God help me get my girlfriend back. Prayer for the woman you love to return to you

Yakov Porfiryevich Starostin

Servant of the Lord

Articles written

Left alone, every woman goes through several stages of experiencing the situation: anger, denial and an overwhelming desire to return a loved one. As a rule, both halves become the cause of a destroyed relationship - there was not enough patience, kindness, attention. You can correct the situation by turning to the power of prayer and your own faith.

Prayer and conspiracy - what's the difference

A person who sincerely awaits God's help will never use love spells or conspiracies. Every thoughtless act affects a person, manifesting itself in illness and failure. This also applies to the one who decided to resort to black magic, and to the one to whom this magic applies.

Note: any conspiracy is more aggressive in its strength and affects the personality. Prayer - an ancient and powerful way to influence life without unpleasant and dangerous consequences.

How to pray correctly

  1. You need to read the prayer sincerely, simply repeating a set of words will not bring the desired result.
  2. It is advisable to first find out more information about those to whom you are going to pray.
  3. Believe that your words are heard and will definitely help.
  4. You can not read a prayer in a bad mood, with a feeling of anger, resentment and hatred.
  5. Prayer can be said at any time and in any place, when you want to talk with God, entrust your thoughts to the saints, when the feeling of loneliness becomes overwhelmingly strong.
  6. In prayer, it is important to mention not only yourself, but also a loved one. You need to ask the Lord to give you wisdom so that it will help you survive difficulties and create strong relationships.

Note: it is important to understand yourself, understand why the relationship ended, admit your mistakes. If you are to blame for the breakup, sincerely repent. Only in this case return of a loved one will become possible.

"Strong prayer" - myth or truth

If we consider prayers as a simple text, it cannot be called strong or weak. This is a conversation with the Lord, who is able to look into the most secret corners of the heart and read every thought of a person.

You can not perceive communication with God as a talisman or amulet that has a certain power. In this case, success depends on your faith and the sincerity of words and feelings.

Prayer for the return of a dear person to the holy face of Nicholas the Wonderworker

Need to go to Orthodox church, first of all, submit notes about the health of yourself and your loved one.

Then you need to purchase nine candles and light three near each icon - Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos and Nicholas the Wonderworker. Near the last icon you need to say the following words:

“Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, day and night I pray for a miracle, so that my beloved (beloved) (Name) will return to me. Trusting in mercy and your will. Amen."

After that, you need to cross yourself three times, buy twelve candles, small icons of saints and holy water. When you feel the right moment for prayer, close yourself in the room, put a cup of holy water and icons on the table. Imagine your meeting with your loved one, let your thoughts remain pure. Repeat the words of the prayer until you have the strength to do so.

Prayer for the return of the beloved Blessed Virgin Mary

Before turning to the Mother of God for help, it is advisable to fast for three days and take communion. Having cleansed yourself, you can read the prayer:

"Jesus Christ, you are a stronghold and protection, Holy Mother of God I trust in you. I appeal to your merciful hearts, I ask for protection in a difficult moment in order to return my beloved (Name). Heed my call, do not leave my prayer without attention! Lord, Most Holy Theotokos, return the heart and thoughts of your beloved (Name) Amen. Amen. Amen."

There is another prayer addressed to the Most Holy Theotokos, which will help return a person dear to the heart. You need to pronounce it three times a day - in the morning (immediately after sleep), at lunchtime and in the evening (before going to bed).

“Mother of God, the Most Holy Theotokos and Holy Saints, you are my only hope, I turn about my beloved (name), in order to protect from temptation and return to me, the servant of God (name). I raise a prayer to you to reunite us into a single whole before the Lord and people. Amen."

Prayer will show its miraculous power if both people want to renew their relationship. It is impossible to forcefully change the situation, because we are talking about the feelings of a person.

Prayer to Saints Peter and Fevronia

These saints are the patrons of marriage, family ties. You can pray to them not only in difficult times to return your loved one, but also during quarrels and disagreements. Enough to say the words.

Prayers help in all situations and with various problems, including those related to relationships. After reading certain prayers, you can find love, get married, marry, save feelings and even return your loved one, and the last point sometimes seems impossible. In this article we will talk about who and how to pray for the return of a guy or girl.

How to pray to bring a loved one back into your life?

Getting a loved one back is much harder than attracting a loved one. new love. However, sometimes, it is necessary because of feelings or for the sake of the family. That is why people resort to different ways in order to carry out their plans: they annoy their beloved, go to witches, conduct conspiracies at home, which can sometimes have a completely opposite effect to the expected one.

Therefore, prayers have been and remain the safest auxiliary method. Reading prayers is completely safe, suitable for every believer and does not entail negative consequences.

The only thing to remember is strict rules that help strengthen the prayer service and bring it to the addressee:

  1. Unconditionally believe in God's power, providence and mercy, completely entrust yourself to the hands of the Almighty.
  2. Before prayer, calm down, get rid of unnecessary and obsessive thoughts. Free your mind and spirit.
  3. Tune in to the upcoming petition, think through the details of the result you want to achieve, and put these feelings into prayer.
  4. Be honest and sincere. Do not wish harm to other people and do not seek harm through prayer.
  5. Do not resort to third-party and pagan methods at the same time as doxology. Higher power they just won't hear the prayer.

In addition to these instructions, you may need to use sacred paraphernalia:

  • bible;
  • icons;
  • church candles;
  • holy water;
  • Life-giving cross.

Be sure to go to church before reading the prayer for the return of a loved one. Confess to a clergyman, take communion if possible, pray before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and ask her for the health of your family and, in particular, your soulmate.

During this period, it is also recommended to fast or not to overeat (in case of illness), visit places of worship more often and once a week, preferably on Sunday, go to church services, and observe the prayer rule on weekdays. In addition, you can’t harm someone and even think of it, you should help homeless and stray animals. A godly lifestyle will help prepare you spiritually and emotionally for prayer.

How to return a loved one with a prayer at a distance?

Many people wonder: is it possible to return a lover or beloved, being far from each other? The answer is unequivocal: yes, of course. The request ascends to heaven and the distance from the object of love has no effect on the strength of your prayer.

A prayer for the return of a loved one at a distance is read in the evening shortly before bedtime. Light up three church candles and accept the prayer request, proceeding to read the universal petition:

“The Lord who is in Heaven, the Mother of God, the Holy Miracle Workers and the Guardian Angel, I appeal to you! I ask not out of a whim, but from great love and heartache, help the Servant of God (your name) return the Servant of God (name of the beloved). He left me and rushed into the distance, he forgot about his feelings and his duty to heaven. Hear my prayer and bless, dearly turn back, so that happiness will no longer leave this house and hearth. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Cross yourself three times, put out the candles right hand and go to bed. The prayer should be repeated every evening for a month.

Prayers for the return of a loved one

The most common and effective prayers for the return of a beloved man to life are offered to specific Saints and in front of icons. You can contact for help:

  • Lord;
  • Mother of God;
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • Matrona of Moscow.

It is important that the very first prayer for the return of a beloved be read in a church or temple, immediately in front of the desired icon. Turning to God, you can repeat the prayer at the Life-Giving Cross. At the same time, it is better to say a prayer service in an undertone and with your eyes closed, imagining the final result when your loved one is near again.

Get the girl back in your life

However, not only girls strive to revive relationships, it happens that this is also necessary for guys. There are separate prayers to return the beloved girl, since the use of women's prayers in this case will not help. The Matrona of Moscow should ask the guys for help, preferably at her icon. A suitable day would be Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. They conceal male energy and reinforce the message. Three times you need to read the following words:

“Blessed Matrona of Moscow, righteous and patroness of all those who are lost and exhausted in spirit! The Servant of God (your name) prays for you to do good, so that you will admonish the Servant of God (name of your beloved) and turn back into loving arms. Show her the right path to where they wait and care, where without her sadness overcomes and happiness bypasses. With her alone I am destined to be heaven, so please this sacrament will come true. Amen".

This prayer for the return of a loved one to the Matrona of Moscow is very strong, therefore it should be read carefully, only being fully confident that your love is unshakable.

to the Lord

You can turn to the Almighty with a request for the return of your beloved on any day and time of the day several times. The only indispensable indication is the presence of the Holy Cross, namely the usual pectoral cross. Especially suitable is the one with which you were baptized. You need to squeeze it in your palms, kneel down and read:

“My Lord God, you are my protection, I trust in you, Mother of God, Most Holy Theotokos and Saints. I raise my prayer to you, I ask you for help in difficult times, in the return of my beloved servant of God (name of the beloved). Hear my sinful prayer, do not leave my bitter request unattended by the servant of God (your name). Lord, Mother of God and Saints, I ask you to return your beloved (name of the beloved), return his heart to me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

To consolidate the effect at least once a day, it is recommended to repeat “Our Father” three times. At the same time, rely not on the number of prayers uttered, but on their quality: emotions, visualization, sincerity.

Appeal to the Blessed Virgin Mary about a strong family

A strong prayer so that the beloved returns quickly to the family, and also to strengthen relations in marriage and the house is sent to the intercessor and patroness of the family hearth - the Most Holy Theotokos. Who, no matter how Mother of God, will help eliminate conflicts, return old feelings and establish peace and tranquility.

Many men often turn to magical help and prayers for a girl's love are among the most common. Prayer words differ from conspiracies and love spells in that they belong to white magic and cannot harm a person. As a rule, Orthodox prayers contain appeals and requests for pure and sincere feelings, without any coercion.

It is believed that the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are more sensitive and emotional when it comes to subtle matters. Therefore, many mistakenly believe that magic to attract a girl they like is something very rare.

Prayers for a girl's love, and in particular conspiracies for mutual feelings, most often have a specific structure that is recommended to be followed.

However, this does not mean that it cannot be changed. You can pray for love even in your own words. Before a self-composed prayer, one should read “Our Father” and only after it say magic words.

When conducting rituals, one must take into account that prayers for a girl’s love are not a hard impact that gives results within a few days. Such rituals are a request, an appeal to the Almighty.

Mutual feelings will be bestowed on a person if it is the will of God and it is destined for people to be together.

It is best to use words that will contain a request to indicate the right path and connect with the right person. And according to the result of such a prayer, it will become clear whether a girl is suitable for a man or not.

To awaken the senses

This rite is performed for seven days every morning, without missing a single day.

"To the Lord God, our Savior, Jesus Christ, Mother of God
I'm asking for help. My true path, my Helpers, point out
Determine my fate, bestow love.
My desire to be with the servant of God (name), please note
Connect our lives, reciprocate.
I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, I can’t live without the servant of God (name).
Please help and blessings.

The magic words are repeated three times. It is very important to be completely alone at the time of the ritual. In addition, you need to focus on your desire and think about your beloved.

Ritual to return the feelings of a woman

Sometimes it happens that two lovers part. And the reasons are very different.

Regardless of who is to blame for the breakup, you can perform a ritual that will help you find your former happiness and improve relationships. The love ritual should be performed every day until the beloved returns.

“Lord God, help me, your sinful servant (your name)
Return the love and location of my beloved (girl's name).
We were together, we knew happiness, but we parted against my will.
My feelings for (name of beloved) have not cooled down, love is glimmering,
Attachment and tenderness remained.
To be with (woman's name) is my only desire,
If fate brings us together, Your blessing will be
Then let our life together only bring happiness.

The magic words are repeated seven times. When a week has passed since the beginning of the ritual, you can call the girl or arrange a casual meeting. If nothing changes after two months of reading prayers, this can only mean that you are not destined to be together. Of course, you can try, but in this case, you will turn to black magic and feelings will not be caused naturally.

Rite for reciprocity in a couple

Words are read on the images of Natalia and Adrian, which can be purchased in the church:

"The sacred couple, Natalia and Adrian, sufferers and spouses,
I pray to you, the servant of God (name), share tears and pain.
Send me patience and my husband (name),
Ask the Almighty for our happiness,
So that he would have mercy on us, send his blessing,
So that we do not perish in our desires and passions.
Save our family from betrayal, quarrels and discord.

Prayers for a girl's love are a magical effect that belongs to white magic. It can be used both to attract a girl you like, to awaken feelings in her heart, and to build relationships with a representative of the beautiful half of humanity, with whom a man quarreled or broke up. The effectiveness of prayer may depend on how much you believe in the effectiveness of magic and how much you want to be with your beloved.

Love, strong family relationships, romance is an integral part of life, often bringing only positive emotions. A happy man in love endures any difficulties, knowing that the only woman waiting in the love nest is supporting him, willing to help.

And parting leads a man of any age to serious problems in all areas of life. Fortunately, there is more than one valid prayer for the return of a loved one. An Orthodox Christian in a difficult moment will be helped by heavenly forces that can return his wife, his beloved woman, to his family.

Moreover, it is better for both halves to act, although the prayer of one man can be extremely effective. To ensure success, take your time, as the girl who left is unlikely to change her mind abruptly. Gradually, without imposing, regularly reading prayers, a persistent man will surely achieve his goal in order to spend the rest of his life next to his beloved. The prayer for the return of your beloved should be read from a pure heart, then expect a 100% result.

Follow the rules for reading a prayer

Reading Orthodox prayers it is recommended for baptized people so that the effect is stronger. Not knowing who to turn to with a request to return the girl, feel free to read a prayer to the Lord. Prayer reading is carried out in the temple and at home. However, priests recommend doing this directly in the church in order to achieve a greater effect. Regardless of who you are addressing, where the prayer takes place - stand near the icons, light a candle or lamp.

Prayer to the Lord God

“Lord, return the love of my beloved wife, the servant of God (name), to me, the servant of God (name)! We have been together for more than 2 years and my love for her has not cooled down and will not dry up. Let us continue to be together. Rid her of thoughts and desires to cheat on me and not to believe me! Give her back her faith in me and let her even stronger
love me! I love her, and I ask You for reciprocity! Let her realize that I have always been and will be her true friend and her soulmate. Give her back the feelings she had for me 2 years ago. Let her not be attracted to other men. Open her eyes and soul in my direction.
Don't let her get away from me!
Give us happiness mutual love and loyalty to each other!
God help me! Bless and save! Thank you! Glory to Thee! Glory! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Prayers for the return of your beloved must be read by heart, without rearranging the words in places, without composing separate segments. However, the main thing is the sincerity of the intentions of the asker, concentration on possible ways problem solving. The more clearly you imagine the image of your beloved, think about how you want to return her home, the more positive the result will be. In order for happiness to knock on the house again, try to introduce your soulmate to the church, because joint prayers will help return the family, even when it seems that the situation is hopeless.

Properly selected prayer - guaranteed success

Prayers for the return of a departed beloved turn to various saints, but you can only return her if you read the words from the heart. This is real only if the prayer is pleasing. The strongest effective prayer, is a direct appeal to the Lord. To return your beloved, read a sincere prayer, standing near the icon of Jesus Christ.

An effective prayer is also one that contains an appeal to the Lord. It is designed specifically for cases where the wife has left her husband.

To return your wife, regularly visit the temple of God, read the words of the prayer, repent of the sins and mistakes made.

Your other half will be back soon

To return your wife home, be sure to read prayers, but prayers alone cannot achieve the desired result. One man knows why the beloved decided to leave family nest, most likely, the reasons for leaving can be carefully considered and excluded.

If a man sincerely wants to return his beloved woman, he will be ready to compromise and not repeat the mistakes made earlier. It is impossible to build a family under the conditions of totalitarian control of one of the spouses: sooner or later the second will get tired of smoothing sharp corners and he's gone, forever.

After some time after parting, carefully analyze the situation, take your time.

Make certain conclusions, write them on paper. After a couple of weeks, meet with your beloved, offer to find a compromise, start the relationship anew. During a breakup, pray regularly, attend church.

Various magical rituals allow you to make a love spell for your wife. But before you start searching or performing the ceremony, analyze your behavior and your relationship. It may be possible to establish family relationships without the use of magic.

If, however, it happened that, due to circumstances beyond your control, the feelings of your beloved went out or a rival appeared, then it is quite logical to look for support and help in the field of magic.

Get your wife back - love spell

Most love rituals are designed to return a departed or spree spouse to the family, however, it is not uncommon for a wife, not a husband, to leave the house. In this case, the husbands feel unhappy and seek the right way get your wife back.

Love magic has a whole range of excellent tools to reunite a family or prevent adultery from the wife.

return wife prayer

On May days, on winter nights, let the servant of God (name) always be together with the servant of God (name), her lawful husband, no one will cool her love for him. And whoever decides to harm - burn in hell. Forever and ever. Amen.

I burn a candle in front of the icon, I call on the help of the angels of heaven: help the servant of God (name) to the family, return to the servant of God (name), the lawful husband, so that they make peace, fall in love and never become apart.

How to return your wife home with a conspiracy love spell prayer

If your wife left you, you can return her in any of the ways described below, and all of them have an almost 100% magical effect when correct execution In the above method, you just have to choose and read a love spell or a prayer for the return of your wife, which will quickly make her return to you even from a very rich lover. We will tell you how to get your wife back with the help of the magic of love and the second way to restore relations with your loved one.

Prayer for the love of a wife, husband

O great Archangel of God, Archangel Barahiel! Standing before the Throne of God and from there bringing the blessings of God to the homes of the faithful servants of God, ask the Lord God for mercy and blessings on our homes, may the Lord God bless us and increase the abundance of the fruits of the earth, and give us health and salvation, good haste in everything, and on enemies victory and overcoming, and will keep us for many years, always.

Prayer for the return of a beloved girl

Love, strong family relationships, romance are an integral part of life, often bringing extremely positive emotions. A happy man in love endures any difficulties, knowing that the only woman waiting in the love nest is supporting him, willing to help.

And parting leads a man of any age to serious problems in all areas of life. Fortunately, there is more than one valid prayer for the return of a loved one.

Prayer to bring back a loved one

When a loved one leaves us, we are ready to do anything to get him back. Of course, conversations are the first to go, but very often they do not help. Then we do some things, even go to the sorcerers, and again nothing changes. It is at this moment that we can only hope for prayers to return a loved one.

Everyone has a different attitude to such things, and someone does not believe at all.

Orthodox miraculous prayer for the wife to return

You can return a beloved and dear person with the Jesus prayer of repentance. Pray with your wife who left you, or with a girl who, for reasons known to her, does not want to communicate with you, and in prayer ask for forgiveness before her and God.

“To you, the holy unmercenaries and miracle workers Cosmo and Damiana, as if to a quick helper and a warm intercessor for our salvation, we, unworthy, kneel down, resort and, falling down, zealously cry out: do not despise the prayers of us sinners.

A strong conspiracy to return his beloved wife, 2 conspiracies

For this reason, you must be sure that you want to return the woman not for “temporary use”, but to return the one who is called a faithful wife.

I bring my wife back - with love and pain, longing and confusion, as well as occult and black creation. Let her grieve like me, she won’t be able to calmly go to bed. She will return to me, she will forgive all insults, I will be sad - and let her be sad.

Topic: What kind of prayer can bring back a dear person

It so happened that a person dear to me left me. I understand that I myself am to blame and everything is the will of God. But this person is very dear to me and I want to ask God for this person to come back to me. What kind of prayer can this be done, please tell me.

Excuse me, but why did you decide that if any troubles come into life, this is necessarily the will of God? Is it so.