Patio canopy in the country. Patio in the country (48 photos) - production and arrangement

Most of us have a place in the country where you can hide from the scorching sun in the shade of plants, retire from the hustle and bustle and get pleasure from unity with nature or communication in a pleasant company. Most often, it is a patio where it is pleasant to spend time at your favorite pastime or rest. Today we will consider how to correctly place and make a patio in the country with our own hands.

The most widespread patio (Spanish Patio) was received during the time of Rome, and was a place surrounded by high walls of the house. Currently, the patio is under open air hide from prying eyes with protective structures in the form of fences, screens or green fences. Before you decide to equip a patio at your summer cottage, you need to choose the right territory for it.

How to choose a seat

Most often, a patio area is set aside against the back wall. country house.

In this case, one side of the recreation area will be completely closed, while the others are fenced off with bars or other devices, or left open.

Tip: provide an additional exit in the wall adjacent to the patio, then you don't have to go around the building once again, going to the kitchen or when you need to hide from the weather.

  1. Set up a playground in a shady, cozy corner of the garden where noise and curious glances cannot penetrate.
  2. Using mobile screens and trellises, stationary fences and trellises entwined with beautiful plants, you can even make an open patio in the garden conditionally protected.
  3. A good location would be a site next to an artificial reservoir., then, in the heat, the air above it will be fresher and more humid, which will add comfort.

The size and shape of the patio depends on its functional tasks:

  • for a small secluded corner, an area of ​​2-3 m2 is quite enough;
  • if you want to comfortably accommodate a company of 3-4 people, prepare a place for 3-4 m2.

Tip: if you strive to get autonomy on suburban area, then renting a diesel generator for a summer residence will help you.

Choosing a coverage

It should be tight, as the patio was originally paved. Consider the options:

Concrete The most economical and durable option - concrete plates... Using a combination of rectangular and square shapes products, you can achieve an interesting effect. The price of the work is much less than the rest of the options.
A natural stone
  1. Surpasses the previous version in beauty.
  2. Broken cuts of stones are able to form a bizarre pattern, which will give the surface a naturalness and special sophistication.
Paving slabs The material is able to create a fairly strong base. His various forms and shades make it possible to bring to life the bold design solutions, for example, consisting of ornaments and patterns.
  1. Garden parquet, which is made from wood waste and polymers. It has excellent performance characteristics. It surpasses natural wood in that it does not rot.
  2. Can be used in open areas flooring made of natural wood and decking, modern building material. The appearance of the latter is difficult to distinguish from ordinary boards.

Substrate preparation and site laying

Below is an instruction that will allow you to do the work yourself:

  1. Enclose the area with pegs.
  2. Remove the topsoil to a depth of 100-150 mm.
  3. Fill the groove with sand with your own hands and align.
  4. Compact by sprinkling with water and leveling the surface with a rake.

Advice: keep in mind that the sand cushion should be 10-20 mm higher than the ground level.

The laying method depends on the material. But, in any case, each element should fit snugly against the other, and the slope of the site should be within 1-3˚ towards the garden.

For example:

  • paving slabs and concrete slabs can be laid directly on the sand "pillow", filling the gaps between the tiles or stones from above with mortar or sprinkling with sand;
  • mount wooden flooring on boards made of boards inserted into wooden frame.

Also, when installing the base, provide gutters with a width of 400 mm and a depth of 100-150 mm, connecting them with a common drainage system. Due to the fact that the patio area will rise 10-20 mm above the level of the surface of the site, it will become easier to mow with equipment.

To protect the place from bad weather and the scorching sun, it is recommended to make a canopy of translucent polycarbonate. You can also use removable options - awnings, which can be easily moved around the territory.

We equip the patio

Earlier we said that patio fencing can be used hedge from conifers and tall shrubs.

An interesting addition to the interior are plants planted in mixed-level mixborders or separately in planting pockets, as well as floor vases.

Tip: If you use evergreens or dwarf conifers, you can keep your patio colorful and attractive all year round.

  1. Openwork lattice walls entwined with vines or climbing roses can act as protective structures.
  2. Use small architectural decor - stone paths or miniature unusual sculptures.
  3. From plants for a summer residence, choose those that will fill the surrounding space with aroma:
    • rosemary;
    • laurel trees;
    • lavender;
    • lemon or tangerine trees.
  1. Decorate the walls with nasturtiums, begonias and ampel petunias.

Tip: when choosing furniture, be guided by its practicality, aesthetic appeal and performance characteristics.


When arranging a patio in the country, strive not for ostentatious beauty, but for real coziness, then you will always feel comfortable here. Remember, you are creating your patio mostly for yourself, not for guests. Applying the knowledge given above, we hope that you can make yourself a cozy corner in the country. The video in this article will help you find additional information on this topic.

If you feel like taking a break from the hustle and bustle of fresh air, adding a patio to your home is a great idea for a seating area.

Such a structure makes it possible to highlight isolated place to create a patio in which you can not only relax, but do your favorite things with your household.

The original patio was standard site, enclosed by the walls of the building, but now there are many design options for such a zone. In this article, you will learn about the latest trends in landscape design when arranging a patio with beautiful designs.

Examine the photo modern patios, created with your own hands at their summer cottage, in order to get a charge of inspiration and note the nuances that need to be taken into account when self-arrangement such a site.

Patio in the country with their own hands, photo

Design features

What role does patio play in landscaping? Usually this is a small area, which is located in the immediate vicinity of the main building, paved with stone or wood for a comfortable pastime.

Patio is a Spanish word, and the idea of ​​creating patios dates back to ancient times and the Middle Ages, when lushly vegetated spaces with fountains and sculptures on the exterior came into vogue. To create a cozy atmosphere, pillows, flowerpots, bird cages and other decorative details were used.

Patio near the house, photo

Nowadays, patios no longer look so pretentious - they have become more functional: they cook food in cozy courtyards, hold sports training, and some use them as a place to work. There are many options for decorating a patio, due to an individual approach to arranging such a patio, you can create stylish design, in harmony with the appearance of all the buildings on the site.

Cozy patios and open verandas easy to do with your own hands. But first of all, you should decide on what their appearance and purpose will be. These moments affect both the material side of the matter and the quality of raw materials and materials used for their construction.


Before you tackle the creation of a patio in the courtyard of a private house, decide how this area will look like. Choose the right place for the site, choose a style direction, study the information from what improvised means the patios are mainly formed, and decide whether these trends satisfy your wishes.

The next important step is the selection of furnishings, lighting fixtures and other elements that can make your stay even more comfortable.

Beautiful patio in the country, photo

Are there any restrictions on the parameters of the patio? In fact, no, it all depends on your wishes - if you are going to have friendly or family gatherings on the patio, make it more spacious.

Patio with barbecue in the country, photo

If you want the created zone to be in contact with the main building, give preference to rectangular or square annexes: they will fit well into the existing layout.

Those who want to express themselves should abandon their usual forms and do something unusual: for example, a platform with smooth lines or consisting of several levels.

A patio with a patio, intended for family gatherings and hanging out with small children, is recommended to equip behind the house. Usually, it is in this area of ​​the site that the buildings have an emergency exit, thanks to which you can easily take out the necessary things into the courtyard.

Important! Do not set up a patio close to trees, in otherwise you will have to clean this area almost every day.

Patio under the tree, photo

Another option for organizing a patio in country house more suitable for a quiet pastime and recommended for the elderly married couples... Such a courtyard can be arranged in the immediate vicinity of the central entrance to the building: on the porch or terrace.

Porch-patio, photo

The patio located in the garden can create a romantic atmosphere. It is desirable that this be a remote corner in which silence and tranquility reign. It doesn't take much space to create a zone like this, and couples in love will appreciate the privacy.

Patio area in the country, photo

For those who like to spend time outdoors with friends, another option for arranging a patio in the country is offered: a courtyard located at a distance from the house, which will have a table, sun loungers, a barbecue and even small pool... The patio can also accommodate a bar counter.

We advise you to equip your patio with a canopy: in this case, even bad weather conditions will not spoil your holiday. When calculating the area of ​​a recreation area, take into account how many people it will be designed for: an average of 3.5 square meters are required for one person. m.

Lighting plays a big role in setting up a patio in the garden. If you love to sunbathe, then the bright sun will not hurt you. But for hanging out with children, it is better to shade this area.

On a note! The patio can be placed in partial shade, or you can make a canopy that protects from the sun's rays.

Separately, it should be said about closed version patio with walls and roof. But this does not mean that it needs to be completely removed from the house, you can hang curtains to delimit, or make walls of glass, allowing you to see what is happening around.

Choice of materials

Moving on to the selection of materials for creating a patio. We advise you to make floors from durable, wear-resistant material that retains a presentable appearance for a long time.

Let's list the most popular options:

When creating a patio, materials can be combined with each other for practicality and in order to achieve originality in the design.

Consider which materials are best to use for fencing your patio: most often wrought metal, wood and glass are used (in areas in modern style). The fence can also be natural in the form of a living fence - from vegetation planted around the perimeter of the site and beautifully trimmed.

If you decide to add a canopy to your patio, make sure it is practical. The most popular options are polycarbonate and tile canopies, as well as wooden ones.

Subtleties of creation

Consider how to create a patio on a garden or summer cottage with your own hands. The main work will be related to the finishing of the dedicated area. Avoid materials with a free-flowing consistency, such as sand and gravel: such coatings make it difficult to clean and interfere with easy movement around the site. Apply the materials discussed earlier.

How to make a patio base:

  1. Remove the soil layer (15-20 cm) and level this area by compacting the soil. To prevent the appearance weeds treat the land with herbicides.
  2. Make sand pillow(5 cm) or a layer of rubble (10 cm), and install the curb in accordance with the boundaries of the future patio in the courtyard.
  3. Paving can be done dry or with mortar.

You can learn about one of the ways to form a patio from this video:

If you plan on creating an enclosed patio, add walls and a roof. The open area can be equipped immediately.

Choose patio furniture according to the style of decoration: install a small sofa, comfortable armchairs, chairs or bench, table and barbecue.

If you wish, you can make a fireplace or a stationary barbecue. Also popular are patios with a central hearth or barbecue area located in this area. A great solution is to set aside a separate area for cooking.

Patio with barbecue in the country, photo

When creating a summer cottage patio, consider how it will be lit. You can decorate your patio with lanterns or solar-powered light sources.

If you have canopies for lighting, you can use decorative lamps, selected in accordance with the style design concept, and other lighting variations.

Patio design, photo

Design methods for creating a cozy environment

Of greatest interest in creating a patio patio is its decoration with additional details. If you don't have your own design and decor ideas, check out our Summer Patio Photo Gallery for inspiration.

For example, patios in the form of gazebos located in front of or behind a building, equipped with canopies in the form of arches, are considered fashionable now. Such designs are adorned with curly vegetation and flowers. And the presence of forged elements in the design gives the patio a special charm characteristic of the classic style.

Gazebo-patio, photo

Another one interesting idea patio decoration - Mediterranean design... In this design, there is a stone finish, a large number of vegetation, old flowerpots and sculptures. Scandinavian patios with a more laconic design are also popular: combinations of fabric, glass and wood with a predominance of light colors in the decoration are popular.

The patio in front of the private house can be complemented with a small fountain, gazebo or swing. Pillows and other decorative elements help to create a cozy atmosphere in such a courtyard .: In the patio area, you can make a pool: the original patio at the dacha near the pool, as in the photo, will allow you to spend time usefully and alternate relaxation with swimming:

Patio near the pool in the country, photo

Let's take a closer look at the "green" patio design. You can equip flower beds and flower beds, miniature garden or lay a planting pocket for plants in the floor paving. To do this, lay a slab (do not use mortar), and at the end of the paving, remove it along with the embankment.

Install a perimeter curb, filling the cavity with fertile soil and planting vegetation.

Read about how you can create with the most successful and popular mixborders, recommendations for planting and choosing several types of plants.

You can view a selection of photos of gazebos with your own hands from scrap materials with a barbecue.

An overview of the types of tents for rest with a mosquito net and their prices can be found in the article at:

You can decorate with plants and floors: for this, use clematis, roses, chlorophytums, cissus, surfinia, cobei and other flowers.

A great idea - arranging a small artificial reservoir in the patio. Cover it with cellophane from the inside and fill it with water. Decorate the pond with vegetation suitable for the aquatic environment, such as marigold, water hyacinth, or arrowhead.

You can add lightness to your patio with air curtains. Hang them at the exit or around the patio.

Patio decoration in the country, photo

Modern summer cottages are no longer "banal beds" planted with vegetables. With their efforts, amateur gardeners make real works of landscape art out of them. And, one of original ways transformations personal plot in the "paradise" for a comfortable stay is a patio, which is an alternative to the traditional open terraces and verandas.

Where to build a patio in the country

What is a patio

A beautiful, romantic word "patio", translated from Spanish means: "house without a roof." This is the name of a landscaped area surrounded by plants, which is intended for outdoor recreation. Despite its "southern origin", this invention has taken root in the cool climate of the Russian Federation. And today the patio, the history of which began in the era of Antiquity, is being built by many amateur gardeners at their dachas.

In the classic version, the "closed courtyard" is attached close to the house. This creates additional convenience when communicating with guests: you do not need to go far, delivering food and drinks, and in the event of a sudden rain or wind, you can quickly collect everything you need and go into the house. But the patio can be made in any other convenient place, for example, in the back of the garden.

Choosing a place for the patio

The place for its arrangement is chosen based on the future use and purpose of the structure. Do you like peace and solitude? Then you option will do small in size, located in a beautiful location. Do you prefer to gather at the dacha with noisy companies, with friends and relatives? Build a spacious and comfortable open-air area with practical outdoor furniture and barbecue facilities. The main thing is to decorate the patio accordingly, decorating it with bright and original elements: hedges, flowers, sculptures and thinking over the way of lighting it.

DIY patio device

Preparatory work

Like any other work related to the improvement of the garden and backyard territory, building a patio in the country with your own hands, start with the markup. The main requirement: the presence of a leveled piece of land, freed from vegetation and debris. The shape of the "rest corner" is chosen depending on the method of paving. It is made round, rectangular or square, as desired.

Shape selection and markup

Straight, concise forms look a little simpler, but easier to implement. For example, most often the patio adjacent to the house is made in the form of a square or rectangle. For structures located in the depths of the garden, a more complex shape is often chosen: round or curved.

The marking of the future structure is done using a rope and several pegs.

Use a regular garden hose to create a circular patio.

Site preparation

This procedure consists of several operations:

  • Using a shovel, a pit is dug about 20 cm deep along the marking lines, carefully removing the remnants of roots and plants. To prevent the appearance of weeds, the pit is spilled with a herbicide or covered with geotextiles.
  • The dug hole is covered with sand, leveling it well and spilling it with water for better compaction.
  • After the sand settles, it is leveled again, tamped and covered with crushed stone with a layer of 10 cm and another layer of sand about 5 cm thick.
  • A curb is laid along the contour to prevent the structure from creeping.

The site for the future structure is made with a slight slope in the direction opposite to the house, so that after rain puddles do not form on it.

Yulia Petrichenko, expert


The choice of materials for creating a beautiful and original patio with your own hands can be anything. For example:

  • Slabs made of natural and artificial stone.
  • Paving slabs and paving blocks. They are laid in a dry way or on a solution.
  • Concrete.
  • Brick.
  • Decking (deck board).
  • Wood. In this case, a tree with increased moisture resistance is used, having previously treated it with antiseptics.

very beautiful and spectacular patio areas are made from fragments of ceramic tiles. To do this, it is broken with a chisel or cut with a circular saw. Then the pieces are put together like a mosaic. It is not only attractive in appearance, but also economical option paving. They use broken or defective tiles of low cost.

To get the pieces the desired shape, the tile is drawn with a pencil. Then a recess is made along the line with a chisel. The tile is placed on the block so that the outlined line is at the edge and hit with force. The result is two pieces. If necessary, break the tiles into smaller pieces in the same way.

"Final chord"

After completing the main work on laying tiles, stone or other materials on the base of the patio, it is again covered with a small layer of sand and distributed over the entire surface. Thanks to this, all small cracks and irregularities that have arisen during the paving process will be eliminated.

Then the rest of the sand is swept away and the area is filled with water. Wait a while until it is absorbed, and then spill it again. This manipulation is repeated 2-3 times. Then the marking twine and pegs are removed and the earth is tamped around the structure.

For the best effect, landscaping the path and the area adjacent to the patio area. For this, the same materials are used as for creating the main structure.

Arrangement of a patio area using paving slabs and cement mortar

In this case, the algorithm for making the main site will be somewhat different. This requires:

  • Paving slabs;
  • Ready mix for laying or cement and river sand;
  • Broken bricks.

Tools for the job:

  • Shovel;
  • Hammer;
  • Putty knife;
  • Construction car and level.


  1. The bottom of the pit 15-20 cm deep is covered with a layer of broken brick (about 10 cm).
  2. The tile solution is prepared in the proportion: 5 parts of sand and 1 part of cement. It is evenly distributed over the surface and tiles are laid on it, leaving a gap of 1 cm, for better fixation, gently tapping on it with a hammer.
  3. The finished coating is poured cement-sand mixture, made in a ratio of 1: 3, for filling joints. The rest of the solution is removed.

The drying time for the site made in this way is approximately 2-3 days.

Patio decoration

After the construction of the main site and the completion of the "dirty" work, the time comes for "creativity" - the design of the recreation area. Some gardeners in this case "for inspiration" use a photo of a patio in the country, taken from thematic magazines and the Internet, or come up with their own ideas, which are distinguished by courage and originality.

Decorating the playground

Indeed, the device of its own "patio" opens wide open space fantasy. A wide variety of elements are used for its decor:

  • Arches;
  • Pergolas;
  • Openwork and lattice walls;
  • Conifers and flowering plants;
  • Flower pots;
  • Statues and miniature sculptures, etc.

To protect the patio from the sun and bad weather, sometimes it is supplemented with canopies made of transparent and translucent polycarbonate. For this purpose, awnings or protective umbrellas are also used, which, if necessary, are moved to any corner of the garden.

Plants in pots and containers are well suited for decorating the recreation area, with a pleasant, delicate aroma: tangerine and lemon trees, noble laurel, rosemary, lavender, etc. And for wall decoration, pots with ampelous petunias, begonias and lobelia are used.

Selection and arrangement of furniture

Considering natural origin the structure under construction, furniture for it is selected not only aesthetically attractive, but also practical, taking into account the following factors:

  • Headsets made of eco-friendly and “warm” to the touch wood do not tolerate changing weather conditions.
  • Refined and "solid" forged furniture is difficult to move because of its weight.
  • Wicker furniture (for example, from a vine or rattan) has the highest durability and immunity to temperature and humidity changes.

Making out your own "paradise", the main thing is not to overdo it. Especially if its dimensions are not very large. Don't overload it extra furniture and decorative elements. Small bench, table, cozy armchair, beautiful vase or an amphora - in some cases this is quite enough. And in order for the result to be truly "pleasing to the eye and heart", do all the work with pleasure. Then in return you will receive only positive emotions and joy.

What do you know about patios? Maybe you have already built it in your country house? Then be sure to share your experience in the comments!

An open-air living room in the shade of plants is a cozy corner on the site, where it is pleasant to retire from the hustle and bustle of the street, enjoying unity with nature or communication in a pleasant company. With the help of such an element of landscape design as a patio in the country, you can equip a kind of inner courtyard on your site, where you can enjoy spending time, devoting it to your favorite activities or rest. Initial view of this corner for rest, which became widespread in the days of the Roman Empire, was a platform enclosed by high walls of a house. Modern version patio patio as protective structures provides for the use of green fences, screens and fences. When deciding to equip a patio on your site with your own hands, it is important, first of all, to correctly choose a place for placing this recreation area.

Thanks to this arrangement, one side of the recreation area becomes completely closed, and the other three are completely open, or fenced off from the outside world with gratings, screens or fences.

It is very convenient for relaxation, when an additional exit is provided in the wall of the house adjacent to the patio, so as not to bend around the building once again, heading to the kitchen for your favorite delicacy, or at any time to hide from the weather.

A place under the patio can be chosen in a cozy shady corner of the garden, where noise and prying eyes from the street do not penetrate. With the help of movable screens and trellises, as well as stationary fences and trellises, entwined with flowering climbing plants, you can even create an atmosphere of security on the outdoor patio in the garden.

It is great if the patio is located near an artificial reservoir so that on a sultry noon the air above the site becomes more humid and fresh, thereby providing more comfortable conditions for a good rest

The shape and size of the site will depend on its purpose: a territory of 2-3 sq. meters, companies of 3-4 people will comfortably accommodate on a patio with an area of ​​4 sq. meters.

We select the optimal coverage

Since the patio is a paved area, it is advisable to use a dense covering as the base.

Concrete slabs are the most economical and durable coating option for the site. The combination in the design of square and rectangular shapes of the product gives an interesting effect.

A more chic design of the site can be obtained using natural stone slabs.

Broken cuts of products, forming a whimsical pattern, give the surface of the site naturalness and special sophistication

An equally solid foundation can be obtained using paving slabs.

The variety of shapes and shades of paving slabs allows you to embody any design solutions, laying out various ornaments and patterns

Garden parquet, created on the basis of a combination of wood waste and polymers, has excellent performance characteristics and, unlike natural wood, not subject to decay.

As wood covering for open areas, you can use both natural wood flooring and modern construction material decking, outwardly difficult to distinguish from boards of real wood

Preparing the base and laying the site

So, the first step is to prepare the foundation. The place for the future site is fenced off with pegs. After that, the top layer of soil is removed from the fenced area, deepening the base by 10-15 cm. For leveling and arranging the site, the depression is filled with a layer of sand, for the purpose of compaction of which, alternating watering with water and leveling the surface with a rake are used. The height of the sand "cushion" should be 1–2 cm above ground level.

The technology of laying the coating depends on which of the materials is chosen. In any case, the coating is laid at a slope of 1-3 degrees towards the garden with a tight fit between the products

Concrete slabs and paving slabs can be placed directly on the sand cushion by filling the gaps between stones or tiles on top with sand or mortar. Wooden flooring is intended to be laid on boards made of boards inserted into a wooden frame.

When erecting a base for a patio in the country with your own hands, it is advisable to provide for the laying of gutter grooves 40 cm wide and 10-15 cm deep, which will be supplied to the general drainage system. Raising the level of the patio surface 1 to 2 cm higher than the level of the adjacent lawn will further facilitate the process of mowing the lawn with a trimmer or lawn mower.

To protect the site from the scorching sun and bad weather, a canopy and translucent polycarbonate can be made over the recreation area. An alternative to a stationary protective structure made of glass or polycarbonate can be awnings - mobile structures that, if desired, can be easily moved to any corner of the garden.

Arrangement of the patio

The patio can also be fenced off with a hedge, which can be played by tall shrubs and conifers. An original addition to the interior can be not only plants collected in variegated multi-level mixborders, but also planted as soloists in planting pockets or floor vases.

Dwarf conifers or evergreens planted in planting pockets on unpaved patio areas will keep your patio attractive and colorful throughout the year.

Wanting to make the site closed from prying eyes and wind, openwork lattice walls decorated with weaving vines or curly roses can be used as protective structures

Since one of the main conditions is an opening view of a picturesque landscape, in addition to landscaping, a patio design must include a small architectural decor in the form of a pond or a fountain, unusual miniature sculptures, stone paths.

As plants for container gardening, which fill the surrounding space with a pleasant aroma, you can use: laurel trees and lavender, as well as tangerine and lemon trees. Patio walls can be decorated with pots, nasturtiums, ampel petunias and lobelia.

By choosing garden furniture for the arrangement of the courtyard, it is necessary to be guided not only by its aesthetic appeal, but also by its practicality, as well as operational characteristics:

  • Aesthetic and "warm" wooden furniture not renowned for its resistance to weather conditions.
  • Solid and durable wrought iron furniture quite heavy and difficult to move.
  • Lightweight and durable wicker furniture is the best option, since the material used for its manufacture is resistant to stress, impact solar radiation and high humidity.

Chaise lounges and benches, garden sofas and armchairs - these are the elements of the interior that make it possible to give the courtyard uniqueness and individuality.

Barbecue is also an integral part of outdoor recreation. Therefore, in the courtyard, it is advisable to allocate a place in advance for arranging the hearth

The material on how to build a barbecue with your own hands from bricks will also be useful:

It is pleasant to spend time in the courtyard and in evening time enjoying the chirping of grasshoppers and crickets. In the fresh air and comfortably receive guests, treating the company to a delicious dinner. And since friendly gatherings often end after sunset, lighting becomes the key to a comfortable stay in the evening.

On the wall adjacent to the house, you can hang sconces, in flower beds - garden figures with solar panels. Pole lanterns or garden torches can be installed around the entire perimeter of the courtyard

Video from useful tips to create a patio:

When equipping a patio in the country, the main thing is to strive not for ostentatious beauty, but to create an atmosphere of coziness, in order to always feel comfortable in this man-made space.