Painting on the glass of glasses. How is it done abroad

Painting with stained glass paints

Painting with stained glass paints is quite an interesting and exciting activity. It requires a certain perseverance and some baggage of knowledge. But having tried it once, I want to return to this lesson again and again. And how many beautiful and wonderful things can be done using this technique! You can even paint wedding glasses if you wish. They are an important paraphernalia of the wedding ceremony, while they will have an exclusive and colorful look. I was lucky to please my girlfriend with such glasses.

For manufacturing you will need:

A pair of glasses;

Stained glass paints, contour and solvent;
auxiliary materials: brushes, cotton swabs and discs, a palette, a piece of cloth to clean the brush.

Roses were chosen as a sketch. The drawing of the desired size is easily printed on the printer. Then we cut out the sketch along the contour and glue it with tape on inner surface glasses. Placed wedding rings on the opposite side. They can be drawn with a compass. The base of the leg was decorated with the names of the newlyweds and the date of the wedding, which were also previously written on a piece of paper by hand.

It is better to paint utensils with special paints for firing, then such utensils can be used in Everyday life and wash in dishwasher... By and large, wedding glasses will be rarely used, so I decided to paint them with ordinary stained glass paints. The drawing comes out practical and durable. Moreover, it is not applied to the immediate surface, which will be touched with the mouth.

We used Idea Vetro and Pebeo Vitrail paints. Connoisseurs have argued that they are compatible with each other. In fact, it turned out that it is better not to mix. Nothing will curl up, only Idea is thicker or something and in places is taken in small lumps. It looks not fatal, but unpleasant.
Before work, be sure to degrease the surface with alcohol, nail polish remover or window cleaner. All elements are carefully outlined using a contour (using the Decola gold outline), making sure that there are no gaps. Keep the tube close to the surface, but do not touch it. Lead the line calmly and confidently - this is a pledge good result.

Flowers inside are painted with paint with a brush. I use synthetic brushes. This is where Idea's advantage is (in my opinion), it is thick enough and spreads less. Take your time, let each element dry well before moving on to the next.

Such glasses can be made in one day, but it is better to give yourself small breaks so that your eyes have a rest from work and your gaze does not “blur”.

How to color wine glasses

Painted wine and martini glasses are becoming more and more popular. You can even make them yourself at home. Plus, painted glasses are a unique, inexpensive, and creative gift for friends and family. For all those who love to create and decorate their home with hand-made products, this task will seem like a great idea.


Sketch your design on a piece of paper first (optional, but recommended). If you put the design on paper or napkin, it will be easier for you to place it in the glass, fix and redraw the design on the glass. Tissue paper (or brown paper) folds better (if you need to make a large pattern on the bottom or top of the glass).

  • Transfer the pattern to the glass. Use a permanent ink pen or marker that won't wash off and redraw your drawing onto the glass. If you don't like your pattern, use a cotton swab or cotton pad and use rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover to erase the pattern.

  • Add colors. Color your drawing with the colors you like.
    • Use enamel paints, as others will wash off on first contact with water. Also use brushes for this purpose only.
    • Make sure your paint is within its expiration date. If the paint is too old, small hard lumps will appear in your drawing and the entire pattern will look sloppy.
    • You may need to apply two to three coats of paint to get a good result. Make sure the paint is completely dry before each application. There are also colored pens on sale that are designed for drawing on glass. This will make the process easier and more convenient.

  • You can erase or touch up the design with nail polish remover.

  • Add details. Use a thin marker or small paintbrush to add the desired details to the drawing.

  • Let the paint dry. Leave the glass overnight to allow the paint to dry before the next step. Turn the glass upside down and place it on a soft surface such as a tea towel. Keep the glass away from the kitchen and bathtub, where excess moisture can prevent the paint from drying.

  • The heating. Prepare glasses for this procedure:
    • Place the foil on a baking sheet.
    • Turn on the oven at 180ºC. No oven preheating is required. The idea is to place the glass in a cold oven and gradually heat it up. This will prevent the glass from cracking.
    • Immediately place the glasses on the foil and place the baking sheet in the oven.
    • Set a timer for 30 minutes. Turn off the oven after 20 minutes and leave the glasses inside for another 10 minutes. After half an hour, remove the glasses from the oven. Or do as it says on the paint box you used. This procedure is carried out so that the glasses can be washed.

  • If you want to paint wine glasses for yourself or as a gift, for a wedding or for a theme party, be sure you will get great pleasure from creativity - this is done easily, quickly and inexpensively. Before proceeding to step-by-step master class for painting glasses with your own hands, you need to decide on the future design of your glasses, so we suggest you get inspired and learn original ideas Glass decor in the next chapter.

    The painting of glasses and wine glasses can be different in drawing technique, in the degree of complexity, in the use of materials and, of course, in the subject matter.

    Master class # 1: Confetti-style glasses

    Wine glasses decorated with small polka dots look very festive and can be either elegant, as in the photo below, or cheerful multi-colored. The circles are associated with champagne bubbles or bright confetti.

    What you need: acrylic or contour paints for glass and ceramics, ordinary nail polish (but acrylic paints are much more durable) or a special marker for painting dishes are also suitable. To degrease glasses, prepare nail polish remover, degreaser or alcohol, for drawing - cotton swabs, a pencil with an eraser at the end or a small hard synthetic brush, and for correcting the pattern - cotton pads and swabs.

    Painting technique:

    1. Thoroughly wash and degrease the glass with alcohol or another cleaner using cotton pads or a tissue.
    2. Now you can start drawing circles. Squeeze some paint into a small container or just onto foil (paper, file).

    Turn the glass over and start dotting from top to bottom, keeping the same spacing between them. You can draw points as in this master class, that is, starting from large to smaller, gradually increasing the distance between them. Otherwise, the points can be of the same size, different in color, and they can also form a pattern or pattern (point to point or pique technique), and also slightly layered on top of each other.

    Advice: It is convenient to put large dots with a pencil eraser, and small ones with a brush or cotton swab with a pointed end as in the photo below (scroll through).

    It is better to maintain a distance of about 2 cm from the edge of the glass to the picture, especially if the paint is toxic.

    If you draw with contours, then first you need to practice on paper to put small, medium and large points at the same distance from each other and with the same degree of pressure on the tube.

    1. Now you need to let the paint dry. Drying methods largely depend on the paint, usually the manufacturer indicates the drying time and the instructions for firing.

    Typically painted acrylic paints or circuits require firing if you want to use the glasses frequently and wash them in the dishwasher. To do this, you need to put the glasses in the oven at a temperature of 150-170 degrees for 30 minutes, and then turn off the oven, and without removing the glasses from it, let them cool naturally;

    Markers dry 24 hours and do not need firing;

    Nail polish dries quickly, but the drawing will not last long, so this option will not work for decorating gift or wedding glasses that you want to leave as a keepsake. But for themed parties better than paint can not found.

    And here are other ideas for painting glasses with multicolored polka dots that will decorate any table setting at a fun party.

    Polka dots of gold, silver, white flowers more suitable for decorating wedding glasses.

    By the way, circles can be not only drawn, but also glued. You can buy vinyl self-adhesive paper of the desired color and cut circles out of it using a hole punch or special scissors, and then carefully glue them to the glass. The photo below shows glasses decorated in this way.

    Master class number 2: Artistic painting of glasses

    In this master class, we will turn glasses into flowers, because its leg is so similar to a stalk, and a bowl - to a bud.

    What you need: any degreaser, cotton pads and cotton swabs for degreasing and correcting the pattern. Prepare artistic synthetic brushes for painting different sizes, plastic plate or a palette for mixing paints, as well as acrylic paints for glass and ceramics. If you wish, you can supplement the drawing with contour and stained glass paints, markers and glitter.

    Painting technique:

    1. Degrease the surface;
    2. We mix paints on a plate or palette, achieving the desired shades. In order to make the color pastel and delicate, color paint is mixed with white;
    3. Now we need to draw the stamens: we put points with a narrow small brush or a cotton swab with a pointed end. The pollen can be black, yellow, or orange in color. Our master class uses yellow for drawing the stamens of lilac Italian asters and black for sunflowers.

    Further, the flower will be drawn in layers, so you need to wait until the drawn stamens dry. You can dry them naturally, leaving them for 2 hours, or bake them in the oven at 150-170 degrees for 15 minutes.

    1. Once the painted pollen is dry, you need to draw the petals as shown in the photo below. If desired, add details - streaks and color nuances. Then you need to let the paint dry (see item 3).

    1. The last step is to draw a peduncle and a stalk in green and again we bake our glass flower, but now it's already 30 minutes - and then the paint won't "peel off" from the glass for a very long time.

    Well, that's all, the decor of wedding, gift or holiday glasses is complete.

    In the photo below you can find others interesting ideas painting with floral and plant motives.

    And here are examples of painting on glass with peacock feathers.

    The theme of flora and fauna is also very popular.

    Glasses for a festive serving of themed parties can be decorated in a bright and funny way.

    Glasses as a gift or for a wedding can be additionally decorated with rhinestones, feathers, pearls, sparkles, ribbons and other decor.

    Other ways and secrets of painting on glass: how to dry a glass with a painted leg and use a stencil or sketch

    If you want to completely paint over the base of the glass, that is, paint over its bottom from below, then you need to dry it hanging or carefully placing it on homemade construction made of paper and four buttons as in the photo below.

    Painting on glass is easier to do with a do-it-yourself or printed underlay sketch. the right size on the printer. You can also use the drawing on a napkin. The paper with the image must be laid on the bottom of the glass, aligned and glued with tape as shown in the photo.

    Stencils will also help in painting on glass with your own hands. To do this, you need:

    1. Draw them yourself or print a picture from the Internet, and then cut out with a clerical knife;

    1. Buy ready-made stencils in the store for creativity, which are very easy to stick and peel off;

    1. You can draw stripes, geometric abstractions and the simplest patterns according to the principle of a stencil using ordinary or masking tape;

    1. You can get the effect of an openwork pattern if you use lace as a stencil.

    Advice: you can apply inscriptions or images through a stencil with a special matting paint on glass with the effect of frost or frost, which is sold in art or online stores. An example of such a decor is in the photo below.

    Master class number 3: Stained glass painting

    Stained glass painting is a slightly more complex painting technique, since stained glass paints, unlike acrylic paints, are much more fluid, and therefore difficult to draw. In addition, they are less wear-resistant, and it will be very difficult to mix colors, since the paints dry very quickly on the palette. But they are more transparent and unusual, and in combination with stained glass contours you can create the effect of real stained glass.

    Advice: This type of paint is different, for painting glasses it is better to use baked water-based paints, and not a toxic solvent.

    We offer you to watch the following visual master class on stained glass painting on glass:


    Natalya Zaporozhets. General cleaning sometimes throws up unpleasant surprises. One of the wine glasses turned out to be burst, and the cracks spread like an asterisk on the floor of the glass.
    I don’t know if you’ll see any huge cracks. I carefully washed the glass and put it in front of me. It's a pity that my daughter gave me this set for my birthday. For many years the wine glasses served faithfully. In the place of the split, the walls of the wine glass move from the touch. In the trash can? Well, I won't think of anything? The main thing is to strengthen the wall as much as possible, it is better from the inside. Thank you girls for being on the site, and I borrowed one of the ideas from a great craftswoman.

    Thanks to Natasha Burtseva for teaching us to play with different glues. TITANIUM glue (residues) poured into the glass. Pour the split points by rotating the glass. With glue, this is how I play for the first time after reading reviews about frozen.

    The glue froze a little, I sprinkle the beads with a spoon. I have 3 types of pink and transparent. Already with beads, we roll the waves along the glass, turning it

    Half of the glass with the broken glass was abundantly covered with glue and beads, crushing pink pearls.

    The beaded pattern seemed too pale to me, so a red one fell to the bottom
    This is a photo of the broken side. The glue hardens and turns white as expected. Bubbles have formed in it. Nicely, I hope when completely dry the bubbles will look great in the light of a candle.
    it whole part wine glass. I tried to draw sakura. There will be an addition to my floor lamp
    It can be seen that the glue on the back has turned white, but I really want to show what happened. The candle test has not yet been carried out, let it dry in order to evaluate the transparency of the glue in full. I didn't decorate the leg. The decor will appear different depending on the situation and mood Flowers, bows, coniferous branches, stones - everything can be arranged.
    Thanks for watching to the end. Perhaps my idea will help you keep your favorite wine glasses on the farm, only in a different capacity. I've thrown away a lot in my life. If I could return them all, now I would get used to a lot of things.

    Artists, artists and their sympathizers!

    Today I want to address you. For a very long time, the idea of ​​creating a small gallery with painted glasses, made by foreign masters. Surely, you want to know why foreign. Everything is very simple, our masters usually work with acrylic paints and contours not very well good quality... Whereas foreign authors create glass decor using high quality paints and markers. In America and Europe, in general, they work mainly with special markers for glass, this opens the widest scope for imagination and just more convenient.

    Undoubtedly, in our country, rich in talents, there is more than one strong master of glass painting, it is foolish to deny it. But today I invite you to visit a small online exhibition of foreign artists and see how they paint the glasses.

    Please note that the drawing always goes well with the size and purpose of the glass, this is very important. It's good when there is harmony in everything.

    Some artists try to ensure that the drawing applied on the outside is fully displayed on the inside. Looks good!

    Sometimes you want something non-trivial.

    And sometimes, the classics are all that is needed.

    Since our gallery is international, the master class that closes it is also from abroad. Although the closest. Meet the video master class from the most interesting Ukrainian channel. Do not worry that you may not understand something, the master class itself is in Russian and is very visual.

    Painting on glass of glasses- an exciting lesson! I wish you success in it!

    A wedding is a happy event in life. They prepare for it for a long time and want everything to be beautiful and unusual to the smallest detail. The setting of the wedding table must include champagne and glasses for it. Painting wedding glasses is now in great demand. We advise you to make a painting with your own hands for the wedding of a friend or sister.

    Wedding glasses are decorated in different ways: they use painting glasses with acrylic paints, wedding stencils, painting with stained glass paints, dot patterns on glasses. Decorating wine glasses for a wedding allows you to make them a work of art, and the type of wedding table setting becomes unique. Some decorate a bottle of champagne and glasses in the same style as the bride's attire.

    Advice! Do not forget that the glasses will be used during the wedding celebration, they will touch them with their lips, pour champagne. The decoration should be free of toxic materials, not deteriorate if a drink is spilled, and not reach the edge of the glass by 1.5 - 2 cm, so as not to interfere with drinking from the glass.

    Wine glasses that will broken up by wedding custom, should be decorated more simply or not decorated at all. Those from which the young drink during the wedding celebration, the new family keeps as a memory, so the decoration must be durable and safe.

    First of all choose your technique... The easiest way to decorate is satin ribbons. It is good because the ribbon can be untied, tied in a different way, or you can take another ribbon, as your imagination dictates.

    Gallery: painting wedding glasses (25 photos)

    Decorating with ribbons and lace

    We wrap the leg with a narrow satin ribbon. At the bottom we tie a small bow, at the base of the glass - a lush beautiful bow. Everything. Such simple glasses it will not be a pity to break at the right time.

    For the newlyweds, we continue the decoration for the wedding: you can add rhinestones, small flowers.

    For the second option we use lace... It would be nice to choose something similar to what is in the bride's attire.

    We glue the lace strip around the top or around the leg, like a skirt. Next, add any decorative elements - bows, flowers, rhinestones, -trying not to get carried away so that you can drink from the glass.

    Painting with stained glass paints, master class

    This option is more time consuming, requires certain skills, accuracy, patience. Before painting, you need to degrease the surface. alcohol... Stained glass paints are liquid, so first we apply a drawing contour paints. Not everyone has the talent of an artist and will be able to paint a glass or glass without a ready-made pattern.

    We recommend: select a pattern, download and print. To paint glasses for a wedding, it is enough to take two colors of paints. You can make the pattern blue for the groom and pink for the bride.

    Insert the paper with the pattern inside. Fill the glass with a lump of soft paper so that the image is firmly pressed against the glass and does not move. For applying contour paint no brush needed The tube has a special pointed nose. We draw closed contours of the image so that when working with vintage paint, it does not flow out.

    After the contours have dried, fill them in liquid paint... You do not need to draw, in each fragment drip 1-2 drops of paint and it spreads over him.

    Painting on glass is combined with applique. They paint and then decorate rhinestones, ribbons, flowers- as his fantasy tells the master.

    Master class "Painting glasses using confetti technique"

    For work you will need:

    Step-by-step instruction

    Flower painting of glasses, master class

    With your own hands, you can easily turn a glass into a flower, its leg into a green stem, and the bottom of the leg into green grass.

    For flower painting you need:

    Step-by-step instruction

    For wedding wine glass painting, people with creative imagination use the ideas of any plant and animal images. Glass painting is complemented by others decorative elements.

    Painting wedding glasses using stencils

    A stencil is glued to the glass, for example, a heart. The edge of the glass, which is touched by the lips, is sealed with a border. On the rest of the surface, paint is applied with a sponge. They wait until it dries and remove the stencil. A transparent window in the form of a heart remains on the painted surface. You can add an applique made of beads and rhinestones.

    Tips after finishing painting.

    Acrylic paints need to be fired for no more than half an hour in a conventional oven. After turning off the oven, the glasses must be left in the oven to cool. After firing, the drawing is not afraid of water and detergents.

    Anyone can make a painting of glasses with their own hands. If you try to paint them for your celebration or as a gift to friends and you like it, then you can make a painting of wedding glasses with your business. Start by selling to friends and develop into your own online store.