What tree make a queen. Rubber china or wooden - without damage for the chisels! How to make a queen with your own hands - a step-by-step scheme

I made this hammer a couple of years ago. The need was in it because I had to draw it every paving slab. He softens blows, something like rubber hammer. Only the hammer made of rubber does not serve for a long time. Since it is not made of rubber, as it should be, at least with the addition of it.

Of course, the designs do not boast, but nevertheless, the quality of such a hammer is good.

The old mint (in the photo) came into disrepair! A tree from long use has already crackled and fumbled. It was necessary to urgently replace the new one. On the computer, the model of the future of the future of the Cyan, printed the picture on paper and began to work.

Step 1: Materials and Tools

For this project, we will need several pieces of wood. This is a great opportunity to use unnecessary wood waste. Many of my familiar waste does not give a chance to be useful, they simply turn out to be or burned, or burned like firewood.

I am not a master of carpentry, but such a hammer, I think will be able to perform anyone.

You will need:

  1. Saw;
  2. Carpentry glue;
  3. Some clamps, clamps

I used the saw - circular. I believe that it is possible to cut pieces of wood. After cutting, we take emotion paper and clean the sides.

Step 2: Cut

Dimensions of the image each chooses at its discretion. It is not critical. The design of the hammer can also be done independently and under their tastes.

I made the length of my handle 350 mm. Handle width 40 mm. At one end, and on another 30 mm. It is possible to achieve such sizes when there is a table saw. FROM manual saw It will be a bit hard, but everything is real.

Step 3: Collect

We put the handle exactly in the middle of one of the pieces of 120x90 mm. So that 25 mm was from the thick side of the end of the handle. She must look out of the shared hammer head. Now we glue all sliced \u200b\u200blumps with each other (seen in the photo). Do not forget to remove the hammer handle, it should not be glued with a hammer.

Clamping hammer for better gluing all parts of the hammer. In places where the glue of the output, we remove it. We also clean the glue in the hole where the hammer handle includes. Until complete drying, it is necessary to leave our construction for at least 30 minutes. Something resembles the layers of sandwich and seasoning arising from it. Of course, it will look terribly, but in the following stages magic will occur.

Step 4: Processing the hammer

Now that you have a hammer (head) and everything is firmly glued, it's time to make it even more beautiful. I made cuts on the hammer handle, in order to come down a small deepening. This will give the convenience of lying handles in hand, and after and pleasant work with the Cyonya.

Take the handle and cut the deepening, which was mentioned above. Handle handle angles, making them more showing (rounded). If the pen has too long, do it.

After the work done, we insert the handle in the hammer.

Step 5: Pruning and Refining

Proceed emery paper All irregularities on the handle, for a smoother surface and avoiding further bypass in the hand. At the end of the handle, I drilled a hole in order to continue the opportunity to store it in a hanging condition.

Step 6: Ready Hammer Kiyanka

If you wish to stick the handle to the head, you can do it, but I did not do this, she doesn't go anywhere.

Waiting for your comments, dear friends!

Wooden mall (or joinery hammer) with beveled edges is very often used to bother the chisels and chisels. However, this is not the only scope of application of this tool. Kiyanka is also used when assembling furniture and in the process of processing or fitting parts and products made of soft materials.

To make your own hands a wooden queen with beveled edges, you will need to be covered with wood fruit trees (for example, apple tree, pear or cherry). The handle can be made of a cedar or walnut.

It is advisable to use wood light and dark shades to get an interesting and original color contrast. First of all we dissolve circular sawSo that in the end it turned out two of the same sidewall.

The main stages of work

From the dark wood board, you need to cut off two small billets, which are carrying at an angle of 5-6 degrees. After that, glue all the billets together. From below and on top we use the bars of a light shade, and inside the "insertion" of the wood of a dark shade.

In the middle, you need to leave the opening of the square shape under the handle. After gluing, the ends should be trimmed under a small angle, so that there are bevelled edges. Then the surface of the workpiece must be seized, and the edge to pass by a manual milling.

Kiyanka do it yourself aslan. Wrote in March 9th, 2018

In general, now there is a choice of big in cushenians, it is great for the work of the Cyanka purchased from white rubber. White because it does not leave black spots from use. I have this. I have another self-made, made from the cushion from the truck. In general, I have a total of 25 hammers, a sledgehammer and a cue.

But I adhere to the opinion that it is more pleasant to work beautiful tool. And I decided to make myself a beautiful red tree. Well, why not? Someone will say that this is a guinea, but I get pleasure from work in the workshop. If I were pleased with the pleasure of lace on the queen, I would clutch them :)

Someone will outrage it, guys, you won't be milk. Yes, I use a hand tool.

I decided to make a pen from a stick from the oak pallet, and the headband was decorated with a sapele. Was downloaded a drawing from the expanses of the Internet

Not that I didn't have something to do from what a pen, but first needed to look at the wood pattern. Someone told me that it kind of Japanese oak. In Japan, I did not say, I will not say.

Cut oak and sapel into black.

Cut and forth, on the plane. I have a flight, and Fuganok (to him with such a chosper and to approach dangerous), but I am doing my own pleasure.

I will have a sapele at the edges, and inside the same oak. We collect on the glue the block. The handle is made on the reverse wedge, i.e. During operation, it will only be litprocessed. The handle is not glued.

Now the chisel and the plane form the squeaks, as well as knock for chamfers.

I decided to stick a veneer strips on the handle, and somehow rustic it turns out + there is a track from the nail. Stick from the pallet. After knocked down a chamfer on the handle to lay in hand.

And here is our result after coating with oil.

I use the painting. In the hand lies well, you take immediately right, hands feel the orientation of the shock part due to a rectangular handle.

Actually, the product is an idle mile from Vladimir Zhukov. Collected from personally selected wood. Oak and plums (cherry). The whole process in the photo. I needed a heavy mile with a short handle.

First, the billet under the head of the Cyanka gluits. Between the details laid plates of sea oak (veneer). Bonding was performed at the time of the "carpentry".

After drying the adhesive and imparting on the grinder of a more rectangular shape, the milling of the forstner is selected through the opening connecting with each other.

I obey them to oval shape and fall asleep lead fraction. It can be seen from below that another one passes flat detail (on top of the cavity will close exactly the same)

The ends also curse the plugs. The shape of the blank is attached to the rudely - the plane, and then brought on the grinder.

The handle is exactly the same sandwich (in the hand held by hand) in the connection site with the "head" it has rectangular cross section. For the crushing, you should make two cuts, they end with holes for protection from splitting.

The handle is putting on the glue, it is crushed and, after the final gluing, it is completely polished, this time already hands.

Finishing - Oil Coating Aquatex Balsam Colorless

Understand the real men's rattle! Her weight was 827 gr. When strikes, it does not bounce off when they hit and with small dimensions has a lot of weight.

Feels like working - it is approximately as palm on asphalt clapping or raw clay.

In general, the thing turned out not only functional and comfortable, but also stylish.

The hammer is considered the most ancient construction tool, which for all the time of human history has repeatedly subjected to transformation. Today there are a whole set of hammer performance options, one of which is a cynica. This type of hammer consists of a long handle and head for impact. The shock part of the Cyan can be made of different materialsWith which its target direction is associated with. A rubber kiyanka, designed for work with materials, susceptible to comprehension, was greatly distributed.

Features of the manufacture and use of rubber Cyan

Special requirements are always presented to the production of the Cyan. The handle of any type of Cyanka is made only from very hardwood trees such as Elm or Grab. Wood should be heavy and viscous at the same time. It provides a comfortable job with such a tool. The rubber component itself can be made of white or black rubber (rubber). The head of the white rubber, in contrast to the black brisk, does not leave the traces on light and smooth surfaces. In addition to rubber, fluoroplast can also be used for the Boyhead.

Another feature of the production of a hammer is a mandatory installation of the handle in the very center of the cooler into the hole of the cone-shaped form. This condition guarantees that the batter will not break when working.

Rubber kiyanka is often used in repair work, when laying a laminate, parquet Board or ceramic tile, when working with a stone, roofing materials, when installing window strokes and even when richtovka automotive surfaces. It turns out that the kiyanka is necessary everywhere, where you need a more accurate approach to building materials.

So, for example, a rubber molding for laying the tile has shock-absorbing properties and has a convex shape of the brine, due to which the tile surface is not damaged. When working with a cius tile, it is used as a precipitate of the stacked material into the solution.

When performing joinery, rubber cizyanka can be applied with others building tools. For example, rubber board allows you to maintain integrity auxiliary equipment: bit or chisels.

Relatives of rubber Cyanika

Depending on its purpose, several types of such tools are distinguished:

  • plumbing Kiyanka - in its appearance Such a kiyanka differs from other subspecies with its rectangular shape and a round handle. Plumbing Cyans are needed for editing sheet metalsas well as falothing metal products;
  • joiner's pyranium - applied with slot types of work. Most often, the joinery of Cyans work in combination with the chisel or cutters. This allows you to perform a fairly large amount of work. Wide parts of the coach are made flat and placed parallel to each other. The end sides are spawned under a small angle (6-7 degrees) relative to the axis of the handle;
  • turning cizyanka - in its application no different from previous types of inquiry. Turning cosnus is pulled out on specialized lathes.

Rubber Criteria Criteria

Each rubber cizyanka may differ from another hammer not only by the manufacturer, but near others technical parameters:

  • weight - The bigger the weight of the tool, the more powerful will be a shock applied by a hammer. However, it should be noted that a rather heavy rubber cynica will require the presence of greater physical impact strength. This can lead to the rapid fatigue of the employee. More easy molts include hammers weighing from 225 to 450g, to heavily - from 900 to 1100g. At the same time, the little cushen will not necessarily be easy. In some cases, it is additionally dragging, poured into the center of the Boyhead Lead;
  • length - Depending on the type of work of the works, the Cyan can have a run in the length of the handle. As a rule, it is believed that, the larger the length of the handle, the stronger the blow will be. Here, each specialist should individually pick up the length of the Cyan, with which he will work comfortably;
  • lever - Some manufacturers perform a handle from a special material - Fiberglass. It is considered more durable, over time does not lose shape and does not succeed under the influence of various organic solvents;
  • size Boyka - small heads are used for more delicate work, large - when rough works;
  • material - There will be an advantage if the handle and the bore are made from various wood breeds. In this case, the return to the hands from the blow will become softer.

Most modern models Rubber Cyanka from German producers can be purchased at construction stores at a price of 350 to 650 rubles. Economy options Communicate from 100 to 250 rubles.

Making rubber Cyans themselves

If desired, everyone can make a queen on their own. For this it will be necessary:

  • prepare a handle - Handle blank can be sharpened on turning machineThis will give a round-shaped cross section and makes the use of the Cyanka more comfortable. In the middle of the handle, the protrusion is made for subsequent placement on it head;
  • prepare a head - For this, rubber is prepared in advance (skin can be used). Material cut circles with a diameter of the future Boyhead. Circles depending on the skin thickness or rubber may be needed from 50 or more. In the resulting circles, the holes are cut for subsequent rugs on the handle of the Cyan. Each circle is glued with PVA glue and grudge close to each other. After the bonding and gluing of all circles, it is necessary to climb the resulting battle in the vice until the total drying of the glue;
  • secure the head - So that in the future the bats did not fly when working, a special metal or wooden washer is attached on the handle on top of everything. It is necessary to choose it in the size of the handle so that it will not be cramped.

For additional attachment, the protruding edges of the head can be intercepted by the beep or knock down small nails in the end.

Such a queen can be completely used in operation. It will be practical and silent, and the head will not split at a strong blow.