How to properly store medicinal herbs? How to properly collect and store medicinal plants How long the infusion is stored.

Firstly, When we acquire Baikal, we can still expect that there will be
the community of microorganisms is one that is somehow guaranteed. But when
we do a lot of breeding ourselves, there is no guarantee that there
beneficial organisms, not harmful organisms, are preserved. My daughter is a biologist and knows what control is at home.
Secondly, quite an expensive pleasure, especially when the cottage is 40 acres.

So my advice is to make your own:

Method number 1

Method number 2

a bucket of manure or manure
a bucket of leaf humus from the forest
wood ash bucket
3-liter jar of mash (pour 100 g of yeast with warm water, add sugar or old jam, let it ferment for a week)
black crackers,
sour milk, kefir, whey, whatever
a shovel of earth from your garden.

Put herbs in a barrel, throw in old yeast, old bread (yeast
bacteria), add candied jam. milk splashes. sour cream.
kefir (lactic acid bacteria), pour hay dust (hay stick,
which is a devourer of harmful pathogens
microorganisms). You can add min. fertilizers, humates, throw a handful
earth (it contains all the necessary microorganisms, by the way, not alien
for your site, and relatives, on a nutrient medium, they will also
propagated). To mitigate the disgusting smell, add ash (and
additional fertilizer).

Everything is poured in a large bathtub or barrel with water for 10 days, then a bucket in a bucket of water, fertilize everything.
What's the point: uh then we grow useful microorganisms in this way, and our relatives, the earth from our garden
What effect: plant only twice as much.

Dilute 1 liter of infusion per bucket.

Use as foliar
top dressing and root. The effect is very wonderful. All microorganisms
which will be in these solutions, are included as a basis in "Baikal".

Feeding plants 2 times a week is not worth it. Once a week or 10 days is enough. For a quick effect, foliar treatments are carried out. We have been using this home-made "Baikal" for 15 years already. All the gardeners I know also now use this recipe and everyone is very satisfied and grateful. My daughter is a microbiologist and savvy enough to recommend this recipe. It can, if necessary, carry out the control of microorganisms under a microscope. No one guarantees that the "Baikal" purchased from the firms will not bring into your garden, on the contrary, microorganisms alien to your area.

Addition to "Baikal"
(Few remarks)

First: never insist on LIVING, freshly cut, freshly plucked plants. Thus, we propagate organisms capable of eating, damaging living cells. Dry any grass - that's hay dust for you.

The best option for ground seed is the top layer - 1-2 kg per barrel, the top layer of earth with old leaves and twigs (the blackened leaf is the same hay stick - cellulose destroyer) from a planting away from the ground on which they worked with chemistry.

The best way to infuse is by pumping air through the infusion in this container from an aquarium compressor (or other similar option for aerating the infusion). No need to stink. THIS IS A ROTTENING PROCESS, NOT A FERTILIZING PROCESS.



How long can fertilizer infusions be stored?

Ash extractor can be stored for months. It is on this that the infusions of ash are based, when it is poured with water and only after a month and a half is used as top dressing.

In this regard, worse bird droppings, mullein and herbal infusions. Their main nutrient is nitrogen. This is an unstable substance, and even in undiluted form, manure and bird droppings depreciate over time. For some 6-8 months of storage, their value is reduced by a third.

In organic solutions, weathering occurs even faster. Infusions of bird droppings and mullein should not be kept for more than a week (ideally - 3-4 days). Sometimes their solutions are overexposed on purpose in order to reduce the nitrogen content and use a more concentrated solution (increasing the specific gravity of phosphorus, potassium and trace elements).

Dissolution problems superphosphate quite legal. It is better to bring it into the soil closer to the roots. It is even better to bring in the fall for digging.

It is good for pre-sowing application, when between the grooves for seeds in the aisles, grooves are made 3-4 cm deeper than the seeds are sown, and superphosphate granules are poured there.

Superphosphate does not dissolve for a simple reason: it contains only 26% of water-soluble phosphorus. Superphosphate also contains 6% nitrogen, 10% sulfur, 17% calcium, 0.5% magnesium. The rest is all filler, usually gypsum or lime. That is, in fact, you will not see in any way that phosphorus has already passed into solution. By pouring it with hot water (60-80 ° C) and stirring it well, you have already diluted everything that could be dissolved with water, we insist for a day only so that the insoluble precipitate settles and the sprayer does not clog.

But it's better to breed double superphosphate. It contains 46% soluble phosphorus, and most importantly, there is no sulfur, which in such a large amount can damage some crops.

Such a solution can be stored for 1-3 weeks, unless, of course, in the sun. But if an insecticide or microelements, stimulants were added to it, the solution should be used immediately. It is no longer suitable for storage.


1. Herbal concentrate.

Weeds, preferably with the presence of medicinal herbs growing on your site, for example, chamomile, nettle, peppermint, celandine, plantain, burdock, etc., chop and put in a 250-liter barrel (6 full buckets are taken for this volume herbs). Add about two buckets of ready-made compost, half a bucket of vegetable ash, pour clean water to the top, cover with a lid and leave for about two weeks. The finished concentrate is used to prepare a fertilizer composition - 1 liter of herbal infusion per 10 liters of pure water. All trees, shrubs, vegetable and berry crops are watered with this solution at the rate of 1.5 liters per plant.

2. Rice concentrate.

Pour a quarter cup of rice with 0.25 ml of water and stir for 10 minutes so that the water acquires a white cloudy color. For the preparation, only drained water is used, while rice can be used for cooking. Rice infusion is left to ferment in a warm place in a glass jar for a week, filtered, topped up with 2.5 liters of whole milk and allowed to brew for another 6 days. At the end of the cooking period, the curd mass that accumulates on top is removed, and a tablespoon of granulated sugar is dissolved in the whey. The finished concentrate is stored in the refrigerator. To awaken microorganisms and use fertilizer, the mixture is diluted with clean water in a ratio of 1:20 and used for watering plants.

3. Universal complex top dressing with microorganisms on yeast.

Prepare mash: half a glass of sugar and a pinch of dry yeast are diluted in a three-liter jar of water. The mixture is placed for fermentation for three days, after which it is poured into a 200-liter barrel. They also add a quarter of a bucket of vegetable ash, the same amount of river sand, half a bucket of mullein or bird droppings and mature compost (can be replaced with high-quality humus or earth from your own garden), a full bucket of rotten hay (can be replaced with rotten straw or fallen leaves from last season) and 1 liter of fermented milk product (yogurt, curdled milk, whey, kefir, fermented baked milk with live bacteria). The barrel is topped up with water, covered with a lid, and the mixture is infused for at least a week. The mass is required regularly (mix once or twice a day). The finished concentrate is used from the beginning of spring to the end of summer, watering the plants with it (dilute with water 1:5 - 1:10, depending on the needs of various crops for enhanced nutrition).

All top dressing should be carried out either in cloudy weather or after sunset, since microorganisms do not tolerate direct sunlight. It is undesirable to fertilize the beds in rainy weather, as the bacteria will be washed into the deep layers of the soil along with precipitation.

In addition to applying to the soil in spring and feeding plants, EM compounds are effective for treating planting material before sowing (soaking seeds, spraying potato tubers), preparing fungicidal solutions for disease prevention (use both for spraying plants and for soil disinfection). The addition of EM preparations significantly accelerates the maturation of compost and the overdrying of fresh manure. A good result is the use of concentrates for the purpose of processing and eliminating the smell of feces in country toilets.

Thus, it can be concluded that modern EM technologies are applicable to every household plot. And only you can choose whether to prepare EM preparations with your own hands, based on the experience of experienced summer residents, or purchase them in specialized stores.

Herbal treatment. 365 answers and questions Maria Borisovna Kanovskaya

How long can the prepared decoction be stored?

How long can the prepared decoction be stored?

The useful properties of the decoction do not last long - microbes begin to multiply in it, "thanks" to which various enzymatic processes are launched in the decoction. Therefore, the permissible shelf life of the broth is small: a day at room temperature, two days in the refrigerator.

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How much milk to store in each container Store milk in small portions, about 50–60 g per container, at least initially. (If you are expressing milk for a premature baby, you may be better off storing even smaller portions.)

How long to store milk Recommendations for storage time are given in the table above. Astonishing studies have shown that breast milk stored in the refrigerator for eight days actually has lower bacterial levels than freshly expressed breast milk.

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At home, it is easy to prepare medicinal herbal decoctions, infusions, teas, tinctures, masks, rinses. Previously, the plant or its parts are dried and thoroughly crushed.

Grass, leaves and flowers are crushed to sizes not exceeding 5 mm, the smaller you get, the better.

They try to chop the roots, stems and bark to the size of the plates, not exceeding 3 mm.

Seeds need to be ground in a coffee grinder.

If you need to use the water bath technique, then you need to do the following.

Pour the indicated amount of raw materials into an enameled cup, fill with the required amount of water, cover with a lid, place it in a large container of boiling water.

It is usually recommended to keep an infusion (from leaves, flowers, stems) in a water bath for 15 minutes, a decoction (from roots, rhizomes, bark) - half an hour. Make sure that he does not run away by periodically opening the lid and stirring. After the set heating time, remove the cup and set to infuse.

If you need to cool the infusion, it will take 45 minutes, 10 minutes is enough for decoctions. After cooling, the infusions and decoctions are filtered. If required by the recipe, then dilute with boiled water in the required proportions. A decoction of raw materials containing tannins (oak bark and rhizomes of many plants) is filtered immediately, without cooling.

How long can you store ready-made decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs?

Ready-made decoctions and infusions are stored for 2-3 days in a dark and cool place, in a clean glass container with a closed lid.

How to prepare herbal infusions?

Tinctures are also easy to prepare at home. Usually, 5 parts of an alcohol-containing liquid are taken per 1 weight part of the plant, unless otherwise provided by the recipe.

Thoroughly grind properly processed and dried raw materials. Place it in a glass container specially designated for this, fill it with alcohol or vodka, close the lid tightly and place it in a dark, cool place. Leave for as long as the recipe calls for. After this period, the tincture is filtered, the raw material is squeezed out. It would be nice to hold the prepared tincture for several days at a temperature not higher than 7 degrees. Then the tincture must be filtered again.

Here are some recipes you can make at home

Recipes for folk remedies to strengthen hair

Recipe #1

Take in equal proportions the ingredients purchased at the pharmacy:
- vial of nettle extract;
- a vial of hazel extract;
- a vial of hop extract;
- a vial of celandine extract.

Mix all the above ingredients and add:
- 10 g of burdock oil;
- 10 g of sea buckthorn oil;
- 10 g of eucalyptus oil;
- 10 g rose oil.

Preparation and application of balm for strengthening hair

Mix everything thoroughly. Lightly towel-dry well-washed hair with a towel. Rub a small amount of the resulting balm (focus on the length of the hair) into the head with circular massage movements, using the index, middle and ring fingers for this. Movements are carried out in the direction from the temples to the crown.

Pour the rest of the balm into a glass jar and store in the refrigerator. Before use, a jar with single contents can be slightly heated under the pressure of hot water.

Recipe #2

- 1 tbsp. a spoonful of powdered nettle leaves;
- 1 glass of boiling water;
- 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ground dry fruits of black elderberry;
- 1 tbsp. a spoonful of forest mallow.

Preparing and using hair rinse

Fill raw materials with boiling water. Put in a dark place for an hour to infuse. Strain. Dilute with water and use as a rinse after shampooing.

Recipe #3

- 1 teaspoon of dry powder or paste of white clay;
- 1 teaspoon of butter;
- 1 yolk;
- 1 teaspoon of honey;
- 1 teaspoon of lemon juice;
- 1 teaspoon of mustard powder.

Preparation and application of a hair mask

Grind clay with butter, yolk, honey, mustard. Sprinkle everything with lemon juice. Rub the resulting slurry into the hair roots, and distribute the remaining substrate along the entire length of the hair.

Put on a shower cap, tie a towel over it. Keep warming for 1-1.5 hours. Wash off the mask with shampoo.

Experienced herbalists know when which plant gains maximum strength, how to properly collect it, while maintaining living energy. Is it really that important? It turns out yes. Herbs expired, damp, having lost their natural aroma, if they do not harm health, then they definitely will not bring benefits. Let's talk about how to properly store them.

About the benefits of medicinal plants

Despite the fact that the shelves of pharmacies are bursting with synthetic drugs, people are increasingly resorting to herbal medicine. On the one hand, this is a return to the forgotten sources of healing, on the other hand, it is the result of numerous clinical studies that scientifically confirm the healing potential of plants.

Having 10-15 herbs on hand, you can prepare effective infusions for all occasions: for colds and high blood pressure, vitamin and sedative, to strengthen the heart and clean blood vessels.

The benefits of phytoproducts cannot be overestimated.

  • With its help, it is quite possible to improve the entire gastrointestinal tract, clean the blood, intestines, kidneys, and liver.
  • In therapeutic doses, infusions are used to prevent chronic diseases, drinking them in courses and without fear of side effects.
  • The primordial healing principle of plant raw materials enters the body unchanged, and who better than mother nature knows how to combine useful components?
  • If pills often “treat one thing, cripple another”, herbs, on the contrary, in addition to affecting the underlying disease, heal in a complex.
  • In parallel with the treatment, they enrich the body with vitamins, microelements, and biologically active compounds. They have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, and this is our immunity.

Even if you are not going to complete the first-aid kit purposefully, in every house there is still a place for chamomile tea, fragrant mint, a jar of rose hips, calendula, linden blossom. Learn how to properly store this natural wealth.

Basic storage rules

Improperly stored herbal raw materials can become damp or dry out, and their active substances begin to decompose. Raw materials can be spoiled by pests, absorb dust, odors or, even worse, toxic substances. Valuable biologically active components are destroyed under the influence of sunlight. How to prevent this?

  1. The room where medicinal plants are stored should be clean, dry and cool (up to +18 ⁰С). The raw materials themselves should be protected from sunlight, but air should be provided so that the herbs "breathe".
  2. If this is not a pre-compiled collection, herbs are sorted separately from each other. Particular attention should be paid to plants with a high concentration of essential oils, as well as toxic and poisonous ones. They are advised to store in a sealed container.
  3. In the old days, herbs were stored in bunches - this way they better retained useful substances. If this is not possible, a separate container should be provided for roots, fruits and flowers with leaves. Each part of the plant has its own shelf life, and the purpose may be different.
  4. On the container, in addition to the name, the date of collection should be indicated. This makes it easier to sort out expired raw materials.

Space and storage capacity

At home, for the storage of herbal products, it is necessary to allocate a place in a cool and dry pantry. You can hang bunches or canvas bags with crushed raw materials in the attic, in the attic, on the veranda. The main thing is to protect them from sunlight. It is necessary to allocate a separate locker for the first-aid kit and periodically conduct an audit in it.

What dishes are suitable for storing medicinal herbal raw materials?

In glass, tin, ceramic jars with lids, it is recommended to store dried fruits, such as hawthorn berries, wild rose, blueberries, powdered roots. Fragrant herbs can be placed in the same containers - mint, oregano, lemon balm, lavender flowers.

Sealed packaging is needed for poisonous and toxic herbs - hemlock, celandine, mistletoe, etc.

Bags made of dense natural fabric (linen, canvas, cotton) are ideal for crushed flowers and leaves, roots, bark. The material provides air circulation, ventilation of raw materials.

You can use cardboard, wooden boxes, wicker tueski for storage. From the inside, it is advisable to overlay them with clean wrapping or parchment paper.

It is strongly not recommended to store herbal products in plastic bags, plastic containers. In them, the raw material suffocates, dampens, and then becomes covered with mold or blackens.

Shelf life

Most phytotherapists and herbalists agree that the maximum healing effect of the plant is within a year after collection. Longer retain the healing properties of the roots, fruits, in which the active substances are presented, as a rule, in a concentrated form. The shelf life of pharmaceutical phyto-raw materials varies and depends on the type of herbs, the stability of the biologically active components present in them.

  • Leaves, buds, buds can generally be used within 1-2 years after harvest. Although chamomile flowers, calendula, chaga mushroom are recommended to be renewed every season.
  • Roots, tubers, bark do not deteriorate within 2-3 years. There are also "long-livers". Thus, the rhizomes of burnet, cinquefoil, licorice, orchid tubers, oak bark, buckthorn retain their medicinal properties for 5-6 years.
  • Fruits, seeds are also not advised to store for more than 2-3 years.
If there are expired stocks of medicinal herbs, do not rush to throw them in the trash. Of course, you should not take them inside, but you can make a fragrant bath.

Benefits of professional packaging

Storage problems fade into the background if you purchase pharmacy herbs and herbal teas from a trusted manufacturer, such as SOIK.

Products are packed in accordance with GOST - in dense, securely glued cardboard boxes, flexible vacuum bags with a zip-lock. The product indicates the date of collection of raw materials, the shelf life, so it is easy to find out whether the herb or tea is suitable for consumption or not.

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The season for harvesting medicinal herbs is in full swing. In this article, I will talk about what you can do with them: how to make herbal jam, why drink herbal milk, and how to quickly and easily prepare a healing herbal cream.

1. Herbal teas.
This is the easiest way to enjoy the taste and aroma of herbs. In order to prepare a delicious herbal tea, take 2 tablespoons of a mixture of dried herbs (or fresh herbs and fresh berries), put in a porcelain teapot, pour boiling water, cover and wrap with a towel so that the essential oils do not evaporate through the spout of the teapot . Let the tea brew for 20-30 minutes. Drink diluted with water.
This method is suitable for leaves, petals and flowers. If you are preparing tea with dried berries or root pieces, you must prepare it as an herbal decoction.

2. Herbal decoctions.
To prepare a weak herbal decoction, take 1 tablespoon of dried herbs, berries or roots, pour 2 cups of cold water and put on fire. Bring to a boil and simmer for 7-10 minutes (water will partially evaporate). Strain the finished broth (it is no longer necessary to insist). For a stronger decoction, let it simmer until half of the water has evaporated. Decoctions are prepared mainly for medicinal purposes. Since they are strong enough and contain a large amount of biologically active substances, it is not recommended to drink them constantly, like tea.
There is another, easier way to prepare an herbal decoction. To do this, put the herbs in a thermos, pour boiling water over it and leave for 3-4 hours. Then strain and drink.

3. Herbal ointments and creams.
Herbs give their beneficial properties to oils well, so I prepare herbal ointments and creams based on butter. Herbal ointments are mainly used to care for damaged skin (for example, after sunburn) or to soften and nourish tired skin. You can also prepare ointments with antiseptic properties. The properties of the ointment depend on what herbs you take. So, for example, an ointment based on dried rose petals and rose hips will be useful for tired, sun-dried skin. An ointment based on sage, calendula or plantain will cleanse problematic skin. Ointment on mint and propolis will nourish the skin with vitamins and fight against rosacea.

Here is the easiest recipe that you can use as a base, changing oils and adding healthy new ingredients.
You will need:
100 grams of butter
3 tablespoons dried herbs
geranium essential oil
Grind the herbs in a coffee grinder as finely as possible. Place the butter in a small saucepan and place over low heat. When it almost boils, remove from heat and let it cool completely. Then put herbs in it, heat again, but do not bring to a boil. Remove from heat, strain through several layers of cheesecloth, pour into a clean jar with a lid, and then add a few drops of geranium essential oil. Store the ointment in the refrigerator, remove with a glass spatula and warm in your hands before use.

4. Herbal oils.
Herbal oils are used to massage the face, body or scalp, for nail care, instead of a daily face cream.
There is a cold and a "warm" way to prepare oils.
To prepare butter cold
take 7 tablespoons of any dried herbs (eg chamomile, calendula, mint, clover), pour a glass of food grade vegetable oil (unrefined sunflower, grape seed oil, almond oil, jojoba oil) into them, stir with a wooden spoon to remove air bubbles , close tightly with a lid and put in a dark place for 40 days. Then strain the oil.
Hot oil cooks faster. Pour the herbs with oil in the same way as with the cold method. Close jars of oil with lids and put in a multicooker bowl, fill with water and set the “yogurt” mode (at low temperature, for 8-10 hours).

5. Herbal powders for skin cleansing.
Ground herbs are the most gentle yet effective way to remove dead skin cells and cleanse the skin. I have not used soaps and foams for skin cleansing for a long time, but I use only herbal powders. To prepare this powder, grind dried herbs in a coffee grinder. For 3-4 tablespoons of herbs, add 1 tablespoon of ground oatmeal or milk powder. Store in a dry jar with a lid. Before use, take a little powder and dilute with water to a paste consistency. Gently rub into the skin, rinse with water.

6. Herbal milk.
In Ayurveda, milk is considered a healthy product if you drink it correctly. In the evening, you can cook yourself milk on herbs in order to sleep peacefully and soundly. Boil 1 tablespoon of dried mint leaves in milk, strain, add honey and drink 1 hour before bedtime. Like butter, milk and honey are "conductors" of the beneficial components of herbs and help them assimilate in the body.

7. Herbal jams.
In general, herbal jams are made from a mixture of finely ground dried herbs with honey (or ghee). But I make jams a little differently - I add ground dried fruits and lemon juice to them. This jam is much nicer and tastier. I take 500 grams of various dried fruits (dates, raisins, dried apricots, figs), grind them in a meat grinder, add the juice of half a lemon, 1 tablespoon of honey, 7 tablespoons of dried and chopped herbs. I store this mixture in the refrigerator. It is better to use it before breakfast, 2-3 teaspoons.

Rules for storing herbal preparations:
1. All decoctions and infusions of herbs prepared with water should be consumed immediately or stored in the refrigerator for no more than 10 hours. Before use, do not reheat them, but dilute with a small amount of boiling water.
2. Preparations based on butter or ghee can be stored both at room temperature and in the refrigerator. But in the cold they harden, so before use, take the amount of ointment or cream you need with a glass spatula or a special spatula and warm it up in your hands.
3. Store liquid herbal oils in the refrigerator. If they are prepared on the basis of dried herbs, they can be stored for 3-4 months. Oils prepared with fresh herbs should not be stored for more than 4 weeks.
4. The dishes in which you prepare the preparations must be very clean, and the jars in which you will store them must be pre-treated with alcohol or sterilized.

Read about how to enhance the effect of medicinal herbs.