Nursery design with bed and sofa. How to choose the right sofa for a girl

Arranging a room for a child is a headache for parents. And it's not just that all Decoration Materials, furniture and decor must be tested for strength, environmental friendliness and practicality in the personal rating of parents, but they must also please the baby, be comfortable, beautiful, interesting. When choosing furniture for a baby's room, you can only be guided by the preferences of parents and generally accepted criteria for functionality, safety and aesthetics. But the opinion of the grown-up baby will have to be reckoned with. Before you go to the store together in order to purchase a comfortable and practical sofa for the nursery, and your baby chooses the brightest or most original piece of furniture, read some recommendations that can help you make a successful choice.

Criteria for choosing a sofa in a child's room

A sofa in a children's room can have several functional roles - a part of a play area, a seating area and a sleeping segment. Of course, the highest demands will be placed on a sofa with a folding mechanism, which can quickly transform from a place to relax and play into a sleeping area. If it is not possible to install a bed in the children's room with orthopedic mattress and buying a folding sofa is an urgent need, then it is necessary to approach this issue with all seriousness. We spend a third of our lives in a dream, and children at this time also grow, develop, process the information received during the day. The state of health of your child directly depends on how ergonomic, safe and comfortable your child's sleeping place will be.

The quality of furniture materials for a children's room is not only directly related to the health of your child, but also reflects the service life of the product, because a sofa is a purchase that is made for more than one year. It is better to spend one time on a high quality product and not worry about possible breakdowns of the mechanism, sagging of the filler or rupture of the upholstery.

The choice of a sofa for a children's room differs from the usual piece of furniture, for example, in the living room, with increased attention to risk areas. Try to design the sofa with as few reasons for injury as possible - soft armrests, lack of protruding parts and even more acute corners. If there are pull-out storage systems at the bottom of the sofa, then it is necessary to check for the presence of the so-called "finger protection". If the sofa has withdrawable mechanism folding into a berth, it is important to check the model for the presence of rubberized wheels that will not harm the floor covering during daily use.

Particularly close attention is paid to the folding children's sofa - when folded it should be quite compact so as not to take up a lot of useful space in the room, and when unfolded it should represent a perfectly even (as far as possible) space for a comfortable sleep.

The most popular among our compatriots are transforming sofas. During the day, this piece of furniture looks more like a roomy armchair for two, and at night it folds out into a fairly spacious place to sleep. As a rule, such transformers are equipped with bumpers on both sides that protect the baby from falling. There are many models that can "grow" with your child.

Sofas with folding mechanisms such as "Eurobook" (American and French) and "click-clack" have won no less popularity. When unfolding such models, the lower part of the structure that touches the floor is not involved, so you will not need to worry about the condition flooring with frequent use of the sofa as a bed. Almost all models provide for the presence of free space for storing bedding and other necessary attributes for sleep and rest.

Modern manufacturers of furniture for children's rooms offer wide choose orthopedic sofas. Such models are more like beds ( different sizes), equipped with low sides or backs (along the perimeter or only on one side). If in the daytime you equip a non-soft back of such a piece of furniture with a lot sofa cushions, then it is quite possible to get a semblance of a sofa. And at night your child will sleep on an orthopedic, hypoallergenic mattress with high level body support. Of course, for an orthopedic model you will have to pay more than the average price of a children's sofa, but if we are talking about the daily use of the structure as a bed, then the high cost will more than pay off with a comfortable sleep of the child.

If we talk about the choice of upholstery for a sofa, then children, as a rule, have one requirement - it should be bright and pleasant to the touch. Parents are more worried about the environmental friendliness of the material, especially when it comes to choosing furniture for an allergic child. Unfortunately, there is no material for the upholstery of the sofa that would be completely natural and at the same time easily cleaned of possible types of contamination - spilled juice, paints, felt-tip pens, plasticine, etc. Therefore, each parent will have to decide for themselves the dilemma of choosing between the ease of care of surfaces and the safety and comfort of the child.

For many parents, the solution is to purchase a sofa with a circuit cover. As a rule, these models are equipped with cotton covers that can be washed in washing machine... The fabric is harmless to the baby and at the same time can be presented in a wide variety of colors.

A large sofa, which could well become part of the living room, is often installed in the children's room. In a newborn's room, such a piece of furniture can become a necessity and serve as a greasy place for one of the parents, who are on duty at the baby's cradle. In the room of a grown-up child, such a sofa can serve as a resting place during a visit of friends and become a haven for late guests. If the space of the room allows, then the installation of a sofa of normal size (and maybe design) can be more than justified, especially if not one child lives in the room, but two or more.

Place to install the sofa

Very often, in order to save useful space in the children's room, parents decide to install an attic bed. At the bottom of such a structure, there is enough space for arranging a small sofa. Some people decide to equip a workplace in the lower tier, but it is obvious that in such a space there will be insufficient natural light and the child will constantly have to use a table lamp. To relax on the sofa, the general lighting of the room will be enough.

Depending on the size of the loft bed and, accordingly, the space under it, you can equip more than one and two at once, located opposite each other, small sofas. In the lower part of such structures, you can equip storage systems, which, as you know, do not exist in many.

The location of the sofa against one of the walls of the room is the most common layout option. Obviously, the main purpose of distributing furniture in a children's room is to free up as many square meters as possible for games, sports and creativity. The task becomes more difficult if two or three children live in the room. In this case, the bunk bed can be supplemented with a sofa with a folding mechanism, which will serve as a sleeping place for one of the children.

If there is a TV in the child's room, then the sofa, as a rule, is located near one of the walls and opposite the video zone. The optimal distance from the TV to the child's seat is 2.5-3 m. Most often, children's sofas have a small height, which is due to the safety of the child (if he falls, then from a small height). This fact must be taken into account when placing the TV so that a child sitting on a low sofa does not have to lift his head up to watch cartoons.

If in the bedroom for adults we install a small ottoman at the foot of the bed, then in the children's room its place can be taken by a compact sofa. Sitting on such a sofa, it will be more convenient for the child to dress and put on shoes.

Sofas for children's rooms are so low that they can be installed even against walls with window openings - the design will not interfere with the spread of natural light. Similar layout can be useful for small spaces with a lack of usable space. however, do not move the sofa close to radiators.

In the spacious room of the children's room, the sofa can zone the space and separate the games segment from the resting place. In this case, he does not need to be located against the wall. This layout can be successful both when using a conventional model and when installing a corner sofa.

Wide range of models

Nowadays, the range of furniture for children's rooms is so wide that both parents and small future owners of sofas just need to get confused. If you give the child the opportunity to choose upholstered furniture for his room, then most likely he will choose a bright model with a colorful print or stylized as a fairy-tale hero, animal or some kind of transport. But for parents there is much greater importance has the quality of materials (and most often sofas that look like large soft toys, it is low) and the size of the model, which should not easily fit into the possibilities of the room, but also meet the requirements of ergonomics and ease of use.

Many parents like frameless models sofas and armchairs made in modular modification. Fewer frame parts (or lack thereof) - fewer reasons for breakage. But it is obvious that such pieces of furniture are only suitable for sitting, you cannot sleep on them. A corner sofa made up of several blocks will provide as much seating as possible, and will take up little space in the room.

A sofa, or rather its original likeness, can be made by yourself - on a console standing on supports, put a soft substrate and ensure the softness of the "back" with the help of several pillows. Of course, it will not be possible to sleep on such a sofa, but in the lower part you can build shelves or cells for storing toys, books or sports equipment.

If the space of the children's room and the budget for the arrangement allow, then even the most original ways creating a soft recreation area and games. The following structures can hardly be called sofas, but one thing is clear - children will be delighted with such soft cells, where they can retire, but at the same time remain in the hearing and visibility zone of other children or adults.

The role of a sofa can also be played by a large pouf of any shape, attached to a wall equipped with soft panels. Such couch can become not only a favorite place for your little one's privacy, but also a highlight of the interior, raising its level of uniqueness.

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It is good when the bed in the children's room complements the sofa. On it, the child can read books, play, get around with friends and sometimes receive guests with an overnight stay. It's another matter if the nursery is not large or at all, then it remains to choose one thing or ... purchase a sofa bed.

  • After all, a children's sofa, unlike a bed, looks more "ceremonial", it is compact, has additional storage space and a soft back that covers the cold wall.

Unfortunately, not every pull-out sofa is suitable for everyday use instead of a bed. In this article, we will give a few tips to help you choose a children's sofa bed or an ordinary "guest" sofa.

Is a sofa instead of a bed a great idea or not?

First, let's see how smart the idea of ​​replacing the bed with a sofa is, and which is better - a bed or a sofa bed?

Arguments against"

  • Children from 7 years old up to the oldest adolescence should sleep on an orthopedic mattress. Finding a sofa with good filling is not so easy, because the sofa mattress is most often dependent on the frame.
  • The sleeping place of the unfolded sofa has at least one joint.
  • The choice of sofa mattresses (including those independent of the frame) is much smaller than the standard ones. If a child has problems with the health of the spine, then it will be difficult or even impossible to find a mattress individually selected by an orthopedist.
  • The sofa bed needs to be unfolded / assembled daily, and the linens laid and cleaned.

  • The sofa is more easily soiled, as it is completely upholstered in fabric.
  • It is much more difficult to instill in the child the habit of making the bed on his own.
  • A sofa with a mechanism, unlike a regular bed, is much more likely to break and wear out early.
  • Most often, a sofa, unlike a children's bed, does not have sides that protect the child from falling.
  • Some models require a lot of space when unfolded.

Arguments for"

  • A sofa bed is good because it allows the child to sleep, play, and receive guests.
  • Almost all sofa beds have storage boxes for bed linen.
  • The bed, unlike the sofa, is more traumatic, since it has sharp corners and a rigid frame that you can hit on, say, during games.
  • The folded sofa can be quite compact - 90-100 cm wide, and the bed usually takes about 110 cm.

Conclusion: for a small nursery, it is rational to use a sofa bed instead of a bed, provided, firstly, a high-quality orthopedic mattress, and secondly, if the child has a healthy spine and leads an active lifestyle.

11 Tips for Choosing a Guest or Standing Sleeping Sofa

Tip 1. The sofa bed for daily sleep must have an orthopedic mattress

An ideal orthopedic mattress for children from 7 years old - with independent spring blocks, hard or medium firm and natural filling (coconut coir, jute, seaweed, holcon, etc.). It is such a mattress that will best ensure the correct position of the child's spine during sleep.

  • Besides, children's mattress for constant sleep, it should be thick - at least 6 cm, and preferably about 12-16 cm.
  • When testing a children's sofa with independent spring units, listen for the squeak of the springs under load. Ideally, it shouldn't be heard at all.

For children under 7 years old, a springless orthopedic mattress made of medium-hard polyurethane foam (PPU) is recommended. For children over 7 years old, a polyurethane foam mattress can and should be chosen harder. The following tips will help you choose a good kids sofa:

  • Conscientious manufacturers indicate the maximum weight permissible load on a sleeping place. We recommend giving preference to a sofa (regardless of the degree of rigidity) with medium (up to 110 kg) and high (up to 140 kg) indicators. The service life of sofas with an average maximum permissible load is 5-7 years, s high rates- about 10 years.
  • Check with the seller if polyurethane foam is monolithic, that is, consisting of a single piece, and not of several thin layers. The last option children are contraindicated.
  • It is good if the sofa consists not only of polyurethane foam, but also of coconut coir.
  • A high-quality children's sofa made of polyurethane foam should be dense and resilient in order to quickly regain its shape after a load and not to slip over time. When choosing between two sofas of the same hardness in a store, you can compare their quality. To do this, you just need to press on them with your fist and determine which of the tested mattresses is the best for pushing your hand back.

Advice 2. The worst option for an interior and sleeping sofa is with a soft polyurethane foam mattress

Cheap sofas with PU foam mattresses are usually soft to medium firm. Neither babies nor teenagers can sleep on them every day. A soft polyurethane sofa is not suitable for a children's room and as a guest room, as it will quickly lose its shape and rinse.

  • The service life of such a sofa made of polyurethane foam does not exceed 3 years, and the maximum load weight is up to 90 kg / one berth.

Tip 3. To improve the orthopedic properties of the mattress, you can use a mattress topper

You can soften or stiffen the mattress, as well as close the joints of the folding sofa, using a thin topper mattress (mattress topper) 3-6 cm thick, consisting of coconut coir or orthopedic polyurethane foam. The toppers are easy to roll and can be stored together with bed linen right in the drawer of the couch.

Tip 4. A versatile and safest type of children's sofa bed - a couch

For teenagers and children over 6 years old, the couch is ideal. After all, it is so beautiful, compact and multifunctional. Most of the couches can be used as a single and double bed, as a storage space and simply as an interior sofa for guests.

  • The main advantage of the couch is the independence of the mattress from the frame. This means that you can choose the mattress yourself and change it if necessary.
  • Another plus of most couches is the roll-out transformation mechanism, which is appreciated for its reliability and ease of layout.

IKEA couches are very popular: Hemnes, Flaxa and Brimnes.

Brimnes couch from Ikea in the interior of a teenage girl's room

By the way, the Brimnes couch can be easily turned into a real sofa with your own hands by adding a backrest to it. To do this, you just need to cut a beautiful shape out of plywood, and then upholster it with foam rubber and fabric. The photo below shows two examples of such a rework.

The following selection of photos presents couches Russian manufacturers in real interiors.

If you wish, you can order the manufacture of a couch according to your size and design. For example, it could be a couch with an upholstered back, which is actually a secret cabinet door. The details of such a sofa can be seen in the next photo slider.

In addition to the couch, it is worth paying attention to the ottoman - a one- or one-and-a-half-sleeping sofa without a back, with a small back at the head or two armrests. It most often does not unfold, but has a lifting mechanism. The ottoman is compact, cute, easy to use for a child and versatile. It is good not only as a sleeping place, but also as an ordinary interior sofa.

An ottoman without a headboard is a great option for arranging sleeping places in.

Tip 5. The most suitable types of sofa-bed transformation mechanisms: "euro-book", "roll-out" and "sedaflex"

The following types of children's sofas are suitable for daily sleep:

  • "Eurobook" (eurotachta, eurosofa). Pros: easily unfolds, when unfolded does not take up much space, therefore it is suitable for, has a large berth, there are storage boxes, due to the simplicity of the mechanism, such sofas break less often. Cons: the berth is quite high.

Mechanism like Eurobook

  • Retractable (withdrawable). Pros: easily unfolds, some models may not be fully extended. Cons: may require a lot of space in front of you, slightly less reliable than "Eurobooks", do not have storage boxes.
  • "Sedaflex" ("American clamshell"). Pros: often has an orthopedic thick mattress, in the category of expensive "sedaflexes" you can find beautiful sofas like Chesterfield. Cons: no storage boxes, it is more difficult to unfold more than a Eurobook and a roll-out sofa.


Tip 6. The guest sofa can have a mechanism of the type: "click-gag", "accordion", "book" or "French clamshell".

But what types of children's sofas you can pay attention to if a berth is required only periodically.

  • "Accordion". Pros: large sleeping place for 1-2 people. Cons: requires a lot of space in front of you, it is difficult to unfold, the mechanism is often unreliable, does not have storage boxes.
  • "French clamshell"- Pros: easy to unfold; because the folding bed is hidden, the design of the sofa can be very beautiful. Cons: the mechanism is not too reliable, the mattress is too thin, and requires enough space in front of you to lay out.

This two-seater sofa, located in the recreation area of ​​the children's room, has a mechanism for transforming the French folding bed "Mixotil"

  • "Click-gag". Pros: compactness when assembled, large berth, softness, the presence of children's designs, the position of the back can change. Cons: the mattress of a click-gag sofa is most often made of soft polyurethane foam, when unfolded, the back is at a slight slope, the mechanism and base are short-lived (up to 3-4 years), it is difficult and noisy to unfold, and has no drawers.

Click-clack sofa in the interior of the nursery

  • Book. Cons: it is not always easy to unfold, the mechanism is not very reliable, in order to unfold the sofa, you need to move it away from the wall (some models).

  • Dolphin corner sofa. Pros: easily unfolds, durable, forms a large berth, when unfolded takes up the same amount of space as when assembled. Cons: joints, big size, more suitable for living rooms.

Tip 7. The base of the sofa bed should be slatted (orthopedic)

The base of spring armor is a prerequisite sleeping sofa for the child, as it contributes to the correct position of the body during sleep.

  • When choosing a children's sofa, specify what material the armor is made of. All other things being equal, you should give preference to a sofa with a beech or birch base over pine.
  • The slatted base must be on a metal frame. Before buying furniture, make sure that the welding points are reliable.

Tip 8. The size of the bed should correspond to the height of the child

Whichever sofa you choose, the size of the bed should correspond to the height of the child.

  • The optimal length of the sofa bed can be calculated using the formula: child's height + 50 cm. If after 3-5 years you do not want to update the furniture, we recommend buying a sofa bed for growth, that is, with a margin of length.
  • The minimum permissible width of the bed is 80 cm. Of course, the wider the sofa, the better.
  • The universal size of the bed is 190x90 cm.

Tip 9. The most practical upholstery of a children's sofa is synthetic and ... removable

Upholstery - important criterion choosing a children's sofa. It should be practical and unbranded, easy to maintain and beautiful. Usually manufacturers indicate how many abrasion cycles a particular material can withstand.

  • According to GOST, the minimum coefficient of abrasion of the upholstery according to the Martindale test is 20 thousand cycles. The higher this indicator, the longer the material will last in excellent condition.
  • Ideally, the upholstery of a children's sofa should be removable, preferably with anti-vandal impregnation and made of synthetic material(flock, chenille, thermohacquard) or mixed (linen / cotton with polyester).

  • Keep in mind that velor, although beautiful and quite practical, does slip off the sheets.

Guest children's sofa with velor upholstery

  • A sofa made of leather or eco-leather, despite its durability and practicality, is not suitable for a child even as a guest one. In winter and autumn it will be cold to sit on, and in hot weather the skin inevitably begins to sweat on it.

Sofa with eco-leather upholstery in the interior of the nursery

Tip 10. Choose a neutral design and color for your child's sofa

When choosing a sofa, even for a three-year-old toddler, it is worth giving preference to a model with an almost “adult” design, namely with upholstery in soothing colors, without a pattern and traditional shape. The color of the upholstery can be matched to the tone of the walls, curtains, carpet or other textiles / piece of furniture in the bedroom.

Nursery interior with brown sofa

  • Too "childish" design of a sofa (for example, a toy sofa) should be chosen with care. Firstly, variegation and bright colors distract the child from sleep. Secondly, they overload the interior. Thirdly, such sofas just get bored very quickly. In addition, when the child grows up, it will be somewhat more difficult to resell furniture, say, in the form of a flower or a typewriter.

Of course, it is necessary to take into account the child's desire, but you should not follow it entirely. After all, the tastes of a child are changeable, and Beautiful design may turn out to be of poor quality filling.

This will give you the opportunity not only to appreciate the convenience of the design, but also to instill in the child a sense of frugality and sympathy for the future sleeping place. And don't forget to celebrate the great purchase with your whole family.

Children's sofas are a very practical element of the interior, since almost all types of such furniture attributes tend to unfold. As a result, they are easily transformed into a comfortable sleeping place.

Availability for sale a large number varieties of forms of sofas, materials used in their manufacture, sizes and types of upholstery requires a good understanding of these points.

Stylish sofa in the interior of a children's room

This is the only way to purchase a children's sofa, which will be part of the overall design concept and will provide the child with a healthy sleep.

Shape of children's sofas

The shape of the sofa must be selected taking into account the age of the child. For the smallest, products in the form of sailboats, animals, cars are suitable. In their shape, these sofas resemble large toys rather than ordinary sleeping places. They will delight the kid and will serve him not only as a bed, but also as a fascinating place to play. Small children are more inclined to a rounded shape and smooth lines.

A large adult sofa for a child is not very comfortable

For older children, the purchase of such beds will no longer be a viable solution. In this case, it is better to make a choice on sofas. with elements of asymmetry... It will look more mature and more stylish. We will consider about it in a separate article.

He needs his own children's sofa of the appropriate size

Important. The presence of rounded corners in children's furniture is a vital necessity, as this minimizes the likelihood of injury.

Main types of materials

When choosing children's sofas, you should pay attention to the attributes of furniture made using environmentally friendly materials. Such products must be absolutely harmless to the human body. A reliable frame is also very important, because with high activity of the child, the load on him will be maximum. The base of the sofa must withstand a lot of weight so that it does not change shape after the child's jumps. It is most advisable to give preference to the attributes of furniture based on solid wood.

Common materials for making a sofa

The upholstery of the product should be as strong and durable as possible. Tapestry coverings are resistant to mechanical stress. It is also possible to use special covers. They can contain various fasteners, presented in the form of zippers, eyelets, magnets, Velcro or elastic bands. By using them, the surface of the sofa can be kept clean at all times. The removable cover makes cleaning a lot easier. Most often, covers are made of awning materials or special fabrics based on microfiber.

Important. When purchasing a children's sofa, you should demand from the seller an appropriate certificate, which will confirm the high quality and environmental safety.

Sizes of children's sofas

When deciding on the size, you need to remember that the child is growing. In this context, the length and width of the product are taken with a margin. At the same time, you can pay attention to the dynamics of the child's growth in order to clearly understand what kind of space the baby needs for playing and sleeping.

Typical sizes of sofas for children

Standard sizes of sofa mattresses

Length 186 cm Length 190 cm Length 195 cm Length 200 cm
186 x 60 190 x 60 195 x 60 200 x 60
186 x 70 190 x 70 195 x 70 200 x 70
186 x 80 190 x 80 195 x 80 200 x 80
186 x 90 190 x 90 195 x 90 200 x 90
186 x 90 190 x 90 195 x 90 200 x 90
186 x 100 190 x 100 195 x 100 200 x 100
186 x 110 190 x 110 195 x 110 200 x 110
186 x 120 190 x 120 195 x 120 200 x 120
186 x 130 190 x 130 195 x 130 200 x 130
186 x 140 190 x 140 195 x 140 200 x 140
186 x 150 190 x 150 195 x 150 200 x 150

It is highly desirable to first determine the location of the sofa inside the room. The width should preferably be made such that the child in a lying distance can freely spread his arms to the sides.

Advice. Before considering options for sofas for children, you can sketch a room plan on a sheet of paper, having previously measured the parameters of the room and the objects in it. Thus, you can get an objective idea of ​​the future location of the child's bed.

Folding sofas for a children's room

This type of sofas is extremely practical. With it, you can leave a lot of free space in the room for the time when the child is awake. Folding sofas for children use soft pillows used as bumpers to prevent the baby from falling while sleeping. Many models are additionally equipped with linen drawers.

Boxes for linen

Consider positive points folding sofas:

  • saving space;
  • a large selection of layout models;
  • functionality;
  • practicality;
  • ergonomics.

As for the negative aspects of this acquisition, here it is necessary to focus on the impossibility of replacing the mattress. With permission this issue certain difficulties may arise. These sofas require daily unfolding and folding. In this case, it is necessary to change the bed linen every time.

The best choice is a bed or sofa with an orthopedic mattress

Another problematic point of these furniture attributes is poor orthopedic properties. The structural features of the product necessitate the use of several constituent parts. This leads to great inconvenience during operation.

We will tell you in a separate review.

Folding mechanisms

There is a very wide variety of mechanisms for unfolding children's sofas. Design features are determined by the functional potential of the product. Below are the most popular options for mechanisms.

Mechanisms for transforming sofas - click to enlarge

Book ... In order to unfold such a sofa, you need to raise the seating position until it clicks and lower it. The folding process takes place in a similar way. When folding, it is necessary to push the sofa against the wall each time, which is not very practical.

Eurobook ... A better version of a simple mechanism. To unfold it, you need to pull the edge of the seat towards you, and lower the backrest down, grabbing its upper part. This model has a linen box.

Click-gag. An advanced reclining sofa that can take a sitting, reclining and reclining position. The side cushions can serve as both armrests and headrests.

Dolphin. Two-piece construction. To unfold such a sofa, you need to pull out the block under the seat, and then pull on another piece of the furniture attribute.

Accordion. The design of this sofa makes it the most compact among the others. The seat consists of two parts, which takes a horizontal position. To do this, pull on the loop located near the bottom of the backrest. After that, the backrest is lowered and the sofa takes the form of a bed with armrests.

Pantograph ... A kind of book mechanism. The bottom of the sofa slides out on casters and the back folds down to complete the installation.

Cougar. The front of the sofa slides out smoothly and special supports are inserted. The back part takes up the vacant space. This mechanism has good synchronization so wear and tear is kept to a minimum.

Roll-out (telescopic). The seat stretches towards itself, the back is automatically lowered, as a result of which a berth is formed.

Cot. The design is a scroll that unfolds. This sofa can be of American, Italian and French versions.

Important. When choosing, carefully check the mechanism. It should work harmoniously, be firmly fixed, not dangle and function easily so that it is not difficult for the child to lay it out.

Usually, the choice in favor of a sofa is made by the owners of one-room apartments and studio apartments. In this case, you need to decide for yourself what is more important - to combine a comfortable bedroom and living room or equip a beautiful area for receiving guests with a sleeping place. Depending on the solution, the design of the bedroom with a sofa should also differ.

This versatile bedroom also has its advantages. You don't have to worry about storage space for bedding. You can always turn a rather intimate room into a room for receiving guests, for this you just need to fold the sofa. An indisputable advantage is the increase in free space, which is impossible when equipping a bedroom with a full bed.

Full bedroom

Correctly selected furniture will perfectly fit into the interior of the bedroom. The main thing is to follow the same rules as when decorating an ordinary rest room. Choose eye-pleasing light colors that visually expand the boundaries of the room. But it is worth remembering that the sofa as a bed imposes some restrictions.

In a too playful interior, upholstered furniture of strict forms will look foreign. Do not neglect the decor elements, but remember that a room with such a sleeping place looks better if it is decorated in a fairly simple style. In general, the design of the bedroom will not differ too much from the usual interior solutions.

And simple rules will help to improve the interior of such a multifunctional room.

  1. Try to position the sofa so that, even in an unfolded place, it does not interfere with free movement around the room. The minimum width of the passage is about 50 cm. With this arrangement, you can safely not clean the sleeping place in the morning if you are late and there are no guests planning to arrive.
  2. For a restful and complete sleep, the head of the sofa should be against the wall. This effect of security will provide you with a full sleep, just like on a familiar bed.
  3. Depending on the configuration of the sofa, you need to take care of the bedside tables or their replacement. In some models, armrests will successfully perform their function.
  4. Try to add cute decorative elements to your bedroom and sofa to help you get in the mood for relaxation.
  5. Do not neglect the possibility of visual separation of the bedroom and living room zones. This can be done with color accents, a decorative screen, or a bookcase.
  6. A sofa instead of a bed is indispensable in a teenager's bedroom. It will allow you to sleep in comfort, and not to worry about the accommodation of friends who have dropped in to visit.
  7. Make sure that the bedroom design looks complete even with the sofa unfolded. Niches and bookshelves at the head. And also soft rugs on both sides of the berth.

Living room with sleeping place

It is important that the sofa replacing the bed folds easily when needed.

  1. In this case, it is important to combine comfortable sleep and gatherings with friends. In this case, it is better to choose a sofa and a bedroom design that suggests a comfortable seating. That is, models with volumetric pillows are preferred. And in order for the design of the bedroom to be comfortable and organic, you should be guided by the following recommendations.
  2. If you want to install in front of the sofa soft armchairs, take care that they are not unnecessarily heavy. They will have to be pushed back with each unfolding of the berth.
  3. Do not place the sofa against one of the walls, the presence of free space creates a more relaxed atmosphere.
  4. Use zoning techniques to help create the right atmosphere. Separate the sleeping area from the work area with color or light, and you will immediately notice how much easier it has become to tune in to rest.
  5. Use mirrors in the interior. They will visually enlarge the room and bring some flavor. Bedrooms with mirrors always look intimate and cozy.
  6. If you plan to watch TV in this room, alone or with friends, this also needs to be considered. Bedroom design should be oriented towards this. It is necessary to foresee in which position you will more often follow the plot of the blockbuster, because the direction of gaze in the sitting and lying positions is different.
  7. The sofa that replaces the bed should fold easily and quickly. This is so that in the event of a sudden arrival of guests, you can quickly turn the bedroom into a living room.
  8. It's amazing how an ordinary carpet can change the design of a bedroom. If your sleeping area is rather low, choose compact rugs that can be stowed away and put back in place without extra effort.
  9. The design of the bedroom in which guests are received should not be too playful or intimate, this will embarrass the owners and visitors.
  10. If the living room-bedroom is the only room, make sure that the table can be moved up to the sofa that serves as a bed without extra effort... This will make it easier to host family gatherings.

If you decide to abandon the bed in the bedroom in favor of a sofa, you should carefully consider the interior so that the rest room does not turn into a strict living room. But not everything is so complicated, the design of the bedroom can be absolutely anything. The main thing is that the owners like it and be functional enough.


Bedroom design with sofa

As a rule, a room for a bedroom is a very small room, because it is necessary only for rest and sleep. That is why many families try to save space as much as possible, for example, preferring a sofa to a bed. A well-thought-out design of a bedroom with a sofa will not only allow the most efficient use of the space, but create cozy atmosphere this intimate place.

Choosing a color for the bedroom

Designers believe that for small bedroom light pastel colors are best. It is best to stick to neutral shades of white, blue, beige or cream. Similar color scheme creates a feeling of calmness, comfort, and also creates a perspective for further improvement of the premises.

Important! Choosing a bright color like red or purple on one of the walls is a great way to add accents in a small room. From a design point of view, it is best to emphasize the wall along which the sleeping place will be located. This will not only visually expand the space, but will create a unique style of the room.

The choice of furniture for the interior of a small bedroom

At limited space a small room, the choice of furniture is a rather difficult moment. It is necessary not only to competently occupy the entire area, but also to choose really functional things that do not contradict the design of the bedroom with a sofa instead of a bed.

When choosing furniture, the following recommendations should be taken into account:

  • All furniture for a small room should be as functional as possible. So, for example, when choosing a sofa, it is necessary to give preference only to a model with a built-in box for linen.
  • Furniture with rounded edges should be avoided - this visually reduces the usable space of the room. It is better to choose objects with straight lines.
  • The color of the furniture should match or contrast with the color of the walls, ceiling and fit into the overall design of the room with the sofa.
  • Furniture with large mirrors visually increases the area of ​​even a small bedroom, so the choice sliding wardrobe- an excellent solution for such a room. In addition, swinging cabinet doors steal quite a lot of usable space.
  • Take as much of the empty space as possible. So, the shelves at the head of the bed are not only a good perspective for decoration, but a functional thing.
  • When choosing a sofa as a place to sleep, it is advisable to focus on transforming models. They not only save space as much as possible, but also create the feeling of a full-fledged sleeping place.

Sofa mechanisms for the bedroom

Everyone chooses the appearance and model of a bed depending on the design of a small bedroom with a sofa, but choosing a mechanism is a much more difficult task, because this is not only an interior item, but also a truly necessary thing.

Today, there are 4 main types of sofa mechanisms that are common:

  • Pull-out sofa, from which the inner part rolls out, and the retractable part is laid out on the second layer.
  • The most common option is click-and-gag. This is a kind of sofa that can be used in two positions - sitting and lying. The main part of the sofa leans upwards, after which a mechanism is triggered, allowing it to decompose.
  • Eurobook... This is the simplest sofa mechanism. Such a sleeping place is easy to unfold and assemble in short term... It is enough just to pull the main part and lower the back to a horizontal position.
  • Accordion... This is the best choice of sofa gear for small bedrooms. It unfolds according to the principle of work musical instrument, because of this it got its name. The seating area moves forward, and the double backrest and the main body follow it. With the help of this simple movement, a sleeping place is created. There is no need to lift or move anything.

Important! The choice of a sofa mechanism depends entirely on your preferences and financial capabilities. However, it is worth taking this moment seriously, because most often it is the mechanical component of the sofa that breaks down in the first place.

Decorating a small bedroom

The main rule for the design of a small room with a sofa is that such a room cannot be overloaded with many decorative elements. Otherwise, the space will visually become even smaller. At the same time, small decorative elements, combined with the style of the room, will dramatically enliven the space and create a feeling of coziness and warmth.

Here are some rules for decorating a small bedroom:

  • It is advisable to refuse thick curtains and curtains, preferring light and transparent curtains. In some rooms, a small and beautiful carpet or an embroidered panel above the bed looks advantageous, especially when creating a Japanese style.
  • Lighting in the bedroom does not only perform a functional task, but can also be great. design solution... So, an additional light source is required, in addition to the chandelier. It can be a floor or wall sconce, or a lamp on a nightstand. Diffused lighting options are not bad for small bedrooms, which can significantly place light accents and create coziness in the dark.
  • Be especially careful with the choice of materials for things for the bedroom. Wood, textiles and frosted glass are best suited for this room.
  • The design of the room with a sofa will be complemented by small bookshelves and mezzanines with cozy gizmos. Of course, they should not be bulky, while they must fit in the color and texture of the material.


Features of placing a bed and a sofa in the same room

One option is to place it in the bedroom instead of a sofa bed. This is true in a room where the area is very, very small, and it is simply not possible to place a full bed in it. Thanks to the sofa, the functionality of the bedroom can be improved several times.

The design of a bedroom with a sofa instead of a bed can have many variations. The most common is mainly used - this is the arrangement of the bedroom in the style of the living room. This design is preferred by those people who love comfort in everything. This interpretation is simply necessary in those apartments where there are only one or two rooms.

This bedroom has many advantages:

  • You can easily hide your bedding in the sofa.
  • The room can become an additional place for the location or reception of guests.
  • Improvement of living conditions in case it is a children's bedroom.

The last point is the most relevant, since children require a lot of space for their games. If the area is cluttered with beds, then the kids will not be able to have an active rest.

It is in the children's bedroom that folding sleeping furniture will become relevant and simply necessary. The same furnishing concept would suit a teen's corner.

Related videos: « Housing issue ": Convenient zoning option for the bedroom and living room

The sofa must ideally fit into the intended interior, in addition, other conditions must be met. The model of the folding product must be functional and correspond to the peculiarities of the bedroom layout:

  • The size of the bedding must fully match the size of the bedroom. When disassembled, such furniture should not interfere with movement.
  • The elementary rules for placing furniture that are intended for sleeping should be followed. The main one is the location of the headboard necessarily near the wall.
  • You need to think over all the functionality of this product. Often they choose models where you can easily arrange bedding. If the bedroom is small and there is no way to accommodate bedside tables, then it is better to purchase a product with wide wooden armrests.
  • The main function of the bedroom is rest and relaxation, so the sofa should be comfortable and soft, tune the residents to a relaxed motive.

  • If the bedroom, in which the sofa plays the main role, is also intended for receiving guests, then you should take care of auxiliary lighting.

The interior of the room should be done in soothing colors. Bright design elements should be present, but their number should not be too large. It is enough to use interesting textures and textures to diversify the finish. The rest of the addition is organized thanks to the textile design, the play of light.

Unusual accommodation options

Regardless of the features of the layout of the apartment, other, more non-standard ways placing a sofa and bed. In magazines on the interior, more and more often there are photos of apartments with a bed and a sofa within the same functional space... There are four main options:

1. The bed and sofa are located in the same room. But this combination is partial, since the sleeping furniture is placed behind the curtain, which plays the role of a "wall". To optimally create such a border, the bed is placed in a niche made of plasterboard.

2. Partial zoning. The division of space is carried out thanks to other pieces of furniture. The bed is separated from the rest of the space by means of a high shelf. The same zoning can be done with light. Place the emphasis on the living room part - the sofa, and hide the bed in a more intimate light.

3. Neighborhood. Often in modern solutions use a neighborhood called shoulder to shoulder. These items are placed with their backs to each other. Thanks to this, the sleeping area is visually separated from the living room. It is important that all furniture matches the shape and color. The shape should be at least approximately the same.

4. Divided diagonal. The bed is separated from the space where the sofa is located using a half-meter partition. Furniture can be located as you like, but the main thing is in its designated place. Additional lighting, which is organized with the help of spotlights, can make such an interior more spectacular.

To bring such ideas to life, you can view the corresponding photos. The first two options can be thought over independently, and the third requires appropriate knowledge in the field of interior design. At the right approach you can combine two things like a sofa and a bed in the same room, without any problems and hindrances.


Bedroom interior with sofa instead of bed

The choice of furniture in terms of importance is not inferior to the choice of the color of the walls. It is easier to change the color of the walls. This matter must be approached carefully. A dilemma arises: which is the best to use for a small bedroom, a sofa or a bed? There are pros and cons to both options.

Let's start with the bed. A bed is always comfortable to sleep, no need to spend extra time cleaning bed linen, no additional space is needed for it. This is the confidence in sound, healthy sleep every day. The downside is obvious. Its size. The bed will take up most of your room, visually making it smaller.

Bedroom with sofa without bed

The main advantage of this solution is space saving. Now there is a huge selection of models that differ in color, functionality, size. It is better to choose models that are compact enough when folded, but when disassembled, there should be enough space for a good rest.

You can pick up options from decorated with additional shelves or drawers. It is worth considering that sofas cannot always be purchased in a set with an orthopedic mattress, which over time can worsen the condition of the back and spine.

Here it is already up to you to choose, if you are ready, for the sake of a good sleep, to sacrifice space then, a bed. If not, it's best to consider sofa designs. For maximum design approximation perfect bedroom we advise you to heed the advice:

  • location should not interfere with free movement,
  • it is better to place the headboard against the wall, thus, a sense of security will help you to better rest, recuperate,
  • the interior should be decorated with decorative elements that subconsciously tune into sleep,
  • if possible, separate the recreation area from the guest area. It can be done by highlighting areas with flowers or decorative partitions.

Interior styles

A sofa for a bedroom, for everyday use, must have a number of qualities. There are many options for the models used in different styles interior. Consider the options stylistic design premises.

Modern. This style stands out among others for its pragmatism and convenience. A combination of several styles is allowed. It is uniquely suitable for decorating any type of room, regardless of its size or layout.

Classic. Direct display of luxury, wealth. You can find out by voluminous, intricate patterns, huge bed sizes, textile decoration. The main ones are pastel colors, floral arrangements, many additional decorative accents. The sofa of light shades will perfectly fit into the interior.

Japanese style. Displayed through modernist motifs, furniture and accessories are made from natural materials.

Minimalism. Modern, trendy style. Simple forms, the use of a minimum of objects, the preservation of the maximum amount of free space are accompanied.
The style of presentation depends only on your preferences. There are no conventions. We recommend sticking to the comfort, convenience and coziness of the room.

Choosing a sofa

The concept of an ideal sofa is different for every consumer. There are different criteria for comfort, sleep comfort. Experts have identified only the bulk of them. Guided by the norms, it will be easier to navigate in the variety of choice of furniture attributes.

  • Multifunctionality, practicality,
  • Strength, durability,
  • Comfortableness,
  • Ease of use,
  • Secondary functions.

The sofa must have the quality of comfort, this will allow you to fully enjoy your vacation. The filler and the degree of hardness are important. Do not miss the moments of assembling the mechanism. According to the average statistics, furniture lasts from 6 to 10 years.

A high-quality mechanism will extend the service life, allow you to comfortably use a piece of furniture on a daily basis. Not an unimportant thing - a fairly roomy compartment for linen. Additional options, niches, stands, cabinets, drawers, shelves will improve the conditions for your use of furniture.

Types of sofas for the bedroom

There is a huge variety of models that differ appearance, design, folding method.

  • Foam rubber - quite flexible and comfortable. They are the most popular, it is possible to choose different models, color range. The negative side is fragility. The material quickly deteriorates.
  • Corner - a spring frame is more often used, which increases its durability and practicality.
  • One and a half - the main difference is small size.
  • Spring-loaded ones - characterized by an increased service life (up to 25 years) and is a direct competitor to foam fillers.
  • Orthopedic,
  • Combined - the composition includes a spring block and foam filler. They are characterized by sufficient durability and practicality, often equipped with a box for linen.
  • Modular.

V one-room apartment it will be appropriate to place chairs that match the color and style.

Corner sofa

Most choose corner sofas to save enough free space. These models fit perfectly into general interior, create the effect of a full-fledged berth.

Mechanisms. The main difference in various modifications of sofas is the mechanism:

  • Retractable,
  • Click-gag - a significant difference in two positions - sitting and lying. When the lower part is raised to the top, a mechanism works and the sofa unfolds.
  • The Euro book is a fairly elementary model to use, thanks to which it has become widespread. It will be enough to pull basic part, put the back in a horizontal position.
  • Accordion - The lower part slides forward and the back slides apart. Ideal solution for small apartments.

Each house has a secret place - a bedroom. Repair, arrangement of it must be approached very carefully, thoroughly. The mood and desire to return will depend on how you arrange your break room. Unfortunately, not every family has the opportunity to delimit the sleeping area from the recreation area. There is a large, spacious room, where there is no constraint on the fantasies of household members, but a small one is compact. These rooms use bedroom design ideas with a sofa instead of a bed. Let's try to figure out how you can combine the hall with the bedroom, with the greatest benefit use the available space. For a small bedroom, there is a wide selection of options, ideas for arrangement.

Color in the bedroom

Don't use dark, heavy shades. For this kind of room, light, pastel colors are more suitable. Neutral shades create a sense of space, the room will appear larger.

They also have a calming effect. This range of colors is used in almost all styles.
Bright colors are no exception. Bright accents can emphasize individual elements of the bedroom interior with a sofa. Coral, light green, a combination of white and yellow will look especially bright and noticeable.
For effect visual expansion square, you should choose wallpaper decorated with a small pattern.

By choosing large drawings or wallpaper with stripes, it does not matter vertical, horizontal, the opposite effect will occur. We advise you to highlight accents on any wall. The one that is at the head of the bed or opposite. You can accentuate with color, it is better not to make a sharp contrast, or all kinds of accessories.

Bed or sofa: which to choose?

The choice of furniture in terms of importance is not inferior to the choice of the color of the walls. It is easier to change the color of the walls. This matter must be approached carefully.

This is the confidence in sound, healthy sleep every day. The downside is obvious. Its size. The bed will take up most of your room, visually making it smaller.

Bedroom with sofa without bed

The main advantage of this solution is space saving. Now there is a huge selection of models that differ in color, functionality, size. It is better to choose models that are compact enough when folded, but when disassembled, there should be enough space for a good rest.

You can pick up options from decorated with additional shelves or drawers. It is worth considering that sofas cannot always be purchased in a set with an orthopedic mattress, which over time can worsen the condition of the back and spine.

Interior styles

A sofa for a bedroom, for everyday use, must have a number of qualities. There are many options for models used in various interior styles.
Consider the options for the stylistic design of the room.


This style stands out among others for its pragmatism and convenience. A combination of several styles is allowed. It is uniquely suitable for decorating any type of room, regardless of its size or layout.


Direct display of luxury, wealth. You can find out by voluminous, intricate patterns, huge bed sizes, textile decoration. The main ones are pastel colors, flower arrangements, many additional decorative accents.
The sofa of light shades will perfectly fit into the interior.

Japanese style

Displayed through modernist motifs, furniture and accessories are made from natural materials.


Modern, trendy style. Simple forms, the use of a minimum of objects, the preservation of the maximum amount of free space are accompanied.
The style of presentation depends only on your preferences. There are no conventions. We recommend sticking to the comfort, convenience and coziness of the room.

Choosing a sofa

The concept of an ideal sofa is different for every consumer. There are different criteria for comfort, sleep comfort. Experts have identified only the bulk of them. Guided by the norms, it will be easier to navigate in the variety of choice of furniture attributes.

The sofa must have the quality of comfort, this will allow you to fully enjoy your vacation.

The filler and the degree of hardness are important. Do not miss the moments of assembling the mechanism. According to the average statistics, furniture lasts from 6 to 10 years.
A high-quality mechanism will extend the service life, allow you to comfortably use a piece of furniture on a daily basis. Not an unimportant thing - a fairly roomy compartment for linen.
Additional options, niches, stands, cabinets, drawers, shelves will improve the conditions for your use of furniture.

Types of sofas for the bedroom

There is a huge variety of models that differ in appearance, design, and method of unfolding.

In a one-room apartment, it will be appropriate to place chairs that match the color and style.

Corner sofa

Most opt ​​for corner sofas, which saves enough free space.
These models fit perfectly into the overall interior, creating the effect of a full-fledged sleeping place.


The main difference in various modifications of sofas is the mechanism:

  • Retractable;
  • Click-gag - a significant difference in two positions - sitting and lying. When the lower part is raised to the top, a mechanism works and the sofa unfolds.
  • The Euro book is a fairly elementary model to use, thanks to which it has become widespread. It will be enough to pull the base part, put the back in a horizontal position.
  • Accordion - The lower part slides forward and the back slides apart. Ideal solution for small apartments.

Solution with color

The color of the sofa should not be radically different from the color scheme of the entire interior. Should fit harmoniously into the interior. First of all, it is necessary to base the choice on the shades of the walls, and then take into account the accessories.

Two types can be deduced conditionally:

  • Monochromatic
  • Cold (black, white, gray, beige, light brown tones)
  • Saturated (red, orange, blue, green, yellow)
  • With drawing

Do not match all pieces of furniture in the same color.

It is better to place a white sofa in a room in pastel shades. And black will fit perfectly into a white room.

When decorating a room in a minimalist style, you can consider options for brown, gray or beige upholstery for furniture. These colors and their shades are versatile, making them popular with consumers. Brightly colored furniture (red, orange or yellow) - will stand out against any background, best combination with gray, beige, light green colors and their derivatives. Either way, it will be a bright spot in the room. Green and blue furniture will create a sense of comfort and tranquility. These colors will be relevant at all times.

Furniture of the same color is easier to combine with the surrounding color; for furniture with patterns, you need to take into account the dynamics and style in the interior. Different kinds upholstery may differ in different lighting conditions, this point should be taken into account when choosing furniture. The choice of upholstered furniture in the room plays a major role in the interior. You need to approach it consciously and prepared.