Fortune telling by monthly 17th day. Truthful fortune-telling on critical days

Before you start fortune-telling, choose the day of the week and the time of day when your period began.

It is believed that morning start brings mutual love. It can be not only love for your husband or groom, but also love for your loved ones. Such a beginning promises a favorable contact with your environment until the end of the cycle.

Day start as well as the morning is colored by the forthcoming joy.

Afternoon slightly less successful, and the evening start promises boredom, which will become the main mood for the coming weeks.

Night threatens a quarrel with your loved one. But, as they say: forewarned is forearmed. Try to restrain your own negative emotions and then your relationship will always bring you joy.

Day of week

Monday portends all kinds of anxiety and troubles. They can be both pleasant and not very pleasant. However, in our lifetime, what day is there without a hassle? The likelihood of receiving a gift is also high.

Tuesday will give a meeting with a friend, and maybe a new acquaintance. Ahead, there is a tangible change in life with a plus sign.

Wednesday promises trouble. But, you should not be upset about this, because the cycle is not so long, troubles will go away with it, and the new cycle will certainly be more successful. In any case, the predicted troubles will not be like thunder in the clear sky for you. You have the option to "send yourself straws."

Thursday prepares surprises of a different kind. You have to go to visit. It will be inconvenient to refuse. Chances are good to be behind festive table... How pleasant it will be for you will depend on you and your company.

Friday will bring a kind of program: the essence of which boils down to good news, followed by less pleasant news. Please be patient, because you may need it.

Saturday promises pleasant things in every sense: declaration of love, fulfillment of wishes, gifts. The desire can be not only amorous, but also business.

Sunday bestows fun. This is what the coming period will bring. Also, you will have a memorable conversation with a friend.

Fortune telling by menstruation
(menstrual cycle)

Depending on the time of day

Morning onset of menstruation brings love. This is love not only for a loved one, for a groom or husband, but for relatives, close people. The morning start of the cycle promises a warm, pleasant contact with loved ones.
Daytime onset of menstruation favorable and joyful for a woman.
Evening start brings boredom during the upcoming cycle.
Night start predicts separation, troubles in a woman's personal life for this period of the cycle.

Depending on the day of the week

Monday- threatens with anxiety, big trouble, pleasant and not so much. These chores can be associated with gifts.
Tuesday- predicts a meeting with a friend (acquaintance or stranger) or a rather tangible change in life.
Wednesday- promises trouble, you should "tune in to the right wave" and take it more or less calmly.
Thursday- an unexpected invitation to visit or a casual feast in someone else's house.
Friday- promises some good news, perhaps grief, which patience will help you overcome.
Saturday- predicts the fulfillment of a desire, perhaps a business one or a declaration of love.
Sunday- promises that the upcoming period of the cycle will be held in fun and joy. There may be some memorable conversation with a friend.

The number at which menstruation begins:

1 - throughout the whole cycle you start to feel happy, “fly like on wings”.
2 - Something or someone will make you suspicious, and this feeling will not be forgotten soon.
3 - A quarrel is possible, which will take on a protracted nature or turn into an easy spat, and the further will depend only on you. From this day on, it is advisable to be attentive and try to avoid conflict situations.
4 - The number is good, it promises fun and happiness.
5 - Predicts the receipt of a gift.
6 - It is supposed to tune in and prepare for rumors. They can be about you, and the gossips around you can convey them. If you know about this in advance, you will listen to these rumors without getting nervous, without comments and without passing them on.
7 - It promises that someone will love you faithfully, and how to keep this love after the end of your cycle, you should think about it.
8 - This number promises fidelity.
9 - You are in danger of some kind of trouble because of gossip, and the more calmly you react to their appearance, the easier this period will pass for you.
10 - This number promises that in the coming period you will be in love, perhaps with your own husband.
11 - This day confirms that your beloved will be faithful and devoted to you.
12 - Complex number. Perhaps someone will bewitch you, simply charm, attract with their charm.
13 - Unlucky number. You may have to suffer.
14 - The number of good news received.
15 - The number predicts bad news.
16 - The number warns that you will have to get scolded from someone for your "long tongue".
17 - Sadly informs you about the possible coming separation from your beloved.
18 - Says that you will be in love throughout the entire period.
19 - The number tells you not about easy flirting and fleeting love rather that you will love.
20 - Not a very happy prediction: you will love unrequitedly.
21 - Warns you to be very careful and careful, as deception awaits you.
22 - The number that promises you material security may be cash receipts.
23 - Lucky number, assures you that you will be happy and loved.
24 - Invites you to prepare to receive guests. Having received the appropriate warning, you, as a good hostess, will be able to receive them at the proper level, even if guests visit you unexpectedly.
25 - Promises you a new, pleasant acquaintance for you.
26 - He says that you will be pitied.
27 - Promises you that your cherished desire will be done.
28 - Predicts well-being.
29 - Predicts bitter tears.
30 - Assures that your passion for someone is mutual.
31 - The number promises you unexpected love or an unexpected adventure.

Fortune telling by menstruation: 5 main ways + fortune telling by menstruation by the time of day + by the exact time + 2 fortune telling by days of the week + features of fortune telling in Feng Shui + fortune telling by the day of the month when menstruation began

Fortune telling by monthly is an excellent way of short-term forecasting for the next four weeks, that is, until the beginning of the next cycle.

This segment can be considered approximate because different women have different cycle times. In addition, the duration can be adjusted by illness or stress. However, a correctly done fortune-telling by menstruation can save you from many misunderstandings.

Unlike many other rituals, where there is a great element of randomness and statistical error - for example, with or with coins - fortune-telling at the beginning of menstruation is associated with the biological essence of a person.

And it is also interconnected with the lunar cycle, so the results are more reliable than in other rites of prediction. In addition, this is a very simple action: you just need to remember when menstruation "started" and see the interpretation of the results.

How can you interpret the start time of your period:

  • By the time of day.
  • By the numbers on the clock.
  • By the day of the week.
  • By date.

Let us clarify that there are two main interpretations for fortune telling by the days of the week. But first things first.

Fortune telling by the beginning of the month by the time of day

The time of day when your period began directly affects how you spend the next month. Whether it happened in the morning, afternoon or evening is very important. Therefore, you should fix the moment when the discharge was found.

How to understand the time of day of the onset of menstruation:

  1. Morning until 11.00 - you will find harmony with the world and yourself, building relationships with your family and at work, new romantic relationships, if your heart is now free.
  2. Noon 11.00-13.00 - good luck and joy throughout the next month.
  3. Afternoon 14.00-17.00 - the likelihood of failures and troubles, which can be avoided if you are careful and rely on yourself.
  4. Evening 18.00-21.00 - boredom, melancholy and loneliness are possible.
  5. Night 21.00 and until dawn - quarrels, deception, separation, dishonesty on the part of others are possible.

The exact time for divination by the beginning of the period

If you manage to fix not just the time of day, but exact time start of "critical days", you can use a more detailed interpretation. She is in separate moments different from the above. What interpretation of fortune-telling is more accurate, you can find out empirically.

How to understand the exact start time of the cycle:

  • 01.00 - positive changes, positive news.
  • 02.00 - you need caution and restraint, especially since annoying circumstances and people will soon leave your life.
  • 03.00 - you need caution and restraint in emotions and actions, otherwise the conflicts caused by your fervor can complicate your life.
  • 04.00 - changes for the better and fulfillment of desires are possible.
  • 05.00 - pleasant surprises.
  • 06.00 - attentiveness in communication is needed to avoid gossip, and if you cannot control yourself, then limit your communication in the next month.
  • 07.00 - reciprocity in the feelings of the object of your sympathy, or there will be a reason to find out about the presence of a secret admirer.
  • 08.00 - jealousy will be groundless.
  • 09.00 - slander and speculation are just waiting for a reason to fall on you, so don't give them the slightest chance.
  • 10.00 - falling in love and positive emotions from this state of mind.
  • 11.00 - you tend to be jealous for no reason.
  • 12.00 - take a closer look at those around you - perhaps love is very close.

The interpretation is suitable for the first and second part of the day. How accurate it is specifically for you - you can find out only through monthly observations.

Fortune telling by days of the week for menstruation

Your next period of life also depends on the days of the week when your period begins. And here, too, different interpretations are possible - classical and software. The classical interpretation of fortune-telling for menstruation assumes a universal interpretation for everyone, the eastern one - with differentiation according to the Signs of the Zodiac.

The classical interpretation of the days of the week of the beginning of menstruation:

  1. Monday - troubles await you for pleasant or not very pleasant occasions (as luck would have it). It is also possible to receive a gift from a loved one.
  2. Tuesday - meeting in the near future with an old acquaintance, friend, or meeting a new person who will become good friend or loved ones.
  3. Wednesday - troubles are possible, which can be completely solved if you show perseverance and perseverance.
  4. Thursday - surprises are possible, both pleasant and unpleasant. Especially if you are planning to receive guests or go on a visit.
  5. Friday is an unexpected and pleasant change.
  6. Saturday - everything will be fine: problems will be solved, difficulties will no longer seem insurmountable, “gifts of fate” and love acquaintances are possible.
  7. Sunday is a personal solution to problems and disagreements. For those who lead an active lifestyle, the coming four weeks will be joyful and fun.

Interpretation of days by type of zodiac sign:


  • Fire - Meet an influential person.
  • Earth - positive emotions.
  • Air - romance, love, health problems are possible.
  • Water - something new will come into your life.
  • Fire is a career success.
  • Land - monetary instability, there can be both losses and profits.
  • Air - difficulties at work, the likelihood of conflicts.
  • Water - you will get closer to realizing your plans.
  • Fire - feelings and reciprocity.
  • Earth - Possibly Fateful Communication
  • Air - positive news and envy of enemies.
  • Water is a good coming period.


  • Fire - be careful, as the events of the coming period may affect your prospects.
  • Earth is luck in love affairs.
  • Air is good luck in business and finance.
  • Water - difficulties in achieving goals.
  • Fire - Avoid Conflict.
  • Earth is good luck in business and love.
  • Air is a stable month to come.
  • Water - mental anguish due to misunderstanding and intrigue.
  • Fire is good luck in business.
  • Earth - luck in love affairs, problems at work.
  • Air is a positive development.
  • Water is the likelihood of receiving a gift.


  • Fire - calmness, pacification.
  • Earth - difficulties will be resolved and gone.
  • Air is a good time to make your goals a reality.
  • Water is relaxation.

Fortune telling by the days of the month

And, finally, the date when the period began can tell about the upcoming events of the month. Therefore, fortune telling by menstruation - by what date they began - is also very common.

Interpretation of the number of the beginning of menstruation:

1. Pleasant events, euphoria from what is happening
2. The actions of loved ones will bring experiences
3. Quarrels are possible
4. Perhaps the fulfillment of desire
5. Surprise from a loved one
6. Gossip and intrigues of enemies
7. The threshold of love
8. You are prone to jealousy, often for no reason
9. An attempt to thwart your personal happiness
10. Either new love or revival of old feelings
11. Relationship jealousy
12. New love, possibly as a result of a love spell
13. New difficulties and challenges
14. Good news
15. Unpleasant surprises from loved ones
16. Your words will become a reason for gossip
17. Parting is possible
18. Possible marriage for unmarried
19. The likelihood of unrequited love
20. You will be deceived, perhaps for your own good
21. Cheating that will ruin a relationship
22. Financial well-being
23. Pleasant events
24. Long-awaited guests
25. Useful acquaintances
26. New friend
27. A person will appear who will fulfill your wish
28. Financial success
29. Experiences to help loved ones cope
30. New person in your life
31. Travel

Expect all of the above events during the next cycle, that is, before the beginning of the next period.

Fortune telling on menstruation

Are there any contraindications in fortune telling by menstruation?

The most "advanced" part of the audience may have a question: is it even possible to guess by the monthly? Indeed, at this time, indeed, it is not recommended to perform rituals and so on.

Here is a moment: you DO NOT need to guess during your period - you just need to fix when they started and read what it means.

In other words, your fortune-telling has already taken place at the moment when your period began. You just need to familiarize yourself with the result of fortune-telling.

And remember that any result is not a definitive diagnosis, but only an indication of possible direction development of events. Even if the forecast is negative, and you make efforts to avoid it, such fortune-telling by menstruation will be useful.

And if the forecast is positive and it comes true, then you will be happy twice!

Since ancient times, periods and superstition have been closely related. Attitude towards these days different nations and were different in different centuries. For example, in the Christian world, a woman during menstruation was considered "dirty", the closest to the devil, on her daily life certain restrictions were imposed. And in the Eastern philosophy of Feng Shui, such a period, on the contrary, is considered the moment of purification, thanks to which the female half of humanity lives longer than the representatives of the stronger sex.

Fortune telling on menstruation is a simple and affordable way for every woman to find out her future for the next month. Based on the predictions that have come down to us from ancient times, you can avoid various troubles. Or, on the contrary, pay attention to some pleasant little thing that will bring good luck in the future.

Having a regular menstrual cycle gives you a forecast for the next four weeks. Until the next menstruation begins, the fair sex will own important information, which will help to avoid mistakes and tell you how to act in a given situation. The essence of fortune telling is that every hour, day of the week and number has its own meaning. Remember the moment of the beginning of menstruation and find an interpretation of this sign - that's all that is needed for fortune-telling.

There is one more aspect that fortune-tellers, predictors and bioenergetics always pay attention to. If a person sincerely believes in the prophecy received, then it will certainly come true. That is, when a woman is firmly convinced that pleasant meetings await her, she will certainly look for them herself and "attract", paying attention to those little things that would usually not interest her.

It is not difficult to check whether this is so, and to find out whether it is worth believing the predictions for the female cycle. It is enough to remember when menstruation began, find an interpretation and remember it. And after that, when the next menstruation begins, analyze whether the predicted has come true. This article will help every woman figure out on her own what to believe, and which fortune-telling turned out to be the most accurate.

General information about divination

Fortune-telling by menstruation does not require any special techniques. There are several options for interpreting the moment at which menstruation began. To get the most accurate result, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • the hour of the onset of menstruation;
  • Times of Day;
  • day of the week;
  • date.

The main existing ways decryptions are based precisely on the time of the onset of menstruation. The better a woman remembers the time of the first discharge, the more accurate the result of fortune-telling will be.

But what to do if one interpretation portends good news, while another promises an unpleasant meeting? First, both events can happen before the next menstruation. Secondly, perhaps it was the prediction that made it possible to avoid an unpleasant meeting, that is, prevented it. It should be understood that any fortune-telling is not a dogma, but rather a guide to action. It speaks of possible events, not fait accompli.

Everyone has probably come across a situation where "everyone is against him." Gathering for an important meeting, every little thing hinders a person: the necessary things are "lost", it is not possible to quickly cope with business as usual, transport is delayed or gets stuck in a traffic jam. Events seem to indicate possible problems... Further analysis shows that negative result it was possible to "predict", too many signs were sent. Fortune-telling in advance would help pay attention to these signs, refuse or postpone the meeting. As a result, you avoided trouble, the prophecy did not come true, but this does not mean that fortune-telling was useless.

Is it possible to guess during menstruation

Fortune-telling by menstruation does not require special rituals or aids (cards, etc.). It is enough to have one or more sources of interpretation of the time of the onset of menstruation. You can use all of them at the same time or choose one option.

Since different prejudices and superstitions have long been associated with critical days, the question - you can guess during your period or not - will be relevant for many women. It should be understood that predictions at the beginning of the menstrual cycle and fortune telling during bleeding are slightly different things. In the first case, you only look at the results (interpretation), and in the second, you perform a certain ritual, for example, lay out cards. Fortune-telling at the beginning of the menstrual cycle is just an interpretation of an already accomplished fact (the moment of the onset of bleeding). Here we can say that the female body has already performed the ritual of divination by menstruation, and you just have to see the results. Therefore, there are no restrictions here.

The rules of correct fortune-telling

Truthful fortune-telling by menstruation is an opportunity to get certain predictions that are based on age-old traditions and knowledge. For different methods, the time of day, day of the week or day of the month matters, even the hours of the beginning of menstruation. That is, there is a clear connection with numerology, the sacred meaning of the days of the week, etc. In the version of fortune telling according to the Feng Shui system for accurate predictions a connection with a certain element and signs of the zodiac is also used.

To obtain correct prediction on critical days, you need to carefully consider the beginning of your period. The more accurately you determine the moment of the first discharge, the better the result of fortune-telling will be.

Let's see how it works with an example. If a woman discovered the first discharge in the afternoon, then there will be no difficulty in determining the day of the week and date. And if they started at night, it is difficult to say which result will be correct. It is almost impossible to understand whether menstruation began before 24 hours or after. Therefore, it is difficult to interpret correctly to choose the right day of the week and date. You can see (and it is better to write down for yourself) both interpretations. And after the beginning of the next menstruation, compare both results of fortune telling and find out which one was accurate. Until that moment, focus on the technique that is available, for example, by the time of day.

5 main options for fortune-telling

There are several ways to interpret the menstrual cycle. Despite the fact that the results are "tied" to different data (time of day, date, etc.), fortune-telling is based on one general fact - the time of the appearance of the first secretions. The better the start time is determined, the more accurate the fortune-telling will be for menstruation (there are 2 interpretations when evaluating the results by the hour, different methods for fortune-telling by the days of the week, etc.).

We'll consider different ways interpretations that will help women choose the most accurate one on their own. For example, 2 options for fortune-telling at the beginning of menstruation are offered by the method by days of the week and Feng Shui. The eastern technique takes into account the connection with the zodiac sign and the elements, the usual one - just the day of the week. You can choose either of them or see the results of both.

Fortune telling by the clock

Determining the results by the hour is a well-known and proven method. Exists different variants transcripts that allow you to find out the near future. If you want to use this method (fortune-telling by numbers, time of day, days of the week will be described in the relevant sections), then the main thing is to notice exactly at what hour the first discharge appeared. When interpreted according to this technique, it does not matter whether it is day or night, it is important to determine the exact hour. After that, you can evaluate the results:

  1. Positive changes can be expected this month. Good news, joy or happiness is predicted by a fortuneteller.
  2. You should be careful in words and deeds. If a person you meet during this period is annoying, do not waste your emotions, soon the attitude will change, and the person will become indifferent.
  3. Upcoming conflicts can significantly complicate life, know how to restrain yourself, not give in to emotions and think in advance about the consequences of your actions.
  4. Possible major changes for the better, dreams can come true, and happiness will find you.
  5. Expect pleasant surprises, they will make you rejoice.
  6. Mindfulness in communicating with others will help to avoid gossip and empty talk, limit your communication.
  7. You will reciprocate feelings or a secret admirer will show himself, expect a love confession.
  8. Your jealousy is unfounded, before blaming your loved one, analyze the situation.
  9. Gossip and slander are what to expect from those around you in the near future. Fortune-telling warns - you should not give them a reason.
  10. You are destined to know all the joys of being in love.
  11. Jealousy is the main emotion, but do not give in to it, your chosen one does not deserve it.
  12. To meet fate, sometimes it is enough to take a closer look at others, perhaps someone is already in love with you and is looking for reciprocity.

By time of day

Another proven option for fortune-telling by menstruation is to determine not only the hour, but also the time of day. It is believed that the second method can give more accurate results. First, it is easier to determine the onset of menstruation at a certain time interval. Secondly, for fortune-telling, the day and night period is important.

To find out what will happen in the near future, the estimate of fortune-telling by menstruation, taking into account the time of day, will help:

  • Early morning (until 11:00). Harmony with others, the establishment of spoiled relationships with loved ones or a new romantic period - this is what awaits women who have their periods early in the morning.
  • Noon (from 11 am to 1 pm). Joy and luck - these are the results of fortune-telling for those who discovered menstruation at this time.
  • Afternoon (from 14:00 to 17:00). Caution and attentiveness will help you avoid troubles and setbacks. It is better to believe only in yourself and not rely on others.
  • Evening (from 6 to 9 pm). Menses at this time predict a melancholy mood and possible loneliness. This is better than the previous option, but still not very joyful.
  • Night. Something unexpected awaits you, and hardly a pleasant one. Fortune telling on menstruation predicts separation, quarrels, deceptions are possible, dishonesty of others can cause many unpleasant moments.

There is another way of assessing the results taking into account the time of day, but it is more related to love experiences, so we will consider it later (see the section on Fortune telling at the beginning of menstruation).

By days of the week

If you want, you can tell fortunes on your period by day of the week. Let's find out how critical days are connected with them:

  • Monday. A "hard" day is not considered in vain, you will have troubles and excitements, but it is impossible to say for sure whether they will be pleasant or not. Here the odds are 50:50. As compensation, fortune-telling predicts an expensive gift from a loved one.
  • Tuesday. Perhaps the appearance of an old friend, an acquaintance who has not been seen for a long time. Perhaps your period wants to warn you about important event... The beginning of the cycle speaks of an imminent meeting with a person who has a chance to take an important place in your life. Or expect a major change.
  • Wednesday. Get ready for troubles that can completely engulf your thoughts and feelings for the next month. Months on Wednesday talk about just that.
  • Thursday. Fortune-telling warns about something incomprehensible and unexpected if menstruation came on Thursday. Receiving guests or visiting friends can turn into a fun party and cause trouble in the future. Better to stay alert until your next period.
  • Friday. Unexpected news heralds a major change. But for them to happen, you will have to make an effort. Everything that will happen will be associated exclusively with pleasant emotions and positive results.
  • Saturday. Good events await a woman whose period began on Saturday. Fortune-telling predicts the ability to effortlessly overcome difficulties and obstacles, receive unexpected "gifts of fate", fulfillment of old desires or a sudden love confession. The nearest time will pass under the motto “everything is good, easy, fast and pleasant”.
  • Sunday. For those who lead an active lifestyle, the coming month will be perfect, joy and carefree fun will be constant. Menstruation on Sunday predicts the ability to resolve all disputes with a loved one or eliminate personal problems.

By days of the month

In numerology, date is of particular importance. That is why it is believed that the beginning of the menstrual cycle and the days of the month are interconnected, and such an assessment will provide a fairly accurate forecast. This method it will be interesting even for those who have "ovulation" lasting almost a month. It doesn't matter if the period between monthly periods lasts 30 or 31 days, a gradual transition is still inevitable, as the calendar will change.

You can check the relationship between monthly and numbers here:

  1. Menstruation on the first day foreshadows pleasant events, they can cause euphoria in a woman, and what an incentive for further actions they will become!
  2. Perhaps you will be disappointed in loved ones, and their actions will become a reason for worries;
  3. Expect quarrels, some will be serious, others will be quickly forgotten;
  4. Perhaps it is in this month that a long-standing secret desire will come true;
  5. Beloved, apparently, is preparing a surprise for you, wait for it;
  6. Be careful, menstruation portends gossip, slander and other intrigues on the part of ill-wishers;
  7. Perhaps your prince is already close, his love will fill your life with new meaning;
  8. With or without current, you will be jealous of your loved one;
  9. Menstruation warns: your enemies, secret or overt, will try to upset your personal life, your happiness clearly interferes with them;
  10. There is a chance to meet your knight, or maybe just old feelings will flare up with renewed vigor;
  11. Either you will be jealous, or you, but such emotions can threaten the relationship, do not give a reason for this and keep your own emotions under control;
  12. Chance to meet new love big, but maybe it's just a love spell?
  13. Get ready, this month will not be easy, you will face serious trials;
  14. Good news is coming soon, wait for it;
  15. You cannot do without unpleasant surprises, the question of who will present them, a friend or a loved one?
  16. Avoid chatterboxes this month, your words can become a reason for gossip. And then a scandal is inevitable;
  17. Your period may warn you of separation. But what it will be, whether it will be long, short, peaceful or as a result of a quarrel, it is difficult to say;
  18. Married women are waiting new round relationships, and unmarried people have a chance to enter into a legal marriage;
  19. There is a risk that the love that has come will be unrequited, perhaps the man simply uses you, be careful with your own feelings;
  20. Close friends or a loved one can deceive you, maybe for your own good, but a lie is a lie;
  21. But menstruation on this day speaks of a serious deception that can destroy even a strong relationship;
  22. For women who have begun to menstruate, it is predicted financial well-being for the next month;
  23. Pleasant events await you, perhaps the month will be the beginning of personal happiness;
  24. Even if there are no special reasons, expect guests, there will be many of them, this is a pleasant event;
  25. Be more attentive to new acquaintances. They will be pleasant even if you do not meet your destiny;
  26. Menstruation hints, a meeting with a new friend is being prepared;
  27. You may suddenly have a personal wizard, ready to fulfill all your desires;
  28. You will have work and financial profit. And with personal life, it is better to wait until the next cycle;
  29. Trials await you, you will not do without worries and even tears. Do not hide your condition from loved ones, they are ready to help;
  30. Menses predict a meeting with a new person who can enter your life for a long time;
  31. Apparently, you have a journey ahead of you. Be careful with your actions, perhaps they will become the reason for leaving, and not the best.

Fortune telling at the beginning of menstruation

The onset of menstruation can portend a change in love, the emergence of new relationships, or the breakup of old ones. A little about this was mentioned in divination by calendar days. But there is also a more accurate option. Remember when your first discharge started. Then divination for menstruation for a woman for love will help in deciphering the results:

  • Morning. Falling in love this month awaits you, it will bring positive emotions;
  • Day. There will be luck in love, and it will also accompany in everyday affairs;
  • Evening. There will be a lot of negativity this month, conflicts and troubles will accompany you constantly. But against this background, you will especially appreciate personal relationships and other pleasant moments of your own life;
  • Night. Stealth is the motto of the coming month, be careful with your own "skeletons in the closet", they sometimes have destructive power.

Lunar day prediction

Lunar days are a special time of each month. You should know how they are interconnected with menstruation, then the results of fortune-telling will be more accurate. If the first discharge appeared on 1, 12, 13, 14, as well as 19, 23, 26 or 29 days (see moon calendar, it differs from the usual), then you can forget about other predictions. The likelihood of mistakes is too great.

Another option for predictions is by the phases of the moon: increase - wait for good news, plans will come true, full moon - a secret wish will come true, happy days await you, decrease - wait for unpleasant and undesirable events.

Folk omens for menstruation

Divination by critical days in women will help predict the near future. But there are also other ways to get a forecast. Remember that back in ancient times, people were observing various phenomena, analyzing them, studying the relationship between events. This is how folk signs appeared. Here's what they say about menstruation:

  • During menstruation, a woman was forbidden to: swim in water bodies, plant plants, cook food, visit the temple, do household chores;
  • Did menstruation start on time: if earlier - wait for new events, in time - desires will come true, it will be calm and measured, later - stability awaits a woman;
  • Menstruation on a full moon is a sign of a witch who can jinx people and animals;
  • On the wedding day: in order to avoid the difficult fate prepared for the bride's children, a special ritual must be performed;
  • To prevent the fire from spreading to other buildings, a woman with menstruation had to walk around the building in a circle three times.

It is also well known to use menstrual blood for charms, amulets and love spells.

Feng Shui fortune telling

Fortune telling by monthly Feng Shui is a variant of predictions by days of the week. But at the same time, for each element, its own prophecy is made. The Fire element governs such signs of the zodiac as Aries, Leo and Sagittarius; Earth is Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn; Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are ruled by Air, while Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are all Water Signs. This is how the beginning of menstruation is interpreted for various elements.

  • Monday. For Fire: familiarity with influential people, and not always pleasant. For the Earth: positive emotions, success and pleasant events await. For Air: love affairs and romance are coming, stability in business, but health can fail. For Watermarks: the beginning of something new that will have a significant impact in the future.
  • Tuesday. Fire: career growth is possible. Earth: Financial change can be both positive and negative. Air: Difficulties at work are compensated for by the peace of mind at home, but the risk of conflict will be great everywhere. Water: Your plans are close to being realized.
  • Wednesday. Fire: waiting for you mutual love and complete harmony. Earth: Responsible conversation will help you adjust your outlook on life. Air: pleasant events await you, but enemies and envious people will try to spoil the overall pleasant impression of the month. Water: luck in everything is the motto for the next month.
  • Thursday. Fire: beware of events that can ruin future plans. Earth: lucky in everything, especially in love. Air: money and good luck in all your endeavors await you this month. Water: difficulties and obstacles can ruin all plans.
  • Friday. Fire: caution in everything will help to avoid conflicts and showdowns. Earth: luck awaits you not only in love, but also in business. Air: Enjoy the calm and stability. Water: women are waiting for secrets and intrigues, the likelihood of mental anguish is high.
  • Saturday. Fire: turn plans into reality, luck is on your side. Earth: Difficulties await at work, and luck on the personal front. Air: positive emotions and unforgettable events await this month. Water: Get ready for gifts, surprises and pleasant events.
  • Sunday. Fire: Peace is guaranteed, enjoy it. Earth: Complexities will melt away by themselves, leaving room for joy. Air: a good time to implement plans. Water: enjoy a long-awaited vacation, problems will recede into the background.

As you can see, fortune telling on menstruation has many nuances and features. Choose any option or use all of them at the same time to make the most accurate forecast. And don't forget about folk signs that will help in everyday life.

Among various types predictions can be found and fortune-telling by menstruation. Many girls are afraid and avoid serious predictions (for example, on tarot cards), but they learn with interest about their fate by other methods. Prediction on critical days was once very common due to its simplicity and affordability. A woman does not need any adaptations or special skills: it is enough to look at what day of the month or on what day of the week menstruation began.

These are the two main ways to read your period, and they work for them. universal rules... In addition, you can tell fortunes by the time of day.


  • They always guess on the first day of the onset of menstruation.
  • Fortune telling by menstruation is not designed to learn about distant events or changes in life. More precisely, you can only tell fortunes for the current month, until the next menstruation. All predicted events will happen during this period.
  • For confidence in the result, it is better to combine different ways fortune-telling with each other: look at the date, and the day of the week, and at the time of day at which menstruation came.
  • If the monthly prediction is favorable, this prediction should not be extended, otherwise it may not come true. You should also not give yourself up to chance and wait for the happy prophecy to come true by itself. You need to take it as motivation and a guide to action and make the most of your efforts to achieve the result.

Observing these rules, you can increase the accuracy of fortune-telling. Many women note that the predictions they received as a result of fulfilling such conditions have repeatedly come true.

By days of the month

By the number at which the onset of menstruation occurred, you can learn a lot. This is what the calendar and the exact date say about the fate of a woman:

Day of monthPrediction
1 Something very pleasant will happen in a woman's life, which can turn her current way of life and instill in her joy and euphoria. This day is considered one of the most promising in divination.
2 Perhaps disappointment in the actions of loved ones, and as a result, in themselves.
3 A major quarrel is possible, the results of which, however, are unknown: it can with equal success develop into enmity, or it can be forgotten very soon. It all depends on your desire.
4 A woman can expect an early fulfillment of an old dream.
5 Expect a pleasant surprise, most likely from a loved one.
6 Threatens with slander and activation of enemies.
7 A person can come into life who truly loves you.
8 Pangs of jealousy are possible, not without reason: a loved one will give cause for concern. Nevertheless, you should not give vent to your grievances: first, the guesses must be confirmed.
9 Ill-wishers may appear, seeking to destroy your happiness and peace.
10 Menstruation on this day speaks of a possible new love or the return of an old boyfriend.
11 Again the pangs of jealousy, but this time, unlike the number 8, are unfounded. Beware of ruining your own happiness by believing in false rumors.
12 On this day, one should beware of magic and divination from other people. However, there is also the possibility of meeting new love.
13 On this day, menstruation portends significant difficulties.
14 Good news awaits the woman.
15 Critical days portend trouble from the outside loved one(beloved or girlfriend).
16 On this day, menstruation is advised to keep your mouth shut and not indulge in chatter.
17 Separation from a loved one is possible.
18 For unmarried girls this date means an early marriage, and for married people - a new stage in the relationship with a spouse.
19 The possibility of new relationships, which nevertheless do not promise to be joyful and mutual.
20 You should beware of insincerity on the part of loved ones.
21 Menstruation on this day warns against serious deception, which can have very serious consequences, up to the breakdown of relationships and the destruction of the family.
22 A woman can expect good cash flows. In general, this is the date of financial security and prosperity.
23 Pleasant events with far-reaching consequences.
24 A woman should expect guests. Menstruation on this day foreshadows an imminent feast. That's why, even if you don't plan on inviting someone to your place, make sure to have some supplies in the refrigerator in case of unexpected guests. Remain a welcoming hostess.
25 A new acquaintance in a woman's life. Whether it becomes fateful or remains insignificant depends on the personal initiative of the fortuneteller.
26 A man will come into the life of a woman who will become her good and devoted friend.
27 We should expect the fulfillment of long-standing desires.
28 You should not expect quick changes in your personal life, but the financial and career aspects are very dynamic and favorable.
29 In life, events can occur that can entail serious and unpleasant consequences.
30 The emergence of a new acquaintance, the relationship with whom will be long and trusting.
31 A woman is waiting for a journey, and not necessarily a pleasant one.

By days of the week

You can find out your fate by looking at what day of the week your period came. If you combine the result of this fortune-telling with the result of the previous one, the picture will be more accurate and true.

Day of weekPrediction
MondayThe onset of your period on Monday can often lead to hassle and stress. What kind of chores will be, depends on the woman: they can be both pleasant and not very. In addition, it is possible to receive a valuable gift. Again, whether it is worth taking it, fortune-telling does not answer, and you need to decide this yourself.
TuesdayPromises to meet with an old friend or a man who has long disappeared from the woman's field of vision. Also, this day of the week can portend an early acquaintance with a person who will have a significant impact on the further fate of the fortuneteller.
WednesdayIt is considered an unfavorable day for the onset of menstruation. She portends imminent troubles that can complicate life for an indefinite period. However, it should be noted that these troubles are eradicated, and a woman should apply all her perseverance and energy to emerge victorious from the battle with circumstances. This is why the environment does not need to be afraid: it does not so much guarantee a series of failures, as it warns about the need to look both ways and control the situation.
ThursdayIn turn, it is not so unambiguous. The arrival of menstruation on this day can speak of an upcoming holiday in a noisy and fun company... What this holiday will entail - joy or problems - is unknown. However, with this in mind, every effort should be made to prevent the development of a negative scenario.
FridayIt is considered the most favorable day for the onset of menstruation. The news that came on this day can turn a woman's life around. Although, of course, it is worth making your own efforts to achieve the result.
SaturdayA wonderful day that promises the arrival of all the best in your life. It can be anything: gifts, a promotion, an unexpected pleasant trip, the fulfillment of a long-term desire, or an ardent declaration of love. Problems will be easily fixed themselves or will be quietly resolved. Conflicts and misunderstandings will subside.
SundayMenstruation on Sunday portends joy and carelessness, but at the same time, they can talk about short quarrels with a loved one.

By time of day

Fortune telling by the days of the week, combined with fortune telling by the days of the month, makes the result more accurate. However, another criterion that you can look at is the time of day at which your period came.

Times of DayPrediction
MorningThe morning start brings love. This is the most successful time, because it promises a woman real feelings and the highest degree of harmony. If menstruation began in the morning, this also means that a woman must restore broken relationships and establish forgotten contacts. Of course, in case she wants it. In general, the importance of the arrival of critical days in the morning is reduced to positive changes.
DayThe onset of menstruation in the daytime (from 11 am to 1 pm) is also favorable: a woman should expect good luck and ease in doing things. The second half of the day (14-17 hours), on the contrary, threatens with trouble. Therefore, a woman should exercise caution, discretion and distrust to avoid them.
EveningThe time from 6 to 9 pm also speaks of troubles, but of a slightly different kind. They will not entail household, financial or other “tangible” problems, but they will cause melancholy or a heightened sense of loneliness.
NightNight is considered the most unfortunate time for the arrival of critical days. Fortune-telling promises separation from a partner. Its reason will lie in the dishonesty of the beloved. The arrival of menstruation at night can portend other troubles of a different nature.

By combining the results of different approaches, you get a more complete picture. Believe it or not - everyone's personal choice. However, as they say, if you do not believe, then you should not guess, and if you believe, then believe with all your soul. Then it will definitely come true.

Many argue that fortune telling by menstruation can very accurately predict the near future. At this time, a woman is most sensitive to changes, receptive. Her intuition and ability to listen to inner cues is unusually high.

Whichever option you choose to approach fortune-telling, remember that there is always a third way. You can take note of the predictions and act independently, taking into account the magical recommendations. In other words, observe the golden mean rule.