How do men of different zodiac signs experience the separation? Breakup horoscope: how the zodiac signs deal with the breakup.

The classification of all people according to the signs of the zodiac is a very interesting, and most importantly true thing. Those who were born in the same period, regardless of the year of birth or the exact time, belong to the same types of the zodiac. They have a similar character, identical strengths and weak sides, advantages and disadvantages - the signs of the zodiac have similar characteristics. And even when they break up, they do it in approximately the same way. We will talk about how the signs of the zodiac part in this article.

For Aries, parting can serve as a new impetus, from which he will expect something unusual, as well as from a new acquaintance or a new meeting.

He certainly has an interest before new life, which will open for him after the breakup. As a rule, he will not experience special experiences, especially when it comes to a man.

A woman, after several days of reflection, will certainly come to the conclusion that everything that happened happened for the better.

To find out how Aries part, it is enough to infringe on their freedom and speak negatively about them in public. Periodic repetition will help make Aries leave you themselves.

In parting, Taurus is very sensitive and can experience the loss of a lover for a relatively long time.

To push a Taurus towards a breakup, it is enough to do nothing to maintain comfort in the house, work hard and not give him the necessary attention.

In addition, to find out how a Taurus is separated, you can start wasting money and buying unnecessary things.

Such actions will push him to the end of the love story.

Gemini do not like to interrupt a relationship and may not notice that their partner is not happy with something for a long period of time.

You can tearfully explain all night long that you need to end the relationship, but Gemini will silently bring tea and soothe you that the morning is wiser than the evening.

Therefore, to interrupt communication, you need to act decisively and thoroughly.

You should not arrange long conversations and explanations of the reasons, a short phrase or explanatory note is enough.

The Gemini will yearn for as long as they do not find a worthy replacement, on which it will be possible to pour out all the tenderness and care.

Different signs of the zodiac can interrupt a relationship in a variety of ways.

Cancers, as a rule, part very reluctantly and do not like to change something. Very often it can happen that they will maintain a relationship that does not already exist, being afraid to dot the "and".

Therefore, a person who wants to break the connection needs to take the initiative.

Since Cancers are very domestic people, so that they want to leave, you need not pay attention to home and family. V free time you can relax and walk without doing anything around the house.

Forgetting ironing, cleaning, and preparing food can help you learn about Cancer breakups. Soon they won't even want to hear about love with such a person.

Lions are considered the kings of the horoscope, therefore they love a respectful and respectful attitude towards their person.

To please them, you need to admire and praise them, of course, without lies and flattery. For parting, a disdain for the merits of the beloved will be enough.

He can often be criticized and ridiculed. If this does not work, then by doing it in public, you will cause discord. For them, there is nothing worse than the fact that their lover does not admire them, but treats virtues with irony.

You can also try to blatantly lie and flatter Leos, exaggerating their merits and demerits.

This should be done so that they understand your flattery, because they do not like hypocrisy. Lions will survive the grief of separation all alone. Though this grief won't last too long.

Many zodiac signs do not know how to part. And Virgo will be a prime example.

A painful breakup will become something terrible, and Virgo herself will be very difficult to endure. The following relationship can take place over a long period of time.

Therefore, you need to be careful about breaking up with such a person so as not to leave a scar.

If Virgo decides to end the relationship herself, then everything will turn out in the best way. To do this, you need to do everything in the wrong way.

Frequent delays, pointless spending and too light an attitude will make Virgo lonely, and her lover - free.

Like other signs of the zodiac, Libra is very fond of taking care of and taking care of their beloved ones.

Representatives of of this type The zodiac is very sensitive and emotional.

In order for the breakup to be painless for both parties, you need to do your best to show Libra that you are independent and do not need care.

In addition, since they are considered true aesthetes, disorder in the home and criticism of favorite works of art will help bring the fatal moment closer.

To fall in love with a Scorpio, you need to try very hard.

He will be subdued only by the woman who seems to him the ideal.

Having erected her on a pedestal, he will worship and admire her. In order to find out how such signs of the zodiac as Scorpios part, you need to do everything in order to move away from his ideal.

Forget about your joint hobbies and what Scorpio likes, try to become an empty place for him - and he will start looking for another perfection.

Free-loving Sagittarius are very quick recovery after parting.

He, like Scorpio, can search for his ideal all his life. But as soon as a person shows "humanity", his imperfection, he will hurry in search of a new hobby.

As a rule, Sagittarius are the first to end a relationship.

But if this did not happen, then you got a patient Sagittarius.

Breaking up with him is simple: limit his freedom, be more jealous and comment.

The final blow can be criticism of his pet, and most often it is a dog.

A distinctive feature of Capricorn is conservatism and ambition.

In order to part with him, you can become a party girl and a lover of noisy companies in which he will feel superfluous.

You can also criticize him in front of colleagues or relatives - this will be a strong blow and a reason for a breakup.

Experiencing Capricorn, like other signs of the zodiac, will be long. However, your imperfection will help him to recover and forget about feelings for you.

Aquarians are considered to be very patient and can forgive for a very long time while maintaining a relationship.

In order to break the connection, Aquarius needs to be very offended.

You can also try to just talk and stay friends.

If Aquarius weighs the pros and cons and comes to the conclusion that it will be better to remain friends, you will find a great friend.

Like other signs of the zodiac, Pisces is very easy to part. Easy in the sense that it is very easy to offend them.

They will worry and worry a lot, the breakup will be very difficult to endure, with headaches and tears.

However, if this zodiac sign decides to part, then everything will be much easier.

By criticizing Pisces and praising someone else's partner, you will take the path of separation, and the fish will soon decide to end the relationship.

How the signs of the zodiac break up - video

The signs of the zodiac are all parting in different ways: each individual type will behave in a specific way. And if you know ahead of time what can happen, parting can be avoided by translating the whole situation into humor.

Eternal love exists, but the path to it is long and thorny. In search of their own happiness, people can face many challenges. And unpleasant romances are replaced by the pain of parting, which each sign of the Zodiac experiences in its own way.

No one is immune from bad experience. The break in relations in modern world Is a fairly common phenomenon. Since it is impossible to predict the outcome of events in advance, we rely on the positive aspects of our partner, believing that this will always be so. Usually “always” is before the first major quarrel, and then the person shows his true face. Divergence of opinions, views, goals and principles is a powerful impetus to rupture. Each sign of the Zodiac experiences a love failure in its own way, and for some it even reaches the point of absurdity.


You need to have the courage to leave the representative of the most impulsive zodiac sign in the horoscope. Aries will tear and throw, they are literally ready to destroy all the personal belongings of such a traitor, burn gifts, harm property. Everything that falls under the arm of the Fire Sign will certainly fly towards the vile person. Of course, if they are not the initiators of the rupture. Then events take a sentimental turn. Aries are ready to cry, confess their love, ask for another chance and again make the final decision never to meet.


Taurus are very thorough in choosing their life partner, so they experience sincere surprise and great pain if something went wrong. They reproach themselves, scold themselves for a mistake and leave in silence, in English. But it’s a completely different matter if they decided to leave Taurus. There will be no sincere conversations. Representatives of this Zodiac Sign will express whatever they think with a huge emotional slap in the face. They will not be able to forgive betrayal and will not admit their mistakes. Taurus will remain unconvinced and confident that the relationship was ruined by a partner.


Gemini is pretty practical about relationships. Well, it did not work with one, it will definitely work with the other. Without remorse, the representatives of this Zodiac Sign are looking for their happiness further, plunging into the whirlpool of life. Therefore, there is no need to prepare a sentimental speech about why you decided to leave Gemini. They will gladly part with you, shake hands and move on. Of course, it will be difficult for them for several days, but such is life. And the best is always ahead.


According to the horoscope, Cancers are upset even by a failed weekend, so it is not surprising that they react extremely painfully to partings. The representatives of this Zodiac Sign themselves will never take such drastic measures. Even with obvious signs of the coming end, they will hope for the best, fueling it with faith in strong love. The decisive initiative of the partner will knock them down, they will close in themselves, come up with a thousand and one reasons to distract themselves, but they will still suffer. Cancers languish alone, because if close person did so, then what hope for others.

a lion

As a rule, this Zodiac Sign has a feline instinct and senses something amiss in advance. Therefore, Lviv is rarely abandoned, which cannot be said about their partners. Lions have a refined taste and take a long time to look closely at a potential "victim". But if something disappoints them, then the decision will be final and irrevocable. Moreover, Lions can break the bonds even when everything is quiet and calm in your family harbor. They will tell you with condescension why it happened, what was good and what did not suit them. But that will be the point. Lions give "last chance" on very rare occasions.


Virgos are afraid of loneliness and will not allow themselves to even think about breaking up until the relationship reaches the point. Although even in this case, they will try to postpone the urgent problem for a certain period. However, if the initiative comes from a partner, Virgos will take it for granted. And they will write it down on their personal list of bad experiences. After conducting a complete analysis of the relationship, after a while the representatives of this Zodiac Sign will be ready to try again. However, looking for a problem can drain them. Virgos more often than other Signs return to their former relationships, trying to rewrite the love story from scratch.


Libra imposes important decisions on your partner, such as breaking up. And already when the partner brought to the handle says that the love union has outlived its usefulness, the representatives of this Sign are sincerely happy. They are not responsible, they have proven themselves perfectly in relationships, they just got caught a person who does not appreciate them. However, Libra cannot endure the feeling of loneliness devouring from the inside for a long time and are ready to enter into any relationship, just not to be alone with themselves and empty walls.


Scorpios do not admit defeat and choose their partner for life. The reason for the breakup must be compelling - for example, betrayal. Then the representatives of this Zodiac Sign will change love for hate. A scorpion who has been abandoned is to be feared. A revenge plan can be merciless, sophisticated, and furious. Naturally, such a dish as revenge, they will serve their exes cold. Usually Scorpios act ruthlessly and insidiously, because no one has the authority to throw them around, especially if the representatives of this Sign broke their sense of pride and tried to melt the cold heart of their companion.


Sagittarius are so optimistic that sometimes they are blind. Belief in the best makes you give your partner chance after chance. But in the end they lack patience. Sagittarius break up surprisingly calmly and are often in good relationship with their exes. Representatives of this Sign proudly leave: if something does not suit, then they will not impose themselves. Moreover, they quickly bounce back after the breakup, often "knocking out a wedge with a wedge."


Capricorns tend by nature to confuse friendly involvement with flirting, and falling in love with love. Therefore, they often find themselves in the wrong relationship that they dreamed of. But they are so sincere that they do not spare the partner at all, expressing the whole truth in person. Well, it didn’t work that now get upset. But leaving Capricorns is almost impossible. Not because they ideal partners, but because good reasons are needed. What do you mean, "they didn't agree"? These are all trifles, there is no reason to part. But when the reasons appear, Capricorns leave without regret, without looking back at all.


Having lost passion in a relationship, Aquarians try to get rid of them quietly. Representatives of this Sign do not like sentimental scenes, attempts to start all over again, despair and tears. It is desirable for them to avoid all this, so they can disappear or hide under a veil of ignorance. The world breaks down when Aquarius is abandoned. Depression, loneliness, mortal everyday life. Representatives of this Sign try to protect themselves with work. But literally in a few weeks the feeling of life returns, and I want to fall in love again, and now, for sure, forever!


Pisces according to the horoscope do not like to accept such difficult decisions so they don't give a definitive answer, leaving the door half open. But it is quite another matter when they are abandoned. The representatives of Pisces begin a marathon of thoughts, self-criticism and the search for truth. In the end, they all understand - it is their fault, they managed to ruin the relationship. And then beautiful scenes of pain and suffering begin, as shown in the films. After parting, Pisces goes from anger to complete despair. To assert themselves, representatives of this Sign can pursue a partner and try to awaken a sense of guilt in him.

HOW DIFFERENT SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC SPARE - The Whole Truth! Let's try to figure out how representatives of various signs of the zodiac experience love failures.


Aries is breaking up professionally. Aries so often part with someone that, by about the age of twenty-five, they can defend a dissertation on the topic "features of the behavior of abandoned women." But, as a rule, to the third or fourth wife, Aries is tired of this running around, they sit down with a cigar by the fireplace and already observe the young innocent sheep with only fatherly love. From this time on, it is generally impossible to part with them. It's like throwing a hard-won "Oscar" into the trash heap.


Taurus are reluctant to part. First, they have an amazing ability to faithfully love the same rubbish for decades. Secondly, they have an amazing stubbornness and a complete lack of the ability to lose, which means they can not give up for years.

Well, and thirdly, Taurus is very tight-fisted. And their memory is like a computer. That is, Taurus remember how much effort and money was invested in this relationship. And they are stupidly sorry. In general, breaking the connection with Taurus is another quest. Not for the faint of heart.


The twins part, blowing up their brains with a hydrogen bomb. Not just your brains, of course. And everyone who can be reached is the other side, parents, friends and fellow travelers on the train. Basically, everyone knows that Gemini is terribly chatty. But only the one who parted with Gemini fully knew what it was like to be hit by a real tsunami of letters, dashes and exclamation marks.

If Gemini is a thrown side, then he will immediately try to negotiate and bargain - what if I? What if suddenly? But what if all the same? Etc. If Gemini is the throwing side, then he will start chatting anyway. Because it is very important for him not to feel like a brute. Until he begs forgiveness, he will not lag behind. He will give up anyway, but he will go and demand to say that you are not offended by him.


Cancers are painfully parting. When Cancers conquer the Galaxy, no one will part with anyone at all. Cancer can't just part ways. He will keep you in sight and ask if you have eaten. And don't you need anything. And you yourself will not notice how you and Cancer went to the second run, and now he is snoring next to him again. Cancer can easily be found in the company of five former lovers, and he will have friendly and very touching relationships with all of them.

The author, oh, sorry, our editorial magic ball, knows one exception from such Cancers, but we will write it off as an error. And, in general, Cancers are such bunnies that parting with them is an amazing stupidity.


Leo breaks up on a large scale. Anyone who has unsuccessfully turned on the phone immediately knows who the scoundrel is. At the same time, it does not matter - Leo leaves or leaves Leo. In any case, the scoundrel will not be Leo.

It will be either "the bastard who stuck a knife in the back and left when I was for him / a long list of Leo's good deeds done for this bastard who did not appreciate and left /" or "rubbish who did not appreciate / a long list of good deeds Leo, made for this rubbish, which is not appreciated, and therefore Leo leaves her /. True, Leo quickly cools down and becomes ready for "let's be friends." A trusted person in the retinue will always come in handy.


Virgo parting, trying to get the most out of suffering already former second half. If Virgo is the initiator of the gap, then she will chop the tail in parts. In very small, even tiny parts, so that every time you run a blunt razor along the nerves.

For years it can. If the initiator of the gap is not Virgo, then this is a suicide bomber. Being a tossed side, almost all people dream at night about running over their former asphalt roller.

But only Virgo almost with a guarantee embodies her night dreams into harsh reality. She is pedantic, imaginative and sadistic by nature. So if you're going to throw Virgo - stay away from the asphalt rollers.


Libra takes years to separate. They need to weigh everything, yes. And to calculate the coefficient of gap gap is a responsible business. Here any argument shakes the scales back and forth. Go figure out what to do. Therefore, by the way, Libra is the leaders of family existence in two families at the same time. Now one will outweigh, then the second. And everything is so delicious.

But you can be completely calm if you throw Libra. Even if you leave them without money, without housing and with ten children in your arms. While Libra calculates the suicide rate of need, they will either meet new love, or they will die of old age.


Scorpios are parting ... our magic ball does not know suitable words for publication, and we do not allow him to use obscenities, we are a decent publication.

Max Fry in Labyrinths of Exo had such a wonderful race - the Arvarokh. If something went wrong, they said: “it's easier to die,” after which they went to the corner and died. So if you are going to part with Scorpio, then go to the corner. Easier to die, honestly.

Regardless of who is the initiator of the gap, Scorpio will blow everything around to hell so that only fragments and ash remain. Scorpio is not Cancer or Leo, Scorpio will burn all bridges so that nothing grows on both banks for many years. In general, do not offend Scorpio, he is not lazy, extremely poisonous and very vindictive.


Sagittarius breaks up lightly. He simply takes a knapsack with a simple belongings and, affectionately hugging goodbye, leaves for a new dawn. No reasonable argument in trying to stop Sagittarius works. He still smiles affectionately, kisses the nose and says: "Well, don't pout." And it will go away.

If you try to take away the knapsack, Sagittarius frowns and begins to quote some wise writers who allegorically described freedom of choice, the desire for novelty and unworthiness of taking away knapsacks from Sagittarius striving into the distance. Most likely there weren't any writers. It's just that Sagittarius is very convincing when he really wants to leave.


Capricorns don't part at all. They are either lazy, or they are hidden maniacs, unable to finish off the victim with a control shovel in the head, and they need to torment the victim as much as possible. It doesn't matter, the result is the same - Capricorn will not leave until the last and pretend that everything is fine.

Even if a blind man from a neighboring continent can see that nothing is normal, everything is bad and we will all die, Capricorn will grimly eat dinner and go to bed grimly. And he will shrug his shoulders sullenly to all questions. As a result, he will dump when you are already old. It would be better, however, to leave immediately.


Aquarius breaks up cinematically. He must certainly say a monologue, like a negative hero of an action movie. The monologue lists in great detail: what went wrong, why, and what exactly you should have done, but did not. And other hardcore. The speech is so long that the victim, continuing the analogy with a militant, is quite capable of waking up from a dastardly blow and closing up a reply.

"I'm pregnant," for example, or "I've been cheating on you for a long time, scarecrow." But even if he doesn't wake up, it’s not the point. Aquarius will still suffer terribly. Especially if it was he who left her. "Ah, I'm a scoundrel" and that's all. Aquarians are kings in public self-flagellation.


These, too, part very cinematically. But if Aquarius had an action movie, then here is a solid Venezuelan Carmelita with a director from old Bollywood. In Pisces parting there will be everything - cut veins, abandoned children, escapes into the night, standing on a bridge swaying from the wind and bloody snot in sugar syrup.

This is if we left Pisces. And if the Fish itself decided to dump, then everything will be exactly the opposite. Then the Fish will turn into a catfish, be hammered under a snag and will eat to death while trying to pull it back into a joint life.

It's time to end a relationship that no longer burns. How is it done different Signs Zodiac, read here!

Aries breaks up

If Aries wants to part himself ...

These people are very impulsive, quick-tempered and "explosive". The love relationship of these representatives of the zodiac is a series of quarrels, endless departures and returns. How do Aries part when they think it's time to finally break up? They are going through the situation very emotionally, they will cry with their broken partner, confess their love, change their minds and ... again make the final decision. It is not possible to part with Aries, man or woman, immediately and completely. Aries and his former partner will surely meet more than once in secret, adventurous circumstances.

If you leave Aries ...

A break with Aries not on his initiative is a completely different, far from so sentimental story. Abandoned Aries quickly begins to feel not love, but anger and even hatred. Even if he still loves his partner, he will never admit it. The former Aries takes revenge with complete indifference, on the street he will quickly pass by the ex-wife or spouse, often without even saying hello.

How to break up Taurus

Taurus wants to part himself ...

Every Taurus connection is carefully thought out. He does not choose random partners, and if he decides on a relationship, he is already sure of the correctness of his choice. But what if it turns out that he was wrong, that Taurus wants to leave? This is very painful for him, he feels deceived and cannot believe that he could be so wrong. The man of this zodiac sign believes that he did everything for the relationship that he simply could not miss. For him, a break, a divorce is the last resort. How do Taurus part? They can leave in English, disappear without words.

If you leave Taurus ...

The abandoned Taurus suffers alone. He does not like to share his pain (but above all - the feeling of defeat) with the world. For a person of this zodiac sign, feeling is very important. dignity and image, so he is not inclined to fight for someone's cold feelings and to revenge. Often, after breaking up, Taurus is surrounded by fake friends who assure a friend / girlfriend of his / her perfection and the shortcomings of former partners. For this reason, abandoned Taurus do not draw conclusions from their failed love experience.

How Gemini part

The twins want to part themselves ...

Gemini are very practical about love affairs. If it didn't work out with one, then the next one will be. If the partner does not meet his expectations, Gemini will start looking for another without remorse. He believes that life is one, and you should not waste it on unsuccessful relationships. Therefore, the answer to the question, how do Gemini part, almost always implies the answer "Pretty easy." Young representatives of the sign are especially easy to decide to break.

If you leave Gemini ...

Abandoned Gemini after a forced break will try to drown out the pain and quickly rush into the whirlpool public life... They will be happy to go with friends to parties or on a trip. Are Gemini coming back after breaking up? On this score, one should not delude oneself. They do not recognize return and believe that it is impossible to enter the same river twice. According to the horoscope of parting, Gemini quickly draws conclusions from the past and are ready for other relationships. With a wealth of experience, they choose a new partner very carefully. As a rule, this is the complete opposite of the former passion.

How Cancer breaks up

Cancer wants to part by itself ...

Cancer believes in great, beautiful, romantic love for life, so they will do anything to avoid parting. He will close his eyes to all the first bells and signs of the coming end of the relationship. He himself will never be able to make a decision about parting. Cancer will give itself more and more new chances and interpret all dubious situations in its favor.

If you leave Cancer ...

When a partner tells him that he is leaving, Cancer will hang on his neck, not allowing him to take a step. He will explain that this is only a temporary misunderstanding, which can still be explained and corrected. When a partner disappears around the corner, abandoned Cancer falls into an abyss of despair. He will call, beg, beg, blackmail, trying to speculate on pregnancy (in most cases, invented) or threatening to commit suicide. And all this accompanied by mournful music. The calmness of an abandoned Cancer after parting will be restored when he meets the next love of his life - the only one and forever.

How Leo breaks up

Leo wants to part himself ...

Proud Leos are often disappointed in partners. And when rose-colored glasses fall from their eyes, then nothing and no one is able to convince them to continue the relationship, they still have to part with Leo. He, in a royally condescending manner, will explain that the further joint path through life does not make sense, and for the good of the other side one should part. Separation conversations happen without mutual pretensions, but often in tears. If the abandoned partner does not give up, Leo can part very decisively. It just stops responding to phone calls... The exception is the very in love Leos, who still believe in their partner, although they are aware of his shortcomings. Such Leos, although they are thinking about divorce, will still fight for a relationship to the end.

If you leave Leo ...

The abandoned Leo suffers greatly and, as a rule, so that the partner does not see it. In addition to the despair caused by the end of the connection, his wounded ego hurts painfully. If Leo is abandoned, he usually leaves with dignity. Sometimes, after parting, Leo feels like revenge, but, as a rule, revenge ends even at the planning stage.

Virgo breaks up

Virgo wants to part herself ...

Parting for Virgo is a huge personal defeat. She will not allow herself such an opportunity for as long as possible. As the horoscope of parting assures, Virgo avoids a cardinal decision to end the relationship. Even if this person is unhappy in his personal life, he still does not want to say the last word, postpones it indefinitely. Therefore, a Virgo's dysfunctional relationship most often ends up leaving her, not her.

If you leave Virgo ...

The abandoned Virgo, faced with the refusal of a partner to continue the relationship, completely loses faith in herself. Parting with a Virgo means condemning her to deep thoughts. She puts the connection on the shelves, looking for the moment when she made a fatal mistake. She believes that if she tried harder, then everything would end differently. Do Virgos return to their former partners? Yes, and quite often, and after the next parting they take on new blame. The abandoned Virgo believes that if she and her partner broke up, then she does not deserve love, and she will never meet anything good in life.

Libra parting ways

Libra wants to part on their own ...

Libra does not like or tolerate loneliness. They are willing to be in a failed relationship just because they have no alternative. Seeing the shortcomings of partners, representatives of this zodiac sign withdraw into themselves, but cannot take the last step. How do Libra part? The end of a love affair in their performance is very vague. They do not know how to say that this is the end, they move away from their partner very much or simply disappear. Because of the fear of loneliness, Libra, after parting, is ready to enter into another unsuccessful relationship.

If you leave Libra ...

The abandoned Libra is very worried about parting. They are convinced of their lack of attractiveness and can become victims of fraudsters, marriage swindlers who take advantage of their weakness. If these people truly love, then this is for a long time. It often happens that years after breaking up, Libra still cannot forget their ex-partner.

How Scorpio breaks up

Scorpio wants to part himself ...

Scorpio does not admit defeat in any field, including in personal life. If he decides that he wants to be in a love relationship with someone, then then this person does not change his point of view. How do Scorpios part if they fought so purposefully for the feelings of the person they are interested in? The decision to break up makes him accept the betrayal and disloyalty of his partner. Then Scorpio's love turns into hate, and he is ready to raze the ex / ex to the ground.

If you leave the Scorpio ...

Parting with a Scorpio is very difficult. He doesn't even want to listen when they tell him that he was dumped. First, he will first convince the partner to stay and rebuild the relationship. If this does not help, the abandoned Scorpio falls into a rage, in anger he is ready for his worst words and deeds. Of course, Scorpio takes revenge on the former - sophisticated, insidious, with passion and imagination. Then, when the act of revenge is completed, the ex-partner ceases to exist for him.

How Sagittarius breaks up

Sagittarius wants to part himself ...

Sagittarius is sure that all the storms and storms in a love affair can be overcome, if only you really want to. Therefore, he gives his partner chance after chance. However, everything has its limit - and so does Streltsov's patience. How do Sagittarius part? Quite calmly, and after the breakup, they often remain with their former partners in friendly relations, they will always help and support him.

If you leave Sagittarius ...

The abandoned Sagittarius leaves proudly and with dignity. It is not customary for people of this breed to ask or plead for the continuation of the relationship. They believe that there is no such evil out of which something good does not come out. Sagittarius, after parting, knows that everything is still ahead, enthusiastically rushes into the maelstrom of dating and quickly enters into the next relationship.

How Capricorn breaks up

Capricorn wants to part himself ...

Capricorns often mistake infatuation for love - and they are wrong. Therefore, when he discovers that he was wrong again, he immediately ends the relationship. How do Capricorns part? They are quite cruel in their sincerity people who do not spare their partner. Capricorn believes that he should be frank, but he does not see and does not understand how ruthless he is sometimes.

If you leave Capricorn ...

An abandoned Capricorn never looks back. As the horoscope of parting assures, he quickly enters into another relationship and looks into the past without regret. He believes that he lives here and now, and crying for his ex and remembering something is a waste of time. If Capricorn was very passionate about relationships, then he drowns out his sadness with work. He does not tell anyone about his feelings, so often people around him do not even know that their acquaintance Capricorn is already a "former", because broke up with someone.

How Aquarius breaks up

Aquarius wants to part himself ...

Aquarius in a love affair is held by passion, fascination with a partner. When that disappears, he will quietly disappear without a twinge of conscience. How do Aquarians part? They do not like sentimental scenes and despair and do everything to avoid this. He will leave home in the absence of a partner, change his phone number and will ignore any attempts to contact him. When he decides that the time of "mourning" for the second half has passed, he himself will contact his ex-partner and check if everything is in order. Then, perhaps, a sincere friendship will be struck between Aquarius and a former partner, often accompanied by friendly intimacy.

If you leave Aquarius ...

The abandoned Aquarius convinces himself that, apparently, an unhappy personal life was written to him in his family, and completely surrenders to his hobbies and work. And so it will be until he loves again.

How Pisces part

Pisces want to part by themselves ...

As the horoscope of parting says, for Pisces the gap love relationship is a huge problem. First of all, they are never sure whether they made the right decision. Therefore, just in case, Pisces do not say the last, final word and always leave the door open, preparing a loophole for themselves. Often Pisces start a relationship on the side and then shift the whole brunt of their breakdown onto the other half, betrayed by themselves. The stars say that after a breakup, Pisces shows a tendency to return to their exes in emergencies.

If you leave Pisces ...

Abandoned Pisces is a completely different matter. They are amazed and outraged by the fact that someone has done something behind their back. They start a “thinking marathon” and eventually come to the conclusion that they are worthless, that the breakup is their fault. Initial anger turns into despair and self-flagellation. Do Pisces take revenge? Yes, but their revenge may be limited to the fact that they will annoy the partner with a detailed explanation of the relationship and attempts to induce guilt in him.

The Capricorn lady, in fact, is easier to kill than to leave. And not because she will grab onto an agonizing relationship to the last, not at all. But because she wants to understand why everything ends. No, you explain! Explain clearly, I said !!!


Ashes and decay. Hopelessness and apocalypse. The world has broken, and there will be nothing more - this is what the Aquarius young lady feels when the relationship ends. Therefore, she silently leaves, goes home and there quietly lies down in the crack behind the sofa. Die. The love of her whole life is over, which means there is no need to continue a meaningless and miserable existence. True, in a couple of weeks she will think: “Oh, what am I?”, She will rise again and immediately fall in love again. Forever and ever!



If you want to make Rybka happy - leave her! No, really. Rybka's beloved is just beginning to reflect on the relationship, and Rybka has already understood everything and decided that "Nikodim died - and to hell with him." But this is not a reason to deprive yourself of pleasure! Therefore, the Fish will suffer. It is very beautiful to suffer, like in a movie: "Oh, cruel fate, why are you so merciless to me ?!" And - bang! - to faint. Spectators wash with tears of sympathy and throw bouquets at Rybka's feet.


Young lady-Aries, who heard "I'm sorry, dear, it's all over between us!", Turns into disaster... Into a terrible natural disaster! She destroys the apartment (hers), smashes the car (of the dastardly traitor) with a baseball bat and breaks the counter (in the nearest bar). And on this he calms down. Because she suddenly realizes that this mouflon was not worthy of her.


You need to throw the Taurus young lady at a distance. Preferably from another continent. Because Taurus does not waste time on sincere conversations, but immediately tries to bite off this scoundrel's head. And most often he succeeds in this good endeavor. But if the scoundrel survives, he can live in peace: Taurus will forgive everything. 10 years later And, accidentally meeting his ex on the street, he will say: “Oh, don't shake, I won't touch him! Let's go have a drink! "


Gemini reacts very strangely to separation. In any case, those who decided to leave the Gemini did not understand anything. Because you are preparing for a serious conversation, you feel pangs of conscience, you think about how to explain yourself so gently, and finally, gathering your courage, you say: “Sorry, dear ...” And the Gemini young lady replies: “Huh? What? Are you leaving me? Who are you ?! "


Cancers experience parting extremely painfully, but they try not to show it to anyone. And then they will begin to crawl into the soul with unwashed hands, and there, in the soul, and so devastation. Therefore, the Cancer young lady is trying to hide her head in a shell: in work and in the invented "very important matters." Well, that is, she will sob into the quarterly report, into the pie dough, into the tomato bed and into the cat. But so that no one can see.

a lion

Lionesses have a truly feline instinct, so they know about the upcoming breakup before a man even thinks about it. And, of course, the Lioness simply cannot tolerate such a blatant fail: Lionesses are not abandoned! Therefore, she will leave him herself. In advance. This goat!


Dev motto: "Analyze it!" In the sense - analyze everything, including the affairs of the heart. Virgo will not sob into the pillow, but draw conclusions and write it down in a little book. The main thing is not to arrange long tearful goodbyes for Virgo and walking back and forth: there is no need to offer to leave "for a while," because she will begin to analyze this too. And then oh. Then someone's head may burst by accident, because such cumbersome logical constructions will not fit into every head. No need to explain whose head it will be, right? Not a Virgo, definitely.


Libras take partings very easily. Even with gratitude. This wonderful man just took it, and he made a decision himself - thank you, and God bless him health! True, after the final conversation, the Libra young lady will still fall into despondency. Because she will be besieged by a crowd of fans who were just waiting for this moment. And this is to choose again! What is it, eh ?!


We do not really understand why men decide to leave the Scorpio young lady. There are many other, much less sophisticated, methods of suicide. After all, as soon as the Scorpio young lady hears the words "Sorry, we need to leave," a toggle switch will click in her head, which cannot be reversed. Scorpio will begin to develop a plan for revenge. Cruel. Merciless. Humiliating. And inevitable, of course.


The young lady-Sagittarius takes this blow of fate proudly. She doesn't ask for reasons, doesn't suggest trying first, and doesn't say anything at all. She silently goes home and lies face down in the pillow for 24 hours. And he gets up, as if nothing had happened, and goes off to have fun. It's very crazy to have fun. A wedge is knocked out with a wedge, yeah.