How to protect yourself and family with the help of the prayer of the overag? Strong conspiracy for successful sales.

    In Russia, in the old days, it was customary to wear charm with a prayer under the clothes. And there are many almost mysterious stories when it saved a person. Unfortunately we have lost this tradition and modern people, especially youth now, prefer to wear on the neck cell phones. Of course modern style Clothes are unlikely that someone will put on guard with a prayer on her neck. But you can have the same charm to put in your pocket or pocket bags. I always have a charm in my bag.

    My grandmother always wiring me where either reads the charm and still a record with a strong prayer lies with me under the pillow. I really believe that it all protects me from the troubles and adversity. Even when heavily in the soul, prayer will help and calm down, the head is clear and already know where you move on what to do and how to act further.

    Every time I am going on a business trip, my grandmother always gives me an icon with me or believes the charm. And then she knows that God is always with me and he will not throw me in trouble and will not allow something terrible. I do not really believe in all this, but my grandmother is calm and this is most important for me

    I really believe that the waggies help us and take trouble. I always carry with me prayers recorded on leaves, and periodically re-read them. Already repeatedly went out dry out of the water in situations where there could be big trouble, and remained unscathed in the accidents. I am sure that all this is due to the fact that we carry God's wanings with you! My whole family believes in it.

Prayer-charm is a very strong defense. With it, you can protect yourself from various troubles and misfortunes. Such methods are tested by time, and many people helped protect you from enemies and envious. The prayer-guard allows you to protect your own home from an external negative and create a favorable atmosphere in the family, filled with happiness and well-being.

The strongest prayer was overwhelmed by three angels

Prayer-charm of three angels is a very strong tool that protects against a wide variety of everyday problems with which a person may face. This prayer is drawn up simultaneously in the Orthodox and pagan tradition. The prayer appeal, enhanced by a conspiracy word will assign all dysfunctional and dying. Therefore, it is very important that the person who will use the prayer to the Three Angels will be baptized and sincerely believed in God, but at the same time there should be respect for the ancient pagan culture in his soul.

This prayer can be used on any day of the week, except Sunday. You can pray at any time.

Her words sound like this:

"Lord bless. Help, Lord. I sent me the Almighty Lord from the skies of the defenders of three angels, three archangels, loyal guards. The Lord ordered me to take care of me, to defend me from every Lija and missed my dwelling and attack not to let. The Lord commanded the Three angels heaven from me the slave of God (his own name), all the evil spirits from me far away. It is ordered to defenders from my slave of God (own name) from the troubles to reliably close the fence from the Earth and to the sky, so that any famously and evil penetrated through it. The fence that will be a reliable protection against enemies and enemies, from the crosses, from the pigeons of different, from stupidity in vain, from the demonic listings, from the evil eye and damage. Keep me three angels, the Lord to me directed from the morning early and to the night late. Do not leave me all day per day. Amen".

If you feel that you are threatened by trouble, but do not know where to expect her to you, then you should use a special prayer-guard from all troubles. So that she worked, followed by an observed post and not to participate in noisy parties. In this case, you will be able to create powerful protection that even the most experienced magician will not be able to break.

Prayer Washer from the evil eye and damage (brief prayer)

The evil eye and damage is very strong negative programs that can harm the person, and if they do not take them on time, such impacts can significantly worsen the state of health, and in particularly severe cases even destroy life. It should be understood that not always negative impact Separate intentionally. Unfortunately, around us there are many envious peoplewhich constantly exude a negative. They can spread rumors and gossip about you, and, as you know, the gossitude can damage the natural aura of man and weaken his defense.

It is possible to protect against the evil eye and damage can be short, but at the same time a very strong prayer-charm, which contains an appeal to his guardian angel.

The text it may be:

"I, the slave of God (own name) appeal to you, my guardian angel. You have been appointed almighty and allotably girmnom to assistants and defenders. Checkle minister I ask you to protect me from all living victims. Tongi all evil spirits from my life and support me in my endeavors. I do not allow the evil languages \u200b\u200bof enemies and to harm me to harm me, save the calm of my soul, so that I could work hard in the glory of the Lord God of our. Amen".

Soro-Russian Prayer Character (brief prayer)

Magpie strong Obereg Prayer is a very potent protective equipment. This prayer was created in ancient times, the appeal combines the traditions of the ancient pagan conspiracy of the Orthodox prayer appeals Later times. It is precisely in this that the great strength of the fortiest chart of prayer is. She is able to completely neutralize the strongest negative and put reliable protection from enemies and different troubles that violate the usual life line.

Only baptized people can read this prayer. For those who do not believe in the effectiveness of this fund, it will be simply unsuccessful. It should be remembered that this prayer women should be on the female days of the week, namely, on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. For men suitable days For reading are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. It is very important with anyone shall not share with its plans regarding that you plan to use a forty-seated prayer charm.

The best time for reading prayer is considered morning. If you can catch the moment of the appearance of the first rays of the Sun, this will additionally increase the power of circulation, since this period symbolizes the victory of the light above darkness. When reading prayer, take care to exclude any distracting factors. It is very important when promising prayer words for nothing to be distracted.

This prayer should be learned by heart, it is impossible to read it from the leaf. Very important before reading the protective prayer to visit the temple where you need to pray for the forgiveness of your enemies. It is necessary to clean the soul from the negative, so if you have the opportunity, then you need to confess and will take it.

At home should be dressed in light, spacious clothes, install the icon of the Savior, light three church candles.

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I am a slave of God (own name) in front of the forty sainted fathers and their gracious hearts, worship them with good forty saint souls and eyes. Righteous fathers, you never left the savior of our Jesus Christ, the faith of sacred under any terrible torture never betrayed, hear and my heart plump. I ask you to save me and save. Protect me from seventy seven destructive births and terrible pains, from the cruel executioner in the darkness of the night, from the fire and water, from the death of terrible and in vain, from the cruelty of the authorities, from the cunning of the surrounding people, from the crust and unkind views. I create an overlap myself with a word strong, which will be strong and reliable. The Lord God Jesus is blessed. He will protect me in all the hours of daily daily and forever. Amen".

Work for any person means a lot in life. Therefore, it is necessary to take care to reliably protect against various troubles that may occur in the business sector. Best of all every day before going to work, read prayer appeal to the Angel Guardian. This will eliminate the misunderstanding of colleagues and leadership, which means to create a harmonious environment around him.

The text of this prayer is as follows:

"My patron, Heavenly Guardian Angel, I call you, Slave God (own name) for help. Help me harmonize the world around him. Eliminate any misunderstanding of my colleagues and bosses. Make so that they see if they are my good thoughts and did not drive me from ourselves. Let them understand what is extremely sincere is my heart and pure conscience. Defend me, my guardian angel from the misunderstanding of human and all troubles with this related. Amen".

Prayers are charging for all occasions

Orthodoxy suggests great amount Prayers for all occasions. And they must be used, as they will help to establish life, and harmonize relations with people from the nearest environment. Prayers of the wubbles can be applied not only for themselves, but also to protect their child. Also useful are prayers that allow them to protect their own dwelling from trouble.

Prayer Charger for the Child (Son, Daughter)

Prayer Obereg is read for a child. She is read at night when the baby falls asleep. It is universal, so it can be used for both the Son and daughter.

The text appeal to the Angel Keeper sounds as follows:

"Heavenly Angel, the defender of my child, the slave of God (the name of the child) you are on the maintenance of our Lord our appointed, wings with his white flashers from him all the troubles and sorrow, enemies from him from him. Hear a maternal Molver and not refuse help. Amen".

Brief prayer charm for family and home

Quite often, a house and family are under the blow of negative impacts. To avoid this, you should put protection for your family with prayer. You can use the help of St. John. Short prayer It will allow to remove the negative and put effective protection.

It is necessary to get around all the rooms at home clockwise with a lit candle, in the process of this, such prayer words should be pricing:

"I appeal, the slave of God (own name) to you the warrior, Saint John. I ask you to bring all your warriors and put them to protect my home around the house, windows and doors. Sawn my house from the troubles and grief, as well as a fence from all sorts of all those who live in it. Amen".

Unbreakable wubble "Seven Crosses" is a very strong prayer that allows you to put strong protection From a bad eye for the whole family. It is necessary to read in complete privacy and focus. It is important to tune in to the positive and stop blaming someone in your troubles. The time of pronouncing prayer words should be submitted that the protective cocoon closes you.

It is necessary to light the seven church candles and say seven times such words, constantly falling by the congestion space around itself:

"I, the Slave of God (own name) protection for yourself, I impose my own home and your family in seven crosses. The cross from the Earth to Heaven will reliably protect me, as he is from our Lord, from the son of his Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, from the Blessed Virgin Mary, from my guardian angel. Closed with crosses all the inputs are unclean for discontinuities. Seven reliable locks to the house will supervise, closing it by protecting it from all sorts of trouble, will reign in it peace and comfort. The first castle will protect against trouble; The second - prevents the chance; The third - will save from Gorky tears, the fourth - will save from theft, the fifth - protects from poverty; Sixth - will save from the rhodes of scary, seventh - will provide overall protection My space. All the locks put in one unite and the key from him will end. I believe in justice and the mercy of God. Amen".

Home security, family protected, good neighbors - three major components, happy life. When someone is fine, always someone is bad. People who can not indifferently look at someone else's happy life, begin to envy. His negative energyThey are able to disturb the family peace, to visit the house and the seven of the evil eye or damage.

Overnight, you can lose everything if you allow the influence of the negative on your life. Conspiracy to protect the house, family, on a good relationship The team and, may have any hostess, which values \u200b\u200bits family peace and well-being.

Read also the ritual conspiracies from the evil eye and damage from ours.

Magic, as a means for prevention

As they say, it is better to spend preventive actionsthan to treat the consequences of the disease. Prayer chargers serve as a shield for the house, and conspiracy can prevent a negative effect on the part. In the aggregate, protective actions serve as a magical dome. A person who is under such protection is reliably protected from negative and unfavorable people.

As a rule, many deny the existence of magic, until incomprehensible things begin to occur in their lives. At work, the relationship with the team has sharply spoiled. At home, constant conflicts and quarrels are manifestations of negative, which was created artificially by the ill-fake man. Wedge, wedge knock - they say in such cases. Conspuses and rites will help to cope with the current situation and return everything "into their circles."

Conspiracies to defense against not good people

This rite will help protect against the enviousness, which is everywhere - colleagues, neighbors, pleasants and even quite unfamiliar people. For a ritual, which is carried out in the walls of the temple, you will need:

  • Candles - 12 pieces;
  • Consecrated water;
  • Cleaning - loaf, distribute on Sunday service. Indicates the body of Christ.

In the temple to buy candles and put them:

  • Virgin;
  • Jesus Christ;
  • Holy Trinity;
  • Nikola Wonderworker;
  • Archangel Mikhail;
  • John the Baptist.

The remaining six to put anyone like the saints. Then to defend Sunday Liturgy, buy a prosfora, eat silently and with awe's reverence, cross and head towards the house. On the street, drink three chips of consecrated water.

On arrival home stand near the iconostasis and read thank you prayer "Our Father", three times. After each reading of prayer, impose a cross and bow. Complete the protective ritual by reading a conspiracy:

"Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Give me on the tools of my prayers of my slaves of your (name), cleansing the soul from the sins of the vested and unfamiliar. Let the saints strengthen the power of faith in your wonderful things. Let my soul be always open before you and clean, like a tear. Let my body be healthy, the heart is hot, and the mind is sober. Fight my house, my family and me, from the evil thoughts of the human, black evil eye and a evil look. Always I will be gratitude to you. Yes, your name is famous. And now and confessed and forever. Amen".

The second half of the prospects to eat before bed and wash the three sips of water. At the end of the next day, once again read a prayer-spell from enemies.

Creating protective amulets

Ritual with nail

To enhance rituals for fences at home and family from evil people, make more separately overlap and protection for entrance doors. It is through doornery An unfriendly person gets like its negative energy into the house.

For the first rite you will need nails. Iron has the power of the overama and reliably protect the house from evil. Buy in the store three nails, better when the moon will be in the increasing phase. The purchase to accomplish, with a pre-prepared bill that will not be required. If you do not succeed, then leave it to the seller.

On arrival home, you need to drive nails, on the side of the street, in doorjamb. Drive so that a triangle is formed, one above in the middle and two from the corners. Go home, close the door and impose a plot:

"Three nails-heroes, my house will protect from an evil eye and enemy. One - Evil Evil, the other - unfintellers freezes, and the third everything is unclean towards the side. My words are turnover, but nails strength in a love spell. "

While the door jamb will stand still, the plot of the charm will have its own strength.

Ritual with gypsy needles

For the second rite it is necessary to buy two gypsy needles. Delivery does not take the moon in the growth phase. The needles folded the cross between the cross onto the cross and tied up with a white thread. Read the conspiracy over them:

"Needles cross, enemies prick. Who came with good, he will easily pass, who with evil, he under the cross and falls. "

Amulet hang over the doors from the inside of the house. Every three months the amulet is removed, the needles in alcohol are washed, and the thread burned. Then the rites are re-carried out for constant protection of the house from evil.

Talk on protection

The conspiracy, which is superimposed on the subject of the wardrobe, has a huge force. Which is capable of protecting its owner from trouble. If the work arose a situation of ill-advantage from colleagues. Or the boss saddown with his permanent quirks, then it's time to protect against all troubles. Conspiracy impose on any part of the personal wardrobe, it can be like underwear and outerwear.

In the evening, in complete loneliness, to light the church candle, take into the hands of the thing and say the words of protection:

"The thing is spoken, from evil and brave protection I put. Let her dome from enemies to protect me and the protection will be reliable for me. Cross barely, prayer fixed. "

Protection against evil people at work

When they began to feel that the situation in the working team exacerbates. We are confident that colleagues are jealous and can make any dirt product that can harm the career or the results of the work already done. Then boldly hold a rite to protect your workplace from envious colleagues.

As a rule, after the rite, they simply begin to not be noticed and will completely forget about their evil acts. Well, this method acts on the bosses that does not quietly do work, with their comments and discontent.

When there is no one in the office, draw around his workplace black baptics with a pencil. And say:

"I impose the crosses, I saved the evil. Cross defend, I will get the righteous. The guardian angel will get me back and will protect their wings from the goose and anger. Amen".

Crighten yourself and place the workplace three times. Conduct the rite every time you feel that the situation in the team is heating.

Conspiracy in full moon

If the family came in the family when I don't want to see each other. At the same time, there are constantly scandals, yes, the negative did not get into the walls at home and destroys a happy life. For a rite that will help to establish good and good relations in the family, you need to go to the temple and buy 13 candles. At the outlet of the temple, you need to read the words:

"On the threshold of the temple, the divorce leave, the world and joy call into the house. Amen".

Wait for the moon to be complete, stay alone with yourself, burn all the candles from the match and read the seven conspiracy:

"I burn candles and burn all anger. How candles will only store, so peace and joy are created. Return to the house rest and happiness, let it be so, and not otherwise. "

Conspiracy constantly repeat while the house does not come in the house and grace.

Home protection ritual

The threshold of his house from the attack and not lasting guests should be protected by doing the following rite. On opposition entrance door Hang the mirror, it will reflect the entire third-party negative. It must be constantly wiped from dust and accumulated negative, then the house will always be under reliable protection.

The threshold of the house must be washed and clean from the accumulated mud. Take santed water, Add a third salt into it, wipe it with this solution, door handles and jamb. From now on, always hold the threshold in the impeccable frequency, then good will feel free to pass through it, and the evil linger in front of him. When rubbing the threshold, read the conspiracy to the house:

"I swell, clean my house from damage and evil eye, and a bad eye. Water was chosen, soaked with salt, so that the threshold of the disease and kilives, the crusts did not stick to the threshold. As salt does not rot, it does not stick to the threshold. The threshold is done. Salt impregnated. God blessed. Amen".

Water which washed the threshold. Pour into the street under the bush or tree.

The life of every person in modern world Filled not only with joyful experiences, but also numerous fears and anxieties. Often a person feels complete helplessness in front of the vital difficulties, negative emotions and unwanted events. What can help overcome difficulties and testing fate?

The power of protecting prayer

Prayers, conspiracies and amulets miraculously affect human share. Some of them were checked repeatedly, and in all cases acknowledged that they had a tremendous force. Prayers-wubbles for all occasions saved from evil rock not one person. The trouble immediately retreats, the negative is dissipated, and the enemies no longer cause anxiety. The power of such a prayer is increasing when you read it for your loved ones. In order to avoid another attack, it is better to read them daily.

Prayer facing is a kind of damper or shield. Why is it so powerful? The word has a huge force. Each has its own vibration. Unbreakable speeches, you can easily put trouble, curse, even an unconscious, maybe even a person and life break.

But the prayer that protects from evil and trouble carries a special energy. When a person pronounces prayer words and conspiracies, he creates around himself a protective energy field, through which no negative can pass through. This is protection against bad vibrations.

What are the miraculous prayers and how to pronounce them?

Species of faithful prayers

  • Washer-prayer against human envy, anger and ill-advantage.
  • Protective to prevent conflicts, diseases and poverty.
  • Prayers against damage and evil eye, for children.
  • Daily conspiracies for all occasions from all problems and adversity.
  • From evil intent, curse or black magic.

There are protective prayers that can and need to read daily, and there are also those that should be pronounced in specific cases.

The strength of prayer also depends on the mindset in which it is pronounced. It is necessary to completely concentrate on words and read them with faith and sincerity.

Magic words

If there is a need for protection against magical influence or an evil person, exists good waywhose action lasts for a long time. Washer prayer is not simple wordsPronounced unconsciously. This is a whole set of actions that a person can protect himself and its loved ones from all adversity and misfortune. He can get rid of problems in family life, at work, health and in other areas of life.

Strong prayer-charm

Prayer words need to be made at least once a month. Prayer will be more effective if you read it with church candles. More will need holy water, paper and pen. Especially favorably read on the growing moon. On paper, you can write everything you are afraid, such as divorce, diseases or problems at work. Only formulate fears are necessary clearly, so the power of prayer will only grow. Then the sheet must be sprinkled with holy water and set fire. While paper burns, it is necessary to read the following phrases: "All serious problems I burn. From myself I am assumed. Let them take their dense forests, deep and wood bark reservoirs. Let me send all the bitter misfortunes and life problems. From the bad evil eye, from unkind people, from evil sorcerers and witches. Prayer to the Lord will be my defense, water and fire will clean my fate and strengthen protection. From any evil, the slave of God (name) is free, from all the uncleans got rid of and all sorts of misfortunes drove away, it will be exactly that way and in any way. Amen".

Charging prayer is read three times. After the leaf of the dog, the ashes from him should be dispelled in the wind, saying the following words: "I blow all the misfortunes, let them leave me today in the future!". Candles after the ritual must be paid off and do not use them more.

Wintering prayer of the Mother of God

Prayer-guard from the evil eye and damage is read early in the morning. "I appeal to you, the Most Holy Mother of God! For help to you and support! As a son of his, the Lord of our Jesus Christ, you guarded from the evil of anyone, so I will save me, the slave of God (name) from the evil intent, people of bad and evil eye, from black magic and words curses. I appeal to you with Moloto and repentance. Save me from any evil, soul and body clean Save! Thank you for help and support. Always I speak your name. Amen!" Wubble-prayer is read seven times. After that, it is necessary to wash with the words: "Everything is wetted with me, water is strengthened with water."

Prayers from the evil eye Orthodox

Any negative impact from outside can be neutralized by Christian prayers. For example, it is very effective that the wubble prayer "Our Father" is considered. Of course, it is better to worry about your safety in advance and read prayers daily. Dark forces will be difficult to penetrate your life. But if there is already a damage already, there are certain conspiracies here, and it is necessary to clearly realize what words to pronounce, what time and in the same place. Prayers from damage - these are real magic conspiracy with creative energy. The Orthodox Church advises to read the Christian prayers every day to all saints.

Ritual from damage

In order to spend the ritual correctly, you need to dial spring water. The vessel with water must be crossed and pronounce the prayer: "Forgive me, Lord, and Homes." Then, in a cup with water, you must put three pieces of coal and read a plot: "The Most Holy Mother of God climbed the water, took her and baptized, she saved from evil fate. All tests are men's and female, for girls and drains lessons are rewritten, everyone is provided, all are eaten. There is no evil rock, do not live in the body of the slave of God (name), blood does not spoil and heart do not torment. In the glory of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After reading, it is necessary to monitor well-being. If the condition worsened, overcomes drowsiness, envelops weakness and malaise - this means that the negative leaves your body. In this case, it is necessary to wash the face of holy water. But if you did not feel at all, it means that there are no damages, and the reasons for concerns need to look for not in magic.

Prayer on the road

Especially in the defense of the Lord, those who are going on the far path are needed. Any trouble may occur on the road, and to prevent it, you should contact the Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, who is considered the patron of travelers with humility. Prayer-charm on the road sounds as follows:

"Oh, Saint Nicholas Wonderworker, hear our prayer,

Ask about us (names) from the Lord God of our, to forgive us all the sins,

It was indulgent to us and did not shed his anger to us.

Get rid of us from trouble on the road,

Let me not drown in the bunch of sins.

Moths of God about us, Saint Nicholas,

For the life of our peaceful and for saving our souls. Amen".

Archangel Mikhail - Defender of the Righteous

The great defender Archangel Mikhail gained huge glory and respect in many religions. This is the first angel, designed by the Lord himself to fight evil and negative. Mikhail Arkhangel's prayer is the strongest defense and charm - is inscribed in the miracle monastery in the Kremlin. Everyone who in this place turns to St. Michael, will definitely be defended and its patronage. It is this prayer that is recommended to read in danger, even if it has not come yet.

Ancient prayer to St. Michael

The prayer itself has a kind of preface, which says that everyone who will repeat it will get rid of the devilish influence, damage, envy of others. And even when a person leaves this world, then his soul will not go to hell. The text of the prayer itself sounds as follows:

"Lord Jesus Christ came your servant - Angela Mikhail on ambulance Slave Your (name), save from all visible and secret enemies! About Defender, Archangel Mikhail, Demoral Shredder, eliminate all unkilled people who are fighting with me, eating them, like sheep, and twisted them in the wind. Oh, the great Lord, the Archangel Heavenly Mikhail, the first intercessor and the governor of all heavenly forces! Woofs in me, sinful, great intercession and assistant in troubles and mourn, resentment and sorrows, on deserted land and the rivers of deep, seas and oceans are quiet refuge. Get rid of me, about the great Archangel Mikhail, from all the twin, hear me, a sinful slave (name), with a prayer in you with a fallen and writing your name, come to me for help and hear a humble prayer for me. The victims of the Mother of God's life-giving and the intercessious prayers of the Most Holy Virgin of the Virgin, the assistant of Our Most Holy Virgin, the prophets and the apostles, in the name of St. Nicholas, the Miracle, St. Andrey, Nicholas, all the greatest martyrs and the Divine Forces, and the Divine Forces. Oh, Holy Angel Mikhail! Help me, the slave of your sinful (name), save me from shocks, flooding and burning fire, sustainable death and other evil, from the people and the lucavism. Now and in the eyelids. Amen".

Fruits prayer

This prayer is able to ensure reliable protection that is praying and all close to all. Read it better every day at any time.

A person who treats this prayer to Archangel Mikhail is always under the patronage of the saint. No evil, disasters, enemies, witchcraft and temptation, and even the flour of hell are not able to cause concern to the prayer. Sincere prayer will always be heard.

Some people do not know how to pray orthodox texts. In this case, you can call the saints in your own words, outgoing from the depths of the heart.

For example, you can say: "Hear my humble request, help and implicit about me or for my loved ones!". This phrase is a faith. But it is better that these short words are primarily addressed to St. Michael.

You can also pray for your own words any day and at any time. After this appeal, it is not forbidden to voice any specific request - to call what exactly you need the help of St. Michael Archangel.

Who can handle prayers for holy?

To cry for holy personalities can every person (even an avid atheist). For Archangel, Mikhail is no meaning who is drawn to it, what sex, nationality and religion. In a difficult moment, he always comes to the rescue and supports.

Strong prayer-charm to all saints has enormous power. It is capable of protecting not only from external enemies and troubles, but also from internal disorders, for example, from confusion, despondency, grief, confusion of thoughts.

Often, with requests for protection for holy personalities are treated in fear, natural disasters, alarms, doubts, in troubles. These are strong conspiracies from damage, evil people, wars and death.

The Lord hears all the souls entering him. The main condition is the sincerity of the request and faith in what you will definitely help. And even no matter what words do you pronounce read or your own, invented. Sometimes a prayer in his own words, which comes from the depths of the soul, has a greater effect, rather than phrases from prayer-reading mechanically read.

Since ancient times, people believed that there are various items and things capable of protecting a person from all the troubles and misfortunes. Over the past centuries, our ancestors have widely used various objects as protection. Talismans, charms and amulets - no man who would not know or did not hear about them. Charm, mascot or amulet, what is the difference between them?

Talisman is an item designed to attract luck to your owner. Amulet is an object that protects against diseases. But the conspiracy, charm and protects from various harm, which can proceed from the circumstances, and from other people, and keeps from diseases and different troubles. In order for talismans, charming, amulets defended you need to give them special magic properties. After all, only energy is strong, charged with positive energy item can protect us qualitatively!

Russian folk charms draw their strength and energy from nature. Their magical action is as diverse as their number. Each talisman or charm carries its energy in its own way to person and his life.
Our ancestors quite often used various amugs in magic acts and rites. Neighborhoods made with your own hands had great value. It is very important to make your own behavior correctly in accordance with all the requirements and rules. And then he will serve you in good.

The charm is a certain item that carries one basic function - to guard and protect - this is what keeps the owner or a house from all bad, drives out troubles and brings happiness, does not allow damage to him, building a protective barrier. The overalls were always the symbols of protection, impenetrable for the actions of evil spirits, reliably protected and guarding their owner from dangers. Are made of charms from the most different materials, and have different species. A any item that has initial magical functions - protection can be a faucer. Strengthening the possibilities of the guard can be seized (with the help of prayer or conspiracy) or sanctifying it in the church.

The wubble is the most ancient symbol, he embodies the tradition of the people, his wisdom and should be transmitted from one generation to another. Switch from mother to her daughter, from his father to his son. The charms creates a man himself, he makes him intentionally to protect not only herself, but also his home, his relatives and loved ones. Created charmings with their own hands are endowed with the strongest magic power. The main thing that you should be guided by the creation of the Oberega is a serious approach to the very idea. If you do not believe in what you are doing, do not doubt: magic force The overag will be reduced by you. Disbelief, distrust destroys the power of the guard, and in the end you will suffer.
Making the charm, take into account one simple, but at the same time strictly mandatory thing - no one should see and know what you do it. Such a requirement is concluded in order to preserve the calm of your family members.
Protective wubbles help prevent problems that they protect not only from the evil eye, curse, a bad word, but also from the fact that experts call bad energy. The problem is that not everyone around us people have a positive effect on us. Their negative can go to others, and without a reliable overag, you will be completely defenseless.
The overalls are designed to protect entire families and childbirth, while the amulet can belong only to one person.

Amulets are worn on the body (often as a decoration) or on clothes, placed in vehicles or in the home, or hang around livestock. They can be made from a variety of materials, thanks to which the carrier must be passively protected.
Amulet is always something strictly individual. Amulet, as well as the talisman, each has its own. This is an ornament that can have almost any meaning. It must be correctly selected. If we talk about a narrower value, the amulet is done to protect a certain misfortune or negative manifestation. This thing protects from any misfortunes and troubles, attracts good luck, makes his owner stronger, wiser, maintained. May drive evil negative energies, attract good.
Make an amulet can be independently - from natural materials, such as leather, wood, metal, wood bark, stone. You can buy it in the finished form - the main thing, to "charge it" correctly, speak and get your own energy so that it works then. "

But the talisman is aimed at a certain positive effect, for example, for good luck or for love, for happiness or health. In his form, you can determine what it was made. Talismans have their own.
Talisman is an optional decoration. The value and meaning may be in absolutely any item! For someone, the talisman is an old blouse or a T-shirt, which always brings good luck, and you put it on everything important events, Meetings and interviews. For others - toy, pendant, chain, etc. This is a thing filled with a special meaning.

If you need protection against unclean power - apply a protective talisman. If you need to cure a serious illness - use therapeutic auctions.

Protective talismans, amulets and chargegs can be made at home, with their own hands and from girlfriends. Each of them can be used independently of each other. In the aggregate, they will help build the effective protection of your home from negative energyAnd also bring good luck in business and outside the house.

Horseshoes - This is one of the many faiths that bring good luck. To protect the dwellings from unclean forces, it was recommended to hang so that her ends were directed down. To attract wealth, success and good luck - it was hanging upwards. To strengthen the magic effect of the horseshoe, they were decorated with small branches of hollow bitter.

Bells: The bells made by their own hands, since ancient times was considered a symbol of well-being and good news. This magic subject is able to bring good luck to the house, success and well-being. The bell ringing scares all the unclean power and cleans the dwelling from the negative energy.

Another equally important protective object for kids is a pin. Girls fucked her pour park clothes, and boys in the side pocket.

Pin: Plug will protect you from the evil eye. You can read special conspiracies to activate this protective talisman. Here is one of them: "Give me strength, a pin, so that the envy of someone else has been smoothing me, so that the word is not a bad word." Charge the pin is best for the full moon. Once a month, read this plot, removing the pin and putting it under the pillow. In the morning, wear again and successfully use another 30 days a strong protective object. Mauden the pin into the invisible place on the clothes and see that she does not hurt you.

Coins: Coins will help avoid financial failures. To charge a talisman and make a reliable cash shield from a regular coin, put a coin on the ground in a pot with a plant. The Earth will force a coin force. Do not forget to mark the coin to learn it among the others and not to give a random in the store. You can wear it separately, in a specially sewn a small bag or a pocket of red fabric. In addition to protection, the coin will give you and good luck in cash.

Red thread: This is a wonderful talisman, which is known in many cultures, for example, in Feng Shui. Eastern doctrine says that the red color is distinguished by an unclean force, and is also an excellent magnet for positive energy Qi. Red threads can be twisted in front of the entrance door, and you can use for other purposes. And you can wear it on your left hand on the bracelet manner so that negative streams have enveloped you face. Thread in this case is needed woolen.

Ring: Rings are one of the best protective talismans. They are universal in all senses, generic rods can even be transmitted from one relative to another. Such a ring usually brings good luck, but if something happened to his owner before, it is better to wash a ring in salted water (see that that does not damage the material). You can talk about the new ring so that it will be copied to the positive, and the negative is rejected. It will be necessary to wear it always not to stop the process of accumulating energy and power. The conspiracy for a new ring sounds as follows: "The power of all the goal I spell on the accumulation of strength in the name of good and good intentions." After that, within seven days, the ring should be put in the glass with cold waterin which the pinch of salt is dissolved. Old rings are also better to expose this effect during the week.

Salt pouch: Salt itself is an excellent opposition to everything dark and unclean. It protects literally from everything - from the evil challenges, curses, failures, negative programs. It can be used not only in the house, but also outside the house, as a protective charm. This charm is very simple. Buy or make a small bag yourself. Pour salt there and tie tightly to not wake up any grape. When the charm is ready, read a simple conspiracy: "Salt for happiness, salt from troubles." Then just put the bag either in your pocket, or in a bag that is always with you. If for some reason the salt wake up, throw a pinch through the left shoulder: Probably your chagucha chapped from you a big trouble. It is worth making a new and not delay with it.

Key: Buy an unnecessary key that does not open anything. Let it be small and inconspicuous. Since the ancient times, the keys were if not magical, then it certainly important for well-being subjects. Mages used them as protection against spells and evil spirits. Now the keys can be put at the entrance door in the hallway or hang on the walls next to the exit to protect housing from the negative. Every time you leave the house, you need to say a clavicle: "My guard house, evil and trouble distinguish".

The spoon: It is a symbol of satiety, contentment, well-being and fertility. If you have a medicine from this spoon, then recovery will not wait long. The handle in such a guard should be bent, as well as a decorated pattern of seven solar circles. On the entire spoon, fertility and earth signs are applied in the form of crosses located inside the rhombuses. Such a spoon can be used for eating, and our Slavic ancestors used them to prepare rituals and drugs.

Birds: Bird will definitely bring to the house of who wears peace and warmth. After all, the word is associated with a bird - the nest, in turn symbolizing for each of us a home and native source. This is one of the most important slavic Oberegovwhich is a family symbol, as well as care for children. Such charging will bring peace, love and peace to the family.

Fish: This charm will help to acquire offspring. The figure of the fish is a symbol of more ancient than the bird and calls for help to ensure the offspring. Most likely, this is due to the ability of fish to throw caviar, but in it a large number of Ikrink. Hence the concept of fish fertility, as well as the ratio with fertility symbols.

Water. Holy water: Holy water, that is, consecrated by a priest or a prayer with the help of a prayer, can invest your home and you from damage and evil eye. The fact that the water is characteristic of the healing force, repeatedly says in the Holy Scriptures: Bathing of the Prophet Elisha Neemana in Jordan and the renewal and cleansing of the Prophet followed. And in the New Testament contains an indication that the water conducts the spiritual renewal and the revival of a person, it cleans it from old sins. Christ the Savior said: "True, truly tell you if someone is not born about the water and the Spirit, will not be able to enter the kingdom of God."

Broom: The Slavs have a broom considered the subject of the ritual. It always contained clean, warm and comfortable. The more careful and cleaner was this very broom talisman, the stronger his guarding effect was. Once a year, he was changed to a new one, and the old one was thrown at the crossroads of several roads, thus throwing out all the troubles and attack the past old year. All problems in the house were solved with the help of this magical overag. Also this subject was driven by an uninvited someone else's house, hitting a broom of the threshold three times. It was believed that it was the house that was the cause of all the troubles in the household.

Previously, they said: "If you want to know, is it true that there is such a witch, then she will come to you, and you are unnoticed by a broom - and inverted, put the blink up, and she will not be able to go out of the house, it will also come out. spinless, and will not be able to leave. " It is from there that the custom from the owners to put brooms by belly up, and down the handle. It is believed that thus the dwelling is prevented from damage. And if the broom lies tilted or inverted, it means that there was an enemy in the house. And tilted broom - his hands.

Belt: It was the belt in ancient times that communicated with a moral human form. This subject was assigned truly magic properties. The male belt was considered stronger than feminine. Women during pregnancy rejuvenated by the belt of their husband to protect the child who had not yet born as much as possible. All the power of the belt was in his mercy around a person's belt in the form of a circle. During the rites of the burial on the dead did not wear the belt, they were also depicted without belts and the mermaids, witches and left. The belt was considered the subject of only a living person. To strengthen the security of the belt, various nodules were imposed on it, the value of which was known only to the belt owner, as well as who made the belt. The belt was also considered a source of vitality, he was attributed to fertilizing and wellness actions. The male belt was peeling newborn children, thus protecting them from any evil.

The tape that ties the newborn baby is also a kind of faith. The custom of tingle a frozen baby comes from the times of paganism. It was believed that the belt divides the human body into two parts: earth and heavenly or, speaking by another language, - on clean and unclean. Thus, the belt protects the child from unclean power, from a bad eye.

Icons: The most popular chambers are the icons for their divine power. Icon must be purchased in the Church, if you put in front of them just such a goal - to protect you and your dwelling from possible troubles and misfortunes. Do not buy icons in antique stores or from hand, as it is possible that they store the clots of someone else's (not always positive) energy.
Try to do this. Take a small icon and attach a leaflet back at which a prayer is written to your angel asking for protection and patronage. We always wear this icon with you - it will store you and take care of trouble.

Cross: The most common charm is a native cross, which is issued to every person with baptism. Even if you do not consider the cross to be guarded and for you, he is just evidence that you are baptized, know: a native cross is so intimate and personal that give to carry it to anyone - unforgivable error. The cross becomes a guard only after a person was baptized.

Any decoration: Any decoration can be used as a strong wubble, for gems And the metals are always relevant in this regard. There are even no need to charge them. If you have a favorite ring with a stone, earrings, a necklace or bracelet, then the power of nature will always be guarded by your calm. There are rituals to make the decoration to make an amulet.

Poor energy can cause illness or problems. Take care of maintaining high level Energy is always necessary for only luck and well-being accompanied you. The use of faiths and protective talismans will solve the problem of the appearance of sudden failures.

In the house there must be several objects-faces - so protection will be stronger and more reliable. But just do not cease - it is not necessary to fill each room for a tenth or two all sorts of faiths. Enough one-two. The fact is that charged items are very favorably affecting other items and things that will be animated and revive all things of your home. And in the end, they will also become a kind of champions. That is, your home itself will be one big advocate, guarded!

Conspiracies are charging.

Conspiracy-guard from evil people:
If you need to go to the people who do not like you, or there is a bad man next to you, who wishes you evil, read this conspiracy:
Souse me, God, on high mountain, Bays, Lord, my enemies with cold water, closen, Lord, and lips, and their teeth with a gold castle. Amen.

Conspiracy-charm from enemies:
If you know that you have enemies, ready to prevent you from you, before going out of the house, you should read the following plot-charm:
Jesus came up with God's Heavens, with him a golden cross. Zorma was satisfied, the sun was wounded, the golden cross was crossed and closed the castles. Let these locks be in the sea. Who will get this seas and the sands will call, to that enemy will not come. Jesus Christ, you are the Son of God, save, save from any evil at all times. Amen.

Washer on the son.
So that no one can offend, harm your son, put a special charm on it. Conspiracy is read on the day of the Angel of the Son at midnight, getting his bed with the headboard, while the child sleeps. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:
Angel from birth on his saving, wings folded enemies, Lyarkheev, Cleavers Fire, a sword to destroy, keep my child. Amen.

Whether to the daughter.
So that no one has never caused the evil your daughter, read on her angel's day, standing in her legs, while she sleeps, the following conspiracy:
My daughter, are you sleeping or in front of the Lord, you look at the mother of the Virgin? Jesus Christ, Mother Holy Mother of God, Fuck my daughter in all matters, with all the ways, with the sun, during the month, on the road night and day day, on other people's people, other people's facets. There would be a leg and hands from her enemies, I would have found darkness on their brains, so that they didn't know their father, nor their mother, would not be afraid of them to hurt them. It is not removed by anyone. Key, castle, wintic ceiling. Amen.

Washer to grandchildren (grandmother's plot).
Put the baby on the chair, let him in the hands of the icon, stand up behind him, bite it three times straight of his hair and say:
Lijah trouble, hands of others, the enemies of human, the languages \u200b\u200bare angry from the servant of a selected, settled (name), the hands of a nonsense, the enemies to be mounted, the languages \u200b\u200bwill not be found. Amen.

Conspiracy-wubble from trouble.
If you want to protect yourself from all possible misfortunes, then read this conspiracy regularly:
Savior Heavenly, be ahead, guardian angel, be behind, the queen of heaven, be over the love, save me a desire from evil people and sudden death. God save us. Amen.

Conspiracy-wubble from evil languages \u200b\u200b(gossip).
Wanting to protect ourselves from gossipors who will not regret the sake of the red sense, read this plot:
I am not I am going, a black ravener to fly, I rip off, chasing fire, Right leg I step on the threshold, take my enemies to take a tongue. So that they clapped their lips, they were silent, the teeth did not crossed and did not knock. Lag around my body, circle. From tongue, toothy, envious neighbors in the yard, by field, in service. Do not give them a circle, put languages \u200b\u200bon the will. As the fish in the water are silent, and people do not speak about me. Amen.

No charm better prayer.

To clear the room with a prayer, it is necessary to pronounce them in a strictly defined order. First, there is an appeal to the highest forces:
1. "God of our fathers, blessedly, the name is your holy and glorious. Does you bless you and all your creations! "
2. Then three times read "Our Father".
3. Next - "God will resurrect!".
4. Behind him is "believe."
5. After the "faith" - "Psalm 90".
6. "Prayer is an honest cross."
7. Completes the chain of the mandatory traditional ending: "It is worthy to eat this very truly, the Mother of God ...".

You can clean your home with a prayer only in a well-defined time: at sunrise or sunset, or at noon, when the rhythms of the day are favorable for us.

Wrap over:
Once a year take care of your health, so that the diseases of the people you treat, do not stick to you. For this B. Palm Sunday On an empty stomach, eat three kidneys of the Willow and, picking up holy water, say:
Verba, Saint Paul, Mahal, from me, other people's diseases, distilled off. As the truth, that the Palm Sunday is honored, so the truth is that other people's diseases do not stick to me. Amen.

Unbeliable charm:
"Glory Father, thank Son, thank Holy Spirit.
Lord, save the slave of God (name) from any evil,
From goat, comments, secret appearance,
Networks, catchal, poisons, swords,
Conspiracies, soviests, cunning, insidious negotiations,
From enemy visits, from imprisonment,
From bribe and sword, from the word that has been said with hot
From the enemy meeting, from a false promise,
From water pouring, from the wave of stunning,
From the beast, from the fire, save the Lord, save me
From the wind of the rain, from the ice from the Lord, save me!
From the evil sorcerer Save the Lord, save me
From the hands of terrible, from early death in vain,
From an inverted Cross, save my God, save me.
Chur My Duma, Chur My flesh,
Chur my live red blood,
Chur me wildly thought.
Angel my keeper, for my soul pray,
Everything that I said is that the seagreewoman did not say
The word for the word come and the slave of God (name) from all sorts of saved.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen."