Feng Shui: What To Do With An Old Wallet? Signs that will literally drag money into your wallet.

An old superstition says: "To always have money in your wallet, it must be beautiful and roomy." If you can't catch the bird of luck by the tail, then you can buy or accept as a gift a new purse with a coin for luck inserted into it. But is it possible at the same time to throw away the old wallet - folk signs will prompt!

The best time to buy a new wallet

The best time for a gift for yourself is New Year

Knowledgeable people say that you need to change your wallet at least once a year so that the thing does not stagnate in the energy plan. This rule does not have to be followed - often the purchase costs a pretty penny. But if you really want to buy a purse, then the best time is New Year's holidays. What should be done:

  1. It is recommended to go to the waxing moon for a new wallet.
  2. A good day of the week is Wednesday or Thursday. A good time is morning or noon.
  3. It is forbidden to take change from the seller after purchasing a purse, especially if he wants to give you a change. In this case, the magic words should be pronounced:

    "I won't lose money on trifles, but more money will come to me!"

    This spell protects the owner of the wallet from poverty and unkind envious people.

  4. A new wallet is required to be picked up and mentally pronounce the following conspiracy:

    “Become a safe and sound home for my money, Preserve and increase the existing wealth. May the Lord bless and instruct me, the Guardian Angel helps and protects. Amen".

    A kind of "cocoon" is superimposed on the thing, keeping money from their owner.

  5. You should not tell anyone about the purchased wallet in the first hours after the purchase. You need to hide your wallet and not show it to anyone for several days.

What are the popular signs for buying a wallet?

The best material for a new wallet is genuine leather

In order for a new wallet to serve faithfully to its owner, it is recommended to observe money signs, which have not lost their relevance in our time:

  • It is necessary to buy a large and expensive wallet - bills will happily settle in it, but a cheap, dirty or torn wallet attracts only failure and poverty;
  • Suitable material for a wallet is suede or leather. Synthetics blocks the energy prompts of a person about adding money;
  • A suitable color for a wallet is black, brown, gold and all shades of yellow: these are the colors of the earth and precious metals from which coins are made;
  • Also, a suitable color for a wallet is red and its various shades: it is popularly believed that money loves everything bright and colorful;
  • The new wallet should have many compartments for banknotes and coins - money in gratitude seeks to fill all the available space;
  • The purchased purse must be large enough in size - you cannot fold the bills so that they do not take offense at their owner.

What to do with old wallets - interesting folk signs

It is very convenient to store your savings in an old wallet.

After purchasing a purse, many are interested in the question, where to put the old wallet if you bought a new one, following rituals and signs? You should not immediately throw out the old thing, because you can use the following tips:

  1. It is recommended to keep blood savings in an old wallet, thus attracting prosperity and good luck to yourself. To do this, he is placed in the eastern part of the apartment in a secluded place. Usually they put a banknote inside that they do not plan to spend, it is desirable that it be a banknote large size... This can be, for example, a fifty-ruble bill, which can then be exchanged for 100 or 1000 rubles, and so on incrementally. In this case, you must be in good location spirit - light forces will protect you from rash spending and unforeseen expenses.
  2. Charging your wallet for wealth and prosperity - this ritual is performed for seven days. For the first three days, the wallet must be kept next to you, after putting in several large banknotes. At the same time, you cannot open and get money from it. The next night, the bills are taken out, sent to the growing month and a conspiracy is pronounced:

    “Our contract is stronger than stone. The strength is in me, and the profit is in you. Amen, amen, amen. "

    After that, you need to take a large banknote from the old wallet, change it and use the money received to buy many gifts for all relatives and friends. The money remaining from the change is counted and the largest bill is put back in the old wallet, keeping it there until the onset of the new moon.

  3. Burning - an old wallet is thrown into a specially made fire and the following spell is recited:

    “Burn, burn you with a red flame, Take with you all the hardships and poverty. What was in you before - let it triple, What was not in you before - let it be added. Let it be as I say! Amen, amen, amen. "

Cash rituals and signs for a new wallet

There are many interesting ways how to lure money into a new wallet. Below are the most common and effective magical rites.

Rite of passage with a red purse

Red - best color for wallet

In energy terms, money is willingly attracted to the red wallet - omens will not lie! If the new purse is of exactly this color, then you can make a ritual that promises wealth and prosperity. This will require several large banknotes. The banknotes used in the ritual should not be wrinkled or worn out. So, you need to look out the window at night, show the bills to the growing month and pronounce the conspiracy:

“You are my clear month, but a beautiful light.
You grow and light everything around
Playing with a heavenly wave and delighting us all.
You can control the water element
Or the power lurking in the ground.
Give your heroic strength
The purse is red.
Let the income grow day by day
So that the money comes and I have enough for everything. "

Then they put the money in the wallet and say:

"The bill is put to the bill,
Wealth will start faster!
A month-month is growing in the moon,
And the money sent a wave!
Comes in a red wallet
Income daily and nightly!
May the wallet please me and my loved ones
And enough money for everything you need.
On a coat and on a ring,
On a dress and a fur coat,
Yes, on a gold chain.
May he please me both day and night! "

Then you need to go to bed and remember the dream:

  • water is profit;
  • communication - an increase in income;
  • a bird is a money business;
  • a baby or a crow - damage to poverty.]

Rite of passage for seven candles

Candles for the ceremony must be Green colour

It is necessary to buy seven expensive green candles for the growing moon in the church. At twelve nights on Thursday, spread them around, and put the wallet in the center so that the moonlight falls on it. Light the candles and say:

"In my new wallet rushes
Rapid cash flow.
He will multiply my income
And it will save you from thoughtless expenses.
Money energy consoles and caresses me,
And poverty and poverty are fleeing,
Like holy fire.
Let it be as I said. Amen!"

After the candles burn out, they need to be collected in a small bag and discarded.

Moonlight rite

At midnight, you need to put silver coins in your wallet and pronounce a conspiracy on the moon:

“I use my wallet for wealth and luck.
Let the money be like the stars in the night sky.
Let them come like the moon in the sky.
But if someone steals my wallet
It will take with it all the troubles and poverty. Amen!"

Rite of passage for coins

The higher the denomination of the money used for the ceremony, the better

You need to get up early in the morning, put one coin and one paper bill in your wallet - the larger they are, the better. And then say the conspiracy words:

“A coin is attracted to money,
And prosperity is more likely to strive for me.
And money flows into the wallet,
Let it always rustle and ring in it.
So that there is enough for a dress, for a ring,
Yes, for clothes and everything else.
My word is strong, locked with seven locks.
And the key is lost. Amen, amen, amen. "

Throughout the day, the purse is required to be carried with you everywhere.

Rite of passage to triple income

You need to buy three different wallets in different retail outlets... You should pay with big money, tidy up the change in a new purse and then mentally say:

“Catch money, big and small,
For the well-being of my people and those of my family. "

Change cannot be spent - it is conspired to make a profit. Keep one wallet for yourself, and present the other two wallets to people who from the bottom of your heart wish prosperity and prosperity.

How do you make the conspiracy work?

You can not show the contents of the wallet to anyone

  1. It is forbidden to transfer the charmed thing into the hands of another person.
  2. It is forbidden to touch money in a bad mood - you can attract damage.
  3. It is forbidden to anyone to show the contents of the purse.
  4. It is forbidden to talk about the conduct of the ceremony.

If you follow the folk signs for buying a new wallet, then prosperity and wealth will not keep you waiting. You also need to follow the signs of how to throw out the old wallet, so that the positive energy of new things will be attracted faster!

Are you making enough money?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that comes with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

You may have been corrupted by money. This amulet will help to remove the lack of money.

Sooner or later, every person has to replace the old wallet with a new one. But it is necessary to get rid of the old thing so as not to break financial well-being... You can attract money luck by performing certain witchcraft rituals.

To do this, you need to throw out your old wallet so that wealth never leaves the house again. You can't just pick it up and take it to the nearest trash heap. It is very important to transfer the available money to their new abode, so that by such actions you do not make any undesirable changes in your destiny, or even, on the contrary, quickly attract the desired luck.

Those who imprudently seek to throw away their old wallets run the risk of falling into lingering poverty. By disrupting the natural course of things, a person is able to cut off the flow of funds.

You cannot throw away a wallet if its owner had money. A strong energetic tie arises between a person and a thing, when it serves him long enough.

When there is confidence that finances are constantly flowing into the house, thanks to the successful purchase of the old wallet, it is absolutely unacceptable to just take it and take it to the next trash heap.

Such actions can easily quickly lead to the fact that wealth also unexpectedly leaves a person. But at the same time, continuing to walk with an old and unpresentable thing is also undesirable for a further flow of funds.

You need to feel a surge of gratitude to the thing that has served your own thing and try to convey to it your great desire not to miss a lucky chance. It should be understood that he does not always accompany a person. Therefore, in order not to suddenly lose the favor of fortune, the natural course of events must not be disturbed.

What to do with an old wallet, you need to decide after thinking whether the thing brought good luck to its owner. The decision is especially important if there is no desire to part with the wallet, but it has already worn out or its fastener has broken. I don’t want to get rid of him, but he can’t continue to serve.

In cases where financial success has never left a person, you must try not to miss it. With proper handling of the purse, it becomes possible to strengthen your condition.

You want to empty your old wallet completely, making sure nothing remains. Then a certain amount of money is put here.

Subsequently, the old wallet is hidden in a hidden corner. After one month, they take it out and put more money here. This should be done every month at a full moon.

How to free yourself from an unhappy thing

If there is no big money in the wallet, then you should know how to properly get rid of it after some time. Positive energy is not inherent in it and it will no longer bring happiness to its owner.

Any wallet is connecting link between people and finances, and should be treated with respect. It is required to replace it, but so as not to frighten off luck or, conversely, to stop monetary losses. Therefore, when the old wallet does not attract wealth, it is advisable to know what to do with it next.

Before proceeding with the magic ritual, you need to wait for a surge of strength and get rid of any negative thoughts.

It must be carried out without witnesses. In addition, one should unconditionally believe in its execution.

With the waning moon, you need to empty the old wallet and give all the small coins from it to the beggars. The bills should not be put into a new wallet, but it is worth spending them while the wallet is serving the owner.

The worn-out thing must be wrapped in a clean black rag and pronounced loudly:

“Thank you for your service. I give away need and poverty. "

Immediately after such words, the wallet must be set on fire or deeply buried in the ground as far from the house as possible.

When performing a witchcraft ritual, one should clearly imagine how old debts completely disappear. Therefore, during the destruction of an old thing, it is required to mentally draw a picture of how trouble is invested in it and disappears with it.

Getting rid of money failures

Then, when there is no money, it is better to throw out the unsuccessful thing as soon as possible. It is especially important to do this if success not only bypasses a person, but all the prerequisites for an outflow of money have developed.

Signs of such trouble are most often:

  • The constant presence of debts;
  • frequent absence of work;
  • continuous loss of money;
  • theft and fraud;
  • the need to spend money due to unpleasant events;
  • unsuccessful purchases;
  • breakdowns household appliances and etc.

Quite quickly, a person begins to clearly understand that a stream of failures began to haunt him from the very moment when a not too happy wallet was acquired.

Before discarding an old wallet, leave it at home for three days. All the money is completely laid out from it and placed on the windowsill overnight. At the same time it is required to say:

"I am profit, you are strength!"

The banknote of the highest denomination that lay here is worth spending on pleasant surprises for those around you. It is advisable not to waste money on nonsense, but to buy what people really need. The change is put back.

Seven days later, funds are withdrawn from the wallet, and old thing is buried. Magic rite should be repeated regularly for a whole week. It should be carried out only when the moon is growing.

Buying a purse instead of an old one

A new thing needs to be acquired in such a way as not to disrupt the course of life. Best of all, if the purse brought good luck, do not throw it away, but leave it to store your emergency supply. The owner himself will feel that the money seems to grow by itself.

Such actions will allow you to update a worn-out thing, and at the same time not miss your luck.

Better to have a new wallet on New Year a gift from a close friend or relative to the person.

When buying, you should completely follow your intuition, especially paying attention to:

To acquire new wallet should be in advance, and choose to buy Wednesday or Thursday after the full moon. It is desirable to prefer the first half of the day for shopping.

After purchasing the purse, the change must be left with the seller, mentally saying:

"I won't lose money on trifles, but more money will come to me!"

When a person with a new wallet returns home, then it is necessary to say:

“Become a safe and sound home for my money, Preserve and increase the existing wealth. May the Lord bless and instruct me, the Guardian Angel helps and protects. Amen".

You need to put money in the wallet, and also add a certain amount to them in addition. Then you should light the church candle with matches and wrap your wallet around it three times in the course of the clock.

The wallet is left on the table overnight, placed on a beautiful dish. You can use it only with the onset of the morning of a new day.

If the thing is a gift, then you cannot hand over an empty wallet to a person. It is required to put at least a symbolic amount of money in it in advance. It is worth making such a surprise with love and the wish of all kinds of benefits to the new owner.

Then you can already be sure that prosperity will always accompany a new thing. It is undesirable to inform anyone about it, at least for the next week.

Only cash, bank and discount cards are allowed to be transferred here. Receipts and checks, as evidence of the money spent, do not need to be put. They are capable of entailing regular expenses. They should be stored in a place where they are not often seen.

It becomes clear that you can't just throw away your old wallet. The answer to the question of where to put it depends on whether it brought happiness to its owner or not.

If he was not too lucky, then the right approach buying a new thing will help to find the required finances. However, an old wallet is also worth showing respect, regardless of whether its owner was wealthy or not.

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Everyone who wants to be rich just needs to know the signs to increase money in their wallet. These little tricks can help keep you wealthy and increase the supply of banknotes.

When and how to buy a wallet

There are a number of signs about a new wallet so that money can be found. It is important to buy banknote storage according to certain rules.

Time to buy

Signs about a wallet say: money will not be found in a frayed or torn wallet, therefore it is advised to change this accessory once a year. The replacement of old wallets must be planned to attract material benefits and ahead of schedule, if suddenly a hole has formed in them: finances will begin to flow through it.

According to the signs of buying a new wallet, best time for the acquisition is considered the period of the New Year holidays, when all dreams come true, including material ones.

Some tricks will help to help the banknotes settle in the wallet:

  • signs for buying a wallet say that it will be correct to buy it only for the growing moon;
  • more suitable time of day to go to the dry goods store for new thing, - morning or noon;
  • the signs about the wallet claim that it is better to buy it on Wednesday and Thursday.

Purchase rules

To new item brought prosperity, but money did not cease to be found in it, you need to take as much money for its acquisition as the thing itself costs, since according to signs, change is not taken from such a purchase, especially if they give out a trifle.

How to start using

A new wallet should not immediately become a guardian of money. Before you put banknotes and change in it, it is worth talking to him:

"Be a safe house for my money, save and increase, may the Lord bless me, and the angel helps."

According to signs, they don't tell anyone about the ritual with a new wallet and a purchase for several days, but hide it away from prying eyes.

Color, material and size

According to popular beliefs, money will not be transferred in a wallet that is suitable in color, material and size for banknotes.


The most suitable for money to be found is dark or yellow. Of the dark shades, black or brown will be the best. All yellow shades are acceptable, but golden color is preferable.

Many experts say that banknotes they love everything bright, and are sure that the red color of a money wallet can be very useful. Shades of pink and burgundy are also suitable.


Money does not like cheap and dirty packaging and cannot stand being folded into paper, a plastic bag, or a purse made of synthetics. To prevent funds from being transferred, the wallet must be made of natural materials, for example, suede or leather.

The size

The size of the wallet also matters, because money cannot stand being badly treated and does not like to be bent. This is a reason to buy an accessory that is large in size. It is important that it has many compartments for paper notes and coins.

What should be in the wallet

According to popular beliefs, an item for money should never be left empty. They don’t give empty and chosen for someone as a present - they must put a coin or a paper bill there. So that the purse does not remain empty, money is not spent from it to the last: something must always remain in it.

According to popular beliefs, many talismans and amulets are able to attract money.

  • The Russian people tried to attract banknotes with the help of black bread, putting a small piece in a purse.
  • Among the Chinese peoples, beans have always been folded into the keeper that attracts money, a picture with vine and cinnamon.
  • Many people are sure that red-loving finances will treat a piece of red cloth favorably.

There is no place for photographs, old receipts and other unnecessary things in a wallet. Banknotes are not happy with such a neighborhood.

Signs about an old wallet

After replacing an old wallet with a new one, even if the used one is sufficiently frayed or torn, you should not rush to throw it away.

Whole wallet

If the old wallet is intact, it should be used to store money at home. Having accumulated in itself monetary energy, it will be able to ensure the flow of money. To do this, it is enough to put the old object in the east of the apartment, having previously put a bill inside. You cannot spend it in the future, but you can exchange it for great dignity.

The banknote put in the old purse is always changed incrementally.

According to the signs of an old used wallet, in order for it to protect and increase wealth, it is necessary to charge it, for which a special ritual is carried out on the growing moon for 7 days:

  • For 3 days he with banknotes inside (at least 2) is kept near him, money is not available.
  • On the fourth night, the banknotes are taken out and the conspiracy words are uttered:

“I have strength, you have profit. Our agreement is stronger than a stone. "

  • A large banknote is exchanged and spent on gifts to loved ones. The remaining money is recalculated, the largest bill is put back.

Torn wallet

If your old wallet is torn, you can't just throw it away. It is necessary to burn the torn thing. It is better to do this outside the house, throwing it into a specially made fire with the words:

“Burn with red fire, take all troubles with you. What happened to you before, let it triple. What did not exist before, let it appear. "

If dropped, lost or stolen

There are superstitions in case the wallet is dropped, lost or stolen.

Signs of a fallen wallet

  • If you believe the popular beliefs about money, if a purse with money falls to the ground, in the near future a lack of money is expected up to real poverty. Among the people, this is explained by the well-known saying "what has fallen, is lost."
  • At all Bad sign, when the wallet fell, touches the object dropped from the hands in the cemetery. By popular superstition, it is not worth lifting such a fallen wallet, so as not to attract the attention and discontent of the buried and representatives of the other world. If the amount in the wallet is large, which cannot be left in any way, it is recommended to lift the fallen wallet with the words: "I take what is mine, and not from those who lie in the ground."
  • Sometimes coins fall out of a dropped wallet. It is recommended to pick them up and fold them back. right hand, not forgetting about the ransom from misfortunes in the form of at least one coin left in the place where the wallet fell.

Stolen and Lost Wallet Signs

Stolen or lost money - good omen... The people believed that something new would come to replace what was lost, and in large sizes than it was. When someone has lost a wallet, it is believed that good luck will come to him soon. Only theft and loss of an empty wallet will lead to petty quarrels.

These signs will help to accumulate and increase prosperity, because many years of folk wisdom are concentrated in them!

Signs for money to be found

These signs have been tested by generations of our ancestors, so it is worth learning more about them and listening. They are especially good at helping those who truly sincerely believe in them.

Where does money live? That's right, in the wallet. When we want to attract money to the house, we mean, of course, attracting them to the wallet. Starting to talk about folk signs, do not forget to take care of the house for your finances.
Money likes red and natural materials... Buy a red wallet made of genuine leather.

Don't waste every penny. An empty wallet attracts poverty; after shopping, leave at least one paper bill and a few coins.
Do not store dirty, crumpled or torn bills for a long time.
Keep your money so that the numbers point in one direction.
Keep a two dollar bill in a secret section of your wallet. Or a bill with a number
Don't keep a lot of little things in your wallet. You can get rid of it on Sunday by giving alms.
Never show the money in your wallet to anyone.
Natural symbols of money are wood, leather and fur. Place a wooden or leather amulet in your wallet. This is a great way to raise money.

The bill you noticed on the street must be picked up. Otherwise, you will show disregard for money.

A coin lying eagle up attracts money, and eagle down pushes it away. In the first case, raise the coin, and in the second, leave it.

Don't pick up the money that is at the crossroads. You will have to spend a lot on health.
The money you tip is returned threefold. Perhaps this omen was invented by the waiter, but why not check it out for yourself?

The dining table is a symbol of wealth. Do not sit on it, otherwise money will bypass you.
To keep money in the house, put a few coins under the dining tablecloth.
Do not put your wallet on dinner table and a bed.
Don't leave money and keys on the table overnight.

There should be only one broom in the house, otherwise the money will run out quickly. It should stand with its wide end up.
During a feast, a woman clinks glasses last of all with by a stranger... And a man is with a woman. Then they will always have money.
Never throw coins around. Keep them in your piggy bank, wallet or secret drawer.
Before you start collecting money, clearly define what it will go to. Never put it off for a rainy day. Save with positive thoughts. Then luck will definitely come to your home!
Spiders are a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Did you get a spider? Expect profits! And don't try to kill him.
Do not lend bread and salt. It is believed that along with these products money and well-being go out of the house.
Don't clean up after sunset.
Fix all the taps - along with the leaking water, money goes away. Literally too!
To keep the money in the house, not a single penny should be spent on payday. The received amount should spend the night at home. Do not give or take money from hand to hand in the store. Together with money, the energy of another person can be transferred, which is not always favorable. Return the excess if the seller miscalculated.

Never brag about new things - otherwise the money will go away from you.
Never look into the eyes of the person to whom you are giving alms.
Holes in clothing pockets must be sewn up. Otherwise, money "leaves" through them.
Wear expensive jewelry to attract money. They symbolize wealth. And under no circumstances let someone else try on or wear your jewelry. left palm- to money, right - to spending.

Meeting a fireman or policeman is a loss. With a naval officer or a pregnant woman - to profit.
Never judge or envy those who have more money than you. This leads to even greater financial hardship.

A new wallet should be solid, attractive, expensive, and have multiple compartments. A cheap product will attract poverty, and the emptiness inside is fraught with a long lack of financial income. The bills from the wallet should never be spent to the end, otherwise there will be no benefit from the thing acquired with the last money. Careless handling and disrespectful treatment of paper bills is costly to the owner. When buying a new wallet, you must read the corresponding conspiracy on the wallet and then follow the basic rules for handling finances. Money energy dictates its own laws.

How to buy the right wallet

So that they do not run away, the bills should be laid out according to their denomination in descending order and with the reverse side facing inward. The wallet must be free of foreign objects: notes, photographs, recipes, tickets, receipts. If money periodically falls to the floor, this is a bad omen.

The vault for money should not be less than 18 cm and should be changed at least once a year. The best period for this procedure, it is New Year's Eve, and the most suitable day of the week is the first half of Wednesday or Thursday. At the same time, the Moon should be in a growing phase, but not reach the first quarter. Having paid for the purchase, you need to take it in your left hand and mentally say:

“Be a worthy home for my money and multiply it. The Lord will bless, and the Guardian Angel will help. Amen".

They don't tell anyone about their purchase, and they return home from the store in silence.

The magic of the vault

What can't be kept in your wallet

You cannot store “dead” bills and change (out of circulation) in a new wallet. All samples of money (including foreign ones) in the house can be put into it. A conspiracy is read above the wallet:

“Coin reaches for coin, and prosperity rushes to me with happiness. In the new wallet, money is constantly ringing and rustling. They wear beautiful clothes, shiny rings are bought and there is enough for everything. To my words a key, a lock, a tongue. Amen".

This product should be with the owner until the evening, and the next day it can be used.

If a purse is bought as a gift, then a coin is placed in it so that the new owner always has money. When buying a "money house", you need to give preference to beige, brown, red or green.

Money mascot in the wallet

We use talismans

To improve the financial situation, it is made financial mascot, which can be a leaf of mint or clover (or a bag of mint tea), Chinese coins with a red ribbon, a red piece of paper, tea, a sprig of heather, an aspen leaf or a horseradish root.
Our ancestors also knew that there are plants in nature that attract love, luck and prosperity to a person. It is customary to store peony root, mustard and wheat seeds in a green or red bag, acorns, oak leaves or bark in a wallet.

Powerful money talisman is an American currency in denominations of one dollar, which attracts material goods to its owner. This phenomenon is explained by the presence on the reverse side of the dollar of the image of the all-seeing eye on the Egyptian pyramid - a symbol of success. It is folded into a triangle and stored in the smallest compartment.

To attract cash flow and protect it from outside encroachment, images of magical runes - "Feu" and "Otal" are used. The marks on the cut out squares are applied with a marker or gold paint.

Cash flow rituals

We attract cash flows

An old wallet is not just thrown away. Together with a small bill, in a good mood, they put it in the eastern part of the room, and a month later the bill is changed to a larger one.

The purchased purse with "silver coins" must be left on the windowsill during the growing moon (up to the first quarter) and the conspiracy for the new wallet must be pronounced 3 times:

“I am talking to myself and my wallet for constant monetary wealth. So that money constantly multiplies in it, like stars in the sky. To increase their number, as the moon arrives. Whoever steals my wallet, let him take with him 33 misfortunes with a deaf lack of money, which I will never see. Amen".

On the third day, any bill goes into the wallet, and from then on it can be used.

The right advice

To always have money in the house, you should listen to the experience of your ancestors:

  • - a small change should always remain in the wallet;
  • - in order for big money to appear in the house during the week, on Sunday you need to distribute all the small change from the wallet to the beggars or spend it usefully;
  • - there should be money in the pockets of clothes hidden for storage;
  • - it is not recommended to exchange large bills for small ones, it brings additional spending;
  • - regular counting of bills (especially written) is a guarantee of wealth;
  • - if there is a lot of money in the wallet, then you need to bring it to your lips and say 3 times:
  • - manipulation with money after sunset can lead to ruin;
  • - on Monday and Friday they do not repay debts, and on Tuesday they do not borrow money;
  • - banknotes given on loan on Sunday are not returned back;
  • - crazy profits do not bring happiness, you need to get rid of them first of all;
  • - for the service it is imperative to give a generous reward in the form of a "tip", the money will be returned back to more;
  • - you cannot lend money to a person to whom you owe something, since they will not be returned back;
  • - money loves cheerful and cheerful people;
  • - foreign bills must be in a separate pocket;
  • - when receiving a salary or other income, it is not recommended to spend it on the same day, banknotes must spend the night in the house;
  • - money is not taken from hand to hand and is not lent to indigent people, because when the debt is repaid, they can transfer the negative energy of an unlucky person, fraught with financial losses.

Strong conspiracy for material well-being

The power of the conspiracy

During the growing moon, you need to loose your hair, take off your shoes and sit down, facing the window. You need to cross the new wallet 3 times, put a gold item in it, light a church candle and pronounce the following magic conspiracy:

“Give the Month, silver horns, gold and silver to my wallet. The path he grows, is filled, is saturated with money. Amen".

Psychics also advise on the largest non-exchangeable paper bill stored in the wallet, write the magic formula (the required amount x 27 = ∞). Financial luck comes from money donated by a person with good intentions. To improve material affairs, the lining of the wallet must be periodically moistened with mint oil, which serves as a magnet for monetary energy.