How to sanctify the house, apartment water and fire? The need to consecrate the house.

According to a common conviction, to sanctify anything, whether it is a house or ship, only the church can - a person who is in spiritual san and employee of the Lord. That is, in order to sanctify the house, you need a priest.

But is it? Do you always need to invite a clergy? Is it possible to sprinkle in the corners of holy water and read the leaving prayer? Such questions arise in the head in many people who purchased or built their own housing.

In what cases need to be sanctified?

Thinking about how to sanctify the house, people are involuntarily asked whether it is necessary to do this. In our country, the Church did not participate in human life for many decades. Accordingly, they were not sanctified at home, and the children were not baptized, while people lived quite well. Approximately so reason many newly made real estate owners who do not quite imagine to whom to seek consecration and believing that this process is complex and troublesome.

Indeed, it is not always able to sanctify the house, but only in specific situations. To consecrates should be resorted if in the purchased house:

  • there was a crime;
  • people lived badly, the family broke out or killed children;
  • there were many seriously illnesses among past owners;
  • curious, godless or satanic affairs;
  • there were fires, flooding basement, regular roof drawdowns.

Of course, no one will tell all this buyers. Therefore, you need to show attention and listen to your intuition. The main reason for the sanctification of housing is the deep conviction that it is necessary, an irrational inexplicable desire to sanctify the premises. Such sensations should not be left without attention, and if they arose - it is necessary to sanctify.

When can not be sanctified?

Having thought about how to sanctify the house, many are asked both questions about that under what circumstances cannot be done. Superstitions in the people will make a lot. For example, someone is convinced that it is impossible to hold rites in the post. Others are confident that the obstacle to consecration may be the presence of critical days in a woman who is a family member. Third believe that if someone from family members is not baptized, it is impossible to sanctify the house. There are other beliefs.

However, all this does not correspond to the truth. Hold a rite to consecrate the house do not interfere critical daysnor the absence of a cross on her neck from someone from relatives nor posts. How to say any priest, even Great post It is not an obstacle to sanctifying the home.

The only thing that may interfere with the acquisition of the purchased house is the rite already. The dwelling is consecrated only once, it is subsequently only cleared. Rituals with holy water, church candles and prayers, conducted by both chickens, and independently, are aimed at purifying the home.

Is it possible to consecrate yourself?

Contrary to the widespread conviction in the need for an invitation for this rite of the priest, the church is not allowed to hold it independently. The answer of cholesns to the question of whether it is possible to sanctify the house itself, will be affirmative.

Of course, it is not always possible to conduct an independent consecration rite. Moreover, not everyone. People often confuse the rites of the sanctification of dwellings with rituals on his cleansing. For self-purification of home premises, no obstacles and conditions exist. But the possibility of sanctifying housing on their own still has limitations.

What is needed for an independent rite?

How to consecrate the house yourself? The most important moment It is the fortress of faith and righteousness of a person's life. Of course, the one who will hold the rite must be baptized.

The first thing to be done is to enlist the approval of the clergyman, in other words - to get a blessing from the father. With the chickener, it is necessary to discuss the details of the rite, decide on the way it is to conduct.

Without the blessing of the clergy, think about how to sanctify the house independently can not. Helping a person who did not receive blessings will not have the strength.

What are the options of the rite?

How to sanctify the house yourself? There are two options. In the first version, the rite is carried out with the help of church candles. In the second, holy water is used.

Which of the ways to consecrate the dwelling will take advantage of, you need to determine together with the chickener, during the discussion of the future ritual. Negone to neglect the tips of the father, but in the event that there is an inner conviction that it should be consecrated by water or only candles, you need to tell about it.

Which of the rites is better?

The sanctification of the dwellings of the laity with the help of candles is much less popular than using water. This is a very common conviction that the water is sanctified, and the candles purify. In fact, for independently conducting a ritual for the consecration of residential premises, you can use both both.

There are no benefits of each other in front of each other. But there are some nuances that determine the choice when there is no solid internal preference or a priest for any considerations does not recommend a specific way.

In the rite using candles, prayer is read by Nikolai Wonderworker. A man going to sanctify the house of the candle prays before the rite of this saint. The ritual himself is recommended to hold on Thursdays.

When rising with water, the layman appeals to the Lord himself. The rite is recommended to hold on Sunday, pre-praying to Jesus.

What prayer to read during consecration?

Prayer, sanctifying the house helping, is a combination of Psalms of the 90th and 100th, between which there is a unklady appeal to the Lord. It is thus consecrated by the housing of churches. Batyushki first read Psalm 90. Then they contact the Lord to defend themselves with a request to protect and bless the residential premises, and at the end they read Psalm 100.

However, in how to consecrate the house of the Mijanin, the deviations from the accepted order of the ritual are allowed. Prayers that will be read in consecration should be discussed with the church. Psalms are complicated for reading, so when independent consecration is usually read "Our Father" and other prayers.

When buying an old house, it is better to sanctify or clean?

Before consecrated by the bought house, independently, or inviting the chickener, it is necessary to find out if this rite has not been done. Of course, if the house is new, then the doubt is that it does not take sanctification, can not be. But when acquiring an old house, this question becomes important. It is about this that any priest of a parishioner who has come to him for approval, support and blessing.

The church canons striculously prohibit re-consecration. It is believed that such an action is blasphemy. After all, the dwelling has already been consecrated, it means that it is under the signation of the Lord and under his protection. The re-consecration is nothing but the manifestation of distrust to the Lord, the expression of doubt in it itself.

In the event that the acquired housing was the only owner, to learn whether the house was consecrated, it would be not particularly difficult. But if the dwelling is bought by the old, who has changed many generations of the owners, for example, a village house, built at the beginning of the last century, then to find out whether it was consecrated almost impossible. Even if the homes of the house were generation of convinced atheists, political workers or community activists of the local collective farm, it is impossible to miss the likelihood that some of the owners could hold a secret rite of sanctification. Therefore, such houses are better to clean from the bad and evil, and not to sanctify.

How is the rite with candles?

In how to sanctify the house with the help of candles, there is nothing complicated. In the church trading shop, which is available in each temple, you need to buy candles. Three to put in front of the face of Nicholas the Wonderworker, and three more - for holding a rite.

It is recommended to consecrate the dwelling in this way on Thursday. Before proceeding with the ritual, you should put a candle in front of the wonderworker and pray to him, asking for blessings and help in implementing the conceived.

You can pray the wonderworker so:

Most Holy Nicholas Wonderworker, Batyushka. Bless me, the servant of God (his own) on the Act of the Great. Give me strength to me and get rid of doubt. Save and multiply the hardness of my faith. Give the soul of my and grace thoughts. Help in the sanctification of the housing of my and led the walls and the priest in the hands of the Lord, to protect the Most High and the Grace of His Great, Amen

The procedure for action in the house is:

  • the burning candle is kept in the right hand;
  • bypass all the rooms clockwise;
  • cross each angle, threshold, passage and walls;
  • read prayers.

Before proceeding with the rite, it should be discussed with the priest, how many times will have to hold it. Traditional belief is the conduct of three Thursday ritual. However, if the house is new and deprived of the bad, and people in it entered the pious, can be enough and one bypass with a candle and prayers.

How is the rite with water?

In how to sanctify the house with holy water, there is nothing complicated either. Having enlisted the blessing of the priest, on Sunday, you should come to the temple service, pray to the Lord, asking for his help in holding a rite. Also in the church you need to take the holy water necessary for the ritual.

Actions in the dwelling are reduced to the following:

  • pour water into a big and comfortable dishes, for example, to the pile;
  • bypassing the room clockwise;
  • spray with water every angle, pass, shoals, walls;
  • fingers need to be folded as they do for cross signs;
  • throughout the rite, read prayers.

If there is a red corner in the house or planned to equip it, you should start around it from it.

What is oblige to consecration?

Any action of a person in this world has its consequences. It is not an exception and such an important act as the consecration of one's own dwelling. This act obliges to live in piety to live in piety and clean, both moral and household. After all, committing the sanctification of housing, they with an extinguish to hand their Lord's house. Appropriately must also take care of him, that is, as about the house belonging to God, in which he can look into any moment.

In such a home it is impossible to sin. We must not forget to maintain purity and order. It is impossible to indulge in idleness and blasphemy. In other words, the sanctification of housing is not only important from an energy point of view, it also serves as a powerful incentive for people. It is a rod that does not allow them to reach idle laziness and marry in the mud not only the spiritual or moral, but also the most ordinary. After all, in the house, handed to the Lord, do not smell with a hand on a layer of dust or unbearable window glass, on a bunch of unstained linen, dirty slab and left garbage.

Thus, the sanctification of housing disciplines a person. Does not give him "split" by the sofa, which means it is a blessing not only for the soul, but also for a simple everyday worldly life.

and for whom it is no secret that thoughts and feelings do not disappear and do not dissipate in space. They have a property to accumulate. Often, our house becomes like a garbage, so much energy mud in it was delayed during a certain time. Scandals, experiences, illness and other sad events leave their invisible trace, "littering" residential space.

And after the house, everything goes wrong, good luck leaves the dwelling, and the homemade is more and more annoyed, do not want to coexist calmly and joyfully. No, they certainly love and regret each other. Only irritation is increasingly breaking through the quarrels, resentment and other troubles. What to do? - you ask.

Yes, nothing special is not necessary. Everyone has been invented a long time ago, many generations of ancestors can be used. It is necessary to consecrate the living space, fill it with the goodness of faith, the holiness of real spirituality. For the first time it is desirable to invite a father. And then, on need, you can independently sanctifying a house or apartment, for example, baptismic water.

How to sanctify the house for the first time with the father?

It is necessary to go to the temple, chat with a spiritual mentor. Not quite right to come and "order" the rite. Such an approach to the sanctification of the dwelling is not a big sense. Batyushka should know why you came to the thought that his help you need. A unhurried detailed conversation is needed, after which you will come together to the conclusion that the sanctification of the house is necessary.

Only after that you can agree on his visit. Immediately in the house, the father should not drag. The room is required to prepare. Need cleaning, order. Yes, and the family must be advised in advance. After all the preparations, invite the priest and closely watch it will do. Then you can repeat yourself.

Independent lighting at home

Bringing holy water from the temple (you can use), you need to prepare a house. It should be purely removed, nothing superfluous should be left on the tables and other furniture. Then you need to pick up my thoughts or a special tassel to spray walls and angles. Movements are made crosswise. At the same time, prayers are read. "Grace of Holy Spirit" and "Our Father".

It is important to remember that the sprinkling of holy water is not the most important thing. Without clean thoughts, the ritual of lighting at home does not have a special force. Objectives it does not reach. And its main point is to help create an atmosphere of calm and spirituality in the house. The priests say that this is not a mechanical repetition of the rite, but pure thoughts and holy prayer.

It is even important that all family members expressed their attitude to this event. If there are opponents, they can not be indoors. It is necessary to offer them to leave the house for a while. In order for the energy of the ritual to work and fixed on the wall you need to hang icons. In any case, the church believers advise that at least one - "Virgin Mary" hung.

Another very effective ritual of sanctification of the house is consecrated by fire.

Take the church candle in right hand And go around the room in a clockwise room, continuously reading "Our Father". You will see that in the corners there is where the negative energy of the candle will be completely reproached to burn more, and even crackle. This is a sign that the negative is burned, and the space of the house remains clean.

What to do after the sanctification of the house or apartment?

After the lighting of the house is best to pray to everyone together. Even if this family is not accepted. Take the work for yourself to read one prayer out loud for everyone. It may be ours "Father." You do not use lighting as cleaning. It is cleaning the spirituality of your general house. The procedure requires the efforts of all living things in it.

The program is the maximum, at the same time, to convey to all households the value of good and harmonious relationshipThe importance of their permanent support. Otherwise, after some time, the series of quarrels and scandals will again increase in your nest, inviting the path of illness and other troubles.

The lighting of the apartment can be repeated as often as you want. This ritual removes even. If the children like it, then do not refuse to them in this "game." Along the way, tell how important it is to love and respect each other.

How to consecrate the apartment yourself?

The blessing of the housing is made only not prohibited in serving the Orthodox priest.

Housing full Only a true Orthodox priest may be sanctified. If such is not available or absent according to the circumstances of the retreat, then any faithful (active, churched Orthodox Christian) can sanctify its dwelling and things, incl. , the sprinkling of the Holy Epiphany (baptismic water). At the same time, for the sanctification of the house, you can read prayer "God will resurrect ...", 90 psalm and "in the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, the sprinkling of the water of the siege of the sacred to flight will contact any sly demonic act, Amen." If you want the priest to consecrate your apartment with complete sanctification, then for this you need to contact the Orthodox church nearest to your home (in our case of the Russian Orthodox Church). Very often fixed donation for the requirement not. People sacrifice the priest if possible, who, how much could, sometimes priests and are not refused to take donations from the elderly and poor.

How to sprinkle with holy water apartment?

Many are now afraid of the evil eye, damage, witchcraft. Many are covered with all shoals with needles, take themselves as the New Year trees, amulets, smooth all the corners with candles and forget that church prayer One can save a person from the violence of the devil. After all, he trembles the power of God and is unable to harm the one who stays in God's love. (Read: and).

To protect yourself from the dark forces, it is necessary not to make mortal sins and especially do not need to seek the "help" to the servants of Satan: sorcerers, psychic, hypnotists (encoded), different healers, gadels. It is impossible to simultaneously pray to God for help and at the same time run on fortunellers and psychics. Often the problems appear or exacerbated after a while just after visiting such "helpers", as this sin and God prohibits it. If you have already appealed to "healers" or sorcerers, then it is necessary to say about it on the priest - he knows how to help in this case.

"You should not have your own son of my own or your daughter through the fire, a sorry, a fortuneteller, a godgey, magician, ..." (Deek.18: 10).

Here is a interesting letter to the Pskov-Pechersk Monastery Monk on the sanctification of the house:

Hello. My apartment is not completely sanctified, since the parents did not give to consecrate their room. 2 weeks passed, and, during the next third week, my nephew constantly began to see some man in the room at night, frightened. I myself, waking up, heard as if mockedly satisfied singing, and unbelievers say that the "sishok" lives under the bed. Mom somehow saw the dog at night in the room. What can I do? Consecration of the apartment and so far with difficulty. Parents against any arrivals of the priest. The presence in the house "bump" does not care at all. Maybe you will advise any special prayers or something else?

08/13/2004 Elena Ukraine, Sevastopol

Dear Elena!

The apartment is all entirely consecrated by the prayer of the church through the priest, and the room can be frozen by holy water. So, the apartment is consecrated and thus cleared of any "shishkov" and other unclean. But if evil spirits still continues to annoy, then it is necessary to believe, "bumps" fibers themselves nest not in the apartment, but in the soul of her tenants. Consequently, it is necessary to clean my soul from the unreasonable and annoying "guests". How to do it? The Holy Gospel tells the mouth of the Savior, that "the same genus is expelled only with prayer and post" (MF. 17, 21). So you have to keep the post (especially since now the whole church has joined the Assumption post until August 28), repent of confession, courseward and coming up, go to services to church. And henceforth try to live in the Gospel Commandments. Then, I certainly, all these "bumps" "" Jaco disappears smoke, yes will disappear. " And for the affinations of their pray diligently.

Protect you Lord!

Do you bathe in baptic waters or not - this is not important. It is important to understand that if you do not live in the fence of the church, there is no use of bathing. Bathing in baptismic water does not heal instantly everyone from any disease and does not wash the sins. Returning to sins ... wash them not Epiphany waterand repentance in. No other way. Even if you wake two kilometers into the hole there, and you will not come to the confession, then the sins will not become less.

Thus, it may not be only in the "bad" apartment. Often the reason for the "bad apartment" is not bad apartment, and the unskilled sins of a person, life without God and the Church. If you come to the temple a couple of times a year - in the spring, to consecrate the cakes with eggs and in winter, for baptismic water, then there will be almost no sense from the type of water for you. This is the usual paganism, faith in magic, to the fact that "water is charged." It is necessary to become an Orthodox Christian, then the water will be in favor of. And cakes with eggs. And for this you need to start walking in worship (at least for starting on Sunday Liturgy) and resort to the sacraments, the main of which and the communion. We must begin to rebuild your life on the gospel way, learn not to just believe in God, but also believe God. Well, finally be expelled from myself the most terrible demon of our days - "God in the shower"! Help us all in this Lord!

Every of us as much as the opportunity is trying in everyday life to abide by the purity in the dwelling and tidy in clothing. And there are some particularly clean people who zealously support cleanliness and order. And as such a person is concerned if, for any circumstances, these order and cleanliness are disturbed.

Also, the person who is accustomed to follow the purity of his heart and the tidiness of his soul cannot live without repentance. Such a person is waiting and eager to another confession, as the withered land is waiting for a lifeful moisture. Imagine for a minute of a person who did not wash off his bodily dirt all his life! So the soul requires ablution, and what would happen if it would not have been taking care of a dwelling Do not forget to take care of the soul! Lord said to his students: True I tell you: that you will connect on Earth, it will be connected in the sky; And that allow on earth, it will be allowed in the sky. That is, not forgiven, unresolved, it will also be in another world not forgiven, unresolved associated in his sin. )

It only needs to be understood that there are no magic in Orthodoxy and no priesthood without his own repentance (the configuration that is described by the Prophet David "The sacrifice of God is crushed the heart of a crushed and humble God does not humiliate") will not have the benefit of which it is designed. (Edit Red .) You need to try after the temple again not to succumb to passions and vices, refrain, leave sin and with the help of God to win. For example, to read the gospel or the lives of saints, pray for the deceased, refrain from entertainment and scattering, from empty conversations, TV shows, or a show of the show and there will not be a shower in the house.

Attention: Do not confuse the independent sprinkling of housing with holy water with consecrated by the clergy, when special prayers are read and the walls are fed by the saint, and the image of the cross is mounted on the walls.

If you are going to sprink down the dwelling, then before that you need to take off the house, wash all the floors, wipe the dust, remove all the extra objects. There should be no mess in the rooms. Do not hide the windows with curtains - the more light will be in the house, the better. Pour the dwelling is preferable on Sunday. Only cleaning on Sunday should not do. It would be nice that day to go to the temple to the service and take the blessing from the priest and maybe for one to negotiate when he can come to you to carry out a complete sanctification of housing. So, how to sprinkle with holy water? Wash your hands, pour a little holy water into a clean bowl. In no case do not take a bowl to which animals touched! And better buy a new bowl, and use it only for holy water. Before the coupling, you need to read a prayer for the blessing of the case.

Prayer for the blessing of the case:

The king of the Heavenly, comforter, the soul of truth, and everywhere and all of the executive, the treasure of good and life to the submitter, come and messed in us, and clean it from everyone is bad, and save, our souls.

Holy God, Saint Strong, Holy Seeless, Pommerize us. (3 times with bows)

Glory to Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and now and are confused and forever. Amen.

Our father, izh, at Heaven! Yes, your name is hidden, yes your kingdom will comeYes, there will be the will of yours, Jaco in the sky and on the Earth. Eggs are our urgent gone to us.And we leave us our debts, I can also leave our debtor to our;And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from the evil.Yako is your kingdom and power and glory forever. Amen

Cottage and the creator of all sorts, God, the hands of our hands, to the glory of your blessing, hurry to your blessing, and we will rather get rid of the evil, and the people are herself and a humus. The fast in the intercession and strong to help, represent the grace of the strength of Treatment now, and blessing the strengthening, and in the commission of the BLOGAGA \u200b\u200bof the work of the slaves of your work: All Bo-Owka Khoshchechi, Yako, a strong God, Creating Mozheyshi. Amen.

You need to start the sprinkling from the red angle. Red angle is an angle in the central room, which is diagonally from the entrance. There should be an iconostasis, or at least one icon. Stand in front of this angle, jump on with your right hand (Cropil, tassel) a little holy water and crucifably spray angle with the words: "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Go around the room clockwise and in the same way sprinkle all the corners, walls, gender and ceiling. Try not to step on water drops.

After the sprinkling of the room, read the prayer to the life-giving cross.

Prayer life-giving cross:

God will resurrect, and the guise of him will harm, and yes, everyone hate him from his face. Yako disappears smoke, yes will disappear; Yako melts from the face of fire, Tako, the bears will die from the face of those who love God and marked with the godfather, and in the fun of the verbal: rejoice, the precessive and life-giving cross of the Lord, run the beams by force on you with the prisoners of our Jesus Christ, to hell to heed and correct The devil, and who bestowed to you the cross her honest to the defendance of all sacrup. About the pretensible and life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help with the sacred Mrs. Virgin Virgin and with all the saints. Amen.

Similarly, sprinkle all other rooms, a kitchen and an entrance hall. In the bathroom spray only corners. The toilet is caught by holy water.

Thank you prayer

Tropear, voice 4

Thanks to talked about the unworthy of Rabi Your, Lord about your great blessings on us former, the Slavs to Holly, bless, thank you, and our landscotus, and the slave with the love of our taste: our worship, thank you.

Kondak, voice 3

Your blessings and gifts of Tuna, Yako, Rabika Uncertainty, prompted, Vladyko, to you diligently fighting, thanks on force, we bring to you, and you are well benefactor and the Creator Slavs, yelling: Glory to you, God all over. Glory to Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and now and are also connected and forever and centuries.


The Mother of God, Christian Assistant, Your Representation Your Rabbi Your Representation, thank you yelling: Rejoice, the Most of the Virgin Devo, and from all of us, your prayers are always to save, one soon representing.

If water remains, you can sprink the next day

"You do not want sorrows - not sin, repent of sincerely in my sins and untrue, do not make an evil nearby or in a word, nor even thought, often at the temple, pray, treat with mercy to your loved ones, neighbors, then the Lord , and, if useful, then free from the grief "

Hegumen Nikon Vorobiev

The confession is usually performed in the temple before the start of the service, or at the end of the service in the evening. If this is your first confession, then better tell the priest about it, most likely he will tell and pays for you more time.

Letters and answers to questions:

Saint Nikolai Serbsky in response to a letter of one woman who complained that she was worried about terrible dreams wrote: "That's what I say: the three years who are to you - these are three children of your killed in the womb, before the sun touched the people of their gentle rays. Inclinee with the fact that they understand and realize it. Do all that in your strengths For your killed children, you are creating mercy. And the Lord will forgive you - he is all alive, "and gives peace. Go to church and ask what you should do: Priests know.(Read completely)"

But what he wrote to a person who went to psychics, gadels, healers, signs and TP.:

And I ask you something. Why are you forcing God to suffer? Why do you suffer on the cross for you the tortured Lord Jesus Christ? He suffered serious suffering to save people from false gods, from false saviors, from all the dark forces acting through these false saviors. And yet, you passed by him, the only true one, and went to seek help to his enemies - fortune tellers and the signs.This is what the apostle of Christ advises: whether anyone of you is sick, let him call the presbyters of the Church, and let him put on him, anointing him with a bare person in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will heal the sore, and will restore his Lord; And if he pretended his sins, they will face him (James 5, 14-15)(the sacrament of cobble)

My mother-in-law in parallel with the Bible is looking for the truth of life in Fen-Shuye, believes in reincarnation and past civilizations. And recently he was fascinated by conspiracy and signs, feeds the house mushrooms, goes and teaching her daughter to this heresy. Life at her awry, forever sick children, lack of money, but to quit the nonsense to be engaged in any persuasion and turn to the priest does not pretend: one else does not interfere. How to protect yourself and future children? I'm scared ... Natalia

Hello, Natalia!

I understand and share your fears. The behavior of the mother-in-law and can indeed adversely affect not only spiritual, but on the physical condition of its environment. But let's in order.

At first, your mother-in-law was fascinated by Eastern philosophies. In essence, this is the generation of pagan cults. It is clear that with faith in the living God, these beliefs have nothing to do. But the matter went on. Now it is already engaged in frank occult. Conspiracies are not at all appeal to God, but the call of the evil spirits, although for the cover they can be "furnished" of Christian terminology.

The divination and is prohibited by the church at all, and is considered as a grave sin. And the feeding of the house is a return to the Old Slavic paganism. It is quite logical to assume that soon your mother-in-law will get to black magic and satanism. And of course, there is nothing surprising in the fact that family troubles reign in the house, children are sick one by one, and she herself is not in best of sight. All this are the consequences of that Sumbura, who reigns in her head. For it is impossible to mix faith in Christ with faith in Buddha or Krishna, orthodox prayer Mix with a conspiracy, and consider yourself an Orthodox Christian, while engaging in fortune and magic.

Now let's go to how to protect yourself from negative consequences Classes of your mother-in-law. First of all, you need to pass the Saints of Christ Tyne as often as possible and call this spouse and, if possible, those close to those who have not yet come under the influence of your mother-in-law. If you live separately from it, then definitely sanctify your home. Try to pray more not only at home, but also attend the temple of God more often for prayer. Observe posts. In one word, try to perform everything that calls for orthodox Church His right chad. Then you will be under the gracious protection of saving church sacraments. And, of course, try to explain the mother-in-law about the sinfulness of her delusions and possible consequences Her classes. If it does not work, it will remain only praying for it and hope for the great mercy of God. Helping you God.

Letter №1.

For 8 years already fighting witchcraft. All to no avail. Common handles in Zagorsk at the father of Herman, the cobbies did not help anything. As one clairvoyant said that nothing helps nothing. Too long term conspiracy. The essence of man has changed. The term of her life expires. In addition to the fact that it has no way in life, suddenly began not to love Russian guys. It goes on contact only with Kyrgyz. Question. Is it possible to organize a personal reader at the father of German in Zagorsk. Valentina

Hello, Valentine!

And where do you get such knowledge in occult terminology? Probably from those clairvoyant and psychics you listen to with such pleasure. I can only tell you one thing - all this is the utter nonsense! And your troubles are just from visiting these "good" clairvoyants who dare to say that a person can no longer help. Since when, let me know, Orthodox Christians began to trust people who do not have anything in common with God? And moreover, consciously serving devil. Yes Yes exactly! And in no way!

"You should not have your own son of my own or your daughter through the fire, a sorry, a fortuneteller, a godgey, magician, ..." (Deek.18: 10).

Daily, psychics, healers, clairvoyant - all this ministers of black cults. And you will not help you with any doctors from about. German and cobbing, it will be only worse from them. And all of the fact that it is impossible to simultaneously pray to God for help and at the same time run on extrasens.

Appeal to clairvoyant - this is an appeal to the devil! This is a direct violation of the first commandment: "I am the Lord, your God, and you will not have any other gods before the face" (Ex. 20, 2-3). And for violation of this commandment in Old Testament The death penalty relied. So draw a conclusion, why your daughter melts in front of your eyes. And if you do not stop, then everything can end even more sadly, for "I am the Lord, your God, God, causing children for the guilt of fathers to the third and fourth birth, hate me, and creative grace to thousands of childbirth who loves me and keeping my commandments "(Exhaust 20, 5-6).

If you made appropriate conclusions for yourself, I will continue further. You need to understand that a person living in harmony with God and the acting commandments is not scared by no witchcraft. At the moment you and your daughter is extremely necessary

Perhaps the priest will appoint it to you. With humility, accept all the admission of the confessor and perform all of his instructions. And throw out the idea from the head that the person from about. Herman is a panacea from all diseases. Your daughter does not suffer the lack of a launcher, and the rank is directly the expulsion of an evil spirit from the human body. She needs to be confessed as often as possible, coming and, if necessary, binds. But remember that all this is incompatible with visits to the occultists. All other instructions you can get from the priest in the temple. Aid to God's help!

It only needs to be understood that there are no magic in Orthodoxy and no priesthood without his own repentance (the configuration that is described by the Prophet David "The sacrifice of God is crushed the heart of a crushed and humble God does not humiliate") will not have the benefit of which it is designed. (Edit Red .)

It seems to emphasize that if a person comes to confession, or for the sacrament, or for baptism is not for the sake of a compound with the Lord Jesus Christ, but for the sake of some other goals, especially occult purposes, it is a serious sin. It happens that they say: "Here, we went to grandmas, and they said:" You are unresolved, go beyond "- or:" Go go to church, and then we will yield you, then we will do what you want " " From this, some draw conclusions, which means they are Orthodox. But this demons do that, because for demons to abrupt the baptized Christian more interesting than over a naked man. Therefore, I will risk assume that in your case it did not bring what you expected because it was done not with the purpose of which these sacraments are installed.

And if your problems are not a medical nature, but the spiritual one, then it is necessary to solve them not to a one-time visit of the temple, but a full-fledged incerence of life. Take for myself a rule to visit the temple at least once a week, confessing often, follow the monthly, at home in the morning and in the evening pray, read the spiritual literature and the gospel every day and your spiritual problems will be allowed.

However, such a lifestyle needs to be held any believer. Maybe comprehended by your misfortune simply reminds you of the need to live as it should be a Christian.

Even if the problems of church funds are not allowed instantly - it may be necessary to show patience and constancy in void: in post and prayer, visits to services and participation in the sacraments of the Church? Maybe you need to seriously revise your life, to work on your soul, remembering that the goal of Christian life is not health, well-being and wealth, but sanctification, the transformation of the soul?It takes time to enlighten, clean the heart, crumple with Christ. "... Here the devil is struggling with God, and the field of the battle of the heart of people" ...

In addition to God, there are forces that are called fallen angels in Christianity, demons, demons.

These forces themselves who have already made their choice in favor of the goggle, seek people to incline. Those who observe the laws of God, pronounced, above all, in his commandments, God protects, but the one who rejects these commandments, primarily his life, the values \u200b\u200blaid down in her foundation, he deprives himself deprives this protection and becomes easy prey demons. These people reject God's defense, and God, respecting their free will, leaves them alone with their choice. Rev. John Damascin writes about Beams: "... Any vice is invented by them and unclean passions. And they are allowed to attack a person, but they are not able to force anyone, because it depends on us to withstand an attack or not to withstand. " A person who was deprived of God's protection, having made the prey of demons, which is indifferent to our free will, becomes obsessed with demonic forces. The will of such people becomes controlled by demon, and they themselves turn into their puppets. Therefore, it should not be surprised when some grandmother "treats", "predicts", but to understand who the source and which consequences may be.

Demons are very cunning and insidious. If they see that you do not listen to them and evade their evil deeds, they will try to influence you through another person who is next to you at that moment (for example, such that does not know anything about demons). They inspire him to tell you, advise you to make such an act (for example, go to the grandmother, disappeared, to shock, "fly", to make an abortion, kill, etc.), i.e. It is sinned, a act that violates the commandments of God, to incline you to sin and even more aggravate sin, thus tear off Christ, to deprive God's defense and destroy. But they cannot make you so bad to force you without your decision.

Important: If your problems are not a medical nature, but the spiritual one, then it is necessary to solve them not a one-time visit of the temple, but a full-fledged thirteentary life, walking in services, participation in the sacraments of the Church.

- I can not understand: what lies in the danger from yoga? For example, they help me.

- These two questions like two relatives brother, younger and senior: the second was exactly the same as the first one a couple of years ago! ...

The saddest, however, in the other: some of us, having received "help" from any occult, anti-Christian source, until the end of your life, do not feel any movement of the slope, nor the occurrence of darkness, nor the feeling of payback. Therefore, the author of the second question has every reason to rejoice - if, of course, he will make due conclusions from its current state.

This is how the wonderful thinker of modernity is talking about this, American, Russian Orthodox priest Jeromona Seraphim (Rose):

"Of course, in addition to Christianity, there are other expressions of the general meaning and order ... For example, the follower of traditional Indian or Chinese philosophy to some extent the truth and the inner world is open, from her occurring ... retreating from this relative truth and partial world loses much, but not yet Everything, as apostate-christian. That is why he reigns unprecedented before the confusion in our heart, that we retreated from the law and the truths open to us completely in Christ "(" Man insisted. The philosophy of absurd ").

In conclusion, an answer to this serious question is an illustration that will help understand the meaning of the said. In some book for children, the action occurs in the summer of 41st years. The boys shout: "Tanks go, tanks! Boiled to watch! ... "Hero in bewilderment: Tanks are German ... but best friend drags him by the hand: "Rather! Think what's the difference! "

And there is a difference, and considerable. For German children, she would not be so significant, but many of us who in childhood ran for other people's tanks, unnoticed for themselves they switched to the hell followed by the slope, darkness and payback.

To date, the need for positive energy occurs in many families. What precedes a shortage of bright emotions? Why it is necessary to clean the dwelling from simple negative or interference unclean power? How to consecrate the apartment yourself, in short times Resume harmony in the shower and in the house?

Signs of power pollution in the apartment

There are reasons why the need arises to sanctify the room. It:

If you agree with several points, it should be a ritual of sanctification in the near future. You can also try own forces Destroy the traces of bad energy, resume peace and panels in the family. This is not at all complicated, but in its actions, be sure to follow the sequence.

The ritual is held on Thursdays, excluding those that fall into large holidays. In the morning to 9 hours, visit the temple, purchase 6 candles. Three are designed for the house, and the remaining three must be put in front of the icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker. Previously, the glooring sign should be created and ask for mercy, saying: "The Wonderworker Nikolai, blessing to the cleansing of an apartment, begging the demonic power from it. Amen".

Returning to the house, until 12 o'clock in the afternoon, light the first candle. Pronoding "Our Father" bypassing all the rooms around the perimeter. Do not forget to visit the balcony, consecrate the bathroom and storage room. Having reached the corner, spend the cross sign in the air. Watch the candle burned constantly. The grinding after the ritual wrapped in bright paper and bursts into the ground, for example in the park or on the homeland.

The second candle burns into the following Thursday, and the third - in two weeks. Before the sanctification of the home, go to the temple, pray and ask Nikolai the wonderworker assistance in noble matter. The result of simple actions will be grace and peace. Such purification can be carried out annually. It is advisable to release the apartment from the rubble and dirt before holding a ritual.

Consecration of holy water

The unclean spirit is expelled by holy water. You can buy finished packaged water in the church or dedicate to the temple when the service goes and the father makes a search with cadyl. Their strength is the same. But know that standing in the house for a while, the sacred drink loses its healing properties, absorbing the negative of worldly life. For consecration, fresh water from the temple is needed.

Before holding a ritual, put things in our place, wipe furniture, remove the dust, change the bedding, wash the dishes and floors in the house. Buy and make relatives living in the house, clean the body. Physical cleansing is very important. There will be bright thoughts, nothing will distract from the desire to overcome evil, settled in the apartment. Candle, burning, will melt the negative.

Moving clockwise, go along the walls, sprinkling the water room. Start moving from the eastern angle, holding a vessel in the left hand. Right need to spray sacred water. By pronouncing to yourself the prayer "Father Our", visit all rooms. After the end of the rite of consecration, Pour all living indoors: family members and pets.

Do not open after the window ritual. Let the apartment be saturated with sacred water and turn off evil spirits. Grace and calm will come after cleansing. Scandals will cease, peace will come. The stream of light energy will help family members solve important issues. Such a rite can be carried out once a month or before a solemn event.

Believers from all over the world are trying to visit the church of the Lord, put items on the shrine of the coffin, to then use them as protection against negative. Especially the road candles. A bunch of 33 candles acquires miraculous strength and, burn it into large holidays and on prayers, besides Christmas and compensation, you can drive away from home unwanted guests, troubles and tragic cases.

If it is not possible to visit holy places and purchase a bundle, use the services of the world web, ordering it on the Internet. Jerusalem candles are also sold in the church shop. When the candles fall into the apartment, without thinking, proceed to sanctification. Release the room and your own body from dirt, give up one day from solving important issues. Highlight time on the ritual, do not think about material problems. The day should be bright and clean.

Lighting in front of the iconostasis of a candle or a whole bundle, "Our Father" and delete. Just do not need to turn around. Dress the candle at your discretion. It is necessary to stew it a cup or cap. If you want to survive, it will lose force. It can be used again as needed when close people are sick or accumulated negative and quarrels in the family are rapidly.

Candles dispel fear, uncertainty. The apartment creates a grace atmosphere for activities and recreation. Relationships in the family are normalized, there is heat and understanding. Do not spend several rituals at the same time. More benefits will bring targeted actions, bright thoughts and faith in God's Word.

Now you know how to consecrate the apartment yourself. Ask blessings to cleansing your father and proceed to the expulsion of the unclean. Do not postpone useful things in a long box. The freshly accumulated negative, the easier it is to free the house from negative energy. Prayer will help and give strength to conduct a ritual.

    Of course, it is more correct to invite the Orthodox Priest to fully consecrate its dwelling. But the owners themselves for this purpose can take advantage of baptic water and church candle. Corners of the house bypass with a burning candle from left to right, ranging from entrance door And ending with it. At the same time, they read a prayer God will resurrect a or Psalm 90 ( live in assistance;), or a short in the name of the father and son and the saint spirit, the sprinkling of the water Say of the sacred to flight will contact any deordic demonic action. AMEN. After reading prayer words, turn the corner of holy water and go to another. If you do not know by heart prayers, you can use reading ours from our. E usually know everything. In the everyday bustle, do not forget about the main Jesus prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, a lot of sinful (s) Daily prayers of a believer person also sanctify the house, wrapped the walls. According to the faith of you, you will be rewarded.

    In order to consecrate their own home or apartment, it is not necessary to invite the father!

    You will need holy water and church candlewhich can be purchased in the church. Starting from the entrance, all the rooms around the perimeter should be bypassed, while reading the prayer our

    When you read prayer, you need to sprinkle all the corners of the apartment with holy water, after which it does not air the room at least a couple of hours.

    The sanctification of its home will contribute to the graceful mood of all the inhabitants of the apartment, as well as the growth of family well-being.

    Consecrated housing is taken from believers. And I believe that this is a very necessary and important ritual. To consecrate housing, you should invite a priest in your home. If the network of the reasons why you do not have the opportunity to invite a father, then it is possible to do this and independently, it is only initially to go to the temple and get a blessing from the father.

    consecration with holy water (need fresh holy water from the church):

    consecration of the candle (this is an old way):

    I believe that it is necessary to illumine housing. If you bought housing, it is just necessary. No one knows what people there lived there how much anger or misfortune was in the walls of this house. It is best to invite a priest better, but if you have no such opportunity, lighten yourself. You can use the icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker. This holy you will help you.

    I believe that it is correct to invite a priest. It is believed that the housing lighting is done once. Then after a while, you can call the priest again and it already holds the rite of purification from everything bad. If you all decided to consecrate the home yourself, it is easiest to use holy water. To do this, you will try to go to church. The main thing to remember to illuminate with faith and humility.

    Before cleaning it is desirable to wash the floors, first hot, then cold water. It is necessary to cover your head and dress up clothes, which can be thrown.

    Candles are bought in the church in the number of all rooms in the house or apartment. You need to start from the entrance: we light the candle, outline the door of the cross, go, go around the room around the perimeter, while reading Father our. Then you need to outline the cross in front of the door, slide the candle and take the next room.

    The remnants of candles and wax do not throw out, belong to the church.

    After cleaning it is good to wash, it is desirable to throw clothes.

    In general, it is possible to invite a priest to clean the housing.

    If the conversation of the IDT about Orthodox traditions, then there is a complete and independent sanctification of the dwelling.

    Full consecration is available exclusively by attracting an Orthodox priest.

    Partial (independent) consecration we can produce yourself.

    You can safely consecrate the dwelling, using the baptized consecrated water. This water can be saved in the baptismal night, for the whole year. As a rule, believers do it, based on 10 to 30 liters per person. However, mathematics and physics here are not at the World Cup.

    Praying the dwelling with water, you should read prayers Our Tresvety, God will resurrect ... , 90th Psalm from Psaltiri, as well as in the name of the father and son and the saint breath of water Say of the sacred to flight will contact any dusty demonic act, Amen.

    These actions will be enough. superfluous; Water after sprinkling in no case cannot be disposed of anywhere, that is, to send to some sewage. She, if undesirable for drinking, is printed by essentially beneficial when painting home plants. This is much more pious than empty pouring, where it fell.

    The tenants of the houses or apartments themselves can sprinkle their housing with holy water. Usually, this is done in the baptisma evening.

    As for the sanctification of the house, he only holds the priest if it comes to Orthodoxy. To do this, you need to go to the temple or church in advance and discuss all the questions of the rank of sanctification. In some temples need to be recorded in advance for a certain number, because they are trying to take into account the baptism of babies, weddings, confession to the house and other issues.

    Special preparation house or apartment does not require. However, cleaning, of course, needs to be performed. When choosing the date of sanctification of the house, it is desirable that all households (or at the maximum who have such an opportunity) at this time were at home. This is a pious tradition, which in the temple can not say, believing that everything is so understandable.

    To consecrate their housing, you need to follow certain requirements.

    Candles for this need church, they will need 6 pieces. Half of them on the same day should be put in the church itself near the Mother of God, Christ and St. Nicholas, pray. The rest of the candles are needed for home. In the sanctified housing, you must first read our father 5 times, and only then get around the perimeter with a burning candle, clockwise. Candles can smoke - it means there is a negative in the room. Then you should sprinkle at the corners of the holy water, and the fact that from will not remain is to resist.

    I do not know how correct it is. I do so I put 3 cross over the doors and windows.

    I light a candle and clockwise I wonder all the corners at the same time I read, our father, and first the candle in the corners we are baptized, then I spray with holy water and so everywhere, start from the door.