Where better to transplant peonies. Preparation of planting material

The flourishing hazing caps of fragrant smelling colors, each spring pleases the peony. it unpretentious plant Does not require any particular effort from gardener, but so that it pleases for not only a few, but also dozens of years, to rejuvenate the bush every five years. Under this procedure, the division of the bush and landing the deteen obtained to a new place is implied. In this article, consider in detail how to transplant peonies and how to prepare for them a place.

Such different peonies ...

These perennial plants They refer to the Lutikovy family and are divided into two main types: tree, preserving the above-ground part for the entire year, and grassy, \u200b\u200bwith foliage dying. In the gardens of Russia, the greatest distribution received herbatous peoniesFlowering from May to the end of June. These plants with large, strongly dissected leaves can reach a height of up to 100 cm and have a fleshy powerful rhizome. At the ends of the stems there are simple semi-world or terry flowers. Their color is the most diverse.

In the structure of the flower, peonies are divided into:

  • anemovoid;
  • terry;
  • semi-world;
  • non-none;
  • japanese.

Preferred conditions

Peony - a perennial plant, which, with proper care, lives and blooms 20 and more years. But in order for the flowering to be happy every year, it is necessary not only to choose the right place to fit, but also explore how to transplant peonies.

These colors need a sunny place protected from strong winds. To shading, especially afternoon, peonies are calm and transfer it well. For spectacular flowering, these plants need a compulsory 5-6-hour sun lighting.

Unfavorable for peonies are highly shaded areas near the buildings, large trees and shrubs. Of course, they will grow, but it is blooming - hardly.

When to transplant peonies?

This question is asked by many gardeners, considering that how to transplant peonies, they know. The most favorable moment for various manipulations with the plant, according to experts, is the time when the flower is actively growing suction roots. In our climatic conditions, this period from mid-August to the end of September. You can, of course, do it and later, but it is better to give plants more time for normal rooting. This will continue to develop the bushes faster. In no case should not touch the plant in the hot months. Since transplanting Peony in the summer means to persuade him into illness and, most likely, death.

Spring transplant

Sometimes there is a need to transplant the peony bush in the spring. It is possible to do this when the snow has already descended and the soil has fallen, and the kidney of the plant has not yet awakened. However, many gardeners note that after the spring transplantation, the bushes are lagging behind in development and are often sick.

A little remark about how to properly transplant peonies so that they fit well in a new place and pleased abundant blossom next season. To do this, it is best to take the rhizome of the peony, without sharing and not disturbing it, transferring it to a new place along with an earthen room. Thus, you can transplant bushes and spring, and in the fall.

Do I need to transplanses them?

These flowers can grow without transplanting up to 30 years. However, changing conditions on the site lead to the need to move them to another, more favorable place. When transplanting peonies it is necessary to remember that the root system they develop quite slowly, and the first few years the plant will receive nutrients only from the surface layers of the soil. As you can transplant peonies and in early spring, I. late in autumnIt is important to properly prepare for them pit.

Preparing a place and ground for landing

Peonies - Flowers are moisture, but here's a stagnation of liquid and dampness they carry badly. Therefore, preparing pits for these plants with a size of 600 x 600 x 600 mm, it is necessary to equip a good drainage from gravel, crumbs or finely fragmented bricks.

In the event that the soil on the sour site, it is necessary to carry out its deoxidation by making it woodwood or crushed lime (at the rate of 1 cup for each square meter). The most favorable soil for peonies is the sandy
or the loamy, fastened with well-sponded organic fertilizers (at the rate of approximately 5 kg per bus). It is worth noting that the feeding must be quite old, the best 4-5-year-old "exposure". Besides organic fertilizers, Each planting pit is added from 60 to 100 g of superphosphate, 50 g of potassium chloride, 10 g of iron mood and 400 g of bone flour, which can be replaced by the same amount of dolomite. More than half such pits are fill in mixed in equal proportions with compost, sand, peat and garden earth. After that, fertilizers are made, watered and mixed, in order for soil donkey and there was no direct contact of the roots of the plant with fertilizers.

Consider step by step all the necessary actions:

  1. Cut the leaves of the plant at a distance of 10-15 cm from the ground.
  2. Gently steer the peony around the perimeter, retreating from the stems by 20-25 cm.
  3. Drain the bush with the help of forks or scrap.
  4. Carefully remove the rhizome of the flower along with the land.
  5. Caution, growing not to damage the roots, smoke the ground.
  6. Carefully inspect the rhizome for the presence of discharged, damaged or sick places.
  7. Delete all the affected areas and handle the exposure places with crushed activated carbon or wood ash.
  8. Sprinkle rhizome in a pit prepared for 2 weeks before landing, blocking "eyes" (kidney) by 2-3 cm below the soil level and necessarily straightening the roots.
  9. Fall asleep garden earth and sevenely compact it.
  10. Pour every transplanted plant with 5 liters of water.
  11. Pour a little loose land from above.

Instead of imprisonment

According to experts, the optimal time to move peonies to a new place is the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. However, when and how to transplant peonies, each gardener must define itself, depending on the tasks solved on the site, plant needs, climatic conditions and other factors that are individual and unique in each region.

They love gardeners for beautiful, gorgeous, lush flowers, for the sweet, saturated fragrance, for simplicity in cultivation and unpretentiousness in care. Peonies please us wide selection , differ in color, shape, size of their colors and leaves. This variety is able to please every wishes to start this flower in my garden. Bushes can grow years on the same place, but the moment occurs when this flower needs to be transplanted.

About transplanting peonies and about when it is better to do this, we will talk in our article, because this flower, despite its unpretentiousness, is very sensitive to transplant and carry out this operation. It is especially important - to choose the right time of year when your bushes are better to "move to a new place of residence."

Causes of transplant

The reason for changing the plot for your peonies can become excessive thickest bushes. When the plant is growing over the years, it begins to interfere with neighboring inhabitants, it must be seeded, to rejuvenate or completely transplant to a new, more free place.

A long-term plants in the same place can be a good reason for the transplant.

Did you know? For a long time were considered healing plantscapable of "healing from 20 diseases", so they have definitely grow in every garden of all Greek monasteries. Until the XIX century, they were used by people as, and some varieties served the seasoning to many culinary dishes.

When and how to transplant peonies?

We'll figure it out when you can transplant to another place and how to do it right.


In the spring, peonies are transplanted from place in place with a whole bush. Division and reproduction during this period are not engaged. After winter, with the onset of heat, the root system of bushes is becoming additional suction roots. They will help the plant to take root in a new place after the "moving". A transplantation in the spring to another place is worth, adhering to compressed terms: from the moment the whole snow melted and the air warmed at least 7 ° C, and as long as the vegetative period of the plant begins.

To do this, you need to prepare a pit under the bush. The land in it should be loose and nutritious. You can easily easily, and anyone (in no way fresh). It is possible to mix the land with a small amount of sand.

Dropping off the bush from his old place, make sure that the roots are as unharmed and were in one whole soil of the Earth. It is not necessary to knock, clean, flush. Keeping the integrity of the root-land union. Place the bush in the prepared pit.

Scroll and fix the bush in the ground with careful tampering. Then face a pretty.

In summer

IN summer period Augustus chose to transfers. At this time, the weather is no longer so hot, there is still no abundant autumn shower, which will interfere with the process.

A pit for bushes is preparing long before it takes it use - about 6 months. To do this, dig a round recess, with a diameter of about 0.5 m, with a depth of 80 cm. A little sand is poured onto the bottom, or stirring this mixture from the ground, water and wait for the transfer to the transplantation.

IN opening time Carefully dig out the flower from the ground with a pitchflower, if necessary, it can be carefully divided or proper. Flower root must have at least six kidneys. Before landing it is necessary to washed and disinfected.
If you plan to share the root, all tools need to be disinfected and lubricated with greenflaw or manganese, so as not to infect rhizome fungus. After the root is treated, mark the bush in a pre-prepared pit. Skip centimeters to five, sink and pour the hole with water.

In autumn

Peony transplanting process in autumn Few different from transplanting at another time of the year. However, this is the most common way, because in front of the winter plant and its root system are at rest, they make it easier to transfer the stress of reassessment and they will be able to grasp the winter in a new place in the spring to please in the spring.

As always, the movement of the bush begins with the preparation of a new place, namely digging the pit. It is better to do this in the fall in a couple of weeks to the planned "resettlement". Pits under one bus must be 40-50 cm wide and 15-20 cm deep.
Abundantly, whirl the hole with water. If the earth is very dense - mix it with a small amount of sand. Feelable to land before landing costs, compost or. Do not forget about. If you embark on the bottom of the pits of small pebbles, the plant will only benefit from it.

Before digging a bush from the old place, his shoots should be shorted to the length of 10-13 cm. Digging the roots you need carefully, moving away from the stem for about 20 cm. It is better to do this with a fork, as you can unnoticate long roots. Just loose ground deep enough until the bush leaves it easily.

When the roots are free, they will need to rinse and get rid of rotten processes (if such is found). It is necessary to do it, again, sharply sharpened, treated alcohol or green ,. After that, the rhizome can be briefly lowered into a weak solution of manganese.

When transplanting peonies - Success Cheat Sheet for Flower! Ponioval transplantation in the fall - time and regulations of peonies are transplanted for several reasons - the plant ceased to bloom or the color crushed, I would like to increase the number of colors of the flowers or for some reason it urgently needs to change the residence of the bush. When to transplant peonies - the choice of gardener, but it's best to move in August-October: the bush has already been poured, the heat slept, and before the autumn rains are far away. The flower will have time to adapt to the new place of residence before the winter, and by the time of growth and vegetation, the roots will be fixed, and all the energy of large-line will be aimed at growth. Why before the rainy season? So that the cropped roots do not have a lot of moisture and simply did not rot. For different regions The transplant periods are different: transplanting peonies in the fall in the suburbs, in the north-west and in the middle lane begins from August 20, continues until September 25, Ukraine and the South of Russia - from September 1 to September 30, with dry weather Transplant Peonies can be extended until October Siberia and Urals - from August 20 to September 20, in principle, transplant operation of peonies after flowering, you can produce at any time of the year, but better in autumnso that the plant for the winter has time to adapt after moving is the best way. In any case, the process begins with the selection of the place and sprawl of the pit. The future flow of the flower garden should not be in the shade, because the flowers love the light, located away from the walls that sunbathe the sun and shield heat to flower beds. Is it possible to transplant peonies in the spring? Peonies - flowers capable of growing in one place up to 50 years old, these large-bouquets do not like frequent transfers, especially in spring. Experienced gardeners It is persistently recommended to produce any manipulations of moving in the fall, with the exception of transplanting peonies by the transshipment of a bush (young) with a lump of land. But, circumstances are different. In the spring transplant of peonies, the rule acts - the earlier, the better. Therefore, the process should be proceeding as soon as the snow melts. Soil flooding with melted snow can also become a good reason for changing the location of the bush. The landing begins before the start of the growing season, otherwise the transplant is easy to disrupt root system Peonies, transplanted from one place to another in the spring, lag behind in the right landing and proper care, the plant's survival rate is quite high to divide peonies in the spring is categorically not recommended, only to move the largests to another place the rules for transplanting the bush. Grown bushes will need a lot of space. Drain at a distance of 1-1.5 meters. Since it is necessary to plant peonies to a depth of no more than 5-8 cm (more - a bush will arise for a long time, less - freeze in winter), a large fossa will not need: 15 cm is enough into depth, 40 - in diameter. The fertilizer is placed on the bottom of the prepared pit - humid, manure, other organic. To give looseness, you can add sand if the soil is ventilated enough, this step will be superfluous. To transfer a divided and disinfected bush and token, forming a hill with a height of 10 cm. Half the bush abundantly, as desired to climb the plant with peat or humus. For feeding of peonies in the fall to another place, it is necessary to cut the bushes, leaving about 20 cm of twigs and wock them within a radius of 20 cm. In order not to damage the peonies during transplantation, digging the flower better for a pioneer. Wank a bush so that the root system easily left the ground. The roots are kneaded, cut the broken and fired, treated with a weak solution of manganese. So that the root system becomes more elastic, it is recommended to put a plant in the shadow for a couple of hours. The edged root is not so fragile. Now you can proceed to moving. It is worth noting, the transplant does not depend on what kind of peonies you want to move on the site, the exception is the tree-like peony. If the plant turned 4 years old and it is required to propagate it - it's time for transplanting peonies after flowering for the root separation. After the root system was removed and cleaned from the soil, inspect it. Copies with six or more kidneys are suitable for separation, since on the separated cut part it is necessary to leave at least 3 kidneys. We dry the root, cutting it with a disinfected knife, we proceed with a slight solution of manganese and proceed to landing. By the spring, largests are fixed and can please the flowers. Knowing gardeners It is recommended to cut the first color so that the plant is better to root, and in the second year - to rejoice at abundant flowering. Useful TION Lights Transplant Tips - Beautiful Flowers that do not require special care, however right landing It will help the plant to pass faster and start blossoming. Camening flowers recommend to adhere to several simple rules: with a spring transfer, the air temperature on the street should reach +10 ° C, and the land began to warm up to +3 ° C - it is at such a temperature that the roots of the bush begins are unpretentious to the soil - in the ground with sand the bush will bloom faster, but quickly will lose decorativeness, in clay soil appearance Peony will be happy longer, but bloom will come with a delay after transplanting a plant requires a careful attitude towards himself during the year, until it becomes at the choice of a new site, pay attention to the bright, protected areas of the place - the shadow can stop flowering Avoid abundant irrigation, especially after division roots - a bush quickly gains moisture, can be missed for the same reason when choosing a place to note that Tales and rainwater did not flow to the bushes during the transplantation necessarily adopt the plant, make drainage in the pit in a new place when proper care The bush blooms for 2-3 years. If the bloom is absent, it is possible in the soil a little moisture and nutrients. To correct the situation, adopt flower. It can cause the incorrect landing depth or a bad shelter of the bush for the winter, lack of light on the site. The situation can be corrected using an additional transplant. When to transplant peonies? The choice depends on the desire of gardener and circumstances. Observe simple recommendations to obtain a lush color of this unpretentious multi-year bush.

Peonies are capable of growing in the same place not one decade. And yet, once every 5-6 years, it is recommended to share and displete bushes to other corners of the garden. If you neglect this procedure, it may adversely affect the quality of flowering and even lead to the degeneration of the plant. This flower is unpretentious, but does not like to move to a new habitat. In order for the plant to quickly fit, it is important to transplant peonies correctly and in the most suitable time for this. The optimal period is the beginning of autumn.

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    Transplant time

    Produce this procedure It is necessary at the end of the summer or at the beginning of autumn. This short seasonal period is good because the heat has already passed, the cold will not come soon, and the heat is still enough. The bushes of peonies at that time were already fighting and began to prepare for wintering. If you dig them and transplant to a new place, then the flowers calmly permeately, and with the arrival of spring their root system will begin rapid development.

    Peonies, transplanted early autumn, in summer, it is usually already beginning to bloom, so in the autumn period you can safely begin to divide the plant.

    In different climatic zones There are their most favorable days For planting peonies in the ground:

    • In Siberia and in the Urals - from August 20 to September 20.
    • In the south of Russia - from September 1 to September 30.
    • In outskirts of Moscow, middle lane Russia, in the North-West - from August 20 to September 25.

    As a last resort, if autumn was warm and dry, you can transplant the plant and in October (at the beginning of the month). But it is important to have time to do it 30-40 days before the onset of the first frost. To progress, it is better to cover the plant for the winter.

    How to dig a bush?

    If the age of the bush reaches four, five or more years, it means that its roots are already quite powerful and deep (80-90 cm). At the same time, they are sufficiently gentle and can be easily injured with rude, inept actions. Therefore, digging the peony is most careful. The sequence of actions is as follows:

    • Turn the land around the plant within a 40-50 cm radius. The older bush, the more it must be the distance. Pouring the plant is best not shovel, but forks: it is safer for a flower. After the bush is Okopan, you need to carefully break it and with the help of two shovel from the ground.
    • Wash the roots of a jet water.
    • The above-ground part of the bush is cut at an altitude of 4-6 cm.
    • Put the plant in the shadow for several hours, so that during this time the roots become softer.


    To divide the peony bush into several parts is not so simple, because its roots are tightly intertwined. This procedure is carried out as follows:

    • Rhizome is cut in a knife to pieces of 8-12 cm. From each part, 3-4 apparent roots should be left for a length of at least 5 cm. It is also necessary that they were 3-4 kidneys. Too major deteen with the number of kidney greater than 5 is not recommended to transplant.
    • Each sliced \u200b\u200bpart should be inspected and removed small and fetched roots.
    • Cuts to treat drugs containing copper (copper chlorine, borobo mixture, etc.), and sprinkle with powder of charcoal.
    • Put seedlings into a shady space for a day.

    If the peony bush, intended for separation, is too old, its rhizome can be quite solid and large. To split such a giant into parts, they may need to be needed, which will have to act as a wedge.

    Stages of transplant

    It is pre-selected a place that does not fill either with rains or thawed water, solar and protected from drafts. Further actions are reduced to the preparation of pit, soil and actually transplant.


    The pit is needed at least 70 cm deep. Poni roots are capable of penetrating the Earth rather deeply (up to 80 cm), but only provided that the ground is quite loose. If the depth of the wells is small, the root system of the plant will begin to develop in a horizontal plane, and as a result, the flower will be deprived of the necessary minerals and moisture. If you need to provide drainage, then the pit is digging deeper by 15 cm. This additional space is then covered with a layer of sand or pebbles.

    The pit is filled with soil for two thirds. Peony's bush is planted in the upper third.

    Enrich soil

    For peonies, a subline soil with good drainage is most suitable. To provide it, you can mix the soil with sand and turf.

    You also need to feed the plant. To do this, the soil is added:

    • humus;
    • ash;
    • bone flour (300-350 g);
    • potassium sulfate (100-150 g);
    • iron sipop (1 tbsp.).


    Dissoliated rhizomes need to plant into the ground in such a way that the kidneys are not deeper than 5-6 cm. If the soil is heavy, then the landing depth is even less - 3-4 cm. Under these conditions, the flower will not suffer from the cold or from the heat.

    Before landing on a new place of pee roots, you need to dip in the growth stimulator solution (" succinic acid"," Route "," heteroacexin "), and after wetting it is necessary to dry the plant.

    Rhizome with the kidneys need to be put in the center of the pit - it is necessary in order to enable suction roots quickly grow up and start feeding the flower. After the hole is falling asleep, a couple of water buckets pouring there. Then 2 weeks you need to wait: peonies do not tolerate neither dense soil, nor a moving primer, and for the specified time the land will fall and acquire optimal physical parameters for rooting the plant after a transplant.

    In no case can not be tamped by the soil with legs - it can damage the roots. For the winter, the plant is recommended to dip.

    Spring transplantation

    Spring - N. best time For transplanting peonies. Flowers transplanted from one place to another at this time of year, can noticeably lose in growth. But if it was necessary to resort to this procedure without fail, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

    • Follow the principle: the sooner, the better, that is, to start acting as soon as the Earth will free from snow cover and an extra moisture will take out of it.
    • It is desirable that the air temperature be within 9-10 degrees of heat, and the soil warmed up to +3 degrees. Such conditions are optimally suitable for the formation of the root system and peony growth.
    • Failure to start be sure to start the vegetation. Otherwise, it can be damaged by a plant by damping the roots.
    • Choosing a new place to land, you need to find a sunny plot to which the shadow will not fall.
    • In no case do not engage in the division of the bush. In the spring, only the gentle movement of the plant is permissible to another place.

    If the flower landing on a new place was performed in all the rules, then you can count that the peony takes place. Nevertheless, the bushes that survived spring transplantwill make their owners blossom not earlier than 2, and even 3 years.

    If hot weather has come, it is impossible to transplant the plant.

    Care of transplanted bushes

    In case of abundant rains, there is no need for regular irrigation of peonies. Watering the plant is necessary only as the soil drying. Best fertilizer For colors is a cowboat solution. It contributes to the rapid development of the roots, the resumption of the kidneys, the formation of leaves and colors.

    The korovyt is poured into small wells, dug around the bush. It is possible to feed the transplanted peonies with complex fertilizers dissolved in water. In this case, the Korovyan is no longer used.

    Some gardeners prefer in the first 2-3 years after a transplantation to remove floral baskets so that the peony does not spend strength on flowering and could develop a powerful root system. With this approach, there is no need for the use of fertilizers during the first years of the development of the bush in a new place.

If your peonies bloom badly, then it's most likely to plant them in the wrong landing. Peony can live in one place for 10-20 years, develop and abundantly bloom, unless it was planted in the right place and with the fulfillment of all conditions.

Let's figure out how to plant peonies.

The roots of the peony when landing can not be plugged. The depth for the rhizomes is no more than 5 cm from the soil surface, and even better reduce the depth of up to 3 cm. Peonies love slightly acidic soil (pH 5-6).

Transplant Pione

Peonies are transplanted at the end of summer. The bush is digging with a vil, a large shovel or even scrap - depends on the quality of your soil and the size of the plant.

After digging, the root of peony is cleaned from the ground. If the earth is too wet and the com does not shake off the roots, then you need to wash them out of the garden hose. Then trim the stalks (all previous manipulations with the plant are more convenient to do, without cutting the upper part of the plant).

When transplanting, the peony can be multiplied, sharing it rhizome. It is impossible to share young plants, the peony should be at least 2-3 years. Recalculate the kidneys at the root of peony - so that it can be divided, the amount of kidneys should be at least 10.

Disinfect the knife and cut the peon rhizome into several parts. The knife should be sharp, you need to cut down from top to bottom, trying not to hurt the kidneys. Each delane must have 2-3 kidneys. If you leave only one kidney in a new root, then the young peony will not bloom for a long time (usually young plants bloom for the second year after landing).

Immediately after the fission of the roots of peony plant on required places.

The root of an adult plant is divided into pieces of a sharp clean knife. Each new part must have at least 2 kidneys.

Dellets are no longer minced than 5 cm. If you have not prepared a pioneing pits in advance, then do not block the roots, but put on the surface and proceed.

As we said above, when planting the peon of the kidney rhizomes must be not deeper than 5 centimeters.

Poes for planting peonies need to be prepared in advance, in 10-14 days - then the earth will be able to settle in them. It is usually enough pits with a depth of 0.5 meters, but if the soil does not have a natural drainage in your garden, it should also be added 20 cm. For a drainage layer. Drainage can be made of large sand or clay.

The basis of the Earth for the peony should consist of a mixture of turf land with river sand, humus and peat (in equal shares). Under each bush additionally need to add superphosphate (60-100 gr), bone flour (300-400 gr.) And wood ash (300-400 gr.). All components mix well.

If you did not have time to prepare pions in advance, then do not block their rhizomes at all, and put the kidneys up to the surface of the Earth, which you have just fallen asleep, and hurt for 3-5 cm. After 1-2 weeks, the Earth will give a natural shrinkage and Peony tubers will be at the desired depth.