Types of art professions. Creative high-paying professions


A profession to create and create ... Is it easy to find it? Most of the specialties are responsible work, and only then everything else. But maybe there are creative professions on the market for girls in order to immediately become a creator, receiving a reward for this?

Of course, hard work is 99% of success, as many established creators say. But this remaining 1% is very important. We can say that nothing will work without it. More often than not, creative professions for girls, as well as for guys, involve some freedom of employment and constant tension of the imagination. Therefore, before choosing a profession associated with the creation of something new and creative, assess soberly - is this your vocation or is it better to choose an accurate and highly paid, albeit without much imagination and, at first glance, a boring profession, for example , accountant.

Previously, there could be no question of any lists of creative professions for girls. There was a priority male professions, and women were supposed to get married and stay at home on the farm. Creative professions were the lot of men. But those times are long gone. Although a slight bias in terms of the prevalence of men in responsible creative posts was observed several years ago. But now everything is gradually changing and now among the artists, producers and directors you can find women’s names as well.

List of the most in-demand creative professions for girls

According to some polls, until recently, the list of creative professions for girls, the top 20 most in-demand, was confidently headed by web designers. Next on the list were artists, models, florists, makeup artists and photographers. The compilers of the list claim to have found about 640 creative careers. At the same time, "the most in-demand professions" do not always coincide with the "highest paid" ones. The salary of a web designer, according to statistics, is much less than the salary of an architect-designer (this is one of the most highly profitable creative specialties, but it is not in the top in popularity).

How to determine what is the most creative and in demand? The list of creative professions for girls is headed by a web designer.

Web designer. The field of IT technology occupies everything more space in the world and the life of people. But there are not so many specialists who know how to combine artistic taste with analytical skills. Therefore, although there are a lot of people who call themselves a web designer now, a really good specialist is a rather rare "beast". Employers do not miss out on such specialists and offer them high salaries.

If you are not strong in design, you may be interested in another creative profession for girls - an artist (presenter, DJ, animator). People of this profession are in good demand during the holidays, when there are a lot of corporate events or at seaside resorts or where there is some big event, for example, the Olympics. They are also needed in the field of advertising. True, one must take into account that the competition in this area is very high, this is done not only by graduates of the relevant educational institutions, but also by self-taught and "folk talents".

Another creative profession for girls is a model. Many girls want to get into the world of high fashion and big fees, but it's not so easy. Although for those who have not reached the level of Natalia Vodianova, there is work at home - participation in commercials, photo shoots.

Florist. A highly demanded and creative profession for a girl. Now people appreciate more beautifully and tastefully arranged bouquets and just an armful of flowers - this is not popular now. A specialist florist must have an artistic taste and know the rules for drawing up bouquets and the meaning of flowers, have dexterous hands.

Dancer, dance teacher. Dance allows you to express yourself in the art of gesture like no other activity. Even the same choreography is presented by different dancers in their own way, this is one of the most wonderful creative professions for girls. But the age of the dancer, unfortunately, is not long, in ballet retirement comes at 35, the opportunity to become a dance teacher comes to the rescue.

Interior designer. Representatives of this profession are in stable demand in the labor market. But their services are in demand and well paid only in enough large cities where the level of income allows many to hire a hired specialist for interior design.

Hairdresser. A very demanded profession. Everyone wants to be beautiful, so hairdressers are always with work.

Also, professions are very popular for girls: make-up artist, journalist, photographer, decorator.

Is any creative profession available to a girl?

There are no gender restrictions for creative professions now, but it is worth remembering that there are qualities that are required for creative work. This is the ability to think imaginatively, exuberant and non-standard imagination, a refined sense of style, good taste, aesthetic sensitivity, an original look at ordinary things.

Most of the girls, graduates of schools, now prefer to choose precisely creative professions, and not technical or scientific ones. Many girls believe that it is creativity that allows one to express oneself and earn money at the same time, and this is really so. However, when making your choice, think it over carefully.

Remember that a girl's creative profession can be found not only in the list of generally recognized specialties. It is possible that the profession of a lawyer, programmer or economist will bring you more pleasure.

If desired, creativity can be found in every profession, but, unfortunately, not every profession is defined as creative. What creative professions exist and are they for sure? Let's find out!

In order not to be mistaken in defining the profession as creative, first let's figure out what creativity is.

Creativity is the creation of unique, exclusive spiritual or material values, something new and singular, something that is not created in production, not in a stream. No one can repeat what was created by the master in the process of creativity. This can only be done by the creator himself, but even his creation will not turn out to be completely identical to the previous one. So what are the creative professions?

What creative professions are there?

Let's find out what are the creative professions and list them. The art professions are undoubtedly the most creative.

Actor, artist, writer, poet, singer, theater and film director, dancer, choreographer, musician - the masters of these professions create spiritual values, give emotions and impressions.

Undoubtedly, what is created or will be created by these people cannot be repeated by anyone. This list can be replenished with such professions as operator, video director, sound engineer, editor, costume designer, props, special effects master, illuminator, decorator, screenwriter, animator.

The alluring world of fashion. Creativity is closely intertwined with any profession related to this magical and beautiful world... What creative professions exist in it? Fashion designer or clothing designer, clothing designer, image maker, stylist and, of course, the most attractive profession for young people - a model on the catwalk.

Rapidly developing Computer techologies spawned new specialties and professions that also belong to the creative - graphic designer, animation artist, master of computer special effects, web designer, copywriter

What other creative professions are there?

Are there any other professions that are creative? There are many of them. Hairdresser, make-up artist, manicurist and pedicurist, make-up artist, tailor - in all these professions there is creativity, imagination and artistic taste are required to help the client make a choice, help him emphasize his natural beauty, hide flaws.

Architect, interior designer, landscape design EP is one of the most in-demand creative professions at the present time.

The culinary chef and pastry chef create masterpieces from ordinary products, making a magical and tasty fairy tale. The bartender puts on real art shows and performances behind the bar, creating and inventing different kinds drinks. The sommelier will tell you which wine to choose, which wine goes best with the dish chosen by the client, which wine will best emphasize the taste of this dish. He studies wines, their qualities, selects wines, and all this also requires a creative streak and good taste.

A barista is a coffee specialist, he always knows what kind of coffee to offer to a client, and he can make not just coffee, but a coffee cocktail to please the client with an unusual, but surprisingly tasty combination of coffee and various ingredients. The master of the tea ceremony is the creator of an oriental fairy tale. No wonder this profession originated in the East, in Japan and China, where it is still highly respected. Sommelier, barista, master of the tea ceremony - these are rare creative professions, but very interesting.

Such a profession as a mass entertainer, which is now called with a beautiful word - animator, carries a considerable amount of creativity. You have to be a screenwriter, a director, and an actor to organize people's leisure time, to entertain them and help them to take a break from everyday life.

Photographer and photo artist are prestigious and interesting professions. They can notice and capture the wonderful moments of life, amazing small details, sometimes very imperceptible, they visually preserve the memory of their life for people.

Florist - works with flowers, only he can gather in beautiful bouquet the most inconspicuous flowers, highlighting and emphasizing their beauty. Advertising specialist - no business can do without representatives of these professions, they are in demand and their work is well paid.

The interest in handicraft is growing more and more. What are the creative professions in this segment? A master of folk crafts - he creates beauty with his own hands without the use of any machines and apparatus. Painted dishes from Gzhel and Khokhloma, trays from Zhostovo, scarves self made from Orenburg and Pavlov-Posad, felt boots, folk toys from Dulev, lace from Vologda, jewelry and boxes from Palekh - every year they gain popularity and value, which means this profession is becoming more and more popular.

A master glassblower is a magician, from whose hands unique fragile masterpieces come out. People will always use dishes or decorate their home with glass products, which means that this profession will always exist.

A jeweler is definitely a creative profession. By creating masterpieces from precious metals and stones, the jeweler gives joy and a sense of beauty to many people. A master cabinetmaker creates unusual and ecological handicrafts from pieces of wood, which are used in everyday life, in the construction and design of houses, and decorate our homes.

A blacksmith can forge a simple fence grate from pieces of iron, or he can make a work of art that will live for centuries. Handicrafts - various embroidery, sewing, knitting, felting, making dolls and handmade toys - all this is becoming more and more popular and can also refer to creative professions. But, even if handicraft does not become your profession, then this type of creativity can bring you additional income.

Which creative profession should you choose?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. There are no criteria for which creative profession is better and more interesting. It is impossible to give a clear and unambiguous answer that it is this creative profession that will allow you to earn a lot of money or help you climb the career ladder.

Everything is individual and depends on the talents, inclinations and desires of the person. And also, which is important, from his ambitions. The most important thing is to choose exactly what your soul is about, what is closest to you and to understand what is interesting for you to do. As soon as you understand your desires, then the question "What creative profession to choose?" will not arise.

And there is also a big plus in favor of choosing a creative profession - most creative professions are successfully combined, intertwined with each other, growing into each other. You can choose several specialties related to creative professions and successfully pursue all of them. For example, you can start out as a model and then become a clothing designer.

A master of folk crafts can work as a jeweler at the same time. An artist can be a writer and a singer, and a director can write beautiful scripts for his films or plays for his plays.

An architect, in parallel with designing houses, can master the profession of a cabinet-maker and create wooden parts of the interior of the houses that he designs. A photographer can work in parallel as a graphic designer and use his photographs in his work. And in this way you can combine all existing creative professions.

Several years before graduation class school teenagers face the question: "What profession to choose for themselves?" This choice is difficult because it is influenced by parents, friends, and others. It is important to have an idea of ​​what professions exist, how many of them, and also what is needed in order to choose one or another direction for oneself.

What are the professions? Classifications

When answering the question "what professions exist?", It must be borne in mind that everything depends on the criterion for the division. There are several classification systems for all existing professions. The most popular is according to E.A. Klimov, who divides all specialties in accordance with the system of relationships between man and nature, man, technology, sign system and artistic image.

Classification of professions according to E.A. Klimov

The specialties "man-to-man" are the most understandable system, since a person encounters people of this system every day in everyday life: teachers, salesmen, doctors, hairdressers, etc.

"Man and technology" are technicians, engineers, equipment assemblers, workers on machine tools, etc. The activities of these people are directly related to mechanisms. This also includes the extraction and processing of metal, car repair and different installations, construction specialties.

What are the professions associated with the relationship between a person and a sign system? There is nothing complicated about it. A secretary, an engineer, a translator, a programmer in a working environment are faced with documents, symbols, signs, diagrams.

The last system related to artistic images- these are creative specialties related to the creation of musical creations, objects of fine art.

Number of professions

Of course, there are many professions, and it is rather difficult to calculate the exact number. This is not a static system that remains unchanged for years: every year the number of specialties in the world increases in parallel with the development of mankind. Since the question “how many professions are there in the world?” Quite often arises, there must be corresponding documents that calculate them.

The approximate number of specialties in the world is 40,000, and many of them for temperate latitudes seem rather exotic, if not incomprehensible and stupid. About 500 new professions are born annually.

What professions exist in Russia? Not all of the available specialties are available for our country, only about 1/4. But even this is more than 9000 items. Over the past 3 centuries, the figure has increased 450 times.

Demand for specialties

Of course, as many professions exist, as many specialists in this field can be found. At the same time, not all specialties are equally popular: this business has its own seasonality. A certain list has been compiled of what professions exist from the currently fashionable in Russia. And it differs from what types of work are in demand today.

When determining the reason why applicants choose this or that specialty, in the first place should be indicated the need to have a prestigious profession and at the same time the opportunity high level earnings.

Therefore, many applicants go to study at the Faculty of Economics. Despite the fact that every enterprise needs an economist, some time ago the market for such workers was satiated. As an economist, you need to have an idea of ​​the place where such a specialist will be needed after graduation.

A wide profile of activities implies such a position as a manager. They are different directions: advertising, sales, crisis management, etc.

In connection with the development of information technology, the work of a programmer is popular and in demand. In order to work for them, it is not enough to have only desire - you also need to have the ability to this kind activities.

The category of popular specialties also includes work in the field of advertising. it interesting activity, creative and in demand, creative and paid, which attracts many young professionals.

Legal education is also in the top lines of the ranking of applicants.

Demand for professions: scarce specialties

Given that not everyone can afford to study at a prestigious university, many choose construction specialties for themselves. In this area, there is a constant shortage of personnel, therefore, even in such conditions, demand exceeds supply.

Since effective earnings are associated with sales, then the list of popular professions is continued by the sales manager. Good specialists in this field have good earnings and are respected by the manager. However, finding such a person is not easy.

The list of specialties that are not fully provided with specialists continues, the work of the seller. Supermarkets that are opening in a great number are experiencing a shortage of professionals who are willing to take on such jobs.

Next on the list is the profession of an engineer. The country needs such specialists, but it still cannot provide itself the right amount employees. Every year a lot of graduates become specialists of this link, however, despite this, the need for them is growing.

Businesses everywhere advertise the need for drivers. Such positions are also available in Food Industry, and in the field of light textile production, and in public service points, and in stores that provide a delivery service. Working conditions are very diverse: some require personal transport, others provide a work car.

Professions for girls

From the entire list there is a certain list of those specialties that are more suitable for girls.

What are the professions for girls? Traditionally, female work includes the work of a flight attendant, a train conductor, a dispatcher of various call centers, a beautician, and a nurse. Some of the list is diluted by men, but this is rather an exception, and a male hairdresser or stylist makes an ambiguous impression.

More often women’s work is associated with creative process creating something new, since the mental organization of the weaker sex is more subtle, and ladies are not too adapted for physical labor.

Creative professions

The directory of all specialties has a list of those considered creative. To have such a job is interesting and prestigious today. The only catch is that in order to follow the path of creativity, you need to have talent or ability for something. Further, it is necessary to consider in more detail the question of what creative professions exist.

  • Traditionally, they include musicians, composers, and artists. These people have their own vision of the world, which can be verified by communicating with them. As a rule, such people have a talent from childhood and develop it in the corresponding art and music schools.
  • If a person has a so-called sense of beauty, then you can come to a creative profession over the years. The work of a photographer and designer is interesting. Fashionable words, but under them there is a very wide profile of activity: this is interior design, and the design of clothes, shoes, and landscape design. Society will always need good specialists in this area.
  • Speaking about what professions exist in the creative field, one cannot fail to mention the work of a stylist. It has a fundamental difference from the work of a hairdresser, who performs a haircut according to a template, while a stylist develops the image as a whole. A new direction in stylistics is the work of a groomer, shearing animals.
  • Journalism and PR management require quick response and communication skills; it is necessary to be a good psychologist, feeling that others are oriented.
  • The creative professions include actors, and this includes both film and theater actors, as well as animators, circus performers, and representatives of the humorous genre. More generally, all those individuals whose activities are associated with public speaking.

How to decide on the choice of profession

When choosing the desired specialty from a huge list, you must first determine for yourself a list of those industries that are in to a greater extent attract. Then you need to objectively assess for yourself what exactly you like about them and whether they are really interesting.

It is necessary to approach the choice of a profession individually, taking into account your preferences, not based on the popularity of the specialty or its profitability. Better to be a good doctor than a bad programmer.

There are areas where creative and creative people who are able to catch ideas right out of thin air. If you can safely call yourself an inventor and a dreamer, we will be happy to advise you on promising andcreative professionswhere thinking outside the box will come in handy.

Literature, journalism, advertising

Literate and erudite people with a rich imagination and good vocabulary become successful poets, writers, screenwriters.

Of course, fame does not come by itself: to achieve great, you need to start small. But anything is possible! American author of intellectual detectives Dan Brown began his career as a songwriter, but now his bibliography includes seven detective stories, half of which are filmed.

George Martin began his writing career withprofession of journalist... He created many popular works (including the well-known saga "A Song of Ice and Fire" or "Game of Thrones"), for which he was included in the list of the most influential people in the world.

We invite you to be inspired by the Stephen King documentary

Many eminent poets, writers and screenwriters began their careers in editorial offices, publishing houses, theaters, creative agencies and television.

No less interesting and creative profession of a journalist ( editor, correspondent, reporter, copywriter and etc.). You need to write articles on informational issues efficiently and quickly. The publicist Anatoly Yurkin aptly said about such a feature of a journalist's work as efficiency: “A journalist is a writer, shell-shocked by a second hand”. Let it be said that no supercars can replace human personality and style.

“7788 - call us and we'll give it to you!” Is the well-known taxi slogan. It contains the essence of literary workadvertising specialist: write advertising texts(poems or even one sentence) and promote them so that the product is recognized and bought. NS A positive image of the company through writing press releases, articles, publications about it in the media creates PR manager.

Visual arts and design

They create unique pieces of art with their own hands , sculptors and artisans... The latter can engage in traditional crafts (blacksmithing, carpentry, leatherworking, jewelry, art painting, straw weaving, ceramics, etc.) or their modern types (floristry, wool felting, beading, making products from polymer clay or others). Art critics and restorers are also directly related to art. The first devote themselves to learning artistic arts, the second - the restoration of works.

You can get a classical art education at a college or university. However, if we are talking about new types of art, most likely, you will have to acquire knowledge on your own. The most adventurous representativescreative professionsdo not look for intermediaries, but .

In the XXI century, modern trends xarts and crafts: (communicative, spatial, playful, and etc.), computer graphics, Street art ... To promote their work, artists use the Internet: they create websites, maintain accounts in social networks, and organize online galleries. Technology has allowed artists to quickly learn new things and show their works of art not to just a few people, but to the whole world.

The art of our time is also self-expression. Artists are increasingly resorting to creating creative performances that are capable of surprising. The world-famous artist Banksy has incorporated into his painting "Girl with balloon»Shredder. After the auction, the painting self-destructed to the sound of a hammer (the price of the masterpiece was $ 1.3 million)

Music industry

Talent leads to music creative people vthe music industry. They become composers, musicians, performers, DJs.There are only seven notes, and the scope for creativity is huge. Pop, rap, rock, blues, metal, electronics - there are many musical directions, and their branches are even more. And for each of them there is a listener. Some bands find their style at the junction of two genres (folk music and electronic - "Neuromonakh Theophan", classical and rock- "Nightwish", rap and metal - "Linkin Park"). Others take the listener with unusual lyrics and performance ("Monetochka", "Buckwheat").

Progress goes on, inmusic industrygroups of robot performers ("Z-Machines", "Compressorhead") have been created. But no high-tech machine can replace professional human musicians, because every talent is unique.

Japanese rock band Z-machines features a 78-finger robot guitar and a 22-arm drummer

Creative professions cinema and theater

The leaders of the film industry - the USA, Nigeria and India - shoot about a thousand films of various formats a year. In other countries, this figure is slightly less. That's whydirectors, actors, animators more popular than ever and will remain in demand in the future.

Talent will never go unnoticed. For example, the actress with Belarusian roots Alexandra Bortich is now at the peak of her popularity in Russia. Despite her young age (24 years old), she starred in 30 films and TV series and has already received awards for Best Actress.

Theatrical actors keep up with their film counterparts and are regularly sold out. Individual troupes (like Shakespeare's Globe Theater) with their performances.

Animation artists create animation based on different technologies: drawings, puppet animation, 3D graphics.

Talented directors, actors and animators are needed in advertising, theaters and cinema, video clips and video games, on TV and on the Internet.

Fashion & Style

Stylists, makeup artists, hairdressers, fashion designers go beyond the boundaries of salons and ateliers, declare themselves at fashion shows, festivals and international beauty contests. Every year in 49 countries of the world the international beauty festival "Wind Rose Hair" is held, where stylists, make-up artists, hairdressers compete in skill. Beginner fashion designerspresent their works at national ("Belarusian Fashion Week") and international (Moscow competition of young fashion designers) shows.

Belarusian designerIvan Aiplatov has significantly succeeded in his skills: his clothes are preferred by our TV presenters (KVN) and performers ("Lyapis Trubetskoy", "Leprikonsy"), used as props in theaters and at competitions (Eurovision-2004). Even Ksenia Sobchak and Pavel Volya have some of his models.

No event takes place without stylists, make-up artists, hairdressers: be it a family holiday, a secular banquet or a television program.

List of the most creative professions the future

The Russian Atlas of New Professions predicts the emergence of new specialties in the arts by 2020. Thanks to advances in technology and science, creative professions such as art appraiser, science artist, personal aesthetic development tutor, coach of creative states, curator of collective creativity.

By 2020 there will be art appraiser capable of analyzing complex art formats created from disparate parts (street art or performance).

Science-artists to create paintings you will need not only inspiration, but also logic, scientific knowledge(bioart). There are already examples of work in this direction:Eduardo Katz raised a plant with human genes and created the ultraviolet glowing bioluminescent rabbit Albu.

Spiritual quest and art teaching will helppersonal tutor for aesthetic development.So find baroque features in the books of Blaise Pascal or distinguish modern from medieval gothicwill not be difficult.

Tune the mind to a creative wave cantrainer of creative states.According to the creators"Atlas of new professions», collective art curatorwill gather groups of people to carry out creative projects.

Even if you haven't found your creative profession here, we hasten to please. Almost every job encourages innovation and entrepreneurship, whether you take a tour or write code for a program. The main thing is to choose a business that will bring joy and pleasure.

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Creativity in our world surrounds us literally everywhere. Design of rooms, things, websites, painting and architecture, writing and composing music. Creativity is the main stimulus for human development, only through it can he convey the feelings that he experiences deep inside. What are the professions associated with creativity?

It is not surprising that the majority of girls and young people choose exactly the following areas to study in their later life:

  • visagiste,
  • designer,
  • photographer,
  • jeweler,
  • director,
  • architect.

However, sometimes it is so difficult which would be perfect for a given person. For better choice we will provide below a description of the professions that are most in demand and interesting in the world of the 21st century.


Any woman in her life has used cosmetics at least once. And if a person knows how to professionally apply makeup on other people, then he becomes a great value for television, fashion shows, and just in beauty salons. This profession will do creative people who are not afraid to commit " excess movement”, And those who want to communicate while working.


One in the world. are needed almost everywhere, ranging from furniture factories and ending with the design of Internet sites. For example, he is responsible not only for the visual appeal of store goods, but also for ensuring that they are comfortable to carry, do not get wet in the rain, so that the letters clearly and clearly look on the packaging and attract the attention of the buyer. There is a lot of competition in this profession, so you will have to try to become the "best of the best".


Almost every person in a modern city filmed something with his smartphone or camera. But there are people who do it professionally. There are also many “varieties” of photographers. There are weddings, there are those that shoot wildlife; and some people prefer to shoot young models for the cover of a magazine. The main thing is to choose in which specific areas of photography you want to work, and then it will be much easier to study.


Oddly enough, jewelry is the first creative specialty. There are many specializations in this business: engraver, filigree, assembler, fixer, chain jeweler, etc. But the most creative work is cutting: shaping an ordinary-looking piece of mineral. This is a difficult and painstaking job, where you have to keep track of every little thing. After all, one mistake can ruin the entire work of the author - and you have to start all over again.


We all watched cartoons in childhood, but we know little about the people who draw them. There are several specialties of animators, but the most demanded are, of course, artists. Many novice "creators" believe that if they cannot depict an animal or a person in all details, it is better for them to go to animators. However, this is not true. Any cartoonist should be great at drawing not only animated characters, but also real ones. Even with development modern technologies, when computer programs often do most of the work in drawing characters and backgrounds, the person watching the process should adjust them if necessary.


Another profession on the list related to painting. A person who wants to enter this specialty must be able to create drawings and paintings according to the instructions (and style) of the customer, but this is not as easy as it might seem at the beginning. Have different people completely different requirements for the performance of the work, so that the illustrator must be proficient in any kind of fine art. This is a highly demanded profession, because it is required in films, and in book printing, and even in advertising products.


One of the professions that is firmly included in daily life any person. After all, giving a certain shape to a client's hair is a whole art! Sometimes a hairdresser can work miracles by completely changing appearance a person with just one hairstyle. However, this specialty is not for everyone. You need to be assiduous and non-conflicting person, as well as understand the wishes of the client. Sometimes it is difficult to determine what a person really wants and what kind of haircut suits him.


One of the most important professions in the world. Anyone listens to music and enjoys it, and those who write such music that everyone listens becomes famous all over the world. However, there are many genres of music, and a beginner musician does not have to write classical music. The main thing is to choose a list of the music that you like, and the lessons of which will not burden you.


Quite a rare profession in our time. To become a really good sculptor, you need to spend a lot of time studying and preparing. This specialty on the list is perhaps the most difficult due to the lack of a simple opportunity to prove oneself; most often only famous sculptors can earn big money in this path. However, if you are confident in your abilities, you should try the field of sculpting and carving from stone.


This specialty is not very easy due to a large number small parts arising in the design process, and at the same time the enormity of the entire project. Very often there are young people who want to express themselves and build something really beautiful. However, customers are usually very demanding on building designs, you have to create up to several dozen different layouts and 3D models to satisfy them. It all depends on what kind of clients you come across.


It seems that many famous people we only know because they are the directors of some kind of film. In fact, they are known to us only because they are truly the best of the best, they have outstanding creativity. It is not so easy for a university graduate to get to the Olympus cinema - the competition is quite “exciting”. However, if you are lucky, the lucky one becomes an assistant director and over the years adopts the experience that will be useful for his own future projects.

Fashion designer

This profession is very important for maintaining the cycle of fashion. It is fashion designers who create lists of the most fashionable collections of the season, sew and cover outfits for shows. Famous brands designers are specially hired to work on new items of clothing. This specialty is suitable for diligent and original people who are not afraid to implement their ideas. The competition is high here, but a talented person will find his place in the world of style.


Not the most famous in the world, but it does not become less interesting from this. A florist is necessary for any special events and holidays, so he gets a decent fee for beautiful design premises with flowers. This work will do assiduous and calm people who love wildlife.

So, creative professions are needed everywhere. This list is only a small part of the specialties that are really needed in the world. Remember that perseverance and perseverance will help you achieve any heights in creativity, and the desire to become the best will help you break away from the competition. What peaks you can conquer - depends only on you.