The meaning of the notable name Sarah is character, fate and love. Origin and character name Sarah

Sarah - female name Hebrew origin. Distributed in Israel, Muslim and Catholic countries - Azerbaijan, Spain, Italy, Norway, France, Sweden, America and Brazil. Translated means "noble woman", "Mrs.". In Orthodoxy, used with two letters "P" - Sarah. IN english language pronounced Saire.

Name Sarah in other languages

After year

Little Sarah thinks and argues as an adult man. It has excellent memory. Quiet, kind girl who loves to sit at home and read books - not only fiction, but also reference books, encyclopedias, instructions. The school studies very well - it is easily able to master even the most complex material. Proposed to humanitarian disciplines. Do not seek to stand out or lead. Very needed parental care and protection. She behaves timidly and hesitantly, on the world and people always looks with caution.

Little Sarah is endowed with an amazing thought for the child, and therefore it is often considered more adult than it really is. You can still note the kindness and responsiveness of the owner of the name. She loves to help others, and therefore will become an excellent assistant for parents. You can also distinguish its sociability and ability to avoid conflicts. Girl skillfully contact with so different peopleHowever, without changing its own principles and understanding good and bad.

In school, Sarah usually succeeds, and the relationship with the teachers is wonderful. It is more prone to humanitarian sciences, but not devoid of talent in the exact. You can still note the gifting of the child in creative terms. Often the owner of the name are endowed with excellent plastic and a sense of rhythm. In addition to Sarah, a wonderful rumor, which allows to be implemented in this direction. It is very possible that her future will connect with the creative direction.

Podral, Sarah becomes very pretty, but shy and clamped by a girl. She develops excellent intuition and flair on people. It is very hard for contact with strangers. Her friends are tested by time, and not in a hurry to start. A kind of mother looks like a kind and soft character, and appearance on the father whom he loves.

It has painful pride. The slightest critic is deeply hurt and insults. Conflicts bypass side, but difficulties are experiencing stoically and is always ready to fight to victory. Very plastic, possesses good hearing and a sense of rhythm, which often determines the choice of future creative profession.

IN family life For her, the most important thing is spiritual and emotional intimacy with the spouse, mutual understanding. Material values \u200b\u200bdo not have a determining value for it. She needs a strong secured man for whom spiritual proximity is in the first place in marriage.

Adult Sarah impress the cold and uncompromising woman. But she just learned to perfectly control their emotions. Happiness wishes no less, and much more than the rest of the women, asking all the hopes for his acquisition. Therefore, it is constantly trying to prove others that it is the best and worthy.

A sharp mind and high intelligence, hot temper and prepaid characteristic of Sarah born in winter. Dobrya, soft-grade and creative talents are distinguished by women with the same name born in spring and summer. And the autumn is wise, leisurely and prudent in making important decisions.

The character of his Sarah, as a rule, inheritss his mother. So it is characterized by an extraordinary kindness, some nervousness, as well as sociability and maximum responsiveness, it often has good musical abilities and deposits, and in addition to this quite good plastic. Her incredible sociability and responsiveness often do not give a reason for a certain imposition of her opinions completely from the side, and anyone else.

Character of Sary.

Despite the seeming shyness, Sarah has a very volitional and firm character, which allows it to precipitate any blows of fate. Very practical, has good intuition. Kind, caring, responsive. Smart, intelligent, creative person. He is responsible and hardworking. It is highly strong willing to her inherent at once from birth.

Sarah, as a rule, does not endure the slightest dictate on the part of someone directly towards himself. Also, women with such a sonorous name are the owners of powerful intelligence and are often distinguished by incredible wit and irony. But the career staircase they simply and quickly conquer the step behind the step and often calm down only when they accurately get to her the peak.

Indecisiveness and excessive caution become obstacles in achieving goals. Sensitivity to criticism speaks of a large share of uncertainty. Because of the abundance of difficulties, it can acquire workers in relation to people. Sarah, born in winter, is often distinguished by waybirth, extraordinary impressionable and sharp quick temper.

And if suddenly, she is in the heat of anger, then it is at such moments it is almost uncontrollable, and it is better to try to stay away from her. Sarah's extravagant appearance happens more, it looks like her father, and it is necessary to admit that she is very attached to him.

Fate Sary.

To succeed, this strong and stubborn woman will have to overcome many barriers. For her, a strong family and reliable rear in the form of a secured husband, the relationship with which it builds is very confidentially. Sarah can completely devote himself to a family or share his attention between family and creative work, but careerists will not work out of it.

The work should bring her pleasure and passion so much so that you can abstract from the negative thing. The main obstacle to life success is doubts and excessive caution, thanks to which favorable chances are overlooked. In the nature of Sarah, there are a lot of positive features, and the possession of numerous talents helps to solve all sorts of problems, which there are quite a few in her life. Winter representatives are very emotional, wayward and hot-tempered. If she is in anger, it is better to stay away from it. Such women have a very sharp mind, they are ironic. Autumn Sarah is very wise and weighted. They are always cautious and think over every step. They are hard to please, and it seems that they do not know what they need. Summer Sarah is the kindest and soft, but their responsiveness can give them trouble.

and money

and family

and love


and hobby

Career, Business and Money

The absence of ambitious and calculating excludes for Sarah the possibility of career in business. It can be a good teacher or educator in children's gardenBut most fully implements itself in the creative profession - actresses, singer, musician or designer. Never risks savings for investment, prefers hard earnings.

Success awaits her and in scientific activity as a scientist, translator, writer, lecturer. Sarah will also be good designer, librarian, archive employee. But it can choose a profession of an accountant, cook or teacher. According to the career ladder, Sarah is moving to the very top, the step behind the step. With colleagues usually fold a good relationshipSince Sarah does not tolerate crouch and gossip.

Marriage and family

Family for Sarah has a tremendous value. Hosting in relations with insidious traitors, it often marries mercantile considerations. Her husband should be secured, decent, generous, attentive, caring and pretty obedient, because Sarah loves to paranate. Feeling protected, it will build a relationship on spiritual intimacy and will be the best in the world of his wife, hostess and mother.

In family life, the most important thing is the most important thing - spiritual and emotional intimacy with the spouse, mutual understanding. Material values \u200b\u200bdo not have a determining value for it. She needs a strong secured man for whom spiritual proximity is in the first place in marriage. In communicating with Sarah, regardless of its character, you should not touch her pride, otherwise it can explode. It is necessary to talk to her gently and confidentially, and then she will be able to understand everything and be offended.

Sex and love

External data of Sarah do not differ in features that are usually attracted by men. But she is very pretty and neat. The relationship is jealous, although without reason my feelings do not show. But if there are real bases, it arranges such a scene that a man will regret for a long time about his rashness.

In love, Sarah opens the soul to his chosen as possible, and this is often turning to treason. But how many failures on the love front it did not have, will always be completely open every time. Restrained in sexual relationships, but when meets true love, becomes sensual and passionate.


It has enviable physical health that can be maintained to deep old age if it is possible to avoid problems with the glands of internal secretion. But mental health can give failures in the form of protracted depressions. It should be noted that it is usually the autumn Sarah that is usually characterized by a certain wisdom and leisure. So all the actions of Sarah, born in the autumn months, are distinguished by maximum prudency and accurate rag.

And, of course, before accepting an important decision, it will definitely possess everything and thinks almost every step. Also extraordinarily carefully and weigly Sarah will approach the assessment of various people. Sometimes it even makes a certain impression that she herself does not know what exactly wants. It really happens very difficult to please.

Hobbies and hobby

Her hobbies from childhood are associated with a house - needlework, applied creativity, cooking. She likes the process of creating beautiful things, so it often becomes craftswoman in many directions of manual creativity. In my warehouse of mind Sarah Humanitarian with phenomenal memory. She has good musical deposit and plastic. Since childhood, it should be accepted to art and creativity, perhaps it will become its future profession. Sarah should not think about monetary issues, it should be shielded from it. It must be loaded with a large flow of information, preferably creative. It can work in the world of art and become a musician, a museum worker, an artist.

Extremely strong willing will be inherent immediately from birth. Sarah, as a rule, does not endure the slightest dictate on the part of someone directly towards himself. Also, women with such a sonorous name are the owners of powerful intelligence and are often distinguished by incredible wit and irony. But the career staircase they simply and quickly conquer the step behind the step and often calm down only when they accurately get to her the peak.

This is a purely Jewish name by origin, and its translation is interpreted as a "noble girl." The topic of the meaning of Sarra is interesting, as is the question of origin, which is not surprising, because this is a name for girls, despite the rarity, there are so many interesting things, how much does not have any one.

It is believed that it promises a newborn girl a lot of good, but at the same time contrary to each other quality. FROM early years It is inherent in such characteristics as an energy, activity, fidget, pampering, inability to sit still and concentrate in an important case, the unbearability of boredom and monotony. She has a marked character - peers stretch to her, and not only because of the optimistic mood and good manners, but for the sake of her devotion and loyalty. It does not need attention, its enough already. He loves to play with peers and noise, debarking and move away from sent, does not listen to the parents, although nothing is too bad and does not. Cheerful and positive, and therefore, and is surrounded by friends and comrades.

School years will turn her into an enhanced and serious lady, but not much. She will not have enough concentration - there will be no such thing in halfway, the goals are ghostly and are rarely achieved, and the lifestyle turns it in the eyes of teachers in Cloinesss, even no one can argue that it is talented and capable. Excellent will not become, the teachers will often be criticized by its optional and non-execution, but in sports it can "catch good luck for the tail" - this is a custody command Game and adrenaline. Her feature is on a par with pampering, there are also leadership maks than not everyone can boast ...

In the student years will be taken by seriousness, perpetrators, binding and gustiness. Later it will understand that the leadership talent can be used to its blessing, but to use it for the benefit of only their own benefit will not. The team player working on the team and this is her dignity, and for it any team will love it.

Eloquence and easily has access to themselves. It can realize himself in entrepreneurship or a sphere where communication with people is required. She lacks hardness and demanding - loyal to all the disadvantages of his friends and workers, does not want to demand more and does not want to communicate from the position of the leader, which will often play against her. But it surrounds only devotees and faithful people, which is also good.

In a relationship with the opposite sex of the misfortune, and everything is due to gullibility and excessive affection. Too quickly tied to a man, with which it meets, can confuse attachment with love and devote to the unloved all life, but will not leave anywhere, will not betray, will not deceive. It will be an ideal wife and mother, attentive, caring, responsible.

However, in many respects, the construction of its identity depends not on the name of the chosen name, but from other factors ...

Forms name Sarah.

10. Type. Hidden, somewhat afraid and indecisive. Like their totem - vine, require care to bloom in time. Happy marriage or interesting job For them - the purpose of life.

11. Psychic. Avoid conflicts with society and peace, a little dyed. They have several aristocratic manners, do not like common entertainment, such as fairs.

12. Will. Do everything to not show the strength of your character. But there is will, and in opening time She makes itself felt.

13. Ecavitability. Sarah is very strong and combined with a rapid response. It is amazing that this excessive excitability is adjacent to amazing outer coldness.

14. Reaction rate. So as not to submit that this situation Scary or worries them, they constrain their emotions to such an extent that they seem absolutely impassive.

15. Field of activity. Do not love to learn, do it only as needed. Carolins or choose home And then become unsurpassed hostesses and perfect wives, or combine homework with the profession of lawyer, psychiatrist, flight attendants, etc.

16. Intuition. These women have the ability to foresee the most important steps own life.

17. Intellect. They have a living mind, inclined to generalizations, great memory, but they are not too inquisitive.

18. susceptibility. If Carolina and the like they are tied to someone, then it is for a long time, and perhaps, and forever. Very careful, often for many years await your fabulous prince.

19. Morality. These women are inherent in feeling own dignityThey are true to the word and always fulfill their obligations. Equally friends both with men and women and are hard to experience treason or dishonest actions.

20. Health. Flawless. Never complain, tirelessness and hardy. The only weak point in their organism is the internal secretions.

21. Sexuality. They are restrained that it does not exclude sensuality impulses, especially when they meet the perfect partner.

22. Activity. It is necessary a lot of clutches and at the same time perseverance to develop activity from these girls. The imposition of anyone is considered reprehensible.

23. Sociability. Sarah overcomes its difficult life problems independently. Related must take care so that they do not disappear contact with society.

24. Conclusion. They need to be well understood to not offend the lacarock. They do not like to discuss the shortcomings of their nature and dream that the prince from the fairy tale understand them from a half-clow ...

Positive features name

Sarah is practical, careful, serious. She has a volition strong characterwho helps her demolish the adversity of life.

Negative features name

It is not easy fate can make Sarr Sukhoi, a stratum, quite indifferent to unnecessary people. Natural incredulusity and caution prevent Sarry's success on all her life path.

Choice of profession by name

All that neither goes from Sarah, it produces in the sweat of the face, the cost of labor, pain and loss. Probable areas of its interests - commerce, politics, banking and economy, tax collection, administration.

Influence on business

Sarah is in constant fear of losing his savings, so due to its caution often misses the tempting business offers. Sarah is pessimistic in terms of investment. She does not believe in the success of business undertakings and prefers hard earnings in adventures.

Impact name on health

Sarra is subject to a protracted depression. Sometimes it is covered by the attacks of black melancholy, pessimism, despair, in these periods it is inoperable and not confident.

Psychology named

Sarah is quite happy only when manages other people, gives orders and orders. It must be submitted to its reasonable orders. Her friendly affection is limited. Often, only by the end of the life of Sarah reaches the intended goals: success, calm family life, respect for friends and love loved ones.

Famous people named Sarah

Sarah (wife of the Patriarch of Abraham, the Rodonarchist of the Jewish People; originally wore the name of Sarah, but later God commanded her to change him to Sarah, and her husband was called Abraham)
Sarah Bernard (French actress (1844 - 1923))
Jasmine (real name - Sara Semendueva, nee - Manahimov; Russian pop singer, actress, model, deserved artist of the Republic of Dagestan (Ry.1977))
Sarah Sadykov (Sarah Garif Kyzy Sadykova; Tatar composer, actress, singer (1906 - 1986))
Sarah Abitbol (French figure skater, who speaking in a double riding with Stephen Bernadi, with which an athlete began to ride in 1992. They became bronze medals of the World Cup, many times conquered the medals of European Championships)
Sarah Balabek Kyzy Ashurbieli ((1906 - 2001) prominent Azerbaijani historian, doctor of historical sciences)
Sarah Whitman ((1803 - 1878) American poetess, Esseist, representative of transcendentalism; is known for romantic relations with the American writer Edgar Allahn software)
Sarah Michel Prince (better known under his birth at birth - Sarah Michel Gellar, american actress)
Sarah Miles (English actress theater and cinema)
Sarah Ishanuraeva (Soviet Theater Actress, Winner of the Stalin Degree Prize (1949), People's Artist of the USSR (1951), Cavalier of two orders of Lenin)
Sarra Knut (Ariadna Aleadna Scriadna, Russian poetess, daughter of composer A.N.Skryabina (1904 - 1944))
Sarah Lebedeva (Russian Sculptor, Honored Artist of Russia (1892 - 1967))
Sarah Lidman (Swedish writer (Ry.1923))
Saraz Nazarbayeva (spouse of the first president of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayeva)
Sarah Mayer (Multiple Switzerland champion in women's single figure skating, as well as the silver medalist of European Championships 2007 and 2008)
Sarah Ann Maclahlan (Canadian singer, the author of the songs, the winner of Grammy Prize, she is known for the emotional sounds of his ballad, she received three Grammy Awards and 8 Juno Awards)
Sarah Grimka (1792 - 1873) American abolitionist, writer and sofaway)
Sara Mkhonza ((Row.1957) Swaziland writer. It was forced to leave the country in 2003 under the pressure of the King of MSUTI III, who accused her to "betrayal of the Motherland" and in the "mockery over the traditions of Swami". In his stories and verses, Sarah Mkhonza says On violence against women and other injustices in her native Swaziland - the state in the south-east of Africa, which is one of the last remaining absolute monarchy in the world.)
Sarah Shelton ((1810 - 1888) Svetkaya lady, Youth Sweetheart Edgar Allan By, who was engaged with him shortly before his death)
Sarah Errani (Italian tennis player)
Sarah Chang (American violinist of Korean origin)
Sarah Chek (often mistakenly called Chalk, Canadian-American television film actress)
Sarah Brightman (English singer (soprano), a performer of popular music, as well as one of the world's leading executors in the Classical CrossOver genre)
Sarah Ryu (American actress)
Sarah Waters (English writer, doctor science)
Sarah Kate Silverman (American actress genre stand-up, film and television; satirik, author of numerous sketches; calls himself a "Jewish comic")
Sarah Douglas (English actress, most famous for the roles of demonic government and sorcerers)
Sarah Ze (modern American artist, sculptor, creates installations from household items)
Sarah Adler (nee - Levitskaya; Russian and American actress of the Jewish Theater (1858 - 1953))
Sarah Gorubi (real surname - Gorbach, French pop singer (contralto), chanson; Popular performer of Jewish songs, Russian and Gypsy romances, pop works of Romanian, French and Soviet composers (1900 - 1980))
Sarah Strejj (Canadian actress, Canadian Prize winner Gemini Award)

1. Personality. Those who make up the wine of life.

2. Character. 86%.

3. Radiation. 88%.

4. Vibration. 83,000 speakers / s.

5. Color. Red.

6. Basic features. Sociability - susceptibility - intuition - health.

7. Totem plant. Vine.

8. Toten animal. Deer.

9. Sign. Libra.

10. Type. Hidden, somewhat afraid and indecisive. As well as their totem - grape vines, require care to bloom in time. Happy marriage or interesting work for them is the purpose of life.

11. Psychic. Avoid conflicts with society and peace, a little dyed. They have several aristocratic manners, do not like common entertainment, such as fairs.

12. Will. Do everything to not show the strength of your character. But there is will, and at the right time she makes itself felt.

13. Ecavitability. Sarah Very strong and combined with a quick response. It is amazing that this excessive excitability is adjacent to amazing outer coldness.

14. Reaction rate. In order not to submit that this situation is afraid or worries them, they constrain their emotions to such an extent that they seem absolutely impassive.

15. Field of activity. Do not love to learn, do it only as needed. Carolins or choose homely focus and then become unsurpassed hostesses and perfect wives, or combine homework with a lawyer profession, psychiatrist, flight attendants, etc.

16. Intuition. These women have the ability to foresee the most important stages of their lives.

17. Intellect. They have a living mind, inclined to generalizations, great memory, but they are not too inquisitive.

18. susceptibility. If Carolina and the like they are tied to someone, then it is for a long time, and perhaps, and forever. Very careful, often for many years await your fabulous prince.

19. Morality. These women are inherent in self-esteem, they are faithful to the word and always fulfill their obligations. Equally friends both with men and women and are hard to experience treason or dishonest actions.

20. Health. Flawless. Never complain, tirelessness and hardy. The only weak point in their organism is the internal secretions.

21. Sexuality. They are restrained that it does not exclude sensuality impulses, especially when they meet the perfect partner.

22. Activity. It is necessary a lot of clutches and at the same time perseverance to develop activity from these girls. The imposition of anyone is considered reprehensible.

23. Sociability. Sarah overcomes its difficult life problems independently. Related must take care so that they do not disappear contact with society.

Conclusion. They need to be well understood to not offend the lacarock. They do not like to discuss the shortcomings of their nature and dream that the prince from the fairy tale understand them from a half-clow ...

Name of Sarah Option 2

Sarah - from Dr. CVR. Notable.

Derivatives: Sarrushka, Sarah, Ara.

Folk signs

If the morning on this day is strong dew and fog, there will be good weather.


Sarah striking his thoroughness: never make a careless step, weighing the weight "for" and "against" before deciding. Very friendly and tolerant for people: she tries to noise anyone with a sharp word or a rabid act, it cannot tolerate and poverty. Sometimes the excessive softness brings her certain inconveniences: after all, she is very raw and sensitive, it is worth offending her, and people use it. But the natural wisdom of Sarah helps her overcome any misfortune.

Name of Sarah Option 3

Sarah (Sarah) is a noble woman (ancient Russia).

  • Zodiac sign - Cancer.
  • Planet - Moon.
  • Color - gray.
  • Favorable tree - cedar.
  • Covenate plant - locust.
  • The patron saint of the name - locust.
  • Stone-Talisman - Sardonix.


Mudra, good, leisure, very caution. Thinking every step. Very careful in assessing people, all the time is afraid of someone offended - and very touching herself. Her soft-grade often hurts her trouble. Sarah Does not tolerate crosses.

The origin of the name of Sarah has pronounced Hebrew roots. Translated into Russian, this name means "mistress", "noble, dear woman." Some linguists tend to believe that it has a deeper meaning. Therefore, they treat him as a "Rhodonarchist", "Mother", "Mother of all people." Despite the fact that it beautiful name Very common in America and Europe, only girls from Jewish families are so called in Russia.


Then ancient originWhether the fact that the name is extremely often found in the Bible, imposed a certain imprint on its support. The secret named after Sarah hides the extremely good, shy and timid personality, as if "not from our century." It will keep track of noisy events and secular rounds (solemn pursuing evenings). Being an aristocrat of nature, trying to avoid "plebeian" in her view of entertainment, preferring romantic walks to all discos.

Trying not to join anyone to conflicts and bypass problems. But this does not mean that it is afraid of difficulties. On the contrary, its character is distinguished by excellent fighting qualities, will and hardness, but the girl prefers not to put out its strength to the universal review.

Characteristic named after Sarah gives its owner to the amazing intuition, which she can use. Maybe therefore contact with unfamiliar people She is extremely hard for her. But old, proven by the time of friends, she loves and values \u200b\u200btheir friendship. Sarah is not the name of the leader. She does not try to learn, does not dream of a career or glory as a whole. This is a typical "homemade woman", which inherited softness and kindness not only from Mom, but absorbed it from the entire women's motherboard.

But the character of Sarah is not always a meal - she can't tolerate when something is imposed on her. The pride of the girl can be sometimes very painful. It reduces "No" all natural softness, makes it conflict and fidelled special, capable of ruining relationships with all others. It can be windy and plump, do not be shy in achieving your goals to go on the brass and deception. But this behavior is an exception to the rules.

Hobbies and hobby

Sarah, as a rule, chooses a calm hobby associated with future motherhood and house. In childhood, she gladly visits the circles of needlework and applied creativity. In his youth with fervor studies cooking and home design. And in anticipation of the child, it is necessarily written to school mothers.

Profession and business

Despite the fact that Sarah is not experiencing the enthusiasm of true career and always puts in the first place in the family, nature gives it a good creative potential. Realizing it, it can become a good actress, singer, art historian, an artist, a musician and a teacher with a capital letter. In business, she is not lucky. She does not possess a "Jewish" grip, nor a business "vest", so its undertakings, most often, are doomed to failure.


Sarah has strong health. But with nerves, she is not always all right: it can succumb to uncontrolled wrath flashes and be too impressionable. Also a weak point are the internal secretions, but the woman is not used to complaining about their health.

Sex and love

Sarah is able to envelop a loved one by adoration. Treason does not forgive, preferring to break a long clarification of relationships. She herself keeps loyalty to promises, never betrays and does not deceive the lover.

In sexual life is quite restrained. Sometimes it is inherent in gusts of sensuality, especially if she meets the "love of his life." The girl chooses from the crowd of contenders of the strongest, patient and financially secured man, a kind of alpha male.

Family and marriage

Sarah pretty early starts to look for a spouse and married early. Already in the course of family life, it becomes a good wife and hostess, patient and loving mom, able to give all his love to his native people. But, despite this, the marriage of the "summer" owner of the name is rarely developing successfully, in contrast to the more careful and calculating "winter" and "autumn" women.

If Sarah is mistaken in chosen, only a child can take away from him. If there are general children, she suffers silently and obeys her husband, even if he does not agree with him.