Morphological games for preschoolers. Games for the formation of the grammatical structure of speech

Ensuring safety is a problem that affects all aspects of human life. Often people suffer from an elementary inability to behave competently in emergency situations. That is why it became necessary to prepare children for solving life safety problems even within the walls of a preschool institution.

The safety of the child's life and the protection of his health are urgent tasks of preschool education. At the same time, it is important not only to protect the child, but to prepare him to face possible difficulties, form ideas about the most dangerous situations, and instill in him the skills of safe behavior.

It is necessary to explain to both children and parents that ensuring the safety of life is possible through spiritual and moral education and the correct behavior of each of us, adults.

Knowledge of life safety can be obtained when familiarizing with the works of painting.

Examining with children reproductions of paintings by K. Makovsky "Children running from a thunderstorm", the teacher reads poetry, makes riddles, talks with pupils about their content - about signs of an approaching thunderstorm, rules of behavior during bad weather (you must stay indoors and close all windows and doors ; pull out the external antenna cable from the TV equipment ...)

While getting acquainted with reproductions of paintings by artists I. Khrutsky "Still Life with Mushrooms" and E. Zuev "Gifts of the Forests", you should draw the attention of children to the fact that mushrooms are edible and inedible, and give them practical advice how to pick mushrooms (do not use unfamiliar mushrooms for food, do not put in your mouth raw mushrooms let alone taste them).

Since in the forest and on the site of the kindergarten, kids meet with various insects, with the help of illustrations by the artist V. Konashevich to the poems of K. Chukovsky "Fly - Tsokotukha" and "Cockroach", form children's ideas about the diversity of the insect world and give necessary knowledge about the rules of conduct when meeting with them (in no case touch hornets' nests; keep calm and do not wave your arms if a bee is hovering around your head ...)

While examining the illustrations by E. Charushin to stories about animals, it is necessary to teach children to understand the state and behavior of animals, to know how to properly handle them (do not pick up stray cats and puppies; do not offend or tease them ...)

Working with visual materials gives an outlet to feelings of irritation, anger, helps to increase the child's self-esteem, strengthen his self-confidence, and harmonize relations with family and friends. "Nice and kind" for children - that which gives a pleasant visual experience. "Ugly, evil" - everything unpleasant, scary, frightening, takes shape in visual activity usually in dark colors. While drawing, the child gives vent to his feelings, desires, rebuilds his relationships in various situations and painlessly comes into contact with some frightening, incomprehensible, traumatic images. Graphic image danger does not lead to its intensification, but, on the contrary, reduces the stress of the young artist. In children's drawings, the danger is already largely realized, as something that has already happened, in fact, has already happened.

Basic safety rules that should be taught to a child:

Know your address and phone number of your parents; an ambulance telephone, police, fire brigade, gas service;

While walking, do not go far from your home;

Do not walk until dark;

Do not enter the staircase, elevator with a stranger;

Never take anything from strangers, step aside immediately;

Avoid deserted places, ravines, wastelands, attics, basements;

Don't tease dogs on the street;

Don't open the door to strangers when you are alone at home;

Never get into other people's cars;

Answer loudly to all the offers of strangers: "No!" and immediately leave or run away from them where there are people;

Do not hesitate to call people for help on the street, in transport, in the entrance or even at home;

In a moment of danger, when they try to grab you, use force, shout loudly, bite, break free, run away.

Consultation for educators "Formation of the foundations of life safety in preschool children"

Formation of the foundations of safety and life in preschool children.

"The most precious thing a person has is life"

N. A. Ostrovsky.

The formation of the foundations of the safety and life of children in a preschool educational institution is an urgent and significant problem, since it is due to the objective need to inform children about the rules of safe behavior, and their acquisition of experience of safe behavior in everyday life. Together with our parents, we are carrying out purposeful work in this area.

It is important not only to protect the child from danger, but also to prepare him for a meeting with possible difficulties, to form an idea of ​​the most dangerous situations, the need to take precautions, instill in him the skills of safe behavior in everyday life together with parents who act as an example for the child to follow. The concept of safety in parole previously included only the protection of the life and health of children. But modern world changed the approach to the problem of security, it also included such concepts as environmental disaster and terrorism.

When educating children about initial safety fundamentals, the following goals should be identified:

Formation of the foundations for the preservation and strengthening of health;

Fostering safe behavior, the ability to anticipate dangerous situations, if possible, avoid them, if necessary - act.

Working with children on life safety includes a whole range of tasks:

Familiarity with household hazards, with necessary actions in case of danger, the formation of an idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe methods of safe behavior in everyday life;

Development of the foundations of ecological culture, education of love, responsible and careful attitude towards native nature;

Education of a competent road user;

Fostering a sense of mutual help and camaraderie.

The implementation of these tasks and the formation of the initial safety foundations is carried out taking into account the following basic principles:

Consistency and consistency (any new step in teaching children is based on what has already been mastered in the previous one);

Accessibility (the complication of the material occurs taking into account the age characteristics of children);

Involvement in activities (play, cognitive, search and other types);

Visibility (safety is best perceived through rich illustrative material);

Dynamism (integration of tasks into different types activity);

Psychological comfort (relieving stress factors).

Stages of the implementation of these tasks:

Stage 1 - the interest of children, to update, clarify and systematize their knowledge of safety rules;

Stage 2 - introduce rules into the life of children, show the variety of their manifestations in life situations, train in the ability to apply these rules;

Stage 3 - on the basis of the acquired knowledge and skills, help to consciously master real practical actions.

Forms of organization of the educational process:


Memorizing poems;

Collection of photographic materials;

Games - activities;

Learning the rules of safe behavior;

Didactic games;

Outdoor games;

Reading fiction;

Examination of illustrations on the topic;



Theatrical performances;

Subject - role-playing games;

Games - trainings;

Watching cartoons;

Labor activity;

Productive activity;

Guessing riddles;


Playing around situations of right and wrong behavior;

Meeting interesting people;

Participation in various competitions;

Personal example of adults.

Along with the traditional forms of education in UDL, much attention is paid to the organization of various types of activities and the acquisition of experience by children. After all, everything that we teach children, they should be able to apply in real life, in practice.

The child falls into various life situations, in which he can simply get confused. First, it is necessary to give children the necessary amount of knowledge of generally accepted human norms of behavior. Secondly, to teach adequately, consciously to act in a particular environment, to help preschoolers master the elementary skills of behavior at home, on the street, in the park, in transport, and thirdly, to develop independence and responsibility in preschoolers.

The solution of problems, ensuring a safe, healthy lifestyle is possible only with constant communication between an adult and a child on an equal footing: together we are looking for a way out of a difficult situation, we discuss the problem together, we conduct a dialogue, we learn together, we make discoveries, we are surprised.

For the formation of safe behavior skills in preschoolers, it is necessary to create a subject-developmental environment in the group. It includes:

1. A safety corner that contains materials:

Security board with various types of sockets, switches, locks; street layout with road signs, markings for vehicles and pedestrians, traffic lights; attributes for role-playing games"Drivers and Pedestrians", "Regulator", "Rescuers", " Ambulance»Etc. Plan-diagram of the microdistrict in which the kindergarten is located, with the marking of dangerous areas, places favorable for games; OBZH posters on the topics “If you are lost on the street”, “Attention! Terrorism! "," Fire safety for preschoolers "and others; albums " Medicinal plants», « Poisonous plants and mushrooms "," Professions "," Valeology, or Healthy baby "," If the baby is hurt ", etc.

Creation of a traffic rules site at the site for using the acquired knowledge in play activities.

2. The game library, which contains:

Didactic games "Dangerous - not dangerous", "Continue the row", "Name in one word", "Fourth - superfluous", "So - not so", etc.;

Desktop - printed games "Fundamentals of Safety", "Big Walk in the City", "Good - Bad", "Valeology", "Road Signs", "Emergencies at Home", etc.

3. Library, which contains informative and fictional literature, photo albums, illustrations for examining and discussing various situations.

L. Tolstoy "Fire", "Fire Dogs";

V. Zhitkov "Fire", "In the Smoke";

S. Marshak "Fire", "The Story of an Unknown Hero", "The Tale of a Stupid Mouse";

T. Shorygina "Green Fairy Tales", "Cautious Fairy Tales";

K. Zaitsev "Lessons of Aibolit";

Fairy tales "The Wolf and the Little Goats", "Three Little Pigs", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Zayushkin's Hut", "Kolobok", "The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox", etc.

Yu. Sokolov "Safety Rules";

I. Seryakov "Street, where everyone is in a hurry", "Scientist friend";

E. Permyakov "Hasty Knife";

Nursery "Tili-tili-tili-bom! Cat's house is on fire! "," Gherkin ";

A. Ivanov “ABC of Security. As inseparable friends did not burn in the fire ", as inseparable friends did not drown in water", "As inseparable friends guarded the house";

I. A. Yavorskaya "Children and the Road";

I. Leshkevich "Traffic Light";

N. Nosov "Car";

G. Yurmin "Curious Mouse";

A. Dorokhov "Underground passage", "Fence along the sidewalk", "Barrier";

L. Halperstein "Tram and His Family";

A. Dmokhovsky "Wonderful Island";

V. Semernin “Forbidden - Allowed”;

A. Severny "Three wonderful colors".

Working with parents is one of the most important areas of upbringing and educational work in parole. After all, the range of problems related to the safety of a child cannot be solved only within the framework of a kindergarten, therefore close contact with parents is necessary. Nothing brings up more convincingly than illustrative example adults.

The purpose of working with parents is to explain the relevance, importance of the problem of child safety, to raise the educational level of parents on this issue, to outline the range of rules that must be introduced, first of all, in the family.

In working with parents, the information and analytical direction is used: conducting surveys. questioning of parents; cognitive direction: parenting meetings, visual and informational direction: organization of the Days open doors, open viewing of classes and other activities, information on the stand, moving folders, development of memos; leisure direction: joint holding of holidays, leisure activities, excursions; exhibitions of family creative works, products from waste and natural materials.

Thanks to the work done, the results are expected:

1. The knowledge and knowledge acquired by the child about himself and his health will allow him to find ways to strengthen and maintain health.

2. The acquired skills will help to consciously choose healthy image life.

3. The experience gained will help to avoid accidents.

Consultation for teachers "Features of acquaintance with the basics fire safety children in preschool educational institutions and in schools "

this consultation can be useful for educators, teachers additional education, teachers, employees of fire-fighting museums, as well as parents.
Fire- one of the most common dangerous phenomena arising from the careless handling of people with fire, children's pranks Fighting with it requires a lot of effort from a person. In this struggle, strength, character, emotional and volitional stamina are manifested. Therefore, in the work on fire safety Special attention should be given psychological preparation the entire population and especially children and adolescents. Unfortunately, little attention is paid to this problem, which is why the fight against children's pranks with fire often comes down to only prohibitions, after which children continue to stubbornly seek vivid impressions in the same unlawful game. It manifests curiosity, the desire for independence, imitation and playful reincarnation. They will not be stopped by the familiar slogans: "Matches are not a toy", "Prank with fire is dangerous", etc. We sometimes forget that the forbidden and even more so boxes of matches, packs of cigarettes with bright, colorful labels are of interest to the guys. And how good it is to sit with peers by the fire. It does not matter where it is bred (near a house, in a forest, near a garage or a barn, near a haystack or v a livestock farm), whether it is dangerous from the point of view of fire. After all, children are fascinated by the emotional picture of a brightly blazing fire, therefore, they often include fire in play situations. It can be seen that the craving of people for fire has deep genetic roots, it is inherent in human nature from the moment of birth and is fixed in psychological activity in the form of, of course, a reflex reaction. In children, these reactions are very pronounced, and in order to control them, it is necessary to specially organize the development of new conditioned reflex connections, which lay the foundation for the formation of skills and habits of life in society. Based on this, in preschool institutions, and in primary grades of schools in thematic plans included classes on the study of emergency situations during fires and practical training with children of the rules of behavior in these conditions.
Teach children to consciously perform in kindergarten and at school, on the street and at home, fire safety rules, explain to them the dangers of games and pranks with fire, the precautionary rules for handling electrical appliances, how to use primary fire extinguishing equipment, call fire assistance - the duty of the educator, teacher, all adults. Accidents cannot be avoided with bans. The reason for which is the inept handling of fire, with household electrical and gas appliances. lighting fires in illegal places (in the attics of houses, near buildings made of combustible materials).

It is necessary to pay attention to the peculiarity of the reaction of children of preschool and primary school age in a threatening situation. The most common is a passive-defensive reaction, as a result of which a child in a burning house hides under a bed, closet or other secluded place and freezes from fear, making no attempt to escape on his own. There are many such examples.
Knowledge of the above age groups psychological characteristics children must determine the methodology and technique of fire-fighting work with them. For this, special classes, excursions, and conversations are held.
Children can be invited to observe how adults at home perform the necessary Rules for the use of electrical household and gas appliances and then have a conversation with them. The teacher, first of all, reminds that everything electrical devices must be in good working order, if they have deteriorated, they must be returned for repair, all sockets must be repaired. For electric heating devices (iron, reflector, electric stove), there must be special fire-resistant supports on which the devices are installed during operation. Switching on and off the devices should only be done with dry hands; you should not pull the cord, but only hold on to the plug. Children of senior preschool and primary school age must be familiarized with the rules for the operation of a TV, electric stove, iron table lamp, a tape recorder that every family has.

Children constantly observe the work of these objects, but not everyone knows the rules for turning them on and off. The reason is that most parents not only do not teach their children these rules, but also forbid them to come close to the TV and the receiver. This position is erroneous from a psychological and pedagogical point of view. If the child is left at home alone, he tries to satisfy his curiosity, and often leads to undesirable consequences.
Work on familiarization and the rules for the use of electrical and gas appliances is all the more necessary, since, moving from kindergarten to grade 1 of school, many children are often left to themselves for a long time and in the absence of adults they often try to turn on the TV or tape recorder, light the burner on the stove. Teach children to handle gas stove very important already at a young age. The process of cognition is not simple here, it consists of several terms, which are complex in themselves. First, there are matches. Secondly, gas as a source of combustion. There is a special conversation about him. But it is necessary to explain to children the rules for using a gas stove, to make it clear how harmful the consequences of inept, careless handling of fire can be. Perhaps, greatest danger in terms of fire, it is a match in the hands of a child. It is no coincidence that adults try to put boxes out of the reach of children, more than once they will say: "Do not touch. Matches are not a toy." Yes, not a toy. But this does not mean that children use them, especially younger age, it is forbidden. It is necessary to teach the child to use open fire, to feel responsibility when handling fire.
The teacher should pay attention to the rules of behavior in the event of a fire, for this purpose it is necessary to conduct classes to study possible ways of evacuation from the school building. Teach children to extinguish fires and evacuate in the event of a fire in residential buildings, as well as practical exercises for evacuating children from preschool age. The first grader should already know that fire can be poured with water, know how to extinguish clothes on a person and how to provide the very first medical assistance with a burn. Fire prevention education and training should be carried out at all stages school life using psychological and pedagogical methods of transferring knowledge and the formation of skills in using fire that are adequate for a particular age of children. With this approach, even preschool children will learn the necessary fire-prevention knowledge.
However, practice shows that not only children of age can learn, but also adults do not have knowledge of fire safety, the use of primary fire extinguishing means. Surveys conducted by fire brigade employees among various age and professional groups of the population showed that many adults do not know that they should call the fire brigade on the number "01". The message about a fire must be transmitted calmly, speak clearly, without rushing. It is very important to correctly name the street, house number, if the house number is unknown, you should name some remarkable landmark. Then say what is on fire and give your last name. At the same time, it is very important to notify children that it is impossible to dial this number and give the address if there is no fire, because such pranks can lead to the fact that the fire brigade will not be able to come to the place where it is really needed, where people die and property burns. A fire threatening neighboring apartments and other buildings is immediately notified to neighbors and, first of all, to those threatened by fire or smoke. At night, the neighbors must be woken up. After reporting the fire to the fire brigade and neighbors, adults begin to extinguish the fire with all available means. One of the forms of familiarizing children with fire and fire hazardous objects can be games, play methods of teaching. Psychological and pedagogical studies show that game teaching methods are better than verbal ones, they contribute to the assimilation of knowledge about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. Simultaneously with the study of fire safety rules, work should be carried out to expand knowledge of fire fighting equipment.
In one of the lessons, you can familiarize children with the fire safety corner in kindergarten and school, to introduce children to fire extinguishing items, the rules for using them to extinguish fires, to introduce the words: fire shield, fire extinguisher, crowbar, hook into the children's dictionary. It is necessary to educate children for observation and attention.
In order for children to learn more about fire fighting equipment, you can take an excursion to the fire department, where children will get acquainted with the fire fighting equipment of firemen, fire extinguishing equipment, and equipment. You can tell the children that in every settlement (city, town, village) there is a fire department or a volunteer fire brigade, which is armed with fire fighting equipment designed to extinguish fires.
Pictures and film strips that tell about the struggle of people with fire have a strong emotional impact on children. They can be used for conversations. This topic can be continued in the lessons on fine arts... Making drawings, children not only consolidate "the knowledge gained, but also bring them into a system, express their attitude to the topic by graphic means, one of the forms of work on the development of speech is composing stories on a topic proposed by the teacher. You can practice composing stories on fire-fighting topics. You can suggest the topic of the future story in the form of a saying that is easy to remember, for example: "A box of matches is small, but it can do a lot of evil."
An important role in the upbringing of the younger generation is played by fire-fighting sports. Elements of physical exercises included in fire-applied sports can be used in physical education. Fire propaganda among children should be different from that. which is designed for an adult. So, excessive "maximalism" in the image of a catastrophe caused by a fire can negatively affect the child's psyche, traumatize it. Negative emotions will close the minimum fire-fighting information for children that they need to master. Fear of fire can prevent a child from understanding and using its positive properties. The main purpose fire propaganda for children is their assimilation of elementary knowledge associated with a possible fire threat, as well as the formation of such a type of behavior in which this threat becomes minimal.

Card file of the teacher of speech therapy preparatory to school group Volnenko L.Yu.

Games for the development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.

Speech disorders in preschoolers

Play as a means of developing the lexical and grammatical structure of children with severe speech impairments

At speech development of preschoolers and the correction of its underdevelopment, the formation of lexical and grammatical skills is one of the leading places - this is one of the main tasks of correctional education and upbringing of children with severe speech impairments.

One of the pronounced features of speech children with severe speech impairments(THR) is a discrepancy in the volume of passive and active vocabulary: children understand the meaning of many words, the volume of their passive vocabulary is sufficient, but their use in speech is very difficult.

The poverty of an active vocabulary manifests itself in the inaccurate pronunciation of many words - the names of wild animals, birds, professions, body parts and face. The dictionary is dominated by verbs denoting daily everyday activities. It is difficult to learn words with a generalizing meaning, denoting the assessment, condition, quality and attribute of an object.

Formation of the grammatical structure of speech happens with more difficulties than mastering a vocabulary. Violation of the syntactic structure of a sentence is expressed in the omission of the members of the sentence, in the wrong word order, in the absence of complex structures.

The formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech is a long and laborious process. But if you skillfully interest the children, think over the structure of the lesson, then you can achieve significant results. To this end, I decided to carry out in-depth work with the children.

Set the following tasks:

    it is optimal to combine lexical material with grammatical material in the classroom;

    to acquaint children with a new grammatical category and purposefully practice it on each lexical topic, using a large number of exercise;

    constantly maintain interest in the lesson and lexical and grammatical material, which allows you to achieve a significant learning effect;

    be creative using different game techniques and equipment;

    include in the work on the development of the lexical and grammatical structure

    educators and parents.

At the beginning of the school year, I conduct monitoring to identify the levels of vocabulary and grammatical development in children with severe speech impairments. He showed that they have a low level of development of both vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech. Since there are children in the group different ages and with different diagnoses, then I select correctional tasks of different levels of complexity.

I work in the following areas:

1. Development of vocabulary:

    activation and enrichment of the vocabulary on the topic;

    description of objects, structural features;

    naming actions with data on a topic by subjects;

    naming of signs according to several parameters: shape, color, size or appearance, color, habits.

2. Formation of grammatical concepts:

    exercises for inflection (number, gender, case);

    word formation exercises (diminutive suffix, verb prefixes, the formation of relative and possessive adjectives);

    the use of prepositions;

    drawing up proposals of different structures with gradual complication.

I teach with the help of exercises and didactic games with visual material. Natural objects, toys, pictures serve as visual material, I also use a variety of task cards, punched cards, didactic games.

The development of vocabulary is closely related to the development of the grammatical structure of speech, especially word formation and inflection. In this regard, many games and vocabulary development tasks can be used to develop the grammatical structure of speech.

I will dwell on what kind of didactic games and tasks you can use in your work.

Thus, grammatical categories can be practiced using different kinds games:



Outdoor games;

Plot - role-playing;

Computer games.

When selecting material for games and play exercises, it is important to organize it in such a way that children not only memorize one or another grammatical form, but also in practical terms mastered the rule

inflection. The material should provide a broad orientation in the types of word changes, help these types to highlight and differentiate.

Thus, the widespread use of didactic games and exercises is the most effective methods in the formation of the grammatical structure of speech. The interest aroused in children and positive emotions contributed to the successful assimilation of the grammatical structure of speech.

“What is it made of? "

Purpose: the formation of relative adjectives.

Game progress:

Educator Child

Strawberry jam is what kind of jam? Strawberry jam

Orange juice - what kind of juice? Orange juice

Apple compote - what kind of compote? Apple compote

A brick house is what a house is? Brick house

Glass vase - what kind of vase? Glass vase

Wood table is what kind of table? Wooden table etc.

“Whose, whose, whose? "

Purpose: the formation of possessive adjectives

Game progress:

Educator Child

The fox's tail is whose tail is it? Fox's tail

Hare ears are whose ears are? Bunny ears

The paws of the bear are whose paws? Bear paws

Mom's dress is whose dress? Mom's dress

Granny's shawl is whose shawl? Grandma's shawl, etc.

“What happens? "

Purpose: selection of attributes to the subject, enrichment of the dictionary with adjectives

The course of the game: the teacher asks: “What is an apple? ", Children name the signs for the named object:" round, red, sweet, sour, smooth, hard "; “What is a kitten? "-" Small, fluffy, affectionate, kind "

Find the exact word

Purpose: to teach children to accurately name the subject, its qualities and actions.

Find out what subject I am talking about: “Round, sweet, ruddy - what is it? "(Items may differ from each other not only in taste, but also in size, color, shape).

Supplement in other words what I will start: snow is white, cold. (Still what). Sugar is sweet and lemon (sour). The weather is warm in spring and in winter (cold).

Name what things in the room are round, high, low.

Remember which animal moves how. Crow. (flies, fish. (swims), grasshopper. (jumps), already. (crawls). Which animal gives a voice? Rooster. (crows, tiger. (growls), mouse. (squeaks), cow. (hums) ...

The game "One - a lot"

Purpose: Differentiation of nouns in the nominative case, conversion from the singular to the plural.

Equipment: pictures with different objects.

Game progress:

An adult speaks, showing a picture where one object is depicted, what is drawn here is an apple, and you have apples, etc.

Pear… Melon… House… Flower… Cucumber… Tomato… Table… Bucket… Fish…. .Horse…. Boy… .

This game can be carried out and vice versa, that is, showing pictures where many objects are depicted (plural) and children need to name the object, that is, unit. h.

Game "Who is the most observant".

Purpose: to consolidate the forms of the accusative case.

Game progress:

Children should look at what is around and name more objects as complete sentences. The first child was named in the singular, and the second repeated in the plural.

Speech material:

I see a table, a window, a chair ...

I see tables, windows, chairs ...

Game "Tell Dunno"

Purpose: Consolidation of the instrumental case forms.

Game progress:

Educator: Our Dunno decided to build a house for his friends.

Help him find out what he will do the job.

Saw (with a saw);

Knocking…., Planing…., Drilling…., Cutting…., Digging…., Sweeping….,

And when the house for friends was built, Dunno decided to rest, and came up with riddles for you.

Complete the sentence and repeat it in full.

Znayka draws (what? What)

Donut spreads (what? What)

The screw threatens (to whom what)

Doctor Pilyulkin puts (to whom? What? With what)

The poet Tsvetik writes (to whom? What? With what)

Sineglazka erases (to whom? What? With what)

Game "Sea Treasures"

Purpose: development of the ability to coordinate nouns with adjectives in gender and number.

Equipment: object pictures or toys.

Game progress:

Educator: On seabed there are many different treasures. Find items of the same color; by form; to size.

Game "Finish sentences".

Purpose: developing skills for matching singular verbs in three persons: 1, 2 and 3.

Game progress:

The teacher began to speak sentences in the 1st person, then he turned to the first child, and he answers in the 2nd person, and to the third, he answers in the 3rd person

I'm going. - You are walking). - He's coming)

I'm standing. - You stand). - It costs)

I am going for a walk. - You (go for a walk). - He (goes for a walk)

I'm building a house. - You (build a house). - He (builds a house)

I am asleep. - Do you sleep). - He's sleeping).

The game "Count to five"

Target: exercise in the coordination of nouns with the numbers one, two, five; update vocabulary on this topic.

Game progress: ask to name the items with the numbers 1, 2, 5.

Lexical material:

One city -.

One street -.

One country -.

One river -.

One field -.

One mountain -.

The game "One - many"

Target: to form shape genitive plural nouns, enrich the vocabulary by topic.

Game progress: suggest nouns using the word "many".

Lexical material:

city ​​dweller

The game "Who is bigger!"

Target: exercise in the agreement of the numeral "one" with nouns; personal pronouns of the 3rd person with nouns; enrich the nominative and predicative vocabulary.

Game progress: name as many words as possible related to this action.

Lexical material:

floats. (ship, boat, steamer, boat);

flies. (plane, parachute, helicopter, bird, kite.);

rides. (train, car, passenger);

worried (sea, river, mom, dad);

collects (harvest, guests).

for each named noun, first select the corresponding pronoun (he, she, it, they, then - the numeral (one, one, one, alone).

The game "Guess"

Target: Match adjectives with nouns.

Progress of the game: invite to listen phrases:

Lexical material:

Beautiful city, beautiful sea, beautiful embankment, beautiful parks

Ask to guess what you are talking about now speak:

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful….

Clear sky, clear park, clear street

Ask to guess what you are talking about now speak:

Clean, clean, clean ...

Suggest to come up with your own words for these signs (About what else in our city, region, you can say beautiful, clean? Etc.).

The game "What, what, what"

Target: to improve the skills of word formation of adjectives from nouns.

Course of the game: offer to answer the questions.

Lexical material:

the noise of the city is the noise (which)(urban);

street light - street light (which) – …;

park bench - bench (which) – …;

guests of the city - guests (what kind) – …;

road sign - sign (which) - ….

The game "Pick a sign, action"

Target: develop and to enrich the children's vocabulary on the topic, to consolidate the ability to correctly coordinate adjectives with nouns.

The course of the game: offer to come up with as many words as possible signs.

Lexical material:

Russia (which) -. (rich, large, beautiful, immense, etc.)

House (which) -.

Edge (which) – …

Town (which) - …

A park (which) -.

Monument (which) -.

Townspeople (what do they do) - …

The game "Name it affectionately"

Target: to consolidate the ability to correctly use words with a diminutive suffix, to enrich the children's vocabulary on the topic.

Stroke: ask to name it affectionately.

Lexical material:

city ​​- town

shop - ….

The game "Yes - no"

Target: form genitive nouns.

Stroke: suggest patterning words.

Lexical material:

city ​​- no city pharmacy - ...

station - ... house - ...

shop - ... park - ...

street - ... resident - ...

city ​​dweller -

The game "Form a new word"

Target: form adjectives from nouns, nouns from adjectives and verbs, adverbs from adjectives.

The course of the game: offer to form words according to the pattern.

Lexical material:

City - urban, Kuban - (Kuban, bread - (grain, Cossack - (Cossack).

mountain - (mountain, river - (river, sea - (sea).Bake - baker, plow - plowman, swim - swimmer.

The game "Correct the mistake"

Target: to consolidate the ability to correctly coordinate nouns with adjectives.

The course of the game: suggest correcting mistakes in phrases.

Lexical material:

A beautiful city.

Large squares.

Old monument.

New area.

Railway station area.

The game "Pick up relatives"

Target: shape the ability to select related words, to enrich the dictionary on a given topic.

The course of the game: offer to come up with as many related words as possible.

Lexical material:

River - small river - small river - small river - beyond the river - river - small river; Drop - ... Grass - ...

The game "Say the opposite"

Target: to compare objects and phenomena in temporal and spatial relations (in size, color and quality, choosing antonyms.

Course of the game: Name words that are opposite in meaning.

Lexical material:

Rich edge -

Shallow sea -

Dark street -

Wide alley -

Rainy weather -

Bright sky -

Bright greens -

Cold rain -

Cool fountain -

Noisy city -

Multi-storey building -

New square -

The game "Name the words-friends"

Target: find synonyms.

The course of the game: offer to pick up words that are close in meaning.

Beautiful -. (beautiful).

Big -. (huge).

Difficult -. (heavy).

Run -. (rush, rush).

Invite your child to make sentences with these words on the topic.

Consultation for educators

"Play as a means of forming morphological
aspects of speech in children of middle preschool age "

Zaikina Lyubov Aleksandrovna, educator
KU Uraysky specialized orphanage

Play is the main activity of preschoolers. In games there is no real conditionality by circumstances, space, time. Children are creators of the present and the future. This is the charm. KD Ushinsky wrote: “Play is a free activity of a child, and if we compare the interest of the game, and exactly the number and variety of traces left by it in the child's soul, with the same influence of the teachings of the first 4-5 years, then all the advantage will remain on the side games".

The outstanding psychologist A. N. Leont'ev defined play as follows: "We call the leading activity, in connection with the development of which, major changes occur in the child's psyche and within which mental processes develop, preparing the child's transition to a new, higher stage of his development."

Thus, play, being the leading type of activity, has a significant impact on the all-round development of the child. Great importance for the child's mental speech development, didactic games also have.

Special merit belongs to E.I. Tikheeva in revealing the role of didactic games. She rightly believed that didactic play makes it possible to develop the most diverse abilities of a child, his perception, speech, attention.

The main feature of didactic games is determined by their names - these are educational games. They are created by adults for the upbringing and education of children. But for playing children, the educational and educational significance of didactic play does not appear openly, but is realized through a play task, play actions, and rules.

A. N. Leont'ev noted that didactic games belong to "boundary games", representing a transitional form to the non-play activity that they prepare. These games promote development preparatory activities, intelligent operations, which are the basis of learning. Didactic games are characterized by an educational nature - a learning task. Adults are guided by it, creating this or that didactic game, but they clothe it in a form that is entertaining for children. Thus, the child is attracted to the game not by the learning task, which is inherent in it, but by the opportunity to show activity, perform game actions, and win. But at the same time, the sign of didactic play is very great for the mental education of children, which occurs in close connection with speech development... If the participant of the game does not possess the knowledge, mental operations, which are determined by the training task, he will not be able to successfully perform the game actions, to achieve the result.

Didactic games with subjects are very diverse in game materials, content, organization of the event. Toys, real objects are used as didactic materials (household items, tools, works of arts and crafts, etc.), objects of nature. Games with objects make it possible to solve various educational and educational tasks: to expand and clarify the knowledge of children, to develop mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, difference, generalization, classification), improve speech (the ability to name objects, compose and guess riddles about them, correctly pronounce the sounds of speech), educate the arbitrariness of behavior, memory, attention. Even in the same game, but offered to children of different ages and different levels of development, upbringing and educational tasks and specific content may differ.

Among games with objects, plot-didactic games and staging games occupy a special place. In narrative-didactic games, children perform certain roles.

Staging games help to clarify the idea of ​​various everyday situations, literary works, and norms of behavior.

Board-printed games are varied in content, teaching tasks, design. They help to clarify and expand children's ideas about the world around them, to systematize thought processes.

Among didactic games for preschoolers, games prevail, which are based on a pair of pictures selected by similarity. First, children are offered games in which they need to choose pairs of exactly the same from many pictures. Further, the task becomes more complicated: the pictures must be combined according to their meaning.

In "Lotto" the child must match the picture on the large card with identical images on the small cards. Lotto topics are varied.

In "Domino" the principle of pairing is realized through the selection of cards in the order of the move.

Board-printed games are widespread, arranged according to the principle of cut pictures, folding cubes, in which the depicted object is divided into several parts.

Word games are based on the words and actions of the players. In such games, children learn, relying on existing ideas about objects, to deepen their knowledge of them, since in these games it is required to use previously acquired knowledge in new circumstances. Children independently solve various mental tasks, describe objects, highlighting their characteristic features; guess by the description; find signs, similarities and differences; group items according to various properties, characteristics.

Regardless of the type, didactic game has a certain structure that distinguishes it from other types of games and exercises. The game used for teaching should contain, first of all, a teaching, didactic task. Educational (didactic) the task is the main element of the didactic game, to which all the others are subordinate. For children, the learning task is formulated as a game task. An obligatory component of the game is its rules, thanks to which the teacher during the game controls the behavior of children, the upbringing and educational process

The main goal of the rules of the game is to organize the actions, behavior of children. They direct behavior and cognitive activity, determine the nature and conditions for the performance of play actions, establish their sequence, sometimes the order, and regulate the relationship between the players. The rules can prohibit, allow, prescribe something to the children in the world, make the game entertaining, stressful.

The implementation of game rules in a didactic game is controlled by game actions. Playful actions are ways of showing the child's activity for play purposes, put your hand in a “wonderful bag”, feel for a toy, describe, see and name the changes that have occurred with the toys placed on the table, pick up outfits and household items decorated with a geometric pattern for the doll.

Thus, any game becomes didactic if there are basic components: a didactic task, rules, game actions.

The organization of didactic games by the teacher is carried out in three main directions; preparation for the didactic game, its implementation and analysis.

In preparation for the didactic game, they introduce:

  1. Selection of the game in accordance with the tasks of education and training;
  2. Establishing the compliance of the selected game with the program requirements and the level of development of children of a certain age;
  3. Determination of the most convenient time for the didactic game,
  4. Choosing a place to play where children can play peacefully without disturbing others;
  5. Determination of the number of players;
  6. Preparation of the necessary didactic material for the chosen game;
  7. Preparing the teacher himself for the game;
  8. Preparing children for play: enriching them with knowledge, ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding life, necessary for solving a game problem.

Conducting a didactic game includes:

Familiarization of children with the content of the game, with didactic material that will be used in the game;

Explanation of the course and rules of the game;

Demonstration of game actions, in the process of which the teacher teaches children to perform the actions correctly, proved that otherwise the game would not lead to the desired result;

Determination of the role of the teacher in the game, his participation as a player, fan or referee. The measure of the teacher's direct participation in the game is determined by the age of the children, their level of training, the complexity of the didactic task, game rules;


The analysis of the performed game is aimed at identifying techniques for its preparation and implementation.

So, we examined the types and structure of didactic games. Next, we will consider its influence on the formation morphological side speech of preschoolers.

Didactic games contribute to the clarification, expansion and activation of the vocabulary of the language, contribute to the assimilation of the meanings of words of both a specific and a generalized nature, the ability to use the learned words in active speech and in various situations.

Didactic play is a widespread method of forming the morphological aspect of speech. Didactic games are conducted with toys, objects, pictures and on a verbal basis. Game actions in games make it possible, mainly, to activate the existing vocabulary, to use the desired shape... The word, its change, the phrase becomes the content of mental work. The child becomes aware. How to say, strive to say correctly, competently, beautifully.

In the process of conducting didactic games, children encounter objects, their properties and relationships, which are significant for distinguishing objects from the surrounding world, their verbal designation, the use of the correct grammatical form of words and the accurate assimilation of the meanings of words. At the same time, the teacher sets himself two goals: teaching children to play and at the same time teaching them to speak.

The content of words also changes radically. This is confirmed by the fact that children can not only choose by word a particular object from any objective set, but also independently designate the relation of objects with words even with a small value of the differences between them and, finally, group objects in accordance with verbal instruction in the case of , if the principle of grouping is expressed by the words listed above.

Thus, didactic games help the development and upbringing of children. In games, children find themselves in situations where they are forced to use the acquired knowledge and words in new conditions.

The selection of material for didactic games should be determined by the tasks of morphology. One of the conditions for a clear leadership of the games is to determine the list of prepositions, combination words in gender, number, case.


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