The scenario of the thematic classes "Bogati of the Land of Russian. Scenario of the class hour "Bogati of the Russian Land"

Bogatyr wrap-game for students of 5 classes.

Music sounds.

Lead 1: Strong and Mighty Rus. Russia has always been proud of its warriors and soldiers, and generals. The legendary commander Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov believed that there was no better than the Russian soldier: he himself would not disappear, and the comrade would save, and where the forces would drive, there he will come in a mixture. We believe to generalissimuism not a loser not one battle, the Russian soldier is truth rich.

Leading 2: It was Russia for almost ten centuries ago on the way of Mongol-Tatar Halching and departed to Europe. From Russia, Napoleon fled with disgrace, which by 1812 won almost polim. This soldiers in 1945 freed the world from the fascist invaders, raised over Europe, the Red Banner of Victory and today commit feats, stand up for the protection of peaceful people.

Lead 1: How do Russian warriors draw their great strength? They say she got them from the ancestors, about which songs and legends are folded, - from the epic heroes. The Russian people have been afraid of the feats of brave forces, fair defenders, wise warriors.

Leading 2: Loves the Russian people of heroes, famous and honors, folds songs about their exploits, how they cares and protect them. What are these songs of the legends about heroes call? (Epics, antiquities). I am not accidentally talking, "song legends", because in the old days it was told under Gusli.

Lead 1: The obnikov-obstellers were people with a strong voice, with an excellent musical hearing and a gift of improvisers. Rebuilt the husli to another way of Boyan-and turned out to be a legend of new heroes. Many in their memory was kept by epics. For those wisely waged in the people.

Leading 2: Legends about the heroes were performed during the princely pearts, folk assembly, and the princely warriors sang them in the military campaigns. And in our time, composers often use epic singing when they want to convey to us the mighty beauty of the ancient ledges. So, for example, and now the words of ancient epics will sound for us ...

A fragment of the choir from the Opera Sadko sounds.

Lead 1: And the epics of the Russian Bogatyr named Wolga. It is composed in his honor. Lead 2: Do you know the warrior named Wolga? And other Russian warriors? Now we will check it. Caution Questions:

1. When was Wolga born?

2. What kind of wisdom did Wolg learned?

3. How many "wellms" had Wolga in a squad?

4. And who from the warns not only fought, but the land smell, but he said about himself: "Does my mother cheese-earth loved me?"

5. How was the meeting of Volga and his squads with Mikula Selyanovich

6. How did Neunov say about the strength of Mikuly Selinovich?

7. What other heroes surprised Mikula Selyanovich?

8. Why did Svyatogor be able to raise Mikula's bag from Earth?

9. What did the epics talk about the power of the Siberian Bogatyr?

10. Who passed the Svyatogor his sword Kladenian?

Lead 1: Here are the heroes whose names are known to everyone since childhood. The artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov depicted them on the famous canvas.

The reproduction of the film Vasnetsov "Bogatyry" is demonstrated.

The first part of the Borodina Bogatyrs Symphony sounds

11. Leading 2: This picture has long been known to each of you. She is so called, heroes "let's talk about these heroes.

1. Name the names of the warriors depicted in the picture.

2. Why do Ilya have such a nickname-muromet?

3. Where were Dobrynya and Alyosha born?

4. We remember the patronymic of Dobryni-Nikitich, and how respectfully called other heroes?

5. What families come from our warriors?

6. What princess served warriors and in what city did he rule?

Lead 1: on high mountains It is kiev-degrees. In the old days, his earthen shaft was swinging, surrounded deep rally. Under Kiev, pahahari worked, on the river banks, the ships built Chelny: herd was embarrassed on the meadows ...

Leading 2: Dremaving forests stretched for Kiev suburbs. The hunters wandered in the books, mined the beasts apparently invisible.

Lead 1: And behind the forests stretched the steppes without the end and without the edge. It came from these steppes a bitter: flew to the Russian land nomads, Zhgli, robbed, took the peasants captured ...;

Leading 2: And so, to save from the enemies of the Earth Russian, began to put in the steppe of the Bogatyr outposts-small fortresses. They struck the way to Kiev, defended from evil people, from uninvited guests.

Lead 1: Rined around the warriors in the mighty horses, vigorously peered into the steppe distance: do not see any enemy lights, they listened to - do not hear enemy horses?

Leading 2: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya, Alyosha - all of them in a pure field carried military service. Occasionally, hedgehogs went to the prince of Vladimir to the courtyard - to relax, pour, hooks to listen, to swim with friends.

1. What other warriors do you know?

2. And one of the heroes had a daughter. She grew up bold and smart. Once she saved her husband from the princely anger. How was her name and how was she able to overcome the prince?

3. Which of the heroes are called the old Cossack?

4. What other skills except military have Dobryni?

5. Which of the Bogatira wore the nickname "quiet"?

6. What kind of heroes are described as follows: "It goes the bogatyr above the forest of standing, head rests under the Walkachee cloud"

7. What did you usually serve as a road pointer for the hero?

8. What new inscription did Ilya on this pointer?

9. What Mother's Pozyushki violated Dobrynya?

10. Which of the heroes himself came to himself a weapon?

11. What kind of Mother's gift helped Dobryne to defeat the snake and release the fun Putyathic?

12. Alyosha Popovich was not only strong, but also a hither. How did he defeat Tugarin Zmeevich?

Lead 1: But most of all loved and respected, and now they respect, heroes Ilya Muromets. It was even counted for the face of Russian saints. A day when we all celebrate New Year (January 1), remember also that this is the birthday of Ilya Ivanovich, the Great Defender of the Russian Earth.

1. What was the life of Ilya Murom to 30 years?

2. Who and how did you help Ilya gain a heroic force?

3. What part -ile word said Wanderers Ilya?

4. What advice gave Ilya Parents?

5. What was the name of the horse Ilya Muromets?

6. What kind of test was the first to fell Ilya?

7. Who else fought Ilya?

Lead 1: About the glorious Bogatyr Ilya Muromster a lot of epic was folded, and poets do not forget the Russian hero. Listen to the passages from the poem A. K. Tolstoy Reader: under armor with a simple set, Bread Kus Zhui,

In a hot noon rides Born, Grandfather Ilya,

Rides Borom, only heard how bolds bolds,

Batter fern lush bogatyr horse.

And Ilya grieves angrily: "Well, Vladimir, what?

See me without Ilya, how do you live?

The yard me, prince, is your not every!

Do not peer hold!

I'm not a whimsical man, there would be a bunch of cous!

The truth should be praying, for the princess, the yard is not gung.

Walking through the light again without that time!

I have come again I, old,

Moy's volley -

Well, well, walk, chubby,

Do Ilyu! "

And the old man was brightly brightened again,

On the lack of healthy breathe to him,

Again blows the will of the wild on it to him,

And the resin and strawberries smell like a dark boron.

Leading 2: And in conclusion, let's consider the equipment of the Russian hero (demonstrates the illustrations)

1. What was called a headpiece of hero

2. When creating which military headdress in the 20th century, the form of a heroic helmet was taken as the basis

3. What is the name of a heavy shell woven from metal rings?

4. What a chopping cold weapon was a hero

5. If the warriors converged in a duel one on one, then from which weapon usually started the battle?

6. What covers himself boghed from the strike of the enemy?

7. What is the name of the weapon - heavy with spikes ball on the handle?

8. What else did the weapon have a hero?

9. What instrument did Dobrynyne played according to the tool?

Lead 1: These are heroes, the people are exceptional, endowed with unprecedented force, endless courage, skills, talents and huge love of their homeland. Leading 2: They transferred their great strength and future generation warriors. Every warrior, the soldier standing on the defense of his native land worthy of remembered in the centuries. Music sounds. Summarize. The best teams are awarded with diplomas.

Presenter (to viewers). Guys help.

Nightingale-robber: Two brothers look into the water, yes it will not come together, (shores) live two friends look in two circles (eyes and glasses) will be born two times, and dies once, (bird)

Leading. Well, you. Nightingale robber. Guess our musicians. Nightingale robber. Well, okay come out. And then the warriors are nearby, will get it.

Musicians come out with swords and tambourines. Performed Russian folk song.

Leading. Well, now the last task. You need to run the baton with the ball.

Relay between groups.

The jury defines the winners of the commanders of the warriors. Beauty-beauties and dance dance of the song Russian People's People's "Zainka".

Winner's reward ceremony.

Leading. Congratulations. And you do not be discouraged, grow and tear, you still have everything ahead.

The team of the winners of the winners is given gingerbreads to the entire group, and they go to drink tea.

Natalia Kaminskaya
Scenario of the sports festival "Bogatyry of the Russian Land"

purpose: Attract children and their parents to physical culture and sports.

Tasks: Promote the psychological rapprochement of children and parents, the development of positive emotions, feelings of mutual assistance.

Provide high motor activity.

Develop physical quality: speed, strength, endurance.

Expand the presentation of children about state holidaysbring up love for homeland.

Equipment: 2 ropes, 4 Circles, 2 Pans, Fruits and Vegetables, 4 Wrap, Arc, Chest, Egg, Scroll, 6 balloons2 racks.


Leading, Baba Yaga - adults;

Three hearter - boys, Vasilisa lovely - girl (pre-prepared children)

Lead: Hello, dear guys, dear guests! Soon our country will celebrate holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Everything can native land! Feed you with warm bread, drink spring water, surprise your beauty! And only to protect yourself.

Long ago, on a high hill, stood ancient city. Surrounded Him earthworksYes, deep ditch. From the green hills of the city, it was far from visible. There were a wide river, arable earth, Yes pine forests. Without tired traveled there bogatyri in mighty horses, Zorka watched: Does not see any enemy fires, whether the horses are not heard. A lot of tough feats on the account bogatlish! There is something to learn and envy. That is why today, after many years and centuries, on the day of the defender of the Fatherland, we decided to remember about the deeds, about the honor bogatirskaya, About delete youth.

Sounds recording « Bogatyr symphony» A. Borodina, incoming Ilya Muromets.

Ilya: I - mighty bogatyr!

Most of all and up, and styling!

I am a hero of big paintings,

Where three heather,

Guess who I am!

You have not seen my friends - bogatura! (children's responses)

Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyasha Popovich come out.

Dobrynya: To you on holiday from epics

We hurried not in vain!

Alesha: From Prince Vladimir Message

We brought you friends! (gives a scroll leading)

Lead: (reads the Message) "The grief happened to us! Koschey kidnapped beauty russian - Vasilisa is beautiful. I sent bogatura His noble - collect a friend of the nice, to go for a mortal battle with a smoky. But before, you will experience you hearters for strength, dexterity and smelting. And Kola liberate Vasilisa beautiful, but overpower the blasphemy of the immortal, reward generously! "

Prince Vladimir

Ilya: Delivers, kind of great!

Collect you nice squads

Yes, try, strength bogatirskaya!

Lead: And we are two squads organize: Boys - "Udaltsy", and dad - "Well done". Boys - "Udaltsy" Show your silhosha bogatirskaya.

Sport composition« Bogatyrskaya our power»

(individual room with boys)

Lead: And now, dad "Well done", show your power.

"Competition "Who is stronger?"

(Competition for dad, at the table, measure the strength of the hands)

Dobrynya: Well, bogatyri, Attention,

Second Competition!

To begin with, move away!

On the ropes, go through!

Competition "Dexterity bogatirskaya»

(go through a rope with a bag on the head, a team of dads and a team of boys participate)

Alyosha Popovich: I want to check your mind, and a mixture!

Lead: And you, the girls, do not sit - the kind well done help.

Competition in Svekalka

1. Which of today's heroes - bogatura, had nickname "Quiet"? (Nikitich).

2. Who is bogatura, I had a weapon myself? (Ilya Muromets).

3. What is the name of the horse Ilya Muromets? (Burushka).

4. What is the name of the headdress bogatura? (Helmet).

5. The main weapon of the nightingale of the robber? (Whistling).

6. Who is bogatura Clell to play hobsls? (Dobrynya).

7. What was the name of a heavy shell woven from metal rings? (Kolchug).

8. Weapon, for hitting the enemy, consisting of handles and a heavy round shock part? (Mace).

Lead: Well, bogatyri, are our warriors for your squad? Take two detachments into your squad.

Bogatyri: Okay, enough to have fun, it's time for us to gather!

Lead: Wait, let young people stay in front of expensive hard. Our girls are beauties for you dance will lead.

Horticulture "Matryushki"

Lead: Well, now you can go a squad to go. Stream for good and forward march! (to the music, pass one wheel around the hall and stop). We got to the fiery river. And this cunning river - who touches her water, he will immediately burn. Let's think how to move onto the shore.

"Crossing on the rafts"

(2 commands, move on the opposite side with two circles)

Baba Yaga flies in the hall on the broom.

Baba - Yaga: Oh, russian spirit smells! You are, how many young people in my forest came across! Well, answer, where are you from and where do you keep the way?

Lead: Hello, Baba Yaga, you would feed us, drove away, and then I also got any questions!

Baba Yaga: Yes, how will I feed you all? You are out how much I am alone.

Lead: Yes, you look at how many licks are sitting here (draws attention to girls).

Baba Yaga: And what, they know how?

Lead: Yes, everything that is supposed to be able to girls can.

Competition for girls "Good hostess"

(One team cooks borsch - selected vegetables from a hoop in a saucepan, another team cooks compote - the fruit is selected)

Baba Yaga: And really can do everything. Thank you beauties, helped the old woman.

Lead: We go, Baba Yaga, begging with a blazes, Vasilisa is beautiful from the dungeon.

Baba Yaga: Oh, my Sokoliki, I'm afraid, and I do not advise you, do not cope with the blazing, do not overcome you by his strength bogatlish. He is immortal, you need to find his death. And it is located in the egg, and the egg in the chest, and the chest is hidden and guarded him by the snakes of Gorynych. Lead to him two roads. One long but safe, and the second is short, but with obstacles and difficulties.

Lead: We are not afraid of difficulties, show a short way, we need to hurry.

Baba Yaga: Yes, here it is the road - then oh, we melt, old (runs away).

"Strip obstacle"

(jump over arcs, crawl into the hoop, go through a gymnastic bench)

Moved, see, stands the chest, and nearby "Zmey Gorynych"(Rack, on it three balloons with drawn muzzles).

Lead: Well, here we got to the cherished chest. Let's see what?

Win "Snake Gorynych"

(dart, you need to get into the ball and pierce it)

Lead (takes the chest, gets an egg). And here is Koshcheev death, what should be done with this needle? (reversal, breaks) Well, that's all, there is no more wrapped!

In the hall enters Vasilisa beautiful.

Vasilisa: Thank you, kind well done, that they saved me, did not stain the honor bogatirskaya!

Lead: All today are deals,

All today are well done,

Competed with everything with hinds.

You fought together

Friendship won!

Awards Prince Vladimir of our dads with medals for participating in our festival, And the guys give Golden sweet coins.

Let's guys congratulate Pople with holiday and devote a song.

Performed by the song "About dad"

Lead: Holiday Merry fortified glory,

And, I think, he came to everyone right.

All goodbye, everyone is happy,

Healthy, kind and do not forget about us!

Purpose: Strengthening the health of students, an increase in interest in systematic physical education and sports, military-patriotic education.

1. Improvement of skills and skills obtained in physical education lessons in complicated conditions.

2. Development of agility and speed of movements, orientation in space, speed-force abilities.

3. Formation of a sense of pride in their homeland, Russian people and the history of Russia, awareness of their ethnic and nationality, the development of ethical feelings, goodwill and emotional-moral responsiveness, education of the right behavior during sports events.

Intergovernmental ties: literature and history, visual art.

Participants: Boys of 4 classes (2 teams of 8 people).

Venue: Gym.

Jury: Physical education teachers, students (5 people).

Decoration: Emblems of teams (prepared by children), posters with the name of the holiday, subducating texts, images of nightingale-robber, double-headed snake on Watman sheets, Presentation "Bogatyri Rus Great":

"Three heroes". Artist V.M. Vasnetsov,

Illustration for "Word about Igor's regiment." Artist V. Favorsky,

"Bogatyr Skok". Artist V.M. Vasnetsov 1914,

"Svyatogor-Bogatyr". Artist S.P. Panasenko (Mikhalkin) 1990,

"Volkhv-Vseslavovich". Artist B. Olshansky,

"Wolga and Mikula." Artist K. Vasilyev,

"Svyatogor". Artist K. Chelushkin,

"Volkhv Vseslam". Artist V. Korolkov,

"No man is an island". Artist V.M. Vasnetsov 1914,

"Mikula Selyaninovich". Artist N.K. Raryich

"Fight with a snake." Artist K. Vasilyev,

"Peresvet on the Kulikov field." Artist B. Olshansky,

"Dobrynya Nikitich and Tatar Bogatyr". Artist G. Yudin,

"Ilya Muromets and Nightingale - Robber." Artist I.Ya. Bilibin,

"Ilya Muromets and Idolope Pogano." Artist G. Yudin.

Music design: Russian folk music in modern processing, the song of the group "on" the "nightingale-robber", the song of the group "Flowers" "Bogatyr our power."

Literature: epics / Compiler: Selivanov FB - M: Soviet Russia, 1988 - (library of Russian folklore; T. 1.)


1. Organization. The tale of the richors of the Russians. Attachment 1 (Presentation "Goyatyri Rus Great")<Слайд 1>

<Слайд 2> Under the song of the group "Flowers" "Bogatyr our power" (Appendix 2) and the applause of viewers participants enter the gym.

<Слайд 3>

1 presenter.

"Joy Esi You are our good guests!" - This is the epic wish of health, from the word "ride" - heal, live. The epics are Russian song legends.

<Слайд 4>

Especially many legends folded the people about the hectares who defended Kievan Rus.

<Слайд 5>

2 presenter.

The first among them is the peasant son of Ilya Muromets, the intercessor of widows, orphans, poor people. Thirty years later lay on the furnace, and then became an Ataman of the Bogatyr outpost. He is brave, honest, faithful, selflessly loves his homeland. The eponymists talk about the great strength of Ilya Muromets, about his struggle with a straw-robber, with idolochka frowning ...

"He became a tatar horse silhouette,
He became a horse to be trampled, to prick,
He began to beat the Silma Great,
And he beats the power, as if the grass mows. "

<Слайд 6>

3 presenter.

Next to Ilya, the unperted Dobrynya Nikitich, the bold and mocking Alesha Popovich stand on the outbreak of Goyrtyrskaya.

<Слайд 7>

1 presenter.

Dobrynya Nikitich, Boyarsky family. He is Stattan and High, and the diploma is trained, and in battle, and I have fun at the feast. He will put himself with a song, and he will play hobs, and the smart word will say. Yes, and the goodness of Dobryni is calm, affectionate, and nicknamed his "quiet Dobrynyushka".

<Слайд 8>

2 presenter.

Alesha Popovich - Popovsky Son. He and the brave, and the smart, yes grinding. He is not so strong as a scalp.

<Слайд 9>

3 presenter.

There were elder warriors: Svyatogor, Wax Vslavlevich, Mikula Selyaninovich.

<Слайд 10>

1 presenter.

"Svyatogor is going old by the holy mountains. Here the mother of cheese earth is hesitated. "

<Слайд 11>

"When the mogly was nicked in Kiev,
As if the young oxes Vslavlevich:
Shooting cheese Earth.
Stryuslosie nice kingdom Indian,
And the blue sea is missed.
He learned to different tricks: to fly in the sky, wrapped with a gray wolf, ride the deer in the mountains. "

<Слайд 12>

2 presenter.

Mikula Selyaninovich - Pakhac, he loves his mother of cheese Earth, wearing a handbag on his shoulder, and in it all the garbage. It is controlled with a huge dry, which "not to move 30 wellms without one."

<Слайд 13>

3 presenter.

Heroes of epic many times stronger than an ordinary person. Even the horse is richy jumps "above the trees of standing, a little lower than the clouds of walking."

1 presenter.

In mighty boys, terrible opponents: nightingale Robber, snakes Gorynych, Tugarin Zmeyshevich, Idolische Pogano.

"But, warriors are always stronger than them.
High height of the subnet
Deep depth of the ocean-sea.
Widely detrone throughout the Earth.
And strong, mighty warriors on the glorious Rus! ".

2. Representation of commands. Presentation of jury members. Exchange greetings. The form of judging is reported to each type of competition.

2 presenter.

And now, let's try to compete, measure the silhum, like real warriors!

<Слайд 14>

3. One in the field - warrior! (Hitch)

One team (runners) takes place inside a square of 8x10 m, the other (hitch) becomes the line limiting the square.

The captain of the scakunov team sends the first player of his team in the "field". Jumping on one leg. The player tries to sire the players of another team, which are saved from persecution, running on two legs. Distributed leaving the site. On the team "Home!" (after 15-20 s) the player returns to his place in Shan. And the captain sends the following. The game continues until all the horses are in the "field". After that, the commands change places. The winner is determined by the number of outstanding players. (1 point)

  1. The player who touched the horse, leaves the "field".
  2. The hook, stupid on both legs, goes beyond the site.
  3. The field cannot at the same time two hopping.
  4. Loses the right to participate in the game any player ran out beyond the field.

<Слайд 15>

4. Be a winning snake.

"There is no wind, yes, the cloud caused.
There is no clouds, yes it rains wait.
And there is no rain, but only thunder thunder,
Thunder thunder yes swearing lightning.
How the snake is flies
About two heads. "

Throwing a tennis ball in target. A picture of a double-headed snake is attached in advance to the wall of the gym, drawn on the Watman sheet. Each participant has 1 attempt. Wins a team that has the number of hits anymore.

<Слайд 16>

5. Counter Riders Relay.

"And now the glorious my boys Svyatarorvsky,
You quickly saddle-good horses,
Yes, you walk on good horses,
Travel-to Razdazz with a clean field. "

At the Teacher's team "Attention!" The second numbers are sitting on the back on the back of the partners standing in front. On the team "March!" The first pairs start moving forward to opposite columns. When they reach the starting line, the movement begins the following pairs. The team wins, the participants of which will run faster on the opposite direction. Change roles and return to their place. (1 point)

<Слайд 17>

6. Quiz.Questions are set fans. For the correct answer - 1 point.

Questions for fans of the 1AC.

  1. What kind of tribute to collected from the people in the old days? (Fur, canvas, money, honey, fish)
  2. Who is so funny Putyichny, what happened to her once? (Prince Vladimir's niece, snake took her to the cave)
  3. How many years was sitting on the furnace Ilya Muromets, and how he cured? (30, cured his old men, whom he filed alms)
  4. What games were hedgehogs? (Chess, checkers)
  5. Do you know how the ancient warriors dressed up, with what weapons did they fight?
  6. What is the name of the iron clothing of the hero of metal rings, which interfere with the battle and securely protect against the opponent's blows? (Kolchug)

Questions for fans of 2 teams.

  1. Where did Ilya Muromets come from? (From Murom, from the village of Karachayeva)
  2. Where did the nightingale robber lived? (Sat on the oak, the river currants near the city of Chernigov)
  3. What was the name of the horse Ilya Muromets? (Burushka Cosmatushka)
  4. What ate and drank Russian warriors in the epic? (Geese-swans, gray centers of baked, fried larks, bread row, drank kvass, medical, green wine)
  5. Name the old weapon, which was made by the "secreter Baska". (Ax)
  6. Why shield and sword are inseparable, but famous enemies? (Sword - to attack, shield - to protect)

<Слайд 18>

7. Get a nightingale - Robber.

In advance of the wall of the gym at a distance of two meters from the floor, an image of the nightingale - a robber painted on a sheet of watman is attached. Arrows cut out of self-adhesive paper, size with palm.

"Sits a nightingale - a boggler on the cheese oak,
Sitting the nightingale of Odikmantev son.
And then the nightingale yes, Solovsey,
He screams, the villain is a robber, in the animal.
And from him then from the instance of the nightingale
And from him then from the wing of the beser
Those all herbers are flying,
Dark ladies to the ground are complicated, -
And what are people - then all dead lie. "

The task of participants in the jump from the place up to attach the arrow to the right eye of the nightingale of the robber, because Upon giving Ilya Muromets, "he fired at the nightingale-robber, he was knocked out the right eye with Kosicey." Song of the song "on-to" "nightingle-robberry" sounds. Appendix 3.

<Слайд 19>

8. Chain struggle. Players 4a are built in the shan on the middle of the hall, between players 4b, face in different directions. All playing take up hands.

According to the teacher's sign, the team, without squeezing hands, strive to move the enemy for 3 - meter line volleyball markup. The team that it succeeded is considered to be winning. (1 point)

<Слайд 20>

9. Summing up, rewarding.Restoration. Russian folk dance performed by girls 4 classes.

Teacher of physical culture.

Dear Guys! It is important to grow not only strong and beautiful physically, but also good, learn to respect their loved ones, be able to protect them in a difficult moment. And this is not as easy as it seems. What will help us grow healthy and strong like warriors? That's right, raising my will, every morning you need to do the morning gymnastics, attend sports sections, order your body and, of course, always attend physical education lessons.

We told about the old things,
What about old, about experienced,
So that the sea calms down
To kind people obeyed
So that the well done will think
What a century will not fame Russian glory!

Organized departure from the hall of students under the song of the group "Flowers" "Bogatyr our power".

MKDOU №4 "Katyusha"

Scenario of the Holiday "Russian Bogati", 2013

Music leader

Belkova N.A.


  • Form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe heroic past of the people Ancient Russia, great Russian warriors - the defenders of the Russian land;
  • Bring up a sense of pride for the warmer strength of Russia, respect for Russian soldiers, the desire to imitate them;
  • Develop speed, dexterity, strength, endurance;
  • Create positive emotional setting, cheerful, vigorous mood.

Holiday travel:

Under the sounds of fanfare in the hall include girls and stop in the center of the hall.

Girl : Dear Pope, grandfathers

We are happy with the soul.

Happy Defenders of the Fatherland

To congratulate you in a hurry.

We wish you health

Strong for many years

And with all my heart today

Helmet you festive ... ..

All girls: Hello!

Leading : In ancient, ancient times guarded native land from enemies The first Russian defenders are glorious heroes. Many tough feats on the richrs' account! There is something to learn and envy. That is why today, after many years and centuries, on the eve of the holiday of the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, we decided to remember with you about the deeds, about the honor of the Bogatyr, about the delete, youth.

Boys enter the hall under the song« Bogatyr power "A.N. Pakhmutova.

Leading : Peace of all cities and villages of vintage

Elder of the head of the Bogatyurians.

Let those days passed, but fame to you

Without giving Russia, the enemy is richarians!

And if the bogatyr is guard

Then it may be from you sure everyone

That from enemies of any protected

All lines of the native country!

The "Bogatyr Symphony" sounds, Ilya Muromets with a spear and a sword sounds in the hall. He bypasses the hall, gets up in the center.

Ilya Muromets : Hello, good people! Low bow to you from us, Russian warriors! Well, as we tried at one time, they glorified the Russian military! And with a miracle-yood fought, and with a straw-robber! Nothing was afraid!

Leading : But where is Alyosha Popovich and Dobrynya Nikitich?

Ilya Muromets : Yes, the earth remained Russian to defend. Yes, there are few richratic us, so we decided to call for help to help other heroes. Help us.

Are you ready for heroic contests?

Show your silicon Bogatyr Yes delete youth!

And you, the girls-beauties, for the young heroes Robreit, do you help with the word good, and if you need to help you out!

Leading : To judge the battles, the fun of the youths we ask the judges of the unsophisticated, princess of Russian ... ..

Bogati, if you follow the compete first, you will get 1 point, and even the point is also correct, i.e. Total 2 points. If correctly, but not the first only 1 point, if the first, but not correctly - also 1 point. If not correct and not the first one point.

Ilya Murometh: Let's start the richren's fun. We welcome our nice squads.

Greeting teams.

"Vitya": Vityazh in the Unified

Everyone is friendly and brave.

And on an honest match

We call the heroes!

"Bogatyry": everyone wants to win

And there is no weak team!

From the warriors brave

Nice "Vityazy" - hello!

Ilya Muromets : And for the beginning, wellms must be demolished.

Under the song "Bogatyr our power" A.N.pakhmutova

Ilya Muromets : Now you can go to the competition.

1 contest. "Skipping on horse»

Ilya Muromets : What kind of boat without a horse? Now we will see how our wellms can stay on horseback. It is necessary to drive around one Kurgan on horseback and return back. Transfer to the relay to another participant.

2 contest. "Name weapons»

Ilya Muromets : This is a difficult fun, so maidens-seekers can come to the help of young richors.

(Children from two groups in turn call the weapon shown in the pictures that lie on the table)

3 contest. "Make up shield»

Ilya Muromets : From the cut parts you need to make a shield.

4 Competition: "Fighting Bulavami»

Ilya Muromets : And now I will experience you dexterity.

(Participants from two groups are on bench and are trying to make a flasher made of fabric and wool, to push the opponent to the floor)

Leading : I think that our good young you need to relax a little. And so that they do not bored, our red maiden girls will be wound.

Dance "Matryoshka"

5 contest. "Baba Yaga"

Ilya Muromets : Long-stayed warriors fought with unclean power. Well, guys who is it?

(run in bag)

6 contest. "Quiz"

1. What Russian warriors do you know? (Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alesha Popovich)

2. What is the name of the headdress of the hero? (Helmet)

3. What is the name of a heavy shell, woven from a metal rings, which protected the body of the hero? (Kolchug)

4. This is a defensive weapon. When battle, warrior covers their body. (Shield)

5. The main weapon of the nightingale-robber. (Whistling)

6. Not a coverage, but Pernata, as flies, so whistles. (Arrow)

Name the proverbs and sayings.

7 contest.

Ilya Muromets : Well, I was convinced that you are not only strong, but also smart. It means it's time to go to a serious test. Defeat Koschey. To defeat Koshiy, it is necessary to find his death first. Where is she? Right! In the egg.

(children must carry the tennis ball to the rack and back)

8 contest. "Ranat Treatment"

Ilya Muromets : And the last test. I want to see what you are friendly. After all, it is not in vain: one in the field is not a warrior.

Leading : While the princess summarize the contests, the girls will read verses.

There are cones on his forehead,

Under the eye - lights.

Just if you are boys,

That's all - warriors.

Scratch. Orange.

Only iodine are terrible.

Here, not embarrassed, tears

The commander pours himself.

Let the head in the green

And in the pockets of the leg,

But there are still silenks,

To defeat the enemy.

Stubborn in the morning you

Again on the fight, in the watch.

From those battles of scars

Still still left.

Leading : Well, our guys coped with all the heroic tasks. Showed their strength, dexterity, courage. I think, and our Russian land will be able to protect. And now the word is provided to our respected princesses.


Ilya Muromets : Yes! Reliable squad will be with us.

No enemy will pass and erupt.

Protect Russian land.

Do not ask Russian honor.

Children perform Rus.nar. The song "Soldatushki- Brava of the guys"

Ilya Muromets : Forgive, good people, it's time for me. I'm waiting for warriors-comrades.

Host: Defenders of our beautiful country

You are roads and madly need

And in this beautiful and joyful day

We thousands of times wish you not too lazy.

Let there be wealth on your desk,

Let MIO strengthen on our land!

Theatrical game program Designed for children of younger school age.

May be useful to educators, librarians, teachers primary classesMethodists additional education.

Merged by Russian folk fairy tales. The script includes a lot interesting gamesTasks.



The game - the journey "How the warriors for wisdom went."

Municipal budgetary educational institution Additional education of children "Center for Children's Creativity" of the City District of the city of Uryupinsk Volgograd region.

The game program is intended to help caregivers and teachers for leisure time. The program is calculated on children of younger school age.

Purpose: Awakening in the children of the sources of personal spirituality, responsibility for each other at a difficult moment; Mutual. Develop love for Russian folk tales.

Participants: 2 teams of junior schoolchildren at 5-6 people.

Characters:Leading in the image of the wizard, king, retinue.

Props: 2 barbells, 2, 2 middle balls, ball on the rope, crown, armchair, moulaage miracle of Yuda, 6 souvenir eggs, casket.

Musical accompaniment: Songs "Blue Wag", "Smile", any fast cheerful melody.

Leading: Hello guys! My name is______________________ . Today you will be in the threatened kingdom. So, far away, far from the mountains, behind the seas, behind the dense forests, there was a king in the trident kingdom. I think you wanted to see him. There can not come to either by car, nor by train, you can not sail on the steamer, it is impossible to fly by plane, even in a rocket, and it is impossible. But you can go there. If we close your eyes now and tell everyone together the magic word: "Abrakaras!", I will get into a wonderful, fabulous country. (Fragment with the king of the cartoon "Ivan Tsarevich and grey Wolf") Coming the king and a retinue.

King: I, the great king, welcome you! Why does nobody rejoices me?

Leading: Guys, smile and clutch the king. (Appeals to the king) Are you satisfied, Your Majesty? What else do you want?

King: I want to teach a cheerful holiday to dispel my sadness and boredom. Hey, my servants are faithful, let me take me! (Number of nursery.)

Leading: Are you satisfied with your majesty?

King: Yes, but, however, it will be not enough. This eye I have fun, and this cry wants. I heard that in the neighboring kingdom there are magic eggs who will win them, he will be the wiser in the world. I want the most brave, the most courageous attacks went to search for this overseas miracle. Duty him, generously reward you for it. Friends Strengthen!

Leading: Before going to the way, I want to check, are you ready for traveling? I will ask questions, and you all answer all together: "Yes" or "no".

A friend always reversible? (Yes)

Would you like to lie? (Yes).

In the class to write off the answer? (not).

Throw stone cat after? (not).

Do not rob when trouble? (Yes).

Do not regret the work of labor? (Yes).

Eat 2 cake without a trace? (not).

Hand wash when lunch? (Yes).

We are the slings of the hat hello? (not).

Those who worry always? (Yes).

Are not tired in response? (not). D.

Leading: Well done! Now I see that you are ready for testing. Our journey begins. Vityazhi, imagine that we are going with dormary forests, shadow swamps. Together to repeat for me and words, and movement.

Attention started! Top top, slap-slap. (2 times)

We are brave guys. We are expensive to us.

We have an accurate compass. (Show hands the movement of arrows)

And in addition to the tear! (Palm over the eyes "visor").

(Stretch your hand forward and take hearing, as if to break).

Oh, what is it? This Christmas tree, green needle.

(Looks at the sky and makes his palms, as if caught a bird)

Oh, who is it? Who wings waves and flies? Bird.

Bird of quail sings ringing.

What did we find on the way?

Christmas tree, and with her quail. And with a quail song.

What? "Fucking fun together" (children perform a song.)

(Fragment of the cartoon "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Snake", episode in the dungeon).

Leading: Oh, my tireless travelers! When we walked and sang a song, they did not notice how they got into the dungeon. But you should not lose heart. I will teach you how to get out of here. See, I have hoops in my hands. This is a way out of the cave. Who will have time to run through the rolling hoop, he got out of the dungeon.

(Going out the game "Get out of the cave")

Lead : Guys, our misadventures have not ended. A fiery river spread a fiery river ahead on our way, and a thin jergin twisted through it. Our task is to move through the fiery river on this bridge. I think you are brave and bold attacks, do not be afraid. Barely, on the road!

(Going the game "Go Fire River".)

Play with the hall:

Leading: Raise your hands, who of you loves fairy tales? I will ask you questions, and you answer me. Who knows the answer, raise your hand.

1. In the "Tale of the Tsar Saltan" A.S. Pushkin, Prince Gvidon flew three times to the kingdom of Saltan. Who did he turn into? (in mosquito, fly, bumblebee)

2. What is the name of the dog from the Fairy Tale "Repka"? (Bug)

3. Name of a friend of crocodile genes? (Cheburashka)

4. List the fairy tales in which there are flowers. ("Scarlet Flower", "Flower Seven Sweets", "Thumbelina", "Snow Queen" ...)

Leading: Remember how glorious warriors fought with a miracle yood? Cuts off the removed bogatyr clay one's head, and in her place immediately 10 grows. You now have to fight with a miracle yood. But he does not need to enter the heads. Your task is to get into it with a ball. First, I will give the captains on the magic ball. You need to rewind threads. In each clusher to find a cache. When he is in your hands, you will see the figure, this is the order number.

(Merry melody sounds.)

(The game "Battle with a miracle yood).

Leading: Bogati, we reached the goal. I give you strains. They are magic eggs. But there are many eggs. I will open you little secret. In each egg lies with a leaf with a word. Your task is to draw up the proverb from these words.

("The courage of the city takes", "one in the field is not a warrior")

Guys, remember these proverbs, they will help you in life more than once.

Leading: It is time for us to say goodbye. But I would like you to remember everything that heard and saw in the threesteal kingdom. Learn good. Be kind and brave. To new meetings. And on the farewell, we sing the song "Smile".

Used Books:

  1. Russian folk tales.