To guess the past present future tarot maps online. Fortune telling on playing cards "Past, present, future

One of themselves in demand is fortune-telling on the "Past, present, Future" cards. Popularity this method It is easy to explain that with its help you can reach a significant period of human life and understand how different life events may affect the fate as a whole.

Most truthful divination - This is where you believe. Perhaps this is the most important condition for the success of a fortuneful rite. But besides, you need to remember that there are a number of rules that are mandatory. It should be remembered that it is necessary to spend a fortune rite only in a positive mood. Women should not guess in critical days.

Remember the fortune telling on the "Past, present, the future" card will be true only if you are using the cards on which they did not play earlier. Also, only you must be the owner of the cards. They should not fall, even by chance in other people's hands.

Increase the likelihood of obtaining truthful information, it is possible, by providing in a separate room, where a special atmosphere will be carried out. To do this, you need to light the candles and turn off artificial lighting. It is also recommended to store the table with a dark tablecloth.

Execution of scenario

In order to learn about the past, to understand the present and predict the future, you need to use a deck consisting of 36 cards. Recompanying in a separate room you need to perform all the above preparations, and focus on your desire that you want to get a truthful prediction. The deck of cards must be carefully mastered within a few minutes. Thus, the energy relationship with maps is established.

When the feeling comes that the cards are willing to tell you the truth you need to remove the top five cards alternately and lay out them in front of you from left to right in a row shirt up. Similar actions do another two times. That is, you must lay out three rows of five cards of cards in each. At the end of the scenario, another map is laid out. Then the cards are turned over in the same time as they laid out.

The alignment is interpreted by columns as follows:

  • The first column indicates that for you will become the most important in the future.
  • The second column predicts what will happen in personal life.
  • The third column will describe events in the family at present.
  • The fourth column describes the events in the past, which had a direct impact on the present and will continue to affect the future.
  • The fifth column gives the overall picture of a certain life period that interests you.
  • The last map laid out from the bottom under all rows, the scenario emphasizes how the heart calms down.

Interpretation is performed by the values \u200b\u200bof maps and their masters:

  • Ace: Chervoy - Success and well-being, Trephic - Profit receipt, tambourine - getting an inheritance, peak-lifted shock.
  • King: Chervoy - the appearance in the life of a man, Trephic - the influence of the power man, the tambourine - the possible birth of a boy, peak - improving well-being.
  • Lady: Chervoy - appearance in the life of a woman, Trefovaya - help close relatives, Bubnovaya - Possible birth of a girl, peak - dislike.
  • Valts: Chervoy - Help of a friend, Trephic - Minor troubles, Bubnov - receiving news, peak is a high probability of deception.
  • Ten: Chervoy - Getting financial resources, Trephal - Financial losses, Bubnovaya - Favorable deals, peak - condemnation of people.
  • Nine: Chervoy - the emergence of relationships, Trefovaya - the emergence of strong feelings, Bubnovaya - successful negotiations, peak - deterioration of health.
  • Eight: Chervoy - Happy Life Period, Trephic - Getting News, Bubnovaya - Pleasant News, Peak - Life Disappointments.
  • Seven: Chervoy - Change for the better, Trephic - understanding and concern for loved ones, Bubnovaya - various problems, peak - vitality.
  • Six: Chervoy - an unexpected meeting, Trefovaya - an unexpected trip, a bubnova - a business trip or a business trip, peak - parting.

The most important combinations in this scenario are considered as follows:

  • The trephic king of the six and the currency is a long forced business trip.
  • Trefnye rings between two any cards - difficulties and problems.
  • The trephing eight and seven next to the worm ace - the wedding in love soon.
  • The prefinal six between the two older dignity cards is a success and inspiration.
  • Peak king, lady and currencies - confirmation, then there is a powerful patron.
  • Any card between a bubnic seven and peak nine is trouble in personal life.
  • Bubnovaya lady and currens next to a peak dozen - deception and appearance of unpleasant people surrounded.
  • Bubnovaya eight and nine next to any card - a warning about possible betrayal.

Self-divination technique:

For fortune telling for love on the defold "Past, present, future", you need to divide the deck into three parts and lay them on the table. Remove the top cards with each of the stacks and lay out in a row before the questioning. The left card is a past that accumulated in the life of the love of love. The average card means what happens in love Life asking now. The right card indicates impulses, desires and opportunities in the field of love.

During divination, it is important to use your feelings. Create the right mood you can help your favorite movie, memories, song. Try not to share the cards on bad and good. Everyone has a special purpose for any of them, a successful event of events may hide. Do not be afraid to be mistaken if you started feeling what was mistaken in the correct understanding of the situation, do not hurry, think again. Sometimes it seems to us that nothing happens. In reality, it can be different, we just don't know this yet. But if you are firmly sure that you initially went on a false path - it is possible, and the cards give you about it. It happens that this situation On which you expect, really can not happen. The main thing in time is to realize this and choose another way.

2 main ways to gain real love:

1. Catch the essence of phenomena.

The psychological, physiological, social and financial conformity of the man and women is not enough in order to call the relationship with love. It is necessary to go to a deeper, hidden interaction plan, which is only available to particularly sophisticated. Speaking the words of the classics, you need to feel everything, otherwise the world loses its meaning. This invisible world of energies determines who is your true half. To develop the natural ability to read information and look beyond the limits of everyday, conventional reality will help magicians. Not all of them have a vision, however, they are superbly trained hypersensitivity with certain psychotechnics. The subconscious will start signaling you about where real love, and where illusions. It will only be left to catch this message, correctly interpret and get manifestation in the material world.

2. Self-improvement.

It should not be thought that if everyone becomes perfecting their energy nature, divorces and families that exist without love will disappear. Not everyone is given to the divine frequency of mental vibrations. There are many invited, few chosen. Love is the Great God's gift. According to unshakable universal laws, it is honored with the one who succeeded in spirituality. Knowing the incomprehensible and inexorable forces hidden in man and space, we attract truly loved ones. Previously, these knowledge was available only to a small amount of dedicated to those who have passed through special initiation and special mental training. Now, thanks to information technology, many secrets become public, but do not find practical application. The ability to seek and see wonders in contemporaries atrophically. Therefore, there are restrictions that interfere with meeting true love. Esoteric path implies movement from coarse to thin, makes it possible to achieve perfection and gain unconditional love. It is she who brings into our lives a change that the limited mind is not capable of. The path suggested by the heart is unmistributed, for it feels on him and immediately.

"The Gate of Fate" is very strong divinationwhich will tell you in detail not only about your present, but also about the past and the future.

For this divination it is necessary to take a deck of 32 cards (without six), shuffle it and decompose the cards in the form of a gate, as shown in the figure.

Two rows located on the left symbolize your past, and the map of the external series (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) speaks of your relationship with other people, and internal (7, 8, 9, 10) about your emotional setting .

Two rows, located horizontally, symbolize your present. Here, the upper row (11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17) speaks of everyday worries, and the lower (18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 22) about the mental setting.

Two rows located on the right symbolize the future. Cards of the outer series (23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28) are talking about your actions and decisions, the perception of you surrounding people, and internal (29, 30, 31, 32) about your fundamental emotions.

Each group of cards must be interpreted in accordance with the values \u200b\u200bof the cards below. In addition, you must first interpret the past, then the present and only then the future, while first see the interpretation of the outer series, and then internal.

The value of each card

Seven - success in love affairs.
Eight - recognition in love.
Nine - cash profit.
A dozen is a pleasant love adventure.
Valet is a handsome man.
Lady - passion.
The king is the groom.
Ace is a love letter.

Seven - meeting with friends, journey.
Eight is an unpleasant date.
Nine - Good ending the deal.
Dozen - cheerful road.
Valts - enemy.
Lady - rival.
The king is in love with you.
Ace-good news, pleasant letter.

Seven - winnings.
Eight - a gift.
Nine - big change.
Ten - family happiness.
Valts - pleasant troubles.
Lady - gossip, rival.
The king is a black-haired lover.
Ace - a letter from an old friend.

Seven - quarrel, deception.
Eight - loss and losses.
Nine - big trouble and chagrin.
Ten - tears and failures, treason.
Valts - troubles, cunning enemy.
Lady - envious, evil woman.
King - good person On your way.
Ace - misfortune, sad letter.

To make love alignment on your own, you need to split the deck on the 3 parts and decompose on the table. It is necessary to remove the top cards from each stack of cards, put them before those who are guessing in a row. The left is responsible for the past, which has accumulated throughout the life of the Energy of Love. The central shows that now happens on the Love Front of the Man. The map of the right shows which the inquiring opportunity in love in the near future.

When divisions occur, it is required to use feelings as much as possible. To create a desired positive mood, turn on your favorite music, look positive filmHelps tune in good memories. No need to divide Tarot cards for good and bad. Each has a special purpose and for anyone can hide the best way Event development. You should not be afraid to make a mistake if you have a feeling that you incorrectly assess the situation, you do not need to rush, but it is worth thinking about several times.

Often many it seems that no events are happening, but in fact everything is absolutely different, just a person does not recognize. If you have a solid confidence that at the very beginning you went on a false way - you may be right, and the cards inform about it. It happens that the situation about which you dream will not happen under any circumstances. Therefore, it is necessary to understand it in a timely manner and go to another.

Divination online: "Past, present, Future"

Divination online tarot Allows you to find out the current state of affairs, understand the circumstances of the past and will predict what the person expects in the future. In this situation, 3 Tarot cards are involved, each of which is responsible for the time interval in the position of which it falls.

To start a fortune telling online by the situation of Tarot "Past, Present, Future", you need to choose 3 cards, the system will issue all the information about what was, is and expects in the future. When the information is given to you, you must analyze it carefully, draw conclusions and listen to the Council.

Sign Tarot on the "Situation"

Situations can be favorable and unfavorable and connected with different areas Life. The alignment will help get general view about the situation in which you are now, get important information about how she orders to succeed in love relationship And all spheres in the future. Everyone can independently set the Tarot Scenario. Before starting a session, you need to pay attention to the meaning of the question. He must express feelings and thoughts. You need to be fully prepared for both a positive and negative answer, then you have nothing to fear, and you will overcome any difficulties on the way. For the defold "Situation" you need to get 3 cards. They are interpreted as follows: The central card is "key of the situation", the map on the left is "Comments", the right - "recommendations".

Reading cards, it is important, both the initial and last impression. Your feelings, such as fear, experience, cold, heat, ease, all this needs to be combined with the result that cards showed. The alignment will help to figure out the situation and take the right decision. On the same situation, it is impossible to guess often, it can be confused.

Online divination "Events of this"

To find out the information about what awaits you coming hours, you need to make the setting of Tarot "Map of the Day". Maps will warn about any nearest event. Their value is not so easy to remember, so use the interpretation that the Internet gives. In case you have pulled out a map, and it does not give a clear information, listen to feelings and if you feel alarm, then listen and pay it to it special attention. If in a day or two sense of anxiety becomes stronger, it is required to make a layout on "today" again. Perhaps you were released from the species, as you seemed a trifle and could not correctly interpret the alignment. Maps do not serve as a guide to action, they just help to find the right path and suggest ways to solve the problem. They can suggest what business to you correctly do what suitable profession to choose and achieve great success.

Tarot layouts: what they happen and for what you need

Tarot's cards take their beginning with deep antiquity, people always loved predictions, they respond to many questions of the questioning, give advice, how to get out of a certain complex situation And help to know ourselves, reveal your inner world and understand it. But the unambiguous answer card cannot give. Tarot card layouts are many, and they are able to answer various questions, but there are the most common:

  • "Day Map." This alignment will tell you exactly how to spend the day and what you need to do so that it goes to successfully.
  • "Way". It is responsible for what to do in his situation, how to behave in order to embody the desire for life, how to solve a certain problem.
  • "Celtic cross". Replies to any asked question and provides the overall picture of the future asking.
  • "Pyramid". Gives answers to questions that can affect positively on certain situation And how a person is better to do.
  • "In searching of love". Helps to know the personality of a person who will bring a love relationship to your life.
  • "On a relative soul." Tell me how to find a delicate soul.

I need to remember that he decides independently, how to turn in a particular situation.

The alignment "for 10 cards"

This alignment gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe future life of the questionable, as well as about the past and present. The first row talks about the past, the second of the present, and the third about the future. Maps can be laid alternately in the ranks.

  • S - Signifier
  • 1, 2, 3 is the first row.
  • 4, 5, 6 is the second.
  • 7, 8, 9 is the third one.

To get more accurate information, you need another alignment.

  • 2, 1, 3 - in the first row means the past.
  • 4, 5, 6 - in the second row means the present.
  • 8, 7, 9 - in the third row show the future.
  • Maps in the middle of 1 4 7 - they talk about the general state of cases in a certain temporary segment - the past, present and future.
  • Cards on the left 2 5 8 - mean the forces entering into confrontation, the desires that prevent the achievement of goals.
  • Cards on the right 3 6 9 - mean the final result, out of contradictory position and consistency of the forces that lead to achieving success.

Thus, you can get information.

"Gypsy settlement"

This fortune telling is required with the "senior arkanov" cards, according to the scheme, it can be seen how they need to be laid out.

Maps mean:

  • NO 1 - Own "I".
  • NO 2 - means that you love.
  • NO 3 - what is ruined you.
  • No4 - what teaches you.
  • No 5 - what is tormented by you.
  • NO 6 - what awaits you.
  • NO 7 - what will not leave you.

To fortune telling to be accurate, you need to tune in and turn to the cards mentally and pulling out each of them, alternately ask yourself about the question corresponding to the map number.

Desire alignment

The alignment of Tarot will help to know what exactly wants the questioning and what strengths prevent their efforts cherished desire in life.

  • NO 1 - What is the desire.
  • No 2 - whether it deserves the issuing performance of his desire.
  • NO 3 - forces that prevent the embodiment of desire.
  • NO 4 - forces helping the execution of desire.
  • NO 5 - Should the questioning something to change to embody the desire.
  • NO 6 - whether the wish is responsible for the interests of the questioning.
  • NO 7 - than everything will end.

There are many layouts to understand what fits the area you need, you need to experience various options And look at how easy it is to work with them. If the fortune telling a plate with extensive experience, he has no difficulty to work with any of the Tarot layouts. The events specified during fortune telling can occur quickly, and they can after time.

The fortune telling on the maps is a fairly extensive topic. Today we will continue to study the methods of divination on playing cards. This type of divination is related to the past, true and future. As usual take the deck of cards and drag it. But we should not forget that before the very layout you need to imagine visually and speak out loud time (the period of life in the future, the present or past), which you will guess.

For example, before the summer of this year. So, internally focusing on yourself, and at random pull three cards from the deck.

We put them in one row. It will be a series that is related to the past. Next, tasuch a deck is still time. At this time, try to discard unnecessary to the side, and think only about what interests you. Concentrated concentration on itself is half successful and.

Again at random pull the map. The alignment has the following principle: the most needed under the already unfolded number above - this will be present (2 row).

Similarly, we decide the third row, meaning the future. The last tenth card, which, as you remember, is called the fortune, should pull out a person. It must be put under the middle row (vertical).

The following scheme will be obtained:

  1. the first row is the past time - 1, 2, 3;
  2. the second row is the present time - 4, 5, 6;
  3. the third row - the future time - 7, 8, 9;
  4. fortunka - 10.

However, the cards in the present time can be interpreted as follows:

  1. 1, 4, 7 cards - denote relatives;
  2. 3, 6, 9 cards - colleagues, friends and bosses;
  3. 2, 5, 8, 10 cards are your favorite people.

In this scheme "1", this is the most distant past, and "9" on the contrary, a distant future.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the masters that are combined as follows: 1 and 2, 1 and 3, 8 and 9, 9 and 6, etc.

Fortunka is the key that closes the middle row located vertically: 2, 5, 8, 10.

Masters located horizontally belong to the questioning person, and the vertical rows belong to the people close to this person. All of them will only relate to the real, except for the fortunes, which should determine the closest future.

Now let's look at certain masters.

  1. peaks will mean the worst tendencies of the person - cunning, bile, anger, and so on, as well as very bad news, the most sad outcome and the like.
  2. trephists say some kind of fatal mistake, ruin, and lies, poverty and the ill-wishes of a close environment.
  3. bubnes - wealth, winnings, coquetry, inaccessibility, arrogance, pride and so on.
  4. worms - luck and, joy and cordiality, attachment and sincerity, straight and honesty, hot love, etc.

Now we define their dignity:

  1. Ace - an event that will soon occur, has the highest point of its value.
  2. The king or lady - mean events related to close man.
  3. Valts - a foreign person will enter your life.
  4. dozen - huge expectations from the implementation of the grand plans.
  5. the nine is the money spending or who you have long been waiting soon come to your life.
  6. eight - bustle and empty troubles.
  7. seven - conversations surrounding related to praise or reprimand, it is also possible to spread gossip.
  8. six - the upcoming distant road is not far off.
  1. The peak Ace, which ended up with a direct position - means some pretty large nuisance associated with your work, a state-owned house or service. The end under the inverted position - the news of death, a possible severe disease.
  2. Ace Tuben - if it is close up with a direct position - the emergence of money, an unexpected inheritance, receiving news of money. If it is located end down when an inverted position is nearing.
  3. Ace of worms at a direct position is located close down - getting a very good news or unexpected joy. With an inverted position, the end is at the top - also means some greater joy.
  4. the worm nine, which is the end of the middle sign down at a direct position - is possible to arrive a relative or a loved one. With an inverted position, the end of the middle sign is at the top - get ready for a love confession or an unexpected date.
  5. trefitive nine - the end of the middle sign is located up at a direct position - some changes in your life are expected soon, a small arrival is possible. The middle mark is located close down when an inverted position - there is some kind of not very pleasant meeting and a heavy explanation associated with it.
  6. peak nine sign up with a direct position - very large troubles, a possible loss or even a fight. Sign down when an inverted position - beware, it is possible to loss of posts, judicial investigation.
  7. seven worms sign down (direct position) - a quick gain. Sign up (inverted position) - you have to stay in a very fun company.
  8. trephic seven with a direct position close up - wait large winperhaps some kind of reconciliation. An inverted position end down - maybe you will be offended or bosses will make you a reprimand.
  9. peak seven with a direct position sign is close up - a quarrel with a relative or friend. An inverted position end down - possible insignificant disease or care associated with lack of money.

Very learning to distinguish cards by their value.

King, currency or lady:

  1. peak - high-ranking faces, dear and authoritative people.
  2. trephic - not very rich middle-aged people.
  3. tuben - young, successful and rich people.
  4. worms are very close people, age is determined by the next card.
  1. peak is a disease.
  2. trephic - large change.
  3. tuben - big money.
  4. chervonna - Huge joy.
  1. peak - obstacle
  2. tref - Promach
  3. tuben - Win
  4. worms - good luck.

Perhaps someone will seem very complex and confused, but with careful consideration it is quite possible to understand on the maps in this way. Especially if you know, then everything is noted above will be not difficult for you.