Camping of old furniture. Possible problems when sticking the cabinet

Self-adhesive film is universal Materialwhich allows you to quickly and without special costs Transform any furniture headset. The process of sticking such a film is quite simple, however, you need to know how to attach furniture by self-adhesive film correctly and what material to make it possible for this.

This material is made on the basis of a combination of wallpaper and adhesive tape. Self-adhesive film can be placed not only furniture, but also the surface of the walls, ceilings or some elements of the car. At the same time, for everyone you need to use a certain type of film.

Features of the material

Applying a self-adhesive film, you can implement the most versatile and original design ideas, which becomes possible due to the advantages of this material:

  • moisture resistance;
  • resistant to influence high temperatures (not melting at temperatures up to 80 degrees);
  • a wide range of colors, textures and drawings;
  • inexpensive price;
  • ease of use;
  • easy to care.

In addition, the features of the film also include the possibility of gluing it almost on any surface. Therefore, it is possible not only wooden furniture, but also furniture from plastic, plywood, glass or metal. The only difficulty that can prevent quickly transforming furniture may arise due to uneven surface Selected items. Therefore, first you need to get rid of all defects, especially if the furniture is old. It can be roughness or pits, which can be treated with a grinding machine or a small emery paper. If this is not done, then the self-adhesive film can be peeling or inflated by blisters in areas of irregularities.

The process of sticking cannot be called complicated, it does not require skills or practices. The only thing that will need is time, and if you need to attach a complex surface, then the assistant. Also need such tools:

  • line;
  • marker or handle;
  • acute knife or scissors;
  • putty knife;
  • industrial dryer.

The industrial hairdryer is necessary in order to thoroughly dry the surface of the furniture, as well as the glued film.

What furniture can be placed by self-adhesive film?

Self-adhesive film for furniture moisture resistant is not affected by temperatures and is different simple care. Thanks to these qualities, it can be used to finish furniture in different rooms:

  • for pasting kitchen headset. Refresh kitchen set A self-adhesive film for furniture will help to buy quickly and without much effort to buy in an inexpensive cost. Such a film is kitchen furniture Will an avid assistant in maintaining cleanliness and order. The surface of kitchen furniture is constantly contaminated, and it is possible to fix it with a self-adhesive film;
  • for furniture pasting in the toilet and bathroom. Due to the fact that this material is not terrible water and moisture, the furniture in these rooms will be able to last longer. And at the same time the film will help create original designwhich, if you wish, you can easily change through time;
  • for furniture pasting in. Children tend to love to draw, and they do it everywhere where it turns out. Including the blow takes on the furniture in the nursery. However, if you push it with a self-adhesive film, then as a result, any drawing can be either lined, or to cross the film or leave as it is, if desired. In addition, children love everything bright and interesting, and with the help of such a film, even the most ordinary children's furniture can be transformed beyond recognition;
  • for pasting furniture in the living room, hallway or bedroom. Decorative self-adhesive film for furniture is perfect for these rooms as you can always choose the necessary texture and coloring of the film so that it is harmoniously fit into the overall premises.

When pasting furniture items - chairs, cabinets, surfaces of tables or dresser, for everyone you can choose a film that will be suitable for color and texture, which will help refresh the interior and design of any room. Below can be viewed what a self-adhesive film for furniture photo looks like.

An important point: choosing a film, you need to consider what type of furniture surface to which it will be glued. For example, if the furniture is old, then the film is best suited for its finish, with which you can hide scuffs and minor scratches, while without changing the color of the old tree. It will be good on the glass, watch a film with a pattern of mosaic.

Self-adhesive film is distinguished by simple departure. To support good appearance Furniture, just wipe the film with detergent. Powder tools are better not to use, as they can damage the structure. With severe pollution, you can apply ethyl alcohol.

How to glue a self-adhesive film on the furniture: surface preparation

Before proceeding with furniture salas, you need to carefully prepare the surface so that the film is well glued, and bubbles with air are not formed. Starts:

  1. any surface, whether it is a table, a chest of drawers or a closet, you must first carefully clean and with the help of alcohol well degrease. The most suitable for gluing the film is a smooth surface on which there is a coating of varnish. In the case when the surface is rough, then you must first cover it with furniture varnish and leave to dry for two days;
  2. further by surfaces, plywood or wood you need to remove dust and protruding material particles. With the help of shallow emery paper, it should be carefully lured surface. You can even use acrylic primer, as it will contribute to a reliable adhesion of the film with the surface;
  3. if metal parts are present on the selected object of the furniture, which also need to be stuck, then such parts should be pre-moistened;
  4. after surface preparation, you need to cut a self-adhesive film on the necessary parts. This will help the grid on the reverse side of the material, which is discharged by centimeters. On the grid you need to mark up, making a small stock, and cut with sharp scissors or knives.

Stages of gluing self-adhesive film

By purchasing such a material, the instruction is always attached to it, in which there is a description of the gluing process to a specific material. In fact, there is nothing difficult in gluing the film and make it even an inexperienced person. However, you need to stick to perform gluing carefully so that the finish does not look after the clumsy. Stages of furniture furniture self-adhesive film:

  1. prepared film must be separated from paper for several centimeters. Next, it should be applied to the surface with a sticky side so that it coincides with the surface with the surface;
  2. then you need to carefully separate the film from the paper part and evenly glue it on the surface. Smoothing the film must be started from the center. To do this, you can use a dry sponge. Smoothing it is necessary in the same way as during the air blistering;
  3. in the event that an error was made during gluing, it is necessary to remake it immediately, since if it goes a little time, then the film is no longer possible to remove.

It is worth paying attention if the purchased film is captured with the surface instantly, because then it will be extremely inconvenient to glue it. In order to slow down the gluing, you can use the powder or talc, slightly apply it to the surface of the furniture. If the process failed to avoid the formation of air bubbles, then you can get rid of the needle. Blisters need to pierce and smooth out.

How to remove a self-adhesive film from furniture

After some time, everyone can bother color or drawing of a film that is pasted on furniture in the kitchen or living room. However, do not everyone know how to properly remove the film so that it does not spoil the surface of the furniture. Self-adhesive film is pretty durable materialwhich is so popular due to aestheticism and durability. Therefore, special measures must be taken to remove the film. There are several ways to remove the film:

  • remove the self-adhesive film with hot water. You need to wet the film well. Then the thin spatter must be accurately removed, so as not to spoil the surface of the furniture;
  • if a hot water It will not help and the film is still not removed, you can use the hairdryer. In order for the glue behind the surface of it, it is necessary to warm up well. This is suitable for us as an ordinary hairdryer and industrial;
  • another way is the use of the heater. You can use the usual home heater, which blows hot air. To do this, you need to install it for all power and direct on the glued film. Thus, it will heat up, after which it can be easily removed;
  • if there will be a little glue from the film on the surface, it does not matter. It will easily get rid of it, using a little solvent.

Self-adhesive film is universal view Material, thanks to which you can completely change the design of any furniture, without applying special efforts and high costs. This durable material will allow you to make new paints in the design and interior of any home.

Video how to poke a self-adhesive film kitchen furniture

Self-adhesive film is universal toolWith which you can hide scratches and other different defects. It has a very attractive appearance, big color gamut, great durability and affordable price. However, so that everything works out, it is necessary to know how to glue the self-adhesive film on different types surfaces.

General information about the material

With the help of the film, you can not only disguise various defects on the furniture, which appeared during operation, but also refresh its appearance with minimal financial costs. If there is a material and ordinary stationery scissors, the pasting process will take no more than one hour.

Many people choose a film due to its following advantages:

  • the film is sold in rolls, so it is very easy to work with it;
  • the material is quite durable, so that it perfectly protects furniture from any mechanical damage;
  • the material has a rather low cost;
  • no special tools are required to work with the film;
  • the material perfectly protects furniture from dirt, fat and any kind of other spots;
  • very easy to wash.

Given all the listed advantages, it can be said with confidence that this material is one of the most universal, with which you can quickly and cheap update interior items, as well as make them more fresh and interesting. However, that the end result corresponds to all your expectations, you need to know how to glue a self-adhesive film on the furniture.

Features of the material

High performance features Films are due to its features. It consists of three layers, each of which is designed to perform a specific task.

The first layer is facial. It can be made of polymeric materials, foil or paper. This layer performs exclusively protective functions and prevents damage to the furniture during mechanical exposure.

The second is a decorative layer. It gives interior items a more aesthetic and attractive appearance. Film can imitate different types of surfaces, so every person can pick up perfect solution For its interior, which will be perfectly harmonized with all decorative objects.

The last layer is protective. It is removed before the film will be pasted on the surface.

So, we already know about the benefits of raw materials and about its features, however, before answering the question of how to glue a self-adhesive film, it is necessary to understand the main varieties of this material.

Varieties of film

There are two main varieties of self-adhesive film, which differ in each other with the composition and technology of production:

  • Single-layer - manufactured from polymeric materials and special additives that increase the strength and durability of the material.
  • Two-layer - film consists of two layers, among which the first is the main one, and the second performs decorative functions. It is much cheaper than one-layer, however, has worse performance.

So, how to glue a self-adhesive film with your own hands? For this, no tools and special skills are needed, so any person can cope with everything. And in more detail about the process of pasting will be discussed below.

Applying self-adhesive film for furniture

Many at home have old furniture, which was quite exhausted and needed to be replaced, but there is simply no money for the purchase of new furniture. Therefore, every person is interested in the question of how to glue a self-adhesive film on the furniture. First of all, you need to prepare a set required toolswhich includes the following:

  • stationery scissors;
  • a piece of mild matter;
  • roller;
  • acetone;
  • primer;
  • grinding paper.

When the inventory is prepared, you can begin the preparation of the surface to apply the film. For this, the furniture must be predicted, which will significantly increase the quality of the clutch of the material with furniture. It is also worth tightening all the bolts so that the furniture does not crack and have not risen.

After complete drying of the primer mixture, you can proceed to applying the film. Here is the answer to the question of how to glue a self-adhesive film. First of all, it is necessary to remove measurements from furniture, on the basis of which the film is cut into pieces.

When applying a material on furniture from one end, a protective layer is removed by approximately 10 centimeters, after which the film is gently and slowly applied to the furniture. So that after sticking, there are no folds and air bubbles, the material is smoothed by a roller or a soft cloth.

How to glue a self-adhesive film more simple way? To do this, you need soap mortarwhom to moisten working surface. Then the protective layer is completely removed from the film, and it is applied to the furniture, after which it is smoothed by a piece of matter.

Wall and doors films

An equally common question that interests many people is: "How to glue a self-adhesive film on the wall?" The process of applying material to these types of surfaces has a lot in common with the same, described above, but there are some differences.

To begin with, you will need to prepare the following tools:

  • line;
  • stationery knife;
  • simple pencil;
  • spatula with felt;
  • thermofen.

If everything you need is at hand, you can proceed to applying material. First of all, you should prepare the wall under pasting. For this, the old coating and glue is removed from it. Next, the wall or the door is treated with gasoline or alcohol and leaves for a day for complete drying. It is necessary to degrease the surface. To achieve better adhesion, the wall can be covered with primer.

When the surface is fully prepared, you can proceed to pasting film. It is applied by separate parts, so first the material is cut into certain pieces. It should be left a small supply. When applying material on the wall or door, it is necessary to be extremely attentive so that it will lay on the surface perfectly smoothly. To avoid air bubbles under the film, the material is perfectly smoothed with roller.

Glass Film Punch

How to glue a self-adhesive film on the glass? Very simple. The first thing glass should be thickened to wash away from dirt and wipe dry, so that there are no divorces left on it. After that, the surface must be deguted using isopropyl alcohol. Next, the dimensions on which the necessary piece is cut from the film are removed from the film. At the same time, you should take a small margin that is necessary to eliminate possible errors.

Before applying the material on the glass surface, the latter is pre-wetted by soapy. The protective layer is completely removed from the film, and the material is applied to the glass, in the process of which the film is smoothed by rochel. Smoothing should be started from the center, gradually heading towards the edges of the glass. Excess films are cut.

Common mistakes

So, you already know how to glue a self-adhesive film on the door. However, that the result is completely satisfied, you should avoid the following errors:

  • apply the film should be perfectly clean surface;
  • when cutting the material, it is always necessary to take a small margin so that the films are enough for the shield paste;
  • in order for the drawing to coincide, cut the film from the seams exclusively;
  • to do after applying the film on any surface, no defects were visible, it should be prepared to prepare.


From this article, you learned about all the nuances of applying self-adhesive film on various types of surfaces. However, in order not to spoil the material, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the technology of its application, which indicates the manufacturer on the package.

If you recently did repairs or just going to it to proceed, then besides the repair you are surely tormented by the choice of furniture. For example, in the new bedroom would not hurt new cabinetwhich harmoniously fit into new interior. How does most people do? Buys a new closet, and the old goes on the landfill or in country house. However, why spend money if you can make a stylish cabinet that will look at any interior from the old! And for this, it is not at all necessary to be a designer or have tremendous skill in the restoration of furniture. Have a good idea, and a little time and strength.

For example, with a small application of the forces and an excellent photo of the application, you can create a stylish cabinet that will easily become a "star" of almost any interior. To do this, it is enough to clean the sandy paper of the door of the old cabinet, paint them with white paint, and then glue the image to the cabinet door, which can be printed in a large format in any close-up photo Studio. After that, the wardrobe is covered with colorless varnish.

But to give the old cabinet of a new style not at all be sure to use beautiful pictures. You can decorate it with the help of curly slats, which will be found in every business store. And then paint it paint with divorces. You can see how it is done in the picture. Thin rails are nailed to the closet, and then it is painted in blue. As a result, instead of the traditional factory cabinet of the 60-70s, we get a stylized Mediterranean cabinet of the late nineteenth century, which looks great in a gentle blue interior.

If you have an old favorite cabinet, who saw the sorrowing slightly, but very comfortable, or you do not have a plan now to buy a fashionable compartment compartment, you can update your cabinet with self-keys film.

Film-self-playing is found in various colors and patterns, which will make it easily from the old cabinet make original furniture , you can cover the shelf film, update the locker on the balcony or kitchen, and also improve country furnitureYes, and a lot of other can be done using a film.

For example, as I updated your wardrobe:

The self-tier film is found two species - this is a standard film that can be glossy or matte, various children's, marble patterns and the like.

As well as a special film - furniture, door or metallic, for various worktops.

When working with self-adhesive film, you must comply with certain rules.:

1.Peep the surface under pasting, it is necessary to remove dust and dirt with water and the addition of detergents. The surface should be smooth if it is not, then it is necessary to align it with the help of primer or plaster.

2. The necessary pieces for pasting from the wrong side of the film are necessary to remember the allowances on the edges, where they are required.

3. In order to glue the film, it is necessary to remove the protective paper from the wrong side to a pair of centimeters and the adhesive side to fix to the surface coated.

It is necessary to watch closely during gluing so that air bubbles do not appear, so it is necessary to glue very slowly and gently, all the time smoothing the surface of the film.

4. If bubbles were formed, which could not be deleted, then you can pierce them with a needle and smooth out.

We present you 4 tempting ideas, how to update old cabinet And turn it into a stylish interior element. You will be helped by several cans of glossy paint, wallpaper, glue and your limitless fantasy.

Update old cabinet

Color it in retro style - modern

How to do it:

Remove the boxes, then clean the cabinet with sandpaper and paint the cabinet in two layers of glossy paint. Make blanks for the front part of each box, cut out a special knife shape made of adhesive plywood, then glue them to the box. Measure the width and height of each box and cut down four moldings so that the edges of them are connected at an angle of 45 degrees. Paint them with white glossy paint and when the paint dries, stick them to the boxes. Wrap the handle with a white tape from the cabinet, then drill the holes in each box and insert the handles.

What you need:

White glossy moldings;

Fast drying glossy paint;

Plywood colors of african mahogany;

4 handles for drawers;

White tape.

"Play" with the color of the cabinet

How to do it:

Remove the handles from the closet and paint the main color all the cabinet and retractable drawers. You can even paint the cabinet in two layers. The cabinet will be painted with three colors, so after the paint is dry, spend the second color clear line where there will be a transition. Then spend another line where the third color will be. Then wet the abundantly brush of the second paint and brush down from top to bottom, slightly pressing the brush at the first line so that the paint flows smoothly down. Do the same with the third color. And the handles of each box paint the appropriate color.

What you need:

Chest of drawers;

Fast drying glossy paint.

Charm of mirrors

How to do it:

Remove drawers. Cut the wallpaper strips for the front side and glue them to the closet, on each side, retreat 1 cm to flick the edges of the cabinet. The wallpaper glue is absent to the wallpaper and, when you stick them, start them to smooth around the edges. Cut the wallpaper for
The rest of the cabinet and repeat the same thing. After the paint is dry, cover the wallpaper with varnish. Measure the dimensions of each box and the tops of the cabinet. Order mirrored panels and measure the dimensions of the handle holes. Attach panels special glue. After the glue dries, screw the handles - but do not tighten them too much, because the mirror can crack.

What do you need:


Special glue for mirrors;

Handles for the cabinet.

Be sucks - use 3D effect

How to do it:

Make big letters of any font you like according to the proportions of your front drawers or format text in Microsoft Word or Adobe Illustrator and go to the firm that will help you cut letters from MDF. Remove the boxes and paint their face and side parts in two layers of glossy paint, then do the same with the cabinet itself (except for the back wall). Stick each letter using joinery glue. Give wheels to the closet, it will give him fashionable, modern view.

What you need:

Text from MDF (order it construction company). Text need to paint in white color matte emulsion;

Fast drying glossy paint for Celtic Forest color cabinet;

Carpentry glue;

With the help of a self-adhesive film, you can upgrade the design of any furniture. The properties of the material implies its use and in the restoration purposes. They can be replaced with a cracked laminate and veneer, hide partially or completely spoiled facades, completely caught the old cabinet (table) and give them another kind or increase operational characteristics. The process of updating furniture with the help of a self-adhesive film is simple, but requires some share of patience and knowledge of the sequence of how to attach the old cabinet with self-adhesive film and what tools will need.

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To choose a self-adhesive film to decorate the old cabinet, you need to get acquainted with the properties and characteristics of this coating, pay attention to the structure, the base material, the type of surface, decorative design and appointment.

All films are based on: polyester, propylene and polyvinyl chloride. Additionally, plasticizers, stabilizers, pigments, paper, natural and synthetic tissues can be added.

The self-adhesive film consists of three main parts:

  • The surface is made of paper, polymer film or metallized foil.
  • Acrylic or rubber glue base.
  • Protective substrate from siliconized paper. Saves the adhesive side of the film and is separated before sticking.

There are calendered films that are capable of stretching under the effects of high temperatures and in the process of cooling give shrinkage. It is better to use them in order to enclose the cabinet with smooth smooth facades. If you need to re-establish a self-adhesive film rough or corrugated facades, hide the existing protrusions, prefer casting materials.

The surface canvas differs in structure, it can be:

If all qualitative characteristics affect the durability and scope of application, then the appearance of the furniture depends on the type of surface. Distinguish the following types:

  1. Glossy film - has a high reflective ability. It can enclose the facade in dark and small rooms.
  2. Matte - has the softness of the surface. The canvas are used at good light.
  3. Mirror.
  4. Transparent coating is great for processing glass elements in facades.
  5. Holographic material.

When choosing, take into account the size of the details that will be bold. Need to purchase the most appropriate roll roll to avoid large number Waste. Length can be 2 and 15 m, the width is 45, 67.5, 90 cm.

Cabinet salary

The process of updating furniture with the film is simple, but requires patience and knowledge of how to enclose the closet and what tools will need.

Required tools and materials

To start updating cabinets, except for the adhesive canvas, you will need a series of girlfriend tools:

  • line or roulette;
  • pencil or marker;
  • scissors, stationery knife;
  • silicone spatula or dry rag;
  • a pulverizer with soapy water;


Powing the self-adhesive film of the polished cabinet begins with surface preparation. From the very beginning, remove all removable fittings. For convenience, you can remove the doors from the loops.

Thoroughly need to examine all the furniture on the subject of protruding fasteners, chips and cracks of the coating, because in the subsequent all these defects will manifest. Self-tapping screws and bolts just tighten with a screwdriver or a key, and it will be harder to cope with irregularities. You will have to level the surface with a putty, and then process the sandpaper.

After alignment, proceed to clean and degreasing by any detergent and ethyl alcohol.

If the cabinet consists of wood, MDF or chipboard without an additional coating, a thin layer of furniture primer can be applied to enhance the clutch and give it to dry.

Pluging the cabinet

When sticking the film, 2 methods apply - wet and dry. The positive outcome of the entire process will depend on the choice of the desired.

The dry method is advisable to apply in the processing of small areas, applying decorative elements, on angular zones or if the surface is uneven.

With dry salary, you must first separate small plot Substrates, freed adhesive base, attach a film to the place of consolidation and dissolve. Further, as it is glued, the substrate is delayed, and the sheet is gradually fixed and parallel to the silicone spatula.

If the question arose about how to properly attach the old cabinet completely and at the same time eliminate the likelihood of formation of folds and other defects, it would be better to use the wet method.

The process consists in sticking a film on a wet foundation, which will correct the errors immediately during the work.

For moisturizing the adhesive layer, a pulverizer is used in the "fog" mode. For this, the substrate is completely removed. For wetting, a soap solution of 10 ml of detergent and 1 l of water is prepared. The main rule is for wet method - Do not overdo it with moisture. It slows down the gluing and leads to the scaling of the material.

The prepared canvas placed on the closet and from the center to the edges begin to squeeze moisture, fastening the surface. The remaining solution will be completely evaporated after 48 hours. After a day you need to handle the roller web again.

In the same sequence, we glue all the walls and facades.

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Decor of furniture is creativity that does not like fuss. You have long thought about how to update the old wardrobe, but they were afraid to spoil the released from the fashion or the objective piece of furniture. let's consider different variants, ideas and technique and choose something for yourself. W. simple cabinets And the cabinets-coupe decor can be similar, but as for a simple, who lost the old wardrobe, an old cabinet: from it you can make a unique work.

Decor options

Cabinet's decor with your own hands can be done using interesting ideas And all sorts of equipment. Some of them, such as a photo printing or color film, do not require special skills. And such as matting or stencils are not necessary, you need certain skills. Let's figure out that it will help us to decorate a wardrobe and a wardrobe:

  • Photo printing or photo wallpaper.
  • Color stained glass filling and vinyl stickers.
  • Matting glass or mirrors.
  • Vinyl or ordinary wallpaper.
  • Decorative plaster (stenling).
  • Restoration and coloring.

Photo printing or photo wallpaper

This technique is most often used to decorate the doors of the wardrobe. In the interior design has long been used by widescreen printing. A special printer on paper or any other surface is drawd. The inconvenience is that it is an expensive service and you need to look for a special workshop for the manufacture of photo printing. Photo printing on glass is called skinal.

There is more a budget option - This is a photo wallpaper. Sold in construction or online stores. The cost is 300 p. And above, depending on the value. The topics of the photo wallpaper is the most diverse, landscapes, colors, animals, to fabulous characters for a children's wardrobe. Use when sticking glue based on starch, so you can further remove the old drawing and change it to another.

On the video is talking about how to properly place photo printing on the glass:

Stained glass filling and vinyl stickers

This is what you can quickly, without special skills, stick it with your own hands on the surface or glass of the cabinet and a wardrobe. Add the package of presentability. Stained glass films today at the peak of fashion. They can be bought in both online stores and specialized hypermarkets for repair.

Besides beautiful decorThe film protects the wardrobe and just a cabinet from damage. Stickers and films are removed very easily.

No one distinguishes your imitation from the present stained glass window.

The cost of stickers depends on the value, it is an inexpensive decor. The self-playing base of a stained film for a glass allows you to often change your own entourage.

Matting glass or mirrors

Used for glass and mirror facades of cabinets. More suitable for a wardrobe. Industrial matting involves removing the upper layer of the mirror or glass. It turns out several levels and the volume image.

With our own hands, the matting of the brass or mirrors can be made special paste. To work, you will need stencil and rubber spatula. Stencil put on the surface, we apply a paste with a spatula. Leave for a while, according to the instructions. When using a paste with an abrasive, you need to rub around the lines with glass for about an hour. Paste residues are cleaned with water.

On the video master class on matting:

Vinyl or ordinary wallpaper

You can update the cabinet with your own hands using wallpaper. This decor of the cabinet is suitable exclusively to the old wooden or " soviet furniture" But this is a good, solid furniture, it can still serve and please us. For decorating more suitable simple paper wallpaperSince they are easier to wash with glue and glue. And for the price simple wallpaper cheaper and easier vinyl. W. simple wallpaper There are two drawbacks: they are not durable and the drawing is usually not interesting.

Vinyl wallpapers are on a paper or fliseline basis. They are harder simple, vinyl with paper base Blind better glue Based on starch, and with Fliselin - Methilan Vinyl glue.

Before the wallpaper sticker necessarily degrease the surface. This can be done with alcohol, gasoline, or acetone.

Do not forget to press the dry cloth or sponge and paint the wallpaper so that the paper does not go to the waves.

Decorative Plaster Master Class

This technique with which we will decorate the cabinet, is called stenling. With help decorative plaster And the stencil we will have volumetric decorative elements. They can subsequently paint in any color, ignite or cut into your taste.

To work, you will need:

  1. Stencil from plastic or vinyl, can be from cardboard.
  2. Decorative plaster.
  3. Flat spatula.
  4. Scotch larger.
  5. Old cabinet.
  6. Acrylic paint.
  7. Sandpaper.

If the product we decorate is covered old paintIt is necessary to process the entire surface with emery paper. Processed until it becomes visible wood base. If your old cabinet is not painted, then everything is easier: removing the sandpaper upper layer, remove the dirt and dirt fat. If you see a crack on the tree, it is advisable to smell them with putty. We take our finished or made from cardboard stencil and secure it to the surface of the cabinet door with a painted scotch.

Then we give the plaster to dry, pass the eye and cover the whole cabinet. acrylic paint In several layers. Acrylic will not only decorate the cabinet, but also will save him from destruction. Between the painting, give the closet time for drying. At the end of the work, the surface is coated from above varnish.

On video work with decorative plaster:

Master Class Cabinet Decor

In our master class we update the old wall of Soviet times. See how the cabinet is transformed after such a decor.

To work, you will need:

  1. Old cabinet.
  2. Paint acrylic enamel.
  3. Acrylic varnish.
  4. PVA glue
  5. Tassel and paint roller.
  6. Paper emery large and small.
  7. Paper wallpaper.
  8. Gold paint.
  9. New fittings.

We disassemble the old cabinet, pull out the boxes. Take grinding machine or sandpaper and process the surface of the details. If you handle emery paper, then do it at the beginning of a major emery, and at the end it is still small.

We apply acrylic paint first in the corners with a brush or sponge, and then over the entire surface with roller. It is necessary to paint times 3-4, until it disappears dark color. Next, decorate the boxes: tassel and white acrylic paints facials boxes. We are waiting for when it gets up. Next, we glue the malarious scotch to separate decorative element paint under gold.

Prayer decorative element with golden paint. We look all the boxes of white acrylic paint, dry. Remove the scotch. Next, proceed to pasting wallpaper. Wallpapers are the simplest, paper. Cut on the strips, smear the PVA glue and gently glue. Make sure that the wallpaper is tightly glued, press them with a sponge.