Ancient conspiracies. Folk vintage conspiracies who have passed the test of time

The most complete description in all details are the strongest vintage love spells with a fairly strong and safe magic influence.

Independent love spells on love Guy are the leitmotif of this material. Additionally, we will touch the Gypsy magic and, in particular, love spellots on a man. What associations come to your mind when you say the word "Gypsies"? Will, mystery and magic. The factory witchcraft in Gypsy is very strong. It is far from your loved one, does not mean losing a place in his heart, they say the shuvani, who cherished by intimate knowledge.

To a strong magic of Roma, I will come back in Sergey Artgrom, but I will start the article from the presentation of a strong old love speirst at the intersection of the tradition of black magic. How to pick up a man with the help of a demonic incredible strongly?

Black Love Guy At Crossroads - Russian Witchcraft

The text of the love conspiracy of this old love spearance of authentic, which have come down to our time without change. The rite refers to the old methods of the attitude of the guy's love committed at the intersection. Read the text of the conspiracy on love, standing at the crossroads, immediately leave the spill and leave. With the help of the words of the text of the love conspiracy, you can, and a guy, and a girl, with some changes in the text, of course.

Rustic love spells Guy - Strength of ancient witchcraft

Folk magic is very old. Ancient times known to the rustic witchcraft. Almost in every village, and in the village, exactly, was his sorcerer, or a witch. Rustic magicians could cure the patient, and often damaged, and ancient rustic love spells Deli.

What we call a village magic today is a merger folk admission, Shepotkov I. magic conspiracy With the treatment of nature, ancient witchcraft rites, Christian religious mysteries. Can an old rustic spell on his beloved man harm him? With the professional conduct of love rites, this will not happen. Only independently incorrectly made guy's love spells lay damage.

Witchcraft rituals need to be possessed, understanding what you are doing, plunging into the world of magic and transformations. Reviews Rustic Guy Lovers They have different from those who made the rites on their own, and from those who applied to the village sorcerers. Such impacts on love are very effective, and they directly depend on the force of the Contractor.

Rustic love spells on love husband can be found in different sources. There are many recipes of biological love spells of a guy and a fraction, rustic magicians work in cemeteries, and at intersections, it is known to them and cathedral witchcraft. In general, rustic witchcraft is a section of the Warfish practices, and there are a lot of really old magical rites. There are things like a guidance damage to death, when they make a person love the price of his own life. What quality will be such a life, it seems understandable.

In this material, I, Mag. Sergey Artgrom, will not give examples of how to make a love spell to death. This is not for every magician, and even more so not for beginners, but such practices exist. Apply them, of course, not for love. It is a heavy, perverted, long-term revenge. The customer of the strongest love spell takes on the role of Mrs. or Mr., receiving another person in an absolute order, to his arbitrariness, forgetting his magic retribution.

The consequences of the attitude to the death of the victim for the customer can be extremely negative. I will not give you to such rituals from Sergei Artgrom, but I will be happy to share a worker conspiracy to female love.

This is a simple vintage rustic girl love spell, or rather, a snooze on food. Read a strong love plot on drinking or treating and offer your beloved girl. Do on the growing moon in a female day.

Who did a gypsy spell - real reviews

There is a lot about the Gypsy magic, there are even magicians, positioning themselves by the connoisseurs of gypsy witchcraft, but it is unlikely. Romale Gadzo, i.e. Not gypsies, the secrets of strong magic do not open, it is transmitted inside the genus. Yes, it is truth to say, truly own the units, purebred gypsies, "Black Blood" - Calo Ratti. Strong gypsy love spell on love guy can be performed different waysallowing to excite young man Love, pick up his heart.

Gypsies know how to manage people how to make them do as the magician wishes. It is necessary to form your goal, have a clear awareness of what you need from concrete person. You need to be able to see and hear to understand what kind of man in front of you. This will help determine the types of love spell on the love of the guy, optimal for the personality of this type. Being observant, you will understand what a gypsy spell on love men should be read.

Charm - weapons of the real magician. Do so to charm and charm your beloved person who you need, no matter, is a man or a woman. Do not expect that the love situation itself will decide in your favor, lead people and circumstances, and do not be trapped until you get the desired with the help of an old love spell. Do everything to come out your way.

These are the conditions for the successful strong gypsy love spearance of a man.

After the witch probatory impact, it is necessary to wash and say the cleansing Gypsy spent:

Ancient Gypsy Magic - love spell on your beloved man

If the one you truly love, nothing knows about you, such a way to be perfected at a distance. It is necessary to find on a non-potable 13 white pebbles. First Friday after new Moon Eliminate these pebbles on the ground in the shape of a heart. Lie the breast on this figure so that your heart is inside this symbol of love. Close your eyes and think about your beloved man.

Then spread the pebbles in the form of its initials, and again go to the breast. But, now think about yourself, about your feelings for your favorite guy. Then collect pebbles, tie in a handkerchief, and wear with you to the full moon. By this time, the guy you dream about will pay attention to you. Now your task is to be able to interest it.

Who did the Gypsy spell on the girl - real reviews about strong magic

How to attract your favorite girl, how to excite the love and desire of sex in her heart? A man can self walking a girl at home. Make on Friday on a growing moon. For home execution of the love ritual you need to have:

  • soap that girl used
  • red ground pepper
  • a bowl with clean cold water
  • drop sweat men

Add a drop in the water, throw a pinch of pepper, put the soap to the bottom of the bowl, to read the words of a conspiracy for the love of the girl:

We need to visualize intimate relationships with your beloved girl. Soap after the rite must be imperceptibly put in place.

Conspiracies and rites that have come down to us through the century

Nowadays, vintage conspiracies that our ancestors used are very popular. Such rites may have several hundred years, but their magic is still effective. With their help, the ancient Slavs protected themselves and their family from evil, called for money and good luck, or solved personal problems on the love front. You may not doubt that if they decide to use and you, then success you are guaranteed.

Such spells existed in a huge amount, but time made their own adjustments and until many conspiracy should not get to us. Below are the most popular rituals that are preserved due to the fact that they were fixed on paper in magical treatises.

Ancient rite for women's beauty

The effect of this old conspiracy on love applies to the woman itself, increasing her attractiveness in the eyes of the people around us. In ancient times, unmarried girls often resorted to him, seeking to create their family happiness as soon as possible.

It is also popular in our days: such a love spell will offer you to spend any professional magician, as the result from this rite is guaranteed high. But to spend such a spell is easy and independently at home.

Such an old conspiracy is comprehension that it should very carefully pick up time. It must necessarily comply with the following criteria:

  • You must have free access to only blooming pink bushes.
  • The ritual itself is held a sunny day, but at the new moon phase.

When all the conditions are taken into account, go to the bush pink flowers And stop near him, stroking the leaf gentle movements. Besides you, there should be no one there.

Making these actions, say these words of prayer:

"As you, the rose blooming, all the colors of the queen - so I will be the queen of beauty."

When you complete the spell, carefully cut down from the bush several of the most beautiful, already blooming flowers, and go home. There you need to convert petals from them and dry them on the sunlight.

When the procedure is completed, fill them with boiling water and give it in a dark place. The resulting pink water can be resounded or left in this form. It should be used to wash the face, and each time performing it, these words of prayer should be pronounced:

"Pink color, there are no more beautiful. Rose me must, share my beauty so that there was a slave of God (call your name) a clear month of clear, more beautiful than the Sun of the Red! "

Infusion should be used all, its pouring is unacceptable. The longer you enjoy similar ancient magic, the more beautiful and more confident in yourself will become.

Ancient love spell

Love magic has always been popular, as it allowed to solve the problem for which traditional methods They simply did not act: to tie a man to him and achieve mutual love.

The strongest spell of our great-grandmothers were considered such words of prayer:

"Lord, help me, Lord, bless the slave of God (the name of his beloved), the water of his saint. Herods daughters, stand RATE RATE, I first appeal, shake with your kids, yes from Likonov, yes from the elbow, feverish girl, the fever with a dense, burning. You shake you by the slave of God (the name of your loved one), shake his heart, blood, let his love flare up in his body. So that at night he did not sleep, so that the slave of God (name) suffered for one for me. What is said, will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Make such a ritual was followed solely during the period of the arriving month, so that he would reinforce with his force and a man's love-growing for you.

To achieve the greatest powerThe love spell was carried out in absolutely secret from other people in an empty room after sunset for the horizon.

Vintage conspiracy

Special respect for our ancestors were tested to protective magic: in the go there were numerous charms and spells. They used them from damage, and from the love spell.

For example, if it was required to communicate with a person who could know how to harm you and bring love spells, then when leaving the house, our ancestors began to talk to a small pinch of salt with such words prayers:

"Dali the river flowed to Dali, the larger is donoyed, the increasing, he wanders me, from the Witchcraft, protects me, from any spell, from love conspiracy, from the love spells and Avdlov! "

Such a enchanted salt was put in his pocket and during communication with a crucible squeezed it into the palm. The words of the spell followed mentally to pronounce about herself and in the soul to donate himself with a godman.

Ancient rite for money

Humanity has always sought to have a steady financial situation, but not all have succeeded. In the event that the money was catastrophically lacked, any means went into the move, and not the bad of them were vintage conspiracies for money. With their help, it was possible to bring to themselves a certain amount of money, and improving their financial situation in general.

Ancient rites for money differed from modern terms used in spells and objects. For example, pronouncing the text of the prayer for money, the ancient Slavs necessarily used words denoting many in nature: fish in the sea, ants in an anthill, stars in the sky. They compared the level of future income to give him the infinity of understanding.

The same meanings also applied in conspiracy: for example, yeast dough, increasing in the amount, or a plant stretched to the Sun.

The most popular and simple performed was a ritual with the use of an anthill. For this, it was necessary to go to the deserted forest and find the biggest forming house there. There were several coins on it, which were then read by such words of prayer:

"As in this pile there are many ants, as in an anthill, residents or I have, and I, the servant of God (name) will be going to be money, never will be translated. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After that, it followed home and wait for the results.

In addition, once a year, the Great Holiday of the Nativity of Christ, every respectful believer had to donate the church some money. From such a sentence you could also make a ritual that allows a whole next year Do not know needs.

"To whom the church is not a mother, the Father and I am."

It should not be missed for the amount, because in this case the rule is valid: the more give, the more you get.


Other an important aspect The life of our ancestors was a cure by conspiracy. It binds to the fact that the doctors in past times were very small, especially in the Russian outback. And if some kind of birth happened in the family, they treated it to the signs and healers who used a complete list of magical techniques. Such rites necessarily knew by heart in every family.

For example, if a large wound has happened with significant blood loss, it was uttered such a spell, heavily tightening the edges of the wound to the fabrics to be heal faster.:

"The Earth is flattened, Dern Turning, and the slave of God (name) should be the blood. As the earth falls asleep his wounds and aligns, so let the wound of the slave of God (name) will delay. May it be so. Amen".

This rite was known in each family, and he could spend him like a wounded man himself and his loved ones.

Ancient ritual for severe illness

If a person struck a serious ailment, who caught a patient to bed, he could only heal this conspiracy.

To read it and help the patient, usually called on a special meaning, which conducted a follower with prayers and spells. But somewhat often the family was and on their own.

In this case, a close relative became from the head of the bed and took in hand orthodox icon, which was called Troochitsa. For several days over the patients, such words of prayer were read over the patients:

"Pretending Holy Mother of God Virgo Maria, I fall, and bow before you, before the holy icon. Remembering the famous miracle is yours, as you healed the truncated land of St. John Damaskina, a miracle that you were revealed to people from your icon. The sign then to this day on the icon apparently, in the image of the third hand is depicted. Help and me, Troochitsy, help to heal the hand of your servant of God (name). Hear me, the Most Holy Mother of God, do not help me help her. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

They pronounced at dawn and with the sunset, while the patient did not become significantly better.

A strong conspiracy

Rituals for good luck have always been popular, they do not lose their positions they are in our day. The old rite below was carried out by our ancestors only once in his life, as it had exceptional strength and power. Therefore, this ritual should be approached very responsibly.

To correctly hold a conspiracy for good luck, you need to prepare three thick woolen threads in advance of different colors:

After sunset, remaining in complete loneliness, it was necessary to weave the threads of Kosh, talking on her with such words for good luck:

"I will stand at the dawn, pouring out of the house, crossing it, go down, calmly on the mountain high, I will take a bit down, the surroundings on all four sides far. As on the Eastern side on the green meadow, the horse is grasped by the trunny, and a wild nor. Nobody has ever saddled him, no one has ever risen on him, either striving, nor the reached that horse did not know the century. I am the horse of dicoch troops, and the horse of the buynoga will force. It will be under me obedient to walk me, where I want to carry it obedient. Will my strong, like a stone. My word is faithful as prayer. Amen".

Such a craft for good luck should be worn with you constantly on my left hand a certain period of time. Upon its completion, the threads were filmed and indulged: it was considered the right ending of the conspiracy. After all, in the event that you lost or rupture a braid, you could begin to pursue failures.

Love spell at a distance without a photo

Love spell at a distance without a photo

We will teach how to wander the man who love, and he does not want to marry and will help in this strong love At a distance without a photo that you will do it yourself. The magic of love will help to shit a loved one, and he will not even know about it, but his feelings will wake up to you and will increase every day. This vintage love spell on the love of the girls used another ancient Russia and this method Sneakers of good well done actively used by knowledgeable girls and in our time. If you do not know how to shy a man to spend this not complicated magic ritual - Love spell and quickly get the desired. Each of us wants great and clean love, strong and necessarily mutual. If there is no response feelings from a beloved, then it comes to the rescue love magic, In the arsenal of which a huge number of such "chips" capable of having a beloved guy or an adult man. Love spell The presented in this article and carried out without photographs is done at home and can be used for a favorite girl or a wife who threw and decided to divorce, for this in the text of the love you need to change the name of the girl and the name of the guy in places.

To make a love spell forever to make a love spell without his photo at dawn while sitting in bed Read the words of the conspiracy on love:

Nobody unknown, the strength of the power is hidden

And there is no power to end, I let the power of the mighty on (the name of the man) of good one;

I plant the power of the mighty into all the compositions, half-pass, in all the bones and the bridge,

To all the veins and semi-shots, in his eyes are clear, in his cheeks of the blush, in his chest,

In his running heart, in the womb, in his arms and legs.

Whether you, the power of Magnich, in (the guy's name) is inexitious, the young man;

And you, the power of Mighty, its blood fuel,

His heart of potatoes for love for the (girl's name) of a lovely maiden.

And would be a kind well done (the name of the affected) in all obedient

Pulp girl (girl's name) in all her life.

Would be a good one who would not be a conspiracy

Neither the verdict, and could neither old man nor Youth will dissuade him with his word.

The word mine is tough, like a fighter stone Alatyryr.

Which of the sea will drink all the water, who from the field all the grass is thrown off,

And this conspiracy does not overcome, the power of the mighty will not be injured.

In most cases, the spell also begins to act on the third day of reading.

Three ancient attributes that can be repeated at home

In love, as many believe, are good all means, including love spells. With these simple magical actions, you will be able to attract the attention of your loved one and cause genuine feelings.

Visigarov a lot and all of them are different. Black love spells are very strong, as, for example, a spell from Elena Golunova. But you need to be careful, because sometimes they only destroy the fate of people. We have chosen the most simple and least harmful of all love spells that you can easily use at home.

Love spell with spit

Pruts for this love spell must be either from a new broom, or two just torn birch twigs or aspen. You will also need threads. You can choose red or pink. The red color means passion, and, choosing it, you will attract the ardent feelings, passion in relationships. If you prefer more delicate and sublime feelings, it is better to choose pink.

The spell is made as follows. Two twigs put on top of each other and firmly tie up with strains. At the same time, constantly think about your beloved person so that the spell will affect. After that, say the following plot:

Probus I (name your name) and twig you (name the name of your beloved person): how treads are tightly tightly and our love bonds will be indispensable. Here is my word: so be, from now on and forever.

In order for the conspiracy to act, say these lines seven times. At midnight, this item must be put on the threshold of the person's house you want to be perish, so that he crossed it in the morning. As soon as he crosses the rods with you, the plot will begin to act.

Love spell on the drink

Not a gift they say that the path to the heart of a man lies through his stomach. Why not take advantage of this old admission?

The probative rite to spend quite easily: because there is nothing simpler than to talk a drink that will drink your favorite person. Very good if it is hot tea or coffee. By the way, it is also convenient, because you can repay on the coffee grounds. But even if the spell you will make a glass of the most simple water, the love rite will still work.

So, you have something to drink a person you are interested in. Turn the following words into fluid:

I don't drink water - you kiss my lips, you see yourself in reflection, but I imagine everything. As soon as he drinks (the name of your beloved person), this is not able to live without me anymore. May it be so.

Repeat these words from 3 to 7 times and wait. The magic of your love spell will soon begin to act.

Love spell with hair

This is a very effective method, as you will use the body part of your chosen / your chosen. It is best to get a curl, but even using one hairs, you can already hold a ritual. Take your hair and tie it with your beloved hair. While you will do it, say a plot:

You knit you with yourself, to myself, Walking, forever, wake up. So that now and forever we were together you yes me. The word is firmly like a stone, and firmly like steel. Now take and execute. May it be so.

Next, the tied hair is removed so that they are inseparable to anyone and no one would have found them. Think about a secret place in advance. Conspiracy is desirable to spend at night in silence and loneliness. You can accommodate in front of the mirror and light the candles. So magic will strengthen its action.

Some clairvoyant and psychics believe that the use of love spell is undesirable. For example, Elena Yasievich claims that the attoring person spoils his karma. We wish you good luck in love even without love spells, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

Vintage rustic spell

Rights of rustic magic came to the modern world of deep antiquity. They were developed by folk healers and the signs and passed the tests of time. The probitive rites were in pagan times an integral part of the national life. It was believed that with their help you can reach harmony in personal life.

Features of rustic rituals

Any rustic spell is based on the conjunction of folk adoption with natural attributes, Christian beliefs with pagan religious rites. All such impacts are very effective and, with competent conduct, cannot harm the person.

It should be understood that the effectiveness of a probivary rite relating to village magic largely depends on the energy force of the artist of the ritual.

Surprised ritual

This rite is notable for the fact that it does not roll back, therefore, can not harm the performer. Such an impact allows you to shock both unfulfilled and married man. Moreover, in the second case, the rite will be effective only if the feelings between her husband and his wife were cooled, but none of the partners have enough strength to make a decision on parting. This ritual smash a happy family will not succeed.

This rustic love spell is associated with those who are not capable associated with the selection attribute and creating conditions for its conduct.

The ritual should only be held on the third night after the new moon. As an attribute in the rite, a fresh egg, which is not more than two days. That is, in the store acquire an egg for the rite. In addition, it will be necessary to use three church candlesTo purchase in the Temple on Tuesday, and a photo of a loved one who is planned to be awesome.

After sunset, it is necessary to retire in a separate room. The table should be installed with a triangle candles, inside which to put a picture of your beloved, and put an egg on it.

After that, you need to light the candles and speak such a plot:

After that, you need to take the egg and strongly knock them on the photo to break. The snapshot should be completely filled broken egg. Then candles should be put out and collect all attributes in the package. It must be immediately taken out on the street and bury at the crossroads, you can cross two paths in the park. You need to bury the package to make anyone anyone accidentally excavated.

Despite the fact that the rite is quite complicated in execution, it begins to act immediately after the egg will be broken.

Strong black inherent

There is another strongness of a vigorous ritual belonging to the Black Rustic Magic. In connection with these, it follows it in strict accordance with the recommendations to exclude negative consequencesfor both the victim and the executor of the rite.

For this strong rite It is necessary to pre-prepare:

  • Volt from wax, which will symbolize your beloved;
  • Twelve new needles;
  • The cemetery land that needs to be gained on the grave of a person whose name coincides with the name of your beloved.

In the noving period in a separate room on the table, three church candles are installed in a triangle. The center puts the dish with the cemetery land, to the center of which is placed Volt.

After that read the following conspiracy:

After that, you need to stick in the left candle the needle vertically directly next to the phytylene. After that, you need to talk a plot again. Similar actions are repeated with other candles, while the latter should be a candle installed in the middle.

If the Dark Spirit agrees to help you, then he will manifest himself any action, for example, flucta flame candles.

After that, nine needles stick to Volt:

  • Three - in the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin;
  • Three - in the heart of the heart;
  • One - in the interbrass zone;
  • One - in the left temple;
  • One - in the theme.

Since ancient times it was believed that witches are individuals of a female, leading a secluded lifestyle. Basically, they settled in the deaf, impassable forests, where it was possible to create their villainous carriages, especially not attracting attention. There they collected miraculous herbs and roots, wing plants and mushrooms for their black Deliche.

Witches: who are they? And do they have a place in the world, where everything is so zybko, it is not clear and relative?

Witches are usually becoming in nature. For example, if only women are constantly born in a pedigree or only men three generations are potential witches and magicians. If you teach such a representative of witchcraft, a person will feel great strength. Such people often know that they are unusual, they, without understanding what they do can harm others. Really met in the life that the random word abandoned in anger is very soon coming true. This is forces, data from nature, find their application.

The witch can be unwittingly. Many have heard that, dying, the witch must convey its strength. As a rule, she knows about his death in a couple of days and can prepare. But in extreme cases, when it is impossible to do it, the witch is aware that devilry Will not let her go, but will be made by terrible flour. At the moment of agony, she is ready to throw the power on any, the witch is enough to touch the man's hand.

Transmitting power without knowledge, the successor is circumscribed on torment. Knowledge transfer by mutual agreement has several other forms. Such a phenomenon is called the confession of the witch. Depending on the physical condition, it can not last one day. Starting your monologue after midnight, the witch speaks to the first roosters, and then heats up to continue the next night.

The successor cannot record, so I have to memorize everything said. To simplify it, the older witch denounced knowledge in the story, because they say "Confession of the Witch." An important nuance is the choice of a person to transfer knowledge. Choose a worthy and stronger successor. The confession is not devoid of logic on the mortal apparel, because, having complete knowledge, the newly-made witch could use them against the teacher.

See also documentary video about the witch book:

But there are those who consciously study to become a witch.

The last kind of witches is conscious disciples. These people, giving themselves a report, chose the path of witchcraft and burning. Connoisseurs assure that almost every can. If you decide to do black magic, you need to make a ritual rite and read words to become a witch. Himself the ritual of dedication requires purity not only by bodily, the strict post is required for three days, but also need to wear clean clothing.

Your mind should be sober and not littered with alcohol "for courage" or other dormarians. Choose a room to read the initiation in which no one really goes and does not hurt. Before the start of the ritual, burn the lamp, and from that day, let it burn for forty days.

Reading requires reverent trepidation, respect and faith in the importance of what is happening. Need to be aware: Destinating, you take responsibility. Your words will have a different weight and strength. It is impossible to be scattered by threats to the right and left. After reading the text of the dedication, you will gain power over the spirits, they will obey all your orders. After all, each spell is a witch order for execution. So, if you are ready and give yourself a report in actions, then you should read the following words:

After the cropping of the ritual, the person goes to sleep and should not communicate with anyone on this day.

The concepts of "black magic" and "Witch"

The concepts of "Black Magic" and "Witch" in the consciousness of a modern person have a pronounced negative shade. But the witch is not the one who does only evil people. The word "Witch" occurs, above all, from the word "to conduct", that is, to know.

Witches are different:

  1. There are witches that help people solve their problems treat them and never make evil. White witches are usually not hidden from people and are always ready to help. But the black can be immediately not to see.
  2. There are such witches that work only for their benefits and do not refuse any, even the most dirty work. These are black witches.

It is necessary to understand, black magic is not a priori "evil", it is not related to Satanism. Of course, it may have to be called to the forces of demons and spirits, but unambiguously in the overwhelming majority of rituals from you will not need sacrifices, black cats and blood drinks. You yourself decided to know the ancient witches spells, it means that you must give a report to the danger of your choice.

Should not perceive witchcraft as something fabulous and fantastic, A la Harry rubbed, is a real doctrine. According to the principle of impact, you can divide the direction of witchcraft into two types: active and passive.

  1. The calling of demons and spirits, treatment or damage is the activity of active witches.
  2. Passive magic adherents are limited to fortune investigation, predictions, reading faucenes, creating amulets. Active witchcraft requires large witch's energy costs.

Real spells for beginner witch find it easy. Typography regularly release new books about magic, many sites have been created on the Internet with this subject. The issue of the authenticity of such abundant information is all decides for himself.

In the yard of the 21st century. Century in which most supernatural phenomena Received a scientific justification or was refuted. However, the world is so diverse that he regularly supplies the human mind with new mysteries. In all ancient cultures and at all times there were women endowed with superhuman abilities. Their role in everyday life It was and remains to know the answers to these riddles, help people who do not know how to deal with difficulties.

Conduction and various types of its varieties were known from time immemorial to the ancient Egyptians and residents of Mesopotamia, especially Babylonians. The interest of a person to everything mysterious was always. People attracted the uncharted forces of the powerful nature.

Just imagine what the amount of knowledge about the strength of the spirits accumulated over the years, centuries! Magic is difficult to call a simple man in a simple man, but she is old as a world, and this has long surpassed any of the sciences. Magic allows you to know if not all, then much. It is not even in book knowledge about damages, diseases, etc., Magic reveals the secret of the side of life, where mathematics, biology or physics could not be repeated. To deny the interaction of the mind and soul is meaningless, and to understand it is very important.

In antiquity it was easier to reconcile with magic, it was possible to either know much or not know anything. The witch could be a priest, a sign, a healer, which means that she had power over people. Then, with the development of culture, and therefore, with the advent of girlfriends ordinary peopleIt took the separation on the right and left, good and bad. So it was easier for a person to understand what was going on around, so he naively believed that he knew about good and evil.

Initial symbols and knowledge during the development changed their meaning, the person replaced the concept to learn how to manage the world. He in modern times continues to do it. For example, a Chinese symbol from ancient times Yin-Yang. A modern man claims: the meaning value is the opposite, female and male, good and evil.

But the ancient Chinese invested the value other:

  • Yin - shady mountain slope
  • Yang - Sunny.

And where is good here, and where is bad? Mount one! Witch, perhaps, those people who retain the initial meaning of being and is not trying to adapt it or upgrade.

It is now difficult to comprehend when and how the division of magic on white and black, and their servants on magicians and witches went. Perhaps, with the coming of a single patriarchal religion, serving the highest forces, God, and therefore the function of the priest, the carrier of good, began to tie to the male beginning ( white Magic), while anxiety about the material world (troubles about daily affairs) to associate with evil, the beginning of feminine. So it turns out that those who are engaged in black magic, struggling with adversity of life - witches.

How to determine and recognize a real witch?

Continuing the topic of wets, I would like to pay attention to such a question as recognizing true lead. Quite original way Found Serbian researchers of occult sciences. In one of the abandoned old anti-monasteries, they found ancient Scriptures with the instructions for identifying a witchcraft char in the female population. It's simple and how funny, however, this method brings good income to the Museum of Conduct.

So, the girl needs to weigh twice, the first time the classic method, and the second time - saddling the broom:

  1. If during re-weighing the weight was more - it is quite normal and means that the girl is not a witch
  2. But if the weight remained unchanged, it is direct evidence that you are witch.

Witches are often visited by the Church, feeding the energy of holiness, as well as within the rituals. As a rule, those who came to the temple of God with the intentions of the rite of the rite closes from the grace emanating from the icons.

How do they behave in the temple:

  1. They cross hands, legs or fingers.
  2. With prayer, kneeling in front of the images, they can cross legs behind.
  3. Also a wrapping should be alert if the parishionanka is baptized with his left hand and in the reverse order (belly, left shoulder, right shoulder, forehead). This ritual is called the neighborhood. Witches can be baptized and right handBut then after they make a sharp movement of hand, as if they drop the cross to the floor. The best solution It will not approach such people and do not take anything from them.
  4. Being in the church, a black witch tries not to turn his back to the altar and icons . This is explained by the fact that in the spine many nervous endings, and the grace that comes from the images, extremely much burns the back of the witch. She, even leaving, will be baptized, the stuff to the exit and not turning.

Why are the witches come in the church?

Everything is simple: committing rituals, they spend their vital energy. Naturally, to fill it for a long time, it is much faster to reappel from the inadequate parishioner. It is done quite simple. The witch, not attracting attention, will overtake you counterclockwise, then it seems to be accidentally pushing his hand, and all: she can only stand behind her back and get your energy.

If you feel and notice that someone spends such manipulations, feel free to hit that man with your left hand, it will allow returning damage back. People who experience all sorts of trouble from induced, very much. Very often, from induced damage, people quickly die, and from the incurable disease. And many many at the reception at the wizard exclaimate, for which I am, to whom I switched the road.

But there are witches who spoil people not for something, but just so, for pleasure. From the story, we know that witches and sorcerers are those who concluded a deal with the devil himself and in return for knowledge sold their soul. Perhaps vanity from the possession of sacral secrets and pushes the witches for the creation of evil.

And yet the witches are not all evil. There are inquisitive research in this area, called witch. It is worth reminding: the word "Witch" happened from the word "to conduct". Magic is like a mirror, whoever appeal to her in search of answers to questions, he exposes his true intentions.

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Usually a conspiracy is done using those natural components that personify multipleb, countless something - in order for the principle of similarity, you had as much money.

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What kind of natural components can be: Stars in the sky, fish in the sea, ants in an anthill, feathers on birds, seeds ...

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The second option is used what is increasing. For example, rising dough, growing plant ... In order for the principle of similarity, your income has increased.

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For example, everyone knows the plant called people Money Tree. It is not even necessary to specifically talk, because It also has a property to attract money. Often, changes in the money tree can be judged and about changing the financial position of its owners.


For example, such a case was told: When a person was offered a job that immediately translated it to a substantially more high level income, it money Tree Fantastically grew in a matter of days. And when the financial crisis comes, a monetary tree, on the contrary, begins to stick. In my tree, I watched such a picture: the tree suddenly began to branch much, let the many side shoots. This coincided with the advent different areas receiving income.



To attract money, the money itself is used, and new things. With this you are already familiar - the technique of the undeveloped ruble. There are conspiracies for money that you need to periodically repeat, selling a conspiraced coin every time and converting a new one.

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Often the first revenue of trade sellers are not spent, but leave as a talisman, attracting new buyers. But the buyer purchased things can also use to attract the following new things (and therefore money on them!) - For this, there is also a special conspiracy.

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In monetary magic, the Moon Phase is important for which magical work is being done.. Conspiracy to attract money is better to do on a growing moon. And to get rid of debt - on a decreasing.

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And now a few good conspiracies For money.

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Vintage conspiracies for money so that wealth went to the hands


* On the young month bake bread (Pie, buns), stern on the dough before the oven:


"How you will grow dough, climb and increase, so I will grow, in the position to rise, over people in the glory of its increase and in money. Amen."

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* Inspire a coin, So that it was a five (5 kopecks or 5 rubles), and we carry with you everywhere. A month later, they are getting rid of it and re-made the same.


"I go to the trading of a merchant, returning at the Sobolo, well done. I'll call home treasure. Give God, so much money so that there is no way to put. Amen"

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* To make money


It is necessary to talk to bill in dignity in 5 monetary units (rubles, dollars) at sunrise:


"Pyat-Pyatnik, Pyatasi, not be lazy!"


and wearing it with you. To spend the new moon and boil the same words to the new bill.

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* Ritual for wealth on corn, wheat
It is necessary to go out in the sunrise in the field or a vegetable garden, to disrupt the corn of corn, saying: "For wealth, on wealth, on the paw, on peace in the house!"


Then he dried the pillage, lay the grains in the eastern part of the dwelling on the windowsill on three days and read on them these days every morning and evening:


"As from one grain, many cobs are growing, and for me, (its name), all kinds of good to be full. Would not decrease, but would increase and arrived! May it be so!"


Then the grains are sewn into the pillow or perins, not talking about it.

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* Conspiracy for rent in the store


You need to give money with your right hand, and take it left. Taking delivery in the store with your left hand, tell me:


"In our wallet - your money, your treasure is my treasury! Amen."

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* To sell well, sell goods


Need to baptize the goods index finger Left hands, while speaking:


"I am a merchant, always well done! Our goods will sell you! Cash to the money! We are your money, you are our goods! Amen."

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* To attract money in your life


Read the following conspiracy to attract money. At the evening dawn, stand up by the window, in advance, in advance, in the new cup, half a spoon of salt in a small amount of clean water. Make three chips from a cup and read the words of the conspiracy:


Salt salty in Zlato-silver change, he collects his arrivals. Salt Kalenny saved, wealth is saved. Amen. Amen. Amen.

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Then moisten the rest of the beverage of the forehead, sprinkle a little over the sinus and for the collar. Stay the remaining water into the window. This conspiracy should also be read only with a young moon.

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* Plot for money and wealth
For this conspiracy, you should buy a new broom (not synthetic, but the usual). Early in the morning when the moon is growing. Check out your apartment. Only unlike ordinary cleaning, revenge should not be a threshold, but on the threshold. At the same time tell the words of conspiracy for money and wealth:


"Dressing from home Vaughn, money in the house, broom bow."

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How to complete cleaning, collect all the garbage in the package, put a broom in the labeled place up, and take the garbage from the house. Conspiracy can be repeated to the next lunar month, only again with a new broom.


Ancient conspiracies of time impact have an incredible effect of impact on any energy field, which can be found in detail from the material of this article.

Ancient conspiracies of witches for money and good luck

So, in order to attract money and good luck, you need to hold an ancient witch ritual on the egg. To do this, you need to take an egg with "lively" energy and kept to the top to keep in your hands, soaking with his thoughts and desires. After that, you need to read, looking at the egg, the words of the conspiracy:

"I will come out of the door doors, from the gate of the gate,
From his house away, from the city away,
Yes, I will go my happiness to seek the paths not torn,
Sketches with winding, all four sides,
I will go without turning around. Waiting for me my happiness hidden
Deep and firmly not found. Not in the chest strong
Not in a secret secret, not outside the door
Hidden my happiness, and there is it for the shell of thin
In the egg chicken to find me my happiness and not break,
Do not split, on the way it is not to lose and not to give anyone.
Chicken eggs carry and raise chickens, but to live in richness.
Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

At the end of reading an ancient conspiracy, the egg should be wrapped in black tissue and hide in a secret place where no one will find it. A year later, you need a conspiracy egg and bury into the ground. Immediately after this, wealth and good luck will pursue the heels.

Vintage conspiracies and rites for love, prayers for job search

One of the most effective and strong conspiracy It is considered an old conspiracy to love, which is done with the help of fire. You need to make such a ritual only for a full moon in a period of time from 12 to 3 hours. To do this, take a wax candle and bring to the face. A look to rush into the flaming fire and to present yourself together with your loved one, after which you need to read the words of the conspiracy from the fire:

"I lit the fire in the silence of the night, the spirits are bright great, helping love, attack the distinguished, you will hear my voice to you writing. Do not quit the fire by me burnt, it is lit with a pure heart and thoughts. In someone else's husband, I did not touch the groom, I didn't touch someone else, but I lit a fire for my beloved, I was in my husband the fate of Sulima. I pray you perfume light, give fire your strength, good strength, from misfortunes to protecting. The heart of cute fermented and with the love of my fall, drive him a hot flame, melt the frozen iceclock and the love of his heated heart will turn to me. Save me your favorite with the heart of full love. " After that, you should slide the candle and go to go to bed.

In order for good luck to accompany good and profitable work, it is necessary before the search for the search for the work of the work to fracture and read the "Our Father". After that, to collect with thoughts and speak the words of prayer:

"I'm leaving in the shirt of Our Lady,
Yes, there will be a couple of my God,
Four crowns of the sky
Saint John Evangelist, Saint Luka,
Holy Matthew, Holy Mark!
Yes save me from a man and a woman
From lead, from iron, from steel,
So that they could not hurt me
Neither cut, nor bones of my break!
My world to God! "

At the end of reading prayer, you will need to write words on a clean piece of paper:
"There is indeed, there is actually in the Word, in God, everywhere!". Paper sheet should be put in his pocket and you can safely go to job search.

Ancient conspiracies Very strong and spell of Genghis Khan

Ancient very strong plot is considered to be an old Slavonic conspiracy, which is read on health from dashing diseases and various independent. The words of prayers are read quiet for seven days, in no case, not passing any day. Spell words such:

"Aside of distant, on the island over the sea is the stone white. Near the fuel stone is a person, the three sons Father, the sovereign to everyone. It takes his knife his sharp, cuts them all the diseases yes noells, lobs and dry winds. So let them (name), he all illness yes, the hands will cut off, put under the stone, let go on the key. The key will throw the key in the sea, forever all the ailments will close. My words are strong, they will exceed them only the one who will put the stone to the stone. May it be so!"

Also, a strong conspiracy is considered to be prayer for happiness. He must also read seven days in a row at the dawn, in case of seven days, they do not get involved, then the ritual should be repeated after 14 days. Prayer words such:

"Oh, you, oh you, Lada Matushka, Mother's Maternity! Do not leave, do not leave us without happiness and love! Grace left their own on us, Yako honor and we glorify you! Tako to be, Taco Budi, such a s, while Yarilo Sun shines to us! "

To carry out the spell of the Genghis Khan itself, it is necessary to fully privacy and concentration. It is unimaginable strong and effective, and therefore must be committed in complete harmony with their thoughts and desires. Before you to pronounce a conspiracy, you need to be cleaned, washing spring water. You should not wipe the water, she herself should dry on her face and hands. After that, it is necessary to light the candles to call for the help of good spirits of nature and expel evil, and read the words:

"Aba Ami Arion Dallan, Khurai, Khurai, Khurai!
Allah-O-Akbar, Allah-O-Akbar, Allah-O-Akbar
Ahmad-o-Lilly Rabel Amyin
I will Slim Sallam
Sabhan Alla
Allah-O-Akbar, Allah-O-Akbar, Allah-O-Akbar.

After that, quickly extinguish the candle and is within a few minutes in some state of meditation.

Ancient conspiracies and spells for enemies so that they feel bad

For ancient ritualYou can punish enemies and get all the bad things that they have done, you need to take two needles: one is small, and the second is big and long, and insert the one that is smaller in the ear of the big one. The place of their connections to bandage with black thread and read the words of the conspiracy over them:

"The needle is short, and yours is a long, my kind thing is good, and yours is evil. Evil your perfect piercing now and return to you at the moment I am intended for everything I was intended, all that was wondering on me, all my gets back at this moment and forever. Amen".

After the needles are conspired, you need to go to the house of the offender and stick a big need for doorjamb The enemy so that the tip of a little needle looked to the right. There should also be a crowd of conspiracy again. Then turn and go home without looking around.

Ancient Slavic conspiracies and spells that work

The Version Conspiracy from the damage and the evil eye should be held at dawn, going out on the street and turns to the sky, saying three times:
"In the name of Svarazh, Perun and Veles!
Blood ancestors clean
The power of heaven!
Neighborhood, save
Grandson of the Labozhiy (Name)
From every evil eye, from a bad hour,
From female, from male,
From childish, from other
From joyful, from hateful,
From the conspiracy, from the negotiation!
Yes, it is so! Goy! "

For well-being and defense, the ancient Slavs used a plot - appeal to Mother - Earth. For such a rite, you need to go out in the field to bow down the earth and lit a candle to speak such words:
"Mother Cheese - Earth!
I'm born of you, from you the body is complicated,
You wear me
You feed me,
You will take me on your death back.
Mother cheese - Earth!
Okrani me, my child,
I put the lady drain!
Yes, my business will be in glory to you!
I bow to you! Goy-Ma! " Consipient's words need to read three times and bow three times after each reading.

Vintage conspiracies in the shock, pure Thursday, full moon

One of the strongest conspiracy on the shield is held on Vasiliev Day. To make such a ritual, you need to purchase three candles in the church, set fire to them and approach the threshold of the house, after reading these words above them:

"Happiness in the pacith is all troubles, misfortune for the threshold. Who is evil intent, then it will be back, who wants to jiggle, the trouble will happen. And the house of this Lord will fuck, Saint Vasily brings. Amen".

After the words are unscrewed near the threshold, the same will need to do about every corner in the house. At the end of the rite of the candle, you need to wrap in a white fabric and hide in a secluded place.

One of the effective vintage conspiracies on Pure Thursday At the attraction of good luck, happiness, well-being and profits are the conspiracy that is done on clean water. To carry out such a rite, you need to wake up in pure Thursday with the sunrise, dial pure water From Critique and speak it with such words:

"Clean Thursday Easter is famous, the entire people of Orthodox Easter famous, so I would give me to people, and young, and old, so that in honor of the authorities of God (name) walked, so that my profit me brought me. Gold to my hands lipnet, pours. Coins in the wallet are walked. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Immediately after that, you need to cross and wash the conspiracy. The old rite of protection against the evil eye and damage is performed in the night of the full moon. For this ritual, it is necessary to light the red candle, sit down at the window and pour a pinch of salt on the handkerchief. Moonlight should fall on a person who makes a similar rite. Establishing a look at the salt, these words of the conspiracy should be spoken:

"From Dali to Dali flowing the river, wide and deep, he wrapped around, I walked, I guard me from a witchcraft, from any spell, from love conspiracy, about Toshrovotov Yes Agor!"

At the end of such a conspiracy, salt must be wrapped in a handkerchief and store where no one will find it. In the morning, this handkerchiefs with salt should be shifted into a bag or in a pocket of clothes, in short, he must always be near.

Vintage plots of prayer whispering from completeness

To hold ancient plot From completeness it is necessary to light the red candle and at sunset during the descending moon, read the words with a whisper:
"In the black and blue sea hunger on constipation.
Hunger out do not let
The servant of God (name) may not know.
Besonian-hungry, ugly.
On all sides of the world dissolve.
My eyes, sleep, do not rub the soul.
As nights it is not, so I do not know much.
Eyes to sleep, do not break the body.
The word said, knot knot.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

Basically, all modern rites, one way or another, came to us from a long time. Forbidden ancient magic and spells of ancestors They were able to prove that knowledge of all rules and instructions plays a key role. If a person performs a rite in a modified form, then all actions that have been perfect can turn against it. Especially if he does not know.

While reading spells need to stick certain rules:

· The pronunciation of the conspiracy is carried out by a quiet and clear voice.

· Spell need to learn to memory in order to avoid pauses and lock.

· Before proceeding with execution, you need to configure yourself to psychologically and achieve perfect well-being.

· You must experience exceptionally positive emotions.

· During pronunciation, a person must believe in what he speaks and only then he will get in full.

· In addition, he must be sure that everything will turn out, and it will reach the goal for which it is used ancient magic.

Vintage rituals and spells

In ancient times, every plot was called Grimoire. Often the books that contained information about such rituals were called a book of a magician or witches. Such records contain rites that can solve any problem of man. However, novice is more suitable.

There are many legends around each book. Until now, the exact date of writing the grimaire is not known. It was previously believed that only its owner can be used.

Today we will analyze how it can be useful ancient magic and spellswhich are described in magical books. Each of them will have different process Performance and efficiency. If you give preference to this particular category, do everything clearly according to the instructions.

How to get love chosen with ancient magic

Each conspiracy that was used in the old days was written in Latin. To date, each of them was literally translated, but still some of them may differ from the prime-out spells. At that time no attribute was not used, so it will not need it. It will be enough will be learned to the text of the text:

The book indicates that the words should be pronounced solely in the growing phase of the Moon after the first twilight appeared on the street. As soon as the right time comes, read the spell:

« Black eyes from heaven, weerates the Dark Forest. I choose two young bodies (your and the name of your beloved), the soul mixes in them, cling to the wedding. To drink a bowl of love to the edge. Who will not hear my word, that last day breathes!».

To pronounce a conspiracy, we will take all seriousness. After all, spells are a very difficult science. And if you use, then be particularly vigilant.

How to get good luck with the help of ancient rituals

Ancient magic ancestors It was used for good luck to attract rains and thereby get big crop. The requirements of the people of that time differed from ours, the magical sacraments were created to achieve the goals that they seem meaningless today.

In order to get what every person wants, you will need to make a set of actions. First, you will need to go to a less timeable place and divorce the fire. It must be necessarily of the wood. Secondly, you need to learn the spell, which will give strength to this rite. The time must be evening. In order for the fire burned and not went out throughout the process, select Oak or Birch. In addition, you will need to bring a victim in the form of any personal thing.

After the fire is divorced, start reading words:

« Ladushka, Mother! Rainbow and rocker, spread in the whole earth. Pass on it, happiness will be ahead! Take it out of the door so that we manage to go through!».

Forbidden magical sacraments

The forbidden magic of the ancients was often used by witch and black sorcerers. She had a striking effect. But, take advantage of these sacraments, few people could decide. Therefore, before our time, these rituals could not reach. They were too modified and now they cannot give what they could earlier. But, nevertheless try to achieve your goals with its help.

There is a spell that was literally translated from Latin. It will help get wealth, good luck and even love. It can be used, both to men and to women. It will take herbs for its execution. It is necessary to collect them at the dawn, then dried for a week. You must put them in casual clothes and carry with you constantly.

« My spells can help to find happiness to me. Witchcraft live in me. Contrary to everything, I called everyone, I'll find everything I need. Maybe it will be so forever».

Forbidden magic of ancient It is capable of much and use it only in the most extreme cases when other rituals turned out to be inactive. Do not try to change the conspiracy - especially if it is either, and read it as it is written above and then you can embody all the most intimate desires into reality.

What is the most ancient magic

The Male Male Magic is considered ancient. It was used in Egypt for many centuries. To perform rituals that belong to it, it was necessary to draw drawings on the rocks. Thus, the performer could show the highest forces exactly what he wants.

Original rites that were used by people of those times did not have consequences. This was due to the fact that all actions were held in full compliance with the instructions.

To date, none of the rituals reached our time. Each of them was modified, which would not allow to obtain such an effect that could be implemented earlier.

The rites were conducted before military campaigns. They helped the army to win even in the most difficult and bloody battles. Rituals were used to heal one or another disease, get wealth and so on.

Naturally, the most ancient magic It was quite complicated, but the result that could be obtained with its help, stepped over all the efforts. However, everyone remains a mystery and so far.

Old Russian magic

Magic sacraments in Russia played one of the key roles. The rites were used not only to get love and wealth, but in order to cause rain or get a good harvest.

Magic of ancient Russia It was very strong. Often, huge bonfires were used to fulfill rituals and read conspiracies. In some cases, the sacrifice could be used. People of that time believed that if you prevent the gods to the sacrifice, they would fulfill all the desires.

Today there is a rite that has not been changed and can bring such a result that will delight every person. It is used to obtain mutual feelings of his beloved. It can be applied as in relation to a man and to a woman.

The traditions of that time were not changed and to fulfill the ritual, you will have to make a large bonfire. While reading in the lightweight, it will be necessary to plug herbs that you need to assemble yourself after which, dry them and prepare them. Welcome.

After the fire is divorced, take the plants in the hands and read the conspiracy:

« Nevzpects, nor a storm, nothing will affect our love. The bird will arrive, the news will take and the whole world will report that we are with you (the name of your loved one). From now on and on the century, I will be my favorite (oh) for you!».

All the time, during which you read these words, throw in the fire previously collected herbs. The effect of the deed will not make himself wait long, as the magic of ancient Russia is very strong.

What did the starry symbols mean

Ancient symbols of magic used to convey to higher Forces What a person wants, who took advantage of one or another rite. Each of them had its meaning and was used for completely different situations. In some kind of very similar to them.

╦ - This symbol meant that man wanted to get a better life. It was used when performing rites for good luck and wealth. The gods, to which the appeal took place, could understand what a man wants and gave him it in the most as soon as possible.

☼ - Such a symbol meant that the population lacks rains or harvest. In some cases, it was used to have frost. To date, there is little information about how to use it.

╪ - This sketch has two lines that symbolized the fate of different people. The symbol was used to get a person's love, which is at a high distance.

 - used to achieve fatal outcome in one or another person. The symbol refers to black magic and was actively used by sorcerers and witch.

These are the most common ancient symbols of magic that were used by our ancestors. Unfortunately, all the sketches could not be preserved and embody all the desires in life would not work with their help.

Vintage Egyptian sacraments

Egypt spawned magic sacraments. The first rites or rituals began to be applied precisely in this place. The priests were able to understand that with the help of magic, you can take advantage of all the benefits of life. They used it to solve all the problems that had completely different directions.

Magic ancient Egypt there were not one thousand rituals, but, unfortunately, learn them true destination, mankind is not destined. This happened due to the fact that the ancient people of Egypt did not want to share with their own rites. They were confident that with their help would be able to rule the world.

Each ritual had the most complex process of execution. In addition, the time that was allocated for this could take several years. Their rites were not at all like modern. For their implementation, specific actions could be required that could not modern man. Often for magic sacraments, a sacrifice was required in the form of a person. That is why many nations have abandoned it. The magic of ancient Egypt has become not in demand, and all rituals dissolved over time.

Ancient magic of the gods It was very strong and capable of solving any problem, in principle. But today it is impossible to take advantage of the majority of magical sacraments. Some rituals were preserved, but are modified, which will not allow to get the effect that was possible in those times. This article featured several sacraments to your choice. Use them and you will get everything you want.

If you have some questions, contact me through the form "Contact Mago" and I will answer them.