How to use salt for dishwashers. Salt functions in the dishwasher

Water acquires rigidity due to the content of MG, CA ions. Metals, heating, give an insoluble sediment, the ribbing spiral. You will find other metals affecting the process, the role is rather auxiliary. Thus, the task affects the removal of harmful water ions, preventing the formation of scale. We will watch what salt for dishwasher Select why you need. Prepared Fall asleep EXTROJEM - flag in hand!

Chemical Basics of Salt Application in Dishwashers

Once the authors really liked chemicals. So much that the first year received a five. The teacher decided to use the successes to their own discretion, causing two excellent students to demonstrate the baby school "miracles", it seems like the bloody wounds are obtained on YouTube, "treat" reagents. Interested chemical boobs raise a request for Google. The demonstration did not want to behave - the summer, shye, had to simply otmazaznuya, above the four more estimates at our address were not received, in the ninth graduation it even had to pull out. The scented is not a professional chemist, but a fan to dig items. Do not want - do not believe the evidence given!

Water acquires rigidity, saturated with bivalent calcium, magnesium ions:

  1. In the first case, the water is called calcium tough.
  2. In the second case, water is called magnesium rigid.

Metal bicarbonates, heating, form water, limestone (roughly speaking) covering the helix. The situation worsens the presence of iron salts, cementing deposits. Simplified scheme.

To overcome the disgrace, introduced the concept of rigidity, measured by a special strip, which is included with the majority washing machines. The resulting digit is clogged into the settings of the ion exchanger, heading the liquid softening, or the parameter is measured by the sensor. For softening from the water, hazardous calcium and magnesium ions are taken, instead, a harmless sodium is applied, does not fall into the sediment under any circumstances. It can give when heated the base, water. The reaction with a powder acid will give carbon dioxide, soluble salt, non-hazardous dishwasher. The first will destroy, the second will replenish the drainage of sewage.

How to make a miracle in practice. Use special ion exchangers. Not compartments of dishwashers, special polymer colloids, swelling in water, not sprawling. Such radioactive isotopes are removed, conducting the deactivation of the area. The meaning is covered by the fiction of the polymer base, the matrix ties the negative ions of salt. Carbonates, bicarbonates, silicates, some others. Positive ions are dissociated between the compartment with the salt scored until the sensor says that it is enough.

Let's analyze, based on our stretched (see above) knowledge, the composition of tablets of dishwashers Avter:

  1. Sodium citrate - preservative. If we correctly understand, the reagent wins microbes.
  2. Sodium percarbonate - powder component.
  3. Sodium carbonate - soda softener-baking powder.
  4. Sodium dysilicate is an amorphous base-matrix, holding ions, softener.
  5. Sodium bicarbonate - softener.
  6. Sodium polysparginum is a thickener, a base that holds ions, softener, edible.
  7. Sodium gluconate - detergent.

Special salt for dishwashers is little reminded by a cooking. Meet the missed components in the ecker: flavors, surface active substances. The similarity with salt extra zero, the Basquechak deposits are represented by sodium chloride. Typical Galite will increase sodium ion concentration, reactions will be reversible, the resulting compounds will be sprinkled along the compartment.

2NACL + CA (HCO 3) 2 ↔ 2NAHCO 3 + CaCl 2;

Ecker gives another alignment!

Na 2 Co 3 + Ca (HCO 3) 2 → 2NAHCO 3 + CACO 3 ↓.

Insoluble precipitate is held by thickeners, does not ring the compartment. With the resumption of salt, the remains of the nasty are washed off by sewage. We suggest forgetting that the kilogram of Extra costs 12 rubles. The composition of the salt of the dishwasher (70 rubles per kg) of the chemical formula is different. W. quality manufacturer. In the segment Veliko temptation to release a fake. You just carefully choose the goods, otherwise the scale will know yourself without fail.

The process of irreversible deposition of salts. Calcium, attaching to the carbonate ion (see above), gives lime remaining in the compartment, reaching the chambers of the dishes. Communion TEN. Sodium bicarbonate, perhaps campaign, but will give soluble substances suppressed by the powder. So the specialized salt for the dishwasher works. Avoid confusion with cook or offense. Note! The salt indicator to the phenomenon poured inside sickened, the sensor is oriented by the content of sodium ions (as we assume), the TEN may be different opinions on this. The precipitate fills the copper shell. Salt is enough approximately for one time interval, the equivalence of the result is refuted by the review of the review.

You doubt what kind of salt for the dishwasher, take the extruum - the nearest grocery segro will help stock raw materials. Use the product only by destination by preparing food.

Why salt dishwasher

The chemical bases part of the readers are skipped, we give a brief summary on the topic, why do you need a salt for a dishwasher. The principle of operation of the ion exchanger remains a mystery, lower the topic. It is known that incoming water is estimated by the sensor, or the rigidity value is manually entered. According to the available information, the dishwasher makes that a certain number of calcium-magnesium ions be replaced by a harmless sodium. Water becomes salted, completely devoid of sediment. We emphasize, avoid equal to Kalgon! The process is regulated by a scientifically sensor in real time or our own a priori measurements.

The first option is worth a lot of money (Aquasensor), more accurate. Water rigidity may vary from season, day, a priori measurements are worse. Salt consumption dishwasher is carried out according to the program! Enough at the same time. Try to fall asleep soda, the equivalent period will be spent. There is no difference ... Why do amazing amateur?

Replacing the salt car

To formed a colloid (in Russian, Rap), at the first refueling, tighten through the neck into the salt compartment a little water. The cover at the bottom of the working compartment of the dishwasher, the necessary manipulations are made through the funnel. Note! Surely water flows through the edge, even rape. Nothing wrong. But! Always make refueling right before washing dishes. Savings bottom of the working compartment from corrosion with a strong salt solution. Do not be afraid, too much will be taken by a drainage pump, merged into the sewer.

Many are asked:

  • How many salts to pour into the dishwasher. It is usually refilled by a kilogram in full-size models. Check with instructions. One kilogram is enough for 35 inclusions for 14 sets of dishes. But! Depends on the hardness of water, scored in the dishwasher or a specific sensor. By regions consumption will be different.
  • Why regenerating salt for dishwasher is equipped with strange title? The process of regeneration is characterized by two aspects - updating, restoration. When we refuel salt for the dishwasher inside, replenish the reserves of sodium ions, colloidal structures. You can call regeneration.

Bosch dishwasher salts

Today, the German concern became the leader of the segment of dishwashers. Is there a salt for Bosch dishwashers? Did not hear. Manufacturer household appliances Just undersually build a chemical plant where components for washing and washing will be produced. It costs money, technology needs to be developed. Throwing industrial espionage, buying a certificate, patent, Bosch has little chance to catch up with competitors in this area. Custom to buy a finished franchise. We recommend choosing salt for dishwasher known manufacturer.

Housewives praise Finish. Dear salt of 100 rubles per kilogram, but the scale will not be formed. Beware of fakes, otherwise it is easier to fall asleep inside the usual soda in half with salt. Cheaper with the same quality. There are no doubt chemist, unlike the authors received five, will be able to synthesize the simple composition given above, to help no longer take. Knowledge level is low. Our faith B. own forces They wanted in childhood (in reference to chemistry), so we leave a question for a more capable contingent.

See you in the following reviews!

For the proper operation of the dishwasher requires a cook salt. Sodium chlorine is necessary to restore ion exchange filters responsible for cleaning and mitigating water. They prevent the appearance of scale on the inner surfaces, which significantly prolongs the service life of the equipment.

It is important to understand that the usual technical or food salt will not fit for ion exchange filters. There are too many additives in these products. Insoluble iron sediment, iodine, fluorine - all this quickly clogs filter channels, and therefore, after several cycles, the machine can no longer be able to perform its work.

Let's figure it out in detail how to choose and use the salt so that your dishwasher serves a long time.

Salt composition for dishwashers

For a dishwasher, a salt of the highest degree of cleaning is used. It is produced using the vacuum evaporation of the brine, which allows to obtain a product with a NaCl content of at least 99.7.

According to GOST R 51574-2000, 75% of the salt crystals of Extra varieties are of no more than 0.8 mm, the size of the remaining 25% does not exceed 1.2 mm.

A distinctive feature This product is almost complete absence of insoluble sediment, due to which it is widely used to restore filters in various technological systems.

The salt of the Extra variety is pressed into a tablet with a diameter of 20-30 mm, which are used to automatically prepare the regenerating solution of ion exchange resin with a constant concentration of 6-8% sodium chloride. Also in dishwashers use a granular salt made from Extra variety.

Answers to popular questions

What salt is suitable for a dishwasher?

There are two most popular options:

  • First - use a special salt that brands producers of dishwashers and other companies are specifically for this application. Such salts are characterized by a high degree of cleaning and a convenient form for dosing (tablets, granules). The only minus of branded products is their high cost, most of which is the markup for the brand.
  • The second option is suitable for those who want to save, but at the same time not to lose in quality - salt of Extra varieties, it consists of 99.7% from NaCl and has crystals in size up to 0.8 mm. It can be purchased as in bully videoand in the form of tablets. Tableted salt is more convenient to use, in addition, its consumption is less.

The usual salt in the dishwasher is not worth falling asleep, as noted earlier, solid impurities that are contained can easily deal with water purification filters.

Why is salt needed for dishwashers?

The use of sodium chlorine is necessary in order to solve the following tasks:

  • Security efficient work Ion-exchange filters. Sodium chloride restores sodium ions in resin, which are depleted, replacing magnesium and calcium ions present in water. If it is not possible to restore the resin periodically, it will lose the ability to absorb stiffness ions (magnesium and calcium) from water.
  • Mitigating hard water. Quality water water It can be very different, it can be found in it many impurities. They are settled on different parts Dishwasher equipment to prevent and need to periodically fall asleep salt. Moreover, its consumption will be the higher, the greater the rigidity of water.
  • Cleansing dishes. If you apply salt, you can forget about unpleasant divorces on plates, circles and table devices.

How to fall asleep salt in a dishwasher?

Method 1: For scattering sodium chloride.

The product falls asleep in a special salt compartment. Fill it better by a third of the volume recommended in the instructions. This will prevent the formation of a monolithic insoluble mass. If you are using brandedYou can download it as indicated in the instructions, in most cases it is enough to do this once a month.

Method 2: for salt solution.

Instruct salt with water in proportions 1: 1 and fill in the compartment, in this case, the comes definitely not formed. But minus is that it will have to do a solution quite often.

Method 3: For tableted and granulated salt.

Tablets are loaded into the compartment, in accordance with the requirements of the instruction. Ready. No extra actions do not need to produce. The product dissolves long and evenly, does not form a whisk and not falling apart.

How many salts need to pour?

The amount of salt depends on the quality of the water and the settings that you set. In fact, it is not so important how much salt is to paint into a dishwasher, the main thing is that it always was there.

How often do you need to do it?

When the additive is necessary, the sensors are determined, they fill the signal if sodium chlorine ended in the ion exchange filter. Without salt, you can spend 2-3 cycles, but then you need to fall asleep.

Analogs - How can I replace salt for a dishwasher?

If you want to save, there are two most popular options than you can replace a specialized product:

  • Normal food salt. In no case cannot be used sea and iodized salt, as well as sodium chloride of large grinding. Normal replacement can only be the scattering small salt of the Extra variety. It does not have impurities that can harm equipment.
  • Rinser. It can partially replace salt for dishwashers, to use only they should not, since you risk spoiling ion-exchange filters.

Tip 1. Do not wash in a typewriter old dishes Without heat-resistant coating, glued dishes, various rust steel, tin and copper objects, as well as very small items that can fall out of the tray.

Tip 2. Rinse the dishes before downloading it, it will allow you to well wash off the dirt for one or two cycles, which means you will save on electricity.

Tip 3. In order for the device to work correctly use only special rinses and dishwashing agents.

Tip 4. Gently place all items: plates, covers, cutlery should not interfere with the movement of the jet and each other.

Tip 5. Watch out for the compliance of the mode and downloadable dishes, it will reduce water consumption and not spoil your favorite plates and cups.

Follow our advice and use high-quality salt for ion exchange filters, then your machine will work uninterrupted for many years.

When buying a dishwasher, you need to think about what means to take to work properly. In this article, we will tell you what is needed for a dishwasher. We propose to solve yourself, use it or not, and if applied, as in what quantities.

To figure out why and how the salt is used in the work of the dishwasher, it is worth finding out the features of its composition. Consider what this means consists of.

Looking at pack famous brand - Finish or Somat, we will see the sodium chloride components - NaCl, sodium salt of hydrochloric acid. "People's" name is cooking, this substance and is part of the product in the amount of 98%. Despite the fact that it consists of an ordinary food salt, it is impossible to replace its special safety. The substance treated according to a special technology is larger in structure and more homogeneous.

Operating principle

Why is it worth falling out in the PMM processed NaCl? This is due to such a factor as water rigidity. Of water pipes It does not flow the most mild and optimal water in composition - you can make sure that you can, look at the layer of scale in ordinary kettle. Calcium and magnesium are converted into scale when water is heated. And if it does not harm the teapot (and it is easy to clean it), then an expensive technique such "deposits" is undesirable: the Ten is premature. To mitigate water in the design of the machine there is a container filled with ionized resin.

How does it work? Passing through the resin, the water is mitigated due to the action of negatively charged sodium ions - they neutralize the negative effect of positively charged magnesium and calcium ions. After passing the ion exchanger, the water enters the tank with other stiffness indicators.

In the process of using the dishwasher, the resin exhausts the resource useful action. To restore the performance of this node of the dishwasher in the resin, sodium ions are added - these particles are located in the drug discussed here. If you ignore the recommendation and abandon the purchase of salt, the ion exchanger exhausts the resource, and the water will be tough. And this means: "Goodbye, Ten!".

Conclusion - why add salt:

  • to mitigate water;
  • to prevent education limescale (scale) on the heating element and tank;
  • for the best indicators when washing dishes - some active components of detergents work only in soft water.

Users are often asked:

  1. Does salt need?
  2. Is it possible to use it without it?
  3. Will it work without salt a dishwasher, and how long?

These and other questions are the answer one: yes, salt is necessarily needed. You do not need to spend half of the salary on expensive means - you can vary the amount and type of the drug, based on the situation. If the water is relatively mild (you can check with special test strips - they are distributed free of charges such manufacturers like Calgon), then the salt can be included in small quantities of detergent. If water is too tough, the salt should be used separately.

Detailed instructions: how to find out, hard water you have or not.

Important! If, with high water hardness, do not fall asleep the tool directly into the ion exchanger capacity, over time it will throw, which will entail serious breakdowns.

In the design of individual dishusting there is a function that allows you to redirect water bypassing an ion exchanger when using detergent capsules with salt content. This method of water supply will not affect the correctness of the unit.

How to find out what time has time to add a tool? IN modern models In the exhaust of the reserves of the drug lights a special light bulb. The amount of salt is determined, based on the degree of hardness of water: how it is tougher - the more you need to fall asleep the granules. When using tablets or capsules, it is not worth worrying about the number of required salts - in each tablet there is already a sufficient NaCl for one washing cycle.

What kind of salt: food or special

An even more urgent issue of users is whether it is possible to buy a regular cook salt and not spend money on an expensive imported analogue. While the composition coincides almost completely, the difference is available:

  1. Granules differ outwardly and size.
  2. The dining salt is less than the degrees of cleaning than special. In salts for life there may be grain and components that settle on the details and surfaces, which will affect the functionality and serviceability of the device not from the best side.
  3. The usual dissolves at a lesser rate, unlike special.

If you decide to replace the purchase agent by the usual analogue, give preference to the "Extra" brand - it is processed more thoroughly. When dripping, trace whether there are no extra impurities, lumps and pebbles.

Attention! Falling asleep the usual salt into the machine, make sure that its level does not reach the top - there is a risk that dissolution finds it difficult and the substance will stick into a lump.

Find out, what else can be replaced by salt.

What is the salt for dishwasher

In the departments household chemicals For sale a large number of different salts from low, medium and high price categories. What do they differ and what to choose? Offer short review leading brands.


The owners of the washing or dishwasher are familiar with this manufacturer. The brand produces various rinsers, powders and tablets according to the type "3 in 1". His advantage in excellent indicators at an affordable price. A pack of 1.5 kg costs 200-300 rubles - this will be enough for long-term use (up to 3 months). Basic properties:

  • makes the water softer, does not allow forging the scale on the heater;
  • improves the quality of washing;
  • prevents the appearance of non-sustainable sublishes.

Judging by customer reviews, FINISH is one of the most effective tools From the market presented. Read detailed review salts "Finish".

Magic Power

Means from low price category with excellent performance indicators. For 1.5 kg you give about 150 rubles. Thanks big size Crystal consumption of the drug is economical.

Please note: how much this volume is enough, it depends on the degree of water rigidity - the higher it is stronger.

The substance softens the water, improves the quality of the washing process, does not give a launch of the flare. This brand also produces cleaning pills that are used with the same goals. The main thing is that in your model PMM, it is possible to use the use of funds "3 in 1".


Regenerating agent with purified and evaporated cooking salt in composition, without unnecessary components. This environmental purity may turn into the fact that the quality of the sink will significantly decrease. Packing in packs weighing 2 kg, worth about 500 rubles. Economical consumption will allow you to use such a bundle year, taking into account the level of water rigidity in your water supply.

Important! Often products with the mark "Eco" and "Bio" are too overvalued, since in composition it is still the usual NaCl.


Rare, but standing brand. Economical packs of 4 kg stand no more than 500 rubles. The composition allows the means to reliably struggle with zhetskaya water and prevents the feet.

How much to rap

New users are wondering - how much to pour salt into the dishwasher? Everything is simple: NaCl need exactly as much as the container fit into it. Accurate weight and volume is not specified, because in each specific model, the volume and capacity of the tank is different.

PMM takes so much granules how much she needs to each cycle. This volume calculates the automatic program for determining the rigidity of water (or on the specified user values).

Important! Do not mix granules with detergent.

Read more about how to calculate volumeRead in a separate article.

Where to paint salt

Did not find special container? There is nothing complicated in this: the compartment is usually located on the side of the bottom of the PMM. Open the hatch, get boxes for dishes, find the tank and pour salt powder into it using a funnel (so as not to scatter). To find out, a substance dissolves or not, after several washing cycles, look at the container and check whether the level has decreased.

Now you know everything about salt - exploit your typewriter at full capacity. The main thing, follow the rules of operation, listen to our advice and follow the manufacturer's instructions.

At the time of buying dishwasher Consumers think that one detergent is enough for the work. After reading the instructions, many understand that this is not quite so. In order for the device with a quality soap dishes and served for a long time, a salt for dishwashers is needed. Immediately there are additional questions: what is the benefit of this fund? How much is sodium chloride and where? Why do you need salt for a dishwasher? I will give answers to exciting questions in our review. However, we first understand what composition from a specialized agent.

Many people at the same time consider the word salt, which is used in cooking. However, these are two different chemical composition with different actions. Externally, the regenerating salt, intended for the dishwasher, is characterized by larger and homogeneous granules. She passes a few cleaning levels And does not have harmful impurities. Manufacturers use their composition for salt mixture, with various additional components:

  • sodium citrate that kills microbes;
  • sodium percarbonate;
  • flavors;
  • dysilicat and sodium bicarbonate;
  • sodium polyapparophate as the basis for holding ions and thickener.

The dishwasher has an inserted tank with ionized resin. When water through it passes, the positively charged magnesium and calcium ions are attracted to negatively charged sodium ions in the resin. To restore sodium shortages in a reservoir-ion exchanger, it is necessary at the end of the washing cycle to rinse it with sodium chloride water. After this action, the ion exchanger is ready to perform the substitution of calcium on sodium when the dishes are subsequently loaded.

That is why manufacturers of dishwasher use the concept " regenerating Sol"(Regenerating). The chemical process contributes to mitigating the water, thereby falling into the tank without harmful impurities. If you ignore the recommendations of the manufacturers of dishwashers and not to apply salt, over time, the ion exchanger fails, and the details will cover the items. All this will lead to a breakdown of technology.

Basic answers to frequent questions

Where and how to fall asleep salt in the dishwasher?

The technique comes a tank to load salt. To add sodium chloride, you must unscrew the capacitance cover for the consumables. Remedy sweep immediately before turning on the device - it will save the equipment from corrosion.

Before the first download, see the instructions for your model.

How much to pour salt into a dishwasher?

The tool is selected, the machine is purchased, the next stage is to pour the optimal amount of substance. Before turning on the machine for the first time, pour into the tank for a salt of about 1 liter of water. After loading the tool until they completely fill in (about 1-1.3 kg). Close the hole by removing the extension. If using pills With sodium chloride, then they contain such a quantity of the mixture as you need to one wash.

Why do you need salt for dishwasher?

To cut the cutlery with high quality fat and food residues, use only soft water without unnecessary impurities. It contributes to saturated foaming, which removes dirt from the cutlery. Water that flows in the plumbing has the rigidity parameters above the norm. Therefore, salt applies salt to mitigate water in machines. The tool converts potassium and magnesium ions to sodium ions, thanks to which the water becomes softer.

It is also used so that the scale is not formed on the details of the technique, and the cutlery were not in white divorces.

How to replace salt in a dishwasher?

If the water in your region is not too tough or you have a filter installed, you can use tablets for washing dishes, which already contain sodium chloride. The replaced substance has all the softening characteristics as salt.

What a tool better suitable For dishwasher Bosch?

Many consumers of the German concern are faced with searching for a softening component for dishwashers. For Bosch technology, the same tool is suitable as for any machine. The manufacturer gives such recommendations:

  • in Vodokanal, get information about water hardness;
  • according to the instructions, adjust the work softenerbased on water rigidity parameters in the table;
  • the total flow rate of the liquid on one washing cycle from 0 to 4 liters.

  1. It is necessary to adjust the work of the softener, based on water rigidity User. Dear models They have the function of automatic determination of this criterion, some manufacturers with appliances sell test strips to independently determine the level of rigidity.
  2. Tools load in the case when the indicator shows the values \u200b\u200bfrom 2 to 3, and not 0.
  3. If the salt lack indicator on the control panel gives a signal, add a substance. If there is no sensor, add the consumable material when the color point is not visible on the capacitance lid for the water softener.

Note! Never load into the tank for sodium chloride detergent. In this case, the water softener can fail, and repair can not be repaired.

Review of popular funds

  1. The domestic company Finish has proven himself to positive And known to users of detergent. Salt packaging is enough for 25-30 washing cycles. Benefits include affordable cost and efficiency. consumables. Salt Furnish has a number of advantages: prevents the formation of scale on the details, softens the tap riding water. Thanks to good foaming, the devices are washed out without inclination and spots. The cost of one pack of 1.5 kg will be released by customers in 200-230 rubles.
  2. Magic Power. This regenerating salt refers to budget options. Its functions perform with excellent efficiency. In addition, the company company produces tablets containing the rinse detergentsMitigating salt. Before using them for the dishwasher, you need to read the instructions and manufacturer's recommendations. For a pack, give about 140 rubles.
  3. The base of the regenerating salt is the purified and evaporated salt salt, which is produced using environmentally friendly technologies. It has no phosphates, dyes, chlorine, flavors. For a pack of 2 kg, the buyer will give about 430 rubles - it is enough for a year.
  4. TOPPERR- means in the form of tablets containing sodium chloride, or large purified granules. Thanks to the components, water is softened, thereby the quality of washing the dishes is improved. Price for 1.5 kg or 167 tablets about 450 rubles.

The importance of using this component in the process of washing dishes is indisputable. Using salt, you can not only extend the life of the device, but also make the process of washing the cutlery and a pot of high-quality and impeccable.

Users of dishwashers have long been disputes for whether they need salt for dishwasher and why, is it possible to replace it with an ordinary cooking or better not to use anything at all? We decided to express our opinion on this bill, having previously understood with chemical composition Salt and dishwasher device.

Composition of a special salt for PMM

Not many of us recall chemistry lessons at school, and therefore we will try to maximally explain the composition of salt for the dishwasher, which is strongly recommended to use manufacturers.

On packs of such a well-known salt, like FINISH or SOMAT, it is written that the sodium chloride includes the chemical formula of NaCl. And what is sodium chloride is a sodium salt of hydrochloric acid. In the people of sodium chlorine, it is customary to call the cook salt, the composition of which is 98% of it and consists. On the pack of salt, the composition of the composition is indicated: the evaporated 100% stoneware salt, which is identical to the concept of "cook salt."

However, it is somewhat different from the usual cooking, at least because its granules are much larger and homogeneous. But we still talk about it.

Principle of operation of salt

What is it necessary to fall asleep in a well-processed sodium chlorine in a dishwasher? This is primarily due to the dishwasher and rigidity of water. Everyone knows that water water It can be very tough, which may indicate a lime precipitate in the kettle, limestone droplets on the cranes, etc.

When water is heated to high temperatures, The calcium and magnesium salt included in its composition fall into the sediment, which we call the scale. Sypt reduces service life heating element Dishwasher. To do this, a special reservoir filled with ionized resin inserted into the dishwasher device. Water passing through the resin becomes softer due to the fact that positively charged calcium or magnesium ions are attracted to adversely charged sodium ions in the resin. In the pot of dishwasher, water is already mild.

Over time, the ability of the resin to soften the water is reduced. To restore it, it is necessary to add sodium ions in the resin, which are just kept in the salt. If the salt does not use, then soon the ion exchanger fails, and the hard water, the faster it happens. Thus, salt is needed:

  • to soften water;
  • prevent the appearance of scale on a tan and internal surface tank;
  • to better wash off the dishes, because it is known that in soft water everything is mocking and dismissed much more efficiently.

It is necessary to use salt in the dishwasher, but you can do this in different ways. If the water in your region is soft enough, then the salt can be replaced with tablets for washing dishes, which already enters the salt. But if the water is tough (you can learn using a special test strip), then it is necessary to use salt separately. After all, if you do not fall asleep into an ion exchanger, it will be broken by deposits and breaks, as the water will constantly flow directly through it. As a result, without repair can not do.

For your information! In some models of dishwashers, when using tablets, water passes into the car bypassing the ion exchanger, which will not affect its performance.

When the salt lacks in the ion exchanger, the indicator lights up on the dishwasher panel. Need to add salt to the tank, the question arises how much? You can immediately pour more, but so that the compartment is not too complete. As much as the salt is enough, depends on the quality of water than it is tougher, the higher the flow. Using tablets with salt content, the question, how much salt is to write, will not arise, in it salt as much as dissolves in one cycle of washing. For such a tablet, it is possible to divide in half, but not the thrill in the powder.

Special or Food: Is there any difference?

The need for salt in the dishwasher is more than understandable, salt is needed and without it, so that they did not speak there. But here is a special salt to replace the usual cook if their composition is 98% coincided, despite the fact that the salty salt is at times cheaper than special. But there are still differences between them.

If we change the regenerating salt to the cook, then only on the salt "Extra", as it goes best processing. But in this case, before you pour salt into the compartment, see if there is no obvious impurities and pebbles.

Important! The table salt does not need to be filled with the top compartment for salt, otherwise it may not dissolve and stick together.

Thus, it is necessary to use salt for the dishwasher, and why and how much, we hope you figured it out. What kind of salt it will be, decide the one that is more expensive, but for sure without impurities or the one that is cheaper, but with a risk of breakdown for the dishwasher.