Divination on the letters of the Greek alphabet. Distribution by letters

In this article:

1 lunar day is one of the most powerful. At this time, it is recommended to file information that will subsequently bring considerable fruits. In this day, a huge force is concentrated, and if everything is done correctly, then everything desired and conceived will come true in very short time And with the least effort.

His strongest energy provides the ability to realize the most bold dreams and plans. Therefore, in the 1st day of the Moon, experts recommend to conduct serious rituals, as well as mentally build a model of the desired future.

Useful breathing meditation in the 1st lunar day

It is necessary to lie down and try to relax. Breathing should be calm and smooth: you need to feel how the air falls into the nose, then the larynx passes, fills the lungs, while expanding chest, and then comes out the same way.

In other words, it should be completely concentrated on the process that no one does not pay attention to. By inhaling the air, you can lie a little, delaying breathing for 3-5 seconds, and then exhale again. Performing an exercise, we must listen to your feelings. Repeat meditation needs no more than 3 times.

A person thinks only during uniform respiration, and if it is interrupted, the course of thought is lost. That is why this exercise is very effective for someone who wants to forget about existing problems and affairs for some time and focus on the desired.

Condition for successful visualization

The main condition for successful visualization is complete relaxation to visualize only in a state of relaxation. It is necessary that the presented pictures be able to imprinted in deep layers of psyche.

If a person does not have enough free time for relaxation, he can immediately begin to visualize, but at the same time it is necessary to get rid of extra tension and remove from extraneous thoughts, and for this one of the following 2 methods of rapid relaxation can be carried out.

  • Sit at a comfortable position, straighten your back, put your hands on your feet, close your eyes and calm your breath. In the breath you need to imagine that vitality begin to join out external environment, and in exhalation that from the body in the form of black smoke to leave all the accumulated tension. It is also necessary to try to drive out extraneous thoughts and focus on breathing. Perform up to 7 repetitions.
  • Take a comfortable position and imagine that the body seems to be wung out of concrete or completely poured lead, it has become very difficult that even lacking forces to raise your hand or leg. It is desirable that the vision in the field was something of blue color - He contributes to relaxation.

Dream visualization in the smallest details

Conveniently setting up, it is necessary to mentally draw a picture directly in front of them, it is in this place that the energy center is located, called the "third eye". The desire must be represented as if it was long ago. Do not fully build a dream implementation in my head. In this situation, there may be doubts about its execution and then nothing will happen. The desire has already happened and it is worth the task - to clearly draw the end result, that is, myself, your family is rich in or surrounded by objects and things that would like to have, etc.

During the visualization, a person must necessarily include himself in the picture represented, so it will connect with his dream. Visualized pictures must be clear bright and most importantly alive.

In addition, it is important that they are impregnated with the joyful feelings and the sensations of the fact that the conceived has already come true.

2nd day of the moon

2 lunar day must be as if drunk with all cash information through clean water. On this day, the human task is to absorb the money in the form of energy to absorb the maximum. How to do it? It is very simple to eat money for money: for this you can think, dream, watch, read articles on the methods of making money. In addition, rituals can be carried out to attract wealth.

2-E. moon day Also related to returns and generosity. This means that if a person manages on this day sincere generosity, for example, will give someone a gift, he will distribute unnecessary things or ends in debt, he will return everything in a 3-h-size. Also on this day it is impossible to regret the loss, it is considered if something was lost at 2 day of the moon, it was unnecessary.

Ritual Water Charge Money Dream

On this day, it is necessary to charge water for money from which you can subsequently prepare various drinks. During the rite, it is necessary to focus and think only about your monetary desire, and the remaining extraneous thoughts to leake aside. If a person begins to be distracted from thoughts about money, thereby it will cause interference capable of distorting the structure of the charged fluid. Water charges with unauthorized elements, and it will not be used.

Water for the ritual must be used energetically clean, that is, not stative any information. This property is endowed with melting water, which has been frozen and defrost. Preferably take natural talaw water From snow and ice, but if there is no such possibility, then a purified tap liquid can be used.

Water coding rite - mini meditation

For charging (encoding), water is needed the largest banknotewhich is available at home. It is necessary to put a container with a thawed water in front of a distance of no more than 1st meter, take into the hands of bills and for 2-4 minutes carefully look at it, paying your attention to all the details and even the smallest, such as inscriptions, patterns, color etc.

Holding money in hands, follows 3 times to whisper:

"This bill will enjoy itself on its own. I have a lot of these appeared in the wallet and will appear even more. "

After these words, it must be submitted that the banknote suddenly increased in dignity, for example, if it is 50 rubles, they turned into 500, 100 - in 1000, etc. At the same time, you should say about yourself:

"I have a large number of money. I can easily increase this amount at any moment you need. It costs me to wish, as I all get what is needed. "

It is necessary to concentrate your thought in an imaginary white or green ball in the center of the head: then take a deep breath, exhale and imagine how the energy circle together with breathing slowly goes into the water, moved to her thoughts about money.

7th day of the moon

On this day, said words possess big powers. Experts claim what will be said today can for a long time and firmly enter the life of a person, independently he wants it or not. Therefore, in the 7 lunar days, as well as in the 4th, 6th and 12th, it is important to follow these words. It is better to voice only positive and positive thoughts.

Attract the money and the strip of good luck on this day, you can apply special conspiracies and prayers.

Corporate Words on Water and Moon

Conspiracy must be pronounced at night or in the evening, after the moon goes. Next, you need to try to become so that the night luminaries can be seen, and its light illuminated a pre-prepared water container. If it is impossible to do this, then ritually spend in the next 7 lunar day. Then leaning over a capacity of 3 times to speak:

"Water, pure water, moonlight satisfy, filled with the power of heaven and wonderful grace. Moon Mother, Vodnik, Spring, urge you all soul. Having allowed money to me attract. How many waters in the sea and the ocean are much, let so much will be whipped and money in my wallet. Moon Our Mother's Wilder is their light. I have a wealth. Amen".

After words, it is necessary to raise the container in front of them and, looking through it on the moon to say:

"My whole thing is to be, and me, God's slave (your name), forget about poverty. Amen".

At the end of the ritual, you need to drink conspiracted water and go to bed.

Rite of money

Should be lit. church candle, Put clean water and pronounce spell:

"Our Lord, Almighty and all-knowing. Come to me, God's slave (your name), to help. They put the water lively grace of her. Give this power of the life-giving, great, creative wonders. Let your light water with clean miraculous radiance sanctifies, the body and soul my healed from poverty, poverty, bad luck will save, my welfare will strengthen and increase. Amen".

Consecrated liquid to drink, and give a candle to exhaust.

The first lunar day is characteristic of the fact that any plans drawn up on these days have a property being implemented with minimal efforts. In 2 lunar day, you can gradually begin to implement these plans to life. Also, this period is favorable to solve its financial problems. Emotionally the second lunar day is also not simple. The moon affects man in such a way that there is no no, and aggression will be wanted, greed and other negative character traits.

Features 2. moon day :

  • The second lunar days are distinguished by low efficiency and passivity.
  • Earth power are activated
  • Happy color - brown
  • The most vulnerable organs in humans during this period are teeth and mouth
  • Lucky numberwhich can bring good luck - 2

In the period of the second lunar day, it is worth devoting to new discoveries and endeavors, especially those who can bring good income. Symbols of 2 lunar days are: a bowl of abundance, mighty whale and wide open mouth.

The special energy of these days says that it can be started to actively act to implement the previously conceived plans. Moreover, it is important to understand that in the morning it is not worth anyone, even a family, talk about the planned affairs. If you ask, then it is better to turn or restrict ourselves to the common phrases. This also applies to the usual everyday life. Plans, like money, do not tolerate bustle and chatty. But the strong energy of the second lunar day enhances this characteristic.

Secret signs of the Moon

On the second day, the moon can send signs to people who should not ignore. For example, if an interview was prescribed, but a person was late for the desired train or a bus, it is important not to panic. Perhaps the moon thus fencing a person from the unfair employer. Such signs are possible throughout the day, therefore it is worth more attentively to the trifles.

Some astrologers say that you can learn about the attitude of dear and close people in 2 lunar day. Intuition at this time is particularly strong. To, you need to take a convenient position, it is advisable to retire. After that, you should think about your beloved, relative or about the other.

In the image of the selected person, it is important to imagine everything to the smallest detail, then listen to sensations. If there are unpleasant associations, a feeling of anxiety or insecurity, it means that a person at this life stage has on you negative impact. In this case, it is better to increase the moral distance when communicating with it.

Work in 2 lunar day

2 lunar days are also favorable for work. Moreover, the fruitful will be fruitful both freelancers and hired workers. On this day, it is very favorable the opening of your business. In terms of career, you can begin any cases at this time, they will pass as it should. Also in the second lunar days you can start self-education or go to the university, for courses and so on. The process of obtaining knowledge will be more efficient, and in the case of self-education - will bring you great benefit.

The second lunar day is the right time for action and active activities, the fruits of which will please you very soon!

Business people can devote a day of searching for additional sources of income. Many of the undertakings undertaken will be successful and will bring considerable profit if you immediately accept embody plans for life. The second day of the Moon is suitable for signing contracts and conclusion of agreements.

The motto of 2 lunar days "Begin to embody the outlined plans in life"

2 Lunar day "Specifies the Rhythm" in the entire future month. On these days, it is extremely undesirable to scandal, engage unpleasant affairs Or borrow money. Otherwise, you risk persecution yourself for 28 unhappy days.

Beware to envy other people in the second lunar day, as well as show greed.

At night, these days circulate powerful energy streams. If for some reason you have to be awake at night (for example, working in a night shift), then keep extreme caution!

Physical activity of 2 lunar day will bring a lot of benefit to your body. But from bright emotional experiences, stress and clarify relationships is better to refrain.

If you are planning to sign up for fitness for a long time or take a diet, it is best to do it in the second lunar day. These days are simply ideal for changing the usual lifestyle and for new positive endors.

Health in 2 lunar day

Today you can experience a slight ailment, but there is no reason to worry about this. If the disease begins on this day, it will proceed in a light form and will soon cease.

In terms of food, you should listen to your body. In the second day, the body is capable of sending signals about what kind of food it needs now. So if you suddenly pulls on the gastronomic delights, then do not refuse to yourself in this pleasure! Of course, if you do not plan to sit on the diet.

Moon and dreams

Any dream, which will dream of the second lunar days, will become an understandable answer for you for a long time disturbing. Many dreams that greeted during this period contain direct guide to certain actionsAnd some will give a prompt to resolve a problem.

Most people who see dreams are always trying to interpret them only with positive. But not every dream can talk about good. Sometimes dreams warn about unpleasant events or warned from negative consequences. Sleep, who dreamed of 2 lunar day, it is important to understand correctly. To interpret it, you can use our. And it is better to contact a specialist in the interpretation of dreams.

Marriage and relationships between lovers

Lovers who have long plan to officially issue their relationship, it is perfect for the period of the second lunar days. The couple will definitely have a strong and long marriage, and domestic problems will practically won't make spouses. Lovers who have entered into marriage during this period will always find a compromise in any matter. Their love relationships will be very durable.

Favorable time for emerging love relationship are the second lunar days. The prisoner, thanks to general hobbies and interests, will be strong and durable. Couples who love active rest will remember this day for a long time. He will bring them a lot of emotions and impressions that will be remembered for many years.

Intimate relations

The second lunar days characterize intimate relationships as a bright and unforgettable event. It is worth sustating your second half to try something new, for example, to discover new postures "Kama Sutra". Feel free to actively manifest yourself in intimate relationships. You can get a lot of pleasant sensations and emotions.

Making love is an art that is important in family life. During the second lunar day, it is worth strengthening relations with the spouse / spouse and wake out the outstanding passion. This will help you with new postures and experiments. You should not be shy to buy books on the topic of sex, study this question and you will open in a new way. bright colors Intimate relationships.

Hair care: haircut and staining

The second lunar days is a great time for haircuts and hair care. This day marks the growing phase of the moon, which can affect fast growth hair. The new haircut will improve and emotional state.

Esoterici claim that hair coloring on this day can attract cash flows. The day is favorable for various experiments with its hairstyle. You can change the image, style of behavior. This will feel more confident and start the planned work for a long time.

The description of the second lunar day has been prepared specifically for Valtasar site (http: // Site) - fortune telling, horoscopes, mysticism, moon today

If at the time of your birth was the 2nd day of the lunar cycle

This lunar day gives people the following common features and characteristics:

Mission:all transform around yourself.

The potential given to nature:

- the ability to long-suffering and enviable dedication;
- Everything that will be decided to make - will be done;
- The possibility in any area of \u200b\u200bactivity is able to say its unique and original word.

Personal features:

- love to add your style in everything, prefer to dress not like everything;
- equilibrium is inherent, calm, even slowness, the ability to see in a new one for long-known subjects;
- powerful creative start - inventors, generators of new ideas;
- They have a strong everyday mind, are attached to loved ones and property (which can grow into greed and capture).

Possible negative qualities:

- the main disadvantage of greed, the lack of feeling measure of non-living;
- suspicion, distrust of people;
- excessant landiness, jealousy and desire for excesses;
- A bit inhibited and lazy.


- Since childhood, he has strong health, meekness and obedience, good appetite, eat a lot and tastefully, but rarely come full: it works internal resource fast and timely burning all extra;
- They have a "system of multiple", and if they do something, they make a lot and, as a rule, to conscience.

General Description of the Lunar Day:

Symbols of the day: Horn of abundance, mouth.
Stones: Jadeit, Chalcedony, Agat Perelovy.
Act: - Consumption. The days of the picatoes last. Therefore, today is completely contraindicated to experience such feelings as anger, anger, but we must learn to show generosity.
On the household level this day is not suitable for close contacts, for marriage, lawsuits and quarrels. Today it is necessary to pay attention to the state of the physical body. Therefore, today, just that day, when it is best to start new courses on exercise and whether to other moving classes, but it is in the second lunar day that it is not necessary to expend energy. Good day for traveling, development and sale of creativity and training. Plans are still needed to keep with me and not spread about them. It is also necessary to control emotions and try to remove anger.

2 lunar day is an excellent time to start new affairs and the realization of everything conceived in the first lunar days. This day is favorable for any undertakings, everything will be easily held and, as if, by itself, folding in the most well. At 2 lunar day, you can get everything you need for the desired, everything is happening today, it happens exclusively for the benefit, even if it looks different at first.

This is the time for active, assertive actions, to master new branches of knowledge, increase labor efficiency, adopt new employees, to conclude financial transactions and contracts. In short, you can sell successfully, sell and buy. The moon in this period favors people creative professions. Scientists during this period can solve important problems, make discoveries. The moon contributes to the activity of the brain. But the resolution of conflict situations, it is better not to deal with legal proceedings.
The moon on this day can influence such a line of character as greed, thrust for accumulation. Do not overdo it, follow your behavior. It is better to show generosity and make charity. There is such a dependence - that you will give, then you will get, otherwise, the more you give, the more you get.
The main thing is 2 lunar day, start doing something, go to the life stream, he will bring you exactly where you need to pay attention to the prompts of fate, on this day it will be especially generous to all active people. It is very important to drive away from ourselves even the shadow of doubt, you must be absolutely sure about the correctness of your actions, choose a certain line of behavior and follow it steadily. After all, luck loves bold and confident people. Make a decisive step of 2 lunar day towards your goal, and you will be given everything you need to achieve it.

2 lunar day is the most better time In order to receive new knowledge, you can safely start exploring, for example, foreign languageTraining will be easy to pass, and give good results. The start of the career in the new workplace is also best to coincide with the second lunar day - the success will be guaranteed.

According to the second lunar day in Esoteric. For example, on this day, it is extremely not recommended to perform a funeral rite, as it can negatively affect the entire subsequent month. Mages warn not to do anything with

the first minutes of the second moon day until three o'clock in the morning, the energy field at this moment is very unbalanced, and something completely unforeseen can happen, so it is best to spend this time in a dream.

In 2 lunar day, especially strive to send their energy into a peaceful direction, to use it exclusively in good use. Any positive endeavors are welcome, it is today that it is best to start learning something new or start daily morning jogging. Be maximally active in the physical plane, but avoid emotional overvoltage. 2 lunar day - try not to join today conflict situations, hold on and from unnecessary disputes and mutual insults. Carry positive people, be the most generous ones on this day.

Haircut and beauty in 2 lunar day

On this day it is useful to visit the beauty salon. Send procedures for the body rejuvenation, make nutritious face masks, tonic and regenerating cosmetic procedures. During this period, the body absorbs everything useful, action nutrients The body is enhanced.
And what about the hairstyle in the second lunar day? So - this day is unfavorable for haircuts hair. You can bring this operation to attract a quarrel with your beloved person or relatives, children. It is not necessary to complicate your life, no need to attract conflict situations. It is enough to limit ourselves to combing. It will improve blood circulation in the scalp and will only benefit.

Symbol - mouth, mouth, cornucopia, on an ancient Indian tradition - "grabby" (mythological parallels - Haribda, Leviathan, Kit).
Symbolic matching: 13th - 24th degrees of Aries.
Anatomical compliance: Mouth, jaws.
Act: consumption.
Names: big fish, fall, bharai, cornucopia horn.
In the 2nd day of the moon, a beneficial effect has a diet. It is recommended to rinse the stomach before the moon or morning or in the morning, drink a liter of salted water with lemon, who is used to - to make a crow, calmly sit down and slowly remember the products that you use; If with the memories of something edible, nausea or unpleasant feeling is felt, the product is harmful to the body. (In the same way, you can check friends: from whom it is tough - that is not a friend).
Completely contraindicated on the second day of the moon anger, generosity, on the contrary, should develop and cultivate in themselves.
Social influence: bad for close contact (selectively), for the conclusion of marriage, for theft, trials. It is better not to quarrel.
Domestic influence: Good for travel, creativity, trade, big cases and apprenticeship.
Medical influence: Feeper will quickly recover. Paradertosis, other diseases of the teeth are sick, is manifested by depriving, the function of the digestive tract is suffering, psychosomatic diseases are exacerbated.
Influence mystical: The main direction is physiology.
Dietyology: If nausea appears, the product should be refused, the phyto-exposure, purification procedures (without hunger). Showing any kind of physical exercises, but without fatigue. On this day it is difficult to realize generosity and greed.
People born on this day seek to absorb everything. They strive for abundance, sometimes greedy, tied to their surroundings and property. Diligent, smart, rarely mistaken in the assessment. Never fully.
People are undeveloped, this is manifested in the form of captors, greed; Never fully, they eat everything without parsing. People of this day may develop greed, gripful instincts, attachment to things.
Impact on the conception: Very good. Especially successful for conception of the girl and the continuation of the kind. Born is waiting for success, fulfillment of desires and necessarily someone's intercession.
It is good to start the cycle of physical exercises on this day or a large information cycle. If this is not done, it is possible to compact the physical body (salt, stones), the teeth are beginning to hurt, paradetontosis is possible, deprived (with poor Saturn).
Medical attitude should also pay attention to the mouth, teeth, the upper part of the nose.
Stones - Jadeit, Chalcedony, Agat Perebed.
Meditation: Consumption process.

A. Zarayev. "Interpretation of lunar days

The first half of these days is favorable, however, the plans and ideas that will appear should be kept with you. IN otherwise, The second half of the day can cross the new thoughts and tendency to improve, and the bustle or unfulfilled obligations will erase the emerging positive prospects. The first half of this ld Favorable for contacts with the bosses, for requests, for any public undertakings, but specific individual cases will be solved on this day.

"Days of the duration" Moon Albert Great

Happy to be sent to the path of dry by way and water and to the conception of children, to the structure, to sowing; Sweeting on this day there are soon drove. Diseases are short-lived. Dreams do not mean anything. Babies grow rapidly.

Zurnyeva T.N. "30 lunar days. All about every day. Lunar calendar."

Symbols - "Horn of Isobacy" or "Pack". Begins with the first sunrise of the moon after the new moon and continues until the next sunrise. Lasts a little more than a day.
In the 2nd day there is burning, cleansing and saturation of a dense body. Therefore, the sensations that will be in our body, we can find out if we think about, or not. You can imagine food familiar, and if they are sick of them, it means they are harmful to us.
The process of the day helps the bath dry starvation, Constitution. top scores It will give groats, welded without salt and oil. Cereals are unique products that bring slags and everything that bothers us.
You can make various practices for cleansing, cleaning any body that bothers you, but best to choose an organ that corresponds to the sign where the moon will be at this time.
On this day, it is necessary to show generosity, do not regret what we exempt from. In the 2nd lunar day, information cycles are laid. And the information that comes on this day will be important for the whole month.
Special practice in the 2nd lunar day - recognition of what you need and what you do not need. Anger is contraindicated, irritation - it will interfere with the cleansing of a dense body. Energy Centerwhich is associated with the 2nd lunar day, is non-classical. It is located under the nose, it is necessary to concentrate at this point.
The mouth, lips, teeth and the upper part of the nose are associated with the 2nd lunar day. On this day it is good to treat your teeth. Unused energy of the 2nd lunar day leads to periodontal disease and dental stones. With bad Saturn, a person can be covered with degrading.
People born in the 2nd lunar day, as a rule, a set system works. All they do not do is do a lot. Since the day is called "Horn of Isobacy" or "Pack", then the people of this day eat a lot, but are never complete, since they constantly go to purification.
You can and need to do, eat:
- Dry starvation
- Diet.
- Omion, visiting the bath
It is impossible or necessary to refrain, do not eat:
- quarrel, swear

The main symbol of the 2nd lunar days - Power and horn of abundance.

Stones of the 2nd Lunar Day - Agat, Chalacedon, Jadeit.

Colors of the 2nd lunar days - chestnut and chocolate, orange and brown.

Organ - The oral cavity, the upper part of the sky, teeth.

In addition, symbols can be divided into two energetic attitudes. The grazing symbol carries with them negative energy. Because in itself the word sounds a little ominous. And the symbol of horn is abundance is controlled positive energy. Two characters narrate that all the affairs of this day can be oversaturated. So, for example, a person can show his emotions with such a force that he will have to put on his place, shout him.

Main characteristics of 2 lunar days

In 2 lunar days, you can start everything you wonder. Day is favorable for of various types Justion. If it concerns exercise, you will get a lot of pleasure. And besides, if you balance the meals, you can find the necessary forms you need. You will be able to gain the mass of the body, which always dreamed of.

The main thing is to patience. For all, you need time, the most important thing is to start.
As for the internal attitude, you need to avoid negative thoughts and bad words. Try not to be angry and not angry others. Your inner state should radiate kindness and generosity. And besides, these qualities should manifest themselves in communicating with other people.

Pay attention to everything that happens to you when you are surrounded by your relatives and loved ones. And you will understand where you have weak sidesAnd where you can rely on your relatives.

If confidential conversations arise with close people, then you should not devote them to your plans. Moreover, it may concern them. You can just keep silent about it and convert a conversation to other topics that will come with enthusiasm.

2 Lunar day can be divided into two halves. The first half of the day may be a bit unfavorable. The second part of the day will reflect the positive energy of the day. You can talk with the bosses and, perhaps, your ideas will be able to attract the attention of higher authorities.

And do not forget that on this day, the less you will be angry, the faster and calmer your problems will be allowed. And the negative quality of character - anger can walk for you on the heels.

Health and 2nd lunar days

The 2nd lunar days are favorable to start and adhere to the diet. If during the adoption of food, you can, you need, it means to deal with which product it has become bad. And in the near future, do not take this ingredient at all. You must eliminate this product from the diet.

Whoever will be completely dismissed in general, it is worth paying attention to this person. The sick man should get support from his relatives and loved ones, so that he had the strength to become healthy again. During any disease for a person, it is very important that there were people who share their pain, were morally with him. Support is always very important. It happens the most important and great support to serve as a common good word in the address of the sick.

The 2nd lunar days is a day when exacerbations of pain in the teeth occur, the pains of the gastrointestinal tract are enhanced. In addition, you need to not forget about psychological factors. If something hurts, then the person begins to be nervous, so be careful with your psyche. There is an exacerbation of psychosomatic diseases.

If you decide to carry out cleaning procedures on the face and body area, then the day is favorable. Any cosmetic procedures will bring your skin a positive effect, because in the 2nd lunar days the skin is very susceptible to any touch and interactions with it.

Love and 2nd lunar day

The 2nd lunar days have a dual impact on people on this day and on the energy of the day as a whole. The day can be as good as possible and as bad as possible. You need to be conspiracked and take into account the desires of the interlocutor, whoever he is.
Anyone on this day will be configured that it will give him compliments and gifts. Thus, it happens arrogant, which is disrespect for the desires of his partner.

You need to be as attentive to any word that you want to say. You should also pay attention to the thections that you take or are going to do. With the other case, you will be sorry for the words that throw in this state. Research and quarrels may arise in a flat place. The 2nd lunar days are sufficiently endowed with positive energy to try not to develop a useless conversation, which will attain the pride of another person.

2nd lunar day when you can have fun and relax in the society of your second half. Good day for dates and meetings. So that you had a good mood, and a meeting with your loved one brought joy, you can make unexpected gifts to each other. So that your partner expectations are justified, because it is better than swearing.

In addition, the 2nd lunar day is ideal for marriages. It is important that the married life begins on that day when all this is favorable.

Work and creativity in the 2nd lunar days

Today you will have success in your work. Any undertaking will be able to succeed. This is a good reason to launch your ideas in the team, start your business, sign projects. 2 lunar days are favorable for individual workand in the team.

Be careful to everything that today happens to you at work. Try all the words you will use in working moments, fix. Because there is a chance that you feel good to explain this or that working task that you can even single out. But you should not be accomplished, your colleagues from the bottom of my heart will congratulate you.

Creativity in the work never bothered, so fantasize, try, and the day will give you your positive energy. And the universe will help realize your plans that you may have already forgotten what you need to use them too.

If you decide to take yourself to education. For example, start learning a language or any other courses, this day is not possible by the way. Your preferences develop in the field of educational sciences, not only relatives will be supported.

Material problems will be solved in 2 lunar days without difficulty. Moreover, you are tuned to positive today, and, as you know, in any case positive setting - This is half the way when it goes well. Try to keep such a state of mind for a whole day until the evening.

But, if you suddenly have difficulties in the signing of an important contract, it is not necessary to put pressure on a partner, just postpone this project for the near future, when the situation "Treating the blanket for yourself will not be felt in cooperation. The main thing is to stay calm and objective in any situation.

Those who were born in the 2nd lunar days

People who were born in 2 lunar day can be conspiracked, kind and responsive, if you instill with these qualities from the earliest childhood. If the parents of this will not do this, then the people of this lunar day can affect their own negative qualities. They will be characterized by greed, rudeness, jealousy.
Despite these bad qualities, they are endowed with intuition that helps them go through life. Their innate little allows them to avoid heavy consequences. They are very careful and prudent people.

They know what they want from life and can be perfectly adapted to the situation and atmosphere. On the one hand, they are inconspicuous, but on the other hand, they can be very highlighted among total mass of people.

Born in 2 lunar days Physically strong people. In addition, their mental abilities are very developed. They can be both negative heroes and positive. Sometimes they can solve the problem with cunning, and nothing will be for it. On the one hand, this is a trick, but on the other hand, you need to be a very clever person to do, using this quality. Many people scold themselves if they arrive towards others wrong. The people of 2 lunar days will not make themselves, they will be revised and just go beyond their expensive.

People of this lunar day are very tied to their family and go to all for her. On this day, innovators, mediums, businessmen, entrepreneurs are born.

Signs of the 2nd lunar days

The 2nd lunar day is the day when a person does not want to hide behind his mask if it is. The sign of this day is that it is necessary to show more good, affection and understanding. It is necessary to support the energy of the day, which is directed to revelations. It is better to silent if you don't understand something, today to infamine conflicts yourself more.

Magical rites of the 2nd lunar day

Take a vow, consecrate the temple or personal ritual space, consecrate the idols of gods and other rites in the 2nd lunar day is not recommended.
It is better to pay about the upcoming events for the next month. More than this period affect the future through the rites is better not worth it. The day is perfect for conducting programs to develop practices for clairvoyance and any other mystical abilities that will be aimed at self-improvement.

Special caution in the 2nd lunar days

In the 2nd lunar days, take care of the teeth and the whole oral cavity. So that there are no problems, carefully eat, carefully chew food so that food does not damage the mouth. There is a risk of teeth falling. If something is serious, then better contact the dentist.

There is also a possibility of conflicts due to misunderstanding. So it is better to overtake once again to preserve the environment from negative influences.

Dreams and dreams in the 2nd lunar days

The dreams of 2 lunar days are usually interesting and raise the mood, but rarely they can carry a significant meaning in themselves. If you are dreaming with a bad content, then do not believe him, most likely, it's just vibration of the energy of the day. You will quickly forget about this dream, and in reality he will not affect.

Mantras of the 2nd Lunar Day

I know for sure that there is a place and time of yes my personal affairs.

I'm sure (a) that everything I thought will be implemented.

I am surrounded by a good aura, which protects me and protects me.

When life teaches me, I teach me a lesson, I gladly accept it.

I will accept the experience of a new day with ease and absorb.