Kvn scripts about children in dhow. "We are starting KVN!" scenario of an event for speech development for parents and children of the older group

, Extracurricular work , Classroom leadership


  1. training in self-regulation techniques;
  2. strengthening children's understanding of the importance of goodwill between people;
  3. training of benevolent behavior, the ability to smile.

Equipment: small mirror(each one), pictures and photographs depicting smiling and laughing people, a soundtrack for the song "Smile", a decoration for the mini-play "Little Raccoon", a tape recording of the fairy tale "About a Smile", emblems.

Course of the lesson

Good morning, guys! Good morning, dear guests!

What is a smile? (...)

Read on the chalkboard. A smile is a mimicry of the face, lips, eyes, showing disposition to laughter, expressing hello, pleasure or ridicule.

What kind of smile can there be? (...)

What kind of smile makes people feel good? (...)

When people smile, they become beautiful. The Chinese say: "A person who cannot smile should not open a store." Everyone wants to live happily ever after. You agree with me? And for this a person needs good ... health. Try to say what health depends on? (components of health are cleanliness, adherence to the regime, hardening, giving up bad habits, movement, proper nutrition, clothes for the weather ...)

Mood also affects health. To always have a good mood, take with you ... what? (smile)

Our today's class hour dedicated to the smile. Read the class hour topic in chorus.


What do you think? (...)

Today we will talk about how to improve your mood with the help of a smile, make friends, achieve success in life, and learn how to influence others.

You, of course, love to listen to all sorts of stories and know how to come up with them yourself. I hope that you will help me with this now.

Tale "About a smile" (tape recording)

Once upon a time there was a Smile. She was so kind, affectionate, affable that all people were happy to see her in their house. They vied with each other to invite her to visit, tried to treat her, cheer her up, make friends with her. The smile willingly went to visit, helped people in business, tried not to offend anyone - neither old nor small.

But one day ... In the town where Smile lived, a very strange person appeared. He was unhappy with everything, angry about every occasion: sugar was not sweet to him, milk was not white, the sun was not bright, bread was not baked, and children were disobedient ... He was angry with everyone in good weather and bad weather.

Have you met such people? Let's show how the bad guy behaves? (screaming, stamping his feet, grinning, puffing out his cheeks, waving his arms). Beautiful?

And now let's continue the fairy tale of meeting with Smile. What will happen next? (...)

This means? (...)

It turns out that 80% of success in life (including in business) depends on the ability to communicate with people correctly. What does it mean to communicate correctly? (be polite, speak clearly, expressively, with a smile).

It is very important to be able to smile - it helps to treat people kindly, to achieve their location. Smile when you greet your parents, teachers, friends, neighbors, talk on the phone, or meet someone.

With the help of a smile, you can also improve your mood. American scientists have found that when a person smiles, special substances enter the bloodstream - hormones, thanks to which mood improves. And a bad mood weakens our body. Anger, resentment, discontent can lead to disease.

Today we will learn to smile. (Drawings, photographs with smiling faces open)

Didn't you feel better after the smiling people started looking at you? See how the smile goes to children, the elderly and the young.

Exercise "Smile training". Take a mirror. Looking into it, lift the corners of your mouth up, make a beautiful, kind smile and keep it for 1 minute (performed while standing).

Mini-play "Little Raccoon" (children play).

This, of course, is a fairy tale, but in life, a smile can influence others. Seeing a smiling face, those around them also begin to smile.

Training exercises in pairs.

1) Mom is sad and tired today. You want to improve her mood.

2) In the library. The reader talks to the librarian, asks for a book.

3) In the store. The buyer asks the seller to show the item.

Playing the scene "3 girlfriends".

Once upon a time there were 3 girlfriends - Crybaby, Zlyuka and Rezvushka. Once, while walking, they got caught in the rain. Show how different friends will behave.

So, now you can easily answer the questions.

a) Who has more friends: a cheerful or indifferent person?

b) Can you improve your life with the help of a smile?

c) Which person is easier and more pleasant to communicate with?

Exercise every day - smile in front of the mirror. Remain in this state for one minute.

In your room, try to hang a picture or photograph of a laughing person.

Look more often at paintings with landscapes and animals.

At home, at school, on the street, smile more often at your parents, teachers, friends.

Smile when you say hello.

Remember - smiling, we improve our health and the life around us.

Where will you hang the memos?

Take your emblems and present them to friends or guests with beautiful wishes.

The song "Smile" is being performed.


1) contribute to the development of the emotional-sensory sphere of children, the ability to consciously express their emotions and feelings, the skills of emotional self-control;
2) ensure the introduction of "magic words" into the speech use of students as integral components of the culture of interpersonal interaction and communication;
3) contribute to the maintenance of a major mood in the life of the class team.

During the classes

1. Greetings from the teacher.

Guys, smile at each other and our guests. Each of us now has our own mood: someone is excited, someone is surprised, calm.

I really like your greeting in the German lesson.

Can you repeat it now? Khadija will play the role of the teacher.

2. Introduction to the topic of the class hour.

Now we have great mood... Let's try to carry him through the whole lesson.

First, I suggest you draw a sun. Clouds have covered the sky, we really miss the sun. Draw it the way you like to draw it.

So the sun came into our classroom.

Why did the sun come to visit us?

The sun is a symbol of joy, warmth and good mood.

The sun has brought something to our class with him, listen and guess what this is about.

“It's free, but it's worth a lot.

It enriches those to whom it is intended, but does not impoverish those who donate it.

It appears for a moment, but sometimes it stays in the memory forever.

No one is rich enough to live without her, but even the poorest person will become richer with her.

She is a rest for the tired, a ray of light for those who have lost hope, joy for the saddened and best remedy from troubles, given to us by nature.

But it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, stolen, because in itself it is worthless until it is presented to another! "

So what is it?

Children: Smile.

Here "Smile" is the subject of our conversation.

Read the class hour topic in chorus.


3. Work on the topic of the class hour.

You, of course, love to listen to all sorts of stories and know how to come up with them yourself. Today I want to remind you of a familiar story, written by Donald Bisset "Do you want, you want, you want ..."

Reading by the teacher. Conversation on content:

How has Mr. Smith changed?

- Became kind.

How will the people around him now relate to him?

Choose emoticons that match the mood of the mister at the beginning of the story and at the end.

It turns out that it is very important to be able to smile - this changes a lot in life: it helps to treat people kindly, to achieve their location.

This is what we will talk about today about how to improve your mood with the help of a smile, make friends, achieve success in life, learn to influence others, and talk about how a smile helps in communication.

And most importantly, we will learn to smile with you.

Ozhegov's dictionary says: A smile is a mimicry of lips, eyes, face, showing disposition to laughter, expressing greeting, pleasure and mockery.

Guys, what does it mean to smile?

(Answers of children)

Smiling means expressing your feelings, your disposition, a kind attitude towards something or someone, promising good luck and happiness.

See what synonyms this word has. Dahl's dictionary says: Smile - grin, grin, caress, be touched, grin.

What do you think, who is a “smiling man”, what does he look like? (Answers of children)

A smiling person is often smiling, cheerful.

Guys, what kind of smiles are there

(Answers of children)

Smiles are kind, cheerful, evil, sad.

Well, tell me, finally, why do we need a Smile?

(Answers of children).

Smiling is a non-verbal communication tool. A smile reflects the mood of a person, his character.

The human smile is one of the most amazing phenomena in the world.

With the help of a smile, a person can meet and say goodbye.

A smile can comfort and insult.

Smiling has many wonderful properties:

Firstly, a smile cheers up, even if it is artificial.

Secondly, it attracts others to itself, causing reciprocal positive emotions.

Thirdly, all the muscles of the face are tightened, and this allows you to look cute. A smile creates a mood!

Guys, do you know that not only people know how to smile and express their feelings, but also animals. Let's see.

(Slides with pictures of animals.)

4. Practical work.

Guys, can you smile? Let's check. I invite you to turn to each other and smile.

Say the following phrases after me without a smile, and then with a smile:

Good morning!

Sorry I'm late.

Thanks for the gift!

I can't wait for you.

I ask you: "Stay with me."

I congratulate you.

Which reflection is more pleasant for you to look at, which smiles at you or which looks at you frowningly?

(Answers of children.)

"Chanting game"

Now I invite you to play. I will read you questions, and you answer in chorus: "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!"

1) Who is with a smile of you

Enters the class every day?

2) Who does not part with a smile.

Who is both joking and laughing?

3) Who will be born with a smile -

4) Who sings with a smile

Who lives happily with her?

The tale "About a smile".

And now I invite you to listen to a fairy tale called "About a smile":

Once upon a time there was a Smile. She was so kind, affectionate, affable that all people were happy to see her in their house. They vied with each other to invite her to visit, tried to treat her, cheer her up, make friends with her. The smile willingly went to visit, helped people in business, tried not to offend anyone - neither old nor small.

But one day ... In the town where Smile lived, a very strange person appeared. He was unhappy with everything, angry about every occasion: sugar was not sweet to him, milk was not white, the sun was not bright, bread was not baked, and children were disobedient ... He was angry with everyone in good weather and bad weather.

Have you met such people? Let's show how the bad guy behaves? (screaming, stamping his feet, grinning, puffing out his cheeks, waving his arms). Beautiful?

Would you like to befriend such a person?

And now we will continue the fairy tale "About Smile". What will happen next?

(Answers of children.)

- Playing the scene "3 girlfriends".

Once upon a time there were 3 girlfriends - Crybaby, Zlyuka and Rezvushka. Once, while walking, they got caught in the rain.

Show how different friends will behave.

Which of these girls would you like to see next to you?

5. Anchoring.

The smile has great importance in our life.

They say about a smile that it prolongs life, maintains health, and helps communication.

A smile is a cure for boredom, blues, fatigue.

We need a smile to make the world kinder.

- The Chinese say: "A person who cannot smile should not open a store."

A smile can change a lot. and as it is sung in the famous song "Smile":

A gloomy day is brighter from a smile,

From a smile in the sky, the rainbow will wake up ...

From the smile of the sunny one

The saddest rain will stop crying.

A smile will make everyone warmer -

And an elephant and even a small snail ...

Smiling is very important in people's lives. A smile is loved and desired by everyone. And so people decided to come up with a holiday - World Smile Day, which is celebrated on October 1. For the first time, Smile Day began to be celebrated in 1999. And the American artist Harvey Bell came up with the symbol of the Smile - a funny face - SMILEY (translated from English - a smile)

So what are the secrets of a smile, let's try to unravel them.

Saying children, then reading the memo on a blue piece of paper.

Secrets of a smile.

Secret 1. When people smile, they become beautiful.

Secret 2. Scientists have calculated that 80% of success in life depends on the ability to communicate with a smile.

Secret 3. Smiling is a way of communicating.

Secret 4. It is important to be able to smile, because it helps to treat each other kindly, to achieve the location of the interlocutor, helps to make friends.

Secret 5. With the help of a smile, you can improve your mood and the mood of others. When a person smiles, special substances - hormones - are released into the bloodstream, which are responsible for a good mood.

Secret 6. They say that 5 minutes of laughter prolongs a person's life by 1 year. And negative emotions (resentment, anger, discontent) cause illness. The blues lead to death.

- So, now you can easily answer the test questions.


a) Who has more friends: a cheerful or indifferent person? Underline the answer.

b) Can you improve your life with the help of a smile? Yes. No. Underline the answer.

c) Which person is easier and more pleasant to communicate with: smiling or gloomy? Underline the answer.

Smile memo.

Exercise every day - smile in front of the mirror. Remain in this state for one minute.

In your room, try to hang a picture or photograph of a laughing person.

Look more often at paintings with landscapes and animals.

At home, at school, on the street, smile more often at your parents, teachers, friends.

Smile when you say hello.

Remember - smiling, we improve our health and the life around us.

Life without a smile is a mistake, long live laughter and a smile!

Wonderful! Now guys, take the yellow medals and paint the kindest, funniest smile in the world.

(The guys draw emoticons, the "Smile" melody sounds, the children sing along)

Guys, now turn your face to each other, look at each other, smile.

Open the door with a smile on the way,

A smile cannot be kept locked up.

A smile is a flower that blooms on the lips.

A smile will drive away both anger and fear

A smile is as cheerful as a rain, as a ball,

You can't catch him - let's go galloping,

A smile is like a dream, and it is like a dream.

A childishly pure smile in the morning.

You can give your smile, emoticon to whoever you wish.

6. Conclusion. Summarizing. Reflection.

Guys, now continue the phrases:

I learned that…

I felt myself in the lesson felt ...

And at the end of our class hour, I would like to read you a small rhyme-parting words:

Do not stand aside indifferently

When someone is in trouble.

You need to rush to the rescue

Any minute, always!

And if someone helps

Your kindness, your smile,

Are you happy that day

Was not lived in vain,

That you have not lived in vain for years!

Thank you for your work, for your attention!

May 16, 2008

Today in the 2nd grade there was a class hour on the topic “What is a smile for?” The children talked about how you can improve your mood and make friends with the help of a smile. To achieve success in life, learn to influence others. They listened and came up with a continuation of the tale of Smile, gave a definition of a smile, gave examples of the beneficial effect of a smile on people's mood and performance. They learned to smile correctly with the help of a mirror, played scenes about three girlfriends: Crybaby, Sick and Rezvushka, conducted trainings to acquire communication skills and behavior in various life situations... We held a drawing competition for the most beautiful smile, sang songs and recited poetry. Finally, the guys shared emblems in the form of a painted smile.

KVN for children and parents senior group on speech development with elements of sand therapy.

Entertainment in the senior group "Journey to the Sand Country". Scenario

Target: strengthening family ties and kindergarten in order to ensure the unity of speech impact on preschoolers.
Equipment: two basins of sand, dummies of vegetables and fruits, a basket, cut pictures, blank sheets of paper, pens, wet wipes, a winner's diploma (2 pieces) and a participant's diploma, prizes.


Leading. I inform everyone, everyone, everyone, we are starting our KVN! I ask you to greet our teams: the Friendship team and the Smile team. (music from KVN sounds, teams enter, take places at the tables). Today we have gathered with you here in order to play, have fun, show ourselves and see others. It's great that we succeeded, because we are waiting for a very exciting and interesting journey to the sandy land. But in order for us to get there, I suggest you close your eyes and say the magic words:
We close our eyes
And until five, we all count:
One two three four five
You can open your eyes.
Hello dear guests, I am a sand fairy. I am delighted to welcome you to my country. As in any other journey, you will encounter difficulties and obstacles on your way, and in order to overcome them you will need courage, courage, ingenuity and, of course, knowledge. To begin with, I would like to introduce you to our jury, which will evaluate your success. (representing the jury). well,
I introduced the jury to you, and now I invite the teams to meet and greet each other. This is our first Test Project, which is called "Greetings". Let's start with the "Friendship" command, please. (the team captain gets up, says the name of the team, the motto and greetings to the opponents).
Host: Thank you. And now the Smile command, please. (the team captain gets up, says the name of the team, the motto and greetings to the opponents).
Host: Well, and we are moving on to the second competition task "Warm-up", which is called "Finish the sentence". I will pronounce the beginning of the sentence, and you will have to finish it in one word. For example, I will say "One chair, but many ..." and you should say "... chairs." I will read
proposals to each team in turn, if one of the teams finds it difficult, the opponents can respond. Does everyone understand? Well, ok then, be careful, we start with the "Friendship" command.
One table, but many ... (tables)
One wardrobe, but many ... (wardrobes)
One sock, but many ... (socks)
One shoe, but many ... (shoes)
One bed, but many ... (beds)
One bow, but many ... (bows)
One coat, but many ... (coat)
One chair, but many ... (chairs)
One car, but many ... (cars)
One boot, but many ... (boots)
One dress, but many ... (dresses)
One stocking, but many ... (stocking).
Host: Well, you did a great job with the warm-up, let's see what happens next. The next competition is called “Collect the picture”. Now I will tell you about the rules of this competition. Pay attention, here (I draw the attention of those present to the pots of sand) there are two mini-sandboxes, each team has its own. Hidden in the sand are parts of a cut picture that you need to find and fold. You have a certain time for this competition, exactly as much as shown hourglass... You must complete the task before all the sand is poured. Is everything clear to everyone? (Yes) Okay, then I turn the clock over and the time is up. (The teams begin the task).
Host: Dear viewers, while our teams are busy, I suggest you play a little, practice your quick thinking and speech. I will guess riddles, and therefore you will guess them. So, let's begin.

He is kinder to everyone in the world,
He heals sick animals,
And one day a hippopotamus
He pulled it out of the swamp.

He is famous, famous
This is a doctor ... (Aibolit)

Run away from the dirty
Cups, spoons and pans.
She is looking for them, calling
And on the road she sheds tears (Fedora)

What a weird
Wooden man
On land and under water
Looking for a golden key?
Everywhere he sticks his nose long
Who is this? -... (Pinocchio)

I did not tremble in front of the wolf,
I ran away from the bear
And the fox's teeth
I got caught ... (Kolobok)

A girl appeared in a flower cup
And that girl was no bigger than a marigold.
Who read such a book
Knows the baby girl (Thumbelina)

They were waiting for mom with milk
And they let the wolf into the house ...
Who were these
Small children? (seven kids)

Near the forest at the edge
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs,
Three cots, three pillows.
Guess without a clue,
Who are the heroes of this tale? (three Bears)

An arrow flew and hit the swamp,
And in this swamp, someone raised it.
Who, having said goodbye to green skin,
Became in an instant beautiful, handsome? (Princess Frog).

Host: I hope you enjoyed this game. But it's time for us to return to our teams. There is very little sand left in our watches, it is about to end ... That's it, the time is up, let's see what happened with our teams. And we'll start with the "Smile" command. Sasha, please tell me what is shown in your picture and what is it for? (the child answers).
Quite right, well done. Now it's your turn, Druzhba team, Olya, please answer. (child's answer).
That's right, well done. You can go to your seats. Both teams completely coped with the task, but how you did it will be appreciated by our respected jury, which followed you closely. And we will move on to the next competition, the competition of captains called "Plant fruits and vegetables." Please, captains, come to me. So guys, imagine these are your little ones household plots and you need to plant vegetables or fruits on them. And here is a basket with these very vegetables and fruits. In order for everything to be fair, we will choose by lot who will plant what. I have two cards in my hands, one says "vegetables" and the other says "fruits." I suggest you choose any of them. (children take cards). Well, let's see who got what. Masha, the captain of the Druzhba team, has the word “vegetables” written, which means that Masha is planting vegetables. And Dima, the captain of the “Smile” team, has the word “fruit”, and therefore he will plant fruit. The rest of the team members can support their captains, and
root for them. So the guys got ready and started. (the captains carry out the task, the team members cheer for them).
Host: So, both captains completed the task, well done guys. Now let's check if you did it right. I give the floor to the captain of the Smile team. Dima, tell us what you planted on your site. (apple, pear, orange, etc.). How can you call it in one word? (fruits). You are right, well done. Well, now let's check whether the captain of the "Friendship" team has coped with the task. Masha, please tell us what you have planted (carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.). How do you call it in one word? (vegetables). Quite right, these are vegetables, well done. Well done guys, I congratulate you, you did an excellent job with the task, you can go to your teams, and we will continue our journey across the sandy country. We have a final competition ahead of us, called " Homework". The teams needed to come up with a sand game and today tell us about it, that is, the goals of the game and how to play it. Dear Teams, you have a few minutes to get ready and present your game to us. You can proceed. And I appeal to you again, dear viewers. So that you do not get bored, and you suddenly do not accidentally fall asleep while our teams are preparing, I suggest you play a little more. And the game is called "Come up with a proposal." The rules of the game are simple: I will say a word, and you will quickly come up with a sentence with this word. For example: I will say the word “near”, and you quickly answer “I live next to the kindergarten”. So attention.
Travel (I like to travel the world)
Kindergarten (I really like to go to kindergarten)
Sand (Yesterday they brought sand to our kindergarten)
Mom (My mom is the best)
Family (We have a friendly family)
Children (Children are flowers of life).
Host: Great, your quick thinking is well developed. It was nice to play with you, but I need to go back to the teams, they are already ready, right? (Yes). Well, let's start and I give the floor to the Friendship team. Please, we are listening to you. (One of the adults explains the goals and the course of the game.)
Thank you, well done, and now we give the floor to the Smile team. Please, you have the floor. (One of the adults explains the goals and the course of the game.) Great, well done.
Host: As a rule, everything in this life comes to an end sometime, so our journey has come to an end. You are all great fellows, you coped with all the tasks, showed your good knowledge and skills. And now I want to turn to our distinguished jury: are you ready to announce the results or do you need time? (We are ready) Then you have the floor. (the jury announces the results). And now we turn to the most solemn and joyful event: the award ceremony. (I give prizes to the teams). I congratulate everyone, I wish you that parents spend time with their children as often as possible, because this is so important.
We were born to live joyfully
To play together, to be close friends.
To give each other smiles and flowers,
So that all our dreams come true in life.
Thank you for your participation and see you soon.

State Educational Institution "Gymnasium No. 3 of Borisov"

KVN between parents and children

"Inseparable friends - adults and children"

Teacher: Matskevich N.V.

Event progress

1ved: “Hello dear parents, guys, guests! It's so good that you and I are all gathered together. You undoubtedly have a lot of urgent matters and concerns. But leave all your worries and affairs outside the doors of our hall and try to rest today with your children. ”

2 ved: Today we have a family holiday. We conduct KVN. Two teams meet: a team of parents and a team of children. They have a difficult fight ahead of them. The winner will be the one who copes better with all tasks.

1ved: We know you love games,

Songs, riddles and dances.

You do not like to be bored

And we will be happy with you

We will play in KVN today.

2 ved: So, friends, let's start the program. Come on, we have a large supply! Who are they for? For you! We invite teams to come forward.

Teams come out, take their places.

Meet the kids team.

Meet the parenting team.

1ved: Fans! Can't hear the fans!

Together, we will all shout "Hurray!" ...

We are ready to cheer for our teams,

All together we will shout "YES!"

2 ved: The jury will evaluate the contests.

From the audience there are several people (children and parents).

1ved: Attention attention! The task is already being played.

1 task. Greetings "Declaration of love".

(Greetings to the opposing team. Declaration of love).

Children to their parents: You are so glorious with us! Parents are just class!

That is why we all want to be like you so much!

Parents to children: You are beautiful, like stars, and your eyes shine with fire,

And your lovely smiles overshadow the sun during the day!

2 ved: We wish everyone only happiness, and we will tell you a secret

That there are simply no such guys, parents in the whole school!

And now the finalists of the school competition "Minute of Glory" will perform in front of you

(Musical number.)

2 task

1ved: To be completely ready to play, you need to warm up. Therefore, our competition is called the warm-up "Train". All team members participate.

( command execution)

Stand tall;

Stand by shoe size (small to large);

Stand hair length (long - short);

Stand by hair color (light - dark);

2 ved: - We found out who is taller, who is darker, who is longer. Let's move on to something more serious.

3 task. Competition "Unicorn".

(Dads and boys participate.) The buttons are glued to the participants' foreheads with adhesive tape so that the needle sticks out. Then they take the balls, and at the signal announcing the beginning of the competition, the players must throw them into the air and try to pierce them with their horn.

1ved: 4 task. Cinderella Competition.

Mothers and girls participate: Take rice from buckwheat.(Musical number.)

2 ved: 5 task. Friendship competition.

It is checked which team is the most friendly. All together make a chain of paper clips. (Musical number.)

1ved: 6 task. "Egyptian Mummy".

With a roll toilet paper each team transforms one of its players into an Egyptian mummy. The team that does it faster wins. Actions are performed while music is playing.

2 ved: The finalist of the "Minute of Glory" competition, a student of 3 "A" class Bogdanov Artem, will come to us again.

(Musical number.)

1ved: 7 task. Competition "Understand Me".

Let's check how children and parents understand each other. Drawing competition. We draw a horse. Children - head and front legs, i.e. the first half of the body. Parents - the other half of the body and tail. Try to make the halves fit together.(Musical number.)

2 ved: 8 task. Contest "Affectionate Words".

Affectionate words are called to the opposite team(Musical number.)

1ved: 9 task. "Competition of artists".

Let's check what kind of artists you are. Pantomime, i.e. with movements, without using a voice, show your team a proverb that is written on a piece of paper so that the team knows what it is about.

Parents: Seven nannies have a child without an eye.

For children: You will chase two hares, you will not catch a single one

2 ved: Competition "The most friendly team".

The time has come for the last assignment. Now we will check how good friends you are in your team. Two participants, holding hands, should try to wrap the book in a newspaper.

1ved: The game is over, the teams have coped with the tasks. So, the team became the winner of today's KVN ... Each participant of the competition receives a medal.

2 ved: This concludes our KVN. We thank you all for participating in our competition program Until next time! All the best to you.

KVN participants: children, parents, educators

Leading (V.). In our preschool there are many joint holidays, parents and teachers meet for " round table», Discuss and solve various problems of raising and educating children in kindergarten and at home, share their experience of family education. However, we also know how to rest. Today we invite you to watch the game of the Cheerful and resourceful club between parents, children and educators. Two teams take part in the game: "Funny guys" and "Inseparable friends". So, meet them.

(The teams enter to the music of V. Shainsky's song "It's fun to walk together", line up in a semicircle against the wall.)

V. The abilities of our participants will be assessed by a jury (presentation by the jury).

1st competition "Greetings".

The first to greet the opposing team is the Inseparable Friends team:

1st child.

We hello, hello big hello to you,

Our opponents,

And we hope for a prize and a round of applause.

2nd child.

Let the "Funny guys"

Maybe smarter

We are inseparable friends

This means we are stronger.

3rd child.

We are neither fluff nor feather

We wish everyone

After all, the jury, all of us and the audience

Together - KVN.

Song (performed by all team members).

1. Again in our hall

There is no empty space in our hall

It means guests

The kindergarten came to our report.

May in the hall today

There will be no empty space

Songs, dances, jokes

They will be heard here more than once today.


We are starting KVN

For what, for what?

Such a report in our garden

For the first time, for the first time.

2. Let the jury tell us:

"Everything is OK!

You guys are great!

Everyone could learn

And introduce the program to the kindergarten.

With mothers for a reason,

We worked together for a reason,

If we go to school

We get A's.


We are starting KVN

For what, for what?

So that no one, no one is left on the sidelines.

We will show you "First step", "First step".

And don't judge us harshly

You now, you now!

Greetings from the "Funny guys" team.

1st child.

We are funny guys

We are a family.

We play in KVN together:

Educator, mom, me!

2nd child.

You, "Inseparable Friends",

Do not turn up your nose,

And we ask the jury very:

Do not offend us.

3rd child.

May we not become a champion

This is not a problem.

We will be even more friendly

KVN - hurray!

A song to the music of R. Pauls "Golden Wedding" is played (performed by all team members).

1. A holiday, a holiday to our kindergarten,

We are celebrating the anniversary now.

We took the "first step" a long time ago,

Dads and mothers were at the same time.


On KVN in our garden,

Let's have some fun together.

Knowledge will show you

And sing our song together.

La-la-la ...

2. They are very in love with educators

Dads, mothers and, of course, us.

Taught us to sing and dance

With the "First step" it is more bold to step into life.


The jury sums up the results.

The next competition is “Warm-up”.

V. Work on the educational model "First Step" involves the activities of children, parents and educators in various centers. And today our teams will also work in the centers. I suggest the teams go to the construction center. Today we have a theme: "Modeling the clothes of a kindergarten worker." Teams, please take your seats. You have three minutes to simulate.

Guests and fans are invited to watch a dance performance performed by children of the choreographic circle.

V. The team "Inseparable Friends" demonstrates their costumes. The first costume is the costume of the head of the kindergarten. (The description of the costume is read by a team member, children are demonstrating.)

Modern fashion has become not just kind to people, it is generous: it allows for classic, romantic, sporty and retro styles at the same time. There are no restrictions either in length, or in width, or in color, or in silhouette, or in proportions, or in cut. Now our children will show you two costumes: business style and romantic (demonstration).

Manager's costume can be variable. The main distinctive and characteristic feature her costume are "hedgehog gloves". They are intended to strengthen the pedagogical process in the educational institution. They give a great effect when carrying out repairs, and are also extremely good when working with violators of labor discipline. Can be used by team members as a sedative in the form of a massager.

The second costume is a model of the teacher's dress.

The dress is made of light cotton fabric "Ladushki", cut-off with a widened skirt, with large wings, which creates the image of a fluttering moth. Various pockets complement the dress. A novelty is the frill of the dress, made from a set of handkerchiefs. The frill can be easily detached and taken to the laundry. For cold weather, a moth-style cape is also used.

V. The "Funny guys" team presents their models.

The first model is a Methodist costume.

Methodist - right hand head. She writes, puts in folders, points out flaws, monitors the execution of the instructions of the first lady. Our task is facilitated by the fact that fashion allows any mixture of fabrics, both in texture and in color, and the only criterion will be a sense of proportion, and even, perhaps, a sense of humor.

Now our children will demonstrate two versions of a methodist costume - summer and romantic-business.

Our version of the suit consists of numerous folders, paper clips, scotch tape, etc. And is also equipped with binoculars for better observation of walks. The costume can be complemented with costume jewelry and a wide-brimmed hat.

The second costume is a dress for teachers of younger groups.

The dress is made of light soft flannel "buy-by" bright color... Fit - a shirt that can be used as a diaper. Children in the nursery always want to hold on to pens, and there are only two hands, so we suggest adding patch pockets to the model. The most comfortable - "kangaroo", sewn in front, just below the waist. Having two isolated compartments, it makes it possible to place two babies there. In addition, there are dummy buttons with which the pockets are fastened. So the hands of the educator remain free. Another pocket is sewn on the back, it is used if the baby does not want to sleep. (The teacher demonstrates everything with the help of dolls.)

The jury sums it up.

V. And now I invite teams to the music center. The topic of today's lesson is "Star Rain". The teams will come to the rescue " famous artists". While the participants and "artists" are preparing for the performance, we invite you to watch a small concert prepared by the children of the older groups.

Then the teams show their numbers to the soundtracks of the pop stars.

The jury sums it up.

V. The traditional competition is the competition of captains.(The captains from each team ask each other three questions.)

V. Our next competition is called "What would it mean?"

Teams show each other encrypted drawings, rivals try to guess what is depicted on them. The content, humor, brevity of the answer are taken into account.

The jury sums it up.

V. Our last competition is "Homework".

Teams are invited to play a situation from the life of a kindergarten. The team "Inseparable friends" shows the scene "Manager on vacation", the team "Funny guys" - the scene "On a walk".

The jury sums up the final results and names the winner.

The presenter again introduces the team members and together invites everyone to sing the song "Walking Fun Together" to the music of V. Shainsky.

V. Until next time, dear friends!

T. Kokhonenko, E. Vysotskaya