How to choose a chainsaw for giving advice. How to choose a good chainsaw for gardening: advice from competent experts

The wide range of chain saws on sale makes the process of buying this tool a difficult task for the consumer. Before choosing a chainsaw for home and summer cottages, you have to re-read more than a dozen specialized forums, pulling useful information bit by bit. After analyzing most of the resources, we have put together everything regarding the correct choice of a chain tool.

Choosing a chainsaw for its intended purpose

At the initial stage of the selection of a gasoline saw, you need to decide on the amount of work that you are going to perform. What do you need it for? Cutting down a couple of trees on the site is one thing. Harvesting firewood for the cold winter to heat your home is a different matter entirely. Felling of commercial timber is the third. In connection with the tasks and volumes that are set for the tool, there are three main series for their purpose:

  • Household (or amateur);
  • Semi-professional;
  • Professional.

Household chainsaws

When choosing a chain saw from a household series, you should proceed from the fact that this tool is not intended for frequent use. This is mainly due to the limited service life laid down by the manufacturer when designing the device. And also with cheaper components and assemblies. All this, combined with low power, does not allow the use of chainsaws in a hard mode with heavy loads.

If you need to remove an old tree in the country, cut a couple of logs for firewood for a bath, then choose chainsaws from the household series. They are perfect for small household works and minor repairs.


  • Inexpensive;
  • Lungs;
  • Comfortable;
  • Well suited for summer cottages.


  • Low power;
  • Limited motor resource;
  • Short working time (about 1 hour a day).

Chainsaws of the semi-professional series

The semi-professional series of chainsaws, the choice of which is not small, belongs to more serious tools. They have medium power and increased service life. Their units and assemblies are made of relatively reliable materials. All this allows the saws to be operated up to 4 ... 5 hours a day with significant interruptions in work.

For those who run a farm or permanently live in the countryside, the choice of a semi-professional chainsaw is quite reasonable. With the help of such a tool, you can make a serious harvesting of firewood for the heating season, carry out construction and repair work, cut out old trees on the site and take care of large garden areas.


  • Low weight (up to 4.5 kg);
  • Relative reliability;
  • Wide profile of work;
  • High service life.


  • Average power (up to 3.5 hp);
  • Saws are not designed for long-term operation;
  • Do not tolerate harsh operation.

Professional series chain saws

The most serious and at the same time the most expensive series of carburetor saws, which are chosen for professional use. The title of the series speaks for itself. Its main difference from others is the possibility of intensive and frequent operation throughout the entire working day or work shift.

The choice in favor of a gasoline saw of this series is facilitated by such criteria as high power and productivity of the tool. Along with this, manufacturers put an incredibly large resource into their units. Parts and assemblies of chain saws of this series are made of high-strength materials that allow the tool to be operated at extreme conditions. Therefore, it is chosen by forestry for felling and harvesting commercial timber on an industrial scale.


  • Long service life;
  • Possibility long-term work(up to 10 ... 12 hours);
  • Increased resource of components and assemblies (mean time to failure is about 3000 hours);
  • High power and performance;
  • Wide functionality.


  • The high cost of the tool;
  • Increased vibration of saws;

For an unprepared user, a professional chainsaw will not work, and it will be almost impossible to cope with it.

Criteria for Choosing the Right Chainsaw

Having decided for yourself with the intended purpose of the tool, you can carry out the selection based on specific parameters. There are a number of criteria according to which the choice and purchase of a chainsaw is made:

  • Power
  • Weight
  • Fuel consumption
  • Protection
  • Headset


Choosing a chain chainsaw, many believe that the most correct option purchase this tool with a high power rating. To some extent, this idea is correct. A powerful unit will allow you to cope not only with thin branches and twigs, but will also allow you to cut logs of a decent section. However, before taking such a saw from a store, remember the intended purpose. Perhaps a less powerful unit will be enough for you. Why then overpay money.

The maximum power indicator for gasoline-powered tools is 7 kW. This equates to 9 horsepower. For those who occasionally need to saw off a couple of branches, the choice of such a powerful chain saw is not justified. There is no point in such a purchase. For irregular use, small power units are suitable, they are also called household units. This chainsaw is designed for a light load and an hour's work, which is ideal for home use... If you will need to saw a lot and for a long time, then pay attention to a more powerful tool.

Tool weight

The average weight of gasoline chain saws offered to the consumer by manufacturers' choice ranges from 3 to 6 kg. The same rules apply here as in the previous criterion. With prolonged use of a heavy tool, provided that you need to control your actions, the work will turn into exhausting work. To prevent this from happening, give preference to a tool with average power and weight characteristics.

When choosing a saw by weight, hold it in your hands. Consider how convenient it will be for you to perform certain operations.

Low-power amateur saws weigh the least. With a certain skill, even a woman can handle such a tool. A household chainsaw, in addition to its low weight, has the advantage of smoothing the chain pitch, which reduces vibration during operation.

Fuel consumption

The criterion on which the efficiency of the chain chain petrol tool depends is an important aspect when choosing. The most economical saws are the products of the amateur series. The professional class, on the other hand, is more voracious. Regardless of the accessories, the chainsaws are equipped with a tank with a capacity of up to 1 liter and an oil reservoir with an appropriate proportional volume. This architecture allows oil changes to be carried out at the same time as refueling.

How much fuel the chainsaw will consume can be found at the selection stage by contacting the staff of a specialized store. Traditionally, an hour's work with an average load will cost you a glass of gasoline. But this is the ideal. With tougher use, even an amateur instrument will show its appetite.

Most often, the volume of the tank is calculated to work in 40 minutes, and the larger the tank volume of the model, the higher the fuel consumption will be.

Work safety

Tool safety is another important criterion to pay attention to when choosing a chainsaw. In this regard, manufacturers can equip their instruments with the following systems:

  • Anti-kickback system (inertial brake);
  • Anti-vibration system;

In the process of performing work with a chainsaw, there are cases when, with excessive pressure on the saw bar, a kickback occurs. This will cause the machine to rebound and cause serious injury to the worker. This can be avoided due to the presence of a special protection system that instantly stops the course of the chain on the bus. This point must be taken into account when choosing a gasoline saw for your home.

Kickback protection works as follows:

On the left side of the saw, located by the tire from the worker, is the inertial brake drive. It is he who allows you to stop the work of the cutting chain. When starting the engine of the gas-powered tool, the drive lever takes the closest position to the operator's left hand. At the moment of occurrence of the blow, the hand collides with it and, by inertia, moves the lever to the extreme position, thereby blocking the rotation of the chain.

The presence of an anti-vibration system allows damping vibrations of the tool during its operation. This is especially true for those who choose a chainsaw for frequent use at maximum loads. The vibration that occurs during operation has a negative effect on the condition of the joints and blood circulation in the hands.

At one time, manufacturers used rubber pads to minimize the effects of vibrations on the limbs. Dampers were located between the handles and the body of the chainsaw. The new models use a completely different principle of vibration control inherent in the architecture of the instrument. It is possible to damp oscillatory movements by moving the handles and the engine with a gas tank away from each other.

Saw headset

When making a choice between certain models of chainsaws, pay attention to studying their saw headset. Important components of any tool are:

  • Guide tire;
  • Saw chain;
  • Asterisks (master and slave).

As for the tire, here pay attention to its length and groove width. Long blades allow you to cope with material of a much larger section than short ones. But there is one subtlety here. When choosing a tool, remember that the linear size of the tire is directly proportional to the torque on the crankshaft of the chainsaw. Long canvases on low-power units will contribute to their rapid failure. The tool will consume more fuel. And the operator will need to make extra effort when working.

In the technical specifications, the manufacturer indicates the recommended tire length indicator. This is very important to consider when choosing a chainsaw, since this is the maximum that can be set on the unit. Shorter tires can be used !!!

The width of the groove of the bar determines the use of a certain type of chains for the saw, which is also important when choosing a unit. Structurally, the size of the groove corresponds to the thickness and depth of the driving link. Exceeding its thickness by only a few hundredths of a millimeter, the groove allows for a more precise guide of the saw chain.

The saw chain is characterized by the pitch, number of links, thickness of the link base and the shape and material of the cutting tooth. The chain pitch largely determines the vibration level. Those who gave their preference in choosing a household-class chainsaw note a low vibration level due to a small step. Along with this, there is also a low productivity of such saws.

Vibration level and performance are also influenced by the choice of tooth shape. saw chain... The sharpening angles of the teeth determine the cutting ability of this type of headset. Both for different chainsaws and for different jobs, cutting chains may differ in shape, number of teeth and links.

How to choose the right chainsaw for your home is directly related to the future purpose of the tool. By purchasing a professional chainsaw, and then using it to harvest firewood while fishing, the buyer runs the risk of being very disappointed. In the ratio of power, weight, quality of the tire, you should select the balance that is ideal for each individual case. The assortment allows you to choose the perfect model for each customer.

Pricing policy in the case of this type of instrument is of considerable importance. Too cheap models, as a rule, are supplied by unscrupulous manufacturers or are completely fakes of well-known brands.

Every person living outside the city knows how important it is to have a chainsaw in the household. Specialty stores have big choice this kind of technique. It is not enough for a person who has no experience in operating a chainsaw to decide on the choice of this technically complex tool. In this article, we will consider the main types of chainsaws, selection criteria and features of the operation of this not a simple tool.

There are a lot of models of chainsaws, but no matter what class the saw belongs to, they are all similar in design. Consider the main structural elements of a chainsaw that you need to pay attention to when choosing.

  • The engine is the power unit of the saw. For chainsaws, two-stroke engines are used with electronic system ignition. The engine runs on a mixture of gasoline and oil.
  • Gas trigger handle. At the back of the chainsaw, there is always a handle for right hand... It is equipped with a gas trigger, as well as a blocker against accidental pressing on the gas is installed on it. The left-hand handle is mounted above the engine and bent in such a way that it would be possible to rotate the chainsaw 90 degrees for convenient felling of trees.
  • Starting mechanism (starter). The element is designed to start the engine, as a rule, it is installed on the left side of the chainsaw.
  • Muffler. A device designed to suppress the noise of a running engine. Includes a flame arrester to combat unintentional combustion.
  • Tire. An element whose main function is to hold and guide the chain. Additionally, the chain is lubricated via the guide bar.

Throttle grip

Tires and chains

Chainsaw classification

All manufacturers of chainsaws divide products into four main types:

  • Household
  • Semi-professional
  • Professional
  • Special purpose

Saws for home and garden (household)

The first type is a light gasoline-powered tool designed for cutting firewood and maintaining the land. Simply put, these are chainsaws, designed to cut firewood from time to time to light a barbecue or heating a bathhouse, and also with their help you can trim small and medium growth around the perimeter of the site, cut dry branches. Some manufacturers are positioning this tool as a household tool. The main distinguishing feature of this type of equipment is the engine power. As a rule, it does not exceed 2 kW.

Home and garden saws are light and lightweight for easy transport. This type of tool has a limited engine life and a recommended daily operating time. As a rule, it should not exceed 1-1.5 hours per day.

Chainsaws for agricultural work and horticulture (semi-professional)

The second type of gasoline-powered saws is a model designed for agricultural work. Some manufacturers distinguish them in a semi-professional look. This tool is designed for work on construction sites, public utilities. It is successfully used in horticulture, when harvesting small-sized wood, as well as for harvesting firewood. The main distinguishing features of this type of tools are the increased indicators of the engine's motor resource and its power. Another one distinctive feature of this type of tool, the dimensions of the saw headset (chains, bars). Gasoline-powered saws used in agriculture use longer tires.

Saws for the forestry industry

Powerful chainsaws, with an increased service life, are usually distinguished into a professional look. Professional models are used in the forestry industry, when felling wood. Chainsaw models for forestry are distinguished by their endurance, the ability to work all day long. In professional models, the chrome-plated cylinder technology can be used. The essence of the technology is in a special coating of the cylinder, which ensures its long service life.

A chainsaw is a tool of increased danger, you should not use professional models of chainsaws without experience.

Special chainsaws

This is another type of tool designed to perform any special work. These models are successfully used by rescue teams and utilities. This group includes pole saws, which are convenient to use for pruning branches of trees without using a stepladder or ladder. Pole saws are a type of chainsaws equipped with a special extension, at the end of which there is a saw bar with a chain.

Criterias of choice

The main criteria that should be considered when choosing a chainsaw are:

  • Engine power (powerful saws last longer, because they work on them, not at the limit of their capabilities)
  • Bar length (depending on the task, it is necessary to choose a tool with a bar of the appropriate length). For example, a 14 ”bar is good for cutting small tree trunks. Such a bus is convenient to use while working on garden plot... For felling, tires with a length of 18 inches or more are used.
  • Model weight (this criterion affects the ease of use of the tool) Hands get tired less when working with light models of chainsaws.
  • Fuel consumption (it is economically justified to use an economical tool in the work). When choosing a chainsaw, you should pay attention to models with low fuel consumption, as well as models with a lower emission level. harmful substances in atmosphere.
  • View of the chain tensioning mechanism. There are models of chainsaws in which the chain tension is adjusted without the use of a wrench and a screwdriver. This function is useful to anyone who is going to purchase a tool, because the need to carry a key to adjust the saw will disappear everywhere.
  • The presence of a device that facilitates starting the engine is an important criterion when choosing a chainsaw. The device consists of an additional spring installed in the saw starter. Using chainsaws models with this option is convenient for both professionals and beginners.
  • For a professional tool, a decompression valve must be present. Its main task is to reduce the resistance of the engine at start, which greatly facilitates its start.

For home

Choosing a chainsaw for your home should begin with defining the range of tasks that you plan to solve with its help. Let's say you need to cut through the trash from time to time, cut firewood for the grill, a household model is suitable for solving this problem. For example, Calm MS 180 or Champion 142.

On the tool market, you can pick up an inexpensive analogue of a chainsaw from leading manufacturers in this industry, produced less well-known companies... If you plan to harvest firewood annually for heating a private house, or use a chainsaw on a sawmill, then you should pay attention to the semi-professional class models. The Shtil company has these models: MS 271, MS 310.

The choice of a professional chainsaw is relevant for those who use a chainsaw on a daily basis, are engaged in commercial logging. For park maintenance organizations, a professional saw will last for many years.

For giving

Choosing a chainsaw for a summer residence is not a problem. Any saw that is small and powerful enough to cut wood for a bath will do. This is due to the fact that not everyone has the opportunity to store an expensive tool at their summer cottage.

For woman

For women, a chainsaw is perfect, equipped with the maximum number of all kinds of devices to facilitate its operation. Models with light start and decompression valve, and saws with quick chain tensioners.


Regardless of the purpose of the saw, when choosing, the first thing to do is to pay attention to the manufacturer. Do not choose products of completely unknown brands, because today the market is actively filled with low-quality products from China.

How more features and accessories are implemented in the saw, the more convenient it is to work, but at the same time it is also more expensive. However, you should not overpay for these functions, approach your choice wisely, before buying, think about whether you need this or that device.

The chainsaw is the right tool for the summer resident and gardener. In a private house, such a tool also does not hurt. For example, for the preparation of firewood in the barbecue, pruning trees and the construction of gazebos, etc.

Previously, only hand saws and hacksaws, but thanks to technical progress, today it is possible to purchase an excellent chainsaw.

Amateur chainsaws

The most common class of chainsaws is amateur.

Semi-professional chainsaws

If you do not have a task to cut thick logs, use the tool daily, then you will have enough power up to 2 kW. A chainsaw for a house with a power of up to 2.5 kW is also perfect for the construction of a wooden blockhouse.

It is important to know that the more power the chainsaw has, the heavier it is. And it will not be easy enough to manage it.

Below we will consider some of the nuances of choosing chainsaws, depending on their technical characteristics.

How to choose a tire for your chainsaw?

Exists three main types of saw bars:

  • Flat narrow... They are put on amateur chainsaws. A narrow tire is usually paired with a low profile chain and has no kickback. This is necessary to reduce injuries when working with this chainsaw.
  • Lightweight tires... They are made of steel, they are two special plates with polyamide packed between them. This design significantly reduces the overall weight of the chainsaw. And it becomes much easier to work with such a tool.
  • Replaceable Head Bus... Installed on professional chainsaws, with high power, which work continuously for ten hours a day.

In addition to the type of tires, you should pay attention to their length.

Long tires make it easier to cut thick wood as the cut is deeper. But if such a tire comes with a low power mechanism, then its power will not be enough for fast sawing. You will start sawing more slowly and the chainsaw motor will wear out instantly.

All chainsaw instructions indicate the recommended tire length. This indicator cannot be exceeded... You can reduce the size.

And if you have a choice between models of the same power, then for a small volume of wood it is better to choose a chainsaw with a smaller tire, since its cutting speed will be much higher.

Chainsaw chain

The cutting speed also determines the chain pitch. All chainsaws have three basic chain pitches. Therefore, which chain to choose for a chainsaw is up to you.

Chain pitch 0.325 dm have amateur low profile chains. it standard size for fast sawing. Such a chain will not withstand prolonged load and will instantly become dull.

High power have chain pitch up to 0.404 dm... They work for a long time and are able to cut large volumes of wood. But even such chainsaws will not cope with frozen and dirty wood. For these purposes, special carbide-tipped chains are produced.

Choosing a chainsaw for a summer residence, you automatically become a consumer of only this brand, since the accessories of the saw headset from different manufacturers will not fit each other.

Thus, all the components of the unit must be produced by one plant, and if they break down, you will need to look for a part of the same brand.

Kickback protection

Kick back
- this is the rebound of the saw when working towards a person. Kickback occurs when the end of the tire hits the tree. When choosing and buying a saw, be sure to check if the selected model has protection against this phenomenon.

Protection in chainsaws from kickback goes two types:

  • using a special brake;
  • with an additional shield.

Brake in chainsaws it is much more common. It looks like a lever - a shield. When the tool is operating, the lever is set to the closest position to the hand, and when hitting back, the hand will automatically press on the lever, and it will be transferred to the stop position of the chain movement.

Additional shield prevents the operator's hands from touching dangerous machinery when the saw is in operation. It is installed at the end of the saw headset. This protection is not available on Swedish chainsaws.

Anti-vibration protection

When choosing and buying a chainsaw for your home, ask the seller to check it and hold it in your hands.

Light amateur saws should not vibrate too much. To reduce vibration in such chainsaws, rubber gaskets are installed. They are located between the handles and the saw body.

In professional power saws, the engine and fuel tank are spaced apart for even distribution total mass for the entire structure. Chainsaws without special anti-vibration protection are suitable for those who work for a limited time.

The longer you work, the more the vibration will affect your hands, and this will lead to inevitable joint disease.

Chainsaws for women

Some of the gardening work is done by women. Low-power chainsaws are suitable for women's hands, since they are lightweight and have little vibration. More powerful models will not work for women.

If there are no problems with your area, then get a better electric saw. It is easy to operate and much easier to maintain. You don't have to change oil or refill gasoline. Any woman can handle this unit without any problems.

One of the main tools for any summer resident is a chainsaw. She acts as an excellent helper when preparing firewood for the winter, when working in the garden, as well as during construction work related to wood processing. To the choice this instrument you need to approach with all responsibility, because it has a fairly high cost and is not bought for 1 year.

When choosing a chainsaw for your home, you need to consider not only her specifications, but also the type of work envisaged, uninterrupted working hours and equipment. Due to the fact that on modern market presented a huge number of chainsaws, it is very difficult to make a choice in favor of this or that model. Therefore, we will consider how to choose the right chainsaw for your home.

The device and principle of operation of the chainsaw

Despite the wide variety of gasoline chain saws, they all consist of the following basic elements:

  • two-stroke gasoline engine;
  • a device for supplying torque from the internal combustion engine to the cutting blade, that is, from the gearbox to the guide sprocket;
  • tires along which the cutting blade moves during operation;
  • a housing made of aluminum, steel or plastic;
  • working handles, with the help of which the operation of the tool is controlled.

When you start the chainsaw, a spark is created and the gasoline ignites. As a result, gas is released, which starts the engine of the tool. With the help of a gearbox and a guide sprocket, the torque from the engine is supplied to the chain. Fuel is required for the constant operation of the tool. When the chainsaw shuts off, the gas supply stops and the cutting blade stops.

Modern models are equipped with an automatic clutch. When the blade gets stuck in the wood, it will slow down the engine or shut it off altogether. This allows not only to reduce the level of injury, but also to protect the tool from premature failure.

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Advantages and disadvantages of gasoline saws

The main advantages chain chainsaws are:

  1. Mobility. Since there is no need for a power source, the saw can work not only on personal plot but also in the forest.
  2. Large selection of power. Depending on the class, gasoline saws have different powers, so you can choose the best option for performing certain jobs.
  3. Independence from weather conditions. You can work with the tool at any level of humidity and ambient temperature.

However, before choosing a chainsaw, you should consider not only its advantages, but also disadvantages:

  1. The need for frequent preparation of the fuel mixture. In this case, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions of gasoline and oil.
  2. The presence of exhaust gases. During the operation of the gasoline unit, exhaust gases are emitted into the surrounding space, which negative impact on the well-being and health of a person. In this regard, it is not recommended to work with such a tool in closed rooms.
  3. Compared to an electric saw, a gasoline unit has a significantly greater weight.
  4. The presence of strong noise and large vibrations, which sharply reduces the quality of the cut.

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How to choose a chainsaw by class

According to the scope of application, chainsaws are divided into household, semi-professional and professional. Saws of the first class have the lowest power (up to 2 kW) and can be used no more than 45-50 minutes a day. They are equipped with low-profile cutting blades to reduce vibration during operation. Household chainsaws are convenient, have a relatively low weight and can cope with most tasks that periodically arise in summer cottages (harvesting firewood, pruning trees, etc.).

Semi-professional equipment is equipped with more powerful motors (2-3 kW), which allows it to be used not only for economic purposes, but also at construction sites and felling. Semi-professional saws can work continuously daily for up to 10 hours, but no more than 200 hours per month, otherwise they will quickly fail. Such a tool weighs about 5.5 kg. Saws of this class are the best option, if you need to build a house in which you need to do a lot of woodwork (flooring, creating a frame, etc.).

Professional equipment is equipped with the most powerful motors (3-6 kW), capable of working more than 200 hours per month. These saws do an excellent job of logging and can cut thick trees. However, for household tasks, it is not recommended to buy such a tool, because it has a high price, significant weight (more than 6 kg) and high level vibration.

Therefore, if you need to choose a chainsaw for your home, then you should not overpay for unnecessary power. The best option in this case, there will be a household-grade saw.

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What to look for when buying a chainsaw

Before choosing a chainsaw for performing certain tasks, you need to pay Special attention on the following characteristics of this instrument:

  • power and weight;
  • bus length;
  • chain pitch;
  • security;
  • constructive performance.

Power and weight. When choosing a chainsaw for a summer residence, first of all, you should pay attention to the weight and power of the tool. For simple tasks, a power of 2 kW is enough. Such equipment will be lightweight so that it can be operated without excessive effort.

Bus length. The bar is the part of the tool to which the cutting blade (chain) is attached. The diameter of the tree depends on its length, which you can cut in 1 pass.

When choosing a tire, you need to take into account not only the tasks that the saw will perform, but also the power of the tool: the more power, the longer the tire can be installed.

Tires can be:

  • 30-35 cm - used for cutting wood with a thickness of no more than 30 cm in 1 approach or no more than 60 cm if sawing in 2 approaches;
  • 40-45 cm - for cutting wood up to 40 cm thick in 1 approach or up to 80 cm - in 2;
  • more than 45 cm - used for cutting thick trees with a cross section of more than 80 cm.

Chain step. The chain pitch is the distance between the nearest teeth, although more often the pitch unit is ½ the distance between the rivets. On the market you can find chains with a pitch of 0.325 ″, 0.375 ″ (3/8 ″) and 0.404 ″.

Chains with a pitch of 0.325 ″ are used in household chainsaws. A small pitch will reduce the vibration level, but the performance of a saw with such a chain will also be small. Semi-professional and professional saws are equipped with cutting blades with a pitch of 0.375 ″ and 0.404 ″. During their work, a higher vibration is created, but the productivity of the tool also increases significantly.

Security. One of the main causes of injury during the operation of chainsaws is kickback. It occurs when the saw chain hits a solid object (such as a nail), causing the saw to be thrown backwards. To protect against this phenomenon, the saw must be equipped with a special guard, which automatically stops the cutting blade in the event of a reverse impact.

Constructive performance. The more spaced between the fuel tank and the engine, the more evenly the weight will be distributed, respectively, and it will be easier to work with such a tool. It should be noted that most experts recommend buying a chainsaw with a longitudinal engine placement.