Prayer for winning the lottery. Magic spells for large winning lottery

Win money in the lottery dreams of many. However, luck smiles far from everyone. To turn out to be winning, not only special prayers. Conspiracy to win a lottery to read in a full moon or on the growing moon, especially if it passes on the sign of twins, Sagittarius, Libra, Capricorn and Virgin. What rituals will help win a large amount of money and get the long-awaited material well-being?

Strong conspiracy on the winning lottery: read to attract good luck

He is pronounced before coating the numbers. In order for the ritual to run, you need to take:

  • several large banknotes;
  • several coins are better than different;
  • gold if there is;
  • lottery ticket;
  • blue Sound or green color;
  • paper and handle.

After a day, spread coins and bills on the table. In the middle, put a high candle on the lottery ticket, burn it and look at the flame with the words:

"Gold to gold, coin to a coin, bill, to bills, money for money. So it was, there will be. Let the ticket be happy and will also dare to the money, gold, coins and bills, let it be so. Amen".

Focus on the flame of the candle, look at it carefully. Then concentrate on the numbers that you turned first attention, cross them. After that, it is believed that the ticket will bring money to your home.

Full version of the ritual when you need a conspiracy to win a lottery read on 3 day after the start of the rite is suitable if you have time. A few tickets can take part in it. To carry out a full ritual, you need to take:

  • several major bills, coins, gold;
  • square box;
  • lottery tickets;
  • green braid or tape;
  • 3 Green or orange candles.

Money needs to be located in the corners of the box - they symbolize the parties of light and cash flows. Then put coins and gold on them, and on top of unfilled lottery tickets. Light one of the candles with the words:

"Flows from the north, south, the east and west merge into one river flow to me. Like water to water, a drop to a drop is striving and money for money, coins to coins, gold to gold go into my hands. The streams go to me, good luck, the house is filled, happiness and wealth add. Maybe so, Amen! ".

Conspiracy is read 3 times. Then quench the candle and put together with bills and tickets. It is advisable to spend a ritual before bedtime. The next day, pay attention to the coincidences and details, numbers and numbers that you remember. Some people can see them in a dream. After a noon, the conspiracy to win the lottery needs to be read again, the first, the first who came to mind, numbers, numbers.

On the third day, the last time they read a conspiracy, after which the numbers shook and are waiting for the final result.

In which cases the ritual may not affect

Remember that for the ritual should not take stolen bills, coins and jewels. It is desirable that the magical text read a person who does not suffer from alcoholic, narcotic and game addiction, kleptomania and mental disorders. Extremely undesirable to appeal to higher power With a request to the one who steals or was sitting in prison for theft, robbery or murder. Conspiracy may not work if the phone rang on the moment of reading the phone or someone reading the reading.

If you want the ritual to strengthen his action, then the conspiracy on the rapid win in the lottery should be read after 18 o'clock in the evening, putting on something green or gold. You can also get decorations or clothing ,. Then the ritual will necessarily work, and you will win money in the lottery.

For many years, many people tried to experience fate and win one or another prize through elementary luck. But as luck - the lady is very unstable and capricious, attracting it tried with various spells and conspiracies. Similar mantras for attracting good luck and money they sound online. It is said that with their help you can get a solid win in the lottery, attract a cash luck and fill your life with financial stability. About how he sounds and looks like a prayer for winning in the lottery, we will tell here and now.

Briefly about "lottery magic" and rites to attract money

A huge number of conspiracies and rites aimed at attracting financial luckled to the creation of a special mystical partition. In common, it is called lottery magic. According to aware of people, with its help it is quite realistic to win in the lottery, and a large amount of money. An example can be seen below in the photo.

However, here you need not only to know the conspiracy itself for winning the lottery, but also believe that it will work. IN otherwise Skeptical identities will not get anything. As a result, they will even make sure of their rightness that it cannot be folded a large kush. Therefore, in order for magic to work, it is necessary to believe in its power.

Visualization - our all

Another very much important momentwhich is worth paying attention to, besides faith, - visualization. It has long been proven that most of our thoughts, including negative, have a property to be embodied in reality. Consequently, an important point to achieve your goal should be a prayer for winning the lottery and the ability to see your success.

So, to win in the lottery, you need to describe your winnings as much as possible. And for this not necessarily turn the eyes. For greater clarity and accuracy, draw or write it all on paper. Here, as mentioned above, the details are important. Try to register clear terms, amounts and other details. Here will see, after detailed Plan The picture itself draws in your mind. And help consolidate and strengthen the result.

There is nothing worse inaction

The third important point on the way to success is the action. In other words, you must take part in the lottery in which you plan to win. Otherwise, all prayers for large winnings in the lottery will be meaningless. It turns out how in the old anecdote about a person who constantly prayed for winning in the lottery, but God never sent him money. But, as it turned out, this dreamer only requested about winning, but never bought lottery tickets. Remember this and act.

When and how to pronounce cherished words?

Old people say that the prayer for winning the lottery should be pronounced in strictly allotted time for this. It may be the days of the week, correctly selected time of the day and even a suitable moon phase. Thus, the most productive days for the fulfillment of rituals for winning are Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays for men, as well as Wednesday, Friday and Saturday for women.

Moreover, the prayer for winning the lottery will be much more efficient if it is possible to pronounce it early in the morning (preferably before sunrise) and on the growing moon. Then all your undertakes are necessarily crowned with success.

Pronounced orthodox prayer For winning the lottery, as a rule, a semi-rider, but necessarily out loud. Here, the main thing is to create a suitable environment and take care that no one bothers you, even pets. In the room where the conspiracy is pronounced, windows, doors and reign complete silence must be closed.

Want to win? Feng Shui!

Many esoteric experts believe that the prayer of the Matron on the winning lottery or any other request to some of the saints will be more efficient in full harmony in your home. But in order to create it, it is necessary to clear your home from all over. For example, start with your dishes and cutlery. Be sure to get rid of cups and plates on which there are noise corners. Eliminate glued things, spoiled forks, knives and spoons.

Be sure to make order in the corners of the rooms and remove all the extra jet. The stream of your positive cash energy should not interfere. And only after your apartment will reign the perfect "Fengshui", you can pronounce cherished words and attract good luck to your home.

Who to ask for help?

According to knowledgeable peopleYou can ask for help from various saints. For example, strong prayer The winning money in the lottery is directly related to the appeal to the Holy Mart: "On St. Martha, you're miraculous! ... " You need to read this prayer during the growing moon. And starting to start with Tuesday. And then you have to repeat this procedure For nine weeks. And if everyone is competent, then your desire for winning will come true.

Also praying for the attraction of money you can Nicholas the Wonderworker and Matron of Moscow. However, this should be done only if your family really needs money, and not for fun.

Act the rule of Murphy

  • Believe in the reality of "lottery magic" and be sure that it will definitely work.
  • Find a prayer that will find a response in your consciousness, and read it exactly so much time until the "miracle" occurs.

Several rituals for winning

In addition to prayers, many lovers gambling Uses simple rituals. For example, the easiest of them is as follows: it is necessary to approach the window after midnight, take exactly five large banknotes (which only is in the house), foolish them and contact the growing moon. At the same time, it is necessary to vote: "Moon, Lunica! Red maiden. Your Light of Yaps and handsome. You shine like gold. Help me attract gold and money in my house. Let the path to my richness be as easy as the breath of this money fan in my hands. Amen".

You can also take three coins different dignity And put them under the rug, which usually lies in front of the entrance to the house or apartment. Previously, they should be held over the flame of the candles, omit into holy water and say the following words: "Gold to gold, silver to silver. Let these noble coins become our letters will be like a magnet to attract money into our house. I want it so much. And so it will be so! ".

Secrecy - the path to financial success

As you can see, carrying out rituals for attracting money to your house is not something superfilling. Perform them anyone. Another thing is what to do it is in strict secrecy. This means that it is not recommended to talk about it. Otherwise, your desire will not come true. And most importantly - tune in to success. And he will definitely give you your attention!

Catch good luck for the tail and easily get a large amount of money, winning the lottery at least once dreamed of everyone. Choosing a lottery ticket, anyone hopes for luck, but in most cases a miracle does not occur. Win large amount Really manage to units, can it be how to attract the fortune in your life?

There are a lot of ways to attract money, one of the popular is a magical approach. It's about a conspiracy on the lottery winnings, light and simple way Tear a big kush. Counts for winning a large amount Many: from simple, which can be done daily to complex rituals and rites.

Conspiracies for winning in the lottery: Features of use

Like any magic ritual, conspiracy requires compliance with some conditions, without which he is best case It will not work, at worst - hurts. Therefore, if the decision is made a little accepted, be prepared to approach your actions seriously and carry responsibility for them.

For rites, it is better to choose the days of the growing moon: Wednesday or Sunday. Before starting, you need to tune in to prosperity, well-being and profits. To do this, you can imagine how large bills appear in your wallet, close your eyes to feel the cash flow heading into your direction. If you do not tune in correctly, the plot will not work.

  • Remember that you can not be confused in words when pronunciation of conspiracies, you should not say that you are going to attract the winnings to anyone.
  • To enhance the actions of the conspiracy, you can use various amulets, they must be worn with you: a four-leaf clover, a real horsepower horseshoe, rabbit foot.

Also worth sticking to the rules of money handling in everyday life:

  • When you put a surrender, never refuse, so you overlap your money channel, send the rejection of the energy of money;
  • If a coin dropped - lift, even respect small money;
  • Money applies in the folded form, fold to yourself;
  • Do not be in debt if you assume that money may not go back.

No amulets and the right attitude towards money will not help if psychologically not tune in to well-being and prosperity. Drink from yourself Thoughts about debts and needs, send the universe faithful signals!

Conspiracy on a coin

One of the easiest and most affordable rituals is a conspiracy on a coin. Select your favorite clothes that can be worn for a long time and take a coin of any nominal, it will need to be seen on the thing with inner. While you will select you need to repeat the words of the conspiracy and think about winning.

"As a thread with a needle all the time together, so let me be inseparable. As a thread behind the needle stretches, so wealth will reach me. Hem Sewing - weathered to themselves. Come to me Money different, large and small, copper and silver, gold and paper, I am on joy and in God's grace. "

Before morning, hang clothes in the closet, in the morning put on and wear longer, constantly thinking about the winning lottery. Going behind a lottery ticket, of course, you need in this dress. By the way, after this ritual, it is recommended to buy seven lottery tickets, and before holding a draw to wear "happy" clothes.

Conspiracy lottery ticket

After you bought a lottery ticket, you can talk and it. You need to purchase a green candle and on the right day of the growing moon to light it. Green color symbolizes money. Conspiracy words need to be repeated when the candle is seven times, after which it is possible to remove the ticket and not touch the draw.

"We are talking about a lottery ticket, me, a slave (s) (s), (own name) acquired. I keep it in my hands and I believe that he will be happy for me. Call a winnings to yourself. I will have wealth and wealth. Amen".

If you bought a lottery ticket in which you will need to guess the numbers, you can spend another rite. Collect some major bills, different coins, a few gold jewelry, buy a green candle. After the purchase lottery ticket Spread on the table everything is collected, and place the ticket, put a lit candle on it. Focus on the flame and pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

"Gold to gold, coin to a coin, bill, to bills, money for money. So it was, there will be. Let the ticket be happy and will also dare to the money, gold, coins and bills, let it be so. Amen".

After that, cross out the numbers that first turned their attention.

Conspiracy on a happy ticket

A simple way to attract good luck and win a lottery big money - collect seven happy tickets. We are talking about ticketing on the bus, tram, etc., the sum of the first three numbers of its number should be equal to the sum of the second half of the digits. As soon as you get 7 such tickets, prepare your photo, about the same size, a sheet of green paper 7x7cm and one light candle.

In suitable by lunar calendar Day to build a stack:

  • first green leaf,
  • from above photo
  • then the tickets.

Roll the green sheet so that it turns out the envelope, inside will be tickets and photos. Improvised envelope Seaned wax from the candle.

During the whole action from the beginning and before the completion of the ritual, it is necessary to repeat the words of the conspiracy:

"Happiness to me, a slave (s) of God (s) (own name) was knocked into the house, and luck led. A happy ticket seeks a happy ticket, and win win. Since the numbers in the tumblers came together, so the winnings will also work. Flame of candles wax I melt, we sear the wax, I urge good luck to win. Amen!"

Be sure to take a happy convert with you, on the day of buying a lottery ticket and good luck will be on your side.

Simple everyday conspiracy

There is a lot of simple rituals that can be performed daily, and they will attract good luck to you and large winnings. For example, you can take 3 or 5 coins and put them in your daily pocket, repeating the words:

"How the river is striving for the sea, so the money flows to me."

It is impossible to spend conspiracy coins.

Before any purchase, you can talk to the bill that is going to give the seller with the words: "I give one bill, I get a lot in return". Repeat seven times. The same is useful to do before buying a lottery ticket.

Ritual with stone

Before buying a lottery ticket, you need to go to the forest, thinking about winning and big money, find a rounded stone. Stone must be taken home, it will become a magnet for cash flow.

In the evening, alone, drew any money symbol on the stone. You should draw exactly what makes you think about money, you can depict a dollar sign or ruble, large bill etc. After that, say:

"Money is striving for me, multiply in many or many times. I carefully keep my wealth. "

Take a stone with you on the day of buying a lottery ticket.

The strongest conspiracy

Such a ritual is carried out in a certain sequence and, unlike the rest of the conspiracies, on the day of the descending Moon. You should choose a cloudy day when the weather spoils the mood, it is the key to the fact that good luck will ask less than those who want. During the day, buy one or more lottery tickets.

The next morning, get dressed in ordinary clothes and go for a walk. Take a five-fighter coin with you, put in the left pocket. Before leaving you need to pronounce a phrase that attract prosperity and money.

  • For example, "I attract money" or "wealth, call you."

Go to the reservoir with standing water, it is not recommended to talk on the way with someone, think only about large winnings and money.

  • Choose a comfortable place on the shore and throw a coin into the water with the words: "Coin - in the water, win - me."

Now go home, silently and not turning around. Houses ask you to leave one in the apartment. Select one room and in the corners, arrange a plate of salt, choose a large one. After that, around the perimeter you need to arrange 40 blue candles and light them exactly at midnight clockwise.

Then you should sit down and be in silence until the candles can do, do not forget to think about winning and big money. Collect the rooted candles and mix them with salt, throw away in the same reservoir in the morning. Attach efforts and quit stronger.

The consequences of the use of conspiracy

Everyone knows that in the Universe there is an equilibrium law and magic rituals, including those simple as conspiracies for winning. You can find countless people who have received crazy money and instantly surfacing them. For no reason they say: "Easy to come - Easy to go." Many of the winning large amounts of money Lucky lost their health and family.

You must be prepared for various consequences of using magic, because the universe balances any of your action and interference with its plans can run a chain of negative events. Weigh all the pros and cons, decide whether the big winnings are really necessary for you and, if yes, gently proceed.

Definitely negative is a look orthodox church on the lottery. The clergymen believe that the thirst for crazy money decomposes the soul. And gambling is sent to people as a temptation.

The church prohibits magic, divorce, calls them sin. A look at these many people practicing esoterica, the other - magic is allowed, but it should not be in evil, otherwise, get ready for serious consequences.

Refrain from such rituals as exciting good luck, any rituals in cemeteries, etc.

If you catastrophically lack money for a long time, it is possible to analyze your actions and thoughts.

  • Often that a person himself blocks cash flow by constant conversations about the eternal shortage of finance and injustice to his life.
  • Under the law of attraction, the result in the form of debts and cash loss does not cause himself to wait. Perhaps it is worth changing your thoughts and cash flow will play for you without the use of magic.

Most detailed description: Prayer before buying a lottery ticket - for our readers and subscribers.

If the money is not enough at all, and you need to get them more than and soon, then you can have a conspiracy on the lottery winnings. Only here it is too nickname, it is not necessary to ask for greed of greed, but from a lot of need, in order for him to be. Not on the shoes are new alone, but for the purchase of housing or help to whom urgent.

  • Conspiracy before buying a lottery ticket.
  • Conspiracy on the coin found.
  • Conspiracy for money to take a lottery winning ticket.
  • Conspiracy on the ridge.

Conspiracy before buying a lottery ticket

As you will gather on a ticket for a ticket that you should bring money before you go out, whispers three times:

"I was going to the road so for the purchase of glorious. Not with bad thoughts, but with the prayer of Orthodox. Not harm to do, but good to be needed, not to think about yourself, but to others to help. Give me, Lord, the blessings of your own. Amen".

Conspiracy when buying a lottery ticket

After three times, the prayer "Our Father" read yes go for a ticket.

As for the choir, where the lots are sold, you will approach, say three times that the ears do not hear strangers:

"As this threshold will reflect, so I will take good luck. I'm not the cherished to choose, I will have a good luck with my hand to indicate. I'm not happy with my eyes happy - luck herself will high. My word is strong, unrealistic one. Amen".

After boldly, you can choose a billteets and profit to wait soon.

Conspiracy found found

If you find where the patch lost, you can talk to good luck. Only at the intersections it is impossible to choose where the person knows the money from grief. How to bow over the coin and whisper three times:

"I take the money, and leaving the lining on Earth. I do not need someone else. Amen".

After waiting for Thursday, that with the growing moon coincides, yes, it's progress on the coin three times:

"How Thursday the money came, so I started going with money. As Thursday, money passed, so my money began to fruit. Coin coin, behind a coin money. Money to money, but for her even more Zlata. I sat zlato to recalculate yes with the bill I got off. How many times it began to be, so wealth and did not recalculate. Here it is how many many, that neither Monday to Sunday, nor from the summer to spring it is not recalculated. Amen".

After all the tickets with the Pyataka SE, the coin all the wealth will charge.

Conspiracy for money to the lottery winning ticket

In order for the success of your finger to your face, you can talk paper to the money. That money for the lottery should be paid off, so that the ticket becomes happy and the money brought a lot.

As the moon, it will start to fully begin to grow to full sides and conspiracy can be read.

Choose such a bill so that the ticket is enough, but the merchant the merchant remained. Moon growing money Show yes Boldly seven times.

"One money in hand, the rest will soon be with me. I will give one with interest, and take a lot with a profit. With one money, go to the inconspicuous number of Zlata will come out. Amen".

As you will pay, so I do not pass under any perspective, silently go out and do not turn around.

The houses are prolonged on the TSR Tup itself seven times to associate with its power:

"I paid money for money, I will get money from you. Amen".

This income ticket will be allowed to pay off.

Conspiracy on the comb

Lottery win not only simple conspiractions You can attract, but also bribing creatures cunning. If there is a reservoir nearby, so you can search for the mermaids.

In the morning Sunday to the market, go and bite the comb for hair rude. Let the beautiful will be, with the pattern so that the view of Techil.

Lottery winners

With the scallop of those walking to the river Al Lake Tiche, so that with the watery it's a business. From the exhaust to refuse, no matter how far the path did not lay.

Look the place secluded to be hidden from the eyes of curious. Become a face to a vodice and three times the words of the secret. After scallop in the water, throwing yes go, not looking back.

"You, mermaids, young girls. You, Mermaids, Naughty beauties. Your long hair, swan neck, graceful mills, ringing voices. Take a gift Yes, I feel like good luck to catch, teach me. The gift will be paid, let you thank you. Amen".

On the way, do not spoke with anyone and immediately go to the lottery to buy. If you win, it will be necessary to please the water beauties: al one more scallop to bring them, Ali Beads are beautiful, Il out of the apparent to buy.

Again on foot and then go, where the gift to the mermaids into the water is dipped. Throw in the water, yes, say:

"Thank you, the beauty-beauties, for the help of ambulance. Not as a gift, but accept. Amen".

Maybe it is that there is no luck in the lottery, but where else can we like money: whether the debt is being forgotten, whether the award will be awarded, whether there are money on the street. That all the tricks of the Rus Malochi, and thank it is necessary. Kohl for help will not get anything, and you can dreamed, and to attack where much.

If any conspiracy is strong on the lottery winnings, it is necessary to distribute the tithe from profits. Thus, you and the forces that helped, respect, and the neighbor, that in need, you will help. And it is impossible for money to harm al to the pampering, only on the righteous business.

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Prayer for winning in the lottery

Prayers for winning the lottery are very in demand. You can contact such prayer texts to different holy. Suitable option Any prayer appeal may be requested to receive money.

Strong prayer for a large sum of the lottery

The strongest prayer for winning a large amount of money in the lottery is to appeal to the Holy Mart. Below is a very strong prayer that allows you to attract wealth to life, including through a lottery gain. It is important to start reading the prayer of the Holy Mart during the growth period of the Moon. It is optimal to start praining on Tuesday. The commercial day of the rite is also considerable. Thus, this prayer for won the lottery begins to read on Tuesday and continue to take it to the saint follows every day without a break for 9 weeks.

Before the start of reading the prayer, the Holy March should be read "Father Our" and one of the prayers to the Most Holy Virgin.

The prayer text itself, which will allow the lottery to win a large amount of money, sounds as follows:

After 9 weeks you can buy a lottery ticket or to participate in any draw. It is very important to believe that everything will turn out. The slightest doubt in the shower reduces the likelihood of winning.

Prayer for a big win in the lottery Nikolai Wonderworker

In a financial good assistant for believers, Nikolai Wonderworker is. It is considered the most close to the Lord as an efficiency. prayer appeals. You can take prayer to my prayer at any time and any day. But faster will be heard prayers that are pronounced on December 19 or May 22, in the days of St. Nicholas.

Very effective is the following prayer text:

It is important to read the above prayer in front of the saint icon in full solitude. In order to focus on progressive words, you need to light the candle. Prayer is read every day for a certain time. You can participate in the lottery draw only after the confidence will appear in the soul that you will be able to win a large amount of money.

Conspiracy-prayer for good luck in the lottery from Vangu

Wanga is all the famous Bulgarian Sviridian and Healer. She helped many people in his life, giving useful advice in a wide variety of activities. Vanga did not know what poverty and the complete lack of money is, so always sought to help in solving financial issues. She offered to use prayers with which wealth can be involved.

Before participating in a lottery, Vanga recommended to contact your angel keeper with a prayer. Prayer is read on the street on a jar filled spring water. It is important to pray in the period of the growing moon, and you need to choose the time so that the night shine was visible in the sky.

It is necessary to enter the street late in the evening, take a container with spring water and raise a look at the sky.

After that, a whisper three words should be spoken:

After that, you need to make a few sips of water, and the rest of the remaining pour out. In this way, you bless your life path and attract good luck.

Reviews and consequences of light money: examples of stories from the life of those who threw Jack Pope

Almost all those people who used prayers to attract a large winning lottery, leave positive feedback.

Marina from Kharkov says that it so happened that she owed a large amount of money and demanded a debt. She had only one to count on the lottery win. She decided to take advantage of the prayer that Wang had suggested, and asked for help to his angel the keeper. The next day she acquired a lottery and won the necessary amount of money.

But there are also a lot of reviews that light money obtained by winning the lottery were not the future. But this, mainly concerns those cases when a person did not think about where he would spend the money received and the winnings just found him surprise.

It is useless to prayers for a lottery win, when a person says them with unbelief in the shower. But they can not harm. It is just necessary to conclude that in order for prayer to be an effective need to be sincerely believing.

Prayer for winning the lottery. Who pray for wealth

For many years, many people tried to experience fate and win one or another prize through elementary luck. But as luck - the lady is very unstable and capricious, attracting it tried with various spells and conspiracies. Similar mantras for attracting good luck and money they sound online. It is said that with their help you can get a solid win in the lottery, attract a cash luck and fill your life with financial stability. About how he sounds and looks like a prayer for winning in the lottery, we will tell here and now.

Briefly about "lottery magic" and rites to attract money

A huge number of conspiracy and rites aimed at attracting financial success led to the creation of a special mystical section. In common, it is called lottery magic. According to aware of people, with its help it is quite realistic to win in the lottery, and a large amount of money. An example of a conspiracy on winnings can be seen below in the photo.

However, here you need not only to know the conspiracy itself for winning the lottery, but also believe that it will work. Otherwise, skeptical personality will not get anything. As a result, they will make sure they will make sure that no magic rituals It is impossible to break a large kush. Therefore, in order for magic to work, it is necessary to believe in its power.

Visualization - our all

Another very important point to pay attention to, besides faith, is visualization. It has long been proven that most of our thoughts, including negative, have a property to be embodied in reality. Consequently, an important point to achieve your goal should be a prayer for winning the lottery and the ability to see your success.

So, to win in the lottery, you need to describe your winnings as much as possible. And for this not necessarily turn the eyes. For greater clarity and accuracy, draw or write it all on paper. Here, as mentioned above, the details are important. Try to register clear terms, amounts and other details. Now you will see, after a detailed plan, the picture itself draws in your mind. And the conspiracy to win the lottery will help consignment and strengthen the result.

There is nothing worse inaction

The third important point on the way to success is the action. In other words, you must take part in the lottery in which you plan to win. Otherwise, all prayers for large winnings in the lottery will be meaningless. It turns out how in the old anecdote about a person who constantly prayed for winning in the lottery, but God never sent him money. But, as it turned out, this dreamer only requested about winning, but never bought lottery tickets. Remember this and act.

When and how to pronounce cherished words?

Old people say that the prayer for winning the lottery should be pronounced in strictly allotted time for this. It may be the days of the week, correctly selected time of the day and even a suitable moon phase. Thus, the most productive days for the fulfillment of rituals for winning are Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays for men, as well as Wednesday, Friday and Saturday for women.

Moreover, the prayer for winning the lottery will be much more efficient if it is possible to pronounce it early in the morning (preferably before sunrise) and on the growing moon. Then all your undertakes are necessarily crowned with success.

The Orthodox prayer is pronounced to the lottery winnings, as a rule, a semi-selection, but necessarily out loud. Here, the main thing is to create a suitable environment and take care that no one bothers you, even pets. In the room where the conspiracy is pronounced, windows, doors and reign complete silence must be closed.

Want to win? Feng Shui!

Many esoteric experts believe that the prayer of the Matron on the winning lottery or any other request to some of the saints will be more efficient in full harmony in your home. But in order to create it, it is necessary to clear your home from all over. For example, start with your dishes and cutlery. Be sure to get rid of cups and plates on which there are noise corners. Eliminate glued things, spoiled forks, knives and spoons.

Be sure to make order in the corners of the rooms and remove all the extra jet. The stream of your positive cash energy should not interfere. And only after your apartment will reign the perfect "Fengshui", you can pronounce cherished words and attract good luck to your home.

Who to ask for help?

According to knowledgeable people, you can ask for help from various saints. For example, strong prayer for winning money in the lottery is directly related to the appeal to the Holy Mart: "On St. Martha, you're miraculous. " You need to read this prayer during the growing moon. And starting to start with Tuesday. And then you will have to repeat this procedure for nine weeks. And if everyone is competent, then your desire for winning will come true.

Also praying for the attraction of money you can Nicholas the Wonderworker and Matron of Moscow. However, this should be done only if your family really needs money, and not for fun.

Act the rule of Murphy

  • Believe in the reality of "lottery magic" and be sure that it will definitely work.
  • Find a prayer that will find a response in your consciousness, and read it exactly so much time until the "miracle" occurs.

Several rituals for winning

In addition to prayers, many fans of gambling uses simple rituals. For example, the easiest of them is as follows: it is necessary to approach the window after midnight, take exactly five large banknotes (which only is in the house), foolish them and contact the growing moon. At the same time, it is necessary to vote: "Moon, Lunica! Red maiden. Your Light of Yaps and handsome. You shine like gold. Help me attract gold and money in my house. Let the path to my richness be as easy as the breath of this money fan in my hands. Amen".

You can also take three coins of different dignity and put them under the rug, which usually lies in front of the entrance to the house or apartment. Previously, they should be held over the flame of the candles, omit into holy water and say the following words: "Gold to gold, silver to silver. Let these noble coins become our money talismans. Let them be like a magnet to attract money into our house. I want it so much. And so it will be so! ".

Secrecy - the path to financial success

As you can see, carrying out rituals for attracting money to your house is not something superfilling. Perform them anyone. Another thing is what to do it is in strict secrecy. This means that it is not recommended to talk about it. Otherwise, your desire will not come true. And most importantly - tune in to success. And he will definitely give you your attention!

Conspiracies and rites for successful participation in the lottery

To make a lottery ticket to bring at least some amount - you need good luck, and to the ticket Winning and you got a large amount - you will need a colossal luck. Even if we skip a whole game of lottery tickets, the chance that there will be a winning, very small. Therefore, if you are tired of reading about winnings because of a successful lottery ticket with others, attracted your good luck thanks to a lottery prick.

Conspiracies for winning the lottery

Talisman for money

To increase the concentration of cash energy in your life, good luck, which will help in buying a successful lottery ticket, you should make a talisman for money:

  • Find round pebbles without flaws.
  • Light a candle at home and on the pebble shows a monetary symbolism.
  • Now you should read a plot:

Coney for money, like water flows to the shores. I will arrive and will not lose anyone.

  • Keep such a pebble in your home, appear to. Imagine how he attracts money to him like a magnet.

Conspiracy for winning in the lottery number 1

To obtain a winning lottery ticket and good luck in the financial sector, you should make a spell on the lottery win:

  • You will need a unpaired coin number - three or five.
  • Place them in your pockets of such clothes, which you can wear and wear most often almost every day. When placing coins, you should read a plot:

Every day the moon replaces the sun, so and the pennies are replaced by money.

  • After you have read the conspiracy on coins, they should be stored with you every day. You must touch the coins daily and re-read a plot.

The more you cash talismansThe higher the chance to find good luck in getting a happy lottery ticket and gain a good amount.

Spell on a large win in the lottery number 2

The ritual is held on an increasing moon, full moon:
  • At night, take twelve coins of an unequal nominal value (in sum they must answer the age of who spends the ritual).
  • Now leave your dwelling and go to the street.
  • Coins Take into the left hand, and keep them so that the full moon illuminated them.
  • Now you need to read a plot. Tell me:

As everything on white light from the Sun is lived, it grows and develops, so money from the moon feed on, multiply and multiply. I am still wealth (your name) bring and enrich. May it be so. Amen.

  • Upon completion of the rite, clamp the coins in the fist and incur home. Keep them in your wallet, among other money.
  • Now the money will increase, conspiracy coins will help gain enough good luck to buy a winning lottery ticket.

Conspiracy to win a large amount number 3 in the lottery

Conspiracy, which we now consider was created by one very famous healer. It is strong and executed for the successful purchase of a lottery ticket:

  • You need to take a coin, and sew in a lining or a hem of clothing that you wear most often.
  • While you are sewing a coin, start reading a plot. Tell me:

How together the thread holds with a needle, how fruitful work is fruitful, so let me (your name) and money will be inseparable, we will work together, let them be fruit. As I exhaust clothes, so sewing a wealth to himself. Let me come to me as coins and from paper, from silver yes from Zlata. There will be a great joy to me, testing the grace.

  • Now, at the end of the ritual, you need to hang clothes in the closet for the night and do not touch it until the morning.

Conspiracy for winning in the lottery number 4

In the fight for winning will help strong plot-prayerYou should read it on a growing moon:
  • You will need a bought in advance lottery ticket and a greeneous candle. It is better to buy a lottery ticket when you are talismans and conspiracy coins to attract money and good luck.
  • Take a ticket in the hands, you need to be alone in the room so that you do not bother you.
  • Light a candle, now, after you lean all the extra thoughts and tuned for money, a plot of prayer is read.
  • Tell me:

What is not in the debt take, and God is asking for a slave to your own (your name) a happy dali ticket. What to talk to him and money for him want. What to keep now wealth, you attract money to yourself, the coins of the kitty me. Let it be the way you want. Amen.

  • Conspiracy should read seven times, and then you need to pay off the candle.


In order for the money you pay for a lottery ticket, you yourself attracted the winning, you follow the conspiracy seven times monetary check. Tell me how you give one money, you get back the whole mountain back. When you buy a ticket, take the first one who fell and pay such a bill.

How to talk a lottery ticket to win

Strong plotwho is screwed directly to the lottery ticket so that he gained good luck:
  1. Before leaving the house, hide under the threshold three new coins.
  2. Then go for a ticket, returning back, first, carry it through the threshold first, putting it closing him in his hand through the threshold.
  3. Now let's get, relax, reach, how the golden glow fills all your room. And start reading a spell on a lottery ticket, three times:

How maliciously stretches to the kilt as silver is looking for silver and the cash benefits are drawn to the threshold of the house. So, they are looking for my ticket and my broom will visit.

If you do not want to read some conspiracy to find good luck, get a win using a lottery ticket, roll up to another way. You can try to contact the church. Prayer, lighting of a lottery ticket, blessing from a priest before buying, will also bring good luck. In the same way, as a solid faith in gaining the desired, a positive attitude will help in obtaining such a desired winning lottery ticket. Become a magnet for good luck from the inside.

Consequences of a conspiracy on the lottery win

Any magical impact carries two strength - the desire itself and everything to contribute to his execution, and rollback is a fee for execution. Trying to deceive fate, find unprecedented luck to win a good amount thanks to the lottery ticket you are also experiencing fate.

There are many examples when a person who won money using a lottery ticket, to surprise and I do not understand how this can happen, I did not fit happiness, I descended everything to the wind and remained with anything. But this is an example of an improper approach, the well-minded person of a person to big money and the correctness of the order them. It is not known whether they were resorted to monetary magic, whether strong rituals and prayers were used.

But it is important to understand: such magic is not aimed at harm to another person or himself. It is used to gain happiness and good luck.

Remember that with any magical rituals, rites and predictions it is necessary to behave carefully, so as not to direct their action against yourself.

Lottery magic and rituals. Description of conspiracies for winning the lottery and for good luck.

We live in a quickly disturbing world, and the achievements of humanity over the past two hundred years are amazing. Together withthose, the modern science is not yet able to answer. For thousands of years, individuals have appeared who have some kind of possibilities, events occurred, which can be safely called supernatural or miracles. For centuries, people used various rites and rituals to achieve a variety of purposes. One varieties of such rituals were conspiracy. There are many species of conspiracies. In this article we will talk about what is a conspiracy for good luck in the lottery. As well as we give rituals for winning the lottery.

Separately, I want to tell about visualization method. For all conspiracies below, and other magical practices, it has very important importance. And even if you do not trust conspiracies and other rituals, it can be used separately. Visualization is suitable not only for winning the lottery, but also to achieve any other goals that you set yourself in life.

For visualization, firstly, it is necessary to clearly imagine its goal. And not abstract - for example, I want to wipe it all. It is necessary to imagine not only the winnings itself, but also what can be achieved with it. It can be a house, a car. And again, not any house, namely the house in which you really want to live. Draw it in my imagination as detailed as possible, appearance, interior, furniture and so on. If this is a car, then imagine that you are driving. It is not necessary to do immediately. You need to work on your visualization, constantly complementing the picture all new features.

But that's not all. In order to revive the visualization, you need to work with sensations, with feelings. If you take an example of the same house, then you need not just imagine how it looks, but also to feel the emotions that you feel when you enter it. Mentally walk around the rooms, feel joy and satisfaction received from possessing them. Of course, emotions should only be positive, otherwise you risk the opposite to remove the desired result.

There are many conspiracies and prayers for winning in the lottery, and indeed money. So, famous conspiracies for winning in the lottery and other gambling.

Before contacting the conspiracy should always remember that the conspiracy will have a real force only when a person believing in its power. Before applying a conspiracy, it is necessary to make sure that it is not imposed by damage or the evil eye. If this is not done, the money channel can be blocked, and the conspiracy will simply do not work.

In order for the plot to act as efficiently as possible, the following rules must be followed: it is necessary to sincerely believe that the plot will work; It is necessary to imagine the positive result of the conspiracy is the most clearly; need to hold a conspiracy ritual in opening time And not to tell anyone about it.

The best for lottery plots are Thursdays and Sundays. These days are saturated with energy aimed at luck and luck in the lotteries.

Before holding the ritual, you need to clean the energy as much as possible. Also, it is believed that any conspiracies associated with material welfare must be carried out in the first seven days after the new moon.

Also, before conducting the ritual, it will be logical to choose a lottery - Russian or European, as well as the method of the game - to purchase tickets directly either via the Internet.

The first plot sounds like this:

"Good luck in pocket, fortune with me, all the gods success give a big"

Next plot:

"Happiness with seven tickets came, other happiness and good luck led. Ticket to a ticket, win win. As the numbers in the tickets agreed and the lottery numbers came to win. I close fire, I urge good luck. May it be so!"

For successful visualization, you need to resurrect in mind those moments of life when everything turned out when you were as happy as much as possible. We need to repeat these feelings when uttering a lottery conspiracy, feel joy and confidence.

Due to the fact that in the lotteries due to the conditions of their holding there are always many losers, then there is a powerful egregor of negative energy. It is because of this it is impossible to tell anyone about your plans.

And one more advice to choose from the lottery conspiractions, which are shown here, or from others, you need to read about everyone and listen to yourself. The conspiracy that you will call your maximum internal response, and you need to use.

Here are some more conspiracies for the lottery and rituals:

Wait when a new moon day falls on Thursday, and install two candles on the table about twenty centimeters from each other. One candle should be white colorAnd the other is green. Imagine that white candle is you. Green tie with money.

Fit first a white candle, and then green from one lists. Wait a few minutes to put them on and remove them. Every day, take the candles, putting them closer about two centimeters. When in ten days they get in touch, you need to tie their gold-colored ribbon and keep as a talisman.

And one more simple ritual. Wait for the 4th day after the new moon. When it is dark, you must approach the window so that a young moon can be seen. Get money, show them and tell them 3 times: "You, month, pray, and in my wallet do not translate money!"

The following conspiracy is carried out during a decreasing moon, on any cloudy day. The next day, wake up at eight in the morning and, not putting on anything bright, go out. Before going out, tell me: "Come to me wealth!". Then you need to put a coin into the left pocket. After that, you need to walk to the nearest lake. It is better that you do not talk to anyone on the road. Then go to the right shore of the lake, turn to the north, get a coin and right hand Throw her into the water, saying " Money in the water - I win».

After that, go back home. It is better for no one at home. You need to put four sauce sauces in the room corners, and then place 40 candles of blue color Along the walls. It remains to wait for midnight, and light the candles counterclockwise. When the candles are cut down, sprinkle them with salt of their sorts, and the next day, to the same lake and throw them there.

To attract good luck in the lotteries, you can use the following conspiracy. It is believed that he is associated with Wanga.

To begin with, squeeze any coin into a clothing lining that you carry often. While you will sew, you constantly say: " Both thread needle and money with me. As a thread behind a needle stretches, wealth also stretches to me. The hemist is stitched - we sew richness to yourself. Come to me money different, small and large, silver and copper, paper and gold, I'm on joy and God's grace" The next day, in the morning, put this object of clothing wearing a couple of days.

To attract good luck in the lottery, it is necessary to take the citrus zest, a couple of cherry bones, as well as an opaque bank and three coins of any dignity.

In the bank we will put all of the above, after closing the lid, saying: " Baba went on the berries, the whole Lukoshko has mastered. Baba went on the road, found three coins, where neither will look - everywhere coins. Baba has become babes, they turned their rosy, everything is like one delicious. Let me be lucky as that Baba, happiness let me keep up with me. May it be so!" Then the bank must be preserved in a secret place.

The text of another conspiracy:

For this conspiracy, take the lock with the key, close it at the new moon, saying"Your luck, your luck on my victory is to wake up, you're lucky, happiness has a lot, now I'm lucky more than seven times, my luck will find me. The key is closed, I close on the castle. My word go to business. Exactly!".

Of course, there are other magical practices. After all, in essence, only small part of them are given here - only the most famous conspiracies for good luck in the lottery. In the following articles, we will tell about rituals that help win the lottery used in other countries and peoples. But once again we note that in order to win, you need to strive for all the soul, and believe that despite all the difficulties, the goal will be achieved.