Literary quiz "on the pages of your favorite fairy tales". Quiz: Along the paths of your favorite fairy tales Literary quiz along the pages of your favorite fairy tales

Literary quiz "Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales." Goal: Expanding knowledge of works for children. Tasks: to generalize knowledge on children's works; develop ingenuity, resourcefulness, erudition, memory; cultivate a love of reading. Event progress. There are three teams in the quiz. Guys, do you like fairy tales? And how many of them do you know? And now we'll check it out. Today we will hold a quiz, “Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales.! At the end of our quiz, we will be able to find out who is the best connoisseur of fairy tales. For the game we need to be divided into three teams. In my bag I have pictures depicting objects that belonged to fairy-tale heroes (a key, a pumpkin, a flower). (Children take out pictures and group into teams.) Guys, who owns the key? Those who have the key you are the Pinocchio team. Who owns the pumpkin? You are the Cinderella team, but who owns the flower? You are the Thumbelina team. And so we begin our quiz. So, our first competition "Magic words". You need to remember which heroes are the "Magic Words" contest. said those or both magic words, and in what work. 1. "At the pike's command, at my will." (Emelya in the Russian folk tale "By the Pike") 2. SivkaBurka, prophetic kaurka! Stand before me like a leaf before grass. (Ivan the Fool in the Russian folk tale "Sivka Burka") 3. "Open with this!" (Alibaba, in the oriental tale "Alibaba and the 40 Thieves") 4. Fly, fly petal, through the west to the east, through the north, through the south, come back, making a circle! As soon as you touch the ground, be led in my opinion! (Zhenya, in the fairy tale “The Flower of Seven Flowers” ​​by V. Kataev) 5. “One, two, three. Boil the pot!” (Girl, in the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm "Pot of Porridge") 6. "Crex, fex, bake" (Fox Alice, Cat Basilio, Pinocchio, in A.N. Tolstoy's fairy tale "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio". 7. "Kara baras ". (Moydodyr, K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr") 8. "Oh, you, my poor orphans, My irons and frying pans! You suck, unwashed home, I will wash you with spring water. I will clean you with sand, I will douse you with boiling water, And you will again, Like the sun shine. "(Fedora from the work of K. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief") Competition "Amazing transformations". The second competition is called "Amazing transformations". You need to remember who the heroes of various works turned into or who were bewitched for 1. Who did Prince Gvidon turn into in A.S. Pushkin's fairy tale "The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of his glorious and mighty son Prince Gvidon Saltanovich and the beautiful Swan Princess"? (bumblebee mosquito, fly) 2. Who did the giant ogre turn into in Ch. Perro's fairy tale "Puss in Boots"? (lion, mouse) 3. Whom did the old witch turn the beautiful boy Jacob into in the fairy tale by V. Gauf? (into a dwarf) 4. Who did the 11 brothers-princes turn into every morning in H.K. Andersen's fairy tale? (in the fairy tale "Wild Swans" into beautiful 11 ​​swans) 5. Who did the ugly duckling turn into in H.K. Andersen's fairy tale? (into a beautiful swan) 6. What has the girl Snegurochka turned into in a Russian folk tale? (in a cloud) 7. Whom did Ivanushka the Fool turn into in the Russian folk tale "Sivkaburka" when he got into his right ear and crawled out into his left? (into a good fellow, no matter what you think, or guess, or in a fairy tale to say, or to describe with a pen) 8. What has the Little Mermaid turned into in H.K. Andersen's fairy tale? (in the foam of the sea) Competition "Who is the author." Our third competition is called "Who is the author". Each team will be read an excerpt from the work, you need to guess the author of this work, well, the work itself. 1. Tell my mirror light, 2. Tell the whole truth. The yal in the world is sweeter than everyone, All blush and whiter ... (A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes” 3. The oblique team just sat down, The whole island disappeared under water. (N.A. Nekrasov “Grandfather Mazai and hares") 4. My phone rang. Who is talking? elephant! Where? from a camel. What do you need? chocolate. For whom? For my son? ... (K. Chukovsky "Telephone") 5. An old man lived with their old woman By the very blue sea; They lived in a dilapidated dugout. Exactly thirty years and three years. (A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish") south, Come back, making a circle. As soon as you touch the ground Be mine. (V. Kataev "Tsvetiksemitsvetik") 7. Are you warm, girl? Are you warm red? Warmly, Morozushka, warmly, father. "") Contest "Guess the riddle." 1. This girl is very small, And she slept in a flower. The beetle danced with her, The mouse held a vole in a mink, She got into the country of flowers. (Thumbelina) 2. This boy is very l strange. Carlo is made from a log. And with the fox contacted in vain Become happy, it's impossible! (Pinocchio) 3. This fellow is very cunning. He has a tail, but he is famous. He always walked in boots, the Giant defeated. (Puss in Boots) 4. This girl is very beautiful, But Pinocchio taught in vain. (Malvina) 5. This dog served Malvina, And Pinocchio closed it in the closet. (Artemon) Competition "In an unusual country" The next competition is called "In an unusual country". You have to guess which of the characters visited this or that unusual, well, or magical country. 1. Who has visited the Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors? (Olya and Yalo in the fairy tale "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors" by VG Gubarev) 2. Which of the heroes went to the land of Limpopo? (Doctor Aibolit in the work of K. Chukovsky) 3. Which of the heroes ended up in the country of fools? (Pinocchio in A.N. Tolstoy's fairy tale "The Golden Key") 4. Who visited the country of Lilliput? (Gulliver in G. Swift's fairy tale "Gulliver in the Land of the Lilliputians") 5. Which of the heroes flew to the moon? (Dunno from the work of N. Nosov "The Adventure of Dunno and her friends") 6. Which of the heroes went with friends to the Emerald City to the Great Goodwin? (Ellie in the work of A.M. Volkov "The Wizard of the Emerald City") Competition "Friends". In the "Friends" contest, you probably already guessed that you need to name the friends of fairy-tale characters. 1. Crocodile Gena (Cheburashka) 2. Girl Gerda (boy Kai) 3. Carlson (Kid) 4. Pinocchio (Artemon, Malvina, Pierrot) 5. Uncle Fedor (cat Matroskin, dog Sharik) 6. Girl Ellie (Totoshka, Iron Lumberjack, Lion, straw man) Competition "Fairytale crossword puzzle". In this competition you have to guess a crossword puzzle and answer the question: Who writes fairy tales? (storytellers) 1. What was the name of the girl who turned into a cloud in a Russian folk tale? (Snow Maiden) 2. What did Gena work in the work of E. Uspensky in the work “Crocodile Gena and his friends”? (crocodile) 3. What was the best medicine for Carlson? (cooking) 4. Which of the heroes of the fairy tale went to the ball in a pumpkin carriage? (Cinderella) 5. Who in a Russian folk tale laid a golden egg for a grandfather and a woman? (chicken) 6. When meeting with what fairy-tale hero do you have to shed tears? (Cipollino) 7. What is the main character of the fairy tales "Frog Tsarevna", "Sivkaburka"? (Ivanushka) 8. What was put under twenty mattresses and twenty featherbeds for the princess in H.K. Andersen's fairy tale? (pea) 9. What vegetable did the grandfather grow in the Russian folk tale? (turnip) 10. What flowers did the stepdaughter pick in the forest in the fairy tale "Twelve Months"? (snowdrops) Well done guys! Fairy tales are written by storytellers. We all like fairy tales very much, let there be more of them. This concludes our quiz.

Fairy tale quiz Today we are embarking on a difficult but entertaining journey through the realm of Fairy Tales. Do you love fairy tales? We will travel in teams. You have emblems attached. And for the first tests we need be divided into teams by numbers (1,2,3). For the first answer, tokens will be issued: 1 answer-3 tokens, 2 answer-2 tokens, 3 -1 token.

    The first contest "Telegrams"
    Who sent this telegram: C pasture! Help! We were eaten by the Gray Wolf! What is the name of this fairy tale? (Kids, "The Wolf and the Seven Kids") Call Sivka-Burka with words from a fairy tale. What was the name of the owner of this horse? (“Sivka-Burka, prophetic kaurka, Stand in front of me like a leaf in front of grass!”, Ivanushka the Fool) What words did the girl say to the bear? What story is she from? ("Masha and the Bear", "Don't sit on a stump, don't eat a pie...") Which pet helped the girl to carry out her stepmother's tasks? What is the name of the fairy tale? What grew from the bones of this tree? (Cow."Tiny- Khavroshechka, apple tree) What fairy tale are these words from? Who is its author? “You are always late, you wretched boy! Who raised you?" (“The Adventures of Pinocchio”, A. Tolstoy) Insert the correct word into the text. “Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman, and sometimes they were sad. Only a chicken that ... was a consolation to them ”(Ryaba Chicken)
    The second contest "Guess the crossword puzzle"
Each team is given a crossword puzzle, the team that guesses it first wins.

1. … scientist
2. ... - Golden scallop
3. cunning ...
4. helper of the girl Khavroshechka
5. Hen ...
6. mother of seven kids
7. Gray... Musical pause Division of commands by geometric shapes

    The third contest "Choose a question"
They choose 3 questions from the presentation, for the correct answer they receive a token.
    The fourth competition "Name the title of fairy tales"
Oh father, I'm enchanted
A young stranger.
At balls among courtiers
Never seen such beauty.
I walk on my feet, in red boots,
I carry a scythe on my shoulders.
I want to kill the fox
Went, fox, from the stove.
(Zayushkina hut) Grandmother loved her granddaughter very much,
Grandmother ... gave her.
The girl forgot her name.
Who can guess what her name was?
(Little Red Riding Hood) I was born in a lovely flower.
And fortunately, my path was difficult.
And everyone, apparently, guessed -
My name is.
And I was born strange
Wooden toy.
Eared, ugly,
And not nice to anyone.
One noticed me
And kindly greeted
And that was guys.
Gene crocodile.
I was thrown into the sea in a barrel
And forgotten by his father
But on an unknown island
Was nailed by a wave of the sea.
And on the island on that now rules ...
(Prince Guidon)
The overall results of the two competitions are summed up. Musical pause Division of teams by color
    Fifth competition "Find mistakes"
There are errors in the titles of the following tales.
    "Cockerel Ryaba"- "Ryaba Hen". "Dasha and the Bear"- "Masha and the Bear". "Wolf and seven lambs" - "The wolf and the seven Young goats". "The Cockerel and the Pea Seed""The Cockerel and the Beanstalk." "Ducks-swans"- "Swan geese". "Chanterelle with a saucepan"- “A fox with a rolling pin. "At the command of the fish"- "By magic". "Zayushkin house"- "Zayushkina hut."
6. The sixth contest "Answer the questions" 1. Who arranged such a division with whom: "Your tops, and my roots."(A man with a bear in the fairy tale "The Man and the Bear")
2. Tell me, which hero was spent on pies?(Bear from the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear")3. Who cooked porridge using intelligence and ingenuity?(Soldier in the fairy tale "Porridge from an ax")

4. Who helped Emelya? (Pike)

5. What words do Russian folk tales begin with?("Once upon a time there were ...", "In a certain kingdom, in a certain state ...".)
6. What did the king-father order his daughters-in-law to test their skills?(Bake bread, weave a carpet)
7. What did the fox feed the crane?(porridge)
8. The name of the cow that the cat Matroskin bought. (Murka)
9. Who, together with the lion cub, sang the song "I'm lying in the sun ..."? (Turtle)
10. Who was the first to find the tower?(Mouse-norushka.) Musical pause The overall results of the two competitions are summed up. Division of commands by letters. 7. Seventh competition "Collect proverbs" Children are given cards of the following content.Friends are known
You can't pull it out without effort.

8. Eighth competition "Who owns a fairy-tale subject" The overall results of the two competitions are summed up. Musical pause

Literary quiz

« Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales »

Let's we play!

One, two, three, four, five…

Who will win the quiz?

Of course, the best erudite!

We have no doubts about it -

He will be the first to answer.


And now we have a quiz.

We will ask questions

We will give a prize for the answers.

I round "Guess the fairy tale"

1. What is the name of the fairy tale, the main character of which rides on the stove to the king?

("By magic")

2. Name the fairy-tale heroine who congratulated everyone like this: “Happy New Year! Happy April 1st!

(The young queen in the fairy tale "12 months")

3. Name the fairy tale of the Italian writer, where all the heroes are fruits and vegetables.

(Giani Rodari "The Adventure of Cipollino")

4. What was the name of Dr. Aibolit's sister in Chukovsky's fairy tale?


5. In what fairy tale did the prince make wonderful objects: a pot of bells, a ratchet (when they started to turn it, the sounds of waltzes and polkas were heard)


6. How many mattresses and featherbeds did the old queen put on the princess's bed, and in what fairy tale was it?

(12 mattresses and feather beds "Princess and the Pea")

7. What was the name of the person who planned to create a stone flower?

(Danila the Master from Bazhov's fairy tale "Malachite Box")

8. What word do Kai spell out from the ice cubes?


9. How much did a ticket to the theater of Karabas-Barabas cost?

(4 soldos)

10. What was the title of Karabas-Barabas?

(Doctor of puppet science)

11. Where did Papa Carlo get the log from?

(given to Giuseppe)

12. Who was Duremar?


13. What are the words with which A.S. Pushkin ends the "Tale of the Golden Cockerel"?

(“The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it!

Good fellows lesson.")

14. What was the name of the three bears from Leo Tolstoy's fairy tale "Three Bears"?

(Mikhail Potapych, Nastasya Petrovna, Mishutka)

15. What was the name of the tavern in A. Tolstoy's fairy tale "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio", where Pinocchio, the fox Alice and the cat Basilio went to eat before going to the country of Fools?

(Three bakers)

16. Which fairy tale begins with the words:

Beyond the mountains, beyond the forests

Beyond the wide seas

Against the sky - on the ground

An old man lived in a village

The old woman has three sons:

The older one was smart,

Middle son and so and so

The younger one was an idiot.

(Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov "Humpbacked Horse")

17. Who was the faithful watchman of Tsar Dodon?

(The Golden Cockerel)

18. What was the name of the gnomes in the famous fairy tale about Snow White?

(Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)

19. What was the name of the son of Tsar Saltan in the famous fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin?


20. Who gave the ship to Aibolit for a trip to Africa?

(sailor Robinson)

1. Name the writer who put a cat in boots and put a red cap on a girl.

(Ch. Perro)

(N. Nosov)

3. Who wrote the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower"

(Semyon Aksakov)

4. Who wrote the fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse"?


5. What were the names of the famous German scholars-philologists of the Brothers Grimm, who published a collection of fairy tales in 1812, which became one of the favorite books of readers all over the world?

(Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm)

6. Twenty-five years of his life were released by the fate of the romantic writer, but during this short time he managed to give the world a number of beautiful fairy tales: “Little Torment”, “Dwarf Nose”, “Kalif-Stork”. Name this writer.

(Wilhelm Hauff)

7. Who wrote the fairy tale "Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants"?


Round III "What fairy tale are these words from?"

    The miller had 3 sons, and he left them, dying, only a mill, a donkey and a cat

"Puss in Boots"

    There once lived in a village a little girl, so pretty that she was the best in the world. Her mother loved her without memory, and her grandmother even more.

"Little Red Riding Hood"

    He turned out to be single. It was cast last, and the tin was a little short. However, he stood on one leg just as firmly as the others on two.

"The Steadfast Tin Soldier"

    Many water lilies grew in the river. Their wide green leaves floated on the water. The largest leaf was farthest from the shore! The toad swam up to this leaf and placed on it the nutshell in which the girl slept.


    Therefore, the most merciful orders to deliver a full basket of snowdrops to the palace by the New Year. The one who fulfills our highest will, we find in a royal way ...

"12 months"

    There lived a girl Zhenya. Once her mother sent her to the store for bagels.


    What fairy tale is this character from: A woman wrapped in the thinnest white tulle, woven, it seemed, from millions of snow stars

"The Snow Queen"

    He sighed heavily. Suddenly he heard a faint buzzing. It grew louder and louder, and then, strange as it may seem, a fat man flew past the window.

A. Lindgren "Baby and Carlson"

    To rest, the boy climbed onto a large leaf of a water lily. He sat down on it, tightly clasped his knees and said, chattering his teeth:

All the boys and girls drank milk, sleep in warm beds, I alone sit in a wet place. Give me something to eat, frogs.

A.N. Tolstoy "The Golden Key"

IV round "Humorous"

Guess the fairy tale

Children, noticing a mistake, should clap their hands.

1. Once upon a time there was a girl in the world. Her name was Green Beanie. Called a girl auntie and sings her:

- Daughter my , Blue Cap ! Go to today grandfather take him soccer ball and sneakers .

"Good," she said. yellow cap, took buns and went.

2. Once upon a time there was a goat. And she had seven nice little ones kittens . Once a goat was about to leave the house, so she said to her fluffy kids: " kittens my kids, let me go to the pond, fishing For you chocolate fish . And you be smart, reasonable, behave well, and the front door open to everyone whoever knocks on it."

“Okay, mommy,” said the kids and only the mother out the door, as they rushed in a crowd watch TV. “What a boring show today! said the smallest kitten .

- Usually “Good morning, strong men” is much funnier” ...

1. Name the heroine of a Russian folk tale who was an agricultural product


2. In which Russian folk tale did the brother disobey his sister, once violated the sanitary and hygienic rules and paid dearly for it?

(Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

3. Which hero of the French fairy tale was very fond of shoes and what was his name for this?

(Puss in Boots)

4. Which hero of a Russian folk tale fished in a very original way? What words did he have to say?

(The wolf, lowering his tail into the hole, said: “Catch, fish, big and small.”)

5. To which family of poultry does the heroine of a Russian folk tale belong, who carried items made of precious metals for her owners? What was her name?

(Hen Ryaba)

6. Which fairy-tale hero sowed money, thinking that a money tree would grow and all that would be left was to harvest?


7. Name the heroine of the French fairy tale who was engaged in unskilled labor, cleaned stoves and cleaned the house. What was her name for it?


8. What is the name of the hero of an English folk tale: he built a house adhering to advanced methods, and his brothers worked in the old way and therefore almost lost their lives.

("The Three Little Pigs", Naf-Naf)

9. In what Russian folk tale are the problems of housing or, in an adult language, the problems of housing and communal services solved?


10. Name the hero of a famous fairy tale by a Russian poet who at the end gets a head injury, becomes speechless and goes crazy

(Pop in the fairy tale "The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda" by A.S. Pushkin)

From the first click

Pop jumped to the ceiling

From the second click

Lost pop language

And from the third click

Blew the old man's mind

11. Name the fairy-tale character. out of your skin


12. What is the name of the Russian folk tale, which tells the story of the long journey of a bakery product to the consumer?


13. What is the most reliable means of orientation in fairy-tale situations?


14. What is the name of the detail of a woman's dress, in which rivers, lakes, swans and other elements of the environment are placed


15. What is the name of a fairy-tale character who burst out laughing at the sight of a poorly built place


16. What is the name of the sewing accessory, in which there is a mortal danger for fabulous centenarians


17. What is the highest achievement of magical catering

(self-assembled tablecloth)

18. What is the name of a high-ranking person whose smile was fabulously expensive


V round "Magic spells"

From which fairy tales are these spells

“Sim-sim! Open the door!"

("Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves", Arabic tale)

"One two Three! Pot, boil!”

("A Pot of Porridge", The Brothers Grimm)

"Fly, fly, petal, through the west to the east .."

(“Flower-Semitsvetik”, V. Kataev)

"Crex, pex, fex!"

(“The Golden Key”, A. Tolstoy)

“Bumbara, chufara, loriki, yoriki, pickup, trikapu, soriki, moriki!”

("The Wizard of the Emerald City", A Volkov)

State educational institution

Luhansk People's Republic

"Artyomovskaya School No. 9"


"Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales"

Teacher of Russian language and literature: Ya.A.Kuzub

2015-2016 academic year

Svetlana Mamedova

Goals: to form in children an interest in art literature, the need to read books, to refer to works of art; develop the ability to cooperate, organize joint actions in a team, help each other; create a situation of positive emotional communication between adults and children; help parents understand the importance and effectiveness of reading fiction literature as a means of education and development of children.

preliminary work: reading a variety fairy tales; consolidation of concepts "author's, folk story» ; learning poems about books; strengthening the ability to solve puzzles, put words from syllables and letters; acquaintance with famous authors fairy tales and children's poems.

Material and equipment: multimedia; slide presentation with tasks for teams; puzzles; musical recordings "Visiting fairy tales» , "In the grass Grasshopper sat", "Song of Cheburashka" ("I was once nameless strange toy» , "Song of Little Red Riding Hood" ("If it's long, long, long..."); letters and syllables for the task "Collect a Word"; forfeits with tasks for parents; letters.

Leading: Hello, dear guys! New 2015 is declared a year in Russia Literature dedicated to books and reading. Modern people devote little time to books, rarely read stories, fairy tales, poems. However, in the old days spoke: “He who reads a lot knows a lot. Reading is the best teaching!” The book is a kind and wise adviser, friend and teacher. It is one of the sources of knowledge. Therefore, we are pleased to welcome you to our literary quiz"By pages of favorite fairy tales» !

There are many in the world fairy tales

Sad and funny.

And live in the world

We cannot do without them.

Cipollino boy,

Bear Winnie the Pooh ...

Everyone is on the road for us -

A true friend.

Let the heroes fairy tales

They give us warmth.

May goodness forever

Evil wins!

(Yu. Entin)

Music sounds ( "Visiting fairy tales» ).

In this hall we are today

Miracles are expected.

Do you hear? Come alive here

Enter Vasilisa the Wise.

Vasilisa: Hello children! I am very glad to see you all at my place! Tell me, do you love fairy tales? Name your favorite fairy tales. Fine! Well done! Now we will find out how well you know your favorite fairy tales. I invite the teams to take their places. Each team must have a name and a captain. I ask the teams to introduce themselves and greet each other.

Team greetings.

And now I want to introduce you to our jury: these are moms and dads who came to our holiday. They will evaluate our competition. Rules quizzes are very easy

1. First competition "Warm-up": crossword puzzle (final word - STORY)

Questions for the first team:

What is the name of story, which was written by some writer (which has an author? (author's)

What is the name of the building in which many different books are collected and stored? (library)

Questions for the second team:

What is a person who reads called? (reader)

What is the name of the person who draws? illustrations for books? (artist)

Questions for the third teams:

What is the name of the person who writes fairy tales? (storyteller)

What is the name of story, which was composed by the people? (folk)

Vasilisa: Wonderful! What word did we get? Story! Well done! The first competition is over. But before we move on to the second competition, I suggest you listen to the poems that our children have prepared.

Poems about books.

My first book

I take care and love.

Though so far in syllables,

I read it myself

And from the end, and from the middle,

It has beautiful pictures

There are verses stories, songs.

With a book, life is more interesting for me!

2. Second competition "Connoisseurs"

Vasilisa: In order to start the next competition, I invite the team captains to the draw. Each of the captains draws a sheet of any color, and then the team receives tasks from the sector of the same color.

Three sectors: « fairy clothes» , « fairy items» , « fabulous transport»

« fairy clothes»

Which fabulous does the character own this outfit?

1. What fairy tale hero, very kind and loving animals, wore a doctor's white coat, white cap and glasses on his nose? (Aibolit)

2. Which of the heroes loved fairy tales wear boots and a hat? (Puss in Boots)

3. What heroine fairy tales wore a lovely ball gown and glass slippers? (Cinderella)

4. What was the name fairy tale hero who wore a jacket and pants made of paper, as well as a striped cap? (Pinocchio)

5. What fairy did the hero wear yellow canary trousers, an orange shirt with a green tie, and a wide-brimmed blue hat? (Dunno)

« fairy items»

From what fairy tales these things?

1. Golden key. ( Pinocchio)

2. Birch bark. ("Masha and the Bear)

3. Little Red Riding Hood. ( "Little Red Riding Hood")

4. Golden egg. ("Ryaba Hen")

5. Straw house. ( "Three pigs")

« fabulous transport»

Which fairy did the hero move on this transport?

1. Pumpkin carriage. (Cinderella)

2. Oven. (Emelya)

3. Mortar with a broom. (Baba Yaga)

4. Walking boots. (Boy-with-finger)

5. Propeller. (Carlson)

3. Third competition "Catchers"

Vasilisa: The next contest is called "Catchers". Each team is asked 10 questions, which the team must answer immediately, without hesitation. If none of the team knows the answer, then the team captain says "Farther". For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point.

Questions for the first team:

1. Where did Dr. Aibolit go when he received the telegram? (To Africa)

2. Who saved the Tsokotukha Fly from the villainous spider? (Mosquito)

3. Who did Emelya catch in the hole? (Pike)

4. Who was in the Russian folk fairy tale frog? (Princess)

5. What was the name of the postman from the village of Prostokvashino? (Pechkin)

6. What did the grandmother bee give to the Tsokotuha Fly? (Honey)

7. For what flowers did the heroine go on New Year's Eve fairy tales"Twelve months"? (Behind the snowdrops)

8. What was Pinocchio made of? (From log)

9. What is the most liked to eat Carlson? (Jam)

10. Brother Ivanushka's sister (Alyonushka)

Questions for the second team:

1. The most famous shorty from the Flower City. (Dunno)

2. The best friend of Cheburashka. (Crocodile Gena)

3. Who helped the hare drive the fox out of his hut in fairy tale"Zayushkina's hut"? (Rooster)

4. What kind of hero fairy tales outwitted and ate a huge cannibal? ( "Who's in boots")

5. What did the old man throw into the sea in fairy tale"About the goldfish"? (Seine)

6. To whom did Little Red Riding Hood carry pies and a pot of butter? (grandmother)

7. What fairy tale did the girl Zhenya have a magic flower with colorful petals? ( "Flower-seven-flower")

8. What did the Tsokotukha fly buy at the market? (Samovar)

9. Baby's best friend (Carlson)

10. What is the name of the boy who has a bow instead of hair? (Cipollino)

Questions for the third teams:

1. What is the name of the heroine fairy tales who rode to the ball in a pumpkin carriage? (Cinderella)

2. What was the name of the little girl who was born and lived in a flower? (Thumbelina)

3. Winnie the Pooh's best friend. (Piglet)

4. What has the ugly duckling become? (In a beautiful swan)

5. What was the name of the girl with blue hair from fairy tales"The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio"? (Malvina)

6. What was the name of the heroine Chukovsky's fairy tales from which the dishes escaped? (Fedora)

7. What birds stole the brother from the sister and took it to Baba Yaga? (Swan geese)

8. Who swallowed the sun in fairy tale"Stolen Sun"? (Crocodile)

9. What was the mother bear's name in fairy tale"Three Bears?" (Nastasya Petrovna)

10. What was the name of the woodcutter's youngest son, who was no bigger than a finger? (Boy-with-finger)

Vasilisa: And now I suggest both the teams and the fans to have a little rest and dance.

Musical pause: performing dance movements to music, then Vasilisa asks: "From what fairy tales this song

- "In the grass Grasshopper sat" ("Adventures of the Dunno")

- "I was once strange nameless toy ... " ("Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena")

- “If it’s long, long, long…”( "Little Red Riding Hood")

4. Fourth competition "Puzzles"

Vasilisa: Next contest - "Puzzles". Do you know what puzzles are? A rebus is a riddle in which a word is encrypted using pictures and letters. For each team, we offer our own puzzle, and you try to solve it.

Vasilisa: In the meantime, the teams are solving puzzles, I invite the audience to play the game "Guess the hero fairy tales» .

Game with spectators "Guess the hero fairy tales»

A middle-aged man

With an enormous beard

Offends Pinocchio,

Artemon and Malvina,

In general, for all people

He is a notorious villain.

Does any of you know

Who is this? (Karabas)

He lives in the wild jungle

He calls the wolf father.

A boa constrictor, panther, bear -

Friends of the wild boy.


In the dark forest at the edge

They all lived together in a hut.

The children were waiting for their mother

The wolf was not allowed into the house.

This story for kids...

(The wolf and the seven Young goats)

Lives in a forest hut

She is almost three hundred years old.

And you can go to that old woman

Get caught for lunch.

(Baba Yaga)

5. Fifth competition "Find the Extra" (captains competition)

Vasilisa: For the next competition task, I invite team captains. You need to take a close look at illustrations for fairy tales and identify which of these fairy tales superfluous and why.

Task for the first captain: "Masha and the Bear", "Zayushkina's hut", "Thumbelina".

Task for the second captain: « Tale of the golden fish» , "Swan geese", "Little Red Riding Hood".

Task for the third captain: "Fedorino grief", "Cockroach", "Turnip"

6. Sixth competition "Collect a Word"

Vasilisa: Well done! And we're moving on to the next competition. "Collect a Word". Teams need to assemble a name from syllables fairy tale hero remember the name fairy tales and choose an illustration for it.

Fedora ( "Fedorino Gore")

Emelya ( "By the Pike's Command")

Baby ( "Baby and Carlson")

Vasilisa: Our children have already completed a lot of tasks, they showed their knowledge. Do you want to check how moms and dads know fairy tales? Let's give them a test. Each member of the jury draws "fant" and performs the specified task.

Playing with parents Fanta:

1. Sing some song fairy tale hero.

2. Say the magic words, causing Sivka-burka.

3. To tell magic words and turn the hut of Baba Yaga.

4. Show off like a hare out fairy tales"Hare-boast".

5. Remember where Koshchei's death is hidden.

6. Recall the words with which the fox drove the hare and his assistants into fairy tale"Zayushkina's hut".

Vasilisa: What good fellows, pleased! well know fairy tales. It is immediately obvious that you read them with your children. And for our teams, I offer the seventh last competitive task "Znayki". From the presented portraits of writers, you need to choose a portrait of the writer who wrote this fairy tale.

7. Seventh competition "Znayki":

Task for the first team:

Task for the second team:

Who wrote fairy tale"Little Red Riding Hood"? (Charles Perrault) (Samuil Marshak, Korney Chukovsky)

Task for the third teams:

Who wrote fairy tale"Thumbelina"? (Hans Christian Andersen)(Alexander Sergeevich

Pushkin, Agniya Barto)

The jury sums up quiz. Team awards.

Leading: I appeal to you, comrades, children:

There is nothing more useful than a book!

Let books come into houses with friends

Read all your life, get smart!

Game - quiz "Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales"

Program content:

Using various techniques to help children remember the names and content of familiar literary works;

Continue to learn to navigate in the genre diversity of literature (fairy tales, poems, stories);

Develop a sense of rhyme;

Cultivate interest in literature.



Dictionary: illustration.

Equipment: books, illustrations, audio recording of calm music.

Quiz progress.

Play : Dear guys, we are glad to welcome all of you to the literary quiz "Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales"! Tell me, do you like fairy tales? Now we will find out how well you know your favorite fairy tales.

Around us here and there

Fairy tales live

There are mysteries in the clearing

Guess without a clue

Call me dare

Those fabulous friends.

Krasna - the girl is sad

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun

The poor thing sheds tears.

(Snow Maiden)

On sour cream bag

Cold on the window

He has a ruddy side

Who is this?


The grandmother loved the girl very much.

She gave her a red hat.

The girl forgot her name.

Well, tell me, what was her name?

(Little Red Riding Hood)

The man is middle-aged

With an enormous beard.

Offends Pinocchio, Artemon and Malvina.

In general, for all people

He is a notorious villain.

Does any of you know

Who is this?


I am a wooden boy

Here is the golden key!

Artemon, Pierrot, Malvina -

They are all friends with me.

Everywhere I stick my nose long,

My name …


Little boy in a blue hat

From a famous children's book.

He is stupid and arrogant

And his name is...


And washed on my stepmother

And sorted through the peas

At night by candlelight

And slept by the stove.

Good as the sun.

Who is this?


She is the most important of all in a mystery,

Although she lived in the cellar:

Pull the turnip out of the garden

Helped Grandpa and Grandma

(Mouse from r. n. with "Turnip")

In the dark forest at the edge,

They all lived together in a hut.

Mom, the children were waiting,

The wolf was not allowed into the house.

This story is for kids...

(The wolf and the seven Young goats) .

Competition "Guess the hero of a fairy tale."

At the end of the game, 4 children from the middle group enter in children's costumes.

These bears are from different fairy tales. They will say phrases, and you have to guess what fairy tale they are from. The hero approaches the team, there is a discussion. Children take turns pronouncing the words of bears from different fairy tales.

"I'll sit on a stump, eat a pie" (Masha and the Bear)

"Who sat on my chair and broke it" (Three Bears)

"Let me live with you" (Teremok)

"I am a cloud, a cloud, a cloud,

I'm not a bear at all" (Winnie the Pooh and all, all, all)

Competition "Blitz - Poll"

Answer questions as quickly as possible. A point is scored for a correct answer.

Where did Dr. Aibolit go by telegram? (To Africa)

A mustachioed character in Chukovsky's fairy tale? (Cockroach)

Flies' fiance - Tsokotuhi? (Mosquito)

What did the cunning soldier cook porridge from? (From an ax)

Who did Emelya catch in the hole? (Pike)

Who was the frog in the Russian folk tale? (Princess)

What did Emelya drive from the fairy tale “By the Pike’s Command”? (On the stove)

A postman from the village of Prostokvashino? (Pechkin)

Brother Ivanushka's sister? (Alyonushka)

The most famous resident of the Flower City? (Dunno)

What was Pinocchio made of? (Log)

Fruits that Cheburashka overate? (Oranges)

To whom did Little Red Riding Hood carry pies and a pot of butter? (grandmother)

What did Fly - Tsokotukha buy at the market? (Samavar)

Carlson's best friend? (Baby)

What is the name of the girl with blue hair? (Malvina)

Who caught the goldfish? (Old man)

What was the name of the little girl who was born and raised in a flower? (Thumbelina).

Who in the fairy tale used his tail instead of a fishing rod? (Wolf)

What did Baba Yaga fly on? (On a broom, mortar)

Who laid a difficult, but a golden egg? (Hen Ryaba).

Game fix the mistake.

Cockerel Ryaba

Dasha and the bear.

A wolf and seven lambs.

Ducks and swans.

Chanterelle with a saucepan.

Indian princess.

Dynamic pause "The fairy tale will give us a rest."

The story will give us a rest.

Let's take a break and get back on the road!

Malvina advises us:

The waist will become aspen,

If we bend

Left and right ten times.

Here are the Thumbelina words:

To keep your back straight

Get up on your toes

It's like reaching for flowers.

One, two, three, four, five.

Little Red Riding Hood Tip:

If you jump, run,

You will live for many years.

The game "Collect a fairy tale".

Before the teams are cut pictures. From them you need to collect and name a fairy tale.

"The End of Stories"

How is a story different from a fairy tale? The story is what really happened. And in fairy tales, animals can talk, there are magical objects (broom, mortar).

"The World of Poems".

How are poems different from stories? Poems are written in a column (Showing a sample in a book). And the stories are written in a line (showing prose in a book). And in the verses, the last lines are consonant.

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Under the Mushroom".

Summary of the lesson.

What did you like about today's lesson?