How to talk to success. Prayer Angel Keeper - an effective way to attract good luck

Defined magical impact It can help to catch good luck "by tail" and change your life for the better. Conspiracy for good luck and luck of the time impertion is practiced by the magicians. Quite often, magic becomes exactly the assistant who changes human life for the better.

Many people boast the achievement of big heights in different areas own life. Someone builds a successful career, someone becomes the owner of an expensive real estate, someone seeks to recognize the people around.

The question involuntarily appears: "Why and why someone is lucky in all endeavors, and someone is prepared by the most common life that does not always bring joy and pleasure?" Naturally, perseverance and faith in their own forces Play an important role.

To achieve the desired result, you should choose a suitable ritual and in accuracy to follow all recommendations. Follow the rituals recommended in the new moon.

Types of rituals

Conspiracies and prayers for good luck and wealth can be the most different typesDepending on which area you need help:

conspiracy for good luck in life.
This rite is used in order to improve all spheres of life in general. As a rule, it can be a preparatory ritual to the main rite. Helps to attract happiness and success.

conspiracy for wealth and good luck.
It is usually done to improve the material position of a person. It can be aimed at solving problems in finding work, on a career staircase, or to increase wages.

conspiracy from failures.
It should be done when a person has a black stripe carrying a protracted character and problems in almost everything. Such a ritual helps to clear the energy from possible unlocked or other negative influences, becoming an excellent foundation for further attraction of success and luck.

spells and prayers for winning in the lottery.
Magic of this type guarantees the attraction of winnings, success and luck in gambling.

conspiracies for good luck and luck in business.
When a person begins his business or in order for things to go only to the mountain, a strong ritual for success and wealth can be made. As a rule, the consequences of this rite - improving your organization and increasing profits.

spells and prayers for happiness.
These rituals act for cleansing themselves, their thoughts and energy shell from negative. After completing the rite, a person feels ease and happiness.

Magic is quite universal and can become an excellent assistant to solve various problems. Life development, attracting good luck and luck, promotion at work - the main thing to believe in magic power. It is advisable to read prayers to the new moon to sunset.

Ritual on Wednesday

This conspiracy to good luck will help stabilize your life and attract wealth and success. The rite must be performed every Wednesday for one month.

As a rule, after the first week, changes will begin for the better, so it is very responsible for the execution of the spell. Read words of prayer follows every Wednesday to washing:

"Thecom-Wednesday go to the Writer.
The name of Christ is harms.
Guardian angel guards me.
Angel is humbly, you would take all sorry from me,
Would you send all happiness and success at me.
Sit on the playful right, the guard dared me alone.
From the people of evil, from the beasts of the forest, from the languages \u200b\u200bof the dies!
From the court, from the massacre, from the reassigns and the width of the pox!
Lord God, the century for me to increase, Life is easy to do!

Rite from bad luck

If a strong conspiracies For good luck to attract success and wealth, this ritual can be used as the first step in happy life In the case when failures and bad luck are pursued, and the black strip dragged up for a long time. The rite is performed in the new moon.

In the daytime, to perform the spell, you should go to the cemetery, where you need to put a piece of cake, a glass of milk and several coins on a nameless grave. After that, it is necessary to bow three times and say the words of prayer:

"Would you remember the dead man, would take everything bad with me, Lychy forever and infinitely!
It will be so now and forever and ever!

You should read the words of prayer three times, after which you need to leave the cemetery without looking around. Magic begins to act immediately after the rite is fulfilled, and the first results will be noticeable after a few weeks. The ritual must be fulfilled during the period of the growing month, so that the rite is strong and effective.

Ritual on the pins

Strong rite in order to attract wealth and success in work or business should be done with faith in result. To perform it, you will need to speak a pin or handkerchief that will always be with you. Perform a ritual needed to the new moon.

"We talk to you (looking at the subject of conspiracy),
To help, magic promoted me
In all endeavors, good luck brought.
Plug-pin, helped me, happiness and success attracted!

Magic has always been considered effective tool To achieve a wide variety of goals. And to get success and wealth, to catch happiness and achieve results in the work, you should contact rites for good luck. They are recommended to read them in the new moon so that the whole power of the month contributes and could participate in the implementation of your desire.

Conspiracy to success in life, business, affairs, studies and work Read on salt at home

Conspiracy to success in life, business and work, which is read on salt at home, should be carried out carefully, once again not scattering it, so as not to go the reverse process. To carry out this rite you need to buy a new pack of salt, open it and pour on all window sills in the house, saying the following conspiracy words:

"I'm salt and hiding, so accompany me in life and business success and luck! How this salt is scattered, so my wealth is milked! Each grain is a particle of happiness in my piggy bank. Trust and respect for people will always be with me, and I send bad luck and sadness. Words My strong, like protection from salt on my window! "

After the ritual, the salt should fly another night, and the next day it must be accurately assembled in paper bag And dispel at the crossroads. Bowed four sides and go home.

Conspiracy for good studies, which is read on salt, is held at night in the full moon. Salt in the pan is hurt, slightly warm it and read this spell:

"As Solon's food tasty and knowledge is delicious for me! I can't try without salt without salt, I can't live without knowledge! Salt for food, and knowledge for study. Salted fire is calcined, and the knowledge of me is attached. "

Pour salt into the bag in the morning and take with you to study. You need to repeat the conspiracy every quarter.

Conspiracy and success and prosperity

Such a conspiracy should be carried out in the Holy Great Holiday Pokrov. In the church, you need to buy nine candles, sprinkle with holy water on them, and after that, to read nine times of conspiracies for each:

"The cover of the snowcard covers, the girls groom gives out, so let him help me, so let me help me. Let the farm flourishes, fails, let the walields are filled with gold, I do not start with the farm. "

At the end, you should take all nine candles and go to church. There near the icon

The Most Holy Theotokos to put them and three times, piercing, speak: "Mother of the Virgin, I pray and I hope, I wish the farm. Help in my case, help in endeavors, help in efforts. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Upon exit from the church, you need to submit alms to those who need, and ask them to pray for health, good luck and prosperity.

Conspiracy to success read every week and possible consequences

Conspiracy is read every Wednesday for a month. Before you start reading the words of conspiracy, you need to wash and thoroughly wash your hands and face. Dalued Slap Spell:

"Obda - Wednesday go to the Wilder. The name of Christ is harms. Angel - Guardian guard me. Angel is humbly, you would take all sorry from me. Would you send all happiness and success at me. Sit on the playful right, the guard dared me alone. From the people of evil, from the beasts of the forest, from the languages \u200b\u200bof the dies! From the court, from the massacre, from the reassigns and the width of the pox! Lord God, the century for me to increase, Life is easy to do! Amen!"

After reading the conspiracy, you need to wash again. Next, on the night of one of the environment, when the new moon will be in the sky, you should go to the cemetery, find the grave without a name, put off the spill in the form of milk, pie and coins, to bow by unknown three times and say the words of petitions:

"Would you remember the dead man, would take everything bad with me, Lychy forever and infinitely! Buda so now and forever and ever! Amen!"

It is necessary to read the words of the conspiracy three times, after which it does not turn around from the territory of the dead. The consequences of such a conspiracy are in the inexperience of its conduct. One mistake and everything will go awry. The grave must be sought in advance, and not at the very moment of the rite. Since long-term walking in the cemetery in the new moon will begin to indignant "local residents", which will lead to the fact that they will interfere with the ritual. Also, such a plot can affect negatively on human health, which he holds.

Strong conspiracy in profit with bread, read on the pin, on a growing moon

For a conspiracy for successful trading, you need to take a crust of rye bread into place where trade is carried out and read spell three times:

"The grain in the ground fell, sprout adult,
Colosum was spawned, bread was blocked.
Both in the fields of bread and money for the sky.
Like bread grow - they are very much, and my money grow adds.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

A plot for successful trading should be carried out on a growing moon. In the hand, pour salt, become back to the counter, followed by trading, and throw it through the left shoulder, while saying:
"Hiking, on wheels, go all here:
Here you have a place, food and water.
I have your money, and you are my goods.

Also, the conspiracy on productive trade is made on the night before the trading day for the full moon. You need to take a pin, to become opposite the window, in which the moon can be seen and say such words:

"I have money, I trade. All to me And you - the goods and delivery. Amen".
After that, push the pin with inner Clothes, which will be dressed during trade, and go to bed. In the morning get dressed and go to trade.

Conspiracy on bill

For a conspiracy to attract a cash supply, you should take a bill of the major nominal and bend from two sides to one edge, so that the triangle turned out. Then lean it to the lips and read the words of the spell:

"As a strong river attracts the streams,
And the sea - strong rivers,
How woman attracts a man
And a man - a woman,
How night attracts day
And day - night,
So would you attract yourself like.
May it always be "

Covers carefully fold into the wallet and do not touch it for three months. If bills will come across in the hands of the same nominal, they must be put on the conspiracy bill.

Rite for money with green candle

As you know, the color of money is green, so conspiracy to attract material wealth is best done with green candles.

To do this, you need to buy a green candle in advance, prepare large bill and mirror. In the full moon, lay a mirror in a horizontal position, to put a bill on it on top, to light the candle and speak the words:

"I am worthy of that good, about which I ask. Let the abundance come to my house. Let well-being always be with me. Let all my acts are crowned with success. Everything, what I dream, be sure to come true. "

Read the conspiracy three times, then repay the candle. Take the bill on which the wax remained, wrap the candle in it and bury near the house.

Conspiracy for money with a fast

The money conspiracy is made on the millet in the place where many birds are found. There it will be necessary to scatter millet birds, saying spell words for attraction:

"Any bird chicks carries feed, one cuckoo crucks a thin mother, cuckoo will not throw a milf. Birds are small, here are a treat, take small frauds. As I treat you, I am sprinkled, so it would be to me, a slave (name), weaving fell out just in day, for every hour. Amen".

Words to pronounce, until all millet falls out.

Despite the fact that every person sees good luck in his own way, everyone dreams about her. We are trying to attract it in many areas of your life: in love, in affairs, in health, etc. Attraction can be different: someone asks for their heavenly patrons, and someone buys amulets. Conspiracies for success - a universal solution to many problems. They are harmless and simple, at the same time effective and beautiful.

How do rituals act to attract success?

The action of rituals for success largely depends on faith. To attract good luck, change the depth subconscious structures. A person programmed on failure will not be lucky in overnight. Changing the internal state, through magic and faith in itself, will allow you to let go to your life and positive thinking With respect to any case. In addition to faith, it is helped by the correctly chosen days, whose energy has been copied by centuries :, holiday of red slide ,. An important role is played by attributes, time and venue of rituals.

Magic on the success of conceived

In order to come true to come true, you can use light magic. Conspiracy for good luck is spent on a growing moon, for this you need:

  • Red rope.
  • Candle.

On the rope to tie 33 nodal, with each progressing: "Knot from the evil eye", "nodules from lies", "... from bad people", "... from poverty," "from lack of money", etc. Your desires will help you to achieve full protection, you can make it possible to save yourself from what you want to save yourself. Take the rope around the waist and not shoot for three days. Then remove it into your personal items, wear hard days.

Strong prayer for success in work

Those who work in the organization, on the company or whose career is related to the budget service, sometimes it is difficult to please the boss and increase the level of career growth. Special prayers will help to attract success. They also contribute to those who are looking for work and those who began a unhappy band. To return success or gain, you should contact the Holy Trifon. Christian martyr helps employees and working to cope with problems.

Prayer from the evil chief of St. Trifonu

"Holy Trifon! You suffered for faith our, helped and healing people, hurning demons of them, saved people from hungry death. Help me, the slave of God, a slave honest (name) not to stay hungry in our hard time. Crawling the devil from the head of my (name) is not a worshiping, not this rejoice. Help the boss to believe in good and lifting the subordinates of his, like himself! Yes, it will not be more tormented by us and harm to hurt. Yes, we will find happiness in your place. The point is true, the point is good! Amen!".

Prayer in search of a good work of the Holy Xenia Peterburger.

Conspiracy to success in affairs, business and trade

Conspiracies for success in trade are important in our difficult days of an unstable financial situation.

For words you need:

  • Wooden box.
  • Castle and key from it, all gold color.
  • Money (coin).
  • Candles, green.

Buy a key and castle, then on the night of a growing moon put on the bottom of a wooden box and pronounce a conspiracy for luck in all trade affairs:

"Money goes to money, and my money goes into your pocket. Yes, it will be so (put it). I lock the key to the castle, my wealth, I will bring money, I do not trust anyone (lay out in the box, damaging the castle). "

Put the box in a circle of burning candles and pronounce:

"I'm the shore and hiding, and I will accompany the luck in business! As amulets will always be with me, so my wealth will always be with me, so the success in trading will be with me, so the trust and respect for people will be only with me. My words are strong. "

The box should be hidden in the farthest corner, which is located on the left side of entrance door. This place is responsible for money: the wealth and financial stability of the family.

Other ways to help trade and earn money:

  • Golden fish, which should be in all rooms of your home and office are good money charm. It may be live and non-resident (figurines) fish. Trade, like any other business, will definitely go to the paw with such amules.
  • You can also use prayers. The patron of commerce is considered to be Saint Nikolai, who can read them, put candles and order services.

Rite for money and wealth

Runes are considered equally effective, they are painted or embroidered for daily use in domestic and office conditions to attract success.

Such a sign is a symbol of wealth, you can wear it on the neck, we have clothes as a guard in the office.

This sign brings good luck, because it symbolizes a happy accident. Amulet is good to take on various kinds of transactions related to money.

You will need:

  • Stone from the bottom of the reservoir.
  • Natural paint (for example, henna).

At the bottom of the stream, the sea or river to find a small naked stone, which will enter the wallet with money, rinse and cook for a conspiracy. Before moving to drawing a rune, one should pray, drink a few sips of holy water, ask for forgiveness for what they did. In a good mood and completely concentrating on themselves begin to apply the sign. Only one drawing can be on the stone. At this point, it is necessary to think only about success in their affairs. About how it all gets good for you, that you were born under a happy star.

Conspiracy for the success of a cash:

"Stone, smooth, solid, flowing washed washed, sunny rays Bleached, stars lit, you give strength and hardness to my words! I trust you this symbol of my wealth, keep him to multiplied in my life so that you never had any needs, the money flowed to me the river in which you were washyt. Amen!". Always wear this stone with you. Especially while working with money.

Rite for good luck in sports and school

Conspiracy for luck, good luck in sports or schools can read both the person and the mother and his child. Perhaps many will say that it is all superstitions, the main work and a serious attitude towards what you are doing. But sometimes both in sports and study lacks a drip of luck and good luck. Cow circumstances serves a hindrance or stars in the sky are somehow not like that, but everything goes not on the conceived path. It is possible to achieve that prosperity on your favorite field be the norm with light magic. But first of all you have to believe, then success in sports is secured!

Rite for athletes

In the church shop to buy a belt "Live help". Put a candle to the saint patron of athletes Georgia and ask for protection. Nikolay the Wonderworker to put a candle on the creation of a miracle if you have a road to competitions.

In the night, when the moon scored a full force, decompose the belt so that he gets completely under her light and read:

"The Lord Almighty, the daytime of my charm, I liked it, gave it to the night to do it fully. Help me and give me the power of Altyar-hero, George Victorious and Ilya Muromsz, so that I could be invincible and the power would be nemerene. Waiting for your blessing and your permission to be a winner! Amen! Amen! Amen!".

For students and students

The patron of students is considered to be Thomas Akvinsky, and students of Holy Tatiana, it is necessary to contact them. Before committing a rite makes sense in the church Order Prayers in honor of the saints facing the protection of study.

You will need:

  • Lock and key.
  • Red ribbon.
  • Handkerchief
  • Candles 5 pieces.

Then purchase a key with a lock and light in the church. There, in the shop, get a church handkerchief and 4 candles, one to take into hand. On the night of the arriving moon, decompose the handkerchief, to light the candles in the corners, put the lock, key and ribbon in the middle. Read a plot:

"I, the slave of God go in a purely field, where the oak grows that the branches rests in heaven. In that oak, the knowledge of knowledge is hidden under the seven shutters. I hide my shutter next to Hollow, so that my knowledge is always with me and easy for me would be given. The shutter will be a red ribbon, which is illicit from me, and will lead to reasonable. " Ribbon I will catch the seal of wax so that no one could break her. My words are strong, faithful and power are gaining like a moon in the sky. Amen!".

Candles are removed, they can be used when reading daily prayer. The handkerchief needs to be watched in the morning before school, pronouncing such words: "Bless the Lord and Evrisians." Castle should be hooed inside the bag (portfolio), and the key to hide into a personal space. Once every six months washing the castle under flowing water And read the conspiracy. In case of loss, thank for everything and purchase a new one.

Simple conscription with salt for good studies

In the pan in the full moon, it is possible to warm up a very small amount of salt and read over it:

"As Solon's food tasty and knowledge is delicious for me! I can't try without salt without salt, I can't live without knowledge! Salt for food, and knowledge for study. Salt fire is calcined, and the knowledge of me attachment. "

At the other morning, pour salt into the bag and put in your handbag. Wear always with yourself. Change time in a quarter. Additionally, you can use stronger.

When everything is collapsed around, they begin to overcome difficulty, the situation acquires a rather hopelessness - calm down! Huge potential is concluded in the power of magic. Just take advantage of the fact that we are collected by the sages and sorcerers together. Spell at good luck is a panacea from all troubles. Any problems in studying, complexity in affairs or work, the desire to get wealth or establish love relationship - All this range of problems can be easily solved by the power of witchcraft.

Good luck and luck can be attracted by completely different rites, but the strongest conspiracies can be found in the Gypsy recipes. Gypsy witchcraft is a symbiosis of applied, daily and black burns. Actually, black magic itself contains an incredible number of rituals for wealth and luck, but you need to be much more careful with them.

If you decide to attract the black forces, then you must adopt your opportunity to bring the case to the end. Carefully read the rules of the work of black rituals, study the words of conspiracies in Latin to accurately make a rite. Because the wrong sequence of actions, the incorrect pronunciation of the conspiracy in Latin, and you will not only do not reach the desired, but you have trouble your head. The use of Latin requires certain skills.

To achieve a successful result, it is necessary to carefully examine every particular ritual and step by step everything is accurate:

  • Observe exact timeindicated in the recipe and phase of the moon. Violation of at least one of the conditions can spoil the whole result and even direct the power of magic against you.
  • Latin spells require a certain skill and the correctness of pronunciation so that there is no distortion in the resulting as the result.
  • Rituals for wealth Complete the obligatory rite of sputter. At the same time, the spill does not mean huge costs, it may be symbolic sacrifices, but they are mandatory.
  • When you open a portal of communication with the world of magic, it is also necessary to correctly close, so that the entity from the world did not penetrate our world. Otherwise, by completing your request on your obligations of the ritual, they will begin to harm and revenge who disturb them. Having as a result of the wealth you received, they will also take away and everything else is valuable for you: health, love, sometimes life!
  • To such rituals, as helping to study, the favor of other people or any other requests for an intangible sense, do not need to make the rite of sputter. Spump is done when there is a receipt of material benefits.

Spells to obtain material luck

A true way to embellish success, good luck and wealth - the rite of black witchcraft, the magic of the strength of perfume. But in order to spend it, it is necessary certain points And the ability to read on Latin.

  • Choose the day in the first seven days of the phase of the growing moon.
  • The rite takes on Friday night.
  • The spell consists of several parts written in Latin, so it is desirable to read it before ritual to correctly pronounce.

Before you get all the necessary conditions, do special training. Buy four yellow candles. Yellow - gold color, money and good luck. Also buy a new knife and prepare your own stitched bag of simple linen fabric. Excuse paper money so that you have a hundred coins of major dignity.

Slightly before midnight, spend the necessary preparations: Draw on the floor Circle, spread candles, strictly focusing on the sides of the world. In a linen bag, fold your coins and put them in the center of the circle. Before midnight, burn candles and become exactly in the center of the circle, face east. Once, not in a hurry, read the conspiracy on Latin, clearly defiantly, while thinking about his desire to get a huge wealth. Emotions in this play a big role - as they ask, will give.

"Gabriel, Raphael, Michael! Angelus Fortis Stihiy. Prizyvayu Te Vim Ignis. VIS AUTEM NON DENSET MAGICAE CIRCULI. Habes Fortitudinem Tuam Voluntatem Dederit Homo Omnem Substantiam Mundi Potentia. Anima Patitur in Montem aureum. ADJURO VOS PER VIRTUTEM IGNIS ARDEBAT UT CONQUAESTORES DET MI CUPIDO DIVITIARUM. Audite Me. AMEN. "

Then go and put a bag with coins on the nearest intersection, smoothly in the middle. When you put coins on the ground, tell me again on the Latvian words of the sacrifice:

"Sacrificium Spiritus. Da Mihi. Da Mihi Auro. "

After that, go and do not turn around. Whatever sounds you hear about your back, whoever you can have, you need to leave!

Having come home, do not forget to close the portal, through which the helpers came to you. For this, they become the same as you become - face east. They say three times the words:

"Et Claude Januam. Get in mundo. "

After that, the knife, that you bought, stew candles. Just be sure to turn against a clockwise arrow, following the principle: East, North, West, south.

  • Important! Never in rituals candles do not extinguish with breathing.
  • The knife for the rituals of magic should not be used in everyday life, it should be solely the subject of ritual destination.
  • You can leave this knife and continue to use it to close the gates and portals through which they call spirits.

After that, the ritual will begin to develop different circumstances to attract money. Wealth, as if shower, will hit you. Sharply boost chances to win in the lottery and gambling - Boldly risk, good luck at your disposal. Also high likely to get an inheritance or a generous money gift.

Strong spell of gypsy burning

If you want to use spells for good luck, then Gypsy witchcraft is perhaps the most suitable in this case. It, as a rule, actually acts very quickly, chooses to help the most important problem areas, can help both in study or work, and attract wealth, improve your financial opportunities, give the luck in the material plan. At the same time, Gypsy rites depend small on time and phases of the moon, they are universal, like the applied magic of Slavs.

For a ritual, we will pull a small spruce twig and find the flap of black cloth, it should be your old thing. Wrap a spruce twig in this flap and, foiling yourself and your walls, as if you wake up a web, screw the words of the spell.

"On the needles, I confuse all the evil spirits, breaking away with the roots! I collect all the devices, from my house, I traveled out of my life. Come, good luck, bring us joy. Help good, help wealth. Be good! To be good! Live me in joy, without sadness! Amen!".

Thus, they bypass the house three times, told these words many times. Then fit the window and, opening it, throw out the sweeping. Following the flying coat, you need to spit three times!

Fast and Simple Spell Success

A simple rite when you need luck in study. Well suits students before exams, or if the teacher is strict. Easily helps to attract good luck to different events. Magic and her strength will be able to rescue in any complex or simple situations.

To spend this ritual, you need to exam or other an important event Capture a piece of sugar with you. Before entering the audience, a class or an important Cabinet Hold the sugar in left And speak in a fist of the word:

"Whisper-chistening, good luck to love! Let me luck today. Good luck, follow me! "

After the words, Dunte in the palm and, holding sugar in your hand, boldly go to the exam or an important meeting. You will definitely be accompanied by luck, get easy tasks, teachers will be favorable for you, or any other question will decide in your favor.

Fortune is a concept rather volatile. Today, she fade to you, and tomorrow radically changes his views and turns away from you. And how to act in such cases how to fix the situation and turn the fortune wheel in needide? There is a lot of options to change everything and return good luck back. One of these methods is magical intervention with the help of conspiracies for good luck.

In this topic:

There is a great many similar rituals and rituals that can make you very successful and, therefore, happy. IN modern world Such rites are very popular and many people We use success. This is due to a mass of the reasons, but the main superiority is that these methods actually work and change the life of a person for the better. Do not neglect the unique opportunity given to us skillful white magicians.

Some rules in conducting rites

In order for the conspiracy to good luck in the work of the desired effect, you should adhere to several necessary rules and comply with the accuracy of the conspiracy. The first rule is to bring perfect order at work. Right things put in proper sequence, and unnecessary - and throw away at all. The second rule is faith. This is a great strength, and in its absence, should not be taken for any, the more magical action.

Similar rituals are mainly produced on a growing month. The moon phase is very important. The growing month, contributes to increasing profits, and decreases the month, on the contrary, to reduce it and descending. However, there are exceptions, but such details are always described in detail.

Attract success in work

This plot should be done on Thursday. Drop the hole, put a piece of soap in it (you can wash), a coin of any dignity and cockroach. Then read the following plot:

"As the soap hurts quickly, let the ravage of my conquer, Sgin bad luck, remain good luck. How many bad hostesses of cockroaches, let me have so much money and good luck. "

Ritual for auto pen

This conspiracy Try to your work tool - a fountain pen that you always use. The action must be committed on Thursday:

"Handle to me faithfully to serve, with a handle I am friends, live yes not to rush, together letters to write yes challenges to solve. How many ink in the handle, so much and I have forces! Handle write yes to write, and I need to find a job! To pay the money to holly appreciated, so that it was not boring to be manifold. As stated, so be. In the eyelids. Amen".

After reading, wrap the handle with a white thread and put in your pocket. Wear it all day. Do not give anyone and do not show, and you do not use it on this day. Already in the first month, changes will be visible for the better.

Returning Fortune

If this playful chalunya has been accompaning until recently, and now it began to deprive you with your attention - not trouble. There is a proven method for returning it. But first, you should resort to meditation or to a softer form - affirmations in order to release all the insults, and at the same time tune in to positive thoughts. In the morning on Thursday, type a glass of water (better, not from under the tap) and cut off a piece of bread (preferably black). Holding a cooked piece of bread in the left hand, but in the right water, looking straight on the candle, say three times the words of this conspiracy:

"How true that the Lord God gave people five breads that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, so the truth is that the Lord God is merciful. Turn, God for luck to my West to the East, from the north to south. Give her not three roads, but one - to me. And you, Mount-trouble, go dear to the snake womb. There is a place there. There you live. There are being there. And I put in the charm, I will assign gold-silver. Consider me not to recount money, burning burning never know. Close the key lock. The key in the sea-oeden throwing. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After reading - the bread should eat, drinking with ritual water, and the candle will put out the hand. Cut the temple with a conspired candle, let her burn near the icons of Jesus and read the prayer. Do all this, follows to lunch. Returning home, for some time (how many people can withstand, without harm to health) do not eat anything in food and observe absolute silence. The rite effect is well strengthened by alms. When committing it, pronounce it:

"The hand of the giving Yes does not attend. Amen".

For a successful case

If you have an important thing, but for its successful completion, success is simply needed, then this conspiracy will help you:

Good luck - an important factor in committing important cases

If you have a conclusion of an important transaction or any an important conversationIn his successful outcome, this conspiracy will help you. To make it, you need to get a photo of a person you need. Looking at the photo and squeezing in his hand a coin of any nominal, say:

"I am your friend's friend, I'm your luck, I am your profit, I'm your capital, I am yours. Will you come to desire and remember me. "

For the night of the coin, leave next to the photo, and in the morning put it in your pocket and wear all day with you.

Good luck in conclusion of the transaction

If you are coming important negotiations or the conclusion of an important transaction - before entering the office, imperceptibly for others. Pronunciation:

"Let the horseshoe unparalleled for me hanging here - here it is from the misfortune of the trouble, good luck to me."

It is very important to keep secret from all the commission of any magical acts, because more skillful sorcerers can be found, able to wrap your actions in the opposite direction.