Old Russian writing. The emergence of Slavic writing in Russia

Kuban State University

faculty of Management and Psychology

according to the document on the topic:

"History of Russian ABC: from ancient times to this day"

Performed student

2nd course DDOU:

Teterleva Elena

Krasnodar 2010.


1. The emergence of Slavic ABC

2. Cyrillic letters and their names

3. The composition of the Russian alphabet



Transferring speech on the letter, use letters, each of which has a certain meaning. The totality of letters located in the prescribed manner is called alphabet or aBC .

Word alphabet Comes from the name of the two first letters of the Greek alphabet: α- alpha; β - beta (in Novogreically - vita).

Word aBC It comes from the name of the two first letters of the ancient Slavic alphabet - Cyrillic: A - az; B - buki.

How did the alphabet arose? How did she develop in Russia? Answers to these questions can be found in this abstract.

1. The emergence of Slavic ABC

Alphabet - This is a system of letters that transmit sounds or phonemes of the language. Almost all the well-known alphabetic systems of letters have a general origin: they are upgraded to the Semitic writing of the Fatherland, Syria, Palestine II Millennium BC.

Phoenicians who lived on the east coast Mediterranean SeaIn antiquity were famous former. They led active trade with Mediterranean states. In IX century BC e. The Phoenicians introduced to their letter of the Greeks. The Greeks somewhat modified the inscription of the Phoenician letters and their names, retaining the order.

In the first millennium BC. e. Southern Italy was colonized by the Greeks. As a result, I got acquainted with the Greek letter different peoples Italy, including Latins - Italian tribe, founded Rome. Finally formed a classic Latin alphabet in I c. BC e. Some Greek letters in Latin are not included, in the era of the Roman Empire there was a wide dissemination of Latin and letters. Its influence increased in the Middle Ages due to the transition to. Christianity of all nations of Europe. Latin has become a liturgical language in all Western European countries, and the Latin letter is the only permissible letter for liturgical books. As a result, the Latin language was in the centuries by international language.

On the territory of Central Eastern Europe, populated by Slavs, starting from the VI-VII centuries. Separate unions of Slavic tribes, state associations appear.

BIX century The State Association of the Western Slavs - the Moravian Principality, located in the territory of the current Slovakia, was known. German feudal feudal sought to subjugate moravia in political, economic, cultural terms. German missionaries were sent to Moravia for the preaching of Christianity in Latin. This threatened the political independence of the state. In an effort to preserve independence, the far-sighted Moravian Prince Rostislav sent the Embassy to the Byzantine Emperor Mikhail III with a request to send teachers to Moravia (Christianity preachers for the Byzantine rite), who would have trained inhabitants of Moravia Christianity native language. Mikhail III instructed the Moravian mission of Konstantin (monastic name - Cyril) and his brother Methodius. The brothers were natives of the city of Soluni (now Thessaloniki), which at that time was part of the Slavic (Bulgarian) territory and was cultural Center Macedonia, the ancient Solun was a bilingual city, in which Slavic language sounded besides Greek.

Konstantin was very educated man for his time. Even before the trip to Moravia, he made up the Slavic ABC and began to translate the Gospel to Slavic. In Moravia, Konstantin and Methodius continued to translate church books from Greek to Slavic, taught Slavs to reading, writing and serving worship in Slavic. The brothers stayed in Moravia for more than three years, and then set off with students in Rome to Pope Roman. There they hoped to find support in the fight against the German clergy, who did not want to take their position in Moravia and preventing the spread of Slavic writing. On the way to Rome, they visited another Slavic country - Pannonia (Lake Balaton, Hungary). And here the brothers trained the Slavs to a book case and worship in Slavic.

In Rome, Konstantin knead the monks, taking the name Kirill. In the same place in 869, Kirill poisoned. Before his death, he wrote Methodius: "We are with you, like two oxes; from the heavy nosha one fell, the other should continue the path." Methodius with students who received San Priests returned Pannonia, and later in Moravia.

By that time, the situation in Moravia changed dramatically. After the death of Rostislav, the Moravian Prince became his prisoner Svyatopolk, who obeyed German political influence. Methodius and his students proceeded in very difficult conditions. Latin-German clergy prevented the spread of the Slavic language as the church language.

Methodius was put in prison, there he dies in 885, and after that his opponents managed to achieve the prohibition of Slavic writing in Moravia. Many students were executed, some moved to Bulgaria and Croatia. In Bulgaria, Tsar Boris in 864 adopted Christianity. Bulgaria becomes the center of distribution of Slavic writing. Slavic schools are created here, Cyril-Mephodievsky original of the liturgical books (Gospel, Psaltry, Apostle, Church Services) are rewritten (Gosalnia, Psaltry, Apostle, Church Languages) "The original works appear in the Old Slavonic language (" 0 writing CHRACTER ").

The widespread spread of Slavic writing, its "golden age" refers to the time of reign in Bulgaria Simeon (893-927), the son of Boris. Later, the Old Slavonic language penetrates Serbia, and at the end of the X century. It becomes the tongue of the church in Kievan Rus.

Staroslavansky, being the language of the church in Russia, was experiencing an influence of ancient Russian language. It was the Old Slavonic language of the Russian edition, since it included elements of living Eastern Slavic speech.

Old Slavonic alphabets, which were written to the following monuments, are called glabolitsa and cyrillic . The first Older Slavonic monuments were written by the verbs, which was created, as Konstantin, based on the Greek Skoropisnaya Letter of the IX century. With the addition of some letters from other oriental alphabets. This is a very peculiar, intricate, loop-like letter, which for a long time in a somewhat modified form used by Croats (until XVII B). The appearance of Cyrillic, rising to the Greek authorized (solemn) letter, is associated with the activities of the Bulgarian school of scribes. Cyrillic is the Slavic alphabet, which underlies the modern Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Serbian and Macedonian alphabet.

2. Cyrillic letters and their names

Figure 1 - "Cyrillic letters and their names"

Cyrillic, shown in Figure 1, as it uses in Russian, has been gradually improved.

The development of the Russian nation at the beginning of the XVIII century, the needs of the printing of civilian books caused the need to simplify the design of the letters of the Kirillov ABC.

In 1708, a Russian civil font was created, and Peter I himself took an active part in the manufacture of sketches of sketches. In 1710, a sample of the new alphabet font was approved. It was the first reform of Russian graphics. The essence of the Petrovsky reform was to simplify the composition of the Russian alphabet due to the exclusion of such obsolete and unnecessary letters from it, as "Psi", "KSI", "Omega", "Izhitsa", "Earth", "izh", "yus small". However, subsequently, probably under the influence of the clergy, some of these letters was restored. The letter E ("e" turning) was introduced to distinguish it from the iothed letter E, as well as the letter I instead of Yusa Small Yotatovanny.

In civil font, the first (large) and lowercase (small) letters are first set.

Letter y ( and short) The Academy of Sciences was introduced in 1735. The letter Её first applied N. M. Karamzin in 1797 to designate sound [o] under the stress after soft consonants, for example: nybo, Dark .

In the XVIII century In the literary language, the sound indicated by the letter Kommersant ( yat), coincided with the sound [ e. ]. Bush Kommersant, thus, was practically unnecessary, but according to tradition, she held a long time in the Russian alphabet, until 1917-1918.

Orphography reform 1917-1918. Two letters were excluded, duplicated each other: "Yat", "Fita", "and a decimal". Letter Kommersant ( eP) It was saved only as a dividing sign, b ( yer) - as a dividing sign and to designate the softness of the preceding consonant. In relation to the decree, there is an article about desirability, but the necessity of consuming this letter. Reform 1917-1918. Simplified the Russian letter and thus facilitated literacy learning.

3. The composition of the Russian alphabet

In the Russian alphabet of 33 letters, of which 10 denote vowel sounds, 21 - consonants and 2 letters do not indicate special sounds, but serve to transfer certain sound features. The Russian alphabet, depicted in Table 1, has uppercase (large) and lowercase (small) letters, letters printed and handwritten.

Table 1 - Russian alphabet and letter name


Throughout the history of the Russian alphabet, there was a fight with "extra" letters who crowned a partial victory in reforming the graphics Peter I (1708-1710) and the final victory for spelling reform 1917-1918.

The director of the Volgograd Institute of Art Education of Nikolai Taranov has many titles: Calligrapher, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Candidate of Art History, Professor, Member of the Union of Artists of Russia. But few people know that he still studies characters. And, by doing this, he went to the "detective trace" and made an amazing discovery. Who came up with Slavic ABC?

It would seem that everyone is known: Kirill and Methodius, which the Orthodox Church for this merit calls equal to the Apostles. But what exactly the alphabet came up with Kirill - Cyrillic or verbs? (Methodius, it is known and proved, in all supported his brother, but the "brain of operation" and educated personwho knew many languages, was the monk Kirill). About this in the scientific world there are still disputes. Some researchers-Slavists say: "Cyrillic! She is named after the creator. " Others object to: "Glagolitsa! The first letter of this alphabet looks like a cross. Kirill - Monk. It's a sign". It is also approved that no writing in Russia was not in Russia. Professor Nikolay Taranov categorically disagree with this.

The statement that there was no writing in Russia to Cyril and Methodius, based on one single document - "Tale of the Writers" of the Herbrah's Chernorris found in Bulgaria, "says Nikolay Taranov. - There are 73 list from this scroll, and in different copies due to the errors of the translation or errors of scribes are completely different versions of the key phrases for us. In one option, "Slavs did not have books to Cyril", in the other - "letters", but at the same time the author indicates: "They wrote to the features and cuts." Interestingly, the Arab travelers who visited Russia back in the VIII century, that is, even before Rurik and even more so before Kirill, described the funeral of one Russian prince: "After the funeral of the warrior, he wrote him on a white tree (birch) in honor of Prince, and Then, sowing on the horses, retired. " And in "Kirill Life", famous Russian orthodox churchWe read: "In the city of Korsun, Kirill met Rusin (Russian), who had books written by Russian letters with him." Kirill (his mother was Slavic) pulled out some of his letters and with their help began to read the very books of Rusin. And these were not subtle books. These were, as stated in the same "Kirill Life", translated into Russian "Psalrty" and "Gospel". The fact that his alphabet in Russia was long before Kirill, there are many evidence. And Lomonosov said about the same. He led to the proof of the testimony of the Roman Pope VIII, the contemporary of Kirill, in which it is argued that Cyril did not invent these letters, but revealed.

The question arises: why was Cyril to create a Russian alphabet if she was already? The fact is that the monk Kirill had a task from the Moravian Prince - to create an alphabet for the Slavic, suitable for the translation of church books. What he did. And the letters that church books are now written (and in the modified form - our today's printed creations) is the work of Cyril, that is, Cyrillic.

The verbs destroyed intentionally?

There are 22 points that prove that the verbs was ancient than Cyrillic, approves Taranov. There is such a concept of archaeologists and philologists - palimpside. This is the name of the inscription made on top of another destroyed, most often dismantled knife, inscriptions. In the Middle Ages, parchment from the skin of a young lamb was quite expensive, and the sake of saving scribes often destroyed "unnecessary" records and documents, and something new on the distributed sheet wrote. So: everywhere in the Russian paletmpuses, the height of the verbs, and on top of her - the inscriptions on Cyrillic. There is no exceptions to this rule.

There are only five monuments written by the verbs in the world. The rest were destroyed. Moreover, in my opinion, the record on the verb was destroyed deliberately, - said Professor Nikolay Taranov. - Since the verbs did not fit for the record of church books. The digital value of the letters (and then the belief was very strong in numerology) in it was different than was required in Christianity. From respect to the verbs, Kirill left the same names of the letters in his alphabet as they were. And they are very, very complex for the alphabet, "born" in the 9th century, as stated. Already then all languages \u200b\u200bsought to simplify, letters in all alphabets of that time indicate only sounds. And only in the Slavic alphabet, such names of letters: "Good", "People", "Think", "Earth", etc. And all because the verbs are very ancient. It has many signs of a pictographic letter.

The pictographic letter is a form of writing, the signs of which (pictograms) indicate the object shown by them. The last finds of archaeologists speak in favor of this version. So, there were plates with Slavic writing, the age of which dates 5000 a year to our era.

"The verbs created a genius"

All modern alphabets of Europe lead their origin from the Alphabet of the Phoenicians. In it, the letter A, as we were told, denotes the head of the bull, which then turned over the horns down.

And the ancient Greek historian Diodor Sicilian wrote: "These letters are called Phoenician, although it is more correct to call them pelasgic, as Pelasgi used them," says Nikolay Taranov. - Do you know who Pelasgi is? These are the ancestors of Slavs, Praslavyansky tribes. The Phoenicians stand out among the surrounding dark-haired tribes of farmers, Egyptians and Sumeres with light skin and red hair. Yes, even his passion for traveling: they were excellent navigators.

In the XII century BC, Pelasga just participated in the great resettlement of peoples, and they wished their separate groups of desperate conquerors of new lands very far. What gives the Volgograd professor to the version: the Phoenicians were familiar with the Slavs and borrowed the alphabet. Otherwise, why suddenly next door to Egyptian hieroglyphs and Sumerian clinows were formed an alphabet?

So they say: "The verbs was too decorative, difficult, so it was gradually a more rational Cyrillic was supplanted." But the verbs are not so bad, - I am sure Professor Taranov. - I studied the earliest versions: the first letter of the verbs is not a cross at all, but a person. Therefore, called "AZ" - Ya. A person for himself is a reference point. And all the values \u200b\u200bof the letters in the verb is through the prism of human perception. I drew the first letter of this alphabet on a transparent film. Look, if you put it on other letters of the verbs, it turns out a pictogram! I think: not every designer will think so that every grapema fall into the grid. I am struck by the artistic oneness of this alphabet. I think the unknown author of the verbs was a genius! None in any other alphabet of the world does not have such a clear connection between the symbol and its digital and sacred meaning!

Glagolitsa and Numerology

Each sign in the verbs has a sacred value and denotes a certain number.

AZ sign - man, number 1.
The sign "Veday" - the number 2, the sign looks like eyes and nose: "I see, it means I know."
Sign "Live" - \u200b\u200bthe number 7, the life and reality of this world.
The sign "Zelo" is the number 8, the reality of the miracle and something supernatural: "Too", "very" or "beer".
The "Good" sign is the number 5, the only number that gives rise to the like or decade: "Good breeds good."
The "People" sign - the number 50, according to numerology - the world, from where the human souls come to us.
The "Our" sign is the number 70, symbolizes the connection of heaven and earthly, that is, our world, we feel in sensations.
Sign "Omega" - the number 700, a certain divine world, "Seventh Heaven".
The sign "Earth" - according to Taranov, means a picture: Earth and the Moon on the same orbit.

Light Evseeva-Fedorova

Bulgarian writer X-century Chernorizeta (monk) Herbra dedicated to the beginning of Slavic writing small (but for us, descendants, immeasurably valuable!) Essay - "Tale of letters", that is about letters.

Herbra tells that in antiquity, when the Slavs were still pagans, they did not have letters, they read and wondered "chroats and cuts." "The features" and "cuts" are a type of primitive writing in the form of drawings and scubons on the tree, well-known in other peoples in the early stages of their development. When the Slavs were baptized, the brave continues, they tried to record their speech by Roman and Greek letters, but "without disappointment", without order. Such attempts were doomed to failure, since neither Greek nor the Latin alphabet was suitable for the transfer of many special sounds of Slavic speech. "And so it was many years," the first historian of Slavic writing notes. So it was before Cyril and Methodius.

Kirill (the secular name Konstantin) and his older brother of Methodius were born in the Byzantine city of Fesalonik on the coast of the Aegean Sea (now Thessaloniki in Greece), which Slavs called Solun. Therefore, Kirill and Methodius are often called solong brothers . Thessalonica was the largest city The Byzantine Empire, a lot of Slavs lived in its surroundings, and, obviously, in childhood, the boys got acquainted with their customs and speech.

The father of the brothers, Lion, was a military commander of the middle rank in the imperial troops and was able to give children a good education. Methodius (about 815 - 6. IV. 885), brilliantly finished learning, in his youth was appointed a governor into one of the Slavic regions of Byzantium. As the Pages of "Life Methodius" tell, he learned there "to all Slavic customs." However, "moving many random unrest of this life," refused to be a secular career, he touched the monks around 852 and later became the igumen of the polychron monastery in Malaya Asia.

Kirill (about 827 - 14. II. 869) From the young years, he was distinguished by the sciences and exceptional philological abilities. He was educated in the capital of the Empire of Constantinople in the largest scientists of his time - the lion of grammar and the future Patriarch of Foto. Having finished their studies, served as a librarian in the richest Patriarch book in the Cathedral of Saint Sophia and taught philosophy.

In medieval sources of Constantine, they are often called the philosopher.

Highly appreciate the scholarship of Konstantin, the Byzantine government instructed him responsible tasks. As part of diplomatic missions, he traveled to Christianity in Baghdad Caliphate in 851-852. And around 861, together with Methodius, went to Khazaria - the state of the Turkic-speaking tribes who adopted Judaism. The capital of Khazaria was on the Volga, above modern Astrakhan.

The activities of the enlighteners, about the circumstances of the emergence of the Slavic Book, tells us the ancient "Life of Cyril", created by a person who knew the brothers well. On the way to Khazaria, in the city of Chersonese - the center of the Byzantine possessions in the Crimea (within the modern Sevastopol), Kirill found the Gospel and the Psalter, "Rushki Pussy" written, met a man who was told on the language, and in a short time he mastered the "Rushk" tongue. it mysterious place In life, various scientific hypotheses gave birth. It was believed that "Rushki writing" is writing eastern Slavs which Cyril subsequently used when creating an old Slavonic alphabet. However, it is most likely that in the original text of life was "Surie", that is, Syrian, written, which later book painter mistakenly understood as "Rushki".

In 862 or 863, Constantinople arrived in the capital of Byzantium, the ambassadors from Prince Great Moravia Rostislav. They transferred to the Byzantine Emperor Mikhail III request of Rostislav: "Although people our paganism rejected and hold the law of Christian, we have such a teacher, so that we have outlined the right Christian faith in our language ... So we went, Vladyka, Bishop and Teachers of this."

The Great Moravia was in the 9th century a strong and extensive state of Western Slavs. It consisted of Moravia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, as well as part of modern Slovenia and other lands. However, the Great Moravia was in the sphere of influence of the Roman Church, and Latin was the dominant language of church literature and worship in Western Europe. The so-called "cracks" recognized only three languages \u200b\u200bwith sacred - Latin, Greek and Hebrew. The prince of Rostislav conducted an independent policy: he sought to cultural independence of his country from the Sacred Roman Empire and the German clergy committed church service On the incomprehensible Slavs of Latin. Therefore, he sent an embassy in Byzantium, resolving worship and in other languages.

In response to the request of Rostislav, the Byzantine government sent (no later than 864) to the Great Moravia mission led by Cyril and Methodius.

By that time, Kirill, returned from Khazaria, had already started working on the Slavic alphabet and the translation of the Greek church books to Slavic. Even before the Moravian embassy, \u200b\u200bhe created the original, well-adapted to the record of Slavic speech ABC - glagolitsa . Her name comes from a noun verb, which means the word, speech. The verbs is characterized by graphic harmony. Its many letters have a loop-like pattern. Some scientists removed the verbs from the Greek Minusky (Scropper) Letters, others were looking for her source in Khazar, Syrian, Coptic, Armenian, Georgian and other ancient alphabets. Some letters of the verbs of Kirill borrowed from Greek (sometimes with a mirror reflection) and Hebrew (mainly in his Samaryan variety) alphabets. The order of letters in the verbs is focused on the order of letters in greek alphabetSo, Kirill did not give up the Greek basis of his invention.

However, creating his alphabet, Cyril himself comes up whole line new letters. He uses the most important Christian symbols and their combinations: a cross - a symbol of Christianity, the atonement of sins and salvation; Triangle - Symbol of the Holy Trinity; Circle - a symbol of eternity, etc. Not by chance az , the first letter of the ancient Slavic alphabet (modern but ), created specifically for the recording of sacred Christian texts, has a cross shape -

, letters izzia and word (our and , from ) Received the same drawing, connecting the symbols of the trocher and eternity: respectively, and so on.

The verbs were used at the place of its initial use in Moravia in the 60-80s of the 9th century. From there she penetrated Western Bulgaria (Macedonia) and Croatia, where he received the widespread. The verbal church books were published by Croatami-Glaglyshi in the XX century. But in ancient Russia, the verbs did not fit. In the housesongol period, it was used here occasionally, and could be used as a kind of secretion.

The time of the second oldest Slavic alphabet comes here - cyrillic . She was created after the death of Cyril and Methodius by their students in Eastern Bulgaria at the end of the IX century. According to the composition, the location and sound value of the letters of Cyrillic almost completely coincides with the verbs, but sharply differs from her form of letters. This alphabet is based on a Greek solemn letter - the so-called tired . However, the letters necessary for the transmission of special, absent in the Greek sounds of Slavic speech were taken from the verbs or are composed of its samples. Thus, Kirill is directly related to this alphabet, and its name cyrillic Fully justified. In a somewhat modified form, it is still used by Russian, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Serbs, Bulgarians, Macedonians and other peoples.

What book were the first to be translated into Slavic?

The first book translated by the brothers is allegedly before the Moravian embassy was the Gospel. It was followed by the apostle, the psalter, and gradually the whole rank of church worship died in a new outfit - Slavic. In the process of transfers was created first Overall Literary Language which is commonly called Old Slavonic. This is the language of the Slavic translations of the Greek church books, performed by Kirill, Methodius and their students in the second half of the 9th century. The manuscripts of that distant era did not reach our time, but their later verbal and Cyrillic lists of the X-XI centuries are preserved.

The South Slavic dialect of the Slavic Slavic (Macedonian talks of the Bulgarian language of the 9th century), with which Kirill and Methodius met as a child in their hometown of the city of Fassalonik, became the national basis of the Old Slavonic language. "You're Salunyan, and Solunyan is all purely talking in Slavyansky," the emperor Mikhail III has sent the brothers with such words. We also learn about this from the "Life of Methodius".

From the very beginning, Old Slavonic language, as well as the rich translation and original literature created on it, had over National and international character. The Old Slavic book existed in different Slavic lands, it was used by Czechs and Slovaks, Bulgarians, Serbs and Slovenians, and later our ancestors, Eastern Slavs. The continuation of the Old Slavonic language was its local species - of water , or editors. They were formed from the Old Slavonic language under the influence of living folk speech. There are ancient Russian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbian, Croatian verbolic, Czech, Romanian favors. Differences between the different Essentials of the Church Slavonic language are small. Therefore, the works created in the same language territory were easily read, understood and rewritten in other lands.

Scientists have spent a lot of strength and time to find out what time writing appeared, which periods received the greatest development.

Writing arose in Russia earlier than Christianity, but with the advent of him she gained a new impetus.

For Russian people, sacred and liturgical books needed. Such books in Slavica have already existed among our uniforms, Bulgarians and Serbs. They were brought to us, and we began to rewrite them. In those ancient times, Slavic languages \u200b\u200bwere still very few of the other, the books of one Slavic people were suitable for another.

The Apostles-enlighteners of Slavs, depicting of Slavic Azbuchi and translators of books to Slavic language were brothers Kirill (in the world of Konstantin) and Methodius. The language to which they translated the Holy Scripture is now called "Church-Slavic". It is assumed that it was an ancient Bulgarian language.

Excursions in the past
Holy Brothers Kirill and Methodius were born in Soluni, the main city of Macedonia, the country inhabited mainly by Slavs. Senior Brother, Methodius, received home education, then entered the military service, was the ruler of the Slavic Greek region. Then left the world and kneaded on Mount Olympus. The younger brother, Cyril, distinguished by brilliant ability to teach, was raised in Constantinople, along with the young Emperor Mikhail. He studied the sciences of verbal, philosophical, mathematical under the leadership of the famous Fetotia, subsequently the Tsareghad Patriarch. Cyril was expected to honor in the world, but he was not prevented by this, accepted the San Priest and the place of the librarian at the church of St. Sophia. Then he went to the monastery and only at the insistence of friends returned to the capital and took over the post of teacher of philosophy. The nickname "philosopher" has been preserved for him forever.

The first apostolic feat of Cyril was a competition with Mohametans, for which he was sent to the Militinsky Emir. Upon returning from this trip, he retired to his brother on Olympus. It is assumed that during the life at Olympus, the sacred books in Slavic language (according to the writer of the end of the IX and the beginning of the 15th century, the invention of the Slavic alphabet refers to 855).

By the name of his Creator, the alphabet is called "Cyrillic". It was based on the St. Cyril Greek ABC. For the same sounds of the Slavic language, for which there were no letters in the Greek alphabet, letters were taken from the ABC of Jewish, Armenian and Coptic, and some letters of the invented again (such "sues"). According to the legends of the brave, all letters were invented 38. Subsequently, this number in Slavic alphabets increased and declined. In addition to the "Cyrillic", some Western Slavs existed in deep ancient times another alphabet of the "Glagolitsa", the letters are characterized by writing writing. The Alphabet of St. Cyrille was first used in all Slavic tribes, but later the Western Slavs accepted the Latin alphabet.

After Kirill and Methodius, their disciples settled, mainly in Bulgaria. From Bulgaria and then from Serbia, our ancestors, Russians, when they enlighted Christianity, began to receive books in Slavic. In addition to the books of the Holy Scriptures and the liturgical, they came to us from Slavic lands, where earlier than we had, the literary development began, and the compositions of Byzantine literature.

Actually Byzantine literature is the period of Greek literature from Justinian to the fall of Constantinople (from 562 to 1458). The main advantage of the Byzantine literature is that it supported the enlightenment into the dark middle ages.

Russian people of the works of deceic literature read with love: so called the creations of the heads of the church of the first centuries of Christianity. Famous of the fathers of the church, we had John Zlatoust, especially the writings of Vasily of the Great, Fedor Studit, Grigoria Theologian, Asshetical Writers - St. Isaac and Isaac Sirin also used special respect.

Writing in Russia
Of course, very soon after our books appeared, the Russian people began to rewrite them, and with us, in Russia, appeared writing. The most ancient, preserved monuments of our writing, refer to the second half of the XI century. The most wonderful of them: Ostromiro Gospel and the two evidencers of Svyatoslav.

Ostromirovo Gospel is written in 1056-1057 in Novgorod Dyakon Grigory for Novgorod Postener Ostromira. This elegant parchment manuscript is written in two columns, a beautiful solid charter. This book is considered one of the oldest monuments of the Church-Slavic language (therefore, according to its text, it is commonly, this language) and the arts (ornaments and images of evangelists). For the descendants, this book is the greatest jewel.

The first flavor of Svyatoslav refers to 1073; It is translated from the Greek Collection in Bulgaria for King Simeon. From the Bulgarian manuscript was rewritten for the Chernihiv Prince Svyatoslav Yaroslavich.

How to rewrite books
Book rewriting work very respected in ancient Russia. This work was a means of spreading enlightenment and, moreover, was not easy: to rewrite a book with a large statutory or semi-owned handwriting on the parchment, for this it was necessary to spend a lot of time and strength. Therefore, the correspondencers often denoted their name on labor, the place where the time was written when they began and finished work. The books were roads and kept gently in storerooms, along with expensive vessels and matter. Covering books was considered an awry business, because almost all of our books were spiritual content. Not only simple writers, but also needles, bishops, princes, were engaged in books off the books. I rewrote books, for example, St. Eugene, Princess Polotsk (XII century). Particularly diligently practiced by this case in the monasteries. In the cell prep. Feodosia Pechersk Ink Illarion rewritten books. Feodosiy himself hurt the thread for binding them. Annoy Nikon bought books. Sometimes the monks rewrite books, as obedience, imposed by Igumen, sometimes did this in the vow, to save the soul.

While traveling, our Inqua also had a penishing of books and they enriched our transfer literature. Books were rewriting and translated into Tsargrad, on Athos.

The appearance of libraries
In ancient times, there were libraries in which the manuscripts were carefully kept carefully and carefully. The most wonderful of them belonged to the Sofia Cathedrals in Kiev and Novgorod and monasteries Kirillo-Belozersky and Solovetsky.

The formation of the ancient Russian church literature, which began after the first Christianization, forces us to briefly dwell on the problem of East Slavic writing. For a long time in science, the belief was dominant that literacy on Russia came from Bulgaria after the religious act of 988. This look, however, turned out to be incorrect. Recently, the existence of the ancient Russian writing of the Docyrillov type has been proved.

The fact that Russia knew how to write until 988 was known in the literature and witnessed a number of written sources (for example, Rus agreements with the Greeks, reports of some eastern authors - Al-Nedim, etc.). The problem is to determine the ways of writing - a process, which, in the opinion of some researchers, began during the period of bronze.

The extremely interesting treatise of the Chernorizman of the Herbra (X century) has come to us, dedicated to the emergence of Valves Slavic writing. It proposes periodization, providing for three stages of the process. At the first stage, the Slavs used for the transfer of remote (in space and time) information "features and cuts", with the help of which "Chteahu and Gatachu" (considered and wondered). The second stage characterizes the application for letters of letters of the Greek and Latin alphabets "without disappointment", that is, without adaptation to the phonetic features slavic languages. The third is the activity of Cyril Philosopher and the invention of the Special Slavic alphabet.

Nowadays, this scheme has received convincing confirmation especially on the basis of archaeological materials. "The features and cuts" of the brave are symbolic signs that presented the germ of domestic hieroglyphic. It is primarily about the "mysterious signs" of the Black Sea region (sometimes they are called "Sarmatian", although it is not quite accurate). Large literature is devoted to these signs, but still the problem remains unthailate.

The total number of signs (more than 200) eliminates the possibility of interpreting them as the letters of the phonetic alphabet. They are found by separate signs and in the form of texts, not yet decrypted. Attempts to interpret them like Tamga, the signs of property and the similar insignia did not give positive results.

The second stage determined by the application of a phonetic letter based on the use of Greek and Latin graphics is perfectly documented by the archaeological materials of Chernyakhov culture. It covers the first half and middle of the i thousand AD. Recently, dozens of autographs of that time (though, while these are individual letters and words), and numerous styles find out wide use Writings from the Version Slavic population.

The carriers of the Chernyakhov culture were supported with the Romans and the Greeks of close and varied relations. Many of them went to the ancient cities, seized Greek and Latin, received education, sometimes very high, well absorbing the skills of writing culture. Anyway, the idea of \u200b\u200busing the letters of someone else's alphabet for the image of Slavic words should have been on the agenda.

At the same time, naturally, purely practical difficulties arose caused by the inconsistency of both alphabets of phonetics of Slavic languages. In the Greek alphabet, let's say there were no signs for the transfer of sounds "b", "y", hissing, deaf vowels, difthong "c", "h", etc. Therefore, the adaptation of existing graphics systems was relevant. Such a "dispensation" according to the brave is the main content of the third period. But the educational activities of Cyril Philosopher and his students do not exhaust the whole process and is only final Stati.. One of the most significant achievements of historical science over the past decades is the opening of the Sofia ABC reflecting statiya "The arrangement" of the Slavic letter. It includes 23 letters of the Greek alphabet - from "Alpha" to "Omega" - with the addition of four specific Slavic signs: "B", "F", "Sh", "Shch" (the latter was pronounced as Difthong "TSH"). These are the most necessary letters, without which Slavic writing could not function normally.

The Sofia Alphabet was found in the Mikhailovsky Talk of the Kiev Cathedral of St. Sofia, where in the middle of the XI century. There were libraries and scripting. It is battered on the wall very carefully, in large letters (height is about 3 cm). Some researchers allowed that this is an ordinary Cyrillic, only unaccepting. However, this assumption seems incredible. The author depicted the letters gently, bringing to the "Omega" itself, which completed the list. The missed "f" is written above the line in the place of place, but not inscribed "C" and "H". Fita is not at the end of the alphabet, as it should be in Cyrillic, but in the tenth place - between "and" and "i", as is customary in the Greek alphabet. The author carefully discharged for the Slavic language signs (for example, "KSI" or the same "omega"), but discouraged frequently used deaf vowels ("Kommersant" and "B"), both Yus, the necessary "h" and " "(" worm "and" uk "), etc.

Thus, the idea arises that the Kiev ABC detected in Sofia is a doctrillic and reflects the initial stage in the "Arrival" of the Slavic Letter. It is not difficult to understand and the appearance of it on the wall of the scriptorium and library. In the first half of the XI century. Yaroslav Wise organized a cultural and educational center in Kiev, where there was a first library known in Russia. In it, it was undoubtedly stored Documents of Dovadadimsky Time (this is evidenced by the texts of Russia's contracts with the Greeks, which have come down to us as part of later chronicles). Obviously, there exist such official letters. In addition, the books of the second half of the IX-X centuries were kept. - Translations of Christian literature, chronic records, church documentation, etc.

The spelling of these manuscripts (although similar to Cyrillic, but still differs from it) could not not attract the attention of Kiev scribes of the XI century. Some of them reconstructed this ancient alphabet based on existing texts and wrote it down for memory or with an academic purpose on the wall of Mikhailovsky, in a place inaccessible to an extraneous eye.

At the present stage of research, it was established that East Slavic writing arose regardless of the Kirill mission. It was formed on the basis of two sources, which were determined by two genetic lines, respectively. The first of them was the Black Sea Hieroglyphic, connected to the phonetic letter of the Greeks and Romans. As a result, the so-called Russian-Khazar letter occurred, the existence of which was witnessed by the eastern authors. Monuments of this letter are already decrypted. Branch of this line - Runic alphabet - in the first half of I thousand AD. He was widely distributed not only in the Black Sea region, but also far to the West - to Scandinavia inclusive. In the Slavic soil there was a "protogular" alphabet, around which the sharp discussion turned around in recent decades.

Another source served as Greek writing with established and rather perfect phonetic alphabet. The process of "disappointment", ultimately led to crystallization of Cyrillic in its two versions (Moravian of 38 liters and Bulgarian of 43 letters), determined the main direction in the formation of his own Slavic writing.

The question remains that the alphabet invented Kirill. Many researchers are inclined in favor of Cyrillic. Others believe that it was a verb. The author owns the latter and the author of these lines.

The verbs is the most mysterious problem of Ranges-Vyannic writing. Her origin is not found out so far. The most believable hypothesis put forward by E.E. Garnstrom does not explain the mechanism of the appearance of the alphabet itself. It has all the signs of artificially designed, but most of his liteter finds compliance among the "Sarmatian" signs of the Black Sea region.

Unfortunately, in the controversy, not subsidizing to our time, one question is replaced by another. Debabling about the graphic nature of the contribution of Cyril, researchers bring it to the chronological ratio of both Slavic alphabets. It is considered unconditional that Kirill's alphabet was the first Slavic alphabet and, therefore, preceded the second.

But this premise turned out to be incorrect. The most believable concept was proposed by the famous Bulgarian philologist Emil Georgiev. According to it, Cyrillic is a natural alphabet formed spontaneously in the process of adapting the Greek graphics to the phonetic features of Slavic languages. Chronologically, she precedes the verb, as it was formed for several centuries before IX century. The verbs - an artificial alphabet, invented by Cyril around 862, he did not receive applying because of its complexity and practical inconvenience, giving way to Cyrillic, who finally established in the IX-centuries. Perhaps the acquaintance of Cyril with Russian books in Chersonese a year before the start of the Moravian mission to some extent influenced its invention.

The fact that the Chersonese books were written by the "protogue bar" follows from the testimonies of Pannonsky Life. Kirill understood the language of these works, but did not know the alphabet at all. To establish coordination between signs and sounds, he needed the help of competent Rusin. Cyrillic, which was based on Greek Muskul, he would have learned without much difficulties himself. The appearance in the ancient Russian literature trends to consider the alphabet created by Cyril as a borrowing from Russia. " And the ruski's gram was given to the god in Corsunu Rusin, from him to learn the philosopher Konstantin and all the way and writing a book Russian language"," We read in the "Legend of the Ruska". The emergence of this trend researchers are referred to the turn of the XI-XII centuries, but it is possible that such a version existed much earlier.