested in the idea of ​​transmitting images over a distance.

By 1912, BL Rosing was developing all the essential elements of modern black and white television tubes. His work at that time became known in many countries, and his patent for an invention was recognized in Germany, Great Britain and the USA.

Russian inventor B.L. Rosing is the inventor of television

In 1931 he was arrested in the "case of academicians" "for financial assistance to counterrevolutionaries" (he loaned money to a friend who was later arrested) and exiled for three years to Kotlas without the right to work. However, thanks to the intercession of the Soviet and foreign scientific community, in 1932 he was transferred to Arkhangelsk, where he entered the Department of Physics of the Arkhangelsk Forestry Institute. There he died on April 20, 1933 at the age of 63 from a cerebral hemorrhage. On November 15, 1957, BL Rosing was fully acquitted.

17.01.2012 12.02.2018 by ☭ USSR ☭

There were many outstanding figures in our country, whom we, unfortunately, forget, not to mention the discoveries that were made by Russian scientists and inventors. The events that turned the history of Russia are also not known to everyone. I want to rectify this situation and recall the most famous Russian inventions.

1. Airplane - Mozhaisky A.F.

The talented Russian inventor Alexander Fedorovich Mozhaisky (1825-1890) was the first in the world to create a life-size aircraft capable of lifting a person into the air. As you know, people of many generations both in Russia and in other countries worked on the solution of this complex technical problem before A.F. Mozhaisky, they went different ways, but none of them managed to bring the matter to practical experience with a full-scale aircraft. AF Mozhaisky found the right way to solve this problem. He studied the works of his predecessors, developed and supplemented them, using his theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Of course, he did not manage to resolve all the issues, but he did, perhaps, everything that was possible at that time, despite the extremely unfavorable situation for him: limited material and technical capabilities, as well as distrust of his work on the part of the military-bureaucratic apparatus of tsarist Russia. Under these conditions, A.F. Mozhaisky managed to find the spiritual and physical strength in himself to complete the construction of the world's first aircraft. It was a creative feat that forever glorified our Motherland. Unfortunately, the surviving documentary materials do not allow describing AF Mozhaisky's aircraft and its tests in the necessary details.

2. Helicopter- B.N. Yuriev.

Boris Nikolaevich Yuriev is an outstanding scientist-aviator, full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, lieutenant general of the engineering and technical service. In 1911, he invented the swashplate (the main unit of a modern helicopter), a device that made it possible to build helicopters with stability and control characteristics acceptable for safe piloting by ordinary pilots. It was Yuriev who paved the way for the development of helicopters.

3. Radio receiver- A.S. Popov.

A.S. Popov first demonstrated the operation of his device on May 7, 1895. at a meeting of the Russian Physicochemical Society in St. Petersburg. This device became the world's first radio receiver, and May 7 was the birthday of radio. And now it is celebrated annually in Russia.

4. TV - BL Rosing

On July 25, 1907, he filed an application for the invention "A method of electrical transmission of images over a distance." The beam was swept in the tube magnetic fields, but modulation of the signal (change in brightness) using a capacitor that could deflect the beam vertically, thereby changing the number of electrons passing through the diaphragm to the screen. On May 9, 1911, at a meeting of the Russian Technical Society, Rosing demonstrated the transmission of television images of simple geometric shapes and receiving them with playback on the CRT screen.

5. Knapsack parachute - G.E. Kotelnikov

In 1911, a Russian military man, Kotelnikov, impressed by the death of the Russian pilot Captain L. Matsievich, which he saw at the All-Russian festival of aeronautics in 1910, invented a fundamentally new parachute RK-1. Kotelnikov's parachute was compact. Its dome is made of silk, the slings were divided into 2 groups and attached to the shoulder grips suspension system... The canopy and the slings were placed in a wooden and later aluminum satchel. Later, in 1923, Kotelnikov proposed a parachute pack made in the form of an envelope with honeycomb for lines. In 1917, the Russian army registered 65 parachute descents, 36 for rescue and 29 voluntary.

6. Nuclear power plant.

Launched on June 27, 1954 in Obninsk (then the village of Obninskoye, Kaluga region). It was equipped with one reactor AM-1 ("peaceful atom") with a capacity of 5 MW.
The Obninsk NPP reactor, in addition to generating energy, served as a base for experimental research. At present, the Obninsk NPP has been decommissioned. Its reactor was shut down on April 29, 2002 for economic reasons.

7. Periodic table of chemical elements- Mendeleev D.I.

Periodic system chemical elements(periodic table) is a classification of chemical elements that establishes the dependence of various properties of elements on the charge of the atomic nucleus. The system is a graphic expression of the periodic law established by the Russian chemist D.I.Mendeleev in 1869. Its initial version was developed by D.I.Mendeleev in 1869-1871 and established the dependence of the properties of elements on their atomic weight (in modern terms, on atomic mass).

8. Laser

Prototype laser masers were made in 1953-1954. N. G. Basov and A. M. Prokhorov, as well as independently from them by the American C. Townes and his collaborators. Unlike quantum generators Basov and Prokhorov, who found a way out in using more than two energy levels, Townes' maser could not operate in a constant mode. In 1964, Basov, Prokhorov and Townes received Nobel prize in physics "For his fundamental work in the field of quantum electronics, which made it possible to create generators and amplifiers based on the principle of a maser and a laser."

9. Bodybuilding

Russian athlete Evgenia Sandov, the title of his book "bodybuilding" - bodybuilding was literally translated into English. language.

10. Hydrogen bomb- Sakharov A.D.

Andrey Dmitrievich Sakharov(May 21, 1921, Moscow - December 14, 1989, Moscow) - Soviet physicist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences and politician, dissident and human rights activist, one of the creators of the first Soviet hydrogen bomb. 1975 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate.

11. The first artificial satellite of the earth, the first cosmonaut, etc.

12. Plaster - N.I. Pirogov

For the first time in the history of world medicine, Pirogov used a plaster cast, which made it possible to speed up the healing process of fractures and saved many soldiers and officers from ugly curvature of the limbs. During the siege of Sevastopol, to care for the wounded, Pirogov took advantage of the help of the sisters of mercy, some of whom came to the front from St. Petersburg. This was also an innovation for those times.

13. Military medicine

Pirogov invented the phasing of military medical service, as well as methods for studying human anatomy. In particular, he is the founder of topographic anatomy.

Antarctica was discovered on January 16 (28), 1820 by a Russian expedition led by Thaddeus Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev, who on the sloops Vostok and Mirny approached it at 69 ° 21? NS. NS. 2 ° 14? h. (G) (area of ​​the modern Bellingshausen ice shelf).

15. Immunity

Having discovered in 1882 the phenomena of phagocytosis (which he reported in 1883 at the 7th Congress of Russian naturalists and doctors in Odessa), he developed on their basis the comparative pathology of inflammation (1892), and later - the phagocytic theory of immunity (“Immunity in infectious diseases", 1901 - Nobel Prize, 1908, together with P. Ehrlich).

The basic cosmological model, in which the consideration of the evolution of the Universe begins with the state of a dense hot plasma, consisting of protons, electrons and photons. For the first time, the model of a hot universe was considered in 1947 by Georgy Gamov. The origin of elementary particles in the hot universe model since the late 1970s has been described using spontaneous symmetry breaking. Many of the shortcomings of the hot universe model were resolved in the 1980s as a result of the theory of inflation.

The most famous computer game, invented by Alexey Pajitnov in 1985.

18. The first machine gun - V.G. Fedorov

An automatic carbine designed for hand-held bursting. V.G. Fedorov. Abroad, this type of weapon is called "assault rifle".

1913 - a prototype for a special intermediate in power cartridge (between pistol and rifle).
1916 - put into service (under a Japanese rifle cartridge) and first combat use (Romanian Front).

19. Incandescent lamp- lamp Lodygin A.N.

The light bulb doesn't have a single inventor. The history of the light bulb is a chain of discoveries made by different people at different times. However, Lodygin's merits in creating incandescent lamps are especially great. Lodygin was the first to propose the use of tungsten filaments in lamps (in modern electric bulbs, the filaments are made of tungsten) and twist the filament in the form of a spiral. Lodygin was also the first to pump air out of the lamps, thereby increasing their service life many times over. Another invention of Lodygin, aimed at increasing the service life of the lamps, was filling them with an inert gas.

20. Diving apparatus

In 1871, Lodygin created a project for an autonomous diving spacesuit using a gas mixture consisting of oxygen and hydrogen. Oxygen was to be produced from water by electrolysis.

21. Induction oven

The first tracked propeller (without a mechanical drive) was proposed in 1837 by Staff Captain D. Zagryazhsky. Its caterpillar propeller was built on two wheels encircled by an iron chain. And in 1879 the Russian inventor F.Blinov received a patent for the “ crawler»For the tractor. He called it "a locomotive for dirt roads"

23. Cable telegraph line

The line Petersburg-Tsarskoe Selo was built in the 40s. XIX century and had a length of 25 km. (B. Jacobi)

24. Synthetic rubber from petroleum- B. Byzov

25. Optical sight

"A mathematical instrument with a perspective telescope, with accessories and a spirit level for quick guidance from the battery or from the ground at the indicated place to the target horizontally and along the oleation." Andrey Konstantinovich NARTOV (1693-1756).

In 1801, the Ural craftsman Artamonov solved the problem of lightening the weight of the cart by reducing the number of wheels from four to two. Thus, Artamonov created the world's first pedal scooter, the prototype of the future bicycle.

27. Electric welding

The method of electric welding of metals was invented and first applied in 1882 by the Russian inventor Nikolai Nikolaevich Benardos (1842 - 1905). He called the "stitching" of the metal with an electric seam "electrohephaestus".

The world's first personal computer was invented not by the American company Apple Computers and not in 1975, but in the USSR in 1968
year Soviet designer from Omsk Arseny Anatolyevich Gorokhov (born 1935). Inventor's certificate No. 383005 describes in detail the "programming device", as the inventor called it at the time. No money was given for an industrial design. The inventor was asked to wait a bit. He waited until the domestic "bicycle" was once again invented abroad.

29. Digital technologies.

- the father of all digital technologies in data transmission.

30. Electric motor- B. Jacobi.

31. Electric car

I. Romanov's two-seater electric car, model 1899, changed the speed of movement in nine gradations - from 1.6 km per hour to a maximum of 37.4 km per hour

32. Bomber

Four-engine aircraft "Russian Knight" I. Sikorsky.

33. Kalashnikov assault rifle

A symbol of freedom and the fight against oppressors.

When they tell you that Russia is the homeland of bast shoes and balalaikas, grin at this person in the face and list at least 10 items from this list. I think it's a shame not to know such things.

And this is just a small part:

1. P.N. Yablochkov and A.N. Lodygin is the world's first electric light bulb

2. A.S. Popov - radio

3.V.K. Zvorykin (the world's first electron microscope, television and television broadcasting)

4. A.F. Mozhaisky - the inventor of the world's first airplane

5. I.I. Sikorsky - a great aircraft designer, created the world's first helicopter, the world's first

6. A.M. Ponyatov - the world's first video recorder

7.S.P. Korolev - the world's first ballistic missile, spacecraft, the first Earth satellite

8. A.M. Prokhorov and N.G. Basov - the world's first quantum generator - maser

9.S. V. Kovalevskaya (the world's first woman professor)

10.S.M. Prokudin-Gorsky - the world's first color photography

11. A.A. Alekseev - creator of the needle screen

12. F.A. Pirotsky - the world's first electric tram

13.F.A.Blinov - the world's first tracked tractor

14. V.A. Starevich - three-dimensional animated film

15. E.M. Artamonov - invented the world's first bicycle with pedals, a steering wheel, a turning wheel

16.O.V. Losev is the world's first amplifying and generating semiconductor device

17. V.P. Mutilin - the world's first mounted construction harvester

18.A.R. Vlasenko - the world's first grain harvester

19. V.P. Demikhov - the first in the world to carry out a lung transplant and the first to create a model of an artificial heart

20. A. P. Vinogradov - created a new direction in science - the geochemistry of isotopes

21. I.I. Polzunov - the world's first heat engine

22. G. E. Kotelnikov - the first knapsack rescue parachute

23. I.V. Kurchatov is the world's first nuclear power plant (Obninsk), also under his leadership, the world's first 400 kt hydrogen bomb was developed, detonated on August 12, 1953. It was the Kurchatov team that developed the RDS-202 thermonuclear bomb (Tsar Bomba) with a record yield of 52,000 kilotons.

24. M.O.Dolivo-Dobrovolsky - invented a three-phase current system, built a three-phase transformer, which put an end to the dispute between the supporters of direct (Edison) and alternating current

25. V.P. Vologdin - the world's first high-voltage mercury rectifier with a liquid cathode, developed induction furnaces for the use of high frequency currents in industry

26. S.O. Kostovich - created the world's first gasoline engine in 1879

27. V.P. Glushko - the world's first electric / thermal rocket engine

28. V. V. Petrov - discovered the phenomenon of arc discharge

29. N. G. Slavyanov - electric arc welding

30.I.F. Aleksandrovsky - invented the stereo camera

31.D.P. Grigorovich - the creator of the seaplane

32. V.G. Fedorov - the world's first machine gun

33. A.K. Nartov - built the world's first lathe with a movable slide

34. MV Lomonosov - for the first time in science formulated the principle of conservation of matter and motion, for the first time in the world began to read a course in physical chemistry, for the first time discovered the existence of an atmosphere on Venus

35. I.P. Kulibin - mechanic, developed the project of the world's first wooden arched single-span bridge, inventor of the searchlight

36. VV Petrov - physicist, developed the world's largest galvanic battery; opened electric arc

37. P.I. Prokopovich - for the first time in the world invented a frame hive, in which he used a shop with frames

38. NI Lobachevsky - Mathematician, creator of "non-Euclidean geometry"

39. D.A. Zagryazhsky - invented the caterpillar track

40.BO Jacobi - invented electroplating and the world's first electric motor with direct rotation of the working shaft

41. P.P. Anosov - metallurgist, revealed the secret of making ancient bulat

42. DI Zhuravsky - first developed the theory of calculations of bridge trusses, which is currently used all over the world

43. NI Pirogov - for the first time in the world compiled the atlas "Topographic Anatomy", which has no analogues, invented anesthesia, plaster cast and much more

44. I.R. Hermann - compiled a summary of uranium minerals for the first time in the world

45. A.M. Butlerov - for the first time formulated the main provisions of the theory of the structure of organic compounds

46. ​​IM Sechenov - the creator of evolutionary and other schools of physiology, published his main work "Reflexes of the brain"

47.DI Mendeleev - discovered the periodic law of chemical elements, the creator of the table of the same name

48. M.A. Novinsky - veterinarian, laid the foundations of experimental oncology

49. G.G. Ignatiev - for the first time in the world developed a system of simultaneous telephony and telegraphy over one cable

50. K.S. Dzhevetsky - built the world's first submarine with an electric motor

51. N. I. Kibalchich - for the first time in the world developed a scheme of a rocket flying vehicle

52.N.N.Benardos - invented electric welding

53. V.V. Dokuchaev - laid the foundations of genetic soil science

54. V.I.Sreznevsky - Engineer, invented the world's first aerial camera

55. A.G. Stoletov - physicist, for the first time in the world created a photocell based on an external photoelectric effect

56. P.D. Kuzminsky - built the world's first gas turbine of radial action

57. I.V. Boldyrev - the first flexible light-sensitive non-combustible film, formed the basis for the creation of cinematography

58. I.A.Timchenko - developed the world's first movie camera

59. S.M. Apostolov-Berdichevsky and M.F. Freudenberg - created the world's first automatic telephone exchange

60. ND Pilchikov - physicist, for the first time in the world created and successfully demonstrated a wireless control system

61. V.A. Gassiev - engineer, built the world's first phototypesetting machine

62. K.E. Tsiolkovsky - the founder of cosmonautics

63. P.N. Lebedev - physicist, for the first time in science experimentally proved the existence of light pressure on solids

64. I.P. Pavlov - the creator of the science of higher nervous activity

65. V.I. Vernadsky - natural scientist, founder of many scientific schools

66. A.N.Skriabin - composer, was the first in the world to use light effects in the symphonic poem "Prometheus"

67. N.E. Zhukovsky - the creator of aerodynamics

68. S.V. Lebedev - first received artificial rubber

69. GA Tikhov - an astronomer, for the first time in the world established that the Earth, when observing it from space, should have a blue color. Later, as you know, this was confirmed when filming our planet from space.

70. ND Zelinsky - developed the world's first highly effective coal gas mask

71. N.P. Dubinin - geneticist, discovered gene divisibility

72. M.A. Kapelyushnikov - invented the turbodrill in 1922

73. E.K. Zavoisky discovered electric paramagnetic resonance

74. N.I. Lunin - proved that the body of living things contains vitamins

75. N.P. Wagner - discovered the pedogenesis of insects

76. Svyatoslav Fedorov - the first in the world performed an operation to treat glaucoma

77. S.S. Yudin - first used blood transfusion of suddenly dead people in the clinic

78. A.V. Shubnikov - predicted the existence and was the first to create piezoelectric textures

79. L.V. Shubnikov - the Shubnikov-de Haas effect (magnetic properties of superconductors)

80. N. A. Izgaryshev - discovered the phenomenon of the passivity of metals in non-aqueous electrolytes

81. P.P. Lazarev - the creator of the ionic theory of excitation

82. P.A. Molchanov - meteorologist, created the world's first radiosonde

83. N. A. Umov - physicist, the equation of motion of energy, the concept of the flow of energy; by the way, I was the first to explain
practically and without ether delusions of the theory of relativity

84. E.S. Fedorov - the founder of crystallography

85. G. S. Petrov - chemist, the world's first synthetic detergent

86. V.F. Petrushevsky - scientist and general, invented a rangefinder for gunners

87. I.I. Orlov - invented a method of making woven credit notes and a method of one-pass multiple printing (Oryol printing)

88. Mikhail Ostrogradskiy - mathematician, O. formula (multiple integral)

89. P.L. Chebyshev - mathematician, Ch. Polynomials (orthogonal system of functions), parallelogram

90. P.A. Cherenkov - physicist, radiation Ch. (New optical effect), counter Ch. (Detector of nuclear radiation in nuclear physics)

91.D.K. Chernov - points of Ch. (Critical points of phase transformations of steel)

92. V.I. Kalashnikov is not the same Kalashnikov, but another who was the first in the world to equip river vessels with a steam engine with multiple steam expansion

93. A.V. Kirsanov - organic chemist, reaction K. (phosphorescence)

94. A.M. Lyapunov - mathematician, created the theory of stability, equilibrium and motion of mechanical systems with a finite number of parameters, as well as L.'s theorem (one of the limit theorems of the theory of probability)

95.Dmitry Konovalov - chemist, Konovalov's laws (elasticity of parasolutions)

96 S.N. Reformed - organic chemist, Reformed reaction

97. V.A.Semennikov - metallurgist, was the first in the world to carry out semelessization of copper matte and obtained blister copper

98. I.R. Prigogine - physicist, P.'s theorem (thermodynamics of nonequilibrium processes)

99. M.M. Protodyakonov - a scientist who developed the generally accepted scale of the fortress of rocks in the world

100. M.F. Shostakovsky - organic chemist, balm Sh. (Vinylin)

101. M.S. Color - color method (chromatography of plant pigments)

102. A.N. Tupolev - designed the world's first jet airliner and the first supersonic airliner

103. A.S. Famintsyn, a plant physiologist, was the first to develop a method for carrying out photosynthetic processes under artificial lighting

104.B.S. Stechkin - created two great theories - thermal calculation aircraft engines and jet engines

105. A.I. Leipunsky - physicist, discovered the phenomenon of energy transfer by excited atoms and molecules to free electrons in collisions

106.D.D. Maksutov - optician, M. telescope (meniscus system of optical instruments)

107. N. A. Menshutkin - chemist, discovered the effect of a solvent on the rate of a chemical reaction

108. I.I. Mechnikov - the founders of evolutionary embryology

109 S.N. Vinogradsky - discovered chemosynthesis

110. V.S. Pyatov - a metallurgist, invented a method for the production of armor plates by the rolling method

111. A.I. Bakhmutsky - invented the world's first coal harvester (for coal mining)

112. A.N. Belozersky - discovered DNA in higher plants

113. S.S. Bryukhonenko - physiologist, created the first heart-lung machine in the world (auto-light)

114. G.P. Georgiev - biochemist, discovered RNA in the nuclei of animal cells

115. E. A. Murzin - invented the world's first optoelectronic synthesizer "ANS"

116. P.M. Golubitsky - Russian inventor in the field of telephony

117. V. F. Mitkevich - for the first time in the world proposed to use a three-phase arc for welding metals

118. L.N. Gobyato - Colonel, the world's first mortar was invented in Russia in 1904

119. V.G. Shukhov is an inventor who was the first in the world to use steel mesh shells for the construction of buildings and towers

120.I.F.Kruzenshtern and Yu.F. Lisyansky - made the first Russian trip around the world, studied the islands of the Pacific Ocean, described the life of Kamchatka and about. Sakhalin

121.F.F.Bellingshausen and M.P. Lazarev - discovered Antarctica

122. The world's first modern-type icebreaker - the Russian fleet steamer "Pilot" (1864), the first Arctic icebreaker - "Ermak", built in 1899 under the leadership of S.O. Makarov.

123. VN Sukachev (1880-1967) He defined the main provisions of biogeocenology. The founder of biogeocenology, one of the founders of the doctrine of phytocenosis, its structure, classification, dynamics, relationships with the environment and its animal population

124. Alexander Nesmeyanov, Alexander Arbuzov, Grigory Razuvaev - creation of chemistry of organoelement compounds.

125. V.I. Levkov - under his leadership, hovercraft were created for the first time in the world

126. G.N. Babakin - Russian designer, creator of Soviet lunar rovers

127. P.N. Nesterov - was the first in the world to perform a closed curve in a vertical plane on an airplane, a "loop", later called "Nesterov's loop"

128.B.B. Golitsyn - became the founder of the new science of seismology
And all this, only an insignificant part of the Russian contribution to world science and culture. At the same time, here I am not touching on the contribution to art, to most of the social sciences, and this contribution is far from small.

And among other things, there is a contribution in the form of phenomena and objects that I do not take into account in this study.

Such as "Kalashnikov assault rifle", "First Cosmonaut", "First Ekranoplan" and many others. Of course, it is impossible to list everything. But even such a cursory glance allows us to draw the necessary conclusions ...

It is difficult for us today to imagine that 200 years ago people did not know anything about electricity, most modern species transport, television, not to mention mobile phones, Skype, the Internet and other components of the modern information society.

In this regard, it will be interesting to consider the authorship of which inventions that have become fateful for the development of mankind belong to Russian inventors. Of course, it is impossible to cover all areas of invention, so this article will contain a certain amount of selectivity and subjectivity. Let's make a reservation right away that in The Russian state the main components of patent law (which is directly related to the establishment of the primacy of an invention) have been formed only since the 30s. XIX century, while in the West they got acquainted with this concept a little earlier. And therefore the phrases “invented first” and “patented first” were not always identical.

Military affairs, armament

1. G. E. Kotelnikov - inventor of the knapsack parachute. While in the theater, the inventor saw in the hands of a lady a tightly folded piece of fabric, which, after slight efforts of the hands, turned into a loose kerchief. So, the principle of the parachute operation appeared in Kotelnikov's head. Unfortunately, the novelty was initially recognized abroad, and only during the First World War the tsarist government remembered the existence of this useful invention.

Gleb Kotelnikov with his invention.

By the way, the inventor had other ideas that have not yet been implemented.

2. ND Zelinsky - invented a filtering carbon gas mask. Despite the Hague Convention Prohibiting the Use of Poisonous Substances? first world war the use of gas-poisoning substances became a reality, and therefore representatives of the belligerent countries began to look for ways to protect themselves from this dangerous weapon. It was then that Zelinsky offered his know-how - a gas mask, in which activated carbon was used as a filter, which, as it turned out, successfully neutralized all toxic substances.

Russian soldiers in Zelinsky gas masks on the front line during the First World War

3. LN Gobyato - the inventor of the mortar-mortar. The invention appeared in field conditions in years Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905 Faced with a problem - the need to dislodge the enemy forces from the trenches and trenches located in the immediate vicinity, Gobyato and his assistant Vasiliev suggested using a light 47-mm naval gun on wheels in these conditions. Instead of conventional shells, homemade pole mines were used, which were fired at a certain angle along a hinged trajectory.

Gobyato system mortar on the High Mountain positions. D. Buzaev

4. IF Aleksandrovsky - the inventor of a self-propelled mine (torpedo) and the first in the Russian Navy a mechanically driven submarine.

Submarine Aleksandrovsky

5. V. G. Fedorov - creator of the world's first automatic machine. Actually, the automatic rifle was originally understood as an automatic rifle, which Fedorov began to create even before the outbreak of the First World War - in 1913. Only from 1916 the invention gradually began to be used in hostilities, although, of course, the automatic rifle became a weapon of mass distribution during the Second World War. ...

Fedorov system automatic machine

Communication means, information transfer

1. AS Popov - the inventor of the radio. On May 7, 1895, at a meeting of the Russian Physicochemical Society at St. Petersburg University, he demonstrated the operation of a radio receiver he invented, but did not manage to patent it. The patent and the Nobel Prize (together with K.F.Brown) for the invention of the radio was received by the Italian G. Marconi.

Radio Popov

2. G. G. Ignatiev - was the first in the world to develop a system of simultaneous telephony and telegraphy over one cable.

3.V.K. Zvorykin - inventor of television and television broadcasting at electronic principle... Developed an iconoscope, a kinescope, the basics of color television. Unfortunately, most of his discoveries were made in the United States, where he emigrated in 1919.

4. A. M. Ponyatov - inventor of the video recorder. Like Zvorykin emigrated from Russia in the years civil war, and, once in the United States, continued his development in the field of electronics. In 1956, Ampex, under the leadership of Ponyatov, released the world's first commercial video recorder.

Ponyatov with his brainchild

5. IA Timchenko - developed the world's first movie camera. In 1893, in Odessa, on a large piece of white sheet, the first two films in the world were shown - "The Lance Thrower" and "The Prancing Horseman". They were demonstrated with the help of a movie camera, which was designed by the mechanic-inventor Timchenko. In 1895, Louis Jean Lumière, who, together with his brother, are considered the founders of cinema, received a patent for the invention of the cinema apparatus.


1. NI Pirogov - the first use of anesthesia in military field surgery during the Caucasian War in 1847. It was Pirogov who began to use bandages soaked in starch, which turned out to be very effective. In addition, he introduced an immobile plaster cast into medical practice.

Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov was the first to use anesthesia in military field surgery

2. GA Ilizarov - the device designed by him in 1953 is named after this inventor. It is used in orthopedics, traumatology, surgery. The apparatus is an iron structure consisting of rings and spokes, and it is mainly known for healing fractures, straightening deformed bones, and aligning the legs.

Ilizarov apparatus layout diagrams

3. S. S. Bryukhonenko - created the world's first heart-lung machine (auto-light). Through experiments, he proved that the revival of the human body after clinical death possibly as well as open-heart surgery, organ transplantation, and the creation of an artificial heart.

Today, surgeons cannot do without heart-lung machines, and the credit for their creation belongs to our compatriot.

4. VP Demikhov - one of the founders of transplantation. He was the first in the world to perform a lung transplant, and the first to create a model of an artificial heart. Experimenting on dogs in the 1940s. I was able to transplant a second heart, and then replace the dog's heart with a donor one. Experiments on dogs have subsequently saved thousands of lives

5. Fedorov SN - radial keratomy. In 1973, for the first time in the world, he developed and performed operations for the treatment of glaucoma in the early stages (a method of deep sclerectomy, which later received international recognition). A year later, Fedorov began to carry out operations to treat and correct myopia by applying anterior metered cuts to the cornea according to a technique he had developed. In total, over 3 million such operations have already been carried out worldwide.

Among other things, Academician Fedorov was the first in the country to perform an operation to replace the lens of the eye


1. A. N. Lodygin - an incandescent light bulb. In 1872 A. N. Lodygin patented the world's first electric incandescent light bulb. It used a carbon rod that was placed in a vacuum flask.

Lodygin was not only able to develop an incandescent lamp, but also to patent it

2. PN Yablochkov - invented the arc lamp (went down in history under the name "Yablochkov's candle"). In 1877, some streets of European capitals were lit by Yablochkov's "candles". They were disposable, they burned for less than 2 hours, but at the same time they shone quite brightly.
"Candle" Yablochkov illuminated the streets of Paris

3. MO Dolivo-Dobrovolsky - three-phase power supply system. At the end of the XIX century. a Russian inventor with Polish roots invented something that is now familiar to any electrician and is successfully used all over the world.
The three-phase system, developed by Dolivo-Dobrovolsky, is successfully used today

4. D. A. Lachinov - proved the possibility of transmitting electricity through wires over long distances.

5. V. V. Petrov - developed the world's largest galvanic battery, discovered an electric arc.


1. AF Mozhaisky - the creator of the first aircraft. In 1882, Mozhaisky built an airplane, but during tests near St. Petersburg, the airplane separated from the ground, but, being unstable, tilted to its side and broke the wing. This circumstance in the West is often used as an argument that the inventor of the aircraft should be considered the one who was able to take off above the ground in a horizontal position, i.e. brothers Wright.

Mozhaisky plane model

2. I. I. Sikorsky - the creator of the first serial helicopter. Back in 1908-1910. designed two helicopters, but none of the built helicopters was able to take off with a pilot. Sikorsky returned to helicopters in the late 1930s, already working in the United States, having designed a model of the S-46 (VC-300) single-rotor helicopter.

Sikorsky at the helm of his first "flying" helicopter

Russia is rich in great scientists and inventors who made their significant contribution not only to Russian progress, but also to the world one. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the brilliant fruits of the engineering thought of our compatriots, which you can rightfully be proud of!

1. Electroforming

We so often come across products that look like metal, but in fact are made of plastic and are only covered with a layer of metal that we no longer notice them. There is also hardware coated with a layer of another metal - for example, nickel. And there are metal products that are actually a copy of a non-metallic base. We owe all these miracles to the genius of physics Boris Jacobi - by the way, the elder brother of the great German mathematician Carl Gustav Jacobi.

Jacobi's passion for physics resulted in the creation of the world's first electric motor with direct rotation of the shaft, but one of his most important discoveries was electroforming - the process of metal deposition on a form that allows you to create perfect copies of the original object. In this way, for example, sculptures on the naves of St. Isaac's Cathedral were created. Electroforming can be used even at home.

The electroforming method and its derivatives have found numerous applications. With its help, what has not been done and is still not doing, right down to the clichés of state banks. Jacobi received the Demidov Prize for this discovery in Russia, and a large gold medal in Paris. Perhaps made by this very method too.

2. Electric car

In the last third of the 19th century, the world was seized by a uniform electric fever. Therefore, electric cars were made by all and sundry. This was the "golden age" of electric cars. The cities were smaller and the 60km mileage on a single charge was perfectly acceptable. One of the enthusiasts was the engineer Ippolit Romanov, who by 1899 had created several models of electric cabs.

But this is not even the main thing. Romanov invented and created in metal an electric omnibus for 17 passengers, developed a scheme of city routes for these progenitors of modern trolleybuses, and received a work permit. True, at your own personal commercial risk.

The inventor could not find the required amount, much to the delight of competitors - horse-drawn car owners and numerous cabbies. However, a working electromunibus caused great interest among other inventors and remained in the history of technology as an invention killed by the municipal bureaucracy.

3. Pipeline transport

It's hard to say what is considered the first real pipeline. We can recall the proposal of Dmitry Mendeleev, dated back to 1863, when he proposed to deliver oil from production sites to the seaport at the Baku oil fields, not in barrels, but through pipes. Mendeleev's proposal was not accepted, and two years later the first pipeline was built by the Americans in Pennsylvania. As always, when something is done abroad, they start doing it in Russia as well. Or at least allocate money.

In 1877, Alexander Bari and his assistant Vladimir Shukhov again came up with the idea of ​​pipeline transport, already relying on the American experience, and again on the authority of Mendeleev. As a result, Shukhov built the first oil pipeline in Russia in 1878, proving the convenience and practicality of pipeline transport. The example of Baku, which was then one of the two leaders in the world oil production, became contagious, and "getting on the pipe" became the dream of any enterprising person. In the photo: a view of a three-fuel cube. Baku, 1887.

4. Electric arc welding

Nikolay Benardos comes from Novorossiysk Greeks who lived on the Black Sea coast. He is the author of more than a hundred inventions, but went down in history thanks to electric arc welding of metals, which he patented in 1882 in Germany, France, Russia, Italy, England, USA and other countries, calling his method "electrohephaestus".

Benardos' method spread across the planet like wildfire. Instead of fiddling with rivets-bolts, it was enough to just weld pieces of metal. However, it took about half a century for welding to finally take the leading position among assembly methods. A seemingly simple method is to create an electric arc between the consumable electrode in the hands of the welder and the pieces of metal that need to be welded. But the solution is elegant. True, it did not help the inventor to meet his old age with dignity; he died in poverty in 1905 in an almshouse.

5. Multi-engine aircraft "Ilya Muromets"

It's hard to believe now, but a little over a hundred years ago, it was believed that a multi-engine aircraft would be extremely difficult and dangerous to fly. The absurdity of these statements was proved by Igor Sikorsky, who in the summer of 1913 flew into the air a twin-engine aircraft, called Le Grand, and then its four-engine version - "Russian Knight".

On February 12, 1914, the four-engine "Ilya Muromets" took off in the air at the range of the Russian-Baltic plant in Riga. There were 16 passengers on board the four-engine aircraft - an absolute record at that time. The plane had a comfortable cabin, heating, a bath with a toilet and ... a promenade deck. In order to demonstrate the capabilities of the aircraft in the summer of 1914, Igor Sikorsky made a flight on the Ilya Muromets from St. Petersburg to Kiev and back, setting a world record. During World War I, these aircraft became the world's first heavy bombers.

6. Quad and helicopter

Igor Sikorsky also created the first production helicopter, the R-4, or S-47, which Vought-Sikorsky began producing in 1942. It was the first and only helicopter to take part in World War II, in the Pacific theater of operations, as a staff transport and for the evacuation of the wounded.

However, it is unlikely that the US military department would have let Igor Sikorsky boldly experiment with helicopter technology if it were not for the amazing rotary-wing aircraft of Georgy Botezat, who in 1922 began testing his helicopter, which was ordered by the American military. The helicopter was the first to actually take off from the ground and could stay in the air. The possibility of vertical flight has thus been proven.

The Botezat helicopter was called the "flying octopus" because of its interesting design. It was a quadrocopter: four propellers were placed at the ends of metal trusses, and the control system was located in the center - just like in modern radio-controlled drones.

7. Color photo

Color photography appeared at the end of the 19th century, but the images of that time were characterized by a shift in one or another part of the spectrum. The Russian photographer was one of the best in Russia and, like many of his colleagues around the world, dreamed of achieving the most natural color reproduction.

In 1902, Prokudin-Gorsky studied color photography in Germany with Adolf Mite, who by that time was the world star of color photography. Returning home, Prokudin-Gorsky began to improve the chemistry of the process and in 1905 he patented his own sensitizer, that is, a substance that increases the sensitivity of photographic plates. As a result, he managed to obtain negatives of exceptional quality.

Prokudin-Gorsky organized a number of expeditions across the territory Russian Empire photographing famous people (for example, Leo Tolstoy), and peasants, temples, landscapes, factories, thus creating an amazing collection of colored Russia. Demonstrations by Prokudin-Gorsky aroused great interest in the world and pushed other specialists to develop new principles of color printing.

8. Parachute

As you know, the idea of ​​a parachute was proposed by Leonardo da Vinci, and several centuries later, with the advent of aeronautics, regular jumps from under balloons: parachutes were suspended under them in a partially deployed state. In 1912, the American Barry was able to leave the plane with such a parachute and, importantly, he landed alive.

The problem was solved by who in what way. For example, American Stefan Banich made a parachute in the form of an umbrella with telescopic spokes that were attached around the pilot's torso. This design worked, although it was still not very convenient. But the engineer Gleb Kotelnikov decided that it was all about the material, and made his parachute out of silk, packing it in a compact knapsack. Kotelnikov patented his invention in France on the eve of the First World War.

But besides the knapsack parachute, he came up with another interesting thing... He tested the deployment of the parachute, opening it while the car was moving, which literally stood rooted to the spot. So Kotelnikov invented a brake parachute as an emergency braking system for aircraft.

9. Theremin

The history of this musical instrument, emitting strange "space" sounds, began with the development of alarm systems. It was then that the descendant of the French Huguenots Lev Theremin in 1919 drew attention to the fact that a change in the position of the body near the antennas of oscillatory circuits affects the loudness and tonality of the sound in the control dynamics.

Everything else was a matter of technique. And marketing: Theremin showed his musical instrument the leader of the Soviet state, Vladimir Lenin, an enthusiast of the cultural revolution, and then demonstrated it in the States.

The life of Lev Termen was difficult, he knew both ups, fame, and camps. His musical instrument lives on to this day. The coolest version is Moog Etherwave. Theremin can be heard among the most advanced and quite pop singers. This is truly an invention of all time.

10. Color television

Vladimir Zvorykin was born into a merchant family in the city of Murom. Since childhood, the boy had the opportunity to read a lot and stage all sorts of experiments - his father encouraged this passion for science in every way. Having started his studies in St. Petersburg, he learned about cathode-ray tubes and came to the conclusion that the future of television lies in electronic circuits.

Zvorykin was lucky, he left Russia on time in 1919. He worked for many years and at the beginning of the 30s patented a transmitting television tube - an iconoscope. Even earlier, he designed one of the options for the receiving tube - a kinescope. And then, already in the 1940s, he broke the light beam into blue, red and green colors and got color TV.

In addition, Zvorykin developed a night vision device, an electron microscope and many more interesting things. He has been inventing all his long life and even in retirement continued to amaze with his new solutions.

11. VCR

The AMPEX company was founded in 1944 by a Russian émigré Alexander Matveyevich Ponyatov, who took three letters of his initials for the name and added EX - short for "excellent". At first, Ponyatov produced sound recording equipment, but in the early 50s he focused on the development of video recording.

By that time, there were already experiments in recording television images, but they required huge amount ribbons. Poniatov and colleagues suggested recording the signal across the tape using a rotating head unit. On November 30, 1956, the first recorded CBS news was broadcast. And in 1960, the company, represented by its leader and founder, received an Oscar for outstanding contribution to the technical equipment of the film and television industry.

Fate brought Alexander Ponyatov to interesting people... He was a competitor to Zworykin, Ray Dolby, the creator of the famous noise reduction system, worked with him, and the famous Bing Crosby was one of the first clients and investors. And one more thing: by order of Ponyatov, birches were necessarily planted near any office - in memory of the Motherland.

12. Tetris

A long time ago, 30 years ago, the Pentamino puzzle was popular in the USSR: it was necessary to place various figures consisting of five squares on a square lined field. Collections of problems were even published, and the results were discussed.

From a mathematical point of view, this puzzle was an excellent test for the computer. And so a researcher at the Computing Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences Alexei Pazhitnov wrote such a program for his computer "Electronics 60". But the power was not enough, and Alexey removed one cube from the figures, that is, made a "tetrimino". Well, then the idea came to make the figures fall into the "glass". This is how Tetris appeared.

It was the first computer game due to iron curtain, and for many people the first computer game in general. And although many new toys have already appeared, Tetris still attracts with its seeming simplicity and real complexity.