Air conditioning work in winter on cooling. Is it possible to include air conditioning in the winter at a minus temperature on the street

Now it is not so easy to buy air conditioning that can only work in cooling mode. The overwhelming majority of the devices are capable not only to create a comfortable climate in the in the summer, but also to ensure their warmth in winter time. Since the operation of the air conditioner on heating is somewhat different from cooling, for successful operation of split - systems during the cold, some rules must be followed. How to handle the aggregate under these conditions will be told in this material.

Before answering this question, we will analyze some points of operation split - systems in heating mode. The freon circulating between two heat exchangers is able to evaporate at low temperatures, this property is used to transfer thermal energy from one medium to another. In the summer, Freon boils and evaporates in an internal heat exchanger, taking water from the air room.

Going into a gaseous condition, the refrigerant is pumped by a compressor into an external heat exchanger, where under pressure condenses and gives the heat of the environment. When winter comes, in modern aggregates there is an opportunity to send Freon in the opposite direction, thereby changing the heat exchangers and their appointment. Now the refrigerant evaporates in the outer block, and condenses in the internal. The heat is extracted from the air of the street and moves to the house.

In this case, the only mechanical unit of the system - the compressor turns out to be in the cold, in the outer block. As far as it turns out to be operational when the air temperature decreases and becomes negative, depends on the type of air conditioner, and they happen:

  • conventional reversible;
  • inverter.

In reversible split systems, the compressor works in Start / Stop mode. It stops after the specified room temperature is achieved and automatically turns on when it decreases again by several degrees. In the inverter air conditioners, the supercharger never stops, he changes the performance by the controller command, moving into a working, then in the minimum "quiet" mode.

An ordinary reversive air conditioner cannot be included on heating at a temperature of minus 5 ° C and below. The reason is the interruptions in the compressor, during which the oil in its crank is cooled and thickly thick. The unit will work in extreme mode and quickly fails.

Inverter split - systems are deprived of this disadvantage, since the supercharger functions in them constantly. But the heat released by the aggregate and not letting the oil thickening is enough to the temperature only ambient Minus 15 ° C. With a further decrease, the same as with a conventional air conditioner will occur. Accordingly, the lower temperature limit for the inverters is minus 15 ° C.

If we talk about practice, then the performance of most apparatuses on heat is sharply reduced at 0 ° C on the street. This is simply explained: the air when negative temperature Contains significantly less thermal energy than with positive. In order to effectively remove it, it is necessary to at least increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe heat exchange surface, which is impossible to do. In addition, the condensate on the cold begins to freeze that again will lead to the inoperability of the air conditioner.

So, the answer to the question is whether the air conditioner can be included in winter, is ambiguous. In general, yes, you can, but effective heating you will only get to zero degrees in the yard. Ranging from 0 to -5 ° C on the street internal block It will produce warm, but not hot air. Therefore, it is better to use it as an additional heat source.

With more low temperatures Only inverter split systems can be operated, but they are unlikely to provide you with warmth to the fullest. For example, if at -15 ° C on the courtyard you set the temperature indoor +25 ° C, then the air conditioner cannot catch up so much, all the time working in the maximum mode.

How to enable heating mode

In order to switch the air conditioner to heating, there is no problem. This is done using the console remote control, In some cases, using the control panel built into the internal block. In this process, keys with such inscriptions are involved:

  • "Heat" (heat);
  • "AUTO".

Note. The specified keys in one form or another take place on the remote consoles of all manufacturers. The remaining buttons are intended for cooling, ventilation, drying and adjustment of the corner of the shutback.

Initially, it is necessary to enable the unit into the network by the corresponding key, after which it is necessary to translate it to heating with the "Heat" button and adjust the air conditioner by temperature by setting it on the display using the "+" and "-" keys. If necessary, at the end, you can press the "AUTO" button, then the unit will automatically maintain the specified temperature in the room.

Why air conditioning does not turn on heating

Sometimes, when operating split systems, problems arise with the launch of the heating mode. The colder the weather on the street, the more often it is necessary to deal with various difficulties. The situation is very common when, after pressing the corresponding key, the indicator on the panel lights up, and the air conditioner does not turn on. None of the fan operation, no compressor outside.

Before looking for malfunctions, it is recommended to wait a while, sometimes up to 15 minutes. So much time requires an aggregate to tune in to the mode and warm the inner block. After that, the air conditioner will successfully turn on and will gradually go to the operating temperature. Another familiar situation - indicators glow green, compressor and an outdoor unit fan work, and the air conditioner temperature is almost no different from the room. This may be a number of reasons:

  • on the street too much cold and the device is simply not able to heat the air by more than 3 ° C, it lacks performance;
  • i managed to frozen the outer module, and the exhaust system is missing or does not work;
  • the four-way valve failed, whose task is to switch the refrigerant flow in the opposite direction;
  • freon banal leak from the system.

Council. The faults listed in paragraphs 2-4 are unlikely to succeed with their own hands. In this case, it is better to call a specialist, he will definitely diagnose and repairs your device.


Since when frosting the air conditioner does not work for heating at least any effectively, constantly damaging the house with its help is unlikely to succeed. This idea attracts many, because inwarding 3 kW heat, the unit consumes only 1 kW of electricity. But Split - the system can be used at a certain time of the year, when from the outside from 0 to +10 ° C.

How to choose split system Recommendations for the choice of air conditioner without an external unit Winter Kit for Split System How to do right choice Air conditioner for apartment

With high energy efficiency of modern climatic devices, when with one used electricity kilowatte, it is possible to get 3 - 4 kilowatta cold or warm air, the desire to use air conditioners is year-round. But it is possible to do this and what you need to have to not bring the device to breakage, you need to know in advance. Some models operate in the temperature range from minus 50 degrees and to plus 50, but they are very expensive. These are the newest technologies. On more simple models There are special devices that allow you to turn on air conditioning in the winter.

Is it possible to include air conditioning in the winter and at what temperature

Operating conditions depend on the specific model of the split system. The devices of the lower and medium price segment are designed for the maximum temperature of minus 5 degrees during the cold season. You can risk and turn on the equipment at lower temperatures, but the compressor breakage is a serious thing, and the repair is expensive. Learn which range of operating temperatures for this model of air conditioner, you need to purchase. Cheap systems have a small.

The average split system works on heating at maximum minus temperature 7 degrees.

Mitsubishi Electric models are capable of maintaining working mode at temperatures up to minus 20 degrees outside the window. If there is a winter kit - up to minus 30.

Another Japanese brand Daikin also solved the problem of all-weather for his split systems. Air conditioners in winter work on heating at a temperature of minus 15 degrees.

Before turning on the equipment for heating, you need to re-read the instruction and find out until the bottom temperature threshold you can use the device to not output. The reasons why air conditioning can break, two:

  1. Refloitation of the drainage system. Condensate arising outside when working, frost freezes, the liquid cannot exit.
  2. Freezing oil. Each brand has its own limit of the lower temperatures at which it is thick and cannot further perform its functions.

As a result of the violation of the rules for using the device in winter, various breakdowns arise. If protective functions are provided, the equipment will simply turn off, which will save it from expensive repairs.

Heating is available only in spring and autumn, when the use of gas boilers is irrational, because they consume a lot of fuel. Heat the room a little - that's all you can achieve from the usual air conditioner. However, consumers want to cool and heat the room with the same instrument.

In winter, the efficiency of the split system is reduced if the air conditioner is included at a minus temperature. Work on cooling during the cold season is needed only in specific rooms, where there is equipment that has large heat transfer and in need of constant cooling. For these purposes, a winter kit has been created: to cool and not heated the room. It includes the following components:

  • A device that reduces the speed of the impeller. Thanks to it, the efficiency is normalized.
  • The device heats the compressor crankcase. As soon as the compressor stops, the crankcase heater starts. Freon does not count in it, the oil remains liquid, the refrigerant does not boil.
  • Heater drainage system. Tubes and baths do not freeze, condensate seems freely out. There are heaters mounted outside and inside the highway.

Equipped with such a set, air conditioning can be included in winter without fears.

To warm the house or apartment in the winter, you need to buy a very expensive model, or use the average air conditioner at the plus temperatures that are usually in the offseason. At minus temperatures, use only for cooling equipment, for example, in server rooms, it is necessary to install a winter kit.

What will happen if you turn on air conditioning in winter

The evaporation of the refrigerant for heat transfer is carried out at a temperature lower than that of atmospheric air by 5 to 14 degrees. Thus, even if the temperature is +6 degrees, the evaporation temperature must be negative. If you turn on the air conditioner in the winter, the "Snow Shub" is growing on the heat exchanger. The exchange of heat with the atmosphere is disturbed, the temperature of the evaporation of freon decreases, performance drops.

When the heat exchanger is frosting, the equipment performance drops

The power of the heat exchanger covered with snow is not enough to evaporate Freon. The refrigerant penetrates into the suction line and from there to the compressor, causing hydrolyat.

Thus, air conditioning in the winter can be included with some negative points:

  • cold performance drops significantly;
  • outdoor block It may be frozen, the compressor will damn or it happens to hydrate;
  • if the heat exchanger is covered with ice, condensate flows on it directly on the impeller, which splashes the water indoors;
  • compressor cooling is disturbed;
  • the discharge temperature of the compressor exceeds that it threatens the melting of the four-way valve;
  • the drainage tube can freeze.

How to exploit air conditioning in winter

The use of air conditioner in winter is possible under the following conditions:

  1. In order for the device to work safely, it must be used for destination - cool the room. In this case, the risk of breakdown decreases.
  2. Winter set, warming compressor and drainage system, must be installed. Even in the offseason, the temperature at night can fall at 1 - 2 degrees below zero, so the device will not be secure, if it is sometimes turned on for heating.
  3. The device must have a heating function as such to include it in warm mode. In hot countries, split systems are calculated for the most part for cooling, so all the questions clarify from the sellers when buying.

Companies Cooling system manufacturers direct their efforts to construct a device capable of working on cooling even in the most very coldy. To heal the dwelling in Siberia, where frosts reach 40 - 50 degrees, any air conditioner will not even turn on, not to mention the performance.

Exploited cooling systems in specialized rooms with expensive equipment is recommended alternately. The technique is configured on automatic switching from one air conditioner to another so that they can have the opportunity to relax and cool. In periods of large loads in the server, several split systems can work simultaneously, so all external blocks must be equipped heating elements For compressor and drainage. Winter set heats the oil primarily so that the parts do not wear out, maintains a capacitor tube in heat so that the fluid does not freeze.

Heating split system in the cold period

Include equipment for heating you need after cleaning the filters. Use ordinary detergents For a removable filter and special solutions for a fine cleaning filter if it is available. The vacuum cleaner is removed dust from the indoor unit and turn on a couple of hours to ventilation mode to remove moisture.

Check the device at temperatures that are listed in the instruction manual. Do it with the already installed winter set. If purchased dear modelwhich can work at very low temperatures, you need to clarify, you need a winter kit, or it is already built into external block.

If exploitation is not planned, it is desirable to cover the external block with a waterproof material.

When buying Split Systems in winter, the installation is made when the temperature on the street will allow you to turn on the equipment. You should not count that the air conditioner will work productively, heating the room to 30 degrees. All that can be expected is 18 - 23 degrees in the presence of a powerful compressor.

Cooling air conditioning in winter

Some rooms require constantly cooling air, because there is expensive equipment there. As mentioned, most often are server rooms that have greater heat transfer. With raising temperatures in summer, the equipment may fail and disrupt the work of the entire enterprise.

Similar equipment are magnetic resonance tomographs in hospitals. These devices cost several hundred thousand dollars and are very expensive in installation and repair. The task of the air conditioner is to protect the MRI device from breakage, so it should work on cooling in winter and in summer. In the summer there is no problems, but in winter it is necessary to heal for climatic equipment and observe the temperature regime.

In areas with a harsh climate, it is better not to save on cooling electronic diagnostic equipment, since the repair will cost more than the most expensive model. The best are Japanese split systems that are included at temperatures up to minus 25 degrees, and with a winter set to minus 30.

In special premises set several cooling systems so that when you exit any failure, it was possible to turn on the spare.

Features of winter exploitation

Conditions of heating mode of air conditioner

To turn on the air conditioner to work in warm mode, find the necessary button on the remote control. IN different models It looks different - in the form of a badge with the Sun or with the inscription Mote, which means switching the modes.

After pressing the Split button, the system will start working on heating no earlier than in 10 minutes. The air indoor will warm up 15 to 20 minutes. First earn an external unit, then the internal will be connected to operation. Do not think that the equipment has breakdown, just the system should be prepared for work.

Problems and risks of operation

Without a thermal additional pump, the oil is not able to warm up to the desired temperature before turning on. Compressor details for some time will operate in dry mode. The friction of parts without lubrication is enhanced and leads to wear. At certain temperatures, the viscosity of the oil is increasing, at which it is not effective. The breakage of the compressor in this case is gradually and depends on how much the fonding parts will withstand.

Hydroat is the hitting of liquid freon into the compressor. Normally, the refrigerant must heal and enter the compressor in the gaseous state. At low temperatures, freon transition from liquid state In gaseous, which affects the operation of the valve system. When the pressure drops, there is less refrigerant in the compressor than it is supplied, the engine overheats and stops work. In this case, it is possible damage to insulation and lubrication deterioration.

The inhabitants of cities use air conditioning for heating apartments in the fall, while utilities have not yet included heating. Country houses apply it as alternative source Heat. Is it safe to use this device in the heating mode in autumn and winter and how can you configure it for this?

Alternative ways of heating at home are relevant to many of us. Changes in energy prices are forced to think about how to save ways. Heating devices Sometimes they fail and require repair. Emergency shutdowns from gas or power grid also happen. The prudent owner must take care of the possibility of alternative heating.

Of course, the system "Warm floor" or a wood fireplace in the living room will not solve the problem of heating at home in the winter stepmaking, but in the raw and cold autumn day will be very by the way. Fan heater or air conditioning included on heating - good decision. And the simplest. Therefore, it is necessary to remember the availability of air conditioner and switch it to heating mode.

Warm or clean air?

Povered windows in the cold time - a sign that the apartment is not ventilated. People cloculate their glass winds and literally breathe their evaporation. The air is saturated not only by water vapor and carbon dioxide, but also smells, particles of the very food in the form of steam, carbon dioxide and other products of vital activity, respiration and discharge from furniture made of chipboard and non-ecological coatings.

Having houses and at work, people are not tested at all from the lack of oxygen, but from the oversaturation of the atmosphere of the dwellings with carbon dioxide and other harmful substances. All that you need to do is open the window and wait until the air in the room is completely replaced. Many will say: how to be in winter? After all, the refrigeration, drafts! Turn on any device that quickly hot air!

Air conditioning or ordinary electrical heater?

The heater works at the expense of the active transformation and consumption of electricity and it noticeably loses the functions of the air conditioner in the following plan:

  • consumes a lot of energy;
  • unevenly heats the room, as a result, it is necessary to include it on a large power to give remote corners;
  • long heats the air indoors to comfortable.

Air conditioning for heating works otherwise than the electrical heater. When cooled air, it transfers heat out of the room to the street through the exchanger of the outdoor unit. When working in heating mode, the air conditioner functions are changed exactly opposite: the device drives the room, due to air cooling on the street.

This is due to the fact that the air conditioner uses electricity exclusively for the operation of fans and compressors carrying heat into the room.

How does air conditioner work in heating mode?

Based on this, the main function of the air conditioner is that it transfers heat in mode thermal pump And spends the electricity much less than it gives the heat to the room. In this plan inverter conditioner It can be much better to cope with the task, for it has an adjustable power: after the temperature in your home is installed on the desired indicator. Such an air conditioner is not turned off, and by reducing the compressor revolutions can maintain heat in the right mode, helping to save a considerable amount of electricity.

To transfer heat, the instrument uses the necessary substances called refrigerants, which are in contact with the surrounding air medium through heat exchangers in the following steps:

  • heat from one air niche refrigerant is absorbed through heat exchanger;
  • the compressor pumped the refrigerant to another heat exchanger;
  • the heat concentrated heat is transferred to the air.

Is it possible to use air conditioning in heating mode in winter at very low temperatures?

Optimal to use air conditioning for heating in the cool summer months and during the offseason, i.e. before the beginning heating season And immediately after him. As a rule, in the manual of the household air conditioner indicates the range of temperatures outdoors at which it can work.

The standard temperature in the functioning on heating is -5 degrees. Although some inverter models fully cope with these functions and at -15 degrees.

The climatic conditions of most of our country do not allow the lads of the device to apply the full use of the air conditioner in the winter due to the possibility of his breakage.

On the recommendation of most manufacturers, the optimal use of air conditioning in the winter is its conservation, because at very low temperatures there may be serious impaired air conditioning. The lower the degree, the worse the efficiency of the air conditioner and its systems:

  • heat exchanger is covered with the other and loses power;
  • the system is constantly included, which supports defrosting the outdoor unit, leading to the formation of ice-based growths inside the compressor and the destruction of the fan blades;
  • refrigerant who did not have time to evaporate in a poorly working heat exchanger, flows down drainage systems in the compressor, causing hydrates;
  • the compressor first overheats, and then frozen, fail.

Portable air conditioner as a heat source

What if without heating this device can not do? It is quite appropriate to use a mobile outdoor unit intended for the heating of the room. Moreover, it can be put in almost any place of the apartment. The monoblock used for cooling uses freon and is equipped with a powerful pump and long corrugated pipeemitted outside the window for hot air lead.

By the same principle, a monoblock on heating can work, using in this case not the freon contour system, but a ceramic heat heater. The largest stumbling block at the same time that the discharge hose must be output somewhere. If we take into account that it is necessary to use such an instrument in the winter - the task is not easy. When it is possible, the easiest way to withdraw the hose in ventilation hole or other such a system of removal.

In any case, this option in the winter is quite convenient and heated this way does not cause special problems. The mobility of the air conditioner allows you to roll it from one room to another, evenly warming the entire room.

How to enable heating mode

If you want to adjust the air conditioner to heat, but lost the instructions and do not know how to do it, do not worry. All such devices work approximately equally, and therefore it is possible to turn on the heat, if you use our advice. But first, make sure that your air conditioner can still be adjusted to heating: not all models allow it to do. You can learn about the characteristics of your device on the Internet by typing in the search engine the brand and the model of the split system.

To enable air conditioning for heating, you need to use the console:

  • press the power button ("ON / OFF");
  • find the "Heat" button and click on it;
  • if "Heat" on the remote control, there must be a "MODE" button or any other, over which the droplet, snowflake, sun and fan are drawn;

If there is neither a sun, nor the inscription "non-", but there are other modes and are displayed, it means that your split system cannot heat the room.

  • we switch the modes while the Sun will appear on the screen or the inscription "Heat";
  • using "+" and "-" (or arrows up and down), you must configure the desired temperature. It should be higher than the one that is now indoors;
  • first, the fan is usually turned on and only then the air begins to heat up;
  • after 5 (maximum 10) minutes, the air conditioner should start working on heat.

On some models, first adjust the data on the remote control and only then press the "ON / OFF" button. Remember that the split system must react to your press: (squeak, flash, turn on and off).

Even if you have a sun or inscription "Heat", it does not give warranty that air conditioning will help heat the room. Sometimes manufacturers use standard consoles for all their devices. It is still better to refine the characteristics of your model.

The owners of split systems are often wondering if air conditioning can be included in winter on heating? In modern climatic complexes, work is provided not only for cooling, but also on heating, in reverse mode. It is mistaken to believe that one only optional presence of such a function involves the year-round operation of the unit.

So, is it possible to use the air conditioning system in winter And how appropriate is it in principle? Tell in detail in the article.

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    How should the device work: on heating or cooling?

    Model with inverter

    Otherwise, things are dealing with split systems. Such an air conditioner on heat and cooling works by means of heat exchange with the environment, which is why the outer part of the block is fixed on the street. Obviously, it will have to take into account the ambient temperature.

    Heated with air conditioning. pros

    Features of the functioning of the aggregate

    Speaking about the possibility of including air conditioning in the winter, not only the technical side of the question deserves close attention, but also possible problems, about it below.

    Question of technical implementation

    It is necessary to understand that the compressor, which is the key link of the climatic unit, is located structurally in the block outside. This node requires regular lubrication, and the consistency should be not liquid and not viscous. The use of the air conditioner will depend on the external temperature and humidity regime.

    note! Why can not be included an aggregate at minus temperature values? To use the air conditioner in winter it is necessary extremely neat: at -5° C Butter becomes viscous, parts overheat, wear out.

    Be sure to review the video, which describes one of the reasons why not each unit can be used at a temperature of minus 5 and below.

    Air conditioner work on heating. Free refinement

    Efficiency of the device

    In terms of efficiency, the operation of the air conditioner in the winter depends on the functioning mode of the unit.

    Cooling room

    The heat apparatus operating in cooling mode at minus temperatures is a condenser. If you include air conditioning in such conditions, the effectiveness of heat exchange will depend on external conditions - The colder outside the window, the better. This is quite logical and provided by the manufacturer. Modern air conditioners working in winter on cooling are used everywhere.

    Principle of operation of the unit for cooling

    In the realities of the residential premises, there is no need for this, since the main task is to warm the rooms. For ventilation, it is enough just to open the window the window, one of its sash. But in the back or server, where there is a lot of equipment, the specified "air conditioning heating" is required.

    Heated space

    How is the operation of the air conditioner for heating in winter, and why it is impossible to include a climatic unit with negative air temperature values? In this mode, the radiator of the device is already an evaporator. Inside the refrigerant gradually cools due to the difference in temperatures with the environment. Until a certain point, everything functions without complaints.

    Different modes of operation: for heating and cooling

    note! Is it possible to turn on air conditioning in the winter? - It is possible, but provided that the temperature is above the mark in -5° C, or when using specialized climatic units.

    If it becomes colder on the street, the freon will not be able to fully warm, the performance of the device is reduced at times. Strong cooling is fraught with a decrease in the efficiency of the climatic device to the 0th mark. Therefore, if the company does not indicate that this air conditioner can be used for heating, it is not worth it.

    Air conditioner work on heating

    Split systems with heating function

    How to check that the acquired apparatus supports the heating function? The instructions for the climate device indicates whether it is possible to use air conditioning in the winter for heating or not. Much will depend on the characteristics of the compressor implemented by the control circuit. Traditional models are functioning with permanent performance oriented temperature.

    Aggregate with heating function

    With an inverter inclusion scheme, efficiency depends on environmental conditions. The unit will turn on independently, while the fan adjustment speed it will determine unilaterally. There are such devices uninterrupted, while dismantling the air conditioner is not required in the winter. It is initially ready for operation at negative temperature values: heating - up to -5 ° C, for cooling 10 ° C.

    • system for heating compressor crankcase;
    • solutions for heating the drainage nozzle (for this it is necessary to dismantle the unit);
    • board with a special scheme, by means of which a forced slowing down the speed of rotation of the fan embedded in the device is carried out.
    • The refueling of the conditioner refrigerant should be carried out only by experts, especially if the climatic device is supposed at a minus temperature. A professional is able to pick up such a substance that is best suited for specific operating conditions of the device. If the aggregates are referred correctly, their service life increases. In all other cases, the climate device is disassembled for the winter period, its preservation.

      note! There is a wide range of "frost-resistant split systems", the functionality of which allows you to heat the rooms even at -25° C.


      Installation of air conditioning in winter is undesirable. Professionals advise to conduct such work only with the onset of spring, when you can fully check the functionality of the climate unit. But testing mechanical nodes is easy to implement even in winter, and in several ways. The underlying condition is the presence of the "winter set".

At what temperature can air conditioning be included? This question is often asked by the owners of climate techniques of different firms and species. Does it turn on if you run the device in winter for heating or cooling?

Let's try to deal with these questions. So, is it possible to include air conditioning in winter for heating or cooling at minus temperature?

To begin with, let's say a few words about the principles of operation of the split system. When operating the device in heating or cooling mode electric Energy Used to transport heat between the street and the room. In the summer it is removed into the atmosphere, and in the winter, on the contrary, pumped from the street to the room.

Heated air conditioning

Is it possible to include air conditioning at a minus temperature for heating? Yes, you can. But you need to take into account several factors and features of a particular device. During operation in heating mode, Freon in a liquid form enters the outer block, there evaporates, taking part of the heat. After that, the compressor gaseous refrigerant is pumped into the internal unit, where in the evaporator it condenses, releaseing the accumulated heat. This happens the operation of the air conditioner to heating in the winter.

During this process, the heat exchanger in the outer block is cooled to a very low level, as a result of which moisture from the pumped outdoor ventilated by the fan. This is one of the main problems when operating the air conditioner for heating in winter.

The second problem is an increased viscosity of the oil in the compressor. Since it uses a moving mechanism, it needs lubricant. To do this, the compressor is poured oil at the factory, which can thicken in the cold. During the start of the compressor with too thick oil, its breakdown can occur.

Outdoor block friction

In order to avoid negative moments before turning on the air conditioner for heating in winter in minus weather it is necessary to carry out the following steps:

  • In the instructions for the split system to find the item on the boundary permissible temperatures. If it is on the street below, the device cannot be turned on.
  • Make sure the thermometer indicators on the street above the minimum permissible level.
  • On the air conditioner's console to find a button that is responsible for heating and click on it. Usually, a pictogram in the form of a stylized sun is used to designate.
  • Select the desired temperature. You do not need to try to heat the room. The unit may not have sufficient power. It is recommended to heat the room in the winter to 18-24 degrees.