Conspiracy to good marriage. Charges for marriage - Wedding Secrets of ancestors

Each girl from early childhood in small details Represents the day of his wedding: what a dress, what flowers, music, etc. and, of course, the groom, looking forward to the altar. But time goes, and meetings with a man of life does not happen. Go to go various methods Apply the long-awaited day: dating sites, visit cultural events, help girlfriends and relatives, appeal to fortune telkam. After several failures, many remember signs for unmarried girlswhich mom / grandmother told as a child. Then they seemed simply not enough, but now with their help, the girl hoped, finally, to gain their happiness.

Believe or not believe: Types will take

In our technological age, many seems to be inappropriate to believe in such things as signs. But no wonder our ancestors collected them, studied and passed from generation to generation. Signals are a product of centuries-old wisdom, therefore it is not necessary to hide from them, considering the remnants of the past. Some girls, listening to the stories of mom or grandmother about superstitions, will say: "So coincided." But on the Internet you can find many stories different peoplewho found their happiness thanks to such coincidences. Perhaps it is worth listening to the advice of ancestors, and you see, you will need to go to search wedding Dress.

Signs for unmarried girls are household, wedding, dreams and superstitions associated with months of the year. Below we will look at which of them will really bring you to the wedding, and what to avoid.

Wedding signs

The most common wedding sign, known to almost everyone, is associated with a bouquet of the bride, which must be caught. On the Internet you can find a lot of funny videos, on which you can see how girls seek to get a bouquet, peeling right marriage.

Close the hem of the wedding dress of the bride - another faithful tool bring the long-awaited day. You can also clean wedding shoes. This option is suitable if you are not different to sew the ability.

For marriage, you must get some kind of wedding. It can be a stud holding a veil, or a needle, with the help of which sewed a wedding dress. Our ancestors believed that these things had a miraculous force capable of attracting the narrowed.

It is believed that the girl will soon marry if she was invited to be a witness at the wedding. This sign does not work if you have visited too much in this role. In this case, you become an eternal girlfriend of the bride, which does not manage to get the place of the main heroine of the evening.

You will soon marry if:

  • the guest of the wedding inadvertently poured you with wine or champagne;
  • you danced with the bridegroom;
  • you are sitting for festive table between brothers or sisters;
  • you will be able to touch the bride's dress when it will bypass anal with the wedding in the church.

Household signs

Below are the signs that, according to our grandmothers, will help you soon to marry or tell the character of the future husband:

  • The floor should be sweeping towards the window from entrance door. So you invite the groom to come to you.
  • Wet hem after home affairs predicts a drunk husband.
  • According to accept, if you look with a hand crumb, then your husband will have far from perfect appearance.
  • Forget about braids for the Annunciation. Grandmothers say: "deprive yourself of health and happiness of the spouse."
  • If you are not very good culinary and your dishes have a habit of burning, do not worry. This means that your chosen one will become brunette.
  • Marriage predicts and found a bouquet. True, you should not carry it home. People believe that there are also flowers on which damage.
  • Digestible hair loss brings you to the coveted altar.
  • Bad admission is considered if the bride gets married in a blue dress. According to our ancestors, this promises the indifference of her husband to desires and the opinion of his wife. Good that blue wedding outfit It is extremely rarely chosen. Perhaps it is thanks to accept.
  • There are signs regarding and wedding shoes. So, it is impossible to get married in the sandals, otherwise expect a divorce soon. To happiness do not leave, stop the choice on closed shoes.
  • If you parse your finger on New Year, get ready for a quick meeting with the chosen one.
  • Trucks of the house (stroke, crashing dishes, etc.) brings the wedding. He survives from your home to her husband's house.
  • Girls are not recommended to sit / stand on the threshold or transmit anything through it. Our ancestors believed that it was giving a meeting with the beloved.
  • If you have to meet a lot to meet a lot and communicate with new people, pay attention to those men who have met recently. Specifically, on Thursday. It can happen that one of them is your destiny.
  • Do not be happy in the presence of outsiders, it scares the grooms.
  • If you want to look at yourself in a wedding dress, go to the store and try it there. In no case do not use the dress of someone from the girlfriends.
  • Participation in wedding competitions gives your own celebration.
  • If the man of dreams met and the wedding is not far off, assign it to the cover. This sign promises a happy marital marriage and defense of the Virgin.


Scientists say that dreams are unprecedented combinations of experienced impressions. Everything is postponed with us, and they can help solve any problem. Dreams can predict marriage, just need to know their meaning. So:

  • Before marriage, you can see a conversation with your dear relatives in a dream.
  • Fitting, buying shoes in a dream means you will soon have to work in search of a wedding dress.
  • Large love predicts eating in a dream of strawberries.
  • A rich husband promise dreams with a lot of gifts or ripe tomatoes.

We choose the month of the wedding

To all of the above, you can add signs that will be prompted when you get married.

  • Forget about January, if you do not want to stay a young widow.
  • Successful February promises a trust union.
  • Choosing March Month of the wedding, be prepared for life on a foreign land.
  • The wedding in April predicts short happiness with subsequent instability and anxiety.
  • Month May is an ambiguous choice. Most thinks that "to have fun". Modern statistics denies this, promising successful marriage.
  • Want to honeymoon For life - get married in June.
  • July is a strong middling, including happiness, and adversity.
  • Happy Augustus will give obedient children and good friend In the face of her husband.
  • September, like a quiet harbor, promises a quiet life.
  • But the conflict October will be generous for permanent quarrels and conflicts.
  • If you want well-being, then November is your month for the wedding. Wealth, care and attention will always surround you.
  • Marriage, imprisoned in December, will become stronger over the years. Spouses will put on the first place of feeling each other, and therefore you can forget about all disagreements and clarifying relationships.

Following signs, of course, does not allow one hundred percent warranty happy marriage. The choice is always yours. But they can motivate, you will notice something or someone, which was not before. Do not dwell at the desire to pop up to get married. The main thing is to find a loved one, and there and the stars will come together.

So that the girl quickly married good manThe old village witchcraft will help, home love plots for success in this difficult question. Marriage and marriage - a serious decision, the turning point of man. And so that there is no, as in the old saying: " One married - I saw the light, and the other married - disappeared with my head ", This step is to be solved with a hot heart, but the cold head.

The answer to the question of how quickly and easily attract love will give white Magic - rites and conspiracies for self-fulfillment.

How to read women's conspiracies to attract love

Wedding conspiracies on a rich bridegroom, shallow, whispering Icestari was used in practical love witchcraft. This is an integral part of the Russian wedding tradition. The brides were guessing and stolen on successful grooms. And guys also tortured the fate of their narrowed, read conspuses to meet love.

For example, they did this: on the growing moon, you need to stand face east, look into the sky and read the words of the conspiracy on love and the involvement of the narrowed:

"As the dew in heaven rushes, it is going to clouds, and so narrowed by my to me (name), as the light, will pull out, will come and with me forever will remain. Amen".

And this is an old rustic conspiracy to make a girlfriend to meet love in the near future.

I, Mag. Sergey Artgrom, I advise you to read the intersection, in the magic place of force, where any life choice is peaked, where you can face not only with unclean powerBut also meet their magic patrons. In all famous cultures, the crossroads is a place: with gods, with light and dark spirits, with non-adopted dead. And the impact of centuries at the crossroads did both creative and destructive witchcraft rites to meet love.

Love plot at the crossroads will help you quickly find my love

For this independent conspiracy on the call of love and on a rich bridegroom, you need to prepare:

  • 13 green powder blades
  • blue scarf

Pods wrap in a handkerchief and in the morning dawn to go to a cross-shaped intersection. 12 pea pods scatter at the crossroads, and 1 leave yourself.

For each pod before throwing it, you need to read a conspiracy to attract love in your life:

"How I will go, a slave (name) on the road cross, yes I will stand the scholarship. I stand without looking back, I scatter the blade. My dear will pass and will find me. I will dare to me, I will stay with me, the love will light up, wants to marry. There will be a priest and statutory, a good soul, young and working, smart and foldable. It will be Mil, love, faithful. The cat sits, the dog is wakes, and a cute in my house goes. How roads are running in the distance far, that and the word mine forever. Amen".

From the intersection, reading 13 times this strong conspiration to marry, It follows, as well as from any place of power, without regard. That pod that left himself, wrap needed to the handkerchief, and wear 3 days on the chest, after which it is possible to remove and keep in a secret place before the fulfillment of the desire to come out successfully married. How everything will come true, the pea is put in the ground.

Home conspiracy on a good groom - the power of female wedding magic

To find a good groom, and successfully marry, the girls in the old days did such a ritual. Over the bouquet of carnation-grass they read an independent conspiracy to meet her husband, tied the flowers with a new blue ribbon, and put in flow water.

Read the text of the home conspiracy on a good husband such:

"Carnation Herbal meadow, to the sun pull, the petals open. You are angler ring, the ring purple to you riveted. Help me (name) one not to be, with wedding ring Walk, with cute to meet, do it hang. Flower red flowers for a long time, and my fate goes to me. As a flower from the summer in the summer on Earth grows, and my dear me, the girl is red, smart Yes Static (name) will find, and it marries. Amen".

What are the consequences of conspiracies to attract the grooms

Can be negative consequences From love magic made at home aimed at gaining love and happiness in marriage? As with any unsuccessful work done, from witchcraft rites and reading independent conspiracies, you can get unwanted results. And the matter is that people seeking to influence their destiny to different forces.

Much depends on what kind of tradition is drawn by a novice magician, aiming the purpose of fulfilling his desire. It is one thing to read a lightweight plot on the birthday of marriage, and quite another - to seek the goal with the call of dark spirits, or turning to the strength of the dead. Strong, black ways to shyly the beloved husband carry a threat in themselves. But if you need to contact my own magic yourself, you decide for yourself.

The consequences of black rituals (in Winekny practices, they are not called conspiracy on rapid marriage, but rather to the passion and submission of a man) in their classical version - rollback, or a reverse strike. There may be more side, negative problems - unforeseen unpleasant effects, which are a consequence of illiterate witchcraft. In some cases, side effects OT. independent love spell one who likes laid in the rites themselves.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, Magician Sergey Artgrom, I recommend to wear a proven mascot for attracting the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. Money amulet is made strictly individually, under the name concrete person And his date of birth. The main thing is right to immediately configure it in accordance with the sent instructions, is equally well suited for people of any religion.

Warfish strong conspiracies on good marriage It is triggered not only on visualization and the power of the intention of the magician of the artist, as you understand. Dark perfume is called, and this is when they support and help the magician gets the desired. Avoid troubles and consequences from independent conspiractions to find your love, only knowing all the subtleties of real witchcraft, having experience and clear understanding of what and what you do for what.

I, Mag. Sergey Artgrom, I note that, reading, the so-called, white conspiracies to attract the love of her husband, you will most likely not get side Effects and negative, but also impact will be easy. This means that to obtain a strong result love Privorot For the search for the groom, the witchcraft will have to be carried out continuously.

If you just make an independent rite, read a plot for love and marriage, and sit, folded, waiting for a miracle, unlikely that you get something. Love magic - This is a work, and for a miracle, people go to the circus, look at the magicians.

Independent conspiracy on the future husband - the call of the narrowed

"As I (I will come out (name) in a wide courtyard, I will proving forty pigeons, I will pour to the Saracensky milf, I will punish firmly. You fly, SIZY, Forty-sides, find you a friend of cute, flock to its porch, to the window, over your head, sits on the chest. To me (name), enter the road to specify. Let him hurt me, the heart stretches, will remain with me. Punchy - millet Saracensky, I am my narrowed! From fate not to leave, the way will come together, the word Witches will come true. Amen".

A real conspiracy of the rapid marriage should be read only on the growing moon, and conduct magic ritual Not once, but make a minimum three. It will strengthen and strengthen the result. And it is clear that one effective conspiracy The rapid marriage is not enough to achieve the goal; Read at home, you can completely different love plots of one destination, aimed at implementing a specific plan - quickly get married for a rich guy.

Light conspiracy at home on linen seed - to attract love

This is an old, accumulated, productive conspiracy and love of men - potential grooms. For the rite you will need:

  • handful of flaxseed
  • new headscarf

Holding flax seeds in his left hand, read a love plot three times on the involvement of beautiful grooms, so that your breath concerns seeds. After that, make the seeds in the handkerchief and hide until spring. When the time comes, it is necessary to sow under your windows, the scarf squeeze, and squeeze the place where the seed sown. An independent conspiracy to find love is perhaps not the strongest, but the village isxtaries is very effective.

You need to read the words of a love conspiracy to attract the love of the groom

"The field is blue, and a wide, sea blue, and deep, the blue waves go to the walker, only with free winds obedient. The sun looks, the winds will hide, the sea calms down the blue, the petals are blue curled, they will be stuck to each other, the seed will turn around. Seed smooth, yes glistened, like a driver, between the fingers is fluid. A handful of seeds in a handkerchief, I will say the word faithful. The seed will grumble, the narrowed me (name) will find, will delete, will not give off anyone, never betray. In the field of Len Blue, and the narrowed - under the crown with me. Amen".

Love conspiracy on the photo on the successful marriage of the widow

Each woman wants to be successful and necessary. If the girl was already married, and became a widow, she does not lose his right to be happy. Some women are recovered by the fate itself, they all turn out, it is worth it only to wish. And the other, so that life is formed, you have to work. Including magical Niva.

In Russian witchcraft there are home conspiracies for various everyday cases; There are spells - assistants aimed at ensuring that the widow came out to marry successfully. For the magic ritual, you will need:

  • church candle
  • stock Foto Men like

Light a candle, and keep it over the photo by reading the words of the conspiracy on the marriage of the widow 7 times:

"Sugrey Candle of the slave of God (name), his body is white, so that it burns with a love flame to make a lust in it grow up, in my hands (name), was given. In order for this well done to go with me under the crown for all days, for all years, from now on and forever. Amen".

A strong conspiracy so that the widow again found a beloved husband, you need to read 7 evenings in a row. This magic ritual with a candle girl can use and in order to marry after a divorce. Love spells Such a plan is practiced in white witchcraft, as well as in the informative complexes, along with the black witchcraft rituals.

Back in the ancient times, the girls were guessing to see her narrowed and quickly married. They also knew, for what signs it is possible to determine that marriage is no longer outside the corner, and sincerely believed in these signs. Since then, a lot has changed, but the girls still believe long-standing signs.

Many in time noticed precursors of some important future events can help a person to avoid big failures or small bad luck. No wonder people still believe in ancient folk signs.

To the old wisdoms of our ancestors in the form of all sorts of signs, the majority of people take and signs are pretty skeptical. After all, in our time, it is possible to refute or prove anything.

Modern people are accustomed to explaining the phenomenon derived from them with the help of facts. Therefore, the signs not supported by arguments most often consider the faith of naive people.

But is it really? According to natural changes, it is possible to accurately determine the weather in the near future, and the correct features of the nature of people who were born in different months began to call the horoscope and zodiac signs.

"I will marry intense"

In order to get married soon, there is not enough signs that appeared. Secret characters do not depend on our attentiveness, they always exist. But fetaned signs are only a delusion that soon the girl will happily tell the girlfriends about the upcoming wedding.

Also should not expect that someone may turn out to bring the proposal of the hand and hearts, hoping only for signs and astrology, and not for their real actions. Signs and fortune telling more like that girls who already have a beloved, and accordingly there is a chance in the near future to marry.

Checked Sighter Marriage Signs

  • The girl dreams of deceased close. Intuitive sensations about the approaching changes may be embodied in dreams. Often the dreams about the ancestors who left this world become signs of creating a new family.
  • The girl suddenly finds a bouquet. Found surprises in the form of a bouquet of beloved are not considered. A bouquet should be drawn.
  • An unpleasant feeling at the time of falling asleep. Sometimes there are some incomprehensible incidents in the dawn. The girl can feel the feeling of gravity in the body, whose presence near himself, difficulty breathing. Thus, her "souls the house", running out of the house to the future husband.
  • Girl cuts or rolling finger in new Year's Eve. This sign is very old and does not explain how this is associated with marriage.
  • To speed up marriage, the girl can embroider a red peony. This flower is a symbol of family happiness.
  • The girl becomes a godmother. When the baby learns to walk, the unmarried girl will find his family happiness.

Wedding signs

It is said that someone else's happiness is infectious. And in married women, all girlfriends are gradually married. How soon the girl will be able to wear a wedding dress, she can find out by visiting guests at a girlfriend's wedding or friend.

The following signs related to other people's weddings say that soon the girl will marry:

  • Someone from the guests will accidentally shed champagne or wine to the girl.
  • The role of the friend in the wedding in the church increases the chances of marrying soon.
  • The groom's dance is good sign For a girl who wants to marry.
  • By tradition, closer to the end of the holiday, the bride throws his bouquet with unmarried girls. Catching a bouquet, married the first.
  • Ask the bride with a hairpin or pin from her dress.

There are such signs that are able to postpone marriage. If you want to get married soon, never do the following things:

  1. It is impossible to sit on the corner of the table during the meal.
  2. It is impossible to sit on the windowsill.
  3. You can not be a member of contests on other weddings.
  4. It is impossible to try on someone else's wedding dress before the bride will marry him.
  5. You can not transfer through the threshold of things or products.
  6. It is impossible to sit on the threshold.
  7. You can not grow a plant oleander in the house.

In which month to play a wedding?

When signs about marriage come true, and the girl receives a long-awaited offer to marry, she should think about what month it is better to appoint a celebration.

Wedding Predictions by Months

  • January - Girl early widow.
  • February - a couple waiting for peaceful and happy family life.
  • March - Spouses will move to another country.
  • April - Happiness will be short-term.
  • May - the spouse will betray or the girl will constantly start.
  • June - family life will be similar to the eternal honeymoon.
  • July - couple will survive and happiness, and misfortune.
  • August - spouse will be a faithful friend and a good lover.
  • September - family life will be quiet and calm.
  • October - the couple will constantly face difficulties.
  • November - Spouses will live in wealth and prosper.
  • December - love will become stronger every year.

Signs contribute to the attraction of love and family happiness. They definitely indicate what can happen. However, the characters and signs themselves cannot arrange well-being in life. They should rather become motivated to real actions. After all, it is always better to build your destiny than relying on the will of the case.

Also, you should not forget what you really are striving: Quickly throw married or gain happiness with a decent satellite of life?

Signs and predictions set us on the right thoughts and program our subconscious. Thus, we turn closer to the cherished goal. Perhaps all folk signs are just self-sucking. But the fact that they really work is a fact.

Since ancient times, our ancestors paid attention to many little things to convey the accumulated wisdom to subsequent generations. Signs of an ambulance wedding are no exception.

Thanks to the preserved signs, everyone will be able to find out their fate. The signs of fate will wait for us everywhere, so look carefully on the sides and do not forget to attract love luck. Site experts Website prepared for you a selection of the most common adoption that will help you determine your own future.

Signs of marriage

Our ancestors showed unmarried girls who do not fail to enter into marriage, sweep the floor towards the window or dining tablestarting from the entrance door.

The nearest hostess, who knows how to cook and containing the house in order, from ancient times was considered an enviable bride, which for a long time "would not be enjoyed" in girls. Also, the doctrine of Feng Shui suggests that the order in the house allows the streams of positive energy to circulate in space, attracting happiness. And for complete confidence in the near marriage, the girls are worth holding a pair statuette of doves in the bedroom.

Handicraft lovers are worth embroider on peonies blooming. This sign promises you a rapid way to get married.

The found bouquet of flowers also promises an ambulance meeting with the second half.

If in the house of unmarried girl begins to stitch the house, this event predicts a quick exit from the generic nest and the transition to a new, married life. Most often, the future bride is beginning to disappear hairpins, invisible and other small items.

The folk sign says that the girl often rolling on the donkey will soon become a married lady. However B. modern world It is quite difficult to produce such a rite.

If a girl on the New Year's Eve cuts out a finger or a leopard of his acute subject, this means a meeting with the narrowed year.

The girl who became the godmother of the newborn will marry at the time when her sovereign learned firmly stand on his feet and make the first independent steps.

To a quick marriage - acquaintance with a man on Thursday. Our great-grandpaps often resorted to such a trick to marry themselves or to marry their daughters.

If the girl wants to change soon social status, she should not take things through the threshold.

Also, according to the signs, the sisters should marry in turn and seniority. If your older sister married, then soon there will be joyful changes in your destiny.

Often, dreams of dead relatives are promising unmarried an ambulance wedding. Often, girls can see a sign that points them to the chosen one or means an ambulance engagement.

An unmarried girl dancing at a wedding with a stranger of a bridegroom, attracts good luck and will soon marry.

If during a wedding feast you were inadvertently doused with wine or champagne, then this sign says about the soon marriage.

To get married, girls should not sit on the windowsill, as well as eat food, sitting on the threshold.

According to folk accepting, a girl involved in a wedding bustle associated with the clue of the bride, correcting her hairstyle or a beading dresses with beads, can prepare for his own marriage.

One more interesting sign Persons: ask friends to give you cacti. They attract love.

Believe in omens or not - the choice of everyone. However, often signs come true regardless of how people relate to them. We wish you family happiness, good luck and well-being. Be happy and do not forget to click on the buttons and

19.10.2017 06:55

The selection of the date of the wedding is the point responsible. If you believe old customs and astrology, then play a wedding ...

From the old years of the girl to get married as soon as possible, they used a special girlish conspiracy to marriage. After all, it often happens today that the girl seems to be a face and the character of quiet, calm, and worker, and reasonable - and the family happiness is not in a hurry to her gate. And no matter how hard a variety of psychologists try to convince modern women in the fact that a strong, intelligent, educated woman must first think about his interesting work and a successful career - but still almost every normal girl most in life wants to marry a beloved man, I want simple family happiness to the house - the full bowl and children like a loved one. But how to find it, the only one?

If the years go, and the grooms on the horizon are not added, the yield is one - resort to the help of ancient magic. Not one girl for hundreds of years helped a conspiracy for a successful marriage, not one beauty found her narrowed thanks to the help of grandmothers-leading and ancient burning.

The conspiracy of the raw marriage refers to the rites of white magic, but only if the girl does not want to lead a man from an existing family, tear off the legitimate spouse and especially children. Such marriage will not be happy: the young husband in the heart will still strive in the old family, and the new wife will become annoying with his one as a time. It is impossible to force a person to love himself contrary to fate, it never led to a happy life.

You should not apply a conspiracy to marry a person who does not love you. Magical ties will hold it near you, but over time they will weaken, and then your family, not based on love, and on coercion, disintegrated. And if by that time you will have children, you will make an unhappy not only yourself, but also them too.

Of course, it is possible to spend fate, but only to attract your narrowed, which goes somewhere in the light and does not know that you are waiting for it. Before holding a rite, it takes three days to keep a strict post - only bread and water is allowed to use. The ritual himself should be carried out on the growing moon, preferably in the first week after the new moon, on the pink dawn.

Located on the table a new white tablecloth, put a lit church candle and a cup of honey water on it. Read the conspiracy into water smoothly, without interrupting for a moment, twelve times in a row, while reading imagining your wedding day. Wait until the Dnogrite Candle goes out, then breathe conspired by honey water and spray all the doors in the house, especially the entrance.

I will be a candle, the wonder incense. I will express my desire to God. Tinging two red threads with three nodes. One knot for love, another for passion, the third for loyalty. That is not the threads, but the souls (names) connect. Together, they have to live together, they are doing business, and do children. And friendship and respect - here are their relationship! From the beginning of the century to the end. Nobody will unleash nobody, no one will destroy the relationship, no one will cancel. Firmly and tenacious.

Attention : Be sure to write this plot on the sheet, better if it is a blank sheet. Explore the conspiracy already from the sheet, and not from the monitor.

Conspuses are an important component of a person's life, especially the part of it, where there is a place of love.

Love is different, like the people themselves. But the goal of each in love becomes a wedding. However, the representatives of the female half of humanity want more, which since childhood dream of a white dress, luxurious limousine and bride-prince. But what if your prince is not in a hurry to call you under the crown? Of course, hurry it! And it is possible to do this with the help of magic, reading a conspiracy to a successful marriage, which will disturb about your maiden share, turning it soon in Babia.

Conducting conspiracy

Which one is easier you will learn only after you marry, and for this you first need to get an offer of your hand and hearts. We wish you success in achieving your goal, we give the choice of conspiracy options, one of which will certainly erect you in a new status - bride, and after and wife.

Strong conspiracy in order to marry

Ritual starts with buying a new broom. Make it only on Wednesday or Friday. Buying a broom does not take the surrender! Going with a new broom home, think about what kind of priest, folding, comfortable, how well it will be revenge and build orders.
The continuation of the ritual can be done only for the new moon. At night, notice all the garbage in the yard or in the entrance and collect in a yellow scoop. The material from which the scoop is made can be different, but yellow principled. If you did not find a yellow scoop in the store or on the market overlap white.

Heat, senten:

"I chase my younger to the house. Not the Lodi, not the Zhadin, not thieves. Quickly come mine, groom. From your or even other people's yards.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The ritual can be repeated countless times. The main thing when it is fulfilled is the most purely sweeted floor. It is this fact that increases the number of grooms, and with them and the chances of quickly married.

Gathering garbage in a yellow scoop, take it home, pour off in a canvas bag, remove your home in the farthest corner and keep it there new Moon. Above the bag with garbage should be nine times read the prayer "Our Father".

Now wait for the grooms, they will certainly be a lot, most importantly - to do right choice. When the main events associated with the ritual will occur, the garbage must be buried away from home and so that no one has seated you.

An effective conspiracy for a successful marriage of his daughter

This conspiracy is read on honey:

Do not regret the delicacy - after all, the more Honey will eat the girl, the stronger her marriage will be.

"How many bees flew and the naked collected,
So much and the servant of God (daughter's name) on this house fly
And fatigue not know.
Remove, take.
The house is in order to contain.
How bees work.
So the husband of the slaves of God (daughters) works.
So that in the house with an excess was money. So that the servant of God (daughter's name) firmly loved.
As sweet honey
So that the life of family sweet was
Slaves of God (daughter's name).
Sweet and smooth.
Medok drink.
And happy to be!
The word is my hard.
It does not cut a knife.
Ax can not refurb him
As I said, so be.

Having finished reading a conspiracy, sit down with my daughter to drink tea with honey, whom she should put more: and add to tea, and smear the bread and violated to treat tea. The more daughter eating a conspiracy honey, the better her family life will be.

Conspiracy to the ambulance guy

Yes Yes Yes! Men also sometimes use conspiracies, wanting to marry. To begin with the future fiance you have to land near your home floral seedlings. It follows the growing moon, at dawn, until everyone is sleeping. Slowing out flowers, say:

"I will come out, the slave of God (name),
From home on the door,
From doors to the gate.
Look at the sky blue;
In the sun is red.
May my bride smile so much
Early the crown will gather
How my flowers will bloom
So I will find the bride.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

The next seven days you need to very carefully and carefully look at the seedle so that it does not die. Watering her every evening, nine times read the prayer "Our Father".

You will meet your narrowed when the first flower blooms. Do not delay with a proposal of a hand and hearts. It is necessary to make it before the last last flower, which should be secretly ripped, put down and store in a secret place so that he protects your family hearth from adversity and litter.

Conspiracy on a happy marriage

This ritual is held in the kitchen in a moonless night. Pour water into a toss, clinging the usual white candle near, throw the ring into the water, turn it over three times and say:

"Ring in the water I throw, the words cherished by voicing: God's slave (name) on me, the servant of God (name) is marrying immediately! My word is firmly, as she said, so be. Amen".

After standing in the middle of the kitchen, pour yourself on my master, put on the ring on unnamed finger right hand And go to sleep.

Conspiracy to marry a rich

In an effort to find a rich bride, do not forget about such an important aspectlike love.

Take a handful of milf and start a conspiracy over it, after pouring at the intersection:

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Batyushki-woven, do not go sideways,
Walk to the back.
Go to my house,
Grooms to me invite.
How the millet is the birds clock,
So to me, the servant of God (name),
Swati-father will come.
The key to my thinks, the castle of my words.
For centuries, at all times.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and in the eyelids. Amen".

Ritual to meet the narrowed

In order to quickly meet a man designed to you with fate, go at midnight to the nearest church, taking with you three church candles. When you near the temple, burn the candles and say the words of the conspiracy:

"The wind-breeze, feeding ship, you fly in a high high, you blow, do not be stamped, you're talking everywhere, yes my face, slaves of God (name), wash. The breeze, where to go to me tell me what to do, look at my point, squeezed. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen". After that, try to closely monitor the movements of the flame tongue on the candlelight.

If the fire is constantly cloning to the right - it means that your beloved lives very far and will appear in your life because of the sea. If the fire is clone to the left, it means that your future beloved lives with you in one country, but in different cities. We can safely say that the direction to the left also indicates an ambulance meeting. If the flames of candles are directed to you, then the narrowed is somewhere nearby and you need to carefully look at the men around you in everyday life. It often happens that the fire from the candles is leans from the performer, it means that fate has not yet appointed you to the future beloved and husband, so get ready to wait.

The bridge is a symbol of transition from one state to another, this is the road from one life to another. That is why go to the bridge and go to a new life.

After reading the testimony of the candles - blend the fire and go from the church to the river, or rather to the bridge over the river. Stand in the middle of this bridge, throw the remnants of candles into the river and say words:

"Candle candlesticks, you float on a river, you are a cute squeeze, yes to me, the servant of God (name), quickly bring. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

If the fire from the candle was directed from you, then you will need to go on a bridge, but on the most crowded area in your city. Stand up in the middle of this square, draw a mentally a circle around yourself and say the words of the conspiracy: "My beloved, come as soon as possible, hurry to me, I, the slave of God (name), one and how on fire. Come to me, come, calm down the heart of the girl give. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After that, quickly go home and try to talk with anyone on the road. If you meet a person in black clothes, spit through the left shoulder, and if in white - through the right. When you find yourself at home, go to the open window, comb your hair with a creampie from a tree and read the words of the conspiracy:

« Holy Mother of God, Help me, the servant of God (name), ukrah me, save me. You, the Virgin, Jesus gave birth, the son of his fed, the son loved. Give me the strength to wait for one person to live with him, to love him, so that the children give birth to him, so that the bed should be treated. Help me, the Most Holy Mother of God, wanted from trouble. My squeezed, I, the slave of God (name), braids of the Czech, hurry to me. Go to me on the porch, from the porch in the senya, from Seine to the Hube, and in a felling. Hurry up in my house, do not plunge on the way, God will help you on the way. My mouth is a castle, my words are the key. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".
After close the window, turn off the light, lie on the bed, read the prayer "ours" prayer three times and sleep.

In the morning dawn, in the period of the excretion of the moon, burn a thick chrical wax candle and install the Mother of God Kazan. To see, read the trails, Kondaki prayer for blessing to marriage to the Most Holy Theotokos in honor of her Icons "Kazan". Read with a covered head.

Tropar, voice 4th: "The intercession is diligent, Mati Lord Vysnyago! For all the prayers of your son, the Christ of our God, and all are wicked by everything, in the holding cover by your cover. All of us stand up, oh,G. ozziness, Queen and Vladychitsa, and in the victim, and in the sorrow, and in diseases, burdensome sins by many, upcoming and praying to you by the soul and a crushed heart before will be prevails with tears, and irrevocably hope of getting rid of all angry. All useful gift and all save, the Virgin Maiden: you are Bo axis divine cover your Raughty.

Kondak, voice 8th: "Prim, people, to a quiet and kind of good, the ambulance, ready and warm salvation, the presence of the Virgin; We will speed up on prayer and sweating to repentance: it exudes us a uncoid grace Most of the Virgin, I finances to the rescue and eliminates the great troubles and evils and gibe our slaves. "

Prayer:" Oh, the prechilate Vladychitsa The Mother of God, the Queen of the Sky and Zemvi, the Golden Angel and the Archangel and All Creatures are honest, clean Delo Marie, the world of Bulkomphoroshnice and all people are a statement and in all kinds of hardships! Watch and now, Mrs. to the world, on the slaves of yours, you will have a soul and a crushed heart praying, with tearing to you falling with the preching and legacy image of yours, and help and interpreting your aspecting. Oh, bonding and premium Delo Virgin Chtime! Reviews, Mrs., your people: We bo, sin, are not the Imams of the Predeshi, do you and from you the risk of our god of our. You are an axis casting and our concern, you are offended by protecting. We have grown rejoicing, silent refuge, the widows of the guardian, the devies of glory, crying cheerlee, sick a creation, weakening healing, sinful salvation. This, Oh, Bogomati, is resorted to you and on your prechistan image with a narrow-handed baby in your hand, the Lord Our Jesus Christ is graciously, the defeated singing to you and yelling you: nice us, mother of God, and our extension, all BO It is possible to according to your own way: I can join the fame to you now, and is confessed, and in the eyelids. Amen".

When the candle of the fruit and goes out his own, go out of the house and follow in the field (forest, flowerbed, I think it is possible to go to the flower shop), where you need to pour flowers and splash the wreath on them.

All the actions described above are accompanied by reading a conspiracy: "The Most Holy Virgin on the holy field went, the holy flowers of Rada, from the saints, a wedding wedding wreath. I, the servant of God (name), go to the Most Holy Bogorodiuska, LOW WORD WORLD, PRAYTVOVA REMEMBER STRONGLY AND MARRIAL SERVICE: "The Most Holy Mother of God, Mautushka, me, the servant of God (Name), the Cope Daughty Find Help. Put on me, the slave of God (name), wedding wedding, that from the holy colors, there is a blessing, your sacred power is blessed, love is filled, happiness, loyalty is decorated. I hold you, the Most Holy Mother, Mother, help, wedding wedding me, a slave of God (name), blessing. In the name of the Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Then, taking a wreath, immediately go church.

Buy a candle, burn and put the "Kazanskaya" icon from the icon, praying for it about the soon and prosperous marriage.

Houses are dressed in a wreath on head Do not remove until the sunset. Store it to the eastern part of the house (apartments) before marriage.

At sunset of the seventh after the marriage of the day, burn wreaths in a secluded, remote from hiking and passions. Svetpel Were in the wind.

It is not necessary to talk about anything.

Home Return another expensive, without talking to anyone.

About the rite spent not spread.