Card fortune telling by the name of the guy. Card fortune telling for a guy - how to attract love

Divination by a loved one has been of interest to girls at all times. After all, it's scary to ask a person directly about his feelings, so I want to find other ways to find out about it.

Playing cards will help you sort out the feelings of another person.

Fortune telling on playing cards will help to figure it out. To do this, you do not need to contact professional people. The girl can tell fortunes on her own at home.

Fundamental rules

Any rituals require adherence to special rules, fortune-telling is no exception. To make the meaning of the cards as believable as possible, you must adhere to the following:

  1. Any rituals involving a boyfriend or love should be performed late at night. The most best time is from 18:00 to 24:00. At this time, the most plausible predictions fall out.
  2. It is allowed to do rituals on cards for a loved one on any day except Orthodox holidays and the weekend.
  3. It does not matter whether fortune-telling is done in the name of a guy, desire or love, a fortuneteller must be completely alone during the ritual. Therefore, all windows and doors should be closed, and all distracting appliances should be turned off.
  4. When carrying out rituals with cards, you should use only a fortune-telling deck. If there is none, then you can use a completely new regular deck. It is important that no one has ever played this deck.

For fortune telling, it is important to use a new deck of cards.

If we take into account all these rules, then there is no doubt about the resulting prediction.

The simplest layout

Fortune-telling data on cards in the name of a person can be carried out by any person. To carry out this rite, you need to mentally imagine the beloved. The ceremony is carried out on full name guy.

For the ritual, you will need to prepare a deck of 36 cards. Mix it well and start the layout into as many piles as the name of the person consists of. At the end, we take the pack, where the last card was put. We lay it out in the remaining piles. Thus, one pack of all cards should be formed.

We begin to turn over the cards one by one. If two cards of the same value fall out (two aces, two kings, etc.), then we put them aside.

After that, we look at the menu of cards and think about their meaning of the matched:

  1. Two aces. The man has mutual feelings.
  2. Two kings. He likes your character.
  3. Two ladies. There is a rival.
  4. Two jacks. Thinks of you often.
  5. Two tens. A person has sympathy, then he does not dare to take the first step.
  6. Two nines. There is interest.
  7. Two eights. They promise a conversation with a lover soon.
  8. Two sevens. A date is possible.
  9. Two sixes. Joint travel.

Did you get two sixes? Congratulations, you are on a journey together!

Fortune telling on cards by name can be done only once a day. Even if the situation is unsatisfactory, it is forbidden to repeat the ceremony.

Double name layout

Fortune telling on a loved one can be done as follows. A deck is taken, mixed well and laid out into piles in accordance with the number of letters in the full name.

After laying out all the cards, the piles are turned over and look at the last card. If they are guessing at a person with blond hair, then the suit should be red, if with dark hair, then black. If there is a mismatch, the top card is removed until the desired suit is obtained.

After that, all the piles are stacked one on top of the other without mixing. Next, you should remember the abbreviated name or pet name of the beloved. We count how many letters are in the word and start a similar alignment.

Take the first pile and turn over the divination cards one by one. If two cards of the same value coincide, we put them aside. We do this with all the stacks.

  • six: two talk about marriage, four - about devotion;
  • seven: a couple means a meeting, four means a date;
  • eight: a couple promises a conversation, four - a squabble;
  • nine: a couple says love, four - lifelong love;
  • ten: a pair denotes interest, four - prudence;
  • jack: a pair promises trouble, four - a lot of trouble;
  • lady: the couple gives hope, the four talks about gossip;
  • king: a couple predicts strong friendship, four - brotherhood;
  • ace: a pair denotes physical proximity, a four denotes a passionate relationship.

Both layouts are suitable for people who do not have much experience in fortune telling. You can practice at least every day, because a person can relate to a fortuneteller in completely different ways today and in a week.

There are also fortune-telling on the betrothed and without knowing the names. In this case, the jack or king is taken as a man. Do not forget about the dropped cards, sometimes their value plays a significant role. If the alignment is carried out according to all the rules, then it will be possible to understand not only about a person's feelings, but also find answers to other exciting topics.

Fortune telling on jacks

On regular maps, which were not previously used in card games, you can bewitched not only on one person, but also on four men at once. For such a fortune-telling on cards for love, you will need the most common deck of thirty-six cards.

How to guess:

  1. Remove jacks from the deck. Name each of them by the name of the man you are guessing at.
  2. Memorize or write down the name-jack match. Stir the jacks.
  3. Arrange jacks in a row so that you do not see which jack is (the shirt should be on top).
  4. Lay out the deck one card at a time under all jacks with the shirt down, that is, so that you can see their meaning.
  5. You got four piles of cards, nine each, with one jack on top.
  6. In each pile, find all the same pairs of cards lying side by side, that is, two adjacent cards that have the same value (six-six, king-king).
  7. Place the pairs in a separate stack above the stack where you found them.
  8. Repeat steps six, seven, eight, and nine two more times.
  9. Look and analyze the collected pairs.


  • Six or six - this person likes you, he is not averse to meeting you in a more intimate atmosphere.
  • Seven-seven - this man likes you, but you have very different characters, you should be careful.
  • Eight or eight - he takes you seriously, very soon you will have to talk about it.
  • Nine-nine - here it is: sincere, true love.
  • Ten to ten - you have a lot in common, but you are not destined to be together.
  • Lady-lady - a man has another girlfriend in mind, and if you want to be with this man, you should do something.
  • King-king - a man feels you his own, feels jealous.
  • Ace-ace is a person with whom you will always feel good, but who will not always be comfortable with you.

Two dropped aces predict that a girl will always be comfortable with a hidden man.

Thus, by the cards, you can easily determine how which guy treats you and whether you have a future together.

Divination on an incomplete deck

Guessing about a guy can be done using an incomplete deck. This fortune-telling is true and accurate enough, it makes it possible to find out about your future. For divination, you need a new deck of thirty-six cards.

Choose from the deck one king that would match your beloved:

  • for an elderly man and a man much older, baptize for you;
  • a recently acquaintance or stranger will suit a peak;
  • for young guy or a guy much younger than you, a tambourine is suitable;
  • a man who already has a soul mate (legal or illegal) suits a heart.

The king must remain in the deck. Shuffle it carefully. Start laying out the cards in a row, while saying:

“The king of my heart! You sunk into my soul, turned a terrible fire. I am tormented, tell me: how do you treat me? "

Repeat this phrase until "your king" appears among the cards. If he appeared when reading the conspiracy for the first time, then your chances of being together are thirty percent (or so). If it appeared on the second reading, then the man is not indifferent to you, and if everything goes well, you will be happy together.

If it appeared on the third reading or later, then you have no future together. This simple fortune-telling about a guy allows you to find out about your future and whether it exists at all or not.

Fortune telling "N"

Such a specific name is explained by the fact that the cards are laid out precisely in the shape of the letter H, and the numbering of the cards goes as the hand moves in writing (the first cards are top left, the last one is bottom right).

Choose one king to symbolize during your boyfriend's deal. The principle of choosing a king is the same as in the previous fortune-telling:

  • Elderly and old men - of the cross.
  • The stranger is a lance.
  • Young, young guy - a tambourine.
  • A man with a chosen one is a witch.

If a man has a chosen one, it is necessary to take a card of the heart suit

After choosing the king, shuffle the deck and slide it towards you with your right hand. Place the shifted part under the bottom. Remember what your beloved looks like, think about him. Start divination by feelings. Place the cards on the table in the shape of the letter H, saying:

“King, my king! Does Ali have feelings for me? Do you need me? Give a sign, let me know. As for me you are wasting away, I will dispel all your torment, all your boredom. As you do not need me, then I will be another's wife! "

If for the first reading the king does not appear in the layout, start reading over and again lay the cards on top of the first ones. As soon as you have met “your king”, pay attention to the place where he lies.

If the position of the king is one, seven or four, then it is too early to count on the guy's love: he has not yet decided. Come, talk to him, maybe that will work out. If the king is in position two or three, then the young man truly loves you. If he appeared in position five or six, then forget about feelings and think: you are not to his liking.

Fortune telling on a guy or a man is a way to sneak a peek into the soul of another person. Since ancient times, many ways have been known to learn about the feelings of another person. In order to tell fortunes on a guy, it is not necessary to use complex rituals and spells. Simple enough take a closer look at others subjects. Many of them already carry hidden information by themselves, and when correct use some items are well suited for various rituals and fortune-telling.

Fortune telling with ordinary objects

Life does not stand still. People meet, fall in love, quarrel, break up. Only man is a contradictory being. And if these contradictions touch feelings, then sometimes it is very difficult to understand which act is considered correct. It is at such moments that ordinary objects come to the rescue. Using them in not very complicated rituals, you can tell fortunes ex-man, learn about his feelings and thoughts. Perhaps this will help many avoid parting or give time to think it over again.

Divination by flowers

Many people know fortune-telling on the basis of chamomile petals. Tearing off one petal, and saying “loves, does not love”, you can learn about the feelings of the hidden guy. But this method is more suitable for young ladies. At a more mature age, it is better to use flowers donated by a man for fortune telling. How do you know if a man loves you? Fortune telling on a gift bouquet will give a more detailed answer.

  • The first thing you should pay attention to is how long the donated flowers will stand. According to legend, flowers donated not "from the heart" cost less than a day.
  • The second is color saturation. If there are more red shades in the bouquet, such a bouquet speaks of love. If yellow - about the feeling of guilt. Most likely the man is to blame for something and is trying to make amends. Bouquet dominated by White color, speaks of the serious intentions of the donor.
  • The third is the number of flowers in the bouquet. It often happens that the bouquet is large, but there are few flowers in it. This speaks not only of the stinginess of a man, which in itself is already bad, but also of a dismissive attitude towards you. Remember! A man who respects himself and his woman never will not save on flowers. One flower can only be given by a friend, colleague, brother or father.

Fortune telling on matches and cigarettes

Oddly enough, these things available to everyone can also be used in fortune telling. For example, in order to make a fortune-telling on a guy on a cigarette, it is not necessary to be able to smoke. You just have to think of a name and light a cigarette. Hold a cigarette follows vertically until the ash falls. If the cigarette has burned out to the end, and the ash has not fallen, then the feelings of the envisioned man are very strong. Perhaps this is not just passion, but love.

Fortune-telling with matches has become quite great popularity in people who have doubts about their relationships. If a girl is still wondering which of the two guys to choose, the former or the present, then these three simple methods of fortune-telling will suit her:

  1. Cross. Matches should be laid out with a cross on wooden surface... Fit regular board... The heads of the match should be in contact with each other in the center. Then you should bring the lighted match to the center of the structure to light the rest, and quickly extinguish it. The finished cross should be taken by the lower match and raised from the surface. The top match symbolizes the fortuneteller. Left - ex-boyfriend... Right - present or future young man... All three matches should be set on fire and looked at carefully. As they bend in relation to each other, so will fold love triangle.
  2. Fortune telling with a box. Two matches are inserted into the box along the edges, heads up. One of them symbolizes the fortuneteller, the second - for whom they are guessing. The matches are lit at the same time. Depending on what form the burnt matches take in relation to each other, one should judge the relationship of the envisioned people. If they lean towards each other, then such a relationship has a future, they look in different directions - it is worth looking for another man.
  3. Fortune telling in the name of the guy. As many matches should be burned as in full name guy letters. Put the burnt matches on the palm and grind. You should look at the palm of your left hand. What symbol or figure the fortuneteller sees, this will be the answer to the question about the attitude of the envisioned person to him. The most common characters:
  • Cross - love relationship are impossible.
  • Two stripes - perhaps the person simply does not notice the fortuneteller.
  • Circle - a person cannot forget his past, therefore he is not yet ready for a new relationship.
  • Some kind of figurine - here you can interpret in different ways, at the discretion of the fortuneteller. For example, the figure of a dog speaks only of friendly feelings, a cat - of latent hatred.

Fortune telling for personal belongings and gifts

To make fortune telling on an ex-boyfriend, you can use his personal belongings or gifts. Any thing that the envisioned guy or man came into contact with in one way or another carries a piece of his energy. This has long been known and used in various rituals and fortune-telling. Greatest strength have gifts. Once upon a time these things were presented with feeling, so the power of their energy multiplied.

Often, after a breakup, photographs remain that can be used for various fortune-telling. For example, with the help of a photo, you can find out whether you were destined to be with this person or whether it was just light sympathy. Very often, a photo is used for fortune-telling on cards. The divination rite will be more truthful if the photo was donated by the guy himself.

You can guess on personal items without cards. For example, using a donated phone, you can call any unknown number and listen to who will answer. If a man - a relationship is possible, and if a woman answers, then it is better to look for someone else.

To look into a person's soul and learn about his feelings, today it is not necessary to be a professional fortune-teller. An easy way to find out how your loved one is feeling is to ask him personally. But if for some reason this is impossible, you can just guess. The main thing, look closely to the surrounding things and the necessary hint will certainly appear.

Attention, only TODAY!

Fortune telling is a fascinating and interesting activity. And you don't have to have a special deck for that. Ordinary playing cards are ideal for fortune telling. All you need to do this is to know the layouts and be able to interpret them. In this article, we will find out what kind of fortune-telling on the cards exist for guys.

General information

In fact, guess at playing deck very simple. Let's remember that it includes 36 cards, which are divided into 4 suits (spades, crosses, diamonds and hearts). It should be noted that the full deck is never used for fortune telling. So, each suit includes 9 cards: ace, king, queen, jack, ten, nine, eight, seven and six. In fortune-telling, each of them has its own designation. Moreover, it can be very different, depending on the alignment. For fortune-telling on the guys, you should buy a new deck, and never use it for the game. Before each fortune-telling, a special conspiracy is read on her:

36 sisters, godfathers and daughters-in-law, brothers and companions.

Serve me faithful service, unchanging friendship.

36 cards, four suits, tell me the whole truth,

what should I wait, expect, what to fear, what business not to take on.

I urge you all and call and pronounce:

The word is strong and the cards are good.

This conspiracy is read so that the cards do not lie. But in any case, you need to get used to the deck, you need to feel it and become one with it.

Fortune-telling rules

For any type of prediction, there are certain principles of fortune-telling. You should never lie in front of divination cards, otherwise you can get the same thing in return. They cannot be thrown, thrown and, in principle, disrespectful to them. If you want help and advice from them, treat them like your best friends.

There is one more rule, around which there has been a lot of controversy lately. Some fortune-tellers argue that for each layout you need to have a separate deck, while others - that one is enough. In fact, there is no right answer in this debate. Each fortune teller does as she pleases. If she sees that her deck of cards shows the correct results only in one kind of scenario, then there is a need to buy several more and check them on other fortune-telling. The downside is that if you succeed, there is no point in changing anything.

So, on fortune-telling cards you can guess and play solitaire. The second option is easier and shows only the attitude of a man to a lady. Fortune-telling on the cards for a guy reveals the essence of the whole situation (past, present, future and the result of events).

This is one of the most popular and oldest fortune-telling. This alignment allows you to find out the development of relations in a couple. It is very important to mentally think about a certain period (several days, a week, a month) before starting a fortune-telling on a guy.

Before laying out, you need to shuffle the cards well. Then, having clearly formulated the question and the time period, you should expand them as shown in the picture, face down.

  1. So, the first card means the personality of the fortuneteller and what worries her the most.
  2. The personality of the guy, his thoughts in relation to the girl.
  3. What will happen in the relationship in a given period of time or what should be addressed Special attention.
  4. For what reason is this happening.
  5. The end result.
  6. Board of cards.

In this scenario, you can draw out two more additional ones, if necessary. So, for example, if the ace of spades falls out in the fourth position, with the tip down, then this means a conflict. But why it may arise is not clear to you. Then, to the fourth position from the deck, you can get an additional card that will explain the essence of the main one.


As a rule, girls pick up cards when something bothers them. So, fortune telling on the guy on the playing cards "Relationship" should be done when you feel that there is a problem.

The layout is performed without aces, they must be removed from the deck. Also, you should think about what card your young man is designated by. As a rule, this is one of the kings:

  • Worms is a fair-haired man (over 35 years old).
  • Peaks - dark-haired (over 35 years old).
  • Tambourines - blonde, young.
  • Kresty - dark-haired, young.

After you have guessed the card, shuffle the deck well and lay it out in front of you according to the scheme (8 x 4). Find among them the card of your beloved. What is on the sides of her will indicate what is happening in your relationship now.

The layout for the guy's name

Fortune-telling on the cards in the name of the guy is interesting and exciting. To do this, you need to carefully shuffle the deck. Determine how many letters are in the man's full name. Let's use the name Andrey as an example. So, it contains 6 letters. Divide the entire deck into 6 stacks. It is very important to take the cards from the top and put one at a time in “each letter”. The quantity may turn out to be unequal, but that's okay.

The next step: you need to take the last pile (the letter "d") and in the same way, spread these cards into the remaining five. So, it should be done until the first two letters remain. Now, place the second stack on top of the first. You will get a whole deck of cards again, but you cannot shuffle it. Place two cards on the table. The meanings for fortune telling on the guy's name on playing cards are as follows:

  • A pair of aces is reciprocity.
  • Kings - he considers you a friend.
  • Ladies - you have a rival.
  • Jacks - he worries about you.
  • Dozens - feels sympathy for you.
  • Nines are strong love.
  • Eights - quarrel, conflicts.
  • Sevens are a romantic relationship.
  • Sixes - a walk together, but sometimes it can mean separation (especially if the peak and cross falls).

The simplest layout

This fortune telling is one of the most common. It is called “What was, what is, what will be.” Three cards are laid out for each time. If the alignment is performed on relations between people, then first you need to choose a king and a queen from the deck, respectively, which will designate them. Now, you should shuffle the deck well and lay out the cards in this order: bottom - past, middle - present, top - future.


Solitaire games are no less addicting and interesting way find out how this or that guy treats you. One of them is called "Four Kings". It allows you to determine how 4 different young people treat you at once. To do this, select 4 kings from the deck. For each suit, guess a separate guy. If that number is not found, then one can be called a "secret admirer". Turn the kings face down and mix well. Arrange them in a row. Shuffle the deck of the remaining 32 cards. Now you need to decompose it into 4 piles under each king. After there are no cards left in your hand, you need to take the first "pile".

The point is to collect all the cards in order, starting from the six and ending with the ace, in 6 times. So, in the pile we find everything that comes in order. Let's say it contains six, seven and eight, but no nine. On top of the king we put three cards in order, and put the rest aside and move on to the next. This must be done with all four. We shuffle the postponed cards again and place them under the kings. The procedure is repeated 6 times. The first full stack is a guy who is crazy about you, the second is that he likes you, the third is that you will be great friends, and the fourth is that you are not right for each other. Sometimes for all 6 times it is not possible to collect a single king, and sometimes - all four at once.

Interpretation of the cards

Of course, laying out 36 cards for fortune-telling on cards on a guy is not very difficult. The difficulty lies in interpreting them correctly. First of all, you should pay attention to the predominance of a particular suit. So, worms promise love and good relationship, tambourines - always show the financial side, crosses - negotiations, business, spades - a warlike suit, which most often portends trouble.

The meaning of the cards themselves is as follows:

  • Aces are the house important events... Peak (point down) - blow, up - unexpected events. Ace of hearts - home, love, warm relationships. Cross can mean work or business relationship
  • Kings and ladies are primarily personalities: guys and girlfriends in your environment. If they are of spades, then most likely they are enemies or envious people.
  • Jacks always show troubles or some important business.
  • Dozens represent desires.
  • Nines are feelings. If the peak, then the disease, if the diamonds - money, with kings - love.
  • Eights - conversations and conversations, the suit of the drawn card indicates what topic.
  • Sevens - meeting, date. Peak - parting, tears.
  • Sixes - travel, road.

Summing up, we can say that fortune-telling on the cards for a guy (what he thinks, how he feels, what he feels) is not difficult to perform. Knowing some of the rules, layouts and, most importantly, the interpretation of the cards, you can find out what awaits your pair in the future. Despite all the results of fortune-telling, always remember that it is you who control your destiny, and not cards or other people.

Girls at all times were interested in the question of whether someone sighs over them on dark evenings, whether their feelings are reciprocated. But how to find out about this, it's scary to ask directly. It's good that there is fortune-telling on the cards for a guy, you can also make fortunes online, you can also turn to professionals. But why trust your feelings to a stranger or a soulless machine, because you can tell fortunes yourself.

Fortune telling in the name of a guy on playing cards

For this fortune-telling, you need to know the full name of the guy and all the time fortune-telling think hard about him, imagine his appearance. The shuffled deck of 36 cards must be decomposed into as many parts as there are letters in the guy's full name. When the whole deck is laid out, you need to look at the suit of the lower cards, if the one you are guessing at is blonde, then the suit should be red, if the hair is dark, then black. In the event that the suits did not match, such cards must be postponed until the "correct" one.

Now the cards need to be carefully collected, without mixing, and again laid face down, but this time the name should be a diminutive, the one that is more often called. After the cards are laid out, you need to take the first pile and lay them out one by one on the remaining ones. Repeat this until two stacks remain. Now start turning over 2 cards, putting aside cards with the same denomination (2 tens, 2 jacks, etc.). After that, you can begin to interpret.

Two sixes mean marriage, four - fidelity.

Two sevens - a meeting, four - a date.

Two eights - conversation, four quarrels.

Two nines is love, four is the greatest love in life.

Two tens - interest, four - calculation.

Two jacks - chores, four - a lot of empty chores.

Two ladies - hopes, four - gossip.

Two kings are a strong friendship, four are brotherhood.

Two aces - physical proximity, four -.

Divination for a guy's love on playing cards

Shuffle the 36-card deck and remove with your left hand to your heart. Guess the king of the right suit. If the one on whom you are guessing is young, then it must be the king of tambourines, if not free - the king of hearts, if older and occupies an important position - the king of clubs, and if you are not familiar with it, then the king of spades. Mentally focus on your beloved and slowly lay the cards on the table, saying to each card:

"Suit of the king" king,

Tell me dear

Do you love me?

With all my heart,

I love you.

With all my soul

But there is better than you.

Continue placing cards until the chosen king is revealed. If he dropped out with the words "Tell me dear" or "Do you love me", then the object has not yet figured out his feelings. If the king falls on the first phrase, then you are loved.

Fortune telling on 4 jacks

This fortune telling on the cards for a guy's love will help those who have 4 candidates for the role of the only one.

Assign a person's name for each jack, you can not follow the rules of "suit-age / position", but do it in any order. After that, select all jacks from the deck and shuffle them. When they are well mixed, place these cards face down in a horizontal row.

Now shuffle the remaining 32 cards and lay them face down in rows under the jacks. As a result, 8 rows of 4 cards will come out. Remove identical pairs of cards lying side by side in vertical rows under jacks. If the first match card in a vertical row with the last card in the same row, then they are also deleted. All pairs are placed on the jack they are found under. When all pairs are removed, the deck must be assembled and the layout repeated 3 more times. After that, jacks can be opened and watched, the interpretation of paired cards.

  1. Sixes are road, he wants to visit you.
  2. Sevens - he is waiting for a meeting.
  3. Eights - wait for an important conversation.
  4. Nines - love you.
  5. Dozens - he is openly interested in you.
  6. Ladies - he already has a beloved, nothing shines for you.
  7. Kings are you.
  8. Aces - he probably has a passion for you.

Of course, this is not all divination for love, but these are the most simple options, which even a novice fortuneteller can cope with.

Fortune telling is in a simple way look into a mysterious future. It is especially popular with female representatives. Girls often lay cards on their familiar guys, men, in order to find out how they relate to them, what they think and dream about. The layouts can also tell about the experiences of the beloved, his true desires and about the possible joint future with the fortuneteller. There are many ways of fortune telling on playing cards. Each of them depends on the question of interest.

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Preparing for fortune-telling

The result of fortune-telling on playing cards for a guy largely depends on correct preparation.Fundamental rules:

  • Do not take cards that were previously used for games and solitaire layouts.
  • Don't lie in front of the cards. Any lie from the side of the fortuneteller will generate a lie from the side of the cards.
  • Formulate your question clearly. The vague wording of the map will be answered inaccurately.
  • During fortune-telling, it is necessary to keep in mind the image of the beloved.
  • Before laying out the cards, you need to turn off all electronics in the house (or at least in the room): phones, TV, radio, computer.
  • You need to start guessing at midnight or after sunset.
  • Use candles as the main light source.
  • Do not guess on the days of church holidays.
  • A woman needs to guess on Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays. Men - Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays. On Sunday, it is worth giving up fortune-telling.
  • Do not tell anyone about the results of fortune-telling.

There are two ways to find out whether the predictions will turn out to be true or not:

  1. 1. Carefully shuffle the deck and start laying out three cards in a column. When the queen of diamonds (fortuneteller's card) falls out in the top three, stop. There will be two more cards next to it, you need to see their meaning. If they talk about the events that took place during the past week, then today the cards are set for the truth.
  2. 2. Shuffle the deck and lay it out in stacks (not necessarily equal) in the form of a square (that is, two stacks at the top and two at the bottom). Open the top cards. If they have the same ranks horizontally, vertically or diagonally, then today they will tell the truth. For example, cards from left to right look like this: king, six, king, ace. The kings are aligned vertically.

If they are guessing at a young man, then they make him a king of diamonds, if a man is married, then he is the king of hearts, if he is much older than a fortuneteller or holds an important position, he will be the king of clubs, an unfamiliar man - the king of spades.

Fortune telling "Black Rose"

it ordinary fortune-telling and is considered the most simple, suitable for questions to which the answer is only "yes" or "no". It can also be used as an answer to the question about the fulfillment of a desire. For example, “Is a relationship with a specific (name) person possible? "

Before fortune-telling, you need to ask a specific question, and then carefully shuffle 36 cards and pull out one.

Peak value:

Meaning of cards for clubs:

Meaning of cards for worms:

The meaning of the cards for tambourines:

Divination options for a lover

Different layouts vary depending on what the person wants to know.

For a more successful fortune-telling, it is good if you have personal belongings or a photograph of your beloved at hand, which you need to put on the table before starting the process. But if this is not available, then in the process of action it is necessary not to stop thinking about the chosen one and try, if possible, to keep his image in your head.

Divination by name

You can find out what exactly the one who fell in love with the thought can be done with the help of simple cards.

To do this, you need to count the number of letters in his full name, shuffle the cards and lay out as many equal piles as there are letters. For example, the name Ivan has 4 letters, which means there will be 4 piles, 9 cards in each. If the stacks are unequal, that's okay.

Divination process:

  1. 1.In right hand any stack is taken. The cards from it are laid out one by one into other piles starting from the left.
  2. 2. At the end, the next pile is taken, and the previous action is repeated.
  3. 3. As a result, the fortuneteller will have only one pile of cards.
  4. 4. From the last one from the bottom, two cards are taken. If they leave a pair, they are put aside (for example, king-king, ten-ten). It is from them that the interpretation will be built.


Paired cards Interpretation
SixesThe guy treats the fortuneteller warmly, he considers her cute and funny. Together they will never be bored
SevensAs a result of the actions of someone from the couple, the relationship will reach a new level.
EightsThe fortuneteller looks sexy in the eyes of a man. But her inner nature does not interest him.
NinesThe man misses the fortuneteller very much, because she has sunk into his soul strongly. If the girl takes a few steps towards him, their relationship will strengthen.
DozensA man is not a couple for a fortuneteller. If something goes well for them, then there will be much more disappointment than joy.
JacksThe development of relationships depends only on the fortuneteller, since the man is in love with her without memory
LadiesA fortuneteller needs to behave more femininely so that her lover will notice her
KingsA fortuneteller means a lot to a man. However, he is afraid to admit this not only to her, but also to himself.
AcesA man loves a fortuneteller and tries in every possible way to attract her attention and win

Such fortune-telling on the cards for a guy can be done both for the surname of the beloved, and for the name and surname together, if the opportunity permits.

Cross layout

This alignment helps to find out about the feelings of the chosen man and about the events that await him in the near future.

For fortune-telling, you will need the whole deck, from which you need to pull out the man's card in advance.

  1. 1. The king is placed in the center of the table.
  2. 2. The rest of the cards are shuffled.
  3. 3. Clockwise, one at a time is laid out around the king. You need to start with the "head". In total, there should be 5 cards on the table - the King and 4 cards around him. They will tell you about his relationship and thoughts.

If it happened that next to the king 3 or 4 cards of the same rank fell out, which is quite rare, then the alignment continues. The layout is the same, only the cards lie diagonally to the king. After that, the king will already be surrounded by 8 cards.

For the interpretation of cards, their suit is not important:

Rank Interpretation
SixLong separation from a long trip or an important trip
SevenAn early romantic meeting that will bring only positive emotions
EightAn early unpleasant conversation, a strong quarrel and resentment. Can even lead to separation
NineThe successful development of romantic relationships. Perhaps an offer of a hand and a heart or the transition of a relationship to a new level
TenA fortuneteller is not indifferent to a man. However, it's too early to talk about strong feelings.
JackEmpty chores and worry
LadyPotential rival or woman who wants to interfere with the development of a relationship
KingSupport good friend or influential person in a difficult situation
AceThe feelings that a fortuneteller has for a man are mutual

Divination on jacks

The advantage of such fortune telling is the ability to find out about the attitude of four men at once.

Before the process itself, you need to pull out all the jacks and make a name for each. It is best to write the notation on a piece of paper so as not to forget and not get confused.

Divination process:

  1. 1. Jacks are laid out in a row.
  2. 2. Under each of them, one card from the main deck is laid face down.
  3. 3. The action is repeated until the whole deck is laid out. As a result, there should be 8 cards under each jack.
  4. 4. Each stack is considered separately. It is necessary to remove two adjacent cards of the same rank in it. Taking identical ones through one is not allowed. All found pairs in this pile are removed under the jack.
  5. 5. The action is repeated with other piles.
  6. 6. At the end of the process, under each jack there will be pairs that need to be analyzed.


On an incomplete deck

Fortune telling on an incomplete deck can tell whether a joint future of a fortuneteller and a hidden man is possible.

For the layout, you need a deck of 36 cards, which must be shuffled. Then the fortuneteller lays them out one by one in a row, saying at the same time: “King of my heart! You sunk into my soul, turned a terrible fire. I am tormented, tell me: how do you treat me? ".


  • If the hidden king fell out on the first reading, then the chance to build a joint future is small. All results depend only on correct actions the most fortuneteller.
  • If the king falls out on the second reading, then the joint future is destined to come true.
  • Further, the further the king falls, the lower the likelihood of building a relationship with him.

Layout "H"

The layout got this name, because the cards in it are laid out in the form of the letter "n". In total, 7 cards are involved in the first fortune-telling. The cards must be laid out from left to right. At the beginning, you need to say the following: “King, my king! Does Ali have feelings for me? Do you need me? Give a sign, let me know. As for me you are wasting away, I will dispel all your torment, all your boredom. As you do not need me, then I will be another's wife! »During the whole process, it is important to keep in mind the image of the beloved.

If the king does not appear on the first reading of the words, the next cards are placed on top of the old ones. This is repeated until the king falls out. If it does not fall out, it means that the time for an answer has not come yet.

An important point for interpretation will be his position in the layout:

  • Position 1, 4, or 7 suggests that you can't count on the guy's serious feelings. He is not looking for a lady of the heart yet, but is neutral towards a fortuneteller.
  • Position 2 and 3 tells about strong love guy to the fortuneteller. His feelings are sincere, he expects reciprocity from a fortuneteller.
  • Position 5 and 6 warns the fortuneteller that she does not like her beloved, and it is useless to waste your time on him.

For four kings

Before the start of fortune-telling, the king is made. Then the cards are laid out in a row, while the fortuneteller says the following:

  1. 1. First card: "Diamonds (or other chosen) king".
  2. 2. Second: "Tell me, dear."
  3. 3. Third: “Do you love me? ".
  4. 4. Fourth: "I love you."
  5. 5. Fifth: "With all my heart."
  6. 6. Sixth: "With all my soul."
  7. 7. Seventh: "But there is better than you."

Further interpretation will depend on the words in which the king appeared:

  • If the king came out with the words "tell me, dear" or "love me", then the man has not yet decided on his feelings. More time has to pass for the answer.
  • When the king falls out in the words "king of diamonds (go different, depending on the chosen one)", this speaks of the strong feelings of the man for the fortuneteller. It's about love.
  • If the king fell for "I love you", "with all my heart" or "with all my soul," then the feelings of the fortuneteller are much stronger than the feelings of the chosen one.
  • In the case when the king came out with the words "but there is also better than you", the girl should look at other options, and leave this man alone.

Three kings

A spread for three kings will help you find out about the true feelings of a man. To do this, you need to take a deck of cards and carefully shuffle it. After that, put the hidden king in the center, and lay the rest horizontally under it. After that, you can start guessing:

  1. 1. Under each king (except for the envisioned one), one card is laid out one by one, the last of the deck is put on the envisioned king.
  2. 2. The cards under the kings are collected and laid out again as in the previous step. The latter is placed on the king.
  3. 3. The action is repeated exactly three times. That is, the envisioned king should have three cards, which will tell about his feelings.


Rank Interpretation
SixTrouble with the chosen man
SevenAn important date on which something joyful happens
EightAn unpleasant serious conversation, at the end of which a joint future will be decided
NineStrong feelings in relation to the fortuneteller, but during the relationship will have to face serious difficulties
TenThe guy considers the fortuneteller more as a friend and treats her very warmly
JackA man is a complete egoist and so far only in love with himself
LadyPossible rival or woman who is against this union
AceThe man is overwhelmed with strong feelings, but the recognition is still far away.

Circle layout

Fortune-telling is called so because the cards are laid out around the king. Before a fortuneteller, a fortuneteller needs to make a man for a certain king:

  1. 1. The selected card is placed in the center.
  2. 2. Around the rest of the cards are laid out as follows: the first is above the head, the second is under the feet, the third is on the left, the fourth is on the right, the fifth is in the upper right corner, the sixth is in the upper left corner, the seventh is in the lower left corner and the eighth is in the lower right corner.

The cards are revealed and interpreted:

Fortune telling "Loves or dislikes"

This alignment will help you find out about the intentions of the guy you like and his hidden desires.

Before the very process of divination, the name of the beloved is set. After that, the fortune-telling itself begins, where the first row denotes the current state of affairs, the second - emotional experiences, the third - past events, the upper cards of the left and right columns - the state of affairs in the near future, the lower ones - the events of the past.

Fortune-telling principle:

  1. 1. Cards are laid out in piles of three in each. Horizontally three stacks and vertically the same.
  2. 2. To the left of the resulting original square, two stacks of cards, two each, are laid out vertically.
  3. 3. On the right the same way.

The meaning of the cards is the same as in the "Circle" layout. But:

  • Only the cards of the highest rank are subject to interpretation: ten, jack, queen, king and ace.
  • If aces of all stripes fell, which is very rare, you can talk about real strong feelings, about love for life.
  • If a jack and a nine of hearts are added to the top combination, you can safely prepare for the wedding.
  • Cards of spades, dropped out next to the hidden king, indicate that he is in trouble.
  • The Queen of Spades personifies a cunning and sophisticated rival.

Gypsy fortune telling

Gypsy fortune telling will help to find out the near future and clarify some points of love and friendship.

For fortune-telling, you need a full deck of ordinary cards, which you need to shuffle, and then with your left hand move some part towards you, put it under the bottom, and fortune-telling begins.

The cards are laid out in three columns of nine each. The first three rows indicate the past, from the 4th to the 6th row - the present, from the 7th to the 9th, respectively, the future.


  • Six - evening long road.
  • Seven - upset, sadness, bitter tears.
  • Eight - a feast, an invitation to visit.
  • Nine is a serious illness.
  • Ten - grandiose plans that are not destined to come true.
  • Jack is a waste of time and energy.
  • The lady is a strong rival, jealousy and anger.
  • The king is a noble man.
  • Ace - a feast, a booze with friends.


  • Six - business trip, business trip.
  • Seven - negotiations, meetings with influential people.
  • Eight is an important conversation.
  • Nine - profit, easy money.
  • Ten is a strong attachment to someone.
  • Jack - minor problems, the need for outside help;
  • A lady is a woman who wants to interfere somehow.
  • The king is a grown man of higher status.
  • Ace is the expectation of an important matter.


  • Six is ​​a romantic trip.
  • Seven - waiting for a date, an important conversation.
  • Eight is a serious debate.
  • Nine - the development of love relationships.
  • Ten - plans, dreams.
  • Jack - chores, pressing problems.
  • A lady is a mother, a beloved woman.
  • The king is a married man.
  • Ace is a family hearth.


  • Six is ​​the nearest road.
  • Seven - discussion of pressing problems, romantic meeting.
  • Eight is a conversation, an important conversation.
  • Nine - the rapid development of romantic relationships.
  • Ten is the beginning of a love affair.
  • Jack - worry and hassle.
  • The lady is a friend, a nice girl.
  • The king is an unmarried man, a young man without a relationship, someone's son.
  • Ace is big big news.