Fortune telling on critical days 2 options. Fortune telling by menstruation

No one knows when, how and why it occurred to guess on menstruation. The only thing that can be asserted with certainty is that only women with their ingenuity and imagination can come up with fortune-telling by the date and time of the onset of menstruation.

It so happened that women feel the world more subtly and their intuition is more developed. In part, the craving for the unknown and otherworldly can be explained by the influence of the moon. It is this satellite of our planet that controls the female menstrual cycle. Think about it: the average cycle time is 28 days, as is the number of days in the lunar month. Do you still doubt the seriousness of this fortune-telling?

Types of fortune telling on critical days

Fortune telling by menstruation is quite interesting. Its process cannot be influenced, and the results are easy to decipher.

If you are interested in getting an answer, you need to present the situation or ask an exciting question at the beginning of the cycle. You should not ask about the distant future and serious fateful situations: fortune-telling by menstruation is unlikely to give women helpful advice in these cases.

All that can be counted on by guessing by the monthly is advice or prediction for the next week or for critical days.

There are several types of female fortune telling critical days:

  • fortune-telling by the time of day when menstruation began;
  • fortune telling by the day of the week of the beginning of menstruation;
  • fortune-telling by monthly and the date of their beginning.

Tables of values ​​for fortune telling by monthly

Fortune telling by the time of the onset of menstruation

If critical days have begun:

In the morning. Love and understanding await you. A kind of sample of universal love on the scale of one cycle. Perhaps you will experience a surge of affection for someone you know;

In the afternoon. The menstrual cycle, which began in the afternoon, promises a sea of ​​positive emotions and good mood until the end of menstruation.

In the evening. Menstruation predicts sad events for ladies. Most likely, you will have to break up with your loved one. The evening onset of menstruation is considered not very favorable and speaks of the upcoming period of loneliness. Over the next month, you will have a difficult time coping with your depressive moods.

Fortune telling by menstruation - days of the week

It is important to remember the day when menstruation began and refer to the table of results:

Monday: Critical days, starting on Monday, warn of troubling times. What kind of anxiety will be, fortune-telling does not answer. Perhaps it will be excitement in anticipation of victory and a long-awaited meeting.

Tuesday: Probably a meeting with a person who will play important role in your life soon.

Wednesday: Critical days starting on Wednesday will bring you troubles and disappointments. Do not be upset, the unfavorable period will last only a week.

Thursday: You will be invited to visit by unfamiliar people, and quite unexpectedly.

Friday: Surprises and surprises await you in the near future and, probably, not very happy ones.

Saturday: Fortune-telling promises a romantic date and a declaration of love before the end of menstruation.

Sunday: Friends will come to visit you, despite the fact that they did not warn you about it. Fun and adventure are guaranteed. You should beware of practical jokes and control the amount you drink so that you will not be ashamed of your behavior later.

Fortune telling by the date of the month when the menstrual cycle began

1 numbers: - to joyful events and pleasant purchases.

2 numbers: - you will be overtaken by disappointment in something or someone.

3 numbers: - soon you will be faced with negativity.

4 numbers: - to good luck, rejoice, happiness is just around the corner.

5 numbers: - an amazing surprise gift awaits you.

6 numbers: - beware of gossips, they can ruin your mood.

7 numbers: - you are loved, do not even hesitate.

8 numbers: - you will be provoked into jealousy and rash actions until the end of your period.

9 numbers: - you will become a victim of rumors and speculation.

10 numbers: - predicts new acquaintances, flirting until the end of critical days.

11 numbers: - learn to trust others.

12 numbers: - secret admirers, intrigues and mystical coincidences.

13 numbers: - alas, but failures and disappointment await you.

14 numbers: - joyful events, good news before the end of menstruation.

15 numbers: - troubles are inevitable, be persistent, it will pass.

16 numbers: - you should talk less about yourself, especially during menstruation and unfamiliar people.

17 numbers: - alas, but your love is not mutual.

18 numbers: - you are adorable as never before.

19th numbers: - a deep and real feeling is approaching.

20 numbers: - the new novel is doomed.

21 numbers: - you are too gullible and take advantage of it, be careful.

22 numbers: - the financial situation will significantly improve until the end of menstruation.

23 numbers: - you will be happy.

24 numbers: - welcome guests, possibly distant relatives.

25 numbers: - your circle of acquaintances will expand significantly.

26 numbers: - they will definitely help you, do not lose heart.

27 numbers: - what you so longed for will finally come true.

28 numbers: - luck and success accompany you.

29 numbers: - soon someone will make you cry.

30 numbers: - there is a person next to you who is not indifferent to you.

31 numbers: - unexpected good news, new feelings and new perspectives.

To believe or not to menstruate?

Whether to be serious about fortune telling by menstruation is up to you. Despite the ambiguous attitude to such a prediction, he has many supporters who claim that fortune telling by monthly, date and time of the beginning of critical days is the most accurate.

Therefore, I want to say one thing - guess by the monthly, as much as you want. You should not look for patterns and logic where they should not be.

Since ancient times, women have been interested in fortune-telling, which speaks of curiosity to find out their future fate. There are many types of fortune-telling, which can be formally divided into two options:

  • serious - in which many believe;
  • frivolous - which are treated as ordinary entertainment.

Serious fortune-telling includes fortune-telling on tarot cards, on runes, on Indian and playing cards... The second category includes fortune telling by numbers, on coffee grounds, by date of birth, Christmas fortune telling, fortune telling on menstruation (the so-called lunar days) and many others.

Many female representatives believe that fortune-telling on critical days will tell them the future, and everything depends on the time of day, and the day of the week, and the day of the month when they began. And it's not a secret for anyone that many menses begin with one drop, and after a few hours the usual menstruation begins. So the real beginning should be counted from the first drop. What is most interesting, there are many facts that with the help of this type of fortune-telling, many girls were able to determine their future fate.

Monthly fortune telling on the female cycle is now very common, and many people believe them, and you can guess every month, learning something new for each cycle separately, and then everyone will be able to decide for themselves how true such predictions are.

Fortune-telling can be carried out only once - on the day when menstruation began. Today, the most common are 2 options for fortune telling by menstruation. They came to us since ancient times, because the ancestors believed that everything was given by the gods and much had its own clues. And menstruation begins on a certain day and time, so all kinds of healers and witches tried to compare everything and determine any dependence, some conventions and patterns were developed, which, in fact, has survived to this day.

Two options for fortune telling

The first option for fortune-telling by the time of day.

If menstruation began in the morning, then a woman is waiting for love, harmony, mutual understanding, and not necessarily love for a man, it can be love for children, relatives, friends, or just acquaintances. This feeling may be old, it just flares up with new strength and can continue for quite a long time. Throughout the month, there will be excellent relationships with people around you.

If the beginning of menstruation fell on the daytime, this is good sign, the whole cycle the girl will be accompanied by a good mood, accompanied by joy, happiness and good luck.

But if the beginning falls on evening time then it's not quite good sign, which speaks of a boring life, where there will be little joy, events may occur that will bring a lot of disappointment.

Night time is the worst beginning of menstruation, separation from a loved one or just a loved one is quite possible.

Determining the future by day

The second option for fortune telling by menstruation is the days of the week.

Monday - portends anxiety, but it is far from the fact that they will be unpleasant, it is likely that they will be associated with some kind of surprise. It is quite possible to achieve a goal in some important matter, or receive a gift from loved one.

Tuesday - fortune telling by menstruation on this day means a very important meeting. Maybe it will be an old acquaintance, a friend, or perhaps an acquaintance with a person who will become very close. Some bold changes in life are coming (usually the predictions of this day are the most truthful).

Wednesday is the most unfavorable day that speaks of upcoming troubles throughout the month. However, do not get upset ahead of time, because all problems can be solved on their own, if you do not sit passively and wait. This serves only as a warning, not a sentence.

Thursday - portends an invitation to visit, perhaps - to to a stranger... A very unplanned feast is expected at someone's place, or at home. There will be a chance of getting on a visit, but it is not known whether this meeting will be pleasant, so every effort must be made to make it at least safe.

Friday - serious events will take place in life. Perhaps they will become good, which will bring a lot of positive emotions, or perhaps they will be quite unpleasant, and you will have to make an effort to solve them.

Saturday is a very good day to start menstruation, life will go on as usual, without any ups and downs, problems that arise will be solved by themselves, without your much participation. Perhaps an old dream will come true, or one of the familiar men will confess his love.

Sunday is the most auspicious day that guarantees a happy month. It is likely that a sincere conversation with him will lead to solving problems with a loved one.

Fortune telling by the days of the month

Physiological fortune-telling for women can also be carried out on the dates of the month in which they began:

Monthly fortune-telling for women's cycles has been carried out since ancient times, but there is still debate about their veracity.

Five ways of fortune telling by menstruation (feng shui)

For a long time there has been fortune telling by monthly Feng Shui, there are 5 ways.

On desire

2-4 days before the start of menstruation, you need to make a wish, and after the start of menstruation, determine whether it will come true. The prediction will be valid if you know exactly the time when they started.

By days of the week

  • Monday is a nuisance that can be avoided.
  • Tuesday - everything is fine in your life, the main thing is not to talk about it.
  • Wednesday is a meeting with a person who will affect life, but you cannot completely trust him.
  • Thursday - troubles await, do not make contact with strangers, they can harm.
  • Friday - troubles will recede, the main thing is to believe in it.
  • Saturday - threatens people with revenge for your conversations.
  • Sunday is a beautiful love or a big purchase.

By the number of periods

Each day of the month has its own meaning:

By time of day

  • Morning is a hindrance to carry out your plans.
  • Day is unexpected help.
  • Evening - plans will collapse.
  • Night - the implementation of the plan.

Fortune telling in the women's team

It has been noticed that in the team menstruation goes with a slight difference, so fortune-telling by menstruation for women and at work is possible, knowing their meaning.

  • Everyone has mutual understanding on the same day.
  • 5 days earlier than yours - the person is trying to surpass you.
  • 4 days earlier - a bad relationship.
  • For 3 days - normal working relationship.
  • For 2 days - a lot in common, but you will not become close.

  • 2 days earlier than you have a close relationship.
  • 1 day later than yours - sometimes you look askance at your colleague.
  • For 2 days - you always prove your point of view.
  • For 3 days - a colleague envies you, which is what you yourself are trying to achieve.
  • For 4 days - she feels constrained when you are around.
  • For 5 days - she feels your superiority.

For love

At the beginning of menstruation, they also wonder about love:

To believe or not to believe in the veracity of such fortune-telling - everyone can determine independently, but you can try, especially since no rituals need to be performed.

Gaining information for the near future from women was common. Some of the methods became available only to women due to physical characteristics, for example, such as fortune telling by menstruation. It can be used throughout each cycle without special preparation or the presence of magical talents, only carefully noticing the details.

Fortune telling rules for menstruation

The usual physiological phenomenon that accompanies every representative of the fair sex from adolescence to menopause, in ancient times, raised many questions. During the period of menstrual bleeding, a woman was endowed with a special gift, close to that of a witch. Modern science has also noticed that ladies have heightened sensitivity and heightened intuition during critical days.

Fortune telling by menstruation can be subject to certain conditions of folk signs:

  • truthful information will be received only on the first day of menstruation of any number;
  • taking into account the tips of several techniques at the same time will give a more detailed result;
  • the prediction action does not exceed the cycle time;
  • at the end, record it in order to compare and check its reliability;
  • it is better not to tell anyone about the good news that this intimate fortune-telling will bring, so as not to frighten off luck, not to bring it on.

Divination by the time of day

A common occurrence for adolescents and older women can be a useful helper. If you remember on what date your period came, there is a chance to get a hint on how to behave on the next day. It is necessary to take into account the movement of both the day and night luminary.

The start date of your period will help you build your next day's behavior.

Moon calendar

To know whether it is worth turning to fortune-telling, you first need to check the cycle lunar calendar... 1, 12-14, 19, 26, 29 days will give little information or it will be shaky. Folk omens read:

  • the growing moon promises the embodiment of plans into reality;
  • will bring good luck until the end of the month, many happy accidents;
  • the negative influence of the waning lunar crescent will pass when the cycle ends, then a good period will come.

Solar cycle

Truthful divination on menstruation advises women to focus on the time of day when critical days have gone. This information will help determine how the near future will manifest itself, what to expect from fate. Considering it, it becomes possible to succeed in any area of ​​life.

Interpretation by daily hours includes:

  1. Morning before 11:00 seems to be the most successful and favorable time. He promises harmony in relationships with loved ones and family. The lady will be able to find good friends or even a lover if she needs them.
  2. The time around noon from 11:00 to 13:00 promises an even and happy life... She will delight a woman throughout the next menstrual cycle. With the right accents, a chance to achieve good results in work and recognition in society.
  3. A day from 14:00 to 17:00 promises complications in many situations. You will have to be careful and smart when solving issues. Big trouble is expected if you don't take action right away.
  4. The evening from 17:00 to 20:00 does not carry such gloomy predictions as in the previous version. But this period is dangerous with unexpected changes for which the girl will not be ready. Moments of deep sadness or loneliness are possible.
  5. The night leaves the most unpleasant imprint on the fate of a lady. She is threatened with separation from a loved one or loved one. There is a high probability of such a development of events due to betrayal or deception on the part of the environment. The number of minor troubles on the day the bleeding began will also increase.

The time when your period began will help determine the coming events.

Interpreting the future by day of the week

Fortune telling on critical days relies on. With the help of such information, they plan active activities for the next period, distribute forces for important projects. The moment of menstruation means rebirth and a new start for the energy and physical bodies of a woman.

Accurate fortune-telling at the beginning of menstruation gives such a role to the days of the week:

  1. Monday is considered difficult and controversial. It carries many difficult circumstances that can be easily resolved in any other period. The success of projects depends on the will of fate and the efforts of a woman. It is better at this time to do your usual household chores and routines. A present from a famous person is expected.
  2. On rare occasions, Tuesday becomes the beginning of radical changes in the girl's life. More often menstruation on this day involves a meeting with an old friend to solve joint problems. Perhaps acquaintance with a pleasant person who turns out to be an interesting conversationalist.
  3. On Wednesday, menstruation predicts an unfavorable coincidence. It will take a lot of effort to put everything in order. But the consequences will sit tightly in the thoughts and will be constantly analyzed. This approach will allow you to exclude a similar situation in the future, temper your nerves and endurance.
  4. Thursday advises to be careful and attentive. In the near future, a big celebration is planned, a merry feast. But it can lead to a clouding of reason, push to make mistakes. You can fix them, but your reputation will suffer.
  5. Good news expected on Friday. They will bring joy, peace and happiness. But in order to fully enjoy these emotions, you first need to make every effort for a favorable outcome of the case.
  6. Saturday is a favorable beginning of menstruation, as it promises a long successful period. All projects and plans will come true without taking a lot of resources and experiences. The most tricky question will be solved easily, the difficulties will simply disappear. A loved one is preparing a pleasant surprise, probably a marriage proposal.
  7. Sunday will become good period for entertainment and relaxation. In simple classes and meetings, there is a chance to get a big boost of energy for the next week. Personal life will suffer minor but painful blows, a string of troubles will appear. Joint efforts and mutual assistance can overcome any disagreements and return peace to the family.

If menstruation began on Sunday, then this promises a good rest.

There is a variant of fortune telling on the first day of the menstrual cycle for a desire by days of the week. Formulate it at any time before the onset of menstruation. And when the bleeding begins, the result is compared on the first day. Monday and Sunday are a sign of unrealizable hopes, Thursday promises a speedy dream come true. On the rest of the days, it will take serious efforts, time or outside help to make the desired happen in reality.


Fortune telling on the numbers by menstruation for a woman has a serious impact. The numbers regulate the flows of energy, which create conditions for a favorable or negative result of all undertakings.

To determine what to expect in the next 28-35 days, you need to fix clearly on what date of the month the critical days began. Such information will help reveal the secrets of the future. The numbers of the month determine the results of fortune-telling.

The meaning of the numbers of this method is listed in the table below, you need to check with it if you are conducting fortune telling by menstruation for love.

date Interpretation for the future Interpretation of personal relationships
1 Pleasant meetings, happy events. Time for euphoria and pleasure.
2 Absorption by thoughts. Disappointment in a loved one, neglect of him.
3 News from the government house, capable of changing fate. A quarrel with an equally likely good and bad outcome.
4 Efforts will bring what you want. A long cherished dream come true.
5 Spending time with family and relatives. A close friend or boyfriend will surprise you.
6 A fateful meeting, possibly with a future husband. A hidden ill-wisher spreads lies and gossip.
7 Rumors will force you to take the wrong step. The fortuneteller is the whole world to someone.
8 The partner will play an unpleasant role. Jealousy will create distrust.
9 The truth about friends will ruin bonds. A rival or rival is plotting.
10 Hope for own strength will save in the future. Falling in love, renewing relationships with a partner.
11 An interesting joint trip with a friend is ahead. The man's loyalty and dedication is proven.
12 It's time to make a serious decision in fate. An attractive young man will pay attention, but not without the help of magic.
13 Working to the limit can damage your health. Difficulty in relationships.
14 It is better to back up your words with actions. Good news.
15 It takes more effort to get the highest status. Lead with a negative character.
16 Taking care of your health and fitness is necessary now. Gossip and idle chatter attract envy.
17 Spontaneous arrival of guests is expected. Parting with a lover for an indefinite period.
18 Responsibility for making decisions on a fortune teller. Another round in a relationship or new love.
19 Betrayal of your best friend. Romantic feelings will appear, but without reciprocity.
20 Long-known facts will be confirmed. Unrequited affection.
21 The time for major repairs or construction will soon come. A close friend or partner tends to lie to you.
22 The love triangle will pull you in. Profit or gain.
23 It's time to monitor your health, ailments are close. Events with a positive character.
24 To overcome boredom and depressive moods, you need to get busy. A merry holiday with many guests.
25 Don't let bad thoughts come true. Getting to know someone who has similar interests.
26 Strength and resilience will help solve difficult issues. A person will meet who understands what the fortune-teller has experienced.
27 The fortuneteller will have to answer for the mistake of another person. Someone outside will take part in the fulfillment of an old dream.
28 Meeting classmates or friends. There will be success and wealth in work and love.
29 Date with a former lover. Time of suffering and tears, do not hide emotions.
30 In a quiet life, there will be a problem. The emergence of a new connection.
31 Quarrel with a male colleague. An unexpected act, perhaps a trip or a wrong choice.

Feng Shui technique

According to Chinese traditions accurate divination for menstruation is closely related to the main elements. They correlate with periods in the female body and create harmony, similar to the natural one, according to which the Universe exists. According to Feng Shui, blood means water, which cleanses the entire body. The earth is the embodiment of ovulation, during this period it is born and develops new life... The time after is associated with a metal unable to grow anything.

Guessing by menstruation in this version is accustomed to taking into account the day of the week, the elements and the woman's zodiac sign.

Day of week Water (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio) Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) Earth (Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus) Air (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra)
New project The appearance of a friend The loneliness will go away Support for loved ones
Tuesday The embodiment of plans Career promotion Good profit Winnings or financial aid
Wednesday Luck, luck Woman's happiness Faith of others Decent score
Thursday Obstacles will cross out the plan The complexity of the case will stop Disillusionment with your own actions Outside problems will ruin plans
Friday Quarrels, negative emotions Conflicts, scandals Obsessive presence of the past Dark thoughts of the past
Saturday Lucky chance Planning, strengthening ambition Good changes in love Strong health and wellness
Sunday Quiet life Contentment with achievements Implementation of the planned Getting what was expected

Fortune telling by the menstrual cycle is interesting in that it does not require or special rituals. They are closely related to the time and course of a woman's life. A calm attitude towards its results and a reasonable assessment of one's own everyday circumstances will become better foundation for a happy destiny.

Fortune telling by menstruation has always attracted a woman with its simplicity. Fortune-telling is a kind of magic (ceremonies, rituals) that allows you to know the future. Fortune-telling existed and still exist among all the peoples of the world. A person always wanted to know what awaits him in the future, what needs to be prepared for.

Since ancient times, people have been engaged in this magical business.

They wondered in different ways:

  • on tarot cards,
  • on the runes,
  • on the coffee grounds,
  • on numbers,
  • on menstruation,
  • other.

Women have always given some special magical meaning monthly. Indeed, during menstruation, a woman's feelings and emotions are most acute. Women and girls during menstruation were considered unclean, dangerous, having otherworldly power. Therefore, fortune telling by menstruation is truthful, since it was one of the accurate methods to find out your future. This way to find out the fate and the future is quite rare, but very true.

It is important to know what fortune-telling is about the future only during the period of the menstrual cycle, in which fortune-telling is. That is, the predictions will come true in the next month.

Fortune telling by the menstrual cycle

Fortune telling by menstruation 2 options are true:

  • by the hour;
  • by days.

The result of fortune-telling by monthly 2 options for love is valid until the start of the next menstruation.

Fortune telling by the clock

Fortune telling by menstruation by the hour is a method, the result of which will depend on the time of the onset of menstruation (morning, afternoon, evening, night). This fortune-telling is also called fortune telling by menstruation for a woman for love. A girl, focusing on the hours of the arrival of critical days, will be able to find out about love affairs for the next month.

Time of day when menstruation came:

  1. Morning a few hours before noon or early morning. Success awaits you in business, in love. If menstruation began in the morning, then a new love awaits the girl in this cycle. Harmony in the family and with loved ones. Married women have a second Honeymoon, feelings between spouses are revived.
  2. Noon (until 13:00). A good time for the arrival of critical days. Joyful events and good luck in business await you. Time for kindness, love and happiness in your personal life.
  3. Afternoon (until 17:00). Not a very good time to start your period. Trouble and minor setbacks await you. At this time, you need to be careful in business and with your environment. The beginning of the cycle at this time portends trouble and the month itself will not be very lucky for you.
  4. Evening time (until 21:00). Perhaps events await you this month that will cause discomfort and sadness for a long time.
  5. Night time. One of the most unpleasant to start a cycle. This time can portend a quick separation from loved ones and loved ones. Betrayal, lies, parting are possible.

Divination by day

Fortune telling by monthly by day will be most accurate when using two methods at once: by day and by hour.

Great importance should be attached to the day when the discharge began. Each day of the week has its own meaning in the fate of a woman.

Days of the week when critical days began:

  • Monday. "Monday is a hard day" - this expression is not in vain among the people. The beginning of your period on this day will bring you troubles, worries and worries. Immediate changes in life are possible, both pleasant and not so.
  • Tuesday. A pleasant meeting awaits you in the near future with a person who will remain in your heart. Perhaps you will see an old friend, friend, acquaintance. Chances are, big changes in your life await you.
  • Wednesday. This day is unfavorable for the beginning of the cycle. You are in big trouble, which will remind you of yourself for the next month. But you can do everything on your own, so you shouldn't worry too much. All problems and troubles are resolved, do not hang your nose.
  • Thursday. Wait for an invitation to visit or a gala event. Guests can also come to you, be prepared. The meeting can be ambiguous: bring joy or trouble.
  • Friday. Favorable and successful day for the onset of spotting. Good news awaits you, which you are not expecting at all. This news can change your whole life, but it takes a little effort.
  • Saturday. A very auspicious day - very good events await in life. All difficulties will pass by themselves and only positive emotions will await the woman. It is possible that you will be declared in love and your desire will be fulfilled.
  • Sunday. A period of joyful pastime and fun. Time of a carefree month. In the near future, a relationship with a loved one will improve, with whom you will have a heart-to-heart talk.

What can the day of the month mean

Day of month important indicator in divination. The magic of numbers has been of interest to people for a long time. It is believed that numbers have supernatural powers and magic.

The day of the onset of menstruation means the following:

  1. Good news and events are expected that will serve as a kind of stimulus for life and bring a lot of happiness.
  2. Disappointment with people close to you and their actions.
  3. Expect a quarrel, a scandal with loved ones out of the blue.
  4. Pleasant events await, fulfillment of desires.
  5. A pleasant surprise awaits from a loved one, which will be remembered for a long time.
  6. Gossip and slander in your direction from a loved one, do not take it seriously - it will be easier.
  7. The person for whom you will be the most dear in life will love you.
  8. There will be a reason for the jealousy of a loved one.
  9. There may be people who want to frustrate your life plans and personal happiness.
  10. Expects love and understanding.
  11. You do not need to suspect your loved one of treason, there is no reason for this. He is faithful to you and you should not think about stupid things.
  12. When meeting a person who will make you love yourself with magic, be careful.
  13. You will soon have great difficulties.
  14. Perhaps you will be delighted with good news.
  15. Waiting for an unwanted gift, a surprise from a girlfriend or boyfriend.
  16. Do not gossip and talk in vain, this can lead to trouble.
  17. Separation from a loved one is possible. Parting can be long due to an argument.
  18. You will soon be made a marriage proposal (who is not married), a married woman should wait for a new stage in the relationship.
  19. In the near future, you will love a person, but love may not be reciprocal.
  20. Expect deception from your close friends or loved one.
  21. A deception is imminent that could destroy family relationships or a relationship with a guy.
  22. Unexpected financial well-being awaits you.
  23. Expect good news and events that will make you happy.
  24. Party at home with big amount guests.
  25. Acquaintance with a person, which can become the most important in life.
  26. You will meet a person who will become a good friend to you.
  27. A person will appear with the help of whom your desires will be fulfilled.
  28. Successful career and good income awaits.
  29. Events will occur that will cause pain and grief. Close people will help you in difficult times, do not hide your tears and problems from them.
  30. It is possible that a person will appear with whom a new relationship will be struck up.
  31. Unexpected changes await the woman. Perhaps go on a journey, or maybe commit a shameful act that you will regret.

Folk omens for menstruation

Signs on the menstrual cycle can tell a lot of interesting things about events that can change your life for the better, or prepare for such changes.

Before modern world many signs have come down that may indicate various events in life. In women, there are many signs and beliefs associated with menstruation. Every month, critical days can indicate new events in life.

  • It was believed that if a girl's first menstruation began early, then she could become a mother of many children.
  • If a girl has her first period, then a female relative should slap her in the face. So they got rid of pain and uncomfortable sensations during menstruation.
  • You can not swim in bodies of water
  • Can't go to church
  • You can't go to places where you need to be naked.
  • The woman was not allowed to do household chores, cooking, as everything could go bad
  • If a woman sprinkles the entrance to her house with menstrual blood, then she will protect herself and her house from the evil eye and damage.
  • During menstruation, plants should not be planted, as this threatens crop failure.
  • If menstruation came during the wedding, then future children were threatened Difficult life... It was necessary to read the conspiracy to prevent this from happening.
  • A woman on critical days could protect the house from fire. It was necessary to run 3 times around the house, which was on fire and then the fire did not spread to other buildings.
  • A woman could not look at naked people during menstruation, as they could become covered with a rash.
  • If a woman had her period on a full moon, she was considered a witch. She was not allowed to look at the people and cattle in the house.

Signs about menstruation are valid for the period until the next menstruation.

Everyone decides for himself whether it is necessary to believe in fortune-telling and signs for menstruation. But it won't be superfluous to try. You can find out your future with a completely harmless fortune-telling method. Fortune-telling for menstruation will be true when people take fortune-telling more seriously!

A woman's menstrual cycle is a period that has long been associated with mystical events. It is known that menstruation signs can predict incidents for the near future and prevent health problems.

Positive signs

Signs can have a positive meaning, because menstruation itself means that the female body is functioning normally and is capable of procreation.

Beliefs say that a girl during menstruation acquires an unknown force that protects her from the evil eye and affects everyone who is nearby, therefore, for a long time, there are rituals that can be performed during this period:

  • a girl with menstruation should walk around the house 3 times, then they are not afraid natural disasters and fire;
  • the discharge of menstruation was smeared with the threshold so that evil spirits did not enter the house;
  • sprinkling livestock with menstrual secretions, you can expect an excellent offspring.

Negative omens

Some signs say that during menstruation, a woman's energy changes into the worst side... For this reason, there are beliefs about what should not be done during menstruation.

In the old days, a girl was not allowed a lot during her menstrual cycle. She was not allowed to do responsible work, but was engaged in minor household chores. According to Slavic belief, a stream of forces that could harm others passed through the girl during menstruation:

  • you cannot harvest from trees and fields, so that they do not dry out;
  • a girl with menstruation was removed from cooking for the whole family - otherwise a salty or bland dish would come out;
  • it is unacceptable to roll up preservation during menstruation, it can rip off banks;
  • a woman should not take up butchering meat, otherwise bleeding will be within a month;
  • kneading dough and baking bakery products are also contraindicated during the cycle, otherwise unbaked will come out;
  • do not stay near wine barrels due to the possible souring of the product;
  • in ancient times it was believed that if a woman looks at a naked man during her period, he will have a skin rash.

A girl during her menstrual cycle is not allowed to attend church due to the prohibition on shedding blood inside the temple.

Beliefs by day of the week

Determining the value of the monthly by day of the week is a prediction for the next month. By remembering on what day of the week menstruation began, you can predict the outcome of upcoming affairs or make an important decision.

  1. If your period starts on Monday, there will be a lot of worries. A woman will be tormented by anxiety for an unfulfilled business or troubles at work throughout the coming week. There is another meaning of the beginning of menstruation on Monday - this is the upcoming discovery, which will help you learn something new for yourself.
  2. The bleeding began on Tuesday - this is a reason for action and making important decisions, which the girl could not make up her mind before. It means a change in the image, a change in the image or hairstyle is possible.
  3. The beginning of your period falls on Wednesday - be prepared for problems and hassles. Perhaps this is a long-overdue conflict that will flare up during your period or in the next few weeks.
  4. Menstruation beginning on Thursday heralds arrival uninvited guests or a long trip.
  5. Friday promises bad news, and also warns of secret conversations behind your back.
  6. A period that began on Saturday speaks of a romantic relationship. A girl should expect a fan to appear or an early engagement.
  7. If a woman starts her period on Sunday, you should expect sudden fun and good news. Over the course of several weeks, there will be many meetings with friends or a vacation trip.

Signs by date

Signs are divided according to the dates of the month and signify its events and mood.

First half of the month

  • 1 - the beginning of a new one, meaning a favorable month full of joyful events;
  • 2 - a woman will expose a deceiver who has not shown his true face for a long time;
  • 3 — conflict situation in family;
  • 4 - dream come true;
  • 5 - a strong number that attracts excellent energy, menstruation on this day promises an unexpected gain or replenishment of the budget due to additional earnings;
  • 6 - a woman may experience severe pain;
  • 7 is a happy number, so menstruation on this day will bring good news and have a positive effect on family relationships;
  • 8 - a number that in some way means infinity, menstruation that began on such a day can portend an early engagement or declaration of love;
  • 9 - the number can predict discord in a married couple, and for unmarried it promises loneliness in the near future;
  • 10 - a boyfriend will appear in the girl's life or she will receive a compliment from a stranger.

Middle of the month

Signs associated with "women's" days, which began in the middle of the month, also have their own interpretation:

  • 11 - means obsessive thoughts, difficulties in communicating with loved ones;
  • 12 - the number indicates upcoming difficulties in work;
  • 13 - a mystical date, but foreshadowing joy within a month;
  • 14 - means that the problems that tormented for a long time will be resolved;
  • 15 - the date that serves as the middle of the month and means positive emotions and a state of inner calm and balance;
  • 16 - the number warns of possible gossip and talk about you;
  • 17 - promises parting with a loved one;
  • 18 - the number tells the girl about the upcoming changes, moving or changing jobs;
  • 19 - talks about conflicts around the girl, which are best avoided;
  • 20 is a date that indicates a romantic mood.

The end of the month

If your critical days fell on the end of the month, then pay attention to the following interpretations:

  • 21 - the number warns of theft or deception;
  • 22 - the number foreshadows financial profit;
  • 23 - a date telling about the dullness of the coming month;
  • 24 - a favorable period for buying clothes;
  • 25 - the number tells about upcoming acquaintances with interesting people;
  • 26 - warning about troubles and problems;
  • 27 - the emergence of new friends;
  • 28 is a lucky number, therefore menstruation on this day speaks of upcoming favorable events;
  • 29 - the date during which menstruation began means resentment and tears;
  • 30 - you should take a close look at health;
  • 31 - worries and surprises.

Folk signs about menstruation

Menstruation signs, which are passed down from generation to generation, tell about the time of day when menstruation began. Each case has its own explanation, the signs were very famous and revered among girls.

  1. Legend has it that if menstruation starts at dawn, then the day will be successful, and the month will pass calmly. This was explained by the fact that at dawn the sun rises and nature awakens to a new day.
  2. Menstruation began in the afternoon - the next month will pass smoothly and calmly, without incident.
  3. The beginning of the menstrual cycle in the evening speaks of the dullness of the coming weekend and the following week. The belief was formed on the basis of the daily routine of the hostess of that time. In the old days, people went to bed early, and the evenings passed languidly and boringly, therefore, the onset of menstruation promised joylessness.
  4. A sign on periods that began at night did not bode well, because in the old days the night was associated with fear and evil spirits... Belief says that menstruation, which began at night, predicts a quick separation from a loved one or illness.

Other signs

In addition, there are a number of signs that it makes sense to listen to:

  • to quickly relieve pain during bleeding, a girl should receive a slap in the face - such a belief came from the Slavic people;
  • the main sign of the onset of menstruation is the absence of pregnancy;
  • the early age of the onset of the cycle indicates large motherhood.

Fortune telling for menstruation

Beliefs and fortune-telling on monthly blood have tremendous power. Fortune-telling and conspiracies are read on the full moon to receive maximum effect... A woman during menstruation is able to perform a magical action to attract love and beauty.

To carry out the ritual to attract love, you will need a candle and a container to collect monthly discharge. Ritual performance:

  • go outside at midnight;
  • light a candle;
  • say the words of the spell:

"I break the cup, I find love, my blood, bring love to me."

Break the container and go home without looking back.

The sign says that excreted from the body menstrual blood is able to give a girl youth and beauty, therefore, during menstruation, a daily ritual should be performed: take a bath without dressing, stand in front of the mirror and say the words of the ritual:

“I stand in front of the mirror - I see myself young, beautiful, healthy. The blood-hole flows out - it will give me beauty. "


A woman's periods are the main sign of her health. The girl's menstrual cycle has long been shrouded in many beliefs. Women during bleeding have special abilities, and the secreted blood has magical powers.