Love spell with pins. We use a spell on the pin to return strong relationships

Conspiracy on the pin is one of the most universal. With their help, you can return your husband to the family and, on the contrary, separated lovers, find good luck, protect yourself from the evil eye and achieve many other goals. Vintage conspiracy The pin will be good support in everyday life.

In the article:

This plot comes out not only to create luck talismans from pins. They can boil other things, such as decorations. It is done in the new moon, at midnight. Take the object to bring you good luck when wearing, and read:

The month is born, his strength wakes up, goes to me. As a month with the sky, it's not to part, and from this subject it is not good to refuse! On the heels walk, good to create me!

Leave the conspired thing on the windowsill for the whole night. Already in the morning she can serve you as a talisman that attracts good luck. In this way, you can make pleasant gifts for the whole of your family. Does the outsider see your talisman - no matter.

You need to repeat the plot of every new moon, otherwise there is not enough luck for a long time. As a rule, magic of any conspiracted thing is enough for a couple of months, if not to do repeated magical manipulations.

The following conspiracy is read on the pin. The conspiracted thing should always be with you. Print it to clothes so that no one can learn about it. The conspiracy is also read secret so that no one can see you and do not hear.

So, buy a new pin and moisten it in the usual alcohol for disinfection. Take her in hand and tell me:

I urge good luck, I spell blood.

Immediately stole your finger, so that blood sticks out, and continue to read a plot:

Only with good people I meet, roads are just looked around. Everyone wants me good, my affairs helps in my affairs. As stated and done.

If you think that in some certain moment You need as much luck as possible, touch the pins hidden in clothes and say:

Good luck with me.

Watch your phrase nobody heard, speak quietly.

Conspiracies on the pin from the evil

Became from the evil eye from the pin yet with our great-grandabins were considered one of the most effective. But now far from everyone knows how to use it .

Making a conspiracy on the pin from the evil eye, you can not take into account the time of the rite. The main thing is your concentration and mood. Think about the protection you want to get. Do not make magic in a bad mood, try to test only positive emotions at this time.

In the afternoon, this protector will be fastened to your clothes. If you change the outfit, then overrably it. Do not erase it with things. It is not worth taking it to night clothes, just put the charm over the night under the pillow.

What does it mean if the spoken pin is lost or broken? They can also darken and rust. The fact is that the guard from the evil eye I absorbed so much a large number of negative energyWhat needs cleansing. This can be said and the case when you visited the desire to stop wearing the charm.

To cleanse the brooch or pin, put for three days and the same night into a glass with natural (not from under the tap) water. Also in the water, add a silver coin. If there is no coin, the decoration of this metal is suitable. All things that protect you from the negative should have time from time to time, at least rinse in running water Each full moon. After cleaning the pin re-convert. What was placed on the guard to protect - threads, plants, etc., remove and burn even to purification by water, they need to be changed to new ones.

We suggest you choose one of those presented below. Sometimes they need not only a pin, but also some other components.

Conspiracy with a candle

Light any candle. Neither the color nor the material is not important - it can be wax, and paraffin. As in all other cases, to light the candle for witchcraft needs to be matched, and not a lighter. Drip the wax of this candle to the opposite edge of the end, and then tell me:

Ortron needle-pin, evil tip of the priest, send it away. In the flame the word is encountered, it is fixed in the makeup.

Wear an overlap hook with the inside of any of your clothes so that it is asleep down. Wax or paraffin will turn, do not pay attention to it.

Conspiracy with water

You will need any glass container - a plate or a glass. Pour water from a well or spring, water from under the tap is not suitable. Place the pin into the water, and let it lie there. After that, speak, without removing the wagon from the water, three times:

From damage to evil, from the goose of the diabol, from human contagion, protect me pin.

Wear a pin you also need as it is already described above.

Conspiracy with coniferous smoke

This conspiracy is great for you if you live near the forest or an old park, which is not too often people. Need to go there and dial dry branches coniferous trees. It is best suited for this purpose.

The branches need to be set fire to the refractory dishes or dilute the bonfire, if there is an opportunity to get such a number of branches. Ideal if the dishes are new or used only for magic. Your future amulet from the evil eye is kept over the smoke and say plot:

The noble smoke of the fire, from evil fencing, good help. Only in you to you, only with you the road.

Conspiracy with thread

For the next conspiracy, you will need a red thread from natural material. For example, it can be wool. You don't need too long thread, it will suit about 8-10 cm. Schedule it in a hole, which is located with the opposite edge of the pores side. Next, tie twelve knots on this thread, you need to speak these words for each node:

A dozen forces and a dozen shields spell. Keep me hard, save from trouble, the service is correctly coping. Nodes, trouble dusty, let the bad weather, take angrily, and misfortune. Wrap it will not wear any way.

This pin will be pinned to clothing in the same way as described above, but together with the thread.

Conspiracy with bow

Magic value Luke is protection against all the evil forces, including Pull and the rest negative influences. There is nothing surprising that this plant is used in the manufacture of amulets from the pin. It is necessary to steer this time not to the pin, but on a piece of the bunch of onions:

The onion wrestler, the protection of my crown, a hole from me evil put on clothes, damn traits. Alerts, protection, all thoughs will turn out.

The evil you got onion, the better. After a statement, soda is a piece of bows with a pin that should be your guard.

Simple plot on the pin

For this conspiracy, you will only need a pin and nothing more. Open it and put on the palm. Now read the plot:

Evil all removes, unkind people disappear, damaging a hole, are charging.

First fasten the pin, and then you can already wear the same as it said above. This conspiracy is very good if you fear about the influence of a person on you and have not prepared for such a meeting in advance.

Powerful conspira on the pin from the evil

Best time To create really strong on you - this is Tuesday on a growing moon. Take a candle white color And, in fact, the pin to be boosted to protect. Pins It is advisable to buy in advance, a good day for buying - Friday. It must be new.

Sorrow a white candle and on its flame to turn the edge of your pin, at the same time reading the consultation:

God, angel came,
Keeper, I will protect me.
From the goat evil ukra
Flame with pure isomething.
May it be so.

Then drip one drop wax the same candle on the opposite side of the pin. Do it carefully, try to do without burns. All manipulations, except for the litigation of the candle, you need to do three times. When the pin will cool, stick it to clothing so that this is not visible. She guarantees you energy defense from envy and other negative.

Conspiracy on the pin from the rainbits

If your husband is leaving the family, you need to immediately take action. Help you get rid of the rival can usual. This conspiracy is made on it and acts as an edge on your man in relation to that woman.

Take a new pin, stick it to any thing your husband or boyfriend and tell:

Mother of God, Maria, help me went. God's slave (name) from the delight of the dashing disgust. Races her from my loved one. Away, let him take away and will lead their own. Sisters delibery Let them come to her not to induce her, did not look at her, did not kiss her the slave (name). For the power of your pin. As a needle, her ring will be, and the love of the slave of God (name) will be for me long. As an easy, the pin from everything falls away and the slave of God (name) from the slaves of God (the name of the direction) is separated, it is unfolded, yes to me in the arms rushing. Amen.

The ordinary English pin performs not only the functions of a reliable fastener and elegant decoration, but from ancient times used in witchcraft practice. Conspiracy on the pin is an ancient grandmother's tool for, magical impact capable of attracting good luck and luck, to help in many areas of human livelihoods.

Plug, as a magic attribute, applied with two main goals:

  • as Talismanattracting the benefit of the artist;
  • as Obega, protecting the artist from negative in any manifestation.

How exactly the pin will affect the owner - depends on the conspiracy spoken. If a black strip came in the life of a person, the troubles are supreme as an abundance, plans rushed to the root and everything falls out of the hands - a protective conspiracy is read on the pin. Conversely: If the performer wants to extend the steady white strip, strengthen the luck and luck, to become a favorite of fortune - you should take advantage of the magical words that will make this simple accessory with the function of the talisman.

What is due to the use of pins in magic? First, it is her oblong form and material of manufacture (Metal), so that the pin performs a good conductor of energy - and favorable, and bad. Secondly, it small sizes Accessory, significantly expanding its application. Thirdly, universality - Rituals and conspiracies on the pin there are many: they all serve some specific goal.

The magical conspiracy on the pin is good for the fact that its implementation does not depend on a certain lunar phase And days of the week (there are only units of rites with reference to a specific time). Most of the rituals on the pin differs simplicity and implies the presence of a minimum of magical knowledge. Therefore, the plot on the pin does not require access to the experienced Magu and can be independently done by any person.

Protective conspiracy on the neutralization pin

Protective conspiracy on the pin, (evil, damage, envy, evil, etc.), was used during the times of our ancestors. He does not lose and now its relevance.

Conspiracy-charm on the pin can be chosen any (good, a large variety of their diversity allows you to do this), but so that it worked properly, some conditions should be taken into account:

  • concentration - On protection against energy strikes. The easiest way to do this with visualization: imagine in imagination possible species negativethat can enter your address of peoplewho are the source of this evil protective abilities Magic Oberega;
  • the pin must be absolutely new. The accessory will become a powerful protective shield only when it does not contain any other information and can fully reveal its potential, to absorb the entire negative aimed at humans. Therefore, be sure to take a new pin, do not use the old one;
  • internal mood of the artist. Protective conspiracy Read in calm condition. It is also necessary to postpone the ritual if a person fell ill or just does not feel.

I will give below somewhat strong and proven centers of conspiracy-faiths read on the pin. Let them become for you reliable protection From evil.

Protective rituals and plots on the pin

Fast plots on the pin from the evil eye and damage

Conspiracy first

Open the pin, put on his palm of his hand and, looking at the accessory, read a plot:

Plotting pin on your clothes with an insoluble end.

Conspiracy two

Attach the pin with the edge down on the inner side of the clothing with the words:

Conspiracy on a pin on a candle from the evil

Prepare wax candle, match and new pins. Loop the candle from the match, wait, when the wax starts to melt, drop a few of his droplets on the opposite edge of the end of the pin (UCHO) with the words:

Also pinch a champion with invented side clothes, needle down.

Conspiracy with a porch pin

Prepare glass Capacity, water from well or spring (not from under the tap!) pins. Pour water in the dishes, lower the same pin and leave for a day. Exactly 24 hours over a vessel with water to read a plot:

Pins get out of the water, pinch to clothes with an inside, asleep down.

Conspiracy on a pin with a red thread

Pin with knots pin to clothing with inner, Top down.

Rules for handling a pin-guard

What to do with a pin-guard after spoken? There are several rules:

  1. Pins preferably pin to clothes made from natural fabrics. In tandem with synthetics, the charm is ineffective.
  2. The protective pin is attached with the inside of the clothing. It is advisable to place it in the heart area.
  3. It is allowed to pour charm from one type of clothing to another.
  4. The conspiracy pin is constantly needed to wear. At night, during sleep, it is permissible to put it under your pillow - to avoid docking.

How to make a pin pin - watch video:

The plotting pin pulls the entire negative, aimed at humans, so it periodically needs to be brushing from negative energy and update a protective conspiracy.

Purification ritual Pins consist in the following: the accessory is removed from the clothes and is washed in holy water (as a last resort, under the jet of water flow). Next, the fastener is necessary to leave in a bright place for 24 hours (the lock does not have to be closed).

Frequent phenomenon - lesion of conspiracy pins rust, darkening or spontaneous opening. This fact means that someone has tried to send a powerful negative energy impact, but the Obereg neutralized evil. In a similar case, the pin, which made his own business, must be buried to the ground and speak to himself a new protective amulet.

How to talk pin to protect the child from the evil eye

From the pin it will turn out strong Obereg To protect the child. You can talk to the amulet by any of the methods presented above. It is desirable that the conspiracy is spoken by a native or godmother - it is necessary that the performer does not exactly want any evil to the kid.

Jokes a conspiracy pin on his children's clothes, it is not necessary to report her true goal. It may happen that the child boasts a guard before his friends or simply foreign people - then his protective abilities will lose and its wearing will become useless.

Conspiracy on the pin for other purposes

Conspiracy on the pin is applied not only to protect. With the help of this accessory, you can, for example, to attract good luck and luck in your life, and even save the family, if a rival suddenly appeared on the horizon. How to do - read below.

Strong conspiracy with a pins for good luck and money

Prepare new pins and alcohol. Minch moisten with alcohol (for disinfection), take into hand and pronounce the first part of the conspiracy (under the number 1). Push your finger to blood and read second part of the magic words(under the number 2). Cold Talisman Good luck to your clothes, with inside. When the strongest, you will need good luck and luck, touch the Talisman pin and pronounce:

"Good luck with me".

The text of the conspiracy pins for good luck:

Mystery is important for this ritual. It is impossible for someone to see the performer during the exercise of the rite. The urge of luck also follows a whisper - so that none of the outsiders heard.

Conspiracy on the pin from the rival

This plot to the pin will help to leave his husband to rival and save the family. The performer (wife) should know the name of the brief.

Take new pins And pinch her to the clothes of his spouse - in a prominent place. Pronounce conspiracy:

The conspiracy pin will show its effect when the spouse will notice her on his clothes and will remove own hands. Wife can "help" in this - how would it happen to point out to him on the jangle accessory.

With this conspiracy can take advantage of the girls are not married, but consisting of relations with a young man. The pin will help save the couple if she faces the gap due to the rival.

Possible consequences of the use of conspiracy on the pin

Anyone who has at least the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bmagic knows that the conduct of witchcraft rituals can turn into certain consequences for the Contractor. What threatens the execution of a conspiracy on the pin?

  • If the plot on the pin is done with a protective purpose, then from rites of this character negative consequences can not be expectedSince they are initially aimed at combating evil emanating from unfriendliers.
  • In general, conspiracies and rituals on the pin belong to white magic, therefore they are considered fairly safe for self-use.

    If the pin is applied to harm

    One of characteristic features English pins as a magic attribute - properties to absorb negative energy And in return to allocate energy positive. It happens that the magic pin is used to hold rites with malicious intent to harm. Immediately I want to warn that such rituals do not bring anything good to the performer. Yes, he will achieve, perhaps his goal, and the victim will suffer from his actions. But soon the created evil will return back to it, but in a multiply increased amount - such is the law of karma.

    Therefore, I categorically do not advise you to use a plot of a pin for revenge. If you literally breaks from evil - calm down, think, try to forgive your offender and do not spot your fate with a dark witchcraft. Leave black magic for professionals. Be sure that Fortuna herself will revenge for you. Heats from evil - calm down, think, try to forgive your offender and do not blunt your fate with a dark witchcraft. Leave black magic for professionals. Be sure that Fortuna himself will revenge for you.

Restore relationships and return your beloved is not difficult even after a divorce. You need to know what a conspiracy to read to quickly return to yourself a former husband.

How to get a husband in the family from the mistress plot

To preserve the family or protect your relationship from the envious views of the rivals, you need to take a bottle, half fill it with it with a stitching objects (needles, pins, broken glass) , pronouncing the following conspiracy:

From me evil chonite.
In the sky, God,
Hubby on the threshold.
Husband in the house native forest
And I will not let the other. "

Conspiracy Return a husband in full moon

"Needles, fragments, others fuck,
From me evil chonite.
In the sky, God,
Hubby on the threshold.
Husband in the house native forest
And I will not let the other. "
You can read on the pin. This is done as follows. At midnight, they burn the candle, hesitate in its flame the pinion of the pin until it cools 3 times, read a plot. After that, they pushed the pin to the wrong clothes and wear it with them for 12 days a trip, even if the husband returned earlier than this period.

Strong conspiracy Return her husband home on things

To make a plot on things you need to buy a new needle and a coil of threads. Do not take delivery from the seller, it's just go, without turning around and not talking to anyone on the road.

Having come home to take a thing that a husband wore, to conceive a thread in the needle and start flashing one of the inner seams of clothes, saying:

"For a needle thread,
Behind stitch stitch.
On the stitch path
There is a hubby.
From now on it is to be here,
Love me one. Amen."

The conspiracy will act even stronger if the husband will dress this thing several times.

Conspiracy to return her husband to the pin, on the thing, on the growing (decreasing) moon, in the full moon

Conspiracy on the pin refers to very strong. It is believed that the Phase of the Moon at which the conspiracy should not matter, the main thing is that the sky is cloudless and stellar.

At midnight you need to get out of the house, take your husband's pants and a small pin.
Put pants to the threshold. Pin take into the left hand and whisper a conspiracy over it:

"As a month with a star,
So husband and wife,
Always always
Help us, Moon!
As a pin to buck
So in the family of the slave of God (name) will return! ".

Then shift the conspiracy pin in right hand And it's throwing it into the inner seam of trousers to the place where it will be least noticeable.

If you do everything exactly, as you need, the husband is guaranteed to return to you.

Conspiracy Return a husband in the photo (photos) on your own

It is believed that most women who do not know whether they own a magical gift. There is a share of truth. Indeed, because you could interest the guy who visited you and marry him? So, you can return it to the family and the second time. The main thing is to want it much.

The task is facilitated by the fact that the truth is on your side - the husband was originally intended for fate for you. The rite will be held more successfully if you have a photo necessary man.

Every evening, choosing a few minutes when no one can disturb you, put a photo of your husband and talk to you as if he hears you.

Tell him about how you love him, as we could be happy if you were together, tell about the events that happened to you per day. Your power engineering must be transferred to her husband and he will return.

Muslim conspiracy how to return her husband

If you know arabic, you can return the husband as Muslim women do.

To do this, you need Arabic letters on a small sheet of paper Write two names - your husband and husband. Leaf collapse tube, bind the red thread and bury under blooming tree, bush or other plant, most importantly, to decorate flowers.

Conspiracy Return a husband on the salt, on the wedding ring, on panties

For the rite you need to break down the pants for your husband and your own. Then sew the resulting strips among themselves alternately - the strip from the panties of the husband, the strip from its panties, the strip from the panties of her husband, the strip from her panties, the strip from the panties of her husband, the strip from his panties. Disseminate the sewing on a sheet of paper and sprinkle with a slightly salt.

Take wedding ring and stretch the stuffing strip through it, the spoken conspiracy:

"No food food is not food, without her husband's woman is not a wife. Food with salt, husband and wife. Amen."

Wrap the strip from panties and waking up the salt and scream deep into the ground.

At home, even a saucepan can be used (reviews about the forum technique writes not bad). Helps after a quarrel to return a plot from the rival to the holy water of 40 sips, blood or T-shirt. Prayer for cover will be able to help return the passion of the husband, as well as the way from the road and war. Who helped such a plot, you will be able to answer comments.

The problem is when a beloved person suddenly stopped calling, tormented lovers from the time of phone appearance. "Perhaps you forgot my phone number", - ...

Pins, like the needles, are very often used in affiliate magic, as an additional powerful attribute. And in order to make a beloved person to themselves, it is enough to know several simple techniques.

The ordinary pin, which is so often used in homemade use, is able to help in attracting the attention of the opposite sex.

This usual appearance of the subject has special properties thanks to:

    The material from which is made. Metal can accumulate this or that information is much better than, for example, a tree. The use of artificial materials in magic is generally considered undesirable. Metal items are applied not only for love spells, but also to protect. It is known that the pin, pliz to the clothes, will reduce negative impact and protects from the evil eye; its form and design. Currently, in rituals, a safe (English) pin with a covered edge is used much more often. When the pin is closed, the energy that was invested in metal object.

What is a spell on the pin?

Love spell on the pin is magic ritualWith which you can call the right person a sense of love and affection for yourself. Like similar rites of other groups, this species Presentation will not be able to replace genuine human feelings. In most cases, the tears are early or later disintegrated, and the customer of the rite loses control over Walking. For this reason, the ritual is periodically updated.

There is a category of permanent, non-responsible love spells. Their execution is usually only experienced Master. However, even if the rite was performed by a professional magician, the spells will be able to create only the illusion of love. In the depths of the soul, the victim will be with its "master", hate and despise him. Sometimes a person is perplexed how he could create a family with those who are absolutely not in his taste, whose habits are annoyed. If your chosen one is unpleasant, it is worth thinking: probably a love spell was made on you.

The ritual with a pin is well suited to those who just began to comprehend the basics of magic art. This item is fairly easy to obtain, unlike feathers of black chicken, exotic plants or biological material of animals. Working with a pin does not require special skills. With the participation of this subject, not only love spells, but also rites for money, good luck, etc.

How to choose the desired attribute for the ritual?

When choosing a material for work, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of the prewriter option that you chose:

    If the guidelines on whether there should be a new or old pin, you need to give preference to a new material. The subject that has never been to use does not bear an extraneous energy that interferes with the work. However, some rituals require the use of exclusively used pins; make sure that the metal object you selected is not rusty. Spoiled areas will interfere with the passage of energy. Exceptions will be those cases where the use of a rusty subject will be a prerequisite for successful work; the value of the pin has a value. For some rituals, you need a pin with an unprotected edge and a plastic ball at the opposite end. Such usually uses seamstress during sewing. In everyday life and magic are much more likely to meet english pins, the edges of which hides in a place specifically designed for this.

On her husband

The following rites are suitable only if a man is your legitimate husband, that is, the marriage was registered in the registry office or consecrated in the church. Civil marriages are not taken into account!

Even if you lived with this person for many years, but in a legitimate marriage, you are not your spouse:

    The ritual will help protect her husband from treason. Read the spell on a new pin: "As a pins of a woman indifferent, and you, (husband's name), all women will indifferent, besides me, (your name), your wife is legal. Amen. Amen. Amen." To fulfill this ritual, special training is not required, and it is carried out practically any day. The spell can be called it conditionally. You do not impose a non-existent feeling, but simply protect the family from the invasion of the rival. Pin stir up to her husband's pants. For a spouse, you can come up with any believable explanation; for the rite you will need a new pin and a piece of fabric from your husband's clothing. Please note: the material must be taken from the thing that the husband is currently enjoyed. Cut a piece of fabric you need not to damage clothes. Your actions should remain unnoticed. Fasten the new pin with a piece of fabric to your clothes and tell me: "Do not break into a pin from my clothes. So (the husband's name) could never leave me. Amen." Move the pin from the clothes can not even during washing. If the metal starts rust or fill, the rite will need to remake.

On a guy

Ritals will only affect the young man under 35 years old, which was never married:

    Take the secret young man Pin, which he used for a long time. Read the spell on the metal object is needed on Friday, which coincides with a reader, but it does not coincide with the big church holiday. Take the "stolen" in the right hand and read the conspiracy: "The pin does not like anyone, there is no couple. And you, (the name of the guy), not a pin. I will be a couple of you, you will love me. Amen. Amen. Amen." Conspiring item must always be worn with you. You can fasten it to clothes or just put in my bag pocket; buy a new pin. Go to the cemetery on Saturday (should not coincide with the church holiday). The pin must be buried next to the grave and say: "As (the name of a person buried in the nearest grave) never leave this shelter, as this pin in the ground rustle and other fate does not know, and (the guy's name) never leave (your name ). There will be all women dead for you, only I am alive. " Despite the fact that in the spell it is said about the impossibility of a guy to leave a woman, this ritual does not apply to Eternal Presents.

Which cannot be removed in the future

If you are not a professional magician, the likelihood you cannot achieve the desired result with this rite. Buy the English pin and come with her to the river bank.

"When this pin will open again, then happiness (call your name and name of your loved one) in this river drowns. Amen. Amen. Amen."

The ritual needs to be performed without witnesses early in the morning. Conduct rites only in spring or summer. Pin should be thrown into the water. Go away without looking around.

Gypsy spell for unmarried with 7 pins

In order to use Gypsy rites, it is not necessary to be a gypsy by nationality and possess the language of the nomadic people. Gypsies use spells and languages \u200b\u200bof those peoples, in whose countries are constantly living. The extension world willingly respond to the appeal of all people, regardless of their nationality. However, when using Gypsy magic should be as cautious as possible. Only Roma can correctly defend themselves from the consequences of their rituals. The day, which was never officially married, should be secretly taken on one pin from seven married women, happy in marriage. Women should not be former widows. Fasten the pins to the clothes that you often wear, so that they are not noticeably surrounding. Read the spell:

"The moon is in the sky, I am on Earth. Help me, the Heavenly Nights Lady, become his wife. As you, the moon, never walk on the ground, and I don't stay in brides. "

The complexity of the removal of any love spell is that independently a person rarely can determine how "invested" it. Having found in things the spouses doll Voodoo, it is easy to guess that love was imposed on this magic subject. The pin, pinning to clothing, is not proof that with its help some manipulations with the human psyche were held. Nevertheless, if it became known that this item made you fall in love, try the following way. Include old rusty English pin. The metal can be "to form" on their own, it is enough to put an object into the water for a while, and then leave it somewhere without wiping the dry towel. When the material for work is ready, go with it to the deep pit. You will also fit the well, breaking and so on. Keep the pin in your left hand and read the lapse:

"I do not need a rusty pin. I don't need a love spell (the name of the one who, in your opinion, brought you). Go, (the name of the customer), for all four kides. Looking around the wind, bring the land, bring the sun, and let me go. Amen."

With these words, throw a pin into the pit (well, etc.) and go, without looking back.

Possible consequences

Tying a person with the help of a love spell, do not forget that for your actions you will have to answer. What exactly will pay, it is difficult to say in advance. You can worsen health. Possible loss of work, financial difficulties or death of a close relative. The one who you keep near myself will suffer with the help of a magical rite. A person can, if desired, you can almost anyone used in everyday life. However, none of these love spells can replace genuine love. Instead of tenderness, you can get uncontrolled aggression of who you have taken away freedom of choice.

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Why put on the relationship "Cross", if you can use the ancient rites that save relations with your beloved. Such a ritual is called an inherent on a man with which you can return the extinguished feelings from a partner, and make him forget about other women.

How to have a man?

Such rituals do not apply completely no harm to the second half. It will remain the same, but in his eyes it will turn over again at the sight of you. The most important thing is that a man will not even notice any changes in itself, except for a strange apathy to all other women, with the exception of you.

There are dozens of possible shuffles on men. All of them differ in power, by appointment, by the term of action, as well as on targeted purpose: preliminary and on the fact of treason.

The dullness used will help strengthen the relationship and revive the most valuable in them: trust, care, understanding. In this case, you can use light rituals that turn the head, compare champagne. If you feel that a man changes, or caught with political one, then you need to use more powerful inans to help your man forget a rival.

Now consider the most interesting and useful rituals.

Sustice on a man by photo

Such an impression will return sexual interest in his beloved woman. You can use this magic at a distance.

We need 2 printed photos (your and your partner)! It will be necessary to buy a Gypsy needle, or any similar size, from the name of the needle nothing will change. Buy two red candles, woolen threads of the same color, and flap of dense silk fabric with patterns.

Such an inherent on a man independently performed without problems and special skills. A rite is carried out with a growing moon, and continues until the full moon. We proceed to the rite:

  • Stay at home alone, get rid of everything that interferes, at least for some time;
  • It is advisable to take thin candles so that they can be easily weave in one way. By making a weaving, put a candle in the candlestick;
  • Then lay on the table with silk flap, and put a lit candle on it;
  • Now you remember the nodes from the sewing lessons, begin to sew your photos together clockwise, exactly along the contour and sentenced a conspiracy:

    "I do not stitch photos,
    I am a slave (name) to myself (your name) sew
    Let him go to my roads,
    My thresholds
    I look at me - do not look
    I breathe - it's not soul
    Thank you let the slave (name) - the longing mortal!
    It is affected by the suffering of Yarym!
    With this hour I am for him and the moon is clear, and the sun is red!
    While the thread does not break down, the slave (name of the man) with me (his name)
    Will not disperse!
    As she sewed, so invested!
    May it be so! From now on and forever! ";

  • Stitching photos, you need to tie the knot three times and pronounce in turn for each node:

    "Invested", "sewed", "tied", "Amen".

That's all! Now wrap the photo into the flap, tie the thread and hide under the pillow to the full moon. As soon as the first day of the full moon comes, remove the bundle from under the pillow and hide somewhere away from the eye.

The effect will start after the month, and maybe earlier. Soul in the photo is considered a light form of magic, because it is fairly easy to remove the spells. Neutralize the actions of such a spell is very simple: you need to split photos, cutting the thread.

Snower on a man alone at a distance

Almost any inherent, where the man's direct intervention is not required, has an action at a distance. Before using one or other magic, think, and maybe a man does not stand at all?

If an unfamiliar man does not show attention to you at all, then you can take advantage of white magic. This light shape of witchcraft, which will make a man's thought, which maybe you are the one that he was looking for all his life?

Here's how to make a sprinkler on a man with whom the unfamiliar, so that the prince finally noticed you:

  • This ritual must be carried out in the new moon;
  • Type a glass of crystal clean water In the black mug before bedtime, to be seen in reflection;
  • Looking into a mug Read the consultation:

    "Let me adore me, and I will love. I will create a strong family, I will never let my beloved, and he does not go from me. Amen";

  • Spoken water, go to bed;
  • In the morning, I will smell this water and wait for the effect of the effect.

There is still a good way to inherent in a man using paper:

  • A clean sheet of white paper will be required, the format is not important, but not more than the notebook. The main thing is to fit the text of this prayer:

    "The Union of Luke is the apostle of your bed, Christ, and we are your faithful slaves

    To myself, tightly tied, creating your commandments and each other

    Loves non-deviversionally coordinate, the prayers of the Virgin, one humating.


    Heart, thoughts and soul, and all the fortress our eyes love

    And I sincerenyago my prone to myself, and the commandments of your who stored Slavma, all the benefits of the dotter. Amen.";

  • On one side we write the name and surname of the beloved, on the other - a conspiracy;
  • Wrote? Now take a plate or any refractory kitchen container, and burn a note in it. While the paper will burn by say:

    "We seal the slave of God (the name of the beloved) with the slave of God (your name) from the intent and the evil eye is not unfaithful, so that anyone will not separate the eternal and not alter anyone";

  • Now the ashes dispel in the wind on the street, and wait for the result.

Strong inherent on love men at a distance with the help of nature forces

Effects are considered to be the bonuses associated with the forces of nature. The ritual for the wind has a very strong action, and may fall in love with a man from the first time. This rite is held early in the morning when strong wind in field.

The stronger the wind, the faster the long-awaited effect comes. The simplicity of the rite is that there is no need for any subjects and contacts with a man, only this prayer is needed:

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Windograd, you are four elements brother. And you are not on the forest and not to the glade, not on the dry wasteland of Okyann. Find and bring me to me, God's slave (your name), the slave of God (the name of the man). Twist his legs and hands, all the love flour in my heart. Let him name my name will not be asleep, does not heat, from all the roads and ways it will come to me, I would seem to be here everywhere: at the top, below, on earth, on the water. He watched he did not admire me, would love me not mysteriously. As a beast, I would have risen treated, by the century would not be killed in bed. I have blood to him, I eat him, I'm golden ... I give the floor to the wind, talking about a conspiracy. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.";

Repeat outputs B. open field With strong wind, it is necessary until the effect will appear. Do not forget to thank the forces of nature, having triggered the sugar powder in the wind.

The rite spent at dawn can be a powerful abnormal.

  • We go early in the morning in a wild field. If this is not nearby, you will have to go around the garden, where clean winds walk and nature lives in harmony and is not exposed to a person. This is important, otherwise it may not work;
  • Previously need to learn or at least record this prayer forces of nature:

    "Stop in the morning, blessing, go out into the courtyard, crossing, from the door to the window, from the gate to the blue sea. There are twelve brothers stand, look at me. I will go closer to them, worship them below. Twelve fraternity, go to the blue of the sea, in the blue sea - the island, there is an oak on it, under the oak - the slab is heavy, longing tip. Sat the plate, take the melancholy, bring it from the sea-ocean, put a slave on the regulatory heart (the name of the man). Please sculpt the tacker, sirotin sadness so that he will be twisted, he burned for me, slave (his name) at night and days. So that I could not without me, for a day, not a moment to fervent. With you, Mother's dawn of Morning Mary, evening marimian, midnight Ulyana. Let him any girl seem terrible, like a bat of a bat, as a snake, witching, like a striped striped, like a sorcerer shaggy. And I for him, a slave (your name), a fire-bird, a cute maiden. ";

  • As soon as you see the first rays of the sun, start reading loudly an obvious prayer, so that the echo was heard. Read 3 times, no less;
  • If the forces of nature are favorable, then there will be 1-2 procedures that all thoughts of men focus only on you, if everything is without change, then continue to hold a rite every day until the result appears.

Strong inherent on a married man using a sweet apple

When disagreements and misunderstandings appear in marriage, and usually they occur due to faded love, both partners suffer. If finding out relations do not help, and for obvious reasons there is no possibility to turn to professionals, you can try to make a snack on your husband at home, for the sake of salvation of marriage and nerves.

The following method has a strong action, and his wife can be carried out in a legitimate marriage:

  • The apple of sweet varieties without rot, cracks and black spots will be required;
  • Three long needles or pins, and a printed photo of her husband;
  • Decide with the venue of the ritual, better where no one sees you and does not hurt. Interrupted when conducting categorically impossible;
  • Secure the photo on the apple using the needles or pins on the apple, and say such a prayer:

    « Eyes in the eyes, face in face, breathing in breath, blood in blood. Let the Slave of God (name) like this apple, quickly. Let anyone be interested in me besides me. Let all women for others and only I will be the only one for him. Blood blood is not washed away, he can not live without me. Amen, Amen, Amen. " ;

  • Then hide the apple away from the curious eyes in a dry place so that the apple dries quickly. After complete drying, the inherent will start working!
  • Apple should not immediately start rot, if the place is chosen dry and warm, in otherwise - Something went and the rite failed.

Strong sonar for her husband on a red apple

On apples there are a large number of strong dulls on her husband. Such rites are famous for their capacity, and a simple ritual. Here is another recipe:

  • It is necessary to red tasty apple, two large red candles and needles, or toothpicks. We need only previously used items, it is better to buy new, for sure;
  • Like all rituals, it follows alone, where no one disturbs;
  • Turn off the light, we light the candles, putting them near, and put our apple between candles;
  • Concentrate on all the good, we dream that everything will be fine and your marriage is successful. An apple is charged with positive energy;
  • After charging the apple, you need to pierce it on both sides of the toothpicks or needles, enough two pieces, the main thing is that the ends look at the opposite sides and were one line!
  • While piercing the fruit, you need to read such a prayer:

    « As the apple red dries, and the slave of God (the name of the man) will dry and wander according to me, the servant of God (his name). Amen! ";

  • We put the apple in a dry place, you can even on the roof under the sun until the fetus is completely drying! The main thing is that no one has seen it.

Soul to the rope

It's time to stop waiting for favors from a man, and start acting. If your favorite does not understand and feel far away, then you can not do here without magic. And how else to make "incorrect" to see again in their narrowed beauty and love?

Ritual Using a rope will not require any personal items and special knowledge. The only condition is the availability of access to the premises of a man.

  • We buy a rope, it is desirable not very thick, white or close to it, the stiffness is so so that you can knit nodes;
  • We stay alone in the evening;
  • Customize on a positive wave, sit and think about the beloved. Slowly begin to weave the nodes from the beginning of the rope, one by one, until you reach the end. Knit tight, every 5-7 centimeters;
  • Having finished, we consider the resulting nodes. If in the end of their even quantity - success on your side, if not, try another time.
  • In case the stars come together in the sky in favor of you, then you need to chip prayer to the rope:

    "As a rope is neither the end, the end knot will be. As if you, (the name of the man), did not run from me, my will ruin you. Love, the soul of the slave of God (again the name of the man), the soul of the slaves of God (his name). "

  • It remains only to put the rope on the threshold of a man to cross it, leaving the house.

This method acts instantly, but the effect is stored literally for several weeks.

The strongest dull on her husband

Soul, spent on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, when the young moon in the sky, has the strongest impact. Important is I. emotional condition The executor of the rite, the stronger the inner feelings, the power of the two people or the element, it turns out. Remember that a strong inherent in a comparison of black magic - it is much more difficult to remove than to impose.

The most powerful and lightning room is a quick abundance, the action of which is unlimited by the distance, is considered an impression for menstruation. There are a large number of types of rituals with blood, where everyone is unique in its own way. The action of such a rite is terminated in a month, after which the spell can be repeated.

Next, consider the most strong dusties On a man using menstrual blood. Remember that you can spend such rituals only when you are fully healthy and in a great mood, without any bad intentions and motives.

France for monthly

The strongest dusties on a man on their own at home, pass using menstrual blood collected on the third day of menstruation.

But here I make a reservation - such rituals are very dangerous, and are made only for 1-2 weeks, when you need to urgently correct the situation, do not give a man to leave or solve another problem of relationship. Then such an infirmation need to be removed and put a normal spell or use another dust. And otherwise there will be a problem like you and your loved one.

Here is a recipe using coffee or tea:

  • We collect blood for 3-4 day of menstruation and impregnate the small flap of cotton fabric completely;
  • When the tissue is dry, burn it;
  • The ashes, we fell into a circle of coffee or black tea, while the desired man does not see this, and sentenced:

    "Blood came out with me, I give it to you, you will take it, the slave of God (name)";

If the husband does not drink any tea or coffee, then without food, he will definitely not be able to. In this case, it does:

  • We collect blood in a tube on 3 day of menstruation;
  • Preparing the most delicious dinner;
  • I drip into a plate a couple of drops, it is desirable so that he did not see this, otherwise he will not understand it;
  • The faster the beloved will eat food from a plate, the stronger will be feelings;
  • Do not forget to sentence prayer:

    "Blood came out with me, I give it to you, you will take it, the slave of God (name)."

The strongest effect is endowed menstrual blood in wine - This rattling tandem, capable of subordinate even to the most resistant man.

We do the following:

  • We collect menstrual blood;
  • When a man turned away, dripped a couple of droplets into a glass and read a whisper spent:

    "You drink my blood, your will became mine, beloved. I am your mistress, now the will of yours is only mine. "

And finally, a powerful inherent on the love of men using the blood itself and his photos:

  • We need: a red rose bud, two photos (yours and it), menstrual blood, several scarlet candles, pins;
  • Turn off the light, we light the candles. Remember, in the room - no soul, except you!
  • We drip into a bud of a couple of blood droplets, sentenced to:

    "My blood enters into the heart of this flower, as in your very heart, the slave of God (the name of the man), like this flower starts to dry, so you will start to be laughing, you can not live without me, you can't be without me, you will come you are nice to me ";

  • Next, we put a bud to the photo, and supervise the second photo from above. Tightly pressed, and then we spawn on the perimeter of the pins;
  • Let's squeeze under something heavy, and we wait until all this is driving.


Above it was discussed in detail: how and where to conduct rituals when they are better to carry out, which consequences will bring inherent to whom they need and their timing.

Try to seek the recognition of a man on your own, and to magic to contact only when it is really necessary. After all, all the bonuses with independent use do not have long time actions.