Are there any benefits to students on the railway tickets. What are the discounts on a student ticket

Students are a social layer in need of support. Material aid From parents and scholarships do not always provide the ability to provide themselves necessary. In addition, not every student has similar sources of income.

Even with the most successful coincidence of the circumstances of the funds may not be enough for basic things, therefore, benefits for students of full-time learning are acquired.

Benefits for students

Benefits are special preferences for a limited group of people united by some sign.

Student benefits are mainly discounts on travel, housing and the like.

In most benefits for students are in the category of general benefits, but the benefits provided by the privileges are sent to the student audience. What does it mean?

For example, especially for students, the city administration or city transport management can introduce a special route to educational buildings from student hostels. Travel by public transport, which moves through this route, any citizen can take advantage. However, this route was introduced for the convenience of students.

In 2019, the state provides students with the following benefits:

  • On social scholarship;
  • For a delay from the army;
  • For travel.

Consider more Transport benefits.

Full-time learning students on the contract and budget are granted the right to travel on railway transport with a 50% discount on the standard cost of the ticket

Such a benefit extends to travel in trains of long-distance communications and travel in trainers.

In the event that the distance from the student's home and the university is very large, the ticket for far distance train does not have to pay at all. It is noteworthy that the same benefit applies to the air transport. Thus, the student can take advantage of the right to go for free to go / fly home and return to the university, provided that he lives at a very long distance from the university.

Students who study at the day office are temporarily freed from military service. The postponement of the call is valid for all time in the hospital. In addition, it continues to act and upon admission to graduate school.

Persons who have academic degrees are not subject to.

So, the successful completion of graduate school and the mandatory defense of the candidate dissertation frees the male's individuals from a mandatory call.

In 2019, students studying under the contract are available tax deductions In the amount of 13% of the amount of payment for tuition, the amount of deduction cannot exceed 50 thousand rubles.

Note that it is necessary to apply to the tax service.

What documents do you need when contacting the service?

  • The completed statement (the form is issued in the tax office);
  • A copy of the University of Treaty;
  • A copy of the university license;
  • Reference on profitability.

Students who study on a budget and live in hostels can pay for utilities and housing for more than 5% of their scholarships.

Free access to all municipal and government museums and libraries is available for students. In addition, some private institutions can provide students with discounts on services. For example, discounts in shopping centers, stores or cafes.

Benefits working students

Students who work are right three times during the year officially go on vacation to pass the session and prepare for it. Vacation is drawn up upon request educational institutionthat sends a certificate call to the place of work of the student.

Students at the last courses are provided with additional leave for writing thesis.

Important! All holidays are provided to a student with income preservation, i.e. The employer is obliged to pay a student at a time when he learns and cannot attend work.

Students of the evening formation are not entitled to pay for vacation to prepare for the session and passing exams.

The university can go to meet the student and provide him with the opportunity to pass a session at that time that is free from work. Sometimes learning is allowed for an individual plan.

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Benefits to parents

Students who have become parents have a number of discounts for housing and household services. They can study individually and take exams at a convenient time for them. Their children are out of turn take into kindergartens, while they are released from fees for them.

Another weight benefit for parents is the ability to take to care for the child.

Thus, the law creates a number of special conditions for students of parents in order to facilitate their position and give them the opportunity to finish education.

Financial benefits

College students, university and other higher educational institutions have the opportunity to take loans for learning for a low percentage with the support of the state.

The program of lending to students under a low percentage to acquire housing is being implemented.

The program, however, is designed rather in recent university graduates, however, students who have permanent income can take part in it on preferential terms.

Benefits in the regions

Regional authorities are developing their own enforcement support programs. For example, in Moscow, students of universities are issued a social card of the student. It gives the right to preferential travel in public transport, trains, trains, electric trains and aircraft. With it, you can pay in stores, receiving additional discounts, and also take loans on favorable terms

In St. Petersburg, school and student discounts operate in many private clinics and dental Cabinets. Most travel agencies offer special cognitive excursion programs for students of schools and universities at discounted prices.

The authorities of the city of Ufa do not have sufficient funds for organizing additional benefits for school students and universities. However, the Ufa Administration managed to develop a project to promote employment of students at the time of summer holidays. Thus, schoolchildren and students may themselves earn themselves money on legal grounds.

In Novosibirsk, there are several suburban routes providing a preferential passage for school students and universities. The discount is valid for special cardholders, which are issued in educational institutions.

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Last changes

Since 2017, discounts on travel in long-distance trains and suburban electric trains are established by regions on their own. The amount of discount on travel on suburban electric trains will reach 50%. This benefit is valid only throughout the school year.

In a number of regions, in particular, in the Vologda region, from January 1, 2017, students abolished preferential travel on suburban buses. Discounts for travel in the amount of 30% of the cost of travel are saved only for children from low-income families.

The State University of St. Petersburg has canceled quotas since 2017 for Crimean applicants. Entrance benefits were provided in 2014-2015. Now future students will be able to enter the university only on general reasons.

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New rules for obtaining benefits for travel in the train for students

December 2, 2015, 15:40 Mar 3, 2019 13:51

From this school year, the basic size of scholarships for students of Russian universities has somewhat increased. On average, according to representatives of the Russian union of students, 1200-3000 rubles per month. Obviously, it is impossible to live on such money, but the student can get a lot of discounts - for transport, travel, hiking and the theater. AiF.Ru found out where a student card can save well to save.


During the school year, a student can buy a half-shelter on the upper shelf in a coupe for far distance train within Russia. The rule is valid for students of universities of universities, as well as students of institutions of primary and secondary vocational schools with Russian citizenship. It is necessary to confirm its right to the privilege of a student ticket or a student's certificate and a document confirming citizenship.

Urban transport

In each city of Russia, the passage stands in different ways, but it is always cheaper to students. For example, in Moscow, a student needs to issue a social student card. With it, a monthly subscription for travel will cost 350 rubles, which is very beneficial at the usual value of one trip of 28 rubles and price for a unlimited subscription for a month for an ordinary buyer in 1710 rubles.

In addition, in the capital, students of state and commercial universities (with state accreditation) may arrange, on which you can get discounts not only for travel, but also in some stores.


All university students, regardless of the form of training, are eligible for a free visit to state museums and libraries. However, many museums violate this rule by establishing for students "preferential" prices. You can, of course, cut and carry art. sixteen Federal Law "About higher and postgraduate professional education", Where the rule is spelled out, or begin to complain about the prosecutor's office.

Discounts to students are ready to give many cinemas. It operates, as a rule, only on certain days and during the daytime. But the discount is quite large. Often it is 50% of the usual price.

Preferential tickets are often selling for students and theaters, exhibition halls, clubs, etc. For full-time students, for example, free entrance to the Moscow Zoo.


According to chairman of the Russian Trade Union of Students Alexey CossackThe student can get free or with a big discount on a sanatorium or a holiday home. "Such tickets buy universities for students' recovery," he says. It is better to explore how to relax at the expense of an educational institution, better in the student union.

Some insurance companies are ready to sell students with a discount of voluntary health insurance policy. Moreover, the company's website may not be information about discounts - you can negotiate directly with the agent. The discount is offered in the region of 10%.


To live in hard savory mode and at the same time surrounded by many temptations accounts for not only Russian students. Therefore, in all countries there are a variety of discounts and benefits. To enjoy the benefits around the world, you need to issue an international student iSIC certificate International Student Identity Card). It is also a discount card at which about 20 thousand discounts and benefits around the world can be obtained.

Discounts from 5% to 100% can be obtained in hotels, on air and railway tickets, city transport, museums, theaters, cinemas, at exhibitions, in a cafe, etc.

If earlier the discounts on the map could only be obtained abroad, then Russian commerce is "tightened" now. While discounts on maps can be obtained mainly in Moscow and St. Petersburg. And the discount can be obtained, for example, the language and driving courses.

In addition to ISIC, EURO cards are still popular.<26, IYTC и ITIC. Все эти карты платные, но цена символична – около 400–500 рублей. Заказать их можно через Интернет или в любой международной молодёжной организации.


Alexey Kazak adds that some universities provide individual categories of socially unprotected students to free dinners. "But it depends on the position of the university," he said. More secured students can search for discounts in the cafe.

The social card is issued to all students - this is a full-fledged bank card, in which students of the day form of training that receive higher professional education in state and accredited non-state higher educational institutions located on the territory of the city of Moscow can also receive social benefits. The map is issued for 5 years, and in case of loss - for the remaining learning time.

What gives a social student card

1. Preferential travel on land public transport and in the Metropolitan (you can record monthly travel tickets at a reduced price. Now the cost of a preferential monthly travel for students - 230 rubles per month for land transport and 350 rubles per month per subway);

2. Preferential passage in suburban electric trains in the training period (you can record ticket tickets from 50% discount to the card);

3. Discounts from 3% to 20% in large quantities (over 1500) trade and service enterprises (cafes and other catering; food, bookstores; clothing stores, electronics, pet stores; private medical centers, optics, pharmacies; travel agencies; taxi ; hairdressers, etc.);

4. Preferential conditions from the bank. Annual service card is free. Through the SCS with the banking application of the Bank of Moscow, we can pay utilities on the portal of urban services and through a mobile application without a banking commission;

5. The card has the technology of contactless payments MasterCard PayPass, students can pay for purchases up to 1000 rubles per touch without entering the PIN code;

6. The MSK policy number is recorded on the map, it can be used to record a doctor through the EMIAS terminals, bypassing the clinic registry;

7. For students of some universities, the social card is campus (i.e., at the same time, it serves as a passage in the buildings and university, it lists a scholarship, it is an electronic identifier in various university systems - for example, it can serve as an electronic reader's ticket);

8. The ability to make an electronic digital signature on the card in special certifying centers.

How to get a student's social card

From May 15, 2015, the student's social card is issued and reissued only in the presence of student data in the city register of Moscow students.

For registration social card Student:

1. Check out on the website, are your data in the Moscow Students Registry

2. If you found your last name:

Choose the nearest center of the State Service;

Take a passport and student card with you;

Be prepared that MFC experts take pictures of you;

Sign the statement filled with employees;

Contact your placement in the appointed time and get a social card (card readiness check service is available at

3. If your surname in the registry is absent:

Contact the dean of the university with a request to transfer your data to the registry.

reference Information

Until January 1, 2015, students draw out social cards at the metro ticket office. The student was supposed to:

Choose one of the stations where the SCS was drawn up (not all stations received applications), take a questionnaire application at the checkout;

Fill out the questionnaire, assure it in the university;

With a passport, a student ticket, certified by the questionnaire and photography again contact the metro cash register, to give the application;

After making a card, come to the same metro station and pick up the map.

This mechanism created a number of obvious problems:

Huge queues in the subway in the peak period (September-October) for students and other passengers;

The need to go to the checkout several times and waste time in the queue;

From January 1, 2015, the social cards of the student can be issued at any center "My Documents" (MFC) in Moscow. This scheme works on an extraterritorial principle, i.e. The student has no reference to the place of registration or location of the university.

The mechanism is as follows:

The student comes with a passport and student ticket to any MFC of Moscow;

In MFC it is photographed, the operator fills the application form, the student signs it;

After making a map, the student takes it in the same MFC.

From May 15, 2015, the application mechanism has not changed, but the procedure for processing the questionnaire has changed. Now the student questionnaire entered in the State Unitary Enterprise MSP is a reconciliation procedure with the registry of students.

The need to create a registry and reconciliation questionnaires in the registry is associated with the increasing chances of fake documents (student tickets). Accordingly, the city was forced to subsidize the passage of citizens who did not have grounds for the purchase of preferential travel.

As of August 21, 2015, out of 120 state universities, they were connected to work on the register 99 (83%), out of 154 non-state universities in work 98 (64%). The rest either did not come to communicate and did not respond to letters, or for various reasons refused to interact. Also on the specified date, not all universities sent data on students received by the first course in 2015. This means that in September, the questionnaire of these students will not be reconcilized with the registry. According to 4 months (from May 15 to August 15), the refusal to issue an SCS due to the absence of students in the registry received over 2500 applicants.

If you are a student, then you must have a student ticket. This is not just a useless plastic card, which is meaninglessly stored in a wallet or backpack for a long five years, this is the so-called "passing ticket" in a bright and rich life, which opens unrealistic opportunities for each student of the highest educational institution. Prospects, to put it mildly, rainbow and inspirational!

However, before talking about possible benefits, it is necessary to recall that all students of universities are entitled to receive a student ticket, both state employees and contract soldiers.

This is the main document of each student, whose loss is fraught with extremely undesirable consequences, in particular, temporary lack of benefits for the period of waiting for a new one.

So this "plastic card" is best not to scatter, but to keep always ready - you never know how to use it and more than once!

At the time of my student, I actively used my "student", and only thanks to him weekly went to the cinema at the premieres for a good discount, often attended football matches, traveled around the country, and many more, where he visited.

This is just about all the unlimited possibilities of the student ticket, I want to talk in more detail, so that the student does not perceive this "card" as the same donkey, and took it at best once every six months.

Student ticket and trade union

As practice shows, a student card and a trade union - the concepts are inseparable, and in the life of each student it is pleasant to complement each other. For example, all trade union organizations offer a huge selection of vouchers, travel, fun parties, cultural and public events, to visit who will be twice as cheaper on the student's discount.

This is where there is a need for this important document, because to obtain a discount it will be necessary to personally prevail it.

And it is desirable that the person depicted on a student ticket corresponds to a real person, since the use and assignment of other people's documents is dangerous and pursued. At best, you will simply not be missed, and at worst will be sent with the interrogation in the dean.

Discounts, as a way of daily existence

If you think so, then the student is never enough scholarships, and a week before it is received, loans either complete savings with the hunger strike. Such a fate can be avoided if you spend your cash with the mind, and not to pass them to the left and right.

However, it is worth clarifying that the student is never enough for the money, but it turns out to save with a student ticket.

If you can use this benefit, then why ignore it and only overpay? Not worth it, and for this you will need the following useful information:

1. If the student moves around the city in public transport, it can safely count on the privilege of a student ticket. For trolleybus and subway, it is necessary to buy a ticket with a 50% discount, and then use in unlimited quantities throughout the current month.

2. The student discount also applies to railway transport, and a ticket to a secondary carriage will cost 50% cheaper. As for the trip in the coupe, the savings in this case averages 25% of the total cost of the ticket. It is important here to separately note that international transportation has several other benefits, with whom it is advisable to get acquainted before ordering tickets and individually.

3. In the student dining room at a discount, you can order a comprehensive lunch, and do it daily. Such cash savings are also advantageous, especially if the student lives in a student dormitory and is significantly limited in its financial capabilities.

4. Rest can also be preferential, but for this it is necessary to have a list of those places that the student ticket is applied.

So it is now quite obvious that you can calmly live on the scholarship, while the student life will not seem fresh and dull. All the same joys and fun can be obtained in sufficient quantities, but at a profitable student discount. And where can I visit?

Activities for student ticket

There is such an opinion that during the student it is necessary to visit the whole world. Of course, the scholarship is not too launched, and you can hardly think so globally; But about the journey, at least near, after all, you will think about it. So, where can I go on such a discount, and what types of rest does it apply?

The choice determines the union, since only he knows where the student can relax during the regular holidays. So, every student can contact the trade university in his student ticket or to his pro-formation so that he told what kind of trips are in stock. And already from this knowledge and you can make your choice.

As a rule, these are tourist bases, where there is a lot of snow in the winter and the sea in the summer. A student discount when paying is 25 - 50%, and more accurate figures will definitely be called in the trade union.

It all depends on the remoteness of the final point, the performance of a particular student, his merit in front of the native university and, of course, social security. In any case, it turns out very profitable, and the vacation will remember for a long time.

By the way, it is important here to remember that the passage of a student ticket to the final recreation point and back is also paid on the preferential system, that is, it is beneficial in all respects. But such an economy - rest will be remembered for a long time and leave the warmest memories of fun and carefree student life in memory.

Preferential recovery at the university

Study - this is the same job that exhausts and noticeably spoil the mood, especially during the regular session. That is why after it is intense, but successful surrender is recommended to relax a little; And it is best to do this not in the four walls of a sad and arrived apartment, but simply change the situation.

This issue again reverses the union, which provides all students of state employees and contractors with preferential trips to the sanatorium and the pretender.

In suchrapeutic and wellness institutions, a student is provided to bed - place, four-meal food, wellness treatments and a full-fledged vacation within 24 days. You can get here at any time of the year, but it will be more fun during the next holidays when the "cargo of the upcoming session" is no longer lies in the soul.

More detailed information must be found in the union of the university itself, but, as a rule, the student himself pays up to 20% of the final cost of the ticket, and the rest sails the notorious Foundation of Socration.

To date, in almost every region of Russia, there is a preventive base, and each student of the day separation can count on a ticket. So without rest, no one will remain, the main time can be ordered a ticket to order so that the places on the desired resort suddenly ended and, thus, did not spoil the mood.

Very often, the profilatories are organized with the universities themselves, and the student who bought a ticket is handed over to free meals in the student dining and the procedure in the local clinic. It is also very convenient and profitable: at the same time learn and well well.

Preferential cultito in student

In addition to economical travel, nutrition and improvement, the student can use his student ticket and in another direction. For example, you have to have fun and have fun during the educational process, and for this in concessional tickets, all the same trade union to visit museums, theaters, exhibitions, public speeches, tastings, concerts, parties and corporate parties, finally.

Such an entertainment program is especially appropriate on weekends and holidays, since it does not distract from study, and life is doing more diverse. The plan of events and the number of tickets is desirable to specify from their pro-formations, because they are appointed to keep the team in the course of all trade union deeds. There must be students to understand what their trade union contributions are leaving.

As practice is shown, the trade union diligently fulfills its obligations to each student, and to remain a member is profitable and promising for everyone. By the way, the trade union is needed and the scholarship is necessary, and also honestly tells what a discount is if you are a student.

If you use this knowledge correctly, then all five years of study in the higher educational institution will fly, as in one breath, and with a mass of memories and implanitive economy.

Conclusion: examined carefully all the subtleties and pitfalls, the question: "What is a discount, if you are a student," you can safely conclude that the student is a passing ticket to life, and in bright and cheap. Being a student, you can go around the whole world and gain positive impressions for the rest of your life.

On the pages of an informative and capacious website, all existing alternatives that appear in front of any student of the day separation in the presence of a student ticket are described in detail. So the whole world has his feet, but you need to listen to what the opporing says and make your final choice!

Now you know, what is a discount, if you are a student.

Respect, site team website

P.S. Here is a visual video about discounts for students.