Skipar preparations: instructions for use, analogues, cost, reviews. Turpentine baths: instructions, indications, reviews

Description and instructions: to " SKIPAR, mixed turpentine emulsion for baths 200ml "

Dosage form.



The emulsion contains: Turpentine gum, Demineralized water, Castor oil, Salicylic acid, Camphor, Burberry extract, Sage extract, Chamomile extract.

Pharmachologic effect.

Mixed turpentine baths are obtained by mixing a yellow solution and a white emulsion. They have the advantages of both yellow and white baths, and allow capillary therapy to be adapted to the condition of each sick person. Mixed baths have an additional effect: they cause the release of various amino acids, including histamine, into the blood through the opening capillaries. It is known that injections of histamine and histamine ointment have a good effect. But during treatment with mixed baths, physiological formation of histamine occurs, controlled by the mechanisms of autoregulation and accompanied by prolonged analgesia (pain relief) of tissues. In addition to the analgesic effect, internal histamine circulating in the newly opened capillaries of the skin causes the expansion of the still closed capillaries of the muscles and capillaries of the arteries of the extremities, penetrates into the arteries of various organs of the abdominal and chest cavities, into the brain and spinal cord, into the cerebrospinal fluid (cerebrospinal fluid). All this, in the end, leads to the restoration of normal blood flow in the vessels, normal nutrition, oxidation and elimination (excretion) of metabolites. The normal physiological and mental state is restored. The whole organism is healed as a whole.


Application turpentine baths allows you to relieve stress, relax, increase the tone and resistance of the body to diseases. Turpentine bath emulsion white (for making a white turpentine bath) Effective for diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis), metabolic disorders (overweight), varicose veins of the lower extremities, thromphlebitis.


Active forms of open pulmonary tuberculosis.

Psychoses in the acute period.

Severe heart failure.

Individual intolerance to turpentine baths or hypersensitivity of the skin to turpentine.

Method of administration and dosage.

Shake the contents of the vial (yellow solution or white emulsion, or mixed emulsion).

Prepare the solution: stir the amount corresponding to the bath number in 3 liters of hot water 50-60 ° C.

Fill the bath with water of 150-170 l of the required temperature and add the prepared solution.

Mix the prepared solution thoroughly in the bath until it is completely dissolved in water. The amount of solution, water temperature and duration of the procedure vary according to the schemes indicated in the tables for the use of each type of bath.

Special instructions.

You should know that white baths can only be used by people with low or normal (not higher than 140-150 / 90 mm Hg) arterial blood pressure. People who have this level above are shown only yellow baths. If, in the process of using white baths, blood pressure becomes higher than normal, you must immediately switch to mixed ones.

To avoid irritation on sensitive areas of the skin, before taking a bath, it is recommended to lubricate the armpits, groin folds, perineum, and accidental scratches with petroleum jelly.

Strictly observe the temperature regime and dosage of the solution. Do not dip into the bath with your head. Avoid contact with eyes.

  • - The description and photos on the product cards may differ from that presented in the pharmacy. Please check with the operators before placing an order.
  • - This product cannot be exchanged or returned on the basis of Resolution 55 of 01/19/1998.

These baths stimulate capillaries and increase blood circulation in all organs, open closed pulmonary capillaries, increase blood pressure, therefore, it is better for persons with high blood pressure to take baths with yellow turpentine solution. "White baths" have a good analgesic effect, do not cause stagnation of heat and are shown:

1.In cases of consequences infantile paralysis and the effects of poliomyelitis, almost always accompanied by low blood pressure and tachycardia, on the regulation of kidney and liver function. In a few months of using these baths, the restoration of normal muscle functions and an almost normal blood supply to atrophied parts of the body are achieved.

2. For arthritis without high blood pressure.

3. With deforming arthritis, which is almost never accompanied by an increase in blood pressure.

4. With ankylosing spondylitis.

5. With angina pectoris without increased pressure.

6. With sciatica and cervicobrachial neuritis, if the pressure is not higher than 150. Start with daily "white" baths, one "yellow" bath (60 ml, 39-40 gr., 6 min.). Anesthesia is achieved after 14-18 baths (for sciatica) and after 24-30 baths for cervicobrachial neuritis.

7. In the case of post-traumatic ankylosis and injuries, start with "white" turpentine baths, if the pressure is 150-180, use mixed baths. The results are good even with long-term illnesses.

Baths are best used at bedtime. If the procedures are taken during the day, then after taking a bath, you need to stay in bed for 2-3 hours. Baths are taken no earlier than 1.5 hours after eating. It is necessary to be in the bath completely, immersed in water up to the chin. Those who cannot be in this position for a long time can change it with a sitting position in the bath, and then plunge back down to the chin for the time indicated in table No. 5.

Table No. 5.




bath water v

degrees C


36, after 5 min.

36, after 5 min.

36.5 after 5 min.

36.5 after 5 min.

Store the emulsion in a glass container at room temperature in a dark place. Shake well before each use.


It is a liquid white with the smell of resinous substances and turpentine.


Sodium salts of edible fats, olive oil, sodium chloride, sodium carbonate, titanium dioxide, salicylic acid, herbal extract and gum turpentine prepared using a special technology.


Used as a prophylactic bath for the purpose of

effects on the skin and the body as a whole, has a general tonic effect, restores capillary blood flow. With the course use of baths (at least 15-20 procedures), the extract helps to remove toxins from the body, increases efficiency, improves the functioning of blood vessels, skin trophism, relieves stagnation and resistance to adverse environmental influences.

Mode of application:

Pour 10 ml of solution into a bath of water at 36 ° C. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. In the absence of tingling, the amount of the drug should be slightly increased. Take every other day. Lubricate the mucous membrane of the body with petroleum jelly. Baths can also be used according to the scheme of Dr. Zalmanov.


Skin diseases. Do not take general baths for hypertension, coronary heart disease, cancer, alcohol intoxication.


These baths, by increasing the internal combustion of substances and expanding the capillaries, contribute to the dissolution of pathological deposits in the articular cavities, in the walls of blood vessels. In the tendons, in the lens of the eye (with cataracts) and have a strong analgesic effect.


1. Strongly reduce blood pressure.

2. Dissolve exostoses occurring in hypertrophic deforming rheumatism.

3.Help to excrete sodium chloride and urea through perspiration.

4. Dissolve calcium deposits in ligaments and tendons.

5. They work well in the aftermath of cerebral hemorrhage; in myelopathy, these baths wash away the remnants of dead cells around the surviving neutrons, as well as in chronic myelopathies with muscle atrophy (for example, in some types of tabes dorsalis).

6.Produce anesthesia for sciatica after using 14-18 baths (for persons of strong constitution, the bath can be used daily, for the rest according to the system: two days of taking a bath, a day of rest).

7. Give noticeable improvement in cervicobrachial neuritis after taking 24-30 baths.

8. The muscles are strengthened and the ability to walk without orthopedic devices appears after 15-18 months of using these baths.

9. Ankylosis is cured after injuries after 2-3 months of treatment.

Indications for use:

1.In the treatment of arthritis, with blood pressure above 180.

2. For angina pectoris with high blood pressure.

Table 6: Scheme of the course of treatment with baths with yellow turpentine solution.

water t (С °)

36, after 5 min 39

36, after 12 min 40

36, after 5 min 39

after 4 min 41

after 4 min 42


It is a yellow oily liquid with the smell of resinous substances and turpentine.


Castor oil, caustic soda, oleic acid, gum turpentine and herbal extract prepared using a special technology.


It is used as a prophylactic agent and is intended for taking baths in order to affect the skin and the body as a whole, has a general tonic effect, restores capillary blood flow. With the course use of baths (at least 15-20 procedures), the extract helps to remove toxins from the body, increases efficiency, improves the functioning of blood vessels, skin trophism, relieves stagnation and resistance to adverse environmental influences.

Mode of application:

Shared baths. Pour 10 ml of the solution into a 36 ° C water bath. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. In the absence of tingling, the amount of the drug should be slightly increased. Take every other day. Lubricate the mucous membrane of the body with petroleum jelly.

Baths can also be used according to the scheme of Dr. Zalmanov.


Skin diseases. Shared baths should not be used for hypotension, coronary heart disease, cancer, alcohol intoxication.


Since baths with white turpentine emulsion increase blood pressure, and baths with yellow turpentine solution greatly reduce it, then by combining the composition of the mixture of these solutions, you can achieve beneficial blood pressure for the patient. With mixed baths, amino acids enter the bloodstream through previously closed capillaries.

Indications for use:


2. Raynaud's disease.

3. Iridocyclitis.

4.Polyneuritis (infantile paralysis).

At a maximum arterial pressure of 180 - turn on 2 mixed baths one with a yellow solution.

5. With arteritis at a pressure of 170-190.

6. With angina pectoris after an increase in pressure.

7.After myocardial infarction, 6 weeks after recovery, start treatment with mixed baths, increasing up to 10 times, continue to take "white baths", including 1 "yellow bath" after each series of two "white" and mixed baths, if blood pressure is 170 -180.

8.In case of post-traumatic ankylosis, injuries, start taking mixed baths, if the pressure is 150-180. If the pressure is not higher than 150 - start with the "white baths".

9.In case of adnexitis, start with mixed baths at a water temperature of 39 ° C. Within 15-17 minutes. After a series of 6-8 baths, start short baths at a water temperature of 37 to 43 ° C. with a yellow solution.

Table 7. Scheme of the course of treatment with baths with mixed turpentine solution.

water t (С °)

36, after 5 min 39

36, after 5 min 40

36, after 5 minutes 41

Note: Baths 1 to 8 should be taken every other day, baths 9 to 13 should be taken after 2 days. Then continue to take baths according to the norms of bath number 13 until a positive result is achieved.

What are turpentine baths, what benefits they have on the human body. Types of turpentine baths: white, yellow and mixed. How to take, cook and how to procedure. Contraindications for turpentine baths.

Formally, turpentine baths also refer to hydrotherapy procedures, but they have a special status. In ordinary hydrotherapy, the main thing is that a person is in contact with water, and when taking turpentine baths, the fact that turpentine is dissolved in this water.

Chemically, it is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons, mainly terpenes. Its second name is turpentine oil. It is usually obtained from resin. Solvent of varnishes and paints, raw material for the production of camphor and terpineol. In a word, a typical example of "chemistry" hated by naturopaths. But...

Doctors from different countries have proven that:

  • turpentine solution when washing hands has a high disinfecting effect, without causing side effects;
  • turpentine vapors - at least in the experiment - sharply delay the reproduction of the tubercle bacillus in laboratory culture;
  • intravenous and intramuscular injections of a solution of turpentine in olive oil help well against septicemia, skin and some diseases similar to them, in addition, in the last century, the skin was lubricated with turpentine to remove acne and acne;
  • a weak solution of turpentine is a good hemostatic agent.
Finally, turpentine, used in the form of baths, is a "blood opener" that renews and enhances blood flow in capillary networks.

The history of turpentine baths began, of course, not with Zalmanov, and not even with the medicine of the last century, and indeed it did not begin with turpentine. Many centuries ago, coniferous baths were very popular in Russia. They knew for sure about their general tonic effect, they guessed about their anti-inflammatory effect, and attributed a lot of other effects. Later they thought of extracting the active ingredient from the resin of conifers and using only it for baths. It is difficult to say how much turpentine is preferable to the complex product from which it is isolated. Still, it is better to eat whole fruit than to take the vitamins that they contain. On the other hand, in the acute form of a dangerous disease, a substance with the desired properties is much more radical and helps faster than the natural composition, where it is included as a component.

One way or another, Zalmanov and his followers prescribe turpentine baths to patients for treatment and "still healthy" for rejuvenation and general prevention, not coniferous baths.

By pushing the endothelial cells apart, a solution of turpentine in water resumes capillary irrigation of tissues and clears the way for nutrients, oxygen, hormones, etc. from the blood into the tissue fluid and further into the lymph. The mention of rejuvenation is not accidental: as already mentioned, the aging process itself is largely due to the slow "drying" of the body, the lack of capillary drainage of tissues and organs.

What diseases can be cured with turpentine baths

We can consider quite reliable data on the healing effect of turpentine baths in the following diseases: obliterating endarteritis; other local and general arteritis; angina pectoris; hypertonic disease; consequences of myocardial infarction; osteochondrosis, deforming spondylosis, and according to some reports - even ankylosing spondylitis; sciatica; rheumatism; neuritis and polyneuritis; the consequences of poliomyelitis; the consequences of injuries.
In addition, turpentine baths accelerate the healing of postoperative scars and scars.

Types of turpentine baths: how to cook and take

Turpentine baths were often used in Russian zemstvo medicine. The methods of their preparation and the form of serving turpentine were developed not so much theoretically (there is no detailed theory of this issue, for that matter, to this day), but empirically. In today's practice, three types of baths are used - white, yellow and mixed. The former increase blood pressure, the latter lower it, and the latter affect it in different ways.

Prepared with the so-called white turpentine emulsion. They are considered a kind of "gymnastic remedy" for capillaries, especially skin ones, since they stimulate their pulsation, return them the ability to adequately respond to external and internal conditions - to expand and contract when needed.

A white emulsion is prepared as follows. Pour half a liter of water into an enamel pot and put on fire. Boil - pour 3 g of salicylic acid into the water (please do not frighten her with acetylsalicylic acid, that is, with aspirin - these are different substances, and they have different effects) and 30 g of baby soap crumbled on a grater. Simmer this mixture over low heat, stirring frequently, until the soap dissolves. Dissolved - extinguish the fire, In a liter container - a jar or bottle with a wide neck - first pour half a liter of turpentine, then the contents of the pan (only in this sequence, and not vice versa). Stir the mixture well and close the lid tightly: the emulsion is ready. It should look something like curdled milk, and its consistency should resemble raw protein chicken eggs... You can store it at room temperature for no more than a year; you do not need to put it in the refrigerator. The emulsion delaminates during storage, so shake it vigorously before each use.

Now about how to take the procedure... Pour into the bath in moderation at first. hot water- with a temperature of 36 "C. Quickly dilute the required dose of emulsion (how much - see below) in very hot water, pour it all into the bath and stir it carefully. Then lubricate the genitals, perineum and anus- and go to the bath.

The procedure takes exactly 15 minutes. In the first five minutes, gradually add hot water, bringing the temperature of the bath to 38 ° C, and for the next 10 minutes just lie there and, as Alan Chumak likes to say, listen to what is happening inside you. Usually nothing interesting happens, but listen anyway. Sometimes during the procedure or within 15 - 45 minutes after it, it slightly tingles, tingles or burns the skin. In principle, you should not pay attention to this, but if the burning or tingling sensation is too strong and causes an unpleasant feeling, reduce the dose of the emulsion and do not increase it until the skin gets used to it.

After 15 minutes, get out of the bath and do not wipe yourself off - put on some old underwear that you do not mind smearing in turpentine and go to bed.

About doses. They, as the reader probably already guessed, are built up from procedure to procedure. The order of dialing doses is as follows (in milliliters of emulsion): 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 - in short, in 5 ml increments until you reach 120. Do not increase the dosage further and continue taking baths until you get a clear therapeutic effect (and you will definitely get it, just don't expect too quick results). The final temperature of the water must also be taken - starting always from 36 ° С, at first it should be brought to 38 ° С, and from the 12th procedure - up to 39.5 ° С. From the 7-10th session, you can also prolong the stay in the bath for a minute or two, but not more.

Bathing schedule: the first 5 - every other day, in the future - in order to avoid irritation of the renal parenchyma - after two to three days, but at least twice a week. On days free from baths, you need to do hot chest wraps and cool leg wraps for bedtime.

Contraindication of white turpentine baths. White baths are contraindicated in high blood pressure - as they increase it even more. If the upper (systolic, i.e. in the phase of contraction of the heart) pressure is not higher than 140 mm, white baths are indicated for any arteritis, myocardial infarction, sciatica, bone fractures with muscle atrophy, deforming rheumatism with osteoporosis (i.e., with fragility bones), the consequences of poliomyelitis, rickets.

They lower blood pressure, so they are prescribed for hypertensive patients (systolic pressure of 180 and above). Indications: the same arteritis, hemiplegia, hypertension, diabetes, myocardial infarction (we hope the reader understands that when the same disease appears in both lists - for white and yellow baths, you need to measure blood pressure and, based on this, decide, "What color" baths to take), sciatica, glaucoma, bone fractures with ankylosis, progressive muscle atrophy (in these cases, you should start with a series of 10-12 yellow baths, and then, when the pressure drops, switch to mixed ones), rheumatism, salpingitis , adnexitis, spondyloarthrosis, thrombosis of the central retinal artery (under the supervision of an ophthalmologist).

For elderly people suffering from high blood pressure, for rejuvenation, it is recommended to start with 10 - 12 yellow baths, and then after every two yellow baths, take one white or mixed.

The chemical base of the yellow baths is a yellow turpentine solution. It does not contribute to the pulsation of capillaries - it simply "seriously and for a long time" expands them. Due to this, huge masses of blood, "driven" into large and not very large vessels, rush into the capillaries, and the pressure drops. Along the way, salt deposits and rheumatic exostoses are absorbed, tissue nutrition is restored, excess cholesterol and sugar are removed from the blood, urinary excretion increases.It is noticed that a three-month course of treatment with turpentine baths provides a stable improvement in the condition for a period of two years, or even more.

Preparation of the yellow solution: Pour 300 ml of castor oil into an enamel saucepan and put in a water bath (i.e. in a wider saucepan or basin, where the water is already boiling over low heat). While the castor oil is heating, dissolve in a glass cold water 40 g of caustic soda. After the water in the water bath has boiled for 5 - 7 minutes, pour the alkali into the castor oil and mix thoroughly. Soon mix in enamel pot thickens. Stir it well again and slowly pour in 250 ml of oleic acid (you can pure form, or 350 g olive oil- it just contains the right amount oleic acid), stirring continuously to prevent the mixture from escaping - it usually foams a lot. Gradually, the contents of the pan will liquefy to the consistency of vegetable oil, and only a light white foam will remain on its surface. Now you need to extinguish the fire, remove the pan from the bath and add 750 ml of turpentine to it. Stir the resulting product properly, pour into containers (bottles or cans) and close with lids. It is stored, like a white emulsion, up to a year at room temperature.

Yellow baths should be taken every two to three days. A set of dosages, as with white baths, is carried out from 20 to 120 ml, but in 10 ml increments, so that a dose of 120 ml of yellow solution per bath is achieved by the 11th procedure. After it, the dosage is not increased and the treatment is continued until the desired effect. Duration of sessions: the first two or three - 15 minutes, the next four - 16, the next five - 17 - 18, and then you can bring the stay in the bath up to 20 minutes. Temperature regime of the first four procedures: starting water temperature - 36 ° С, during the first 5 minutes of the procedure it is brought to 39 ° С. The next three baths: 36 ° С, after 5 minutes - 39 ° С, the last 4 minutes - up to 40 ° С; starting from the 8th bath - respectively 36 - 39 - 41 ° С, and after the 12th, when the dosage of the yellow solution has already "reached a plateau", you can last 4 minutes of the session - but not a second longer! - "cook" in 42-degree water. Due to this, huge masses of blood, "driven" into large and not very large vessels, rush into the capillaries, and the pressure drops. Along the way, salt deposits and rheumatic exostoses are absorbed, tissue nutrition is restored, excess cholesterol and sugar are removed from the blood, urinary excretion increases.It is noticed that a three-month course of treatment with turpentine baths provides a stable improvement in the condition for a period of two years, or even more.

These are combinations of a white emulsion and a yellow solution in various quantitative ratios. Having an idea of ​​what each of the two hypostases of turpentine does with the capillaries and, in general, with the body, you can engage in independent creativity - select the dosage of the white emulsion and the yellow solution based on what you need, what result you want to achieve. But keep in mind that it is very important not to overdo it, so the ideal option is to find a good, competent naturopath who can control your "exercises" with dosages and give reasonable advice if, as they say, you go to the wrong steppe.

Mixed baths, according to experts, provide a release into the blood large quantities amino acids - among them histamine, which, like the turpentine baths themselves, has a capillary expanding effect. But in baths, this action is rather superficial - in the literal sense, they "reach" only those capillary networks that are not too far from the surface of the body. But the histamine released into the blood penetrates with its current everywhere and everywhere, expanding the capillaries that come across in the path of its molecules. Thus, the capillary networks of all organs and tissues, including those deeply hidden in the body, are covered.

Warning, it is strictly forbidden to combine turpentine baths with intramuscular and intravenous injections of medicines, taking antibiotics in any form, taking hormonal drugs, as well as ultrasound therapy, radiotherapy, chemotherapy - in short, with any potent procedures. You have to make a choice - either the baths or the rest. Of course, no one imposes anything on anyone, but how many patients have been cured of the same obliterating endarteritis with medicines? According to official statistics, not a single one ...

And to end the conversation about turpentine baths - a few words about one more of their effects. Of all the most important physiological functions, blood circulation is most closely associated with excretion and respiration. And in the breathing process - which, oddly enough, is forgotten not only by healthy people, but also by patients and even doctors - the diaphragm plays a very important role. And not only in the process of breathing.

We have already mentioned that the lymphatic system does not have its own pump. But in a sense, this statement is imprecise. True, its participation is indirect: by squeezing and releasing all the lymphatic vessels of the abdominal cavity, it maintains the lymph flow, preventing it from slowing down. A stable rate of lymph circulation is one of the guarantors of blood purity. In addition, the diaphragm is irreplaceable assistant heart, as it pushes venous blood to it, squeezing numerous veins in the abdominal cavity.

It follows that a person who wants to keep his blood healthy and pure, as much as possible at this time, should tenderly and carefully take care of the diaphragm. What does it mean to care? It means not letting her shirk her work. In general, the respiratory function can be at least implemented without the participation of the diaphragm - just as you can, for example, breathe with one lung, play the drums with one hand, arrange revolutions with one half of the brain ...

Yes, you can do without a diaphragm in half, but why? It is one thing for women - they have chest breathing, and the diaphragm, even normally, is rather weakly loaded with work. Therefore, by the way, the current beautiful, but weaker sex almost without exception suffers from varicose veins: medicine blames the insufficiency of the venous valve apparatus, but how could such a large number of people get this failure ?! After all, this is a very serious and deep pathology, not one of the "regular" ones. Much more common reason ailment "- venous stasis caused by chronic idleness of the diaphragm.

In men, breathing is of the abdominal type - it would seem that the diaphragm is supposed to work, not knowing sleep and rest. But how can she work if she is reliably fenced off from the abdominal muscles by whole kilograms of fat? At the end of the twentieth century, mainly overweight people live on the planet. Our world is the world of the fat, which means the world of diaphragmatic failure.

Two means help get rid of it: firstly, breathing exercises, which train the diaphragm itself, and secondly, the same turpentine baths. The fact is that, in addition to their main purpose, they easily melt fat from a person - and extra pounds are shed much faster and safer than when sitting on starvation diets. The diaphragm is freed from the fat blockade and again begins to actively participate in breathing, in the circulation of venous blood, in maintaining lymph flow.

Baths of any of the three described types contribute to weight loss - white, yellow, mixed. Therefore, find out what your blood pressure is, and choose the type of bath you need: with an upper pressure over 180 - yellow, from 140 to 180 - mixed, below 140 - white. And in order to get rid of the World ballast with a guarantee and forever, combine mixed baths with well-organized nutrition, procedures for cleansing the digestive tract, kidneys and liver.

Supporters of the American naturopath Norbert Walker also advise taking Glauber's salt half an hour before lunch for three days in a row every month: on the first day - a teaspoon, on the second and third - a quarter of a teaspoon. It is believed that this helps cleanse the intestines, blood from lymph.

The healing properties of the essential oil obtained from pine resin - turpentine, were first studied and described in detail by the Russian physician Abram Zalmanov. He believed that many diseases develop due to insufficient blood supply to organs. Dr. Zalmanov has developed a formulation of a turpentine emulsion that dissolves in water.

During the First World War, he worked as a doctor in a military hospital and was once again convinced of the effect of his technique. According to this method, turpentine baths according to Zalmanov are prepared at home, which provide not only therapeutic, but also a general beneficial effect on the body by accelerating regenerative and metabolic processes.

In Soviet times, the technique of using Zalmanov's turpentine baths was undeservedly forgotten, but today such a procedure is successfully used at home, in beauty parlors and clinics. Numerous positive reviews serve as further confirmation of their effectiveness.

  • High or low blood pressure.
  • Recovery of the cardiovascular system after a heart attack.
  • Diseases of the connective tissue, bone tissue, joints of various etiologies (almost all types of arthritis, gout, rheumatism, osteoarthritis, spondylosis).
  • The consequences of various injuries, fractures and bruises.
  • Gynecological and urological pathologies (inflammation of the ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes in women, prostatitis, erectile dysfunction in men, infertility).
  • Inflammatory skin conditions, including psoriasis, a pustular rash caused by staphylococcal or other infections.
  • Slimming, cellulite, general rejuvenation of the body after 35 - 40 years.
  • Disorders of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, thyroiditis).
  • Vascular pathologies (thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, varicose veins).
  • Diseases of the eyes (uveitis, blepharitis, scleritis, etc.).

Separately, it should be said about the use of turpentine baths according to Zalmanov at home for prostatitis. The main cause of the inflammatory process in the prostate gland is a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle and, as a result, congestion in the pelvic area, much less often prostatitis is caused by bacterial microflora.

Zalmanov's turpentine baths stimulate and restore blood circulation, normalize the functioning of the prostate gland. Accelerated blood flow improves the delivery of active ingredients drugs to the prostate. A noticeable improvement in the condition of a man is observed after a course of 10 baths.

It is no secret that with prostatitis, men are also worried about pain, urinary disorders, and decreased potency. These symptoms also go away after taking Zalmanov's turpentine baths. An erection is restored due to the normal blood filling of the cavernous bodies of the penis, and pain and problems with urination go away after the edema of the gland is eliminated.

In addition, the processes of spermatogenesis are restored. As evidenced by video interviews of doctors - urologists, in many cases, for the treatment of male infertility, in addition to turpentine baths, other drugs were not required.

A mixture of pine essential oil with other biologically active components can worsen the condition in such cases:

  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Hypersensitivity to bath components.
  • Injuries accompanied by skin lesions, trophic ulcers.
  • Infectious diseases in the acute stage.
  • Hypertension of unknown origin.
  • Other conditions in which it is not recommended in medicine to take baths with water temperatures above 36 - 37 ° C.

Before taking turpentine baths according to Zalmanov at home, you should consult a doctor if you have a history of cardiovascular diseases, after a recent stroke or heart attack, and make sure that there are no other contraindications. Also, before starting a course of baths, you must read the instructions, determine the duration and treatment regimen.

Turpentine baths of Zalmanov from yellow and white emulsion: application features

There are several types of turpentine baths that affect the body in different ways. There are three of them:

  • Bath with the addition of a yellow emulsion... This mixture, in addition to turpentine, contains castor oil, sodium hydroxide, oleic acid and distilled water. The structure of the mixture is stable, so you do not need to shake it before use.
  • Bath with white emulsion... It contains gum turpentine, salts of fatty acids, palm, coconut oil, camphor, salicylic acid and distilled water. This oil solution often stratifies, so the emulsion bottle must be shaken before adding to the water.
  • Mixed baths prepared with the addition of both types of emulsions.

The indications for different types of Zalmanov's turpentine baths also differ.

The white emulsion acts on the body in this way:

  • A rhythmic contraction of the capillaries begins. This is due to the appearance of a tingling sensation on the skin while taking a bath.
  • Blood flow in small blood vessels is normalized.
  • The supply of oxygen to all organs and tissues increases.
  • Stimulation of blood flow has a rejuvenating effect on the skin, the external manifestations of cellulite go away.
  • Low blood pressure is normalized.

The yellow emulsion, on the contrary, causes vasodilation and is recommended for people with hypertension.

This leads to the development of such effects:

  • Profuse perspiration.
  • A slight increase in body temperature.
  • Removing excess fluid.
  • Elimination of toxic products of internal metabolism.
  • Cleansing the liver, kidneys, intestines.
  • Cleansing the skin.
  • Decrease in blood pressure.

It's important to know

White turpentine baths are contraindicated for people with high blood pressure (above 130 - 140/90 mm Hg). Yellow baths are categorically not recommended for hypotension (below 120/80 mm Hg). After normalizing blood pressure, you can switch to Zalmanov's turpentine baths with a mixture of emulsions.

People with normal blood pressure are allowed to start a course of turpentine baths with a mixture of white and yellow emulsion.

Improvement of the body with a combination of balms is achieved due to:

  • Acceleration of cell regeneration.
  • Increased blood flow in the joints.
  • Stimulation of metabolic processes, which strengthens the immune system.

It is recommended to start a course of baths with any type of emulsion with warm water, and then gradually increase the temperature to hot, carefully monitoring your condition.

You can order a mixture for turpentine baths according to Zalmanov at home in an online store or purchase at a pharmacy. The price of a white emulsion is about 400 - 460 rubles, a yellow one is somewhat more expensive - it costs 530 - 590 rubles.

Turpentine baths of Zalmanov: instructions for preparation and treatment regimens

In order to start a course of treatment with turpentine baths according to Zalmanov, you will definitely need:
  • Timer clock.
  • Measuring glass (at least 150 ml).
  • A basin or saucepan for 4 - 5 liters.
  • Water thermometer.
  • Tonometer.
  • Petrolatum.

Rules for taking Zalmanov's turpentine bath with white emulsion:

  1. Dial full bath by 2/3, the water temperature should be almost 37 ° C.
  2. Take a saucepan, pour hot water into it and add 10 - 12 ml of gum turpentine from a white emulsion.
  3. Pour the solution from a saucepan into a bath and mix thoroughly.
  4. Lie in the bath and every 2 to 3 minutes increase the water temperature by 1 ° C until it reaches 39 ° C, then you can end the procedure.

Rules for using the yellow emulsion for the preparation of baths:

  1. Take a bath, the water temperature is about 37 ° C.
  2. Fill a 4-liter saucepan hot water and dissolve 10 ml of a yellow emulsion in it.
  3. Pour the mixture into the bath and stir well. This forms a surface oil film, which will dissolve when the temperature of the water rises.
  4. Get into the bath and every 3 minutes increase the water temperature in the same way as for baths with a white emulsion. But the final temperature value should be 41 - 42 ° C.

Mixed baths are prepared in a similar manner. The initial volume of each of the emulsions used is 5-10 ml. The water temperature must be brought to 39 - 40 ° C.

General rules for taking turpentine baths according to Zalmanov at home:

  1. It is not recommended to wipe off after the end of the procedure. You need to wear a warm terry robe or a long nightgown.
  2. After a bath, you should definitely rest for a few hours. Ideally, it is best to take it before bed.
  3. The volume of the added emulsion must be gradually brought to 120 ml.

During the procedure, carefully monitor your health. If you feel dizziness, pain in the region of the heart, increased heart rate, a sharp decrease or increase in blood pressure, you should stop taking a bath immediately. In the future, it is recommended to reduce the volume of the emulsion and lower the final water temperature.

The scheme for taking baths is composed as follows: Zalmanov's turpentine baths are prescribed by the instruction to be taken daily for the first 10 days. Then carry out the procedure every other day. If you feel well, use turpentine baths constantly 1 - 2 times a week.

Physiotherapy methods are widely used to treat diseases of various organs and systems. An indispensable method in modern medicine is the use of turpentine baths, created by Dr. A. S. Zalmanov. To carry out this type of physiotherapy, he developed a yellow solution and a white turpentine emulsion for baths. This invention was recognized not only in Russia, but also in Europe.

Modern research has confirmed the therapeutic effect of turpentine baths. The method is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in many hospitals in different countries. The main clinics in Israel, the USA and other countries use Zalman baths in the rehabilitation of patients.

The healing properties of turpentine

Turpentine baths are a type of balneotherapy (hydrotherapy), they are based on the use of the healing qualities of turpentine. Turpentine is essential oil made from resin conifers(pine trees). This substance transparent and colorless, poorly soluble in water, has a pungent aroma and pungent taste. Being a chemical irritant, it has been used for a long time in the form of ointments, rubbing agents and balms, as an antiseptic.

Dr. Zalmanov created recipes for a white emulsion and a yellow solution. Liquids differ in composition, properties, mechanism of action. In medical practice, the use of mixed emulsions is also common. Practicing doctors and scientists note a good therapeutic effect when using turpentine emulsion topically, in the form of enemas, compresses, showers.

Bath technique with white emulsion

You can make a white bath emulsion yourself or purchase a ready-made solution at a pharmacy. According to the recipe, to create it you need: purified water - 0.55 liters, salicylic acid - 750 mg, baby soap - 30 grams, turpentine - 50 grams. The water is brought to a boil, all ingredients are successively mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Store the emulsion in a tightly closed glass bottle.

Before preparing the bath, the solution is vigorously shaken and poured required amount emulsions (15-30 ml) in a container with a volume of 3 to 5 liters with hot water 50-60 ° C. After mixing well, pour it into a pre-prepared bathroom (200 l) of the desired temperature: for patients with low pressure - 37-38 ° C, for normotonics - 37-39 ° C, with high blood pressure - 37-42 ° C.

It is necessary to mix the emulsion thoroughly so that the concentrated solution does not lead to burns on the skin.

Then the patient lies down in a bath so that the area of ​​the heart is not covered with water. In the "ascending" mode, the water temperature rises by 1 ° C every 3 minutes, reaching a maximum of 39 ° C or 42 ° C, or the procedure ends with the appearance of perspiration on the face.

Turpentine bath emulsion activates skin vessels, bringing them into tone. Blood circulation, metabolism is accelerated, toxins are removed. The expansion of the microvasculature enhances the flow of oxygenated blood and nutrients... The solution promotes a slight increase in blood pressure and is recommended for hypotensive patients, has a positive effect on tendons and muscle tissue, reducing their rigidity (stiffness).

Preparing a bath with yellow turpentine solution

The difference between the yellow solution and the white one consists in a higher concentration of turpentine (49.5%). To prepare a yellow turpentine solution for baths, the following proportions are used: purified water - 0.2 l, castor oil - 0.3 l, sodium hydroxide - 400 mg, oleic acid - 0.250 kg, resin - 0.750 kg. The castor oil is brought to a boil in a water bath. The caustic sodium is diluted with purified water and gently mixed with castor oil until the mass is smooth. While stirring, pour in acid and turpentine until a solution is obtained yellow color... After cooling, it is poured into containers and tightly closed.

In a previously prepared bath (200 liters) with 37 ° C water, add 20 ml of a solution previously diluted in a three-liter container with hot water. The water temperature is increased every 3 minutes by 1 ° C, up to a maximum of 42 ° C. It is necessary to take a bath carefully, controlling the pressure, as it helps to reduce it.

Yellow turpentine emulsion is able to dissolve salt deposits, reducing the signs of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The components of the emulsion normalize metabolic processes, have anti-aging and hypotensive properties, activate the work of sweat glands, accelerating the removal of decay products. The accumulation of heat in water, due to oil components, inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

Indications and limitations for the use of turpentine emulsions

Due to their versatility, turpentine baths are widely used in therapy a large number diseases:

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system:
    • Polyarthritis, arthrosis of the hip joint, knee joint, condition after arthroplasty (not earlier than 3 weeks).
    • Ankylosing spondylitis, osteochondrosis, spondylosis, dorsalgia, myalgia.
    • Osteoporosis, pathological bone fractures.
    • Subacute gout and remission.
  • Pathological processes of the cardiovascular system:
    • Endarteritis and vascular atherosclerosis.
    • Angina pectoris with heart failure.
    • Operations on the heart or blood vessels (at least 3 months).
    • Arterial hypotension (white emulsion).
    • Arterial hypertension 1-2 degree.
    • Cerebral atherosclerosis.
    • Disorder of blood circulation in the brain (after 2 weeks).
    • Postponed strokes (after 3-4 months).
    • Migraine.
  • Nervous system pathologies:
    • Open and closed brain injuries (after 2 and 5 months).
    • Cerebral arachnoiditis.
    • Spinal cord injury.
    • Multiple sclerosis.
    • Polyneuropathy.
    • Flaccid muscle paresis.
    • Diseases of the ENT organs: rhinitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis.
    • Respiratory diseases: chronic and obstructive bronchitis.
  • Diseases of the gynecological sphere: adnexitis, metritis, endometritis, adhesions in the small pelvis.
    • Endocrine system diseases:
    • Infertility in women due to ovarian dysfunction.
    • Climacteric syndrome.
    • Infertility in men.
    • Diabetes mellitus type 2.
    • Obesity.
    • Skin diseases: dermatoses, psoriasis, acne.

Turpentine emulsions are not used for such pathologies:

  • Acute fractures.
  • Diseases of the blood with clotting disorders.
  • Diseases of the heart at the stage of decompensation.
  • Neoplasms.
  • Mastopathy.
  • Purulent inflammation.
  • Intoxication syndrome.
  • Thrombophlebitis in the acute stage, ulcers.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Thyrotoxicosis in the stage of decompensation.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Liver disease.
  • Skin trauma.
  • Chronic kidney processes.
  • Pregnancy, lactation.
  • Children under 5 years old.
  • Individual sensitivity.

The procedures are carried out at home, having previously bought a bath product at the pharmacy. You can choose an emulsion from a wide range of products presented. The firm "Skipar" is in demand, offering different kinds solutions. Detailed description on the preparation of the turpentine bath can be found in the instructions for each individual preparation. The Skipar trademark also produces a massage cream for the body, a balm-cream for feet, a balm-gel for joints, which have effective therapeutic properties on the basis of turpentine.