What is the vital values \u200b\u200bof man. List of man's major life values

Life values \u200b\u200bof manthey play a key role in his fate, because decision-making depends on them, the implementation of the right of choice, the implementation of life destination, relationship with other people.

Each person has its own system of life values, their priorities. Values \u200b\u200bare definitely everyone has. But, for the most part, people do not realize their values. And it is worth it to be done in order to, as they say, make life easier. After all, by taking any decision from the very small to the fateful, you should contact the system of your values \u200b\u200band then, it will be quite likely to avoid painful doubts and experiences.

Life values \u200b\u200bof man - The basis of life elections of varying degrees of importance.

Material values \u200b\u200bare important for someone: money, food, clothing, housing. Someone priority are spiritual values: spiritual search, disclosure and implementation of their life destination, creative self-development, the implementation of its earthly mission. But there are so-called universal values \u200b\u200bthat are important for all people. Among these are the following:

1. Love for yourself (which has nothing to do with egoism). Only love for himself helps to show love towards other people.

2. Warm relationships with people on which our whole life is being built.

3. A close beloved person, the second half, which occupies a special place in your heart. After all, only a couple living in love and harmony is able to realize themselves and leave a trace in life.

4. Creation homemade focus.

5. Love for children.

6. Love to the Motherland is a place where you were born and spent our childhood. This is Idin out of essential factors Forming personality.

7. Work or other social activity. Of course, the work is very important. BUT B. modern world There was a catastrophic skew in her direction. Many people make much more time to earn money than own health, sports, raising children, creating a homely hearth together.

8. Friends and like-minded people. Communication with such people gives joy and self-confidence.

9. Rest. It is the rest who allows us to find peace and equilibrium, concentrate on yourself.

Every day we are faced with the need to solve any problems and circumstances that constantly inspect us for strength. And in today's world of all sorts of worries and stresses, our life valueswho are peculiar pointers on the life path.

If everything we say and do, matches our, life is distinguished by correctness and meaningfulness, and we ourselves are satisfied and confident. However, it is often that our actions disagree with deep convictions, due to what irritability. And this is an indicator that something is wrong. In addition, such feelings can make us unhappy, and only in the case when we always act on conscience, the feeling remains own dignity, and the condition of happiness.

The life values \u200b\u200bof the person can be bolder to call it internal compass by which all the steps must be treated. After all, when there are certain installations, it is much easier for a person to think over the actions and, which is the basis of productive and full-fledged life.

But let's think about what can be our life values.

What is the sense of life? What is truly valuable in life? What is my purpose?

These are the main questions we are trying to find an answer.

Probably the answers to these questions know people who in their lives faced face to face with their death.

Reading about people who learned that they will die very soon, or those who survived clinical death, learn that they changed their life priorities.

I found interesting "research" on the Internet. Here are the data on the topic "What regret before the death of" Yu is the thoughts of the great wise men about it. And it turned out this list of five truth values \u200b\u200bin the life of every person.

"If not my disease, I would never think about how beautiful life is" (Randy Paush "Last Lecture") .

1. Attention

Everything in life has its own purpose. Each living creature on the planet has its own mission. And each of us has its own role. Realizing its unique talents and abilities, we gain happiness and wealth. The path to its uniqueness and mission lies through our desires and dreams from the very childhood.

"Individuality - the highest value in the world" (Osho).

One woman (Bronni Vehi) worked for many years in the hospice, where her task was to facilitate the mental state of dying patients. From his observations, she revealed that the most frequent regret of people before death is regrettable that they didn't have the courage to live life correctly for them, and not the lives that others expected. Her patients regretted that they did not bring their dreams to life. And only at the end of the way they realized that it was only the consequence of their choice they did.

Make a list of your talents and abilities, as well as a list of favorite cases in which they are expressed. So you will find your unique talents. Use them to serve others. To do this, ask yourself as often as possible: "What can I be useful (peace, people with whom in contact)?How can I serve

Boldly throw the unloved job! Do not be afraid of poverty, failures and mistakes! Trust yourself and do not worry about the opinions of others. Believe always God will take care of you. It is better to take a chance once than then regret that you lived in a gray and talent life, "killing" at the unloved work to the detriment of yourself and your loved ones.

Always remember that you are unique, and your mission is to give a maximum of our uniqueness to the world. Only then will you gain true happiness. So God has conceived.

"Open your divinity, find your unique talent, and you can create any wealth that you want" (Dipac Chopra).

2. Self-discharge and spiritual growth

Stop being animal! ..

Of course, we need to satisfy physiological needs, but only in order to develop spiritually. People are mostly chased for material well-being And concerned, above all, things, not soul. Then, as the primary meaning and the goal of human life is to realize that he is a spiritual being and nothing material to him, in fact, do not need.

"We are not human creatures that receive spiritual experience from time to time. We are spiritual creatures that receive from time to time human experience "(Dipac Chopra).

Realize God inside yourself. Man is a transitional creature from the animal to the spiritual. And each of us has resources to make this transition. More often, practice the state "be" when you do not have thoughts and you do not need anything when you just feel life and enjoy her fullness. The state "here and now" is already spiritual experience.

"There are people among us, - a little, but there are, - who understand that it is necessary to start to postpone the money for old age, while it is far to have time to accumulate a certain amount ... So why at the same time not to take care of what is more important money, - about the soul? "(Eugene O'kelli, "In pursuit of an echoing light »).

And you do not need to be expensive, you are already perfect, because you are spiritual creatures. Do self-dislocation ...

« To know yourself as best as possible to be as much as possible for the world - this is the most important task of a person.» (Robin Sharma).

Even when you achieve goals, a true success is not associated with achievement, but with those changes in the consciousness that occurred as the inevitable consequence of your promotion to these goals. It's not about the implementation of goals, but what happens to you in the process of achieving it.

3. Openness

As often in the face of death, people regret that they did not have the courage to express love to their relatives and loved ones! They regret that they often suppressed their emotions and feelings, because they were afraid of the reactions of others. They regret that they did not allow themselves to be happier. Only at the end of the way they realized that being happy or not - this is a matter of choice. Every moment, we choose the reaction to one or another situation, and each time it interprets events in its own way. Be carefull! Watch your choice every moment ...

« What goes around comes around» (folk wisdom).

What needs to be done to become more open?

1) Give the will to your emotions and feelings.

Ride on the coolest attraction and shove into your pleasure; Share your feelings with other people; Become an optimist - rejoice, laugh, having fun, no matter what.

2) Take yourself and the life is what it is.

Allow yourself to be the way you are, and the events happen to themselves. Your task is to dream, move and watch what miracles give you life. And if something is not as much as you wanted, then it will be even better. Just relax and enjoy.

« I'm dying and cheerful. And I'm going to have fun every day let me» (Randy Paush "Last Lecture").

4. Love

Sadly, but many people only in the face of death are aware of how little love was in their lives, as they had little rejoiced and enjoyed simple joys of life. The world gave us so many wonders! But we are too busy. We cannot tear out of our plans and urgent problems to look at these gifts and enjoy them.

"Love is food for the soul. Love for the soul is the same thing that food for the body. No food body weakly, without love Large Soul " (Osho).

Most the best way Raise the wave of love in his body is gratitude. Start to thank God for everything he presents to you every moment: for this food and roof over your head; for this communication; for this clear sky; For all you see and get. And when you catch yourself in irritation, immediately ask yourself: " Why should I be grateful now? " The answer will come from the heart itself, and, believe me, he will inspire you.

Love is the energy from which the world isted. Become a missionary of love! Give people compliments; Charge with love everything is touched; Let's get more than getting ... and move life from the heart, and not from the head. It is it that will tell you the surest way.

"The way without a heart is never joyful. Already in order for it to come out hard to work. On the contrary, the path that has a heart is always light; To love it, do not need special efforts. "(Carlos Castaneda).

5. Relationship

When life passes and in everyday worries, we often lose sight of our relatives and friends, at the end of the way we will feel devastating, deep sadness and longing ...

As you often spend time with those who love and appreciate. They are the most expensive that you have. Always be open to communication and new acquaintances, it enriches. As much as possible, give people your attention and admire them, - all this will return to you. With joy and disinterestedly help, give and also with joy. Take gifts from others.

"Bliss is also infectious as any disease. If you help others be happy, by and large you helping to be happy yourself "(Osho).

So what will you regret at the end of your way?


Tags: Purpose of man Monday, December 29, 2014 13:01 ()
Source message Shining_Riza_Zhizni

What is the sense of life? What is truly valuable in life? What is my purpose?

Teyar De Shaden came to the reasonable conclusion that each branch of the evolutionary tree ended in the most intellectual species of this branch, so "the history of life is essentially the development of consciousness." Subsequently, paleontologists have discovered the process of encephalization in evolution - the tendency to increase the size of the brain from the ancestors to descendants. It seems that the natural mechanisms that correct the evolution of live matter in a certain direction are of the only goal - the self-knowledge of nature. Moreover, the real world of nature "sees" through the eyes and mind of living organisms.
A person is implementing the main function of living matter with his consciousness - not only the development of the real world, but also his knowledge. It is significant that ancient Greece The study of the laws of harmony of the Universe was considered the prerogative of free citizens. Mechanics and crafts (speaking modern tongue - Technology) they left for slaves and strangers. In all centuries, the main purpose of man was realized by rare "people not from this world." Newton survived five kings civil War, revolution and restoration of the monarchy, and busy was a science, quite distant from what is happening around. Throughout two terrible plague years (1665 - 1666), when about a third of the population of England died, Newton formulated the basis of what was developing all the subsequent life.
B. Frankla, who is considered in the West by the main specialist in finding the meaning of a person's life, says: "Not a person puts the question of the meaning of life - life puts this question in front of him, and a person answers him not with words, but action." This is not the meaning that happened from the word "thought", but the mindless life of the animal. The frog generation in the generation seek to catch delicious mosquitoes, warm in the sun, mate and, leaving the offspring, to leave without a trace. If the living conditions in the beloved swamp will not change, then the descendants will again repeat the same one and the same life cycle. Many, sincerely consider themselves very progressive thinkers, for example, A. Nikonov (2005), do not see the main difference between a person from the frog. The meaning of man's life, he recognizes a purely frog: "If you live inside, without feeling no pleasure ... why do you go smoothly?" Flagshaghia The ideology of Nikonov and billions of its like-minded people is a random reversion of human evolution, and not a natural result of development.
A. Puancare (1905) in his experience knew that "if we more and more want to save a person from material concerns, so it is then that he can consume his diligent freedom to research and contemplation of truth." With the mediation of people, nature knows itself. The rest in people does not need and not interesting. Reproduction, food, entertainment, other biological needs and pleasures from their satisfaction are not a goal, but funds that nature is achieved from people what she needs. Reply with quote in quote

For each of us, life values \u200b\u200bare a fundamental landmark in different types Activities. They contribute to personal growth, creating a comfortable life, formation creative thinking etc. Everyone is achieved by a person thanks to the hierarchy of values \u200b\u200bbuilt by him, which determines that the priorities are in the first place. This is a measure of human happiness.

Some put in the first place the family, others do not think of their well-being without the third give interests, hobbies. Some representatives of humanity, refusing material benefits, see their happiness only in spiritual self-improvement. In general, life values \u200b\u200bare goals and priorities that, managing human life, determine its essence. The choice of fundamental benchmarks is carried out by people depending on the level of development of their consciousness. However, or material, should not be extreme, as it will inevitably lead to excessive quarrelations or, on the contrary, illusiveness. Therefore, it is very important to achieve equilibrium in the system of life priorities.

There are universal life values \u200b\u200bthat are equally important for all people. Each era establishes its prioritization system for an individual. In modern society, health, family, work and education applies to values. The implementation of priorities significant for a person is very important for his recognition and self-affirmation.

Starting to form in the family, life values \u200b\u200blater determine the image and their worldview. After analyzing them, it is possible to determine the poverty or wealth of the inner world of a person, a variety of interests and individuality. In the formation of value attitudes of the individual, his close environment (friends, family), religious views, as well as national and social traditions playing a significant role.

The main life can be divided into several groups:

  • A family. It assumes a long relationship (with parents, children, a marriage partner, close and friends), which are considered as value. Thanks to the improvement of a person in a pair, his personal growth occurs more efficiently. A warm relationship with relatives allow you to feel all the completeness of happiness.
  • Career. Expanded targeted actions aimed at achieving a certain opportunity and spheres of influence.
  • Favourite buisness. Contributes to the disclosure of the inner world of man. With a reasonably built hierarchy of life orientations, a favorite occupation, hobbies and many other interests will help strengthen the state of spiritual harmony and happiness.
  • Money, comfort. Ordered life is considered as a value that requires certain financial costs.
  • Education. Improving professional skills contributes to personal development and is a certain value. Thanks to the acquisition of certain knowledge and skills, it is possible to qualitative and competent work, career growth.
  • Health and beauty. Body value (tightened figure, developed musculature, well-groomed skin) are considered as an important component. healthy image Life requiring systematic classes.
  • Personal growth. Includes certain social and psychological skills that contribute to the formation of maturity in views, attention to the surrounding people, the manifestation of wisdom, possession of their feelings and emotions.

Thus, life values \u200b\u200bare a way of self-affirmation of a person who regulates his behavior.

2. Philosophy of values

3. Values \u200b\u200bin the literature

4. The values \u200b\u200bof life and the culture of modern youth (sociological research)


Bibliographic list


The system of value orientation, being a psychological characteristic of a mature personality, one of the central personal entities, expresses the meaningful attitude of a person to social reality and in this capacity determines the motivation of its behavior, has a significant impact on all parties to its activities. As an element of the personality structure, value orientations characterize the internal readiness for committing certain activities to meet the needs and interests, indicate the direction of its behavior.

Each society has a unique value-orientational structure, which reflects the identity of this culture. Since the value of the values \u200b\u200bthat assumes the individual in the process of socialization to him "broadcasts" is the society, the study of the system of value orientation of a person seems to be a particularly relevant problem in a situation of serious social change, when some "blurring" of a social value structure is noted, many values \u200b\u200bare assured, social structures are observed. Norm, in the society postulated by society and values \u200b\u200bthere are contradictions.

Essentially, all the variety of human activity, public relations and natural phenomena included in their circle can act as values \u200b\u200bas objects of value relationship, can be evaluated in dyhotomy of good and evil, truth and delusion, beauty and disgrace, admissible or forbidden, just unfair.

1. Values: concepts, essence, types

The cybernucleic understanding of society is to represent it as belonging to the special class of universal adaptive adapting systems.

In the famous perspective, culture can be considered as a multidimensional adaptive management program, which specifies the basic parameters of the self-organization of communities and coordinating the joint activity of sufficiently autonomous individuals. At the same time, culture can be understood as a kind of structural generator inherent in all the high-organized system: "Organization is achieved by restricting the diversity of possible states of the system elements by establishing the dependence of some elements from others. In this regard, the culture is similar to biological and technical programming devices."

The culture itself is determined axiologically as a combination of material and spiritual values \u200b\u200band how to create and broadcast their creation. Values \u200b\u200bas such are inextricably linked with a sociocultural context and can be considered as a certain quanta of the total cultural field. It is in this sense that it is possible to consider values \u200b\u200bas structural invariants of various crops that determine not only the meaningful specifics of a particular culture as an arsenal of effective adaptive strategies, but also the features of its dynamics and development. Chavchavadze N.Z. So determines the culture as "the world of embodied values", distinguishing values \u200b\u200b- means and value values.

The system of values \u200b\u200bof a person is the "foundation" of his relationship to the world. Values \u200b\u200bare a relatively sustainable, socially determined electoral attitude of a person to the aggregate of material and spiritual public goods.

"Values, - P.P. Tugarines - this is what people need to meet the needs and interests, as well as ideas and their impulse as the norm, goals and ideal. "

The value world of each person is unmanaged. However, there are some "cross-cutting" values \u200b\u200bthat are practically rods in any field of activity. These include diligence, education, kindness, pupil, honesty, decency, tolerance, humanity. It is a fall in the importance of these values \u200b\u200bin one or another period of history always causes serious concern in normal society.

Value relates to the number of such general scientific concepts whose methodological significance is particularly great for pedagogy. Being one of the key concepts of modern public thought, it is used in philosophy, sociology, psychology and pedagogy to designate objects and phenomena, their properties, as well as abstract ideas that embody moral ideals and speakers as the standards due.

Essentially, the variety of human activity, public relations and the natural phenomena included in their circle can act as values \u200b\u200bas objects of value relations, can be evaluated in dyhotomy of good and evil, truth and error, beauty and disgrace, permissible or forbidden, just unfair.

Value as a concept determines "... significance anything unlike existence object or its quality characteristics. "

Exists great amount Values \u200b\u200band them can be divided into two large groups: on material and spiritual:

We attributed to material values: a car, aquarium, garage, jewelry, money, food, house, toys, cosmetics, musical instruments, books, clothes, apartment, tape recorder, computer, television, telephone, furniture, sports accessories;

To spiritual: active life, vital wisdom, life, family, love, friendship, courage, labor, sport, responsibility, sensitivity, honesty, pupil, beauty, mercy, creativity, freedom, person, world, justice, self-improvement, health , Knowledge.

We can touch material values, see, buy and they depend on the time in which the person lives. For example, 300 years ago there were no cars and therefore, there was no such value.

Spiritual values, in contrast to material, we can not always see and they are not bought, but we can feel them through our actions and the behavior of the people. For example, if beauty is important for a person, he will strive to create it around him, make beautiful actions. Thus, these are higher values \u200b\u200bthat are universal and meaningful at all times.

2. Philosophy of values

In philosophy, the problem of values \u200b\u200bis considered in an inextricable connection with the definition of the essence of a person, his creative nature, his ability to build peace and itself in accordance with the measure of their values. A person forms its values, constantly destroys the contradiction between the established world of values \u200b\u200band antigencies, uses values \u200b\u200bas a tool for maintaining their living world, protection against the destructive impact of entropy processes, threatening reality born. The value approach to the world requires consideration objective reality as the result of human self-affirmation; The world with this approach is primarily a reality, mastered by a person, turned into the maintenance of its activities, consciousness, personal culture.

MA Non-seen in the work "To the question of values \u200b\u200band their classification" (Internet resource), determines the value ideas, understood as the basis of estimates and the prisons of a nominated vision of reality, as the needs and interests translated into the language of thoughts and feelings, concepts and images, ideas and judgments . Indeed, it is necessary to have developed ideas about values \u200b\u200bacting as orientational criteria for the adaptive and activity activity of the individual.

On the basis of its value ideas, people not only estimate the existence, but also choose their actions, they demand and seek justice, they carry out what is good for them.

E.V. Zolotukhina-Abolina determines the values \u200b\u200bas an extra-legally regulatory. The behavior is in the ultimate reference to value criteria, the behavior is ultimately focused on achieving maximum emotional comfort, which is a psychophysical sign of achieving a specific goal related to the statement of one value or other value.

N.S. Roses allocate several evolutionary types of development of the community worldview: mythological consciousness, religious consciousness and ideological consciousness. This kind of classification is more than obvious. However, few people are perfected to abandon the finishes of the last form of public consciousness and at least suggest the possibility of the birth of a new, absolutely not like preceding. N.S. Rosov did it: "The value of the historical era is presented with the most likely of the worldview in the upcoming historical era. Values \u200b\u200bin the framework of value consciousness as new form The worldview, firstly, come out of the subordinate position, secondly, absorb and rethink all the variety of existing worldviews, because communication and search for productive compromises are already needed, and the search for productive compromises between representatives of these different worldviews ... The concept of value consciousness is not reduced to a combination of the values \u200b\u200bof two Words that make up this name. This concept is built, first of all, regulatoryly: value consciousness - the values \u200b\u200bbased on the form of the worldview, which satisfies the requirements established above.

The world of values, teleologically determining their object to which it is originally directed, does not hang in the air. It is rooted in the affective life of the psyche not to a lesser extent than the vital needs. The first contact with values \u200b\u200bis due to communicating with meaningful people - parents. With the initial steps of ontogenesis, they interfere with the spontaneous functioning of vital needs, bringing into them the order required for the entire society. And if the factory consciousness draws its strength mainly from affective images of significant persons, then in the future it is exempt from the need for such support and in the desire to goal-value self-organizes and produces its structure and content, moving in line with objective patterns. Existing hierarchy of values, teleologically determining their subject - human consciousnessmay generate such values \u200b\u200bthat are derived from the sphere of direct vital needs of this society. Such is the axiological basis of progress.